Maqra Tafsir Bahasa Ingris E-2

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Maqra :E-2
Maqra Surah Verse Text and translation

E-2 Hud 15- َ‫َم ْن َكانَ ي ُِر ْي ُد ْال َح ٰيوةَ ال ُّد ْنيَا َو ِز ْينَتَهَا نُ َوفِّ اِلَ ْي ِه ْم اَ ْع َمالَهُ ْم فِ ْيهَا َوهُ ْم فِ ْيهَا اَل يُبْخَ سُوْ ن‬
16 Whoever desires ˹only˺ this worldly life and its luxuries, We will pay them in full for their deeds in this life—nothing will be left
ٰۤ ُ
َ ‫ْس لَهُ ْم فِى ااْل ٰ ِخ َر ِة اِاَّل النَّا ُر ۖ َو َحبِطَ َما‬
َ‫صنَعُوْ ا فِ ْيهَا َو ٰب ِط ٌل َّما كَانُوْ ا يَ ْع َملُوْ ن‬ َ ‫ول ِٕىكَ الَّ ِذ ْينَ لَي‬ ‫ا‬
It is they who will have nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire. Their efforts in this life will be fruitless and their deeds will be


No. Qeustion type The Questions The Answers

1. Vocabullaries ‫َو ِز ْينَتَهَا‬ Its luxuries
and translations ‫نُ َوفِّ اِلَ ْي ِه ْم‬ Pay them full
َ‫اَل يُ ْب َخسُوْ ن‬ Will not be left out
ُ َۖ‫َو َحبِط‬ Will be fruitless
َ‫صنَعُوْ ا‬ َ ‫َما‬ Their effors
2. Cause of nuzul Mention or explain The previous verses explain some proofs of the truth of the Qoran and not man-made. So in this verse
/Corelation the cause of nuzul/ Allah explains that what drives polytheists to deny the truth of the Qur'an is the lust for the love of the
Corelation world even though it is commanded to prioritize the afterlife.
3. Tafseer Give us the
interpretations of Hud 15
the following Tafsir kemenag
verses ! Whoever wants the pleasures of life in this world such as food, drink, jewelry, clothing, household
furniture, livestock, and children without making preparations for life in the hereafter, such as doing good
deeds, cleansing himself from various reprehensible qualities, then Allah will give them what they want
according to the sunnatullah or Allah's provisions. He will not detract from the results of their efforts in the
slightest, because to obtain such sustenance is related to one's efforts.
The results of their efforts in this world depend on their efforts and the sunnatullah in life, while the deeds
in the hereafter, the reward is determined by Allah Taala Himself without any intermediaries.

Tafsir Ibnu Katsir

In connection with this verse Al-Aufi has narrated from Ibn Abbas, that actually those who like to show off
(show off in their deeds), then their reward will be given in this world. That's because they weren't
mistreated in the slightest. Ibn Abbas said, "Whoever does good deeds to seek worldly things, such as
fasting, or praying, or tahajud at night, all of which he does solely to seek worldliness, then Allah says, 'I
will fulfill what he seeks in this world, this is his revenge, while his charity that he did to seek worldly things
was aborted, and he will be among the losers in the hereafter." Anas ibn Malik and Al-Hasan said that this
verse was revealed regarding the Jews and Christians. Mujahid and others said that this verse was revealed
regarding people who like to show off.

Qatadah said, "Whoever the world is the intention, desire, and pursuit, then Allah will repay his kindness
in this world. And when he comes to the hereafter, then he will no longer have the reward of good deeds
that will be given to him. As for the believer, then the good deeds his kindness is rewarded in this world,
and in the hereafter he will be rewarded for his deeds." In a marfu' hadith, things like this have been

Hud 16
The Ministry of religion’s Briefly Interpretation
People whose deeds are only worldly oriented, those are the people who will not get anything in the
afterlife except hell. They strive in this world not out of faith, obedience, self-approach to God, and
cleansing themselves from sin, then what they have worked for in the form of wealth and rank while in
this world will be in vain in the afterlife. And therefore, what they have done while living in the world is
erased. For people who work only to find the happiness and luxury of the world, God will surely give
according to what they work for.

4. Conclusion Explain the lessons

that we have 1. Whoever, when his life is solely pursuing ambitions for worldly delights, Allah will perfect him according
understood from the to his provisions
the verses which 2. Those who love the world will be put into hell and their deeds will be in vain.
that you have read !
Give us some of
conclusions !

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