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I’ve decided to talk about Bruno Mars for several reasons.

Firstly, I believe he is a great singer because his voice is pleasant and soft so I’m
really fond of watching his shows since they’re amazing, he never has a
choreography but he is always very well dressed. Secondly I’m really interested in
his songs as the lyrics are about love and the music is original and catchy. Finally,
I’ve always admired him because he is a charitable person who has made great
contributions to foundations. Last year, he donated a million dollars to people who
had lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

Let me tell you about his career.

He was born on October 8, 1985, in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. His parents
were Peter Hernández and Bernadette San Pedro Bayot. He has one brother and
four sisters. Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley are two of the artists who have most
inspired Bruno Mars. when he finished high school he decided not to study
anything and dedicate himself only to music.
Bruno Mars started creating music from a very young age. He acted in many
stages along the country. When he graduated from high school he decided to move
to Los Angeles High School, where he continued his music career. After a season
without success, Mars filmed with Atlantic Records in 2009 and became famous as
a solo artist. On October 4th, 2010, he released his debut studio album and
achieved the best positions in the Billboard Hot 100.

Vicente Borrás
You won’t believe how I met Bruno Mars.
I was flying from New York to London with my family. We were sitting in tourist
class. When suddenly the flight attendant asked me if I could leave my sat because
It was a mother with a baby an they needed.
The flight attendant send me to first class. I sat in the most comfortable seat I
have never been. They gave me an ice coke with lemon and delicious squid rings. I
felt like a king. Next to me it was a young men with headphones and sunglasses. I
couldn’t see his face.
I was watching a movie while I fell asleep. I was so deeply asleep that my head
fell onto neighbour’s shoulder. I don’t know how long I was in this position.
One hour later my neighbour tried to go to the bathroom without waking me
up, but he woke me up unintentionally. When I wake up he tells me if I can move
because he wanted to go to the bathroom. I did’t answer him because it was
¡¡Bruno Mars!! I couldn’t believe it. I was so nervous. I let it go obviously. when he
came back I said sorry about the shoulder and he told me there was no problem. I
told him I was a big fan and we took a picture.
when the flight ended we greeted each other and he told me that hopefully we
will cross paths again. when I left I told my family about my trip and I showed them
the photo.
That flight was the best I ever had.

Vicente Borrás

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