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PCI Terminology

Card Terminology
Type of cards
Payment transaction

Regional Payment Brand

Regional Network
Responsibilities of PCI SSC

Roles under PCI

PCI Security Standard
PCI Data Security Standard

Different standard
Lifecycle changes to PCI DSS
PCI DSS Applicability

PCI DSS Account Data

Guidelines for account sege

Timelines for transition

Defined Approach

Customized approach
Customized vs defined approach
PCI DSS Structure
PCI DSS V 4 requirements

Data Btreaches Occur

Factors contributing to compromise

V4 requirement
Requirement 1.1
Requirement 1.2

Requirement 1.3
Req 1.4

Req 1.5
Req 2.1

Req 2.2
Req 2.3

Goal 2 : Req 3.1

Req 3.2

Req 3.3
Req 3.4
Re 3.5
Re 3.6
Req 3.7
Req 4.1

Req 4.2
Req 5.1

Req 5.2
Req 5.3
Req 5.4

Req 6.1
Req 6.2
Req 6.3
Req 6.4
Req 6.5
Req 7.1
Req 7.2
Req 7.3

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