Entrep Mdterms - Second Sem

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Management of Risk - Entrepreneurs know

LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION how to take risks but these risks are calculated
Entrepreneurship came from the pioneering risks! that are well thought out and considered
work of Joseph Schumpeter, which eventually done.
resulted to the concept of creative destruction. 5. Initiative and Need for achievement -
Entrepreneurs usually have a great need to
It is the ability to be able to know what products achieve things and to have accomplishments.
and services are needed by people, and to be able 6. Creativity. Entrepreneurs - have often been
to provide these things at the right time, at the said to be creative because they are not satisfied
right place and to the right people, and at the with just copying or doing the same routine or
right price. churning out the same product.
7. Seeing the Big Picture - Entrepreneurs are
Concept of Entrepreneurship able to assess how particular decisions about
• According to Dr. Ralph Sorensen who operations or human resources can affect the
premised that it is an art of creating, other aspects of the business. they realize that
launching and growing new venture specific decisions in certain areas can affect other
businesses. areas, as well as the business as a whole.
• Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness
to develop, organize and run a business Types of Entrepreneurs
enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties 1. Innovative entrepreneurs - They are those who
in order to make a profit. always make new things by thinking of new
Entrepreneur is a reference to individuals who 2. Imitating entrepreneurs - They are those who
have initiated the establishment of a business don't create new things but follow the ideas of
enterprise. other only follow entrepreneurs.
3. Fabian entrepreneurs - They are those
If you own a business, you are called skeptical. They don't initiate but follow only after
businessman or woman. If you manage business they are satisfied.
you are called a professional manager. If you 4. Drone Entrepreneur - They are those who lives
bought a franchise, you ae a franchisee. on the labor of others. They are die-hard
conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of
Characteristics and Traits of Entrepreneurs business.
1. Passion for business - This trait refers to the 5. Social Entrepreneur - They are those who
eagerness to be involved in commercial activities. initiate changes in the various fields such as
2. Confidence - is a must have trait for education, health, human rights, environment
entrepreneurs, who should posses that bellef in and, enterprise development.
themselves and their capabilities to see things
through and get things done. COMPETENCIES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP
3. Self-Determination - is the belief that one's A. Common Competencies
fate or destiny lies really on oneself his beliefs, 1. Decisive - an entrepreneur must be firm in
efforts, and actions. making decisions.
2. Communicator - an entrepreneur must have a
convincing power. originally estimated to be.
3. Leader - an entrepreneur must have the 2. Competition Risk. It was stipulated as the risk
charisma to be obeyed by his employees that competitors may be able to replicate the
4. Opportunity seeker – an entrepreneur must business model and capture the market ahead of
have the ability to be the first to see business the proponent.
chances. 3. Capability Risk. It is related to the capability
5. Proactive - controlling a situation by - making of the firm; this considers the possibility that the
things to happen or by preparing for possible product or services of the firm would fail to
future problems. deliver the value proposition that the customers
6. Risk Taker - they have the courage to pursue are willing to pay for.
what is their business ideas.
7. Innovative the entrepreneurs have big IMPORTANCE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP
business ideas and they do not stop improving 1. Creation of Employment
and thinking of new worthwhile ideas for their Entrepreneurship generates employment. It
business. provides an entry- level job, required for gaining
B. Core Competencies experience and training for unskilled workers.
1. Economic and dynamic activity - 2. Innovation
Entrepreneurship is an economic activity Entrepreneurship generates employment. It
because it involves the creation and operation of provides an entry-level job, required for gaining
an enterprise with a view to creating value or experience and training for unskilled workers.
wealth by ensuring optimum utilization of 3. Impact Society and on Community
limited resources. Development - A society becomes greater if the
2. Innovative – A Entrepreneurs constantly look employment base is large and diversified. It
for new ideas, thus he needs to be creative. brings about changes in society and promotes
3. Profit Potential - meaning the entrepreneur facilities like higher expenditure on education,
can be compensated by his profit coming from the better sanitation, fewer slums, higher level of a
operation. homeownership.
4. Risk bearing - meaning the entrepreneur 4. Increase Standard of Living
needs to gamble but wise enough to offset the Entrepreneurship helps to improve the standard
risk. of living of a person by increasing the income.
The standard of living means, increase in the
What is Business Risk? consumption of various goods and services by a
Business risk is the exposure a company or household for a particular period.
organization has to factor(s) that will lower its 5. Supports research and development
profits or lead it to fail. Anything that threatens a New products and services need to be researched
company's ability to achieve its financial goals is and tested before launching in the market.
considered a business risk. Therefore, an entrepreneur also dispenses
finance for research and development with
THREE BASIC SOURCES OF BUSINESS RISK research institutions and universities. This
1. Demand Risk. It was explained as the risk that promotes research, general construction, and
the product will not be accepted by the market or development in the economy.
that the market is much smaller than what was
FIVE REASON WHY FILIPINOS DON'T GO TO 11. Inadequate long- term plan
BUSINESS 12. Undercapitalization
1. Money 13. Unidentified target market
"Magilpon muna ako, kulang and pera ko." ("I 14. Inadequate financial control
don't have enough cash"). 15. Inventory control problems
2. Time 16. Pricing strategy
"Madami pa akong Inaasikaso." ("I'm so busy
with a lot of things") Basic Components Of A Business Plan Can Be
3. Skills Organized As Follows:
"Hindi ako marunong mag-business, baka malugi 1. Providing a description of the business.
lang ako." (I don't know how so I'm afraid I might 2. Choosing the best marketing strategy.
fair 3. Identifying the management plan, and:
4. Opportunity 4. Analyzing the finances needed to start the
"Hindi para sa akin yan." (That business is not business and make it successful.
for me")
5. Connection What is Market Potential?
"Wala akong kilala masyado." ("I don'tknow a lot Market potential is the entire size of the market for
of people") a product at a specific time. It represents the upper
limits of the market for a product. Market potential
is usually measured either by sales value or sales
What is Business Plan? For example, the market potential for ten speed
A business plan is a document that defines in detail bicycles may be worth $5,000,000 sales each year.
a company's objectives and how it plans to achieve Elements in Determining Market Potential
its goals. 1. Market Size. The first and most important factor
A business plan lays out a written road map for the to consider while determining market potential is
firm from marketing, financial, and operational the market size of your product. Market size is the
standpoints. Both startups and established total market sales potential of all companies put
companies use business plans. together.
2. Market Growth Rate - you have to forecast based
Reasons in Making A Business Plan on the differences between product line extensions
1. Vision and a completely new concept in the Market.
2. Market assessment Samsung has the Samsung galaxy series which is a
3. Opportunity assessment pioneer series in Samsung.
4. Implementing the Plan 3. Profitability - to understand the market potential.
5. Financing If the business is going to give low profitability,
6. Outside Failure then the volumes need to be high. Calculation of
7. Poor cash flow control profitability to determine Market potential can use
8. Trade area competition three main elements.
9. Lack of managerial experience, training, ROI - Return on investment
skills ROS - Return on sales
10. Poor site location (retail) RONA - Return on net assets
ROCE - Return on capital employed. and the needs or demands you plan to
You can use any of the calculations mentioned supply
above to calculate the likelihood of profitability and o An overview of your products/services.
to determine how profitable the industry or product customers, and suppliers
is going to be. o A summary of company growth, including
4. Competition. You need to know and understand financial or market highlights
the competition in an industry to determine the o A summary of your short- and long-term
market potential for the product you are going to business goals, and how you plan to make a
launch. If the industry has high competition, the profit
entry barriers are going to be high and at the same
time, establishing yourself will require deep
5. Product and Consumer Type. Is your product a
repeat buying product or one time sale only? In the
above examples, Soap and shampoo is a repeat
buying product. But once you buy a refrigerator, i
doubt you will need another for the next 10 years.
So in your whole lifetime, you will buy 8-10
refrigerators at the max.

The Part of Business Plan

1. EXCECUTIVE SUMMARY: The first section
should be a concise overview of your business plan.
It should be short, and must be well written. Your 3.
goal is to draw readers in so they want to learn PRODUCTS/SERVICES DESCRIPTION: Clearly
more about your company. describe what you're selling, with a focus on
customer benefits.
The executive summary for a business plan should • Include details about suppliers, product or
include: service costs, and the net revenue expected from
• Your business name and location. the sale of those products or services. Consider
• Products and/or services offered. adding pictures or diagrams.
• Mission and vision statements • A detailed description of your product/service
• The specific purpose of the plan (to secure that emphasizes customer benefits.
investors, set strategies, etc.) • An explanation of the market role of your
product/service and advantages it has over
2. COMPANY DESCRIPTION This high-level view competitors.
of your business should explain who you are, how • Information about the product/service's life
you operate and what your goals are. cycle Relevant copyright, patent, or trade secret
• The company description should feature: data
o The legal structure of your business • Research and development activities that may
(corporation, sole proprietorship, etc.) lead to new products and services
o A brief history, the nature of your business,
4. MARKET ANALYSIS: Show your industry biography listing their background and skills.
knowledge, and present conclusions based on • Profiles of your management team, including
thorough market research. their names, positions, main responsibilities,
• Place detailed findings of any studies in an and experience
appendix. • List of any advisors, such as board members,
• Your market analysis should include: accountants, and attorneys.
✓ A sketch of targeted customer segments,
including size and demographics of each 7. FINANCIAL PLAN AND PROJECTIONS
group • This last section of your business plan should be.
✓ An industry description and outlook, developed with a professional accountant after
including statistics Historical, current and you've completed a market analysis and set
projected marketing data for your goals for your company.
product/services • Some of the important financial statements that
✓ A detailed evaluation of your competitors, should be part of your plan include:
highlighting their strengths and o Historical financial data (if you own an
weaknesses established business). including income
statements, balance sheets and cash flow
5. STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION statements for the past three to five years
Summarize your sales and marketing strategy, and o Realistic prospective financial information,
how you'll implement them with an operating plan. including forecasted income statements,
This section should include: balance sheets, cash flow statements and
• An explanation of how you'll promote your capital expenditure budgets for the next five
business to customers and enter the market years.
Details about costs, pricing, promotions, and o A brief analysis of your financial data,
distribution/logistics An explanation of how the featuring a ratio and trend analysis for all
company will function. Including the operations financial statements.
cycle (from acquisition of supplies through
production to delivery)
• Information on sources of labor and number of LESSON 5: BUSINESS
• Data on operating hours and facilities IMPLEMENTATION
Outline your company's organizational structure. In Operating a business, the entrepreneur should
Identify the owners, management team and board first consult professional for advices, like
of directors. accountants or consultants from small enterprises.
Include the following: In your case, you can consult your teacher in
• An organizational chart with descriptions of entrepreneurship or anyone you think that could
departments and key employees help you.
• Information about owners, including their
names, percentage of ownership, extent of
involvement within the company and a
1. Set up an accounting system or hire an
accountant. Knowing how the business is doing
financially is important for planning and survival.
2. Advertise the business. No one will buy the
products or services if customers do not know that
the company exists. You can make use of the social
3. Secure Insurance for the business. Liability
Insurance protects the business in the event of
litigation. Consider life and disability Insurance.
health insurance and fire insurance when you are
leasing an office or storefront.


• Good record keeping can help protect the
business, measure the performance and
maximize profit.
• Records are the source documents, both
physical and electronic, that specify transaction
dates and amounts, legal agreements and
private customer and business details.
• Developing system to log, store and dispose of
records can benefit the business. A systematic
recording allows you to;
A. Plan and work more efficiently
B. Meet legal and tax requirements
C. Measure profit and performance
D. Protect your rights, and
E. Manage potential risks

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