Minutes of The Meeting

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Regional Working Group 02

Of the Regional Working Group 02
Regional perspective of shunt reactor introduction in the transmission system
Which was held in Marina di Ragusa (Sicily) on October 8TH and 9TH 2015?

I. General
This Meeting was convened following an agreement made during the SEERC Management Board in Kyiv last
June. The Conveners of two established RWGs 02 and 03 invited the RWG Members who have been nominated
by NCs. The RWG 02 Convener obtained the following nominations:
Slovenia: Maks Babuder (maks.babuder@eimv.si)
Marko Hrast (marko.hrast@eles.si)
Aleksander Polajner (aleksander.polajner@eles.si)

Italy: Marco Giussani (m.giussani@tamini.it )

Stefano Zunino (stefano.zunino@terna.it);
Francesco Dicuonzo (francesco.dicuonzo@terna.it)

Croatia: Goran Majstrović (gmajstro@eihp.hr)

Božidar Filipović-Grčić (bozidar.filipovic-grcic@fer.hr)
Viktor Milardić (viktor.milardic@fer.hr)
Srete Nikolovski (srete.nikolovski@etfos.hr)

Serbia: Duško Tubić (dusko.tubic@ems.rs)

Saša Minić (sminic@ieent.org)

Ukraine: Kontorovych Leonid (leonid.kontorovych@ztr.com.ua)

Turkey: Mevlüt Akdeniz (mevlut@ieee.metu.edu.tr)

Selim Yurekten (s.yurekten@enpay.com)
Ömer Onur Çakmak (onur.cakmak@teias.gov.tr)

We are still missing the nominations from the below Countries:

Austria, Chech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Montenegro, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR
The appeal to nominate new members was sent to:
Klemens Reich (klemens.reich@apg.at)
Ciprian Diaconu (ciprian.diaconu@transelectrica.ro)
Rusmir Mahmutćehajić (if bosna@bih.net.ba)
Milutin Ostojić (milutino@t-com.me)
Dimitrios Michos (dmichos@admie.gr),
We have not asked Czech Republic and Slovakia to nominate RWG Members because they still have a joint NC
of CIGRÉ and we didn’t know to whom the invitation should be addressed. The NC of FYR of Macedonia didn’t
decide yet to assign a member. NC of Serbia replied and assigned two Members.
The RWG 02 Meeting followed the RWG 03 Meeting one day before that is why some Members of RWG 03
participated in the RWG 02 Meeting too.
The list of Attendees of 9TH October Meeting may be found Attached to these Minutes (Attachment 2).
II. Meeting
The undersigned Convener has proposed and sent to the Invitees the following Meeting Agenda attached to
the Invitation:
Agenda of the first RWG 02 Meeting
Ragusa 9TH October 2015
1. Introductive welcome by the Convener
2. Introduction of members by themselves
3. Brief survey of work done by former CIGRE WGs related to this issue
4. Survey of accomplished activities Country by Country
5. Discussion regarding ToR modification/adjustment
6. Future work
7. Conclusions and closing of the meeting.

1. Introductory welcome of the Convener

In his introduction the Convener pointed out the main reason for establishing the RWG 02 as proposed in
the relevant ToR (see Attachment 1) and briefly reported on the last operating experiences in Slovenia and
Croatia where frequently voltages in the 400 kV transmission network because of load reduction increased
up to 430 - 435 kV approximately. The representative of the Slovenian TSO assigned RWG 02 Member later
presented some additional information concerning this topic.
Special interest in voltage control aiming in the first place to limit the insulation dielectric aging process
and secondly to improve that way the Transmission System operating stability was noticed in the R&D
Community continuingly since the introduction of major volatile distant generating sources (mostly
renewable). This care was even intensified with the increasing volume of dispersed generating power
sources which is expected to reach in some European cases GW size.
TSOs are introducing extensively the phase shifting transformers of major rated power to keep control of
the power flow in the cross border lines that complicates additionally this problem which should be
considered in some cases as international one.

2. Introduction of member themselves

All the participants introduced themselves. The list of attendees is attached (Attachment 2) to these
Minutes. The majority of participants comes from regional TSOs, some from Industry and some from
Academia. Only few of the attendees had not experienced directly the subject issues.

3. Brief survey of work done by former CIGRE WGs related to this issue
In autumn 1980 the CIGRÉ SC 31 established an Ad Hoc Task Force on Static Var Compensators as a part of
WG 31-01. The pertaining ToR aimed its endeavours to preparing of an international survey on operational
experiences and was assembled of different experts coming from utilities, manufacturers, research
organizations and universities. The main intention was to obtain a practical guidance for application. In
1986 the Brochure 25 entitled STATIC VAR COMPENSATORS was prepared and published by WG 38-01
Task Force No.2 giving application principles for:
- Voltage Control
- Load Balancing
- Power Transfer Capacity Increase
- Transient Stability Improvement
- Improvement of System Damping
- Subsynchronous Resonance Damping and
- Reduction of Temporary and Line Energisation Overvoltages
Later on the CIGRÉ Task Force No. 3 of WG 38-01 “Reactive Power Compensation Analysis and Planning
Procedure” issued in 1987 the Brochure 27: METHODS FOR REACTIVE POWER OPTIMIZATION where an
exhaustive list of references is given emphasizing among other related features, the Voltage control and
stability and Voltage quality. In 1989 the Brochure 30 REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION ANALYSES AND
PLANNING PROCEDURES was published which has been prepared by the same Task Force No. 3.
In 1993 as a result of the Task Force No.4 of CIGRÉ WG 38.05 the publishing of the Brochure 77 ANALYSIS
During last two decades numerous CIGRÉ Brochures dealing with system voltage control have been
published. Brochure 144 STATIC SYNCHRONOUS COMPENSATOR (STATCOM) conceived by Working Group
14.19 and published in the year 2000 represents a continuation of the Brochure 25. Power handling
capability and other advances of commercially available GTO thyristors made possible the development of
new controllable reactive power sources with operating characteristics similar to that of rotative
synchronous compensators. This analogy contributed to its new name Static Synchronous Compensator
All of these CIGRÉ expert groups focussed on the system voltage profile control which endeavours
continued after reorganizing of CIGRÉ and led to establishing of the WG B4.35 within the SC B-4 HVDC and
Power Electronics. As result of this group work the Brochure 242 THYRISTOR CONTROLLED VOLTAGE
REGULATORS was published in 2004. It is worth to mention that at the end of this report a Comparison of
the hybrid thyristor-type OLTC with conventional OLTCs was made.
Despite this advantages and favourable environment but caused by important limitations and obstacles the
widespread application of power electronic equipment in the transmission system didn’t take place. Its
high cost and lower reliability remains a serious obstacle and it gives to the use of mechanically switched
compensators a decisive advantage.
The generated power volatility of greater part of renewable sources on one hand and the open energy
market environment on the other may jeopardize the power system stability and cause serious problems
in reducing transmission capability notably the cross border capacities.
One RWG 02 Member reported on the last CIGRÉ SC A2 Colloquium on 20TH – 25TH of last September where
Shunt Reactor Reliability was considered and discussed. Australia and Great Britain reported on most
frequent shunt reactor failures.
On the same occasion the A3 Workshop and Tutorial was organized dealing with Shunt Reactor Switching.
It seems that the controlled switching is commonly used because of frequent (daily) reactor on/off
Transmission System voltage control represent today an important issue touching and affecting R&D
interests of several SC activities.

4. Survey of related activities Country by Country

With the purpose to obtain all-embracing insight in current state of handling voltage control in the region’s
transmission networks the Convener invited the participants to give a brief report on most important
achievements. The following contributions were presented:
4.1. Mevlüt AKDENİZ, engineer from TEİAŞ Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation, Transmission
Planning and Coordination Division presented
Shunt Reactor Experience in Turkish Transmission Network.
(Attachment 3)
4.2. Marko Hrast, Mr. Sc. from ELES, from the Slovenian TSO presented the state of the
Voltage profile of Slovenian power transmission grid
(Attachment 4)
4.3. Božidar Filipović-Grčić, PhD, On behalf of the Croatian TSO and Croatian CIGRÉ NC presented
Overview of problems with the voltage profile in 220 kV and 400 kV transmission network in Croatia and
proposal for possible solutions. (Attachment 5)
4.4. Selim Yürekten,
ENPAY Transformer Components, TURKEY
Presented his contribution
Regional Perspective of Shunt Reactor Introduction in the Transmission System
(Attachment 6)

5. Discussion regarding ToR modification/adjustment

Baring in mind the achievements obtained by all mentioned former and actual CIGRÉ Working Groups who
focussed on much more specific subjects it was an impression that this group should preferably deal with issues
related to the application of reactive power sources. The undersigned considers premature to take a final this
regarding decision taking also into account the reduced number of RWG 02 Members attending this meeting.

6. Future work
The participants expressed their feelings about the importance of voltage profile control in all parts of the electric
power system aiming to integrate all influencing factors and particularly striving to activate and stimulate interest
of all concerned. From formal and informal discussions it seems reasonable to continue intensive exchange of
experiences between RWG members. The convener will contact the SEERC MB representatives to nominate new
RWG Members and contact all already assigned members who were not able to attend this meeting.

7. Conclusions and closing of the meeting.

Some efforts to enhance the technological progress in this field may contribute to the interconnected system’s
operational stability and overall reliability. The RWG members should activate experts in the region to prepare
and present papers dealing with this issue in the First SEERC Conference which will take place next year in
Portoroz in Slovenia.

Convener of RWG 02:

Maks Babuder
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Minutes of 8th – 9th October Regional Working Group 02 Meeting at Marina di Ragusa

Proposal for the creation of a regional working group

SEERC RWG - 02 Name of Convenor: Maks Babuder (Slovenia)

E-mail address: maks.babuder@eimv.si
Technical Issues: Strategic Directions:
Promotion and backing the issuing of Technical OTLs capacity enhancement, congestion prevention,
Specifications of the material and of the control and transmission system reliability improvement
protection schemes
The WG applies to transmission and distribution networks
Title of the WG:

Regional perspective of shunt reactor introduction in the transmission system

Scope, deliverables and proposed time schedule of the Group :

Background :
This document embraces and describes the objectives of and the reasons for establishing a working group aiming to increase the knowledge
of technical issues concerning the use of Shunt Reactors necessary for better cooperation of SEER electric power transmission
Transmitted power of a line is related to its operating voltage. In a today's and it can be expected in the future power networks even much
more, the reactive power will cause many serious problems which will be more severe in a heavily loaded transmission system. The
cyclic nature of reactive power caused by new supply side facilities (some of renewable sources) as well as challenging demand side
requirements are impacting on the network planning and invite to introduce new advanced methods to handle this problem.
Maintaining of the highest allowed voltage (maximum operating voltage) in any of the network’s location requires a suitable balancing
of the reactive power in the system, taking care of the voltage profile, energy losses and reliability of the system. A most suitable
solution to attain this target can be found through expanding the technical knowledge necessary to handle this issue and to coordinate
the transmission system development in all this relating details.
Many of technical issues concerning shunt reactors have been dealt in the past by the CIGRÉ WGs (Dealing with Reactive Power
Compensation Analysis and Planning Procedures)
The Working Group will seek to develop a Technical Report which provides
Guidelines for the analysis, planning and commissioning of VSR projects for the interconnected transmission system in the SEER.
1. Concepts of AC and DC interconnected transmission systems of SEER
2. The impact of reactive power on utility grids and loads
3. Consumption and production of reactive power
4. The link between reactive power and system operating voltage
5. Methods to compensate for system reactive power
6. Regulation and compliances
7. Shunt reactors general design concepts
8. Shunt reactors operating characteristics
9. Shunt reactor switching
- Protection problems during shunt reactor switching
- Shunt reactor behaviour during external faults
- Shunt reactor protection and control schemes
10. Regional circumstances and specifities
11. Report
Deliverables :
Technical brochure
Time Schedule: Start : September 2014 Final report: August 2016

Prepared by Maks Babuder

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Minutes of 8th – 9th October Regional Working Group 02 Meeting at Marina di Ragusa
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Mevlüt AKDENİZ, Engineer

Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation
Transmission Planning and Coordination Division

Shunt Reactor Experience in Turkish Transmission Network

Turkish transmission network is composed of 154kV and 400kV. Additionally there exist a little number of 66kV
substations and transmission lines still in operation which is build any more for a long time.

Main structure of the grid; 400kV lines and substations; were started to be built in mid 1970s. Construction of
400kV lines has started from far east located Hydro-Electric Power Plants, HEPPs to the load centres, İstanbul
region passing through Ankara, the capital city via long lines total length up to ~1000km. Such long lines
required shunt reactor at both end at the intermediate substations for initial switching and light load operation.
We have used mono phase reactor ranging of 97MVAR @380kV to 122MVAR @380kV. Single phase reactors
are practical at that time for the HEPP switchyards which are far from main transportation network and contain
large site area. These shunt reactors are bus bar connected by breaker or line connected with or without breaker.
Development of our 400kV network for the last 45 years, different sizes of shunt reactors were used in the grid
where most of them are three phase. They have sizes as 97MVAR, 122MVAR, 146MVAR and 166MVAR
respectively. If any substation contains a line longer than ~150km-~170km, we utilize a shunt reactor to apply
line switching successfully, generally at both ends. Recently in large cities, increasing utilization of underground
cable also requires shunt reactors in the substations. We have introduced the first on-load tap changing 400kV
shunt reactor in our grid a few years ago. This reactor is 160-250MVAR @ 420kV with # of 25 on load taps.
Below is the brief definition of this shunt reactor from the draft specification.

"This specification covers the design, manufacturing, testing, supply, transport assistance for installation
and commissioning of 3-phase shunt reactors provided with tapped windings and on-load tap-changer, with
variable MVAR output from 160 to 250MVAR at 420kV.
Shunt reactors (SRs) shall be 3-phase units, 50Hz, oil immersed, outdoor type, natural oil and forced air
cooling (ONAN/ONAF).
SRs shall be provided with all the herein specified accessories and with current transformers (CTs)
bushing type, mounted on the line and neutral terminals for measuring and protection.
SRs shall be connected to the end of a 420kV line or to a 420kV substation bus-bar, via an SF6-420kV
circuit breaker (CB) provided with independent operating mechanisms for each pole and specified for switching
off SRs. A synchronizing relay will initiate at appropriate instants the opening of CB separately for each pole, to
perform SR current interruption without risk of dangerous over-voltages due to current chopping.
Surge arresters with suitable ratings shall be connected to the HV terminals of SRs and also to neutral
terminal if this is specified to be grounded via a reactor.
In case of 1-phase-to-Gr fault in a line directly compensated by dedicated SR, the pole of CB of SR
connected to the line faulty phase (or all the 3 poles of CB) may be automatically opened and reclosed after 4 or
5 seconds, if the faulty phase of line has been successfully reclosed. If reclosing is unsuccessful, the SR will be de-
energized with the line.

SRs shall comply with the following characteristics which shall be the minimum requirements.
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- Type: 3-Phase with gapped core, 5 legged

o type°)
- Rated voltage: 420kV (maximum continuous operation
o voltage)
- Rated Power at 420kV-50Hz: variable from 250 to 160 MVAR in
o steps by means of on-load tap-changer
- Power output at 380kV-50Hz: variable from 204.65 to 130.97
o MVAR, in steps by means of on-load
o tap-changer
- Rated current (at 420kV): variable from 343.66A to 219.94A in
o steps by means of on-load tap-changer
- Rated Frequency: 50Hz
- Frequency variation range: 49 to 51Hz
- Connection of phases: star with neutral solidly grounded
- Cooling Method: ONAN/ONAF cooling by means of
o radiators and fans, preferably fitted
o on the main tank
- Insulation: graded (according to insulation level of
o neutral terminal)"

Some shunt reactors are utilized at power plants in order to permit generator to operate at overexcited mode for
better machine stability even there is no voltage problem. The planned Nuclear Power Plant, NPP is also to be
designed to contain at least two large size shunt reactors.
154kV network also equipped with some reactor (5MVAR-20MVAR) where grid Short Circuit Power is less. In
154kV lines, line energizing does not require reactor thereof all shunt reactors are bus bar connected at this voltage
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Marko Hrast M. Sc.
Eles d.o.o. (TSO of Slovenia)
Transmission Network Infrastructure

Voltage profile of Slovenian power grid

The base of Slovenian electric power network consists of 220 kV and 400 kV network. Due to relatively small size
of network (cca. 3000 km) and geographical position in the middle of European electric power system it has strong
interconnection with neighbouring countries on both voltage levels. The power flow through the network depends
on many factors: the hydrology and hydro power production in Western Balkan, sporadic production of wind
energy from North Europe, low consumption during night and weekends.

These oscillations of power flow through our network and also in the neighbouring counties create non-
controllable increases of voltage in the 220 kV and 400 kV network. During past five years on 400 kV network the
voltage exceed the maximum allowed voltage in the network on average 800 hours per year. In 2013 the problem
of exceeded voltage phenomena reached 2700 hours in the most critical point of the network. Such a situation
represents violation of grid operation rules and brings problems with accelerated ageing of insulation of all kind of
high voltage equipment. It is obvious that there is a need for some measures to diminish such risks in the network
and on the equipment.

There are several possible solutions which can be more or less successful in particular situations. The first step is to
switch off the lines during low load situation under certain conditions. These measures can be done when there are
lines with double circuits and multiple line interconnections in the same direction. Nevertheless such measure
means that security and reliability criteria are violated. The second measure in our network is the use of phase-
shifting transformer with which the power flow during low load can be increased and voltage can be brought in the
required values. This solution has been used quite successfully during past 12 months.
Since the problem of exceeded voltages arisen the long term solution has been studied. The most known and
technologically and economically convenient is the use of variable shunt reactors (VSR), which has be studied in
our case. The project of installation of two VSR is in progress. Other possible solutions which can be used are
installations of synchronous compensators and the new generations of static var compensators (SVC). These two
solutions are currently being studied.
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Božidar Filipović-Grčić, PHD
On behalf of the Croatian TSO and Croatian CIGRÉ NC

Overview of problems with the voltage profile in 220 kV and 400 kV transmission network in Croatia and
proposal for possible solutions.

 Transients caused by shunt reactor switching (overvoltages and restrike phenomena during de-energization
and inrush currents due to energization).
 Overview of controlled switching technology and circuit breaker characteristics for shunt reactor switching.
 Experiences with measurements and simulations of shunt reactor switching transients in 110 kV network in
Croatia (modelling of electric arc in EMTP software).
 Experiences with simulations of transients when switching variable shunt reactor (VSR) in 400 kV network.
 Comparison of compensation solutions with VSR and SVC solutions in the transmission network.
 Overview of PhD thesis which are currently in progress on Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,
University of Zagreb.
1) Title: Power system interconnection reactive power flow control
Expected scientific contributions:
- Method of managing the flow of reactive power to the interconnection transmission lines with defined allowed
values of reactive power flows at the ends of transmission lines.
- The model for determining the minimum correction limit of reactive power flows on interconnection transmission
lines when there are no good solutions from the optimization procedure.
- Experimental verification of the model for the control of reactive power flow to the interconnection transmission
2) Title: Parameter and switching sequence selection of variable shunt reactors (VSR) in high voltage network
Expected scientific contributions:
- The method of parameter selection of VSR on the basis of a sensitivity analysis of voltage conditions in high
voltage transmission network.
- A mathematical model for the analysis of transients due to switching of VSR in the transmission network.
- The algorithm of optimal selection of VSR switching sequence with aim to reduce mechanical and electrical
stress of high voltage equipment.
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