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We need to be more aware of what we are sending to the

sales chat, what it really means, what it needs to show, and what
eventually needs to turn into. Keep in mind BEFORE sending info
to sales: “IS there still a LOT of
work to do with these customers
If we send information about what we are doing but don’t show the before sending them to the store?
results of our management (meaning an appointment), the Am I sending a text with little to no
perception of our service may decline. relevant information”?

✓ Make a list of things the customer has said to be able to
✓ Invest your energy in making the appointment and gathering handle the conversation and GET ATTENTION from them until
relevant information to send something with substance to the setting the appt.
✓ Keep it simple, precise, and concise.
✓ Don’t send the same text one after the other.
STOP or minimize the use of:
✓ Call the clients to build rapport and achieve our main goal:
APPOINTMENTS. ➢ Working on.
✓ If the dealership is SLOW, send bulk messages and try to re- ➢ Working to get the appt.
engage with old leads (or do it one by one, ask your CSM first). ➢ Trying to.
✓ If the chat is silent, yes, inform the sales team what you are ➢ Working hard.
doing, but focus on what matters: turn those updates into
START using more:
✓ If the leads are far away, get relevant information for the ➢ Tentative dates for the appt that you will UPDATE later with a
sales team to be able to use to close the deal (budget, credit confirmed date and time.
score, credit app submitted if they want to finance, down ➢ Persuading Mr./Ms. to come TODAY. (The goal is to have the
payment, among others, like trade-ins information). appt “sooner than later”).
✓ PREPARE accordingly to make a call and ASK questions to ➢ We will keep you posted.
build rapport.

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