FIPR 131 Test

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18 questions in total -25 points

Discuss the importance of

● Actors primary function

○ Communicate ideas of the scene and emotions to the audience
■ To be trustful and simple (simplicity without loss of passion)
○ Listening-when the argument is valid and explains well-it considers as answers
○ Respond to stimuli imaginary circumstances
● Acting defined
○ Acting is reacting
○ Actors make their work engaging by making choices that create dynamics
○ Actor's instrument is their body
● The kuleshov effect
○ Different combination of shots would lead to different interpretation by the
● Development of the film
○ Period of silent film
○ 1950s-stanislavsky system taken by american and became the method
○ After 1950s-performance became more realistic and naturalistic
● Objectives
○ What the character wants in the moment ( in scene)
● Super objective
○ overall want in the movie (Character primary motivation in the play)
● Scene objectives
○ something that the characters want in the each individual scene
○ Include what the person is going to give you
○ Include cap(smth that i am going to say/do)
● How to get an objective from the given circumstance
○ Look at the data and make an assess
○ Try different tactics
● 4 Qs when building character
○ What do I say about myself
○ What other characters say about me
○ What the authors says about me
○ What the character does
■ Look at their actions,not the words
● Wording
○ Important
○ Phrases of I want
■ Objective has to have “ i want”
■ Remember when you are phrasing at the other characters, has to have
what they want,this is called CAP
● At the end of the scene, it’s about what they are going to say or do
● Applied to physical action
● Rhythm
○ Readiness of physical state to achieve the objective
● Environment
○ Affect overall mood in the scene and how we behave around others → thus affects
the play of the scene
● Imaginations
○ The need for imagination in acting→ enable you to believe in the imaginary
circumstance→ response gets enriched
○ Internalizing the environment ,create imagination of what does it feel like
○ Helps in creating the mood that your character is in
○ What would be like to be in the character
● Prep performance-
○ Review the scene
■ Examine what other people in the script say about you
■ Discover the character’s rhythm for a scene before shooting
■ Studying the movement before;so know where and how to begin
○ Script analysis
■ Actors must pay attention to the subtext of their dialogue,character’s
action, described action→ allows them to gather great insights to the role
○ Character analysis
■ To empathize and identify with the person you are playing
■ Full empathize=begin to feel them yourself
○ Film acting requires quick form of prep
■ Therefore, discover the character's rhythm for a scene before shooting
■ Studying the moment before;so know where and how to begin
○ Identify the bottom line(what drives the scene,what the scene is about in terms of
what they need to accomplish)
■ Obstacles
■ objectives:What the character wants in the moment ( in scene)
■ Obstacles: The external/internal forces that prevent the character from
getting what they want.
○ Actors cannot judge the characters they are playing
■ Must believe in who you are
■ Fina valid reasons for doing what you are doing
■ Accept who you are
■ How tho?
● Find commons things from the character
○ Always work from yourself

● Listening(most important ability)

○ Listening and responding to the stimuli
○ Good listening→ emotional respond to the stimuli (true response)
● Focus and concentration
○ Where and how intensity you direct your entire instrument(body)
○ Can improve by constant practice
■ The more you act,it becomes easier to block out all the distractions
○ More intense concentration-on listening→ the more relaxed you will become
● Temptations
○ Giving it away before it happens
○ ? not sure
● Bottom Line
○ Character needs this rn, similar to the objectives
○ Combination of scene and super objective
○ Refers to what drive the scene-
● Given Circumstance
○ Facts and conditions
■ Who am I?
■ Who am I talking to?
■ Who are the people we talk about?
■ Where am I?
■ What are all the places we refer to?
■ What time is it?
■ What happened to me in the moment before this scene
○ Scenes of the same line but different conditions
● World View
○ What does the world view means
■ Perspective,values,beliefs that character has
○ Actors have to embody and internalize those world views
● Developing Instrument
○ To open and feel free and respond to the stimulus
○ Being aware of stimulus
Our body= instrument
● Objective
○ The door
● Obstacle
○ Time,speed Distance from the door
● stake(driving force)
○ Bear
● What is the actor’s primary function
○ To communication emotions and ideas to an audience
● According to the Barr, to fulfill their primary function,an actor must
○ Respond to stimuli in imagery circumstance
● Describe two ways that Barr encourages actors to use or stretch their imagination
○ Read the circumstance
○ Draw compare and contrast to yourself from the role
● Describe an actor’s objective and describe its importance in one or two sentences
○ Objective: What is driving the character through the scene.-goal
● Describe an actor’s obstacles and describe its importance in one or two sentence
○ Obstacles: The external forces and internal impediments that prevent the
character from getting what they want.
● Describe, the idea of listening and provide an example
○ Listening in acting includes everything
○ In the process of listening, we are awakened to the potential stimuli in a scene
where we should be responding to
○ Listening can focus on the meaning of the words,therefore actors can have genuine
● Describe the concept of actions and provide example
○ Acting is to communicate ideas and emotions of a scene to a audience
● What term does Tony Barr refer to the given circumstance?
○ The given circumstance refers to facts and conditions
○ The facts and conditions of the story added emotional,physical,intellectual context
to the character’s context which help actors know how a character should speak or
do certain things.
■ Example: same context can be performed completely different on the given
facts and conditions of the scene

● If an actor has few lines in a scene, what will help them “stand in the right rhythm”
○ Internally review the given circumstance ?(not sure) (I think so)
● What is stand in the right rhythm meaning
○ Connected to the given circumstance ,which include energy,feeling,rhythm before
you speak

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