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Setting the General Electric ICP11, ICP51, ICC11 and ICC51

Ground Product Relays

in the

Computer-Aided Protection Engineering System


Prepared for

CAPE Users’ Group

March 2004

Electrocon International, Inc. Georgia Power Company

Ann Arbor, Michigan Atlanta, Georgia

This document is the sole property of Electrocon International, Inc. and is provided to the CAPE
Users’ Group for its own use only. It may not be supplied to any third party, or copied or
reproduced in any form, without the express written permission of Electrocon International, Inc.
All copies and reproductions shall be the property of Electrocon International, Inc. and must bear
this ownership statement in its entirety.
Application Note on Setting the
ICP11, ICP51, ICC 11 and ICC51 Ground Product Relays

I. Relay Models

The following relay information applies to all styles of the General Electric ICP11, ICP51, ICC11
and ICC51 ground product relays.

II. Relay Elements

Ground Directional
The ICP relays are modeled using a special directional element. Internal modeling in CAPE takes
the standard product quantity for a voltage-polarized element and uses it to compute an operating
time from a TOC Math Model which is a function of Time Dial and multiples of Product Pickup
(common tap settings). The operating quantity is the product of the operating current and
polarizing voltage times the cos(60° – θ), where θ is the angle the current lags the voltage. By
definition in CAPE, the Maximum Torque Angle is the angle by which the operating quantity leads
the polarizing quantity for maximum torque; therefore, the MTA for the ICP DIR unit is –60
Specifications for sensitivity of the directional element are included in the instruction book (GEH-
The ICC relays are also modeled using a special directional element. In this case, the operating
quantity is the product of the operating current and the polarizing current, multiplied by cos(θ)
where θ is the angle by which the operating current lags the polarizing current. The MTA for this
current polarized directional element is 0°. From the operating quantity, the minimum multiples
of product pickup is calculated, which is then used along with the time-dial setting to determine
the operating time. A TOC curve is part of the model.

Element Type Element Des. Description

DIR (ICP) (blank) Zero-sequence voltage (3V0) polarized directional unit
DIR (ICC) (blank) Zero-sequence current (3I0) polarized directional unit

The Time-Current characteristic curves for the ICP relays are defined in terms of Multiples of
Rated Input:
MR = VOLTS × AMPS × cos(60° – θ) / ( Voltage Pickup × Current Tap )
where VOLTS is the polarizing voltage (3V0) of the DIR element, and AMPS is its operating
current (3I0). The Voltage Pickup and Current Tap are defined below as common taps.

For the ICC relays, the multiples of rated input is calculated as

MR = OP_AMPS × POL_AMPS × cos(θ) / ( T×M )2
where OP_AMPS is the operating current, POL_AMPS is the polarizing current and θ is the angle
by which the operating current lags the polarizing current. “T×M” is the pickup tap setting of the
relay. It is set via common taps as described below.

III. Common Taps

Set the following taps. For the ICP relays, all settings are made in the common tap tables. For the
allowed ranges, see the setting form in the Database Editor.

A. Numeric Taps for the ICP

The following are the numeric common tap settings.

Tap Name Description

Current Tap The rated tap amperes for the relay, and minimum current (3I0)
for operation.
Voltage Pickup The voltage for tap value pick-up.
Time Dial The time dial setting (0.5-10) used with the time-product curve.
Test Pol. Voltage The test point polarizing voltage (3V0), in relay volts.
Test Oper. Current The test point operating current, in relay Amps.
Degrees Lagging Voltage The angle by which the operating current lags the polarizing
Time to Operate (sec) The test point operating time, in seconds
You may set either the Time Dial or the Time to Operate. If you set the Time to Operate, you must
also specify both the Test Pol. Voltage and Test Oper. Current. If you set both the Time Dial and
the Time to Operate, CAPE will use the Time to Operate and derive the Time Dial setting. The
default test point is 10 times the Product Pickup tap setting. To set a specific Time Dial, the Time
to Operate for the test point must be set to zero.

Important Note: Although you cannot display Time vs. Volt-Amp curves in CAPE, you can still
use the Coordination Graphics (CG) module to make relay common tap setting changes by using
the Change_Device_Settings command. Changes to the test point data will automatically force a
recalculation of the Time Dial at the next Check_Coordination. Then simply return to
Change_Device_Settings in CG, Confirm the setting changes, and from the File menu,

B. Text Taps for the ICP

The following is the only text common tap setting.

Tap Name Description

Time/Product Curve The TOC Math Model curve used for this relay. The only valid
selections are ‘INVERSE-ICP11’ and ‘INVERSE-ICP51’
Important Note: When you import ICP relays from cape_starter.gdb, or some other master
database, you must also import the TOC Math Models ‘INVERSE-ICP11’ and ‘INVERSE-ICP51’
because they are only indirectly referenced through the above common text tap and will not be
automatically imported with the ICP model.

C. Common Taps for the ICC

Tap Name Description

T Basic tap setting in relay amperes. Applies to both the operating
current and the polarizing current.
M Multiplier for the “T” setting.
Time Dial The time dial setting (0.5-10) used with the time-product curve.
Curve Choice of inverse-time curve. Only one curve is possible.
Trip Direction Set to FWD or REV
Important Note: When you import ICC relays from cape_starter.gdb, or some other master
database, you must also import the TOC Math Model ‘INVERSE-TYPE ICC’ because they are only
indirectly referenced through the common tap “Curve” and will not be automatically imported with
the ICC model.

IV. Element Settings

The ICP relay is a voltage-polarized relay, while the ICC is a current-polarized relay. Therefore,
when you place the relay in your network, you must specify the Operating CT, and additionally,
either the Polarizing VT or the Polarizing CT.
The polarizing VT may be wye-connected or a broken-delta secondary. The polarizing CT is
typically a CT in the delta tertiary of a power transformer, or a CT in the neutral of a wye winding
of a power transformer.
Although most relay element settings are provided for through the common tap settings, the
following setting notes are provided for the DIR elements.

Directional Elements in the ICP

Ignore the Max. Torque Angle and all pickup settings; CAPE sets these internally from the relay
common taps.
Operating and polarizing CT & VT quantities of ‘NEUT’ are provided through defaults in the relay
model. Polarizing voltage should be supplied from a broken delta VT secondary (code letter “O”) to
provide the 3*V0 quantity.
The tripping direction may be set to either Forward or Reverse.
The contact logic code is required for proper use in CAPE Relay Checking.

Directional Elements in the ICC
No element-level settings are required. All settings are made from the common taps.
The operating CT and polarizing CT quantities are specified in the relay library model. No user
intervention is required.

V. Contact Logic
CAPE users must supply the contact logic code for the directional element. To block the element
open or closed, set the Contact Status for that element as needed.

A. Element Contact Logic Codes

The directional element is required to have a Contact Logic Code for proper operation in CAPE
Relay Checking. An example is shown below for the ICP. You can use a similar code for the ICC.

Element Designation Contact Logic Code

DIR (blank) ICP_DIR

B. Relay Contact Logic Data

The above element contact logic code should be included in the overall LZOP logic code, as follows:
ICP_DIR OR <other relay CLC’s>

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