CBM S1 E2 GhoulsV2

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Chronicles of the Blood Moon

Season 1, Episode 2
In the Chronicles of the Moon of Blood players take on the responsibility of the Archons of the Camarilla
or the Templars of the Sabbat. To this end, if characters are created for the occasion, they should be reinforced
to simulate elite agents of the sect they are playing. To do so, you can give the following: 2 Attribute Dots, 5
Abilities Dots, 2 Discipline Dots, 3 Background Dots and 3 Bonus Dots as suggested in the V3 Supplement:
Archons and Templars.

Although the goal of this supplement is to allow player’s access to Archons or Templars, it is possible, with a
little effort, to use these scenarios with other groups of vampires with proper scaling.

The Rules used are from V20 and all references are to the pages of both the French and English version. The
Chronicles of the Moon of Blood presents Gehenna in filigree, but without precise elements, allowing play in
different eras and open to versatile styles.

The scenarios proposed in the Chronicles of the Blood Moon follow a particular format with a Scene per page
with the same presentation. Namely: a title with a summary of the scene, a box for the scene or main object of
the scene, a column with possible encounters, the main information about the scene and finally the outlets.
Thus the Storyteller has all the key information of a scene on a single page. However, this format requires
conciseness and is limited to important information. The scenarios are not totally detailed and will require a
minimum of appropriation !

Credits Licence
Author : Jérémie Coget World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf:
Translation : Romuald Finet The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion,
Layout : Jérémie Coget Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon:
Editing: Christopher Lenaris The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted,
Chronicles of Darkness, White Wolf, and their respective logos,
Credit pics : FreeImages.com/Artist’s Member : Kurhan,
Jascha Hoste, Danilevici Filip-E, Adam Ciesielski, Ozan Uzel, icons and symbols.
Mike Swope, Nikkie Nelson, Lapopat, Ivan Philipov, Michael
Lorenzo, Stuart Bryce, Cheryl Empey, Me Me, Michal Dobrotka,
Ivan Freaner, Juanita De Paola, Pedro Belleza, Krysztof Kozerski... This material is protected under international copyright
Kevin Dooley.
laws. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
Vampire The Masquerade is a game published by White artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
Wolf, French version by Arkhane Asylum Publishing. permission of White Wolf.
This publication is only intended for broadcast under
the Storyteller Vault program.
©2017 White Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan
5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.

This work contains material that is copyright of White Wolf.

Such material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for Storytellers Vault.


7 SOCIAL 35-74

Introduction 4
Scene 1 : Arrival in town 6
Scene 2 : Attack during daylight 8
Scene 3 : Prisoners 10
Scene 4 : Escape 12
Scene 5 : Leave the town 14
Scene 6 : Outside the town 16
Scene 7 : The coming back 18

Summary Involvement of the PC’s

Archons et Templars: The PC’s are contacted at 10
The PC’s have just been sent to New York. The city
pm by John Thomas, a ghoul of the Cardinal or the
has been in the hands of the Camarilla since 1999, but
Prince who wishes to entrust them with an urgent
Sabbat and Camarilla still clash around the city regularly.
mission. A vampire, Karl Lerner, must be captured or
The Archons were sent to help the Prince of New York,
eliminated: he betrayed the Sabbat / Camarilla. He is
the Nosferatu Calebros. The Templars are there to work
on the run with important information about the sect.
for Cardinal Polonia, the former Archbishop of the city,
The last contact with him was last night in Pittsburgh
who desires more than anything else to take it back to
by a ghoul, Peter Lucas, from Hollow. Given the time
the Camarilla.
of night he was seen, the direction he was headed and
the condition he was in, Lerner likely went to ground
They are entrusted with a mission by a ghoul linked to in Hollow Town. Peter confirms that he is injured and
the Justicar/Cardinal who sends them to Hollow Town, probably hungry, so he will probably stay one or two
a small town in the depths of the Appalachians just on nights to get on his feet. Lerner also gives a picture of
the Vermont side of the New York/Vermont boarder near the target to the PC’s.
the Summit Lodge Ski resort. This mission is in fact a They must act quickly: a plane takes off in two hours,
trap for them to be taken prisoner by the inhabitants of for a two hour all-inclusive flight, a car is rented for
the town. Indeed, the residents of this town are almost them in Pittsburgh for another two hours of driving to
all ghouls that are not thralled to any vampire! They Hollow Town. By the time they get there it will be about
capture vampires, empty them several times of their blood 4 am in the morning, this will leave them less than an
and after a certain time, eliminate them ... Thus, all the hour to find a safe refuge. They have an appointment
inhabitants live eternally and are not bound by the blood. the next evening at 9 pm with Peter Lucas at the bar,
This community of independent ghouls has existed for The Cauldron.
several centuries and recently, the community has become,
If the PC’s try to contact their Justicar/Cardinal/
by necessity, more enterprising. The citizens need more
superior, they will not be available and will be asked by
vampires and has started an organized hunt. Although
a lackey to call back tomorrow evening at the earliest.
methodical, they take risks by attacking more vampires
and by not knowing all the Disciplines of vampires are Other options: PC’s are sent on mission by their prince
at a disadvantage. The PC’s will be taken prisoner, and or other superior. Finally, they can be on the move and
will have to escape. pass through Hollow Town on accident.

John Thomas
John is the ghoul bringing the mission to the PC’s and
is actually an independent ghoul from Hollow Town.
He infiltrated the Cainites of the city, masquerading as
the ghoul of a dead vampire begging his share of blood
to survive and has since been working toward supplying
Hollow Town with what it requires.
The PC’s have seen him at least once at the Prince/
Cardinal’s property. As a result, they will have no reason
to doubt his statements.
He has a strong will and cleverly avoids looking anyone
directly in the eye. He focuses his thoughts on the mission
as he presented it to the PC’s making it very hard to
unmask his true intentions.
Be convincing and play on the urgency of the mission.
John will get straight to the point and will not leave any
time for the PC’s to really think about what is going on.
His Attributes and Abilities have respective values of
4 (for Attributes) and 5 (for Abilities).

Scene 1 Scene 2
Arrival in town Attack during daylight

Scene 7
The coming back

Scene 6 Scene 3

Scene 5 Scene 4
Leave the town Escape

S tart - u p
The PC’s arrive by car in the town of Hollow Town less than two hours before sunrise ... They must seek a
refuge for the day! Go to Scene 1.

Scene 1
Arrival in town
The PC’s arrive in town shortly before dawn and have
just enough time to find refuge for the day.

Location : Hollow Town

Hollow Town claims 1036 inhabitants, but there are actually only 456, almost all of which are ghouls.
It is a modern town less than 50 years old. Built in the Appalachian forests, an ultra-modern large scale pig farm
represents its main economy and the smell permeates the town guaranteeing that no outsiders stay long. Lighting
and cameras are omnipresent; many are visible, but there are also a lot hidden with motion detectors hooked up
to cameras, lights and alarms, both audible and silent. The town is made up mostly of buildings of 2 or 3 floors
and has representation of what one would expect to see in a small town, a police station, a clinic, a motel, a bar, a
grocery store, etc.

By the time the PC’s arrive everything is closed, only the motel at the entrance of town is open. They will be able
to make a quick tour of the town if they wish to locate the highlights like the location of the bar The Cauldron or
just get the lay of the land.
The PC’s are expected by the townspeople and increased surveillance has been activated.
- Inhabitants are at the windows, in the dark, to watch most of the streets of the town.
- Police patrols are more numerous in order to direct the PC’s to areas monitored by the hidden cameras.
- On the two closest hills, two surveillance houses are in place, with low-light telephoto lenses.

Once they have summarily visited the town, the PC’s hum. It is surprisingly clean and very well-lit and there
must choose where they are going to stay and detail the are occasionally maintenance workers if there is ever an
means of protection to set up to guard it against the Sun issue with pumping in food, water or removing the sewage.
and possible intruders if they are so inclined. Try not to Let your players think and propose a possible refuge
raise any red flags, but suggest that they are in unfamiliar
not listed above!
territory and such precautions would be normal.
Here are some refuge options:
- The motel: an ideal place to take refuge if you want
to go unnoticed but difficult to secure. The rooms are
simple: a bed, a bedside table, a TV, a window and a small
bathroom with no window.
- In the trunk of a car or in the back of a pickup
truck: either in the vehicle leased in Pittsburgh or in
another vehicle. If the PC’s had thought about it, they
may have specified the type of vehicle leased and solved
their problem. Also, you will want to see where they will
park their vehicle for the day. There are no large parking
structures, though there are a few public lots. The only
indoor options would be private garages.
- In an uninhabited house: being that there are no
derelicts anywhere in town it will be difficult to find one
within the hour window they have. Nevertheless, given
the few inhabitants, there are many empty houses. A roll
in Perception + Investigation difficulty 6 and 2 success
allows one to find an abandoned house before sunrise.
The dust inside will confirm that the house has been
deserted for a long time.
- The basement of a building: the town is not big abd Alice, Motel manager
the buildings rarely have more than three floors, but they This person is not a ghoul and is unaware of anything
do have cellars. On the other hand, the doors are locked about the particularity of the inhabitants of the town. She
by digital code and often have obvious cameras, so they is well paid for her job, and she was chosen because she
must be discreet.
has no family and does not ask questions.
- In the earth: there is the choice, but you must have
She takes care of the motel every night, and thus risks
level 3 of Protean or a spade and someone to cover them.
meeting our visiting vampires.
- Outside the town: if the PC’s go to the surrounding
mountains, they will hear howls of wolves. If they persist,
they could eventually find a cave! Police patrols
Police patrols run through the town. An attentive
- The industrial pig farm: even at night, there are
observer will notice that given the size of the town, the
employees in the factory. It seems a bad idea to go back
there to spend the day. Nevertheless, if they pass the number of patrols is far too high. There should likely not
security including wire netting, a guard at the entrance even be one.
and a multitude of cameras, they can take refuge in the Attributes and Abilities used have values of 3. They
basement where large scale pumping equipment is located have Kevlar vests and Heavy Pistols (Dmg 5L, Range 25,
permeating the entire thing with a perpetual rumbling Rate 3, Clip 13 + 1).

O u t c om e s
- Once settled in a refuge (or several), the new day comes. Go to Scene 2.

Scene 2
Attack during daylight
While the PC’s are in full sleep they are attacked by armed
ghouls !

Location : Motel or refuge chosen by the PCs

The town offers several possible refuges. The simplest, but not necessarily the best protected, is the motel. The
PC’s can ask not to be disturbed and block the entrance and obscure the windows. The bathroom does not have a
window making it an ideal refuge from the sun, but not so much for escape.

Whatever the PC’s try, they must not be able to escape.
The trap set up and the attack in broad daylight leaves
them no chance!
Ghouls will attack the PC’s in
broad daylight to capture them. If the
PC’s are not together, the attacks will Encounters
be coordinated to be simultaneous.
Since it is impossible to predict all
shelters, it will be necessary that the
Armed Ghouls
Storyteller adapts to those chosen All the ghouls involved are highly
by the PC’s. equipped, and look like police SWAT.
There are as many ghouls + 4 as PC’s
If one of the PC’s has interned in a refuge (example: 2 PJs in a cellar
themselves using Protean, they will = 6 ghouls).
be propelled out of the ground when This group of ghouls represents the
a backhoe begins digging the ground first line of attack, but twice as many
right above them. See the ground ghouls wait outside the refuge, and
rules for the Merging with Earth in others are placed with sniper rifles on
the French V20 core book on page the roofs or other tactically significant
176, English 199-200. locations. Finally, police patrols have
quarantined the town and are watching
As for waking up in broad daylight, all the ways out.
the rules are on page 270 of the
The Attributes and Abilities used
French V20 core book and page
have respective values of 3 (for
263 of the English version. The
Attributes) and 4 (for Abilities). They
awakening is difficult (Perception +
wear a Kevlar outfit that gives protection
Auspex, difficulty 8) and the time
of 3 and a penalty of -1 to the Dexterity-
of activity depends on successes on
related rolls. All have Potence at 1, and
a Humanity or Path, difficulty 8.
if needed some have Celerity at 1.
Keep in mind that die pools cannot be any larger than
the characters Humanity or Path rating. One ghoul per PC approaches with a hammer and stake
in his hands while the others hold the vampires down using
Do not forget that sunlight is deadly for a vampire, whatever tactic is best for the situation. If they wake up,
if the PC’s run away and find themselves exposed, they they shoot at them for quick neutralization.
will not survive long. Only Vampires with Fortitude can All ghouls have either a Heavy Machine Gun; (Damage
resist running through the sun’s rays and try to absorb 4L, Range 50, Rate 3, Clip 30+1), or an Assault Rifle;
them. The difficulty depends on the intensity of the sun (Damage 7L, Range 150, Rate 3, Clip 30+1) Statistics on
and the exposure. The ghouls attack around noon, but page 287 of the French V20 Core Book and page 281 of the
the sun is slightly veiled. This equates to a difficulty of 9 English version. They also carry telescoping batons (English
if the vampire is not covered enough (head and / or arm V20 page 280), tazers (5 meter reach, 10 bashing damage
exposed) for 2 levels of damage per turn, difficulty of 7 if and if successes exceed a characters Stamina + Fortitude
the vampire is covered as much as possible (hat, big coat, they will fall unconscious) and telescoping shock batons
hood, blanket) for 1 health level per turn from exposure (10 bashing damage and if successes exceed a characters
to the sun. Stamina + Fortitude they will fall unconscious)

O u t c om e s
- Once all the PC’s are neutralized, they are carried away by the ghouls. Go to Scene 3.

Scene 3
The PC’s are chained and regularly fed and emptied of
their blood. They must free themselves!

Location : Jail
The room in which the PC’s are located is covered with pavement and rings are attached to the wall that allows the
vampires to be chained to it. Opaque heavy plastic curtains on metal rings and rails separate each vampire and there
are six other unknown vampires in the room with them. The door is heavily fortified and locked from the outside
with a large sliding metal bar.

10 SCENE 3
Information Encounters
Each vampire is impaled and chained naked to the wall.
Every night follows the same protocol: Laboratory assistants
- 2 hours before dawn 2 laboratory assistants with 2 They all have close shaven
guards enter the room. All four ghouls are veterans of this heads (to avoid it getting grabbed
procedure and are extremely aware while in the room. The by unruly vampires) and ware
the vampries should be chained to the wall or a gurney full length white medical coats
depending on how uncomfortable you want your PC’s that button to the neck, topped
to be. They are also staked with their eyes covered with
off with very stylish sunglasses,
gauze and duct tape as well as gaged.
knowing they help in deterring
- 1 vampire is released from his stake but still chained the use of Dominate. They are also
down and under threat from the two guards. They are then all very clinical and detached for the most part remaining
offered enough pigs blood to satiate themselves. Each also evasive or even silent if spoken to primarily just asking the
suffers from three lethal wounds from the stake that has
PC’s to remain calm while they go about their process.
just been pulled out.
- After they are finished drinking the stake is re-impaled The Attributes and Abilities used have values of 3.
and a collection IV is attached. With the aid of a pump All have Potence at 1. They are not armed and have no
they are systematically emptied of their blood, the process combat skills.
usually taking several hours.
- The process is repeated for all vampires in turn and Guards
the ghouls leave the room. They are heavily armed
- During the day and once the vampires are almost and armored in riot gear with
emptied of blood, the pumps are stopped and the recovered visored helmets and steely
blood is collected. expressions watching for
This process is repeated every day. The ghouls who come the slightest provocation to
here have not drunk the blood of the vampire prisoners. brutalize any unruly vampire
Indeed, after a month the vampire is eliminated to avoid back into submission.
any risk of escape or blood tie. And it is only after his Their Attributes and Abilities used have respective
death that his blood is consumed by ghouls.
values of 3 (for Attributes) and 4 (for Abilities). All have
Here are some possible ways the PC’s could execute at least Potence at 1. They all have Riot Gear and Large
an escape: SMG’s (Damage 4L, Range 50, Rate 3, Clip 30+1), tazers
- It is possible for a character to twist subtly to avoid (5 meter reach, 10 bashing damage and if successes exceed
the stake piercing her heart, then “playing dead” till the a characters Stamina + Fortitude they will fall unconscious)
ghouls leave to deal with the chains. and telescoping shock batons (10 bashing damage and if
- The chains are tough, but it is possible for an extremely successes exceed a characters Stamina + Fortitude they
strong vampire to break them. It is possible for a vampire will fall unconscious).
with Potence to get the proper leverage and break a weak
link. Vampire prisoner
- Successfully establish eye contact and dominate a ghoul A prisoner may struggle,
(Willpower 6). See the “Eye Contact” side bar on page howl, and give info to the
152 of the English V20 Core Book.
PC’s such as the maximum
- Obfuscate and Presence can also be excellent tools of length of imprisonment...
psychological warfare against the ghouls.

O u t c om e s
The PC’s manage to free themselves and defeat the ghouls in the room. They leave the room, go to Scene 4. If
they are not able to free themselves it is possible for one of the guards to bollox a staking or for a local to show a
measure of pity and release them, possibly to her own demise.

Scene 4
The PC’s are out of their cells, so they have to run away
from the building!

Location : Jail (Clinic)

Once they exit, the PC’s find that their internment was actually in the towns medical clinic. Though most locals
have little need of a doctor since the blood allows them to heal themselves and remain eternally young there is still
an actual doctor on call for the rare occasion they are actually needed. The clinic deals with the drainage of vampires
and also serves as a headquarters for emergency situations like the one that is about to happen.

2 9
6 12
7 13
3 17

14 15


12 SCENE 4
are on alert since the vampires are being fed and emptied
of their blood.
The entire building is rigged with both silent and claxon
alarms, cameras are also placed in all the main corridors of
the building. All the windows are barred and the secondary Encounters
fire doors are locked by electronic magnetic key lock that
all the guards have secreted upon them. Doctors
1- Lobby: a counter with a hostess behind a large curved Attributes and Abilities
desk. There is a small pistol hidden beneath it. used have values of 3. All have
2- Meeting room: it is empty. Potence at 1.
3- Rooms for the guards and a laboratory: several are They are not armed and will
sleeping. flee calling for help.
4- Director’s office: empty, contains a lot of information
about the town and these particular inhabitants. Guards
5- Examination room: empty, but contains an unsettling The Attributes and Abilities
amount of scalpels and other sharp impliments. used have respective values of
3 (for Attributes) and 4 (for
6- Medical imaging room: radio, empty. Abilities) and have at least
7- Medical imaging room: scanner, empty. Potence 1.
8- Guard room: 2 guards stationed at all times, armed They have Riot Gear and
and supervising the cameras of the building. either a Large SMG’s or
Assault Shotgun, tazers (5
9- Offices: A ghoul is in one of the offices doing
meter reach, 10 bashing
damage and if successes exceed a characters Stamina +
10- Guard room: 2 guards stationed at all times. Fortitude they will fall unconscious) and telescoping
11- Detention room: empty, the windows are walled over. shock batons (10 bashing damage and if successes exceed a
characters Stamina + Fortitude they will fall unconscious).
12- Detention room: where the PC’s have been placed.
13- Detention room: 5 unknown vampires. Vampires
14- Maintenance rooms: stock of technical equipment
and various cleaning supplies. prisoners
15- Repository: medical equipment and medications They are universally
Neonates, most only having
16- Guard room: 2 guards stationed at all times. a few disciplines that you
17- Operating rooms: a doctor and three assistants are can distribute as you see fit.
dissecting a still “living” vampire in one of them, it is If released, they will all be
awake, in pain and very pissed off. close to hunger frenzy and
18- Guard room: 2 guards stationed at all times. be difficult to reason with,
most having been here far too long. Their main concern
19. Two walk-in coolers: in one is preserved the Vitae, is food directly followed by freedom, but PC’s can attempt
in the other is the blood of pigs given to the vampires. to win some over in a variety of ways.
It is night: half of the users have either returned home Attributes and Abilities used have values of 3.
or in the sleeping rooms. Nevertheless, the teams of guards

O u t c om e s
- The PC’s flee the clinic then go to Scene 5.

Scene 5
Leave the town
The PC’s will have to leave the town as soon as possible
with many ghouls on their heels!

Location : the town

The town is always well lit. If an alarm has been triggered, there are even more lights on thanks to projectors located
at several strategic points of the town. Most inhabitants have barricaded themselves in their homes, but the patrols
of police are numerous and are backed up by patrols of guards.

14 SCENE 5
Information Encounters
Here are some elements to manage this run:
- A vehicle: there are few cars this time of night, but it Guards
is possible to get one of them in a parking lot or garage. Their Attributes and
Roll Technology + Dexterity Difficulty 8 to start without Abilities used have respective
the keys. In case of pursuit: Dexterity + Drive (Rule page values of 3 (for Attributes)
267 of V20). All the forces of town will make every attempt and 4 (for Abilities). All have
to neutralize a vehicle driven by the PC’s! Potence at 1.
- Use the sewers: they are cramped, but large enough They have Riot Gear with
to move through. On the other hand, they have been Heavy Machine Guns or Assault page 287 of the French
secured with locked gates blocking the passages requiring V20 and page 281 of the English version, tazers (5 meter
Strength 7 and 4 successes force them open. Some of the reach, 10 bashing damage and if successes exceed a
gates are trapped though and just touching them causes a characters Stamina + Fortitude they will fall unconscious)
very powerful electric discharge dealing 6 levels of lethal and telescoping shock batons (10 bashing damage and if
damage, preventable with Stamina + Fortitude difficulty 7. successes exceed a characters Stamina + Fortitude they
Passing these pitfalls makes it possible to get out of town. will fall unconscious).
- A patrol: it is necessary to escape the various patrols;
nevertheless there is a great chance that finally one of them Police patrols
catches up with the PC’s: 4 guards on foot or a police
patrol. They must react quickly not to provide time for They are two officers per
reinforcements to arrive. Put pressure on them by giving vehicle.
them a countdown between 4 and 6 turns before the The Attributes and Abilities
reinforcements arrive. Depending on whether the PC’s used have values of 3. They
are discreet or not, this event could happen several times. have Kevlar vests and carry
- A diversion: it is possible to organize a diversion in Heavy Pistols (Damage 5L,
order to disorganize the pursuers. The simplest thing Range 25, Rate 3, Clip 13 + 1).
would be to set fire to a building. This will disrupt the
patrols, and will facilitate escape.
- A little humanity: the PC’s will probably want to make Inhabitants
the ghouls of the town pay, however a large part of them
live and work more or less normally, and have nothing They are mostly ghouls
to do with what happened to the PC’s. If they come into working for the community,
contact with one of the inhabitants, they may try to extract but they all will raise the
their revenge. alarm if they are confronted
by the PC’s. There are Police
There are of course dozens of possibilities, the purpuse is boxes situated throughout
to keep the PC’s under pressure, give them the impression the town with easy access
that the escape is difficult and that it will take them time
and all that needs to be done
to get out of the town without getting caught. A direct
is push a button though a
exit by the only main road would be a suicide run since
phone is also available with
several guards watch over the entrance to the town with
a flashing red light on the top that lights up if used. The
heavy artillery.
Attributes and Abilities used have values of 2, possibly
Finally, do not forget, to add to the suspense, that the an additional handgun.
night does not last forever.
O u t c om e s
- If the PC’s run into the mountain: go to Scene 6.
- If the PC’s succeed in escaping by car and eliminating any pursuer: go to Scene 7.

Scene 6
Outside the town
The PC’s have left the town but are not out of trouble
since they must cross dangerous mountains inhabited by

Location : the mountain forest

The surrounding mountains are not very high. These are the Appalachian foothills covered with hardwoods. Apart
from the town, there are very few inhabitants on these mountains aside from a small tribe of Lupines that reside and
hunt here. They usually appear as normal wolves and typically avoid Hollow Town, up to this point never getting
closer than eyesight.

Following the road is far simpler for traversing the mountains much easier, but also more
difficult to avoid the ghoul patrols searching for the PC’s.
Hiking the mountains is better to slow pursuit, but also makes crossing them much
longer and more perilous. Getting to the next town by hiking could take days and that is
only if they know where they are going.
Here are some elements to liven up the tour of the mountains for the PC’s:
- The teams of ghouls will cross the mountains in groups of four on foot and utilize
ATV’s, off road vehicles and patrol the sparse network of roads frequently. If the PC’s are
not careful, or if you wish an unfortunate encounter to occur, it is a viable circumstance.
Again, each team is in radio contact with the others and it will take speed and efficiency to

16 SCENE 6
avoid any reinforcements called in before they can escape.
- They will very likely need to find sustenance and it is
most likely going to come mostly in the form of animal
blood or occasionally after a fight with werewolves or Hunting
ghouls. Remember though that for every level of health
damage a body takes it is considered to have one less blood teams
point in it for consumption (Earning Blood Pool page 268
The Attributes and
English V20 & page 264 French V20). This endeavor could
Abilities used have
be simple or extremely complicated depending on what
respective values of 3
skills and disciplines they have. Remember that using a
(for Attributes) and
firearm could lead the ghouls or other inhabitants of the
4 (for Abilities). All
mountain right to them.
have at least Potence
- They will need to find a refuge for the day. Again, at level 1.
depending on skills such as Survival and Disciplines
They have Assault
such as Protean, this could be quite easy or very difficult.
rifles, 7L Damage,
There are a lot of small caves and crevasses that can also be
Range 150, Rate 3, 30 + 1 Clip). Read on page 287 of the
utilized, but finding the right one, or several ones, that are
French V20 and page 281 of the English version.
deep enough and will hold enough of them could be very
difficult. Securing such and area will also be an issue since
both the werewolves and the ghouls are patrolling it during Lupines
the day and could just as easily find where the PC’s are Their statistics and characteristics are found on pages
literally holed up. If any of them do find the PC’s during 384 and 385 of the French V20 and pages 378-379 of
the day, review the daylight Awakening rules on page 270 the English version. Choose Teenage Werewolves and
of the French V20 and 262-243 or the English version. possibly an experienced Lupine if the PC’s are powerful
- The pack of Lupines that live on the mountains have enough. Beware, however, of not putting too much: they
a good chance of falling on the PC’s for any number of make very powerful opponents!
reasons. Use them to increase the tension by having the
PC’s hear wolf howls rolling through the mountains, see
traces of large and small claw marks on trees (marking
of territory), or they see a humanoid form or a pack of
wolves in the distance seemingly tracking them. These
various signs should push them to move faster and be
more attentive and cautious. The pack is there if you want
to add a more significant and dangerous battle, give the
impression of more danger, add tension or want push
them in a specific direction as the pack “herds” them
where they want the PC’s to go.
Once the next town is reached, the PC’s can use a faster
means of transport (car or possibly even a plane) and
return to New York. The ghouls, however, have a team to
monitor the night arrivals there and the PC’ss will suffer
a last attack to make attempt to silence them.

O u t c om e s
If the PC’s reach civilization alive, they can return to New York and come back to Hollow Town with reinforcements. Go to
Scene 7.

Scene 7
The coming back
The PC’s return with a small army of vampires to eliminate
all of the ghouls in Hollow Town.

Location : Hollow Town again

The town is the same as in Scene 1, but depending on the choices made, there will likely be fewer inhabitants.

18 SCENE 7
Information Encounters
Though John Thomas is obviously not found, the PC’s The Leader of the Assault
have informed their superior of the existence of Hollow He is an Archon, a Paladin, a Justicar or a Bishop. He
Town and what goes on there. Several dozen vampires arrives at Hollow Town with one goal; to destroy all ghouls.
have been gathered and come to Hollow Town to destroy He has several tens of vampires under his command that are
everything. As privileged witnesses, the PC’s are invited all at least as competent as the PC’s. He will nevertheless
to guide the assault. be prudent and organized.

The ghoul
This last scene is optional and offers several possible
choices. defenders
If ghouls have
- The ghouls left the town after the escape of the PC’s. remained, here are their
It is deserted, but trapped. Of course the explosions are characteristics. They are
triggered when the vampires are in the center of the town. grouped by at least 3.
The search ends in a gigantic fire! Their Attributes and
Abilities have respective
values of 3 (for Attributes)
- The ghouls left the town after the escape of the
and 4 (for Abilities). They
PC’s, but the Lupines occupied it trying to figure out
wear a Kevlar outfit that
what happened. The battle will take place, but against
gives protection of 3 and a penalty of -1 to the Dexterity-
unsuspected Lupine opponents.
related rolls. All have at least Potence 1, and some may
have Celerity to 1.
- The ghouls evacuated the majority of the population, They all have Assult Rifles (Damage 7L, Range 150,
but left a defensive force to repel the vampires. The ghouls Range 3, Clip 30 + 1) and Assault Shotguns (Damage 7L,
are not enough to resist, but they will fight valiantly and Range 150, Rate 3, Clip 30 + 1). Read on page 287 of the
use their knowledge of the town to inflict heavy losses and French V20 and 281 of the English V20.
ultimately blow the town up in a fiery explosion.
The Lupines
- The ghouls have remained and are preparing to defend Their characteristics are
against the onslaught of vampires. Only non-combatant found on pages 384-385 of
ghouls were evacuated. There are more than a hundred the French V20 & 378-379
ghouls left! They could have even bargained into an alliance of the English pV20. Take
with the Lupines and are assisted by up to ten werewolves. Teenage Werewolves and
The fight will be long and the outcome is more than possibly an experienced
uncertain. The actions of the PC’s could tip the scales. If Lupine if the PC’s are of
the vampires are repelled, they will come back even more. sufficient power. Be careful
though not to put too much, they are very powerful

O u t c om e s
- The PC’s lead an investigation to the discovery of a community of very dangerous independent ghouls. Though weakened,
they probably still exist and still pose as a very serious threat. This could be considered by some visionaries as a sign of Gehenna.

Ghoul City is the second chapter of the Chronicles of the Blood Moon. Play the Camarilla
Archons or the Sabbat Templars !

Trapped in a small town and surrounded by ghouls, the PC try to escape...


7 SOCIAL 35-74

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