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NEW JOURNAL #3 – 2007+

9/10/07 journal entry

Letter to heather as I sit in a hotel room in Cleveland OH. I have had a wonderful day, even though it is plagued
because I am without you and the kids -- my true joy and meaning in life.  I have read much in the scriptures and
the Alchemist and contemplated on my blessings in life.  I have been surprised as I ponder back on my life events
at how God has directed me, without directing me, how his influence on people and in various places has shaped
my vision and path.  I am blessed to have along that way found you. 

You are my life and my friend and I will trust in you like I will trust in God.  We are truly blessed.  I can think of no
one I would rather spend my life with and our journey in searching and finding what God has intended for us from
the beginning. 

We both knew things would be different and wonderful and challenging and right most importantly when we first
met each other.  The heavens conspired for our good and for us to come together and be one.  I am grateful for a
God who is so giving and loving and concerned for his children that he would endeavor in such an active and yet
silent way to convince man of his all seeing and knowing presence as to align our paths as He did.

All I can say is that I love you.  And, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in my, having faith in
me.  Together we will walk in heavenly pathways.

11/10/07 – I don’t believe this entry made it into my last journal print.

I’m not sure where to start. My father died 7-10-07, four months ago today. He had complications from a stroke
about 3-weeks before he passed that led to his death. He had been having significant headaches for the few days
leading up to the stroke. The stroke happened at Mom and Dads house by the back patio, he fell down hard –
hitting one of the patio poles and knocking it loose bruising his him. They took him to the hospital. The stroke was
centered on the occipital ridge of the back of his head. He was right in the area where eyesight functions occur
and it cause a hemorrhage or swelling to occur thus affecting his sight. If they would have taken him to the
hospital in the first three hours after the stroke they could have done something they say to help him. But, like my
dad – fairly stubborn, he insisted he just wanted to lie down and rest. They took him to the hospital the next day
and ran the test and sure enough it was a stroke. They uncovered that his heart arrhythmia had been going on for
some several months before thus the heart was not getting a full pump and therefore after several months the
blood began to pool and clot in the base of his heart. He was on high blood pressure medication and instead of
taking it two tables twice a day, he basically was taking one table 4 times a day and thus ‘regulating’ these episodes
when his heart would start to really skip and then he would lie down, rest for a while, and all would be well until he
took his other pill.

I should have written earlier about but it has been hard to do so. I went to the hospital, St. Marks, with Heather.
We were joined by Chet and Judy Hutchings, great friends of my family. Mom was there of course and Chet and I
planned to give him a blessing. I can’t explain how much I looked to my patriarchal blessing about my ‘healing
hands’and faith to raise people from their beds of affliction because of my faith and how much I wanted to heal my
dad. I wanted to lay my hands on his head and say in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to be made whole.
Chet anointed his head and I sealed the anointing. There are not words to describe the feeling in my heart and
head. I was not able to say the things I wanted to. I was not able to say the things my mom hoped for. However,
what I said I believe is what Heavenly Father inspired me to say. I spoke about how his experience with this stroke
would help to prepare him for his mission and role in being more like the savior and, help him to come unto the
savior and that he had truly become a savior on mount zion as mentioned in his patriarchal blessing. I mentioned
how his sight now would become more perfect and help him to ‘see more clearly’ the things of the Lord, even
though his physical sight was weakened. I felt as if I was saying goodbye which was the hardest part and I felt like I
was telling him to prepare himself to meet his savior. It is an amazing thing to be a son, and so badly want to try
and force God’s hand pertaining the words of the blessing but knowing full well that the words, and thoughts and
inspiration that came to me and that I spoke was what was needed to be said and what dad needed to hear, and
mom. I spoke about how he had a great work to do in utilizing his organizational skills and abilities in assisting
Jesus Christ for the preparation of his second coming. These were the main elements of what I remember. It felt
almost like an out of body type experience, you get caught up in it and no one else is there in that room. You don’t
sense objects, time, light, people, the hospital, nothing. It was me alone in a state of communicating thoughts and
impressons that were funneling through me directly to my dad. I don’t even remember sensing President
hutchings hands there with mine on my dads head. It was like a conduit of thought and words that were coming to
me from above that I spoke without thinking. I am thankful for this experience. I finished the prayer and realized
that no miracles had been performed. No immediate healing had occurred. Even if I had wanted to force the
words out and say it, with my faith, it was not there to be said. Thus it was with me that night that I realized my
dad was going to be leaving us soon.

They put him on a myriad of medications and pills and shots over the coming weeks. He was in the hospital for a
while, we brought the kids to come and see him one night. They were all in good spirits and so was dad. His vision
was the same or slightly worse – the outsides of everything he looked at was gone or very blurry as he moved his
head from right to left it would blur before him. Also, he could only see a box of the person as he looked at them
and their legs might be cut off in the picture and any peripheral vision was also missing.

I’ll never forget his hands. His voice. His love for us. The shots got worse and worse, he learned patience and
humility as he bowed down to the will of the Dr’s even though he hated every minute of it and would rather have
not had any of it. He was doing it all for us and for mom I felt. His stomach began to look like a bruised checker
board or patch work of blue, black, purple and yellow. It was awful. About three weeks passed and then on July
10, 2007 our doorbell rang. It was around 4 am or so. It was a police officer. They couldn’t reach us and so Terry
had the local police come and let me know. I got in the car and drove to the University of Utah as fast as I could.
His head had continued to hemmorage to a major extend. When I got there he was lying down and was in a great
deal of pain in his head. They showed me pictures of his brain and the blood, as they had been ‘thinning’ it over
the prior few weeks had basically swarmed his head to try and ‘heal’ I assume the damaged part of his brain from
the Stroke. It was pushing the brain and squeezing it out and causing him almost to black out for pain. They were
going to need to quickly thicken the blood in the next few hours, after thinning it out for weeks, so they could drill
a hole to release the pressure. They showed us the kit for the procedure and made it seem like it was an fairly
ordinary one. At that time I had no reason to believe he wouldn’t make it through the day. All the siblings were
there except Ken. He had had some leg surgery the day before and was pretty doped up and home in bed. Things
happened so fast over the next few hours and turned from bad to worse that we called Vickie/Ken and heather
and said it was time to get to the hospital as it didn’t look like he was going to make it. I was able to sit by my dads
side for a good long time. I was able to see him, look into his eyes, talk with him, come back his hair and hold his
big strong hands. He would regulary startle and sit up and say ‘my head hurts’, over and over and over again. We
kept reassuring him, they were doing everything they could and it would be better soon. He just answered ‘easier
said than done’. He was in so much pain. Finally after a few hours with us, they were ready to wheel him in to
surgery. As they took him away, again I wasn’t thinking it was the end yet. Soon after they took him in, he had
either blacked out from the pain or the drugs they gave him, I think a little of both. They came back in and gave us
some news that things weren’t looking good. That they were able to get the head shaved and the tube in but that
things were not going well and that we should prepare ourselves for the worst but that they would keep doing all
they could. Heather’s mom left work and watched the kids and Heather and Ken showed up at about the same
time. Julie, Andrea, Bill, Rick and Vickie also were there now. Mom and I were able to go in and see him first after
the surgery. I was amazed at how slow the draining from the head was. They had to thicken his blood again so
during the surgery he wouldn’t bleed to death, but they indicated that during the thickening process it had turned
to Jelly basically and that it would take some time – maybe days. As soon as the Dr. said that I realized it was over.
My dad was ready to go and obviously his maker was ready for him to come home. After mom and I kissed and
loved him and said goodbye, we left so that others could go and visit by two’s. I think it was Pam and Julie and
Andrea? That went next and they were only able to be there for a short while before things starting getting much
worse and they had to kick them out. After a few more minutes the Dr. came back in and notified us that by all
measures he was showing no brain activity whatsoever and that he was brain dead. They were already having to
breath for him because his brain wasn’t telling him to do that anymore. We all gathered together to go into the
room to say our goodbye’s. It was very moving and touching as everyone took their time and hugged him, and
loved him, and kissed him. Heather gave him such tender loves and hugs and spoke so kind to him that it broke my
heart. After a good while, we had a decision to make. They could leave him on the machines or we could turn
them off. We all knew that Dad would want them turned off. Mom looked around at everyone to make sure all
felt the same. I asked mom if she wanted Ken and I to give him a blessing and release him from this life. She said
she did. We laid out hands on his head and as voice I prayed over my father for the last time with the priesthood
of God. I told him it was OK to go home, that it was time to leave and I released him from his body and closed in
the name of Jesus Christ. Soon thereafter the Dr.’s came back in and we confirmed our wishes – they turned the
machines off. They left the room. We were all holding each other and watching dad. I was praying so hard in the
corner of the room that he wouldn’t fight it or that his body wouldn’t do anything terrible or convulsive. I kept
praying and praying with all my heart to just let him pass quietly and peacefully. We watched his heart rate and
pulse gradually decrease, slower, slower, and slower until it went to zero and flat line. His color at that very
moment changed so dramatically. His spirit left him at that second in my opinion. He went from pink in color to a
muted gray almost. He was still warm to the touch of course, and still my dad in the flesh – but his spirit and soul
had departed his body. We all said again our goodbyes.

I love my father, Ordell Edwin Passey. None of us are perfect people on this planet, but I loved him as if he were
perfect. I wanted nothing more than for him to be pleased with me, proud of me and happy with me and my life. I
miss him very much. I haven’t cried too much since he has been gone. A few times at the oddest moments, but
when something strikes a cord my heart pounds, my spirit quickens and my eyes moisten.

The funeral services went well. The casket was beautiful. Everyone did such a fantastic job. I worked on the
program with everyone’s input and help from our graphics designer at work. I also contributed to the funeral costs
with money for the casket. All of the services were recorded on tape. I have listened to it a few times in the car,
but it is hard to listen to. They had a color guard at the church with all the old scouts from about 30-years. It was
awesome. Darrion drove down from Oregon just to be here. It was so amazing. Ken dedicated the grave at Bear
Lake. Mom asked me to say some few words on the spot, thankfully the spirit prompted me with some few things
to say.

My mom is strong. She has the strength of an army. I can’t imagine her feelings. I am so thankful for the
knowledge of the redemption and resurrection of man and that families can be together for ever. My mom is still
here with us for a purpose. I love her very much. She has stayed with us a few times and come to visit the kids
and share family home evening. We just went to the temple together on 11/8 – My parents 52 wedding
anniversary. List and Mom went to Salt Lake and then went with us to Bountiful that night. It was so nice.
Families can be together forever. With Heavenly Fathers plan – I always want to be with my own family – and the
Lord has shown us how we can. The Lord, has shown us how we can.


Wow – I am a pathetic loser. I wish I would do a better job at this. Well, where to start.

Work – is going great. We still have not signed the next bank. We have a lot in the pipeline and I think
we will get one soon. But it seems we have been off slightly on pricing and to be honest I am not the
best sales guy in the world with tons of tenacity. I have hired Eric Thiegs to perform in that role and he
is amazing. It allows me to focus my talents in other areas and him to do what he does best – open
doors. While that has been going on I have been a part of a lot of fun and exciting new things at work.
We make more and more presentation into bigger organizations and potential clients (visa, Allstate,
American Express, Bank of America, AAA, BB&T, etc.,) I think I am helping take the company to the next
level on many fronts. We have a lot of great people who work there for sure – I am just trying to inspire
and sell Access personnel and the world on our ‘drug’ – our passion and value we can deliver via our
merchant network. I have been given the opportunity to work on Mobile as of late. The opportunity is
the ability to deliver our merchant network up via the cell phone so people can receive savings alerts
and save. It is a lot of fun and I am looking forward to hopefully being the provider to get it out there.
My boss is great, Casey Kleinman, and the people who work with me closest – Bryce Benson, Doug
Jentzsch, Andrew Graft, Travis Isaacson, Rusty Bently, Tracie Ellis, etc., are fantastic.

Noah – he is about to be baptized. My mom took him to get his scriptures the other day. I am so proud
of him. He is talking about how he would like to go on a mission to Peru. He is so loving and tender. He
struggled a bit early on the last year or so with reading but is really doing such a good job now. He is
getting good marks in school and being a better student. He still has the wiggles as all kids do, but he is
a great kid and I love him with all my heart. I see a lot of me in him and his personality. He loves to play
games on the computer and play with his pokemon cards and he loves to play outside with his brother
Sam. He loves to be his ‘sister’s best friend. He is the first to give hugs and kisses and can be the first to
be easily hurt – in the heart that is. He will want to make it right and love and kiss and hug to make it all
better. He recently with Sam came with me on a Scout Eagle project and he worked so hard for 2+
hours hauling rocks as we cleaned up and built a retaining wall around the west bountiful lake. I was so
proud of him and Sam and how they worked together. Sam got tired quicker and was more easily
distracted as any 5-year old would be – but Noah was a trooper. We were in Bear Lake a month or so
ago and I took him shooting and helped him shoot a .22 caliber. He loved it. He played soccer this
spring and did a good job. He was in the wrong class, older age group boys, but it was good for him. He
is still good at baseball and has a knack for it but didn’t play this last year. He really came along a lot this
summer with swim classes and finally started to take to it quite a bit. I was happy and hope he will
continue. He is a good boy and I am proud to call him son.

Sam – Sam is such a joker and a smart-alecky kid. He too played soccer, because his brother was going
to. He was really not all that interested but it was so cute to see him out there in his little uniform going
after the ball -- some of the time. Sam is more independent than Noah. He likes to do things on his
own, a little like Bailey, but not so much. He is doing well in Kindergarten this year and picking up on
letters and numbers and some basic reading. He too loves his pokemon cards. He loves treats and we
call him our little mouse or mousy because he is always getting into stuff – we will find wrappers all over
the house and we know Sam has gotten into the pantry. We also call him Sam Sosa or our little
Sasquatch – largely because of his head full of hair. I just love this little juicy boy so much. He has my
nose, before I had my nose fixed that is. He is the first to let you know when he is tired and will regularly
come and grab me or say to me – dad will you put me to bed, I’m tired. Or, will you tuck me in I want to
go to sleep now. I can tell you I don’t get that from any of the other three kids. And, when he goes
down – he goes down and is out like a light. He is a bit messy and likes to take things apart and
unfortunately not put them back together again. Like the pirate guys or lego’s that we find bits and
pieces of all over the house. Sam never wants to be left out – hates when Noah has a play date and he
can’t go or has a birthday party with some friends from school that Sam may know from play dates and
he can’t go – it is so sad and cute to see how bad he wants to be with his brother and be with the big
kids. And yet, those two are largely inseparable. They love each other so much. I love that they share a
room and have that bonding time and experience.

11/18/08 – Sunday in church Jenna was being a pill. I took her into nursery for the last few minutes
another couple was in there listening to sacrament as well. Heather had to give the prayer and her
voice came through on the intercom. I asked Jenna if she could hear mommy’s voice – she stopped and
listened and then looked at me and asked “Why is mommy in heaven”. It was the cutest thing ever. It
made me wonder if she has heard voices from ‘heaven’ or above before.  She is our angel. 

Noah had a ‘crazy party this weekend’ with all of his cousins over for a sleep over. I don’t think that will
be happening again anytime soon, but I think they had a good time. I worked in the temple on Saturday,
my 5th Saturday I believe – I really enjoy it and feel I am getting better at the memorization required for
the initiatory. Later that day was our ward temple night – the session was so full we couldn’t get in. So
the Plumley’s and the Passey’s went and did sealings for an hour. It was so awesome to see Todd and
Erin at the altar together. They will be sealed as a couple and family this weekend. It was also so cool to
see heather act as daughter and Erin act as daughter in sealing family units together. Very cool.

Heather and I are getting more serious about listing our house for sale. Things are getting ‘slippery’ in
these last days and money is eroding. We want to secure our future by getting out of this house and
buying one we can afford out right with no debt as we have been counceled.

1/21/09 – Heather and I celebrated our 14 year anniversary last night. It was excellent. We went to Ruth Chris
Steakhouse in Park City and had a really enjoyable evening. Heather’s feedback in an email was the following:

Just thinking about how nice last night was.  Thanks you for taking me out and for the perfect dinner!  Most of all, I
enjoyed our drive, just talking and being close and alone.  Then later.... well you know how I feel about that!  We
really do have something wonderful.  I love you.  Have a great day!  Heather

12/29/08 – email from Stan Stadelman Jr.


Thanks!   It's great to hear from you.  Yes, finally graduated from Berkeley with a BA in Music.  Took something like
8 years front to back, but there were a couple years in the middle where I was working... I interned at a foreign
currency exchange, did a few months of mortgage sales (during which I did enough math to realize there were a
couple systemic problems that none of my coworkers seemed overly concerned by), and then lucked out and
ended up writing business plans and consulting for a few fledgling startups--doing investor presentations,
projections, product prototyping, etc.  They paid a bit, but Dad was very good to me, and subsidized quite a lot of
housing, etc.  When the market fell out last August, I went back and finished up the degree, then spent the
summer interviewing.   I started in September with Sybase, in Dublin.  They took me on as a Sr. Marketing Research
Analyst, so I've spent some time doing standard market segment sizing for our database, analytics, and mobility
product groups.  I was also assigned to the strategy group for a go-to-market plan in enterprise mobility:  mobile
middleware to support collaboration and unified-communications software for white-collar personnel.  It gave me
a great opportunity to work with some of the senior people in the company, and also to exercise my creative side
and design the product prototype for an iPhone application that was demoed for the executives at the
presentation.  We gained approval to go forward with the program, and while I am unsure if I will be allocated
specifically to that initiative, I'm scheduled this month to participate in some strategy conversations with one of
our major potential partners. 

Other than work, I'm hoping to get out from under Dad's roof in the next couple months, and looking forward to
joining the ranks of uncledom.  I still keep in touch with Ryan, Ryan, and Joe(l)y pretty closely.  Fonnesbeck is in
North Dakota for three years commanding a missile silo.  Joel is finishing his second year of law school, and
secured a summer job with a firm in Oakland, so I'll probably see a bit more of him.  Ribeira's wife (Gaylynn) is
expecting shortly before Natalie (Dave's wife).  He's in med school at UC Davis, and every time I see him I get a new
story about removing a leg or looking at brains in class.  I'm dating on and off, but nothing serious lately.  Mostly
trying to get the career nailed down.

Do your scouts play Deuces or Killer Uno?  Your family looks like it's growing by leaps and bounds.  My mother is
consistently impressed with the 'artistic quality' of the christmas cards she receives each year.  It's quite the
inspiration for having more than two kids.

I should get back to the whiteboard.  The whole company has a mandatory shut-down between Christmas and
New Years, but I wanted to get some things in a ppt before everyone gets back.  Thanks for the note, it's great to
hear from you.  Between scouts and young men's, I always found that your advice rang true with me.  Except for
Killer Uno. Thanks for everything, hope to see you one of these days, Stan


I have programmed this in my computer again so I can hopefully do it at least weekly and update my journal.
Heather spent the weekend, leaving Thursday night, with Jennifer height a friend from our CA ward. They live in
Tracy. They had a great time, visiting and shopping, and eating lots of pastries. I am glad she could go, we used a
free southwest ticket which was nice. I took Friday off and watched the kids. You definitely get an appreciation for
your sweet wife watching the kids like that for 3.5 days. It is hard work of course but not just that it is mentally
and emotionally draining as well. I love my kids. We had a great time. Yes, I got mad several times – but overall it
was fun. We did a lot in the yard with planting new plants and pulling out dead ones that didn’t make it through
the winter. We went on an overnighter with the boys and Emily watched the girls. It was at East Canyon and it
was a good time and we slept well, rare for me. It was our Stake Fathers & Sons and they did a good job with a re-
enactment of Joseph Smith and the first vision and the restoration of the priesthood. It was really well done.
Other than that we played some catch, we had a fire in the backyard and cooked marshmallows and watched the
sun set. We cooked banana nut bread and we made home made wheat bread.

Another thing of note, I haven’t written about is that I have been working as an ordinance worker in the Bountiful,
Utah Temple. It is really a lot of fun. It was hard memorizing everything at first – I only work on Saturday’s but
that is enough. I get there around 4:50 am and we start at 5:05 am and then it goes to about 11:00 am. I enjoy it
and believe the blessings are evident. It is hard on heather and the kids of course – it is a two year calling at a
minimum. I started in September I believe of 2008. I should check on that. Well, that is it for now. Back to work.
Work is going good. I am very fortunate and blessed to work for such a great company and with such great people.
I had a scary dream last night that I was still at Visa and Howard was letting me know that I was on a short list and
likely to get fired with the economy and my salary and the like – I woke up not feeling well because of that and
worried about what I would do if I lost my job at Access and realized how blessed I was and how I should work
even harder to benefit my employer.


The kids are back in school. Heather is way happy about that and so am I . I love them getting a good education
and learning social skills and all the basics. Work is going good although I am starting to feel a bit of a funk. I am
trying to work out of it. December will be 5-years at Access. I am very fortunate and blessed. I work with
excellent people truly and am in SLC around family (both sides) and make a good living. I always simply want to
make sure I am doing what the lord wants me to do. I was just released from YM’s after 4.5 years and put in as 1 st
counselor in Elders Quorum. I was also asked to speak in church on Sunday – the topic was Forgiveness – I have
copied my talk below.

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to go to Brother Cardon’s house to get tickets for the temple dedication. That
temple dedication was indeed an awesome event and the first for Bailey and Noah. However, a not so blessed
event was Brother Cardon asking me to speak in church today.

I was asked to speak on the ‘greatest of all miracles’ in my mind from the scriptures and in our church. Ponder
that….. The greatest of all miracles.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ is a God of miracles. He turned water into wine. He healed the sick. He fed the five
thousand with few loaves of bread and two fishes. He cast out devils. Returned sight to the blind. Calmed the
stormy sea, walked on water, and even raised the dead.

But can any miracle be equal to that one which frees men and women? Can any miracle compare with that one
which is provided by Jesus “to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed
go free”..(Isa 58:6) Can any miracle be greater than -- the Miracle of Forgiveness?

Joseph Smith said” “It is better to save a man -- than raise one from the dead.”

This is a weighty topic -- but a beautiful and amazing and wonderful thing to ponder. I truly have not thought on it
specifically in a while and this assignment gave me the opportunity to do so and for that – I thank Brother Cardon.
It seems our leaders often know what challenges or assignments we need to continue our progression and with
that I hope to share some things with you today that may be of worth in your own pondering of this miracle of
You know one of the first things I thought of when I left his house was “Wow” Forgiveness – one could go a myriad
of ways – which one was the right path for me to ponder and share. I began to realize there were two seemingly
specific paths forward in thinking on forgiveness in its simplest terms.

The First Path – The one in which we seek forgiveness from others or from Heavenly Father for our shortcomings
and sins, and

The Second Path – The one in which others seek our forgiveness –

Simply put – the first path is to be forgiven and the second path is the necessity to forgive.

Which one to talk on at first was my thought? But then, I realized they both go hand in hand and both come about
through principles of the atonement of Jesus Christ. And while reading various scriptures I found this linkage to
one another even more evident:

Luke 6: 36-37 & 41 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged:
condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:  -- Again, “Forgive, and ye shall be

So it seems in order for the one to occur (the first path) – forgiveness, we first have to be willing and able to be
forgiving. Forgiving of others who may have offended us. Since our ultimate goal is to be washed clean and
forgiven of all our sins in order to enter into his rest, I will start with a quick overview on the requirement for us to
forgive others.

It is in fact a commandment as we read in Doctrine & Covenants. D&C 64: 9-10

“Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his
trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin. I the Lord will forgive
whom I will forgive, but of you it is REQUIRED to forgive all men.”

So – How are we doing? Do we often hold grudges? Are we judgmental of others? Are we secretly mad at
someone at work, at home, in our family, or even in our ward -- or upset with something they said, or worse that
they are ‘proposed to have said’? If we can’t be forgiven without us forgiving others – it seems a principle mighty
indeed we must master – ‘for no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of God’. (Alma 40:26) I am reminded of a
message shared by the Lord from the Sermon on the Mount and the beautiful beatitudes – where we read:
(Mathew 7:3-5)

“And why beholdest the mote (speck) that is in they brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam (architectural
beam) that is in thine own eye. Or, how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mote out of thine eye;
and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou Hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine eye; and then shalt
thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of they brother’s eye.”

More clearly spoken – Judge not, that ye be not judged. Judgment and Mercy or Justice and Mercy go hand and
hand – but judgment and condemnation are reserved for the Lord only – again of us – it is required to forgive all.

Isn’t it best for us to simply love our brothers and sisters? Be kind to those who use us. Turn the other cheek if
necessary and be forgiving. It is truly not in our nature to be mean or offensive – those are not traits of Christ and
aren’t we spiritually begotten children unto him and literally spirit children of God? And if someone was
purposefully mean – Life is too short. Lets not let it bother us, why let it fester and boil. Let us all resolve to be
better and resolve here and now to forgive and forget. I am confident it will bless and enrich our lives.

There are many examples of this principle in the scriptures and in our modern day. However, I will share one that
comes to mind of people being judgmental where they didn’t stand in a position to be judgemental – for they were
not clean themselves…

Of course, this is the story of the woman caught in adultery (relate S&P). While not forgiven as in other examples
in scripture when brought before the Lord it demonstrates how even though ‘caught in sin’, those ‘thine accusers’
were not in a position (they were not clean themselves) to judge. The Lord asked “let him who is without sin cast
the first stone” all abandoned their judgment or ‘justice’ and departed -- and the Lord charged her to go – and Sin
no more stating that ‘neither did he condemn her’. Giving her hope and encouragement I am sure for the law was
that she should be stoned. But mercy took its part – not in full, but for a season allowing her time to seek
repentance and forgiveness. This scripture does not propose that mercy can rob justice, but that justice and mercy
can both prevail.

The other Path I mentioned is when we need to be forgiven. Whether of someone we have offended or forgiven
of God for our sins and misdeeds. That may be through acts of omission and acts of commission (expound)

If I could start with two examples where an individual stood in a position to seek forgiveness of another.

During some hard times in the early church many turned against Joseph the prophet – many close and dear friends
who had seen, heard, and felt amazing things. W.W. Phelps one of Joseph’s closest associates caused him great
sufferings and turmoil as one of those who forsook Joseph and stood on the other side – and yet, after a season,
came to realize what he had done and sought forgiveness with the following:

WW Phelps Letter June 29, 1840. “I have not walked with my friends according to my holy anointing: I ask
forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ of all the saints -- for I will do right -- God helping me, I want your
fellowship: If you cannot grant that, grant me your peace and friendship, for we are brethren, and our communion
used to be sweet”

Joseph’s Response: (July 22, 1840) “It is true, that we have suffered much in consequence of your behavior-
the cup of gall already full enough for mortals to drink, was indeed filled to overflowing when you turned against
us: one with whom we had oft taken sweet council together, and enjoyed many refreshing seasons from the Lord
"Had it been an enemy we could have borne it" In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day when
strangers carried away captive his forces and foreigners entered into his gates and cast lots upon Far West even
thou wast as one of them. However the cup has been drunk, the will of our heavenly Father has been done, and
we are yet alive for which we thank the Lord. And having been delivered from the hands of wicked men by the
mercy of our God, we say it is your privilege to be delivered from the power of the Adversary-be brought into the
liberty of God's dear children, and again take your stand among the saints of the most High and by diligence
humility and love unfeigned, commend yourself to our God and your God and to the church of Jesus Christ.
Believing your confession to be real and your repentance genuine, I shall be happy once again to give you the right
hand of fellowship, and rejoice over the returning prodigal. Your letter was read to the saints last Sunday and an
expression of their feeling was taken, when it was unanimously resolved that W. W. Phelps should be received into
fellowship. "Come on dear Brother since the war is past, For friends at first are friends again at last." Yours as
ever Joseph Smith Jr
What a beautiful example of forgiveness. In this example we see Joseph in a position of offering forgiveness and in
this next example we see him in a position seeking / needing forgiveness himself.

Some of you may recall the story told by David Whitmer as he recalled “that one morning when Joseph Smith was
getting ready to resume translating the Book of Mormon, “something went wrong about the house and he was put
out about it. Something that Emma, his wife, had done. Oliver and I went upstairs and Joseph came up soon after
to continue the translation but he could not do anything. He could not translate a single syllable. He went
downstairs, out into the orchard, and made supplication to the Lord; was gone about an hour—came back to the
house, and asked Emma’s forgiveness and then came upstairs where we were and then the translation went on all
right. He could do nothing save he was humble and faithful”

It seems that the spirit of prophecy and revelation is hindered and withheld if we have not taken the proper steps
to forgive and be forgiving. (address brother’s -- tender wives)

For us to be forgiven there is a pattern that must be followed: That pattern is spelled out clearly by Bruce R.
McConkie in Mormon Doctrine and in Spencer W. Kimball’s excellent book the Miracle of Forgiveness. I will
summarize as a reminder for us:

Godly Sorrow for the sin.

This includes a personal acknowledgement of the error and an honest heartfelt contrition of soul, a contrition born
of a broken heart and a contrite spirit and is certainly more than regret.

Abandonment of Sin.

This means plain and simple – stop doing what is wrong and start doing what is right!

Confession of sin.

All sins must be confessed to a loving Heavenly Father and where necessary confessed to proper priesthood
authority, a good bishop, to ensure we are meeting the necessary steps to gain full fellowship and forgiveness.

Note: to some this seems un-necessary or scary. Or, the thought may enter – why should I have to confess to my
bishop when I can just go to the Lord. However, I can testify from my own experience many years ago. There is
nothing more cleansing and cathartic than to sit before a judge in Israel, a loving bishop, who like you is not
perfect, and yet has the keys granted and bestowed to discern your heart and know of your true penitence and
contrition. Truly your burdens can become light and hope can be restored. Especially, to you young people –
know that the bishop is your friend. He is chosen of God and he, like your parents want your safety and protection
and what is best for you. And that is the path that leads back to Jesus Christ. Never hesitate to talk with your
parents about anything and if necessary never hesitate to talk with the bishop. You will be blessed for your
courage and humility.

Restitution for Sin.

Or – restoration. To make amends where possible to restore the offense or hardship.

Obedience to all law

Turn away from the sin or practice and embrace truth and light and move forward in a positive way obeying the
commandments of God and not partaking in that sin again.

This topic is so important for our day. Think on the entire set of scriptures preserved and protected for us in these
last days. The Book of Mormon. What is the constant thread throughout its 531 pages? It is often referred to as
the ‘pride cycle’ but if we look at the whole cycle we see another pattern emerging besides that of just pride – Love
and forgiveness and ‘his arms outstretched still’.

People Love the Lord. Blessings are poured out from Heaven. People become

Prideful and Wicked. They are humbled. They Repent. They are forgiven.

Again & Again & Again & Again…..(repeat)

You can sum it up with examples for us in this day of SIN, REPENT, FORGIVENESS, SIN, REPENT, FORGIVENESS.
Why is that?

I thought about this and came to one realization. I am sure there are many things to be learned. But why is the
BOM so full of this Pattern? I think it is to teach us that Christ lives. That he loves us. That the atonement is SO
POWERFUL that it can cleanse us again, and again, and again and again, if necessary.

Why? Because Satan is our adversary. He loves our pain, and hates our happiness!.. He is the father of all lies. He
is an “enemy unto God’. He wants to frustrate the plan of happiness set forth that we all raised our hand to

He would rather us feel we are hopeless, and helpless. That we have sinned and cannot be forgiven. He wants all
mankind to feel there is no hope for us. We might as well give up. He is called the ‘accuser’ in Rev 12:10 because
he wants us to feel that we are beyond forgiveness. Satan wants us to think that when we have sinned we have
gone past a ‘point of no return’. That it is too late to change our course.

We hear often people say “Oh, I can’t go back to church or I’ll never go to the temple – the walls will cave in on
me”, “or, I’ll be struck by lightning” “or, “he wont listen to me if I pray” -- I know – I said those very words to
heather when we first met. The same words I had heard my father say for years before he finally got things figured
out and went back to the temple with my mom after 40 years of being away from the temple. Don’t let that
happen to you. Don’t let Satan fool you.

Christ is our Savior. He loved us so much that he died for us. His infinite atonement blankets the world in hope
and opportunity if we seek it. We can be forgiven. Yes, we will sin. And yet, we can be forgiven -- day in and day
out. We all fall short and yet through the mercy of Christ and his atonement we can be made clean. “though your
sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isa 1:18)
He has engraven us in his palms. He is mighty to save.

Let us all learn to forgive more readily, love more fully, and counsel with our God in prayer and humility in seeking
forgiveness daily that we can be found clean at the last day and enter into his rest is my prayer.

Well yesterday was Sam’s 8th birthday!! He was baptized and confirmed by me in our ward in North Canyon,
Bountiful Utah. It was a beautiful day and a fantastic blessing was pronounced on his head. But, as I look back the
most important thing wasn’t the ‘blessing’ per say – but, the fact that my son received through authorized hands
the gift of the Holy Ghost. This treasure will be with him throughout the eternities and one I hope he comes to
know and love and listen to and adhere to.


Home sick today. I have been feeling it coming on for a few weeks now. I will be out next week four
days on business travel so I went to the Dr. to get some meds to try and crack this thing. I rested but
didn’t sleep. Should have. Late now but wanted to get a quick update. Noah starts Basketball, Jr. Jazz
on Saturday. Had a great home evening the other night and watched two movies with the family. They
were great stories about sacrifice and love for the church and what people were willing to do. Amazing.
Just finished reading a good book – ‘Dirty Life’ about a lady who goes to interview a farmer. Falls in love,
they get married, and she leaves her NY lifestyle to work the farm. What an amazing book. HARD work
being a farmer. But, it is an awesome read. My dad and mom would love it. Makes me definitely want
to start learning more about having at least a small garden and how to take care of it and produce
goods. Tried a bit more last year but I wasn’t very successful at it. Not enough raw dirt/earth and too
much store bought mulch – I believe. I also didn’t really fertilize it – just water and sun and well, poor
harvest. Better this year. Heather took care of me all day. She was awesome. Food in better, hot tea,
dinner/soup, largely just left me rest. She is great. I love her. We are soon to celebrate our 16 th
wedding anniversary. Seems like a lot but it just feels so normal and natural as well. We make a good
team. Kids on the other hand, they can be divisive and challenging. Well, that is why we are here. To
learn to be loving, selfless, and good parents.


Took Bailey and Noah Ice fishing on Saturday with the Archies. Took the kids (Noah and Sam) the prior
Sunday as well. They caught a lot of trout. We had a fish Friday last Sunday. Yesterday, the lake we go
to in Huntsville was drained? The ice had cracked like crazy and there was a sign that says it was closed
for fishing and a private lake. We had no idea. So, we went to Pineview. The boys played the whole
time. Bailey was very engaged and enjoyed fishing. I have used my dads auger and enjoyed that, but
upon us getting to the lake we couldn’t dig a hole as we realized one of the blades on the auger had
been lost at some point? Luckily, we got there right after another family left and they left us 6-holes
recently dug. Bailey caught 5 or 6 and noah caught 2 or so (among his playing). They were perch and it
was fun but VERY cold. We stopped and bought some mealworms. I plopped one in my mouth and told
Bailey we needed to warm them up. I was so serious about it, that after a while I had her doing it and
she did it several times for us. It helped her catch fish   Heather and I went to dinner and a movie
last night for our 16th anniversary. We went to Bombara – nice but expensive. We also went to see True
Grit. It was good, but violent. Bailey watched the kids and they all helped keep the house clean and
were all snug in bed when we got home. It was awesome. Heather rocks. I am so lucky. She is
BEAUTIFUL. We have a great relationship and she is what completes me – maybe that is sappy, but I’m
not complete with out her. We have fun. We laugh. We love. She is getting ready to go back to school,
2nd quarter back. We are the agent ward this year. Snow removal, lock down building, clean building.
All good. Last night it snowed. We have the EQ on call so we have about 6-7 brothers on a team for the
week. First day in the week, but we only had one show. Shane Tiernan, myself and Osmond
Seangsuwan showed up and got it done. I came home and got another 30 minutes before we got up
and got ready for church. Today’s lesson was on ‘fasting’. I am TERRIBLE about fasting. I used to do it
very regularly. But, I have really let it slip. I really believe in it I have just honestly been lazy about being
true to it. Heather and I talked today about how we both want to do a better job this year. I love
recommitting to doing a good principle, just need to stick with it. Bailey had her Bishop’s interview
today regarding going into Young Womens. She was nervous a bit. She was/is beautiful. She did a great
job. She was moved. She said she felt she wasn’t alone. She said she felt that Grandpa was there with
her. Once we got home we both looked over her Faith in God booklet. She is almost done, she has a
few things to do. I think she will get those last few banged out today. I am off (red-eye) tomorrow night
for New York and then VA. I am gone all week. This is hard on Heather and the kids. I can’t imagine
being a single parent household. I have some big meetings I am not ready for. I am hoping to work on
that a bit and get ready for tomorrow.


Yesterday was the primary program. Myrna and Lawrence came. The kids did great. Noah is in sr.
primary and ready for blazer scouts. He turns 11 in 3 weeks. Sam was so cute and Jenna was a doll.
Bailey of course is in YW and Saturday did a 10 mile walk from North Canyon to the LDS temple. She
was tired and sunburned, but enjoyed it. I am in EQ. Was the 1 st counselor for about 16 months or so,
and then put me in as president. I serve with great men – Kirk Wersland, Brigham Stoker and Morgan
Brown. Things are going well. Heather is still in Scouting, looking for a change soon I believe. Kids got
into a new school this year – all three in Wasatch Peak. We are excited for how they are doing. They
love it. Bailey of course is in 7th grade and Mueller park and doing great. She got into 9 th grade band w/
her flute. She is doing so good. Scholarship hopefully. She also had her piano recital and did fantastic
and passed another year for Suzuki w/ an excellence. She is amazing. Heather and I are doing great.
Went to the temple the other week and it was a full house. We actually got to sit right next to each
other, 2nd time this has happened to us. It was very cool. We have been praying and considering selling
the house – again. We found a beautiful one, flat lot, great location in Farmington – friends of heather’s
actually. It would lower us about $200K on our mortgage which would be great and save us some good
money. It has felt great, but the spirit hasn’t confirmed anything. We have a lot of work to fix our house
and trying to sell it in this market for what we would need to ($1.2MM+) is tough. But, we have on a
parallel path been working on a refinance. Concerned about MO property still and FICO scores, but they
came back good, the appraisal came back the highest ever $1.2MM (given the economy a miracle) and
the ING direct deal I was able to is off the charts – It was 3.125% for 7-year fixed arm, but at closing it
had dropped for a day to 2.99%. It is crazy how ‘cheap’ that money is. Hopefully we figure things out in
7 years, but regardless – it will save us nearly $500 a month for the next 7 years. I feel like there is more
for us to do and learn in this ward. I would be moving to Farmington to ‘save money’. It is interesting
but as I type this I have that confirmation that Heavenly Father helped answer our prayers with this
refinance so that we can stay in our current house and save the money we need to feel more financially
comfortable and hopefully finish the work we are too do here and for our kids and the schools they are
in. So, I kind of see this as an answer to prayer. Work is good. Crazy busy. More on that later.


Ashamed. Is all I will say. Pathetic really. I have taken the kids skiing the last two weekends. Noah, Sam
and Jenna in ski school. Heather went the first time and I both. Kids are doing great. They really want
to be on their own. Boys are ready – Jenna could use a few more classes. I miss it and hope to take
them soon to go and have me with them. They are doing good in school. Bailey continues to get A’s and
is doing great with Piano and Flute. She made the band in Jr.High which only have a few 8 th graders,
mostly all 9th graders, and she is the ONLY 7th grader… Yes, she rocks. She continues to do awesome with
Piano as well. Also, she just tried out for and made ‘Alice’ in Alice in wonderland for a school play. I love
her. We do ‘rub’ each other wrong sometimes and quarrel – and sas each other. I need to do better. If
I was better and kinder – she would be the same back – but one gets going and we just keep our
sarcasm going. I love her so much and am so proud of her. Noah is doing great in school this year. Last
year at that private school in north sale for him and Sam was awesome. He gained confidence and with
the smaller class sizes – he really grew. This year – he is doing amazing. Confident. Reading great.
Excited to show me his math and how he is doing. Very proud of him. He is reading the book of
mormon. Told them all – $100 by end of year if they read it cover to cover. He is in Jacob. He just had
his priesthood preview. He still has 10 months left of course, but exciting to see him so close. He is also
growing taller and playing guitar too. Oh, and did I say – LEGO. He loves anything and everything Lego.
Especially star wars lego. Sam is rocking his guitar lessons. He started before Noah and has a different
teacher. As an example – he gets up Wednesday mornings at 6:00 am to go to guitar. Yes, he is amazing
that way. He is doing pretty good in school. He knows his stuff – he just goes way too fast to get it done
and then misses stuff because he is not focusing. I have been sitting down with him every night lately
timing him on his reading assignment – he has to get to 100 WPM to be up with his class. The last few
nights he has been real close – last night 95, 92, 85, 84 and a 76. But he loved the big numbers.. He also
has really enjoyed skiing with Noah. I bought them ski helmets to protect those big heads of theirs.. 
Sam and Noah are inseparable and not love to fight. Sam will build lego’s right along side Noah and they
have competitions together on designing forts, racers, etc., I do love those boys. Sam went to scouts
tonight. It is great to see him in that blue shirt. Sam and I went on a nature hike the other Sunday
together. He loves the outdoors. Loves rocks. Loves looking for bugs and had several bug collections
over the summer. Most recently he found a bee hive and a birds nest that he had to get down and
collect and have me take pictures of him with. I love that about him. I too love nature and outdoors.
Then, there is little Jenna. Our sweet little Jean. She is sitting at the foot of my bed now, 6 years old.
Scared. Can’t sleep. And, wants to be with her mom and dad. Too cute. I went into her room a minute
ago and she wanted to show meher rocks. I love her so much. She is staring at me right now – talk
about melt your heart with those eyes of hers. She is still sucking her fingers (two) and smelling her
clean blanky that heather just washed. It gets rancid fast. She is in kindergarten and at the same
charter school (Wasatch peak academy) that Noah and Sam attend. She plays cello and is doing a great
job. Although she sure can fight it when she wants. She is getting to be quite vocal just like the boys
and since she hangs with them so much – unfortunately can take on some loud, crazy traits. What can I
say. She is a doll. I love that she is still our little girl and I hate that she is growing up and our last baby.
She also loves ninja’s and lego’s too. Just like the boys. She loves her pink helmet I got her for skiing
and things it is way fun. Finally, there is my sweet wife. She has been back in school at the U of U for a
year and will finish this year. I am so proud of her. She will get her degree in Human Development. We
just got her a new car and sold the Toyota Sequoia. Heather runs around like crazy. Taking kids here,
there, and to all their activities for school, scouts, music lessons, play dates, etc., I’m sure her life is
crazy being so controlled by four other crazy people. We don’t date enough. But, when we do – we
totally love our time together. We have both come along way and love sushi now. We have some great
friends and like to hang out with them – Brooke and Osmond, Dave Bona and Morgan, etc., I really love
what we have. I feel we are very lucky to have what we have. We are great friends. We can totally
hang. I enjoy our ‘homework’ time. We are very connected and a part of one another. For so many
reasons we are blessed to have one another.

I continue to work at Access. Good company and great people. We are working on so many (probably
too many) initiatives. We have a sister company now called Savvi. I am getting Osmond up on a club
(VIP 360). Hoping they are both successful. I was given an equity position in Savvi – so if it ever grows
and is sold, maybe I could get a little bit out of that. We still have our big house on the hill. We keep
thinking of selling it. Probably best we do – but it is hard. Economy stinks and likely we will take a loss
on it. We still have the property in Missouri. WISH I could sell that thing. That is going to be the death
of me. I was in the EQ as 1st counselor for about 18 months or so. Then, they asked me to be the EQ
president. I try to do the best I can. Good guys. I am learning to love that calling more and serving with
them and helping where I can vs. the YM programs/scouting program. We hired Brandon Spackman.
They moved back from France. He is working out great. However, we have lost some significant
accounts and are looking at potential layoffs. Hate that. But, probably needed. I am getting fat. Too
much work, stress, and exhaustion and not enough healthy eating and definitely not enough working
out. I hit 266 the other day. Yes, that is large.. I have really got to lose 20-35 lbs…


Today was a nice Sunday. We went to Zach Plumley’s ordination to receive the melchizedek priesthood. We are all
very proud of him and Todd did a nice job with the ordination and blessing. We then left and went to our ward as
we have, or rather I have missed the last two Sundays. Last week we went to Bear Lake and had a nice weekend
up there visiting with my mom and Ken, and the weekend before I was ‘gimped’ up with bad legs from over doing
it at a new crossfit training class I am taking. On the way to Bear Lake we were going up logan canyon and at
Temple Fork I saw out of the corner of my eye a older man fall down. I thought about it for a split second and
quickly turned off in time to catch the road to where they were. Before I could get to him he tried to stand again
and fell down again. He had cut himself a few places on his arms/hands and a little on his forehead as I recall. He
had wanted to fish an old hole he hasn’t fished for years and his sweet wife was wiling to humor him and let him
go. They were visiting some family in St. Charles, Idaho. He reminded me a lot of my dad in his last year or so. His
name was Norman. We are related it seems somehow. I mentioned I am both a tremelling and a passey and she
asked if I knew a Bula Tremelling? Or something like that and they know some Passey’s too. Well, I talked with
them for a bit – I had a feeling I should ask if they were LDS as I felt impressed to give him a quick blessing. But, I
let the moment pass and just comforted him and talked to him and got him to relax. Then, after a few minutes I
was able to help him get up and walk him back escorted holding his arm to his car. We said good bye. It was a nice
feeling to help out someone and be prompted to act fast and do it. We had 14 of 18 total Elder’s available show
up in Quorum today – good turn out, for a change. Numbers have been weak lately with Summer and all. Hoping
to figure out ways to inspire them more to do their part and ‘actively’ fulfill their priesthood duties and
brotherhood. All good guys, but we can all get in a state of ‘lull’ and just kind of float by. It is sad and discouraging
and – yes, it happens to all of us, including myself. I need to trying so much harder. We are making some small
progress with a few Prospective Elders and inactives but much more needs to be done. The lesson was on the
importance of revelation – to the church and to the individual – personal revelation. Good discussion. Need to
read my scriptures more – in them are the answers to all things. After church we came home, heather made THAI
food (panang) and then we went to the Seangsuwan’s for Nada and Mani’s departure party to Thailand – again.
Great food. Good visiting. Then home – kids watched War Horse. Good movie. Heather took a nap. I went on a
walk. Met a new family in the ward – not sure if they are members are not. Bob Kelley and his fiancé Eleanore.
Hopefully we can fellowship them. I listened to April 2012 Priesthood conference talks by Bednar, Tingey, and
Ucktdorf as I walked. Good stuff. I was bearing my testimony to myself as I walked and listened. What a sacred
thing – a person’s testimony. I own it. It is mine. I have built it from my experiences and faith and trials. I have
built it from others like my parents and my wife and friends, etc., It is stronger because of them – but, it is still
mine. I cherish it. I don’t share it enough, but I believe in Christ. He has saved me too many times to count, and
yet he still is there arms outstretched to save, lift, inspire, love, forgive and motivate me to be the best servant in
his vineyard I can. I have experienced first hand Personal Revelation. (I think of our various moves) I have
experienced first hand the atonement (I think of my conversion again before getting married and the
answer/revelation through a dream I received about the power of Christ’s atonement and the whiles of the
adversary) and, what it means to feel clean again through his blood. I have experience miracles ( I think of our
children being born health…I think of the river trip w/ the scounts and the mosquitoes. I have experienced the joys
of missionary work – our years in California. I have gifts of the spirit – Knowledge, Wisdom, Discernment, Healings,
hidden treasures and remembrances to open my mouth and say what he would have me say. I have a testimony. I
know God lives and loves me. I know he is all powerful and all loving and al knowing. I know and have
experienced the powers of the priesthood. I know the temple ordinances are sacred and powerful and binding and
there is great majesty in that building and the spirits who work and reside there for the linking of mankind back to
father Adam. I love that I have been blessed to work in the temple for many years – in CA as a volunteer veil
worker and in Bountfiul as an ordiance worker. Treasured experiences and feelings of ‘doing what is right’ and
knowing you are standing in holy places. I know Joseph Smith is our prophet. I know he worked mighty things
pertaining to restoring the truth and priesthood and love his story and his life. I have a testimony of conferences
and the words / talks and messages shared with us from higher sources. I am thankful for a testimony.

Fall 2012 – Training on Social Media to combined RS & Priesthood:

Elder Bednar asks us to think about the following questions when it comes to social media:

1. Does the use of various technologies and media invite or impede the constant companionship of the
Holy Ghost in your life?

2. Does the time you spend using various technologies and media enlarge or restrict your capacity to
live, to love, and to serve in meaningful ways?

Advice from Church leaders

• Elder M. Russell Ballard taught: "Social networks on the Web can be used to expand healthy
friendships as easily as they can be used by predators trying to trap the unwary. That is no different
from how people choose to use television or movies or even a library. Satan is always quick to exploit
the negative power of new inventions, to spoil and degrade, and to neutralize any effect for good."[1]

• In the April 2011 general conference, President Uchtdorf said, "With so many social media resources
and a multitude of more or less useful gadgets at our disposal, sharing the good news of the gospel is
easier and the effects more far-reaching than ever before. Perhaps the Lord's encouragement to 'open
[your] mouths' might today include 'use your hands' to blog and text message the gospel to all the

• Elder David A. Bednar recently said, “It is no coincidence that FamilySearch and other tools have come
forth at a time when young people are so familiar with a wide range of information and communication
technologies. Your fingers have been trained to text and tweet to accelerate and advance the work of
the Lord—not just to communicate quickly with your friends.” 


 Study counsel from general conference to find answers to questions from your nonmember

 Stay informed by viewing videos featuring counsel from Church leaders.

 Strengthen your testimony of the doctrines of the gospel by watching presentations inspired by
the scriptures.

 Invite individuals investigating the Church to view videos featuring testimonies shared by

 “Like” or share gospel messages, videos, and images on Facebook.

 E-mail the link to an audio talk to someone who is having a hard time.

 Post images to illustrate your testimony on your blog or Facebook page.

 Create a family testimony blog where members of your family can share their testimonies as well
as faith-building experiences.
 Create a “My Beliefs” category on a social bookmarking site, and add your favorite images, videos,
and music from the LDS Media Library.

Opportunities & Guidelines for using Social Media:

 If you use social media, use it to enhance and deepen relationships and to express your faith and testimony in
the Savior and the gospel.

 Through social media, you can find opportunities to befriend and follow those who may be struggling or less
active in your wards and stakes.

 Strive to have your online presence reflect your values and standards. Connect to official Church sites, and
share content from these sites that touches your heart and reflects your values.

 Be civil in your online interactions with others. Latter-day Saint teachings require members to treat others with
respect, regardless of the situation.

 Express your personal witness of the restored gospel, as guided by the Spirit. Such messages should be
personal; do not leave people with the impression that you speak for the Church, and do not form groups that
give the impression that they officially represent or are sponsored by the Church.

 Always be an example of a follower of Christ in your interactions with others in social media. Your positive
example can influence those with whom you associate. It’s wise to cease associating with those who
consistently seek to drag others down and particularly those who post inappropriate material. Remember that
social media is a public forum. Messages and posts are not private and should not be used to share
confidential or delicate information.

 Strive to maintain open communication with family members regarding their use of social media. Spouses,
parents, and children who participate in social media should all be “connected” and should be willing to allow
family members to see anything they post, including images. Family members can support each other in
maintaining their standards.

 Many social media sites have a high risk of “drive by” exposure to content that may not meet your family
standards. Discuss as a family what you will do when you see advertisements and other links that do not meet
your family standards.

 Exercise good judgment when posting to a social media site. There is no “delete” button on the Internet.
Images and posts can remain for many years and can be detrimental when you are seeking employment or
admission to college, as well as other occasions in which your public Internet record may be reviewed. Ensure
that your communications align with your commitment to take upon yourself the name of the Savior.

 Some applications and games on social media sites can gain access to your personal information, which can
be used to steal your money and your identity. Be careful of the data you store on your social media site, and
be aware of the applications that have access to that data.

 Be aware of how much time you and your family spend on social media sites participating in activities such as
playing games, posting meaningless updates, or holding inappropriate conversations. If you are not careful, it
is easy to spend too much time on these sites, causing other important aspects of life to be ignored. If
needed, consider setting time limits as part of your family's Internet usage standards. Be sure that you are not
“damag[ing] authentic relationships by obsessing over contrived ones” (David A. Bednar, “Things as They
Really Are,” Ensign, June 2010, 22).

Source Materials – Good Reading & Review:

 Elder Bednar – “Things as They Really Are” June 2010 Ensign

 Elder Uchtdorf – “Waiting on The Road to Damascus” – April 2011 Conference
 Jan Pinborough – Church Magazines – “Keeping safe & balanced in a Google-YouTube-Twitter-Facebook-
iEverything World”
 Annie Beer –“Unplugged” & Charles D. Knultson (BYU Professor) & Kyle Oswold (Family Services)
“Just a Game?”


Interesting to see the last sentence in the sentence above. I am now 233 – down 33 lbs. I have really
worked hard, but need to watch the diet better. Working out is 1/3 the battle –diet is 2/3. But, that is
not why I am writing in my journal. First I will append a talk/topic I was thinking of the other day coming
back from a trip to Atlanta on a great talk by Elder Quentin L. Cook at the last conference – it is below.
Also, I am writing to tell you of an awesome Sunday – yesterday – wherein Noah received the

First – here is the draft of the talk.

Are we friends to Christ?

As Caesar looked into the eyes of Brutus when he and a mob of other legionnaires were stabbing him on
the ides of March – he said ‘et tu, brutus?’ – meaning ‘Any You, Brutus?’ or even, “you my dear friend,
who fought with me side by side, who daily walked with me and talked with me, you too have turned
against me”?

I wonder if we collectively as saints are embracing too much of the world, and in essence, -- turning
away from or realistically against Christ -- and in essence, forgetting him and a loving Heavenly Father.

Don’t get me wrong – I believe we all Love Christ. I believe we all love Heavenly Father. I believe we are
truly thankful for the ‘knowledge’ we do have of the restoration, the priesthood, a prophet. But, I also
fear we, like the priests of old, ‘profess we do’ and are -- lacking in substance.

Do we speak flattery with our mouths and yet it feels like our hearts are far from him. Have we, and are
we, allowing Babylon the great, the world, to encompass and surround us such that it is flooding out the
promptings of the spirit and our desires to serve, and act, and do, and take action for the kingdom of

I fear, as the scriptures attest -- that is our lot in these later day -- if we allow it. (Scripture reference) I
sense within the many visits we have been on, I sense from the conversations I hear, I sense from the
look on our faces in Sacrament, in Quorum, and auxiliary meetings a bit of a, dare I say, ‘drudgery’
around being here and participating, and in ‘doing’ our callings.

I am calling myself to repentance in this regard as much as you may be self reflecting. I will be honest –
there are days I would rather be home in bed. Or, there are weekends when I sure could use the ‘extra’
day to get things done and caught up on stuff. However, if I was truly converted and could sing the song
of redeeming love, each and every day, as Alma challenges, once we had had that mighty change of
heart, this would not be the case. I would not feel that way.
So, what has happened? Why do I feel that way at times? Why do I sense that from many of us? Are
we allowing ourselves through our lack of daily conversion and commitment and ‘action’ to become like
the five virgins whom Christ said “I know you not” when they came to the door of the bridegroom?

Let me read to you a statement from a late beloved prophet right before his passing in speaking of our
day and the time before the second coming concerning this very topic. Howard W. Hunter in speaking
with his family was recorded saying the following:


So, how do we really feel about Home Teaching? How do we really feel about doing missionary work?
How are we doing and I would ask for your feedback and thoughts on how we can do better? I don’t
want this to be a downer discussion. But I am sincere in my desire to raise our spirituality. I am sincere
in my desire to have the NC 6th ward have all active and worthy members not only hold a temple
recommend, but as challenged by President Hunter - worthily hold a recommend and regularly go to the
house of the lord in service for our kindred dead.

The only way to really ever answer questions like these is through scripture and prophetic counsel. We
know - when we take our eye off Christ, with the vicissitudes of life, we sink even as Peter. Remember
he was called by the Lord, as we all have been called, to come unto him, walk with him, serve him by
serving our fellow man, and as peter ventured toward Christ who was at that time walking on water,
and began to faithfully proceed towards him, began to eventually waiver. He allowed the influences
from around him to enter into his mind and ‘sight of eye’ and – the waves that surround us all – and as
he did, began to sink. Can you picture that in your mind? So, how are we doing? Are we beginning to
sink? Have we too allowed the things of the world that surround us, our own personal mist of darkness
as shared by Lehi in vision, to cause our eyes to wonder and put less focus on Christ and in so doing
falter a bit in the rough waters that surround us?

Now – go back to that scene. Go back to that visual on the waters with Christ and Peter. What do you
See? Christ. He is still there. The best news of all is that Christ is always there. His arms are
outreaching towards us all the day long. Visualize it - He reached down and extended his hand to Peter,
and us, and encouraged him to doubt not. However, we have to likewise in that offering, reach upward,
to that hand that is there and take a hold of it. Firmly. We have to hold fast to it if we are sinking, or
beginning to sink or wander – and like Peter, ask for the Lords help “Lord, Save Me” – and when we do –
what? As the scripture attests -- "Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand”. Immediately upon our

Whether it be seas or mists of darkness we can become over run. We are reminded of Lehi’s dream. Of
the mists of darkness. That record, given to us in the Book of Mormon, was saved for us for our day
because the mists of darkness are pervasive, they are thick and they surround us every day. But, there is
a balm in Gilead. There is a cure. There is a sure method – hold to the rod. The rod is symbolic of the
word of God. The word of God is found in the Scriptures. In the Conference Reports. If we do not walk
on in faith holding fast, we will begin to wonder and can become lost. We have all felt it.
In our last conference address Elder Cook likewise reminds us that “The world is not conducive to
righteousness or spiritual commitment.” He further reminds us that throughout history church leaders
have warned the people and taught repentance. In the Book of Mormon, Alma the Younger was so
concerned about unrighteousness and lack of commitment that he resigned as chief judge, the leader of
the people of Nephi, and concentrated all his efforts on his prophetic calling. That is when, as I
mentioned above, he asked “If ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the
song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now”. I have felt that redeeming love – when I was
coming back into the church after being inactive for a three year period from 19-22. I had some amazing
and wonderful and personally very spiritual experiences and manifestations to me that concreted my
knowledge of the power of the Atonement, through the repentance process, that fueled me for the next
10-15 years of my life. I went through a time when I devoured every book I could on religion, church
history, doctrines, scriptures, etc., I had decided not to serve a mission at 19 and that led to an invitation
from Satan to openly attack me. But, after my change of heart – I took the counsel given to Hyrum
Smith to heart, when asked about whether he should serve a mission in D&C 11:21 he was counseled
with this - “Seek not to declare my words, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue
be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the
convincing of men”. I was 100% committed to ‘obtaining his word’ (the iron rod) and I was fortunate
enough to spend roughly 20 years working in the YM’s program in every calling possible where I was
able to share my testimony with fine young men. I am thankful to a loving God in heaven for providing
me that opportunity. The calling into Elders Quorum was honestly more of a shock. It has been more
difficult for me. It was and is still often scary. But, I have come to realize we adult men, are no different
than those boys. We are uncertain. We try to be brave. But we need to be strengthened, and regularly.
We need good examples. We need brotherhood. We all do – need that companionship in Christ with
followers of Christ. We Christians need to strengthen one another. We need to love one another. We
need to lift one another. We need to be observant one to another and be there to reach down and lift
up those around us –and, be willing, if it is us, that needs to be lifted up, to likewise receive of that. We
need to allow the home teachers and visiting teachers in our home. We need to let them know when
we miss them.

Elder Cook continues: “Local Leaders across the world report that when viewed as a whole, church
members, especially our youth, have never been stronger. But they almost always raise two concerns:
first, the challenge of increased unrighteousness in the world and, second, the apathy and lack of
commitment of some members.” He continues ‘With all that we have received in this dispensation –
including the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the outpouring of spiritual gifts,
and the indisputable blessings of heaven – Alma’s challenge has never been more important. “Can ye
feel so now?”

George Albert Smith counseled Ezra Taft Benson as he was called as an apostles in 1943 “Your mission…
is to warn the people…in as kind a way as possible that repentance will be the only panacea (cure) for
the ills of this world”
With that in mind - are we getting on our knees? Are we seeking forgiveness morning and night? Are
we pouring out our hearts to God? Are we giving Him praise and thanksgiving and asking with a broken
heart and contrite spirit for forgiveness of our acts of commissions, and omission?

Brothers and sisters I seek your forgiveness. I am not. I do not regularly enough get on my knees in
humility. I do not regularly enough seek that cleanings help, like I felt so many years ago. I often feel “I
am a good person”. “I try hard.” “I try to do what is right.” Therefore, “I am OK.” However, I know
what I need to do – we all know what we need to do -- and I am committing to myself to make a more
concerted effort to do so. I hope you too will be pricked in your hearts and realize that cleansing balm is
within our reach every day. Especially on the Sabbath. Where we should be removing ourselves from
the world, what a respite, what a relief, and communing with God and through the sacrament, that holy
communion with Christ’s body and his blood, that last great ordinance he performed as a final
testament to his apostles before he was crucified – that event that put an exclamation point on his
teaching and preaching – that event that each and every Sunday in the passing of the sacrament is our
cleansing opportunity, our balm. --- And yet, how often do we come to that table truly penitent?

Again, his arm is reached down to us (like he did to Peter) and ready and willing to cleanse and lift us up,
but we have to do our part and extend our hand and hearts upward to him and seek forgiveness and his
grace and mercy. Taking the sacrament on Sunday worthily and recommitting ourselves to take upon us
his name and his commandments – so that we can have his spirit to be with us – is a matter we should
be giving more heartfelt meditation on and prayer.

Elder Cook continued: “Many who are in a spiritual drought and lack commitment have not necessarily
been involved in major sins or transgressions, but they have made unwise choices. Some are casual in
their observance of sacred covenants. Others spend most of their time giving first-class devotion to
lesser causes. Some allow intense cultural or political views to weaken their allegiance to the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Some have immersed themselves in internet materials that magnify, exaggerate, and in
some cases invent shortcomings of early church leaders. Then they draw incorrect conclusions that can
affect testimony. Any who have made these choices can repent and be spiritually renewed.

Immersion in the scriptures is essential for spiritual nourishment. The word of God inspires
commitment and acts as a healing balm for hurt feelings, anger, or disillusionment. When our
commitment is diminished for any reason, part of the solution again is repentance.

and Intent The word of God. His spirit with us. The cleansing nature of repentance from our sin. Are all
tools to help us sing the song of redeeming love each and every day as counseled by Alma. I emplore us
all to try harder. Lets come to this house, with our families, with our spouses, children, parents, and
truly renew and be strengthened through repentance.

Noah’s special priesthood day. He had been working for the last several weeks on memorizing the 13
articles of faith. I have been quizzing him on the priesthood to get him ready.

HP Blessing notes:

There was an emphasis made about my insight and inspiration regarding names I will submit and
suggest to the Bishop.  That, “… the names you will bring to the Bishop for consideration will be very
important.”… “ Your insight and input will be inspired and will be important in assisting the Bishop as he
makes decisions regarding individuals and families in your ward.  This insight will help bless the lives of
the families which you will serve and be a significant ‘game changer’ for those individuals called as they
realize it was inspired and directed by the Lord…” And, that I should give prayerful consideration and
study to those names and they will be blessed and I will know who to call and forward/ propose to the

“This calling and the service you will give will be a blessed and remembered opportunity for you and
your family.  Your family, and brothers and sisters, and children will cherish and remember the service
you give and will forever be influenced by your example, willingness and commitment to the Gospel and
the Lord as you serve with faith and diligence. Go forth with this in your mind and heart…”  I also felt he
mentioned a few times that ‘during the duration of this call’ as if it may be short, but regardless
sufficient, for what the Lord has in store for me to learn.

First Talk given on assignment new to bishopric in May 2013:

I’m not sure I understand Bishop Davis as well as I thought – we had a perfectly fine schedule set up for this Sunday – As 3 rd
Sunday – we had a fine high councilmen and a returned Elder ready to address us. Now - while, we don’t always get too excited
about high councilman talks – at least it is not one of us, right? So, in my book - all is well in Zion. But, then Bishop Davis
notifies me to call Brother Moss and cancel – in his words “Give him the yellow pass card” and let him off the hook. Then, he
advises he would like Kit and me to speak to you. So, that wouldn’t be so bad I guess, but then when I asked what he would like
me to speak on his response -- “You pick”. Reckless right? But, since I also raised my arm to sustain Bishop Davis - I decided to
play it safe and talk about something I hold very near and dear to me, and that is my testimony of the restoration and the
prophet Joseph Smith.

But, before I jump right in I felt it would be helpful to take a quick walk through history. We know that since Father Adam and
Mother Eve were on the earth Heavenly Father has established a system of government by which his laws were to be enacted
upon the children of man and that was through prophets and apostles. From father Adam, Enoch, Noah, to Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, and even Moses and Joseph sold into Egypt - their teachings and stories were preserved, most orally, for some 2,000

Now, fast forward to when Christ came on the scene of history; it figures that one of the first things he did in his ministry was to
likewise establish a foundation for his church built upon prophets and apostles and began to call ‘fishers of men’ right away.
Local church leaders served under the direction of these apostles, of which he called twelve. Spiritual Gifts were common in the
church under the power of the Priesthood. Baptism by immersion was established through Christ’s example, and the Sacrament
was instituted. Blessings, healings, washings, and anointing’s were had among the early saints, a temple was in their midst, and
the message of love, repentance, and salvation spread into many lands. The Vitality of the church and Christ’s powerful
message was evidence of its divinity. Its leaders possessed the authority of God, and its message was the pure doctrine of

Christ’s ministry lasted a brief three years before he was arrested on trumped up charges, tried and prosecuted illegally,
according to Jewish traditions and laws, and eventually sentenced to death by his own – and crucified.

For roughly 100 years His ministry continued until one by one the original 12 apostles and eventually, even replacement
apostles like Mathias, taking the place of Judas Iscariot, and others (ie., Paul) were also removed and killed. It is clear, from the
Mathias example – Christ had established a pattern by which the apostleship would remain on the earth and more importantly
12 would govern, like the 12 tribes. He intended for that line of priesthood authority to continue.

For the first 30-40 years after Christ’s crucifixion and ascension this was the case, and most apostles were actual eye witnesses
of Christ’s ministry and teachings and the church was still relatively strong. At this time again, as in days before, everything was
orally shared and nothing was recorded and written down. Estimates place some of the first writings around 40-60 AD.
However, as Christ predicted and his apostles after him witnessed, ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ began to creep into the fold and
began distorting the teachings. Acts 20:29 speaks of ‘Grievous wolves will enter in and will not spare the flock’. 2 Timothy 4:3
speaks of a ‘rejection of sound doctrine’ and saints having ‘itching ears’ preferring doctrine of their own liking, and in 2
Thessalonians 2:3 it ultimately refers to a ‘falling away’. But, this idea of a gradual ‘falling’ is not accurate. The greek word
translated in the KJB is ‘apostasia’ – or apostasy. The ‘Apo’ – means ‘to stand away from’, ‘in opposition to’, ‘to revolt’, and
even ‘mutiny’. It seems Satan was quickly working against The Church of Jesus Christ of meridian day saints, as much as he
does now, to distort truth and make black white and white black. John being the last around 90 AD spoke in Revelation 13 1-9:
“Satan’s beast will blaspheme against God and his work, he will make war with the saints and will overcome them and will have
power over all that dwell upon the earth”.

So, what happens? - As apostles are removed, and the priesthood line of authority diminished, keys are removed. And then,
the written record began - so, at that very early stage, truth and light began to lose ground as plain and precious teachings were
corrupted? This event was literally happening from right after the days of Christ – And, the Jewish cannon of scripture, which
were eventually compiled at the council of Nicea (325AD), were already flawed -- long before any ‘organized’ religion placed
them into a New Testament cannon. Medieval Christianity was the result of the apostasy, not the cause.

So, what ensued? Without true doctrine, or better yet with distorted truth, as Satan desired – there began a great time of
darkness in the land as the light of Christ and his teachings from the time of Adam to His days – were diminished. Even after
the various Old Testament books were compiled and the later New Testament books, they were still largely preserved in Greek,
Hebrew or more common Latin and not shared, or taught among the people. Illiteracy was wide spread, and church leaders of
the day seemed to revel in the distance between them and their followers. Truth and light seemed gone from the land for
largely 1,500 years. We can read about this time – these ‘dark ages’ best in Amos 8 where we read:

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a afamine of bread, nor a bthirst
for water, but of hearing the cwords of the LORD:

 12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall arun to and fro to seek the
word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

These dark ages impacted the people of the world it is certain. Yet, the spirit of Christ still dwelt in the hearts of men. Great
reformers began to challenge the lack of truth and the doctrines of the church, and to seek Christ once again as their
foundation and cornerstone of their faith. This began to weave a beautiful yet subtle opening in the tapestry of the children of
men for a restoration of all things.

From John Calvin to Martin Luther – men began searching and questioning the efficacy of the teachings of their day. Luther
posted his famous 95 question thesis upon the doors of ‘Christendom’ to challenge their ‘hell, fire, and damnation’ approach
and teachings not found in the bible; infant baptism, celibacy, selling of indulgences, and the veneration of saints. Luther
worked tirelessly all his days to translate the bible from Hebrew and Greek to German so it could be more widely read by all.

Fast forward 200 years; America was established and constitutional law supported freedom of religion; the bible had been
translated into more and more languages, and began to be a treasure in the homes of the people and building blocks of
families. The spirit of revivalism began, and saints once again began to take root looking for further light and knowledge. Thus,
the tapestry became ready for another event. Joseph Smith is born on December 23, 1805. The significance of his birth, life,
ministry, and death are un-paralled in our minds. Born on the Winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, a time when the
least amount of light is on the earth and which darkness still has its hold – as in Isaiah 60:2 “Darkness shall cover the earth and
gross darkness the people”. This is when he is born. For what purpose you might say? To bring truth back into the world and
to restore lost knowledge -- and the light of Christ.

Joseph was raised in a good home and taught good values. “I was born…of goodly parents who spared no pains in instructing
me in the Christian religion.” There was no radio, TV, telephone, Internet – there was toil and hard work and eating their scant
food by the sweat of their brow by which they gave thanks to a loving God in heaven for their strength. But, he sought more.
There was “an unusual excitement on the subject of religion…a scene of great confusion and bad feeling…a strife of words and a
contest about opinions”. (JSH 1:5-6) “My mind at times was greatly excited”, he wrote. And, “in the midst of this war of words
and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: What is to be done? Who of all these parties are right; or, are they all wrong
together” (JSH 1:9-10)

He sought consolation and direction in reading the bible - often quietly and alone; keeping to himself. “I knew not who was
right or who was wrong, and I considered it of the first importance that I should be right in matters that involve eternal
consequences” (JSH 1:9-10) And while reading in James 1:5 he determined he ‘must either remain in darkness and confusion,
or else must do as James directs, that is, ask of God”

Our vantage point is clear, The God of heaven was setting the stage and unfolding the tapestry -- from Christ’s church in his day,
through the apostasy, to the dark ages, to reformation, to the bible spreading among the people, to a free land being
established, to revivalism and seeking of truth in America – a choice land; a land set apart, to a young boy -- prepared to ask the
right question and prepared to humbly ‘go and do’. Yet, he had no such vantage point.

But what happened next is the critical element of my talk. We have many truths we share with our Christian brothers and
sisters. They are all well and good. They establish a common belief in many principles found in the bible, which is good, but
this common ground is not what we seek. That common ground does not lead to conversion of our souls, it does not lead to
revelation; line upon line and precept upon precept. That common ground is missing the authority and power necessary to
help us return to live with him again, in the highest kingdoms. The scene we are about to witness is – Sacred, not Common. It
is Sacred Ground.. It is the divining rod of our day. It points the way forward and should be a cornerstone of our testimony. I
speak of the events that transpired in the Sacred Grove.

Joseph Smith shocked the world that day. The heavens were opened and spoke to him. He saw God the Father and His son
Jesus Christ, two separate beings – not one mystical union of three/yet one. He saw one pointing to the other, and calling him,
Joseph by name, introducing his son, Jesus Christ to the boy Joseph. Revelation, the veil separating man from God was ‘drawn
back’ and was once again firmly being planted on the earth. He was directed not to join any church, but that the Lord had a
great work for him today.

Joseph Smith went forward from this miraculous event in that most sacred of groves to find ‘his way’, not the way of others,
but the way of God. John Taylor said of him “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only,
for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it” (D&C 135:3)

Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and received the lion share of the revelations found in
the Doctrine and Covenants - which establishes the administration of Christ’s church. He restored savings Ordinances, Baptism
by immersion, the Sacrament, and preached again of the need for temples and temple work for the living and the dead. The
priesthood was restored, The Church of Jesus Christ – now of Latter Day Saints – was founded again, apostolic leadership, and
prophetic counsel and direction, and sweet revelation concerning a knowledge of who we are, where we came from, why we
are here, where we are going, and what we can become.

We stand on sacred ground derived from an event in what is now known as the Sacred Grove. When a young boy 14 years of
age, prepared from before the foundation of the world, humbled himself in mighty prayer and sought direction on which
church to join. That sacred ground is what we seek. That sacred ground is what can saves souls and enables our missionaries,
that now number 65,000+, to touch the hearts of our brothers and sisters and awaken their eyes to things formerly known in
their heart of hearts.
The Book of Mormon he translated, written by the seed of Joseph of Egypt and through him the words of Ephraim come forth,
in bright and living color. That stick of joseph, the Book of Mormon – along with the Stick of Judah, the Bible – now go forth
together as ‘one’ in mighty power resolving the conflicts of understanding that exist through the bible alone. In Ezekiel 37 15-
17 we read:

Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions:
then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions. And
join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.

Why is that important? If there is one word, the bible and the Book of Mormon hand in hand. And, we know there is only wne
Lord, Jesus Christ - the Shepherd of us all. That means; there must be one sheepfold; one church. His house is a house of
order. One God, One Son, One Word, One Church. --- Our role is to get back to that Sacred Ground when we share our beliefs
and testimonies as fast as we can – for there is salvation and hope!

I testify that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. He sealed his testimony and life’s work with his death. He restored all
that we need in this last dispensation of the fullness of times, foretold by prophets long ago enabling the return of Jesus Christ
to the earth. He restored truth, and light – the light of Christ to the earth. The knowledge of a savior, Jesus Christ, that he lives
and is moving among us, and about us, in furthering his design before the winding up scenes in these the last days. Joseph
Smith was martyred on June 27, 1844. Recall he was born on the Winter Solstice - a day that holds the least amount of light.
Joseph Smith was taken from us on the Summer Solstice. The day when light has its reign -- and the long days of darkness are
over. The time when light covers the earth and it is at its zenith of brightness. I don’t believe that is a coincidence. He had
finished and accomplished his work and restored truth and knowledge. I testify that Joseph Smith restored that brightness of
light and glory and that we are now partakers of that knowledge! A knowledge that must be shared. In the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen.

Paper Plates Contribution – June 2013

Jesus often times found teaching opportunities among those who needed it most. He
commented on how the “whole need not a physician, but they that are sick”. Christ was the
great healer and physician – literally and figuratively the living bread and the living waters
necessary for salvation. On one occasion he found himself among the Scribes who were trying
to snare him – “Master, which is the greatest commandment? Jesus answered “thou shalt love
the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy
strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself.”

They could not refute his reply. However, we learn an invaluable lesson to ponder. Who is our
neighbor? Is it only those we choose - with similar interests, age, ethnicity, or religious beliefs?
Or, was Christ trying to broaden our viewpoint around truly ‘loving one another’? We have the
blessed opportunity to know, live and love the gospel, but more importantly to share and act
upon gospel principles that Christ embodied around love.

We drive to Bear Lake a lot as a family. We go through the beautiful Logan Canyon. On one
occasion last summer we came to a sharp ‘S’ curve in the road known as Temple Fork. I’m a
fisherman and so I am always glassing the waters. In an instant I noticed by the water’s edge an
elderly man take a bad fall. Split second decision -- should I finish out the ‘S’ turn and keep on
our way, or apply the brakes before missing the dirt road turn off. I turned, came to a stop, and
ran down to help this stranger. He had cuts on his forehead, hands, knees and ankle. He was
out of breath as he had tried several times to get up. His wife was not able to assist as he was a
large man and she too was in poor health. I reassured them everything was going to be alright
and to relax, all the while saying silent prayers in my heart.

I got to know them in those few minutes. Found out we’re related through my mother’s side
and they know the Passey side as well. He had gone to that spot because he had often fished
there as a young man and said he just wanted to fish it one last time. His name was Norm. I felt
a kinship and love for that man I hardly knew, and in my heart, I felt for him. I eventually was
able to get him to his feet, and slowly, arm in arm, walked him to his car. They thanked me and
we went on our way. My family and I shared a sweet moment that day, and realized just who
our neighbor is. We lovingly refer to that ‘S’ curve now as ‘Norm Falls’.

Whether it is Norm, a total ‘stranger’, your next door neighbor, or an estranged family
relationship – we are commanded to love one another. And, while not a physician like Christ,
we all can help bring healing balm. Let us strive to open our eyes a little wider, expand our
hearts a bit more, and share and act when prompted is my prayer for our ward family. The
theme for June is – you guessed it – Love One Another. We hope you enjoy it.

Kelly Passey


I had a very interesting dream last night. It seemed to be in a ‘post’ life experience where I had died and was now
in the spirit world, although I don’t recall any of that – just being there. I was seeing what was meant to be
experienced for me -- and the level of my happiness and opportunity for knowledge and learning was based upon
who I was on earth and how I had grown, learned, obeyed, and believed. My memory of this whole dream is
fading quickly but I was being led through a labyrinth of a city. It was beautiful and clean and unlike anything I
have seen before. It was alive and vibrant. I was being led by my dad but little was said - he was in a hurry. We
didn’t talk with our mouths; it was all too fast and cerebral. We didn’t have a chance for normal greetings or
pleasantries or to talk about anything much – it was like we were late to get me somewhere for something
important. He led me into a corridor / passageway where in order to get passed a door some hidden knowledge
was provided by him and I was allowed to pass. Then, my dad was gone and I was in a large room with all kinds of
fountains and pools and swimming area – but it was unlike anything earthly it was so vast. Infinity pools
everywhere people enjoying themselves and socializing mostly unaware of me, although a few were aware of my
presence, but most seemed oblivious to me. I didn’t know where to go or what to do – but I had to go through the
pools. I entered the water and it was like an extension of our day to day surroundings. I found that I could breathe
underwater without trying or thinking about it and I did it with a knowledge that just came to me and I wasn’t
afraid – I just breathed and the water didn’t impact or hurt me or my lungs. I knew it wouldn’t but it still seemed as
if it should. I got out on the other end and was sitting there – dry, not wet. When someone brought me a huge
packet of what seemed like basically mail. It was from my mother. Some were old and some were newer – they
were all different shapes and sizes of letters, notebooks, journals, etc., some were old and some were more
recently put together -- It was to teach me and give me learning. I was feeling more and more rushed like I was
looking for hidden knowledge and wisdom that I must have and needed quickly. I was scanning and perusing as
quick as I could looking for whatever it was I was supposed to find with some sense of unease and yet I had the
another sense -- that it didn’t matter. That all would be well. That I would be given what I needed when I needed it
because of who I was and how I had lived my life. I sense my mother had saved many of these items for years for
this moment to try and help me and prepare me for what lay ahead, some kind of a test or battle or fight. A man
came over. Young, proud, handsome, physically strong, full of himself, and in a mocking way seemed to say what
an honor it was to ‘finally’ meet me – like he had waited a good long while and not only that but that he had been
preparing to meet me for a good long while. He whispered a scripture into my ear, from Psalms I believe 82:5 or
something, I didn’t catch it. He mockingly shared it like I was to know it and it was about him and that he and I
were bound to contend with each other in a dual or fight. He was preparing then and I could see his skill in
fighting. He had some kind of a weaponized way to throw darts or daggers – very fast and accurate. And I realized
I was to fight him and defend myself – with skills I didn’t yet have or even with power and wisdom he didn’t know I
had access to. I realized my mother was trying to prepare me for this battle – a battle between good and evil. I
knew and felt and realized that the war in heaven and on this earth in the spirit world still raged. I realized that we
all live together in the spirit world, spirit prison and spirit paradise – but it was what ‘we made of it’ and who we
were that dictated what we were to see, experience, feel and know. I was not scarred or worried. I again felt it
didn’t matter that I would not necessarily ‘win’ but that I would be given what I needed when I needed it to defend
this foe. The information my mother was trying to share and prepare me for was against this foe and I knew it had
hidden and secret wisdom and knowledge and she was trying to be a loving and caring mother by ‘getting it to me’
and sharing it with me – but that while it would have been nice – I didn’t need to rely on it solely as I obviously
wasn’t given sufficient time then to read it and prepare. My whole life had been a mission of preparation and I
would be ready when the time came. Then I woke up. That was all I remember.

I just looked up Psalms 82:5. Wow. Here is how it reads below – I have never read this scripture before:

 1 God astandeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.  2 How long will ye judge
unjustly, and accept the apersons of the wicked? Selah.  3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do ajustice to
the afflicted and needy.  4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.  5 They
know not, neither will they understand; they awalk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out
of course.  6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are achildren of the most High.

This was his character. The man I met in the dream who I was to contend against. He was haughty and prideful
and didn’t understand obviously – he was obviously ‘walking on in darkness’ as if ‘all was well’ and he would
triumph -- though he had led a life of lies and sin. He felt vs. 5 was about me – and yet I realize – it was him who
doesn’t understand and who walks in darkness. I realize Heavenly Father wants us and needs us to be defenders
of truth and knowledge, now. That the time is now to prepare to meet God and the time is now to prepare to
defend ourselves against hidden elements and adversaries who want to destroy and hurt us. He needs us and
wants us to realize ‘we are gods and children of the most high’… That he needs me and all worthy saints to vs. #3 –
“Defend the poor and fatherless’ and do justice to the afflicted and needy. I am frankly speechless at this
experience and the scripture that was shared. But, I wonder why he shared it? It seems – that truly black is white
and white is black to them, that he felt justified in his course – like Satan did in the pre-existent war. That he
believes he is a child of light and a god and that I am the one walking on in darkness. And that he felt justified and
commanded to use this scripture to support his desire (to rationalize) why he was to do battle with me. It is
amazing to think how Satan too uses scriptures for his purposes. Recall after the 40-day fast how Satan used
‘scripture’ to tempt Jesus Christ to bow down and worship him – three different times he did this for his means and
to ‘mingle’ the words of men with scripture. What an experience.

September 2013 -- Bishopric Note in our Paper Plates –

There are special days throughout the year when we have the good fortune of receiving a gift. It may be on a
birthday, anniversary or holiday. There are two parties involved – the giver and the receiver. Both lives are
blessed through the action and feelings of gratitude and appreciation are shared. Ponder gifts you have received.
The gifts that we remember most are the ones that are most meaningful and personal. While these gifts are
wonderful in their respective time and season - one gift stands above them all that is truly most meaningful and
personal -- The Gift of Repentance. With this gift there are still two parties involved. The first is each of us, as sons
and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. And, the second – is Jesus Christ. He is always the giver, we are always
the receiver.

However, there are conditions placed upon us in order to fully realize this divine gift. We read in 2 Nephi 2:7
“Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken
heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.” An example of a broken
heart and a contrite spirit is found in the life of Alma the Younger (Alma 36:5-20). Alma went about doing evil,
seeking to destroy the Church. One day he was seized upon and for three days and nights he was racked with
eternal torment. Why? Because he was remembering all his sins (broken heart) and saw that he had rebelled
against God. Because of his sins, he was horrified at the thought of coming into the presence of God and wanted
to become extinct. However, the thought that gave Alma hope to escape his torment was the prophecy of his
father concerning the coming of Jesus Christ to atone for the sins of the world. He prayed, crying within his heart,
“O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me” (contrite spirit - repentant). He was eventually filled with joy and
light and remembered his sins no more. Do we ever feel like we can’t be forgiven? Or, why try – because I fall
short every day? Let us remember the depth of this gift and the far reaching arms of our Savior -- “though your
sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah
1:18) Can you imagine a greater gift?

All of us fall short and transgress the laws of God. Jesus lived a perfect life and was therefore the person least
deserving of punishment for sin. Yet he paid that price for us! Let us not waste that gift. Whether it is little daily
errors on our part, acts of omission, or grave acts of commission -- we can be made clean! I pray throughout the
month of September, as we hear from speakers on this topic – The Gift of Repentance -- we will all take heed. I
pray we will all embrace our Savior and act, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and repent – and strive to do
better each and every day.

Kelly Passey

11/10/13 Good day at church today. Long, but good. Learning more each day regarding the bishopric
role and effective counseling and extending callings and administration of the church. It is definitely
something that must be studied and learned. Good missionary address today – Sister Taylor (Scott &
Lauretta’s daughter) – she served in Taiwan. Went home teaching today at Randy and Delsa Feil’s
home. Shared the Conference address regarding ‘hasten the work’ and my feelings/promptings with
Mike Frantz. Then, Sam Galvez my priest age companion shared a missionary example doing splits w/
the missionaries and how a 9 year old asked him to do the baptism. Pretty cool. Sister Feil had her
thyroid out and it damaged her parathyroid which regulates calcium. Not good. I could tell she needed a
blessing and asked her if she had had one yet since the surgery – she had before but not since. They are
worried about the results. Randy administered the oil and I sealed the anointing and pronounced a
blessing of comfort. Home Teaching is true doctrine and blesses the lives of those we visit and care and
have stewardship for. If we do the work w/ love – we can touch and benefit our brothers and sisters.
Sister Fiel pinged me and asked if I could share what I remember from the blessing for her journal. Here
is what I remember. [the priesthood you are being blessed with is the same used to create the heavens
and the earth. That through your faith, our faith (Randy & I) and the love of Heavenly Father, as you are
a sweet and chosen daughter of God and he is mindful of you, that you can recover and advance from
this surgery. That any trials or struggles you have yet may be able to be overcome and that through
your positive and optimistic outlook you may dictate to your body contagious healing influences.


I am conducting December and the message is Hasten the Work. Here is the message I shared in the
paper plates:

What a Gift! Hasten The Work through Promptings of the Spirit.

When I was 12 years old I considered myself a skateboarder. I even hand-painted my skateboard with a friend so
that it was ‘custom’. There was a kick-fin on the back we used to slide on to slow down when going downhill. Mine
had worn out and so I got a new one. It was too big to be effective & I wanted to speed the process in grinding it
down. We decided to ‘burn it’ down by pouring gas on it, lighting it, and once soft – getting rid of the excess plastic.
What was I thinking? The gas can was held above the skateboard as we lit the match. Big mistake. The flame
quickly went up and into the can scaring my friend and he dropped the can. The driveway, of course, was on a
downhill slant. The gas & fire began to grow & roll towards his house/garage! We ran into the garage and started
looking for something to put out the fire. My friend found a broom and started hitting the fire/flames – and yes,
the broom was soon soaked and likewise caught on fire. Things were not going good and we were scared.
Suddenly I knew what to do. A thought immediately entered my mind and I acted! I ran into the house, into the
bathroom, grabbed all the towels off the rack and threw them in the tub and began to run water on them and soak
them. I then ran outside and we threw down the large bath towels on the flames – smothered it, and put out the
fire. To this day I will never forget that gift – an immediate impression and answer to a heartfelt prayer of panic
and concern. Now to my point – we are told that ‘it is 11 th hour, and the last time I shall call laborers into my
vineyard’ (D&C 33:3) before the coming of the Lord. That revelation was in 1830, 183 years ago! This seems to
imply we may be in the last minutes if not seconds of time. Think about that for a minute.. The Lord has prepared
his vineyard. His fields are white and ready to harvest. The hastening of His work is upon us. Missionaries are
flooding the earth with his truth and the opportunity to hear the word of God one last time. Are we prepared and
ready so that when we hear/feel the prompting in our heart/head we are ready to act? My experience was
obviously not a missionary experience – but it was a prompting placed in my head – where I could listen and heed
and act – or, ignore it. We have all missed promptings. We have missed opportunities and look back and wished
we would have acted. The Lord has need now more than ever in these last days to gather in His children who are
ready and willing – but are “kept from the truth because they know not where to find it”. We are His hands, His
feet, and His mouth in these last days. The full time missionaries need our help in the hastening of this work. As
we celebrate His birth this month let us remember what He has done for each and every one of us. Let us
remember His miraculous birth, life, and mission as the shepherd of all and how He set the example to bring in His
sheep. Let us do what we can, act upon promptings, pray for opportunities, and not be consumed by the fire of the
day that surrounds us (distractions) and help bring the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to our friends,
neighbors, and colleagues throughout the world as we are directed and prompted by His spirit is our prayer and
wish for us all this Christmas season.

"Surely there could not be a more exciting time to be involved in the Lord’s work. In a world where we
can so easily share our testimonies, the kingdom of God will surely spread, like the stone in
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, until it fills the whole world." L. Tom Perry


We got a new stake presidency this weekend.  Elder Holland and Elder Chidester conducted.  We had a great
priesthood meeting Saturday @ 4 and learned much.  Elder Holland is an inspired prophet and apostle of God.  He
spoke to our hearts. He challenged us. He rebuked us in a way that only an apostle can do and have you still love
him and have you look inwardly.  It was sobering but beautiful.  He shared sad numbers on the % of lost members
from baptism up – basically 66% don’t make it.  He instructed us how ‘saving ordinances’ are the most important
thing and that we should in all our duties be mindful of where brothers/sisters are and help to advance them
towards activation, endowment, sealing and enduring to the end.  He spoke a great deal about Joseph Smith – and
‘which church to join’ and how Satan came to destroy him – because he didn’t want the church on the earth but
more importantly he didn’t want the POWER on the earth – the Priesthood.  And how that answer ‘which church
to join’ that Joseph asked – can be answered as you find the church w/ POWER at its core  priesthood and
revelation!  And, that is what he restored – Priesthood & Revelation.  (likens back to the savior talking to his
apostles after their return mission and asking – ‘whom do you/they say that I am’ and Peter replied – “though art
the Christ, the son of the living God”.  And, the savior replied ‘Flesh & blood have not revealed that to you but my
father in heaven and upon ‘this’ must I build my church.  The antecedent to ‘this’ that he will build HIS CHURCH on
is – revelation the revelation from his father to Peter testifying that Jesus is the Christ.  Just like the revelation from
the Father to Joseph Smith to restore the church and establish Christ at its head..  Great stuff. 

Well, Elder Holland continued - And, how That Satan did the one thing he had power to do – no hurt him, although
he felt as though he would literally die – but he BOUND HIS TONGUE.  Think about that!.  What does Satan want us
to do – NOT speak. NOT share our testimony.  Bind our tongue = he wants us to remain silent, go about our days,
be ‘ok’ latter day saints – but he intimidates and creates fears and uncertainties in us so that we don’t ‘speak’ so
that we don’t get on our knees – like Joseph – and pray.  It was awesome.  Elder Holland rocked it.  After that was
over as I was only 3 rows away – I walked right up, thank him for his ‘words’ and shook his hand and introduced
myself.  It was awesome shaking hands with a prophet.

Then, we had the adult session – 12 + were invited.  Noah and Bailey came.  Amazing.  It was so personal and
moving. He shared the story of his father when he was 10 – Frank Ballard.  Drinker, smoker, non-active member
and how three men came over one day.  Tired from a long day likely.  It was the bishop, EQP, and Sunday School
President.  He opened the door w/ a cigarette in his hand.  Invited them in. Put it out. The bishop jumped right in
and indicated they wanted him to teach a Sunday school class.  He responded – but Bishop ‘I Smoke’.  The bishop
raised to his feet – and basically yelled back – ‘well, that is not my problem Frank – it is your problem” and the man
Frank, 1951, just sat there and stared at these men – and then he noticed something and looked over – he saw his
Son – standing there listening and watching the whole thing – and at that instant he looked back to the men, back
to his son, and he realized – before they even told him – it was for his sons class he was being asked to teach.  He
asked – how soon do you need me?  He then walked over to the fire place and took out his pack of cigarettes and
through them into the fire.  He never drank or smoked again.  He went early to church the next Sunday to pay
some tithing and told the Bishop he was going to give it his best.  That boy – was Elder Jeffry R. Holland… That man
– Frank, was his father.  Can you imagine what his life would have been like if those men hadn’t stopped by?  His
father, Frank, when on to later set apart elder Holland to a deacon, teacher, priest, Elder and in a rare event served
in London w/ his son while Elder Holland was on his mission - his father served in that missions presidency.  He
went on to say  During this story, it was emotional and powerful – Elder Holland slammed his fist down and fairly
yelled – So, “While you may think that ‘this brother’ isn’t worthy, or that brother or sister isn’t ready, or they are
content being inactive, and that you don’t need to reach out, to visit, to love, to invite – you may tease yourself
with that all day long – but, DON’T you think for a minute that God has forgot his children.  Don’t you think that he
is not actively aware of them and loves them.  Don’t fool yourself and don’t you forget.  God is aware of his
children.” It was so powerful, he slammed his fist and made sure we understood – God is actively aware of his
children.  It was powerful and touching.  He was speaking to all of us and what we have all felt – like “I’m doing an
OK job – or those inactive on my list don’t want a visit – or they have told me ‘no before’, or that neighbor is
inactive and not interested – so why bother”  It was very eye opening. 

Well, it touched Cory Chapman especially.  I think I have written about him. (I see that I haven’t I will add some
missionary experiences there in a moment for background).  Cory was after that meeting walking the hall after all
had left having helped put away the chairs.  He ran into Elder Holland – just those two by the drinking fountain. 
They shared something special about their background, their dads, and it touched both men it turns out.  Elder
Holland invited him to meet w/him Sunday morning before conference at 9 am.  Well, we had invited the
plumley’s to join us – not often you get to be that up and personal w/ Elder Holland.  I had felt in order to get good
seats and save some – we needed to get there super early.  Heather and I talked about this and both agreed and
felt this.  We got there at 8:55 or so – same time interestingly enough as the Chapmans. Unaware of what had
transpired – they sat right by us – asked heather to watch their three kids – and asked me if I would join him for a
meeting?  He said I had uncanny timing and just shook his head as we walked out.  He indicated how he was going
to call me the night before to ask me to join him, but it was 10:30 and didn’t want to call so late.  We were the only
two families in there that early and it was a neat ‘timing’ experience.  So, I walked out w/him.  I assumed he had
somehow made arrangements and was getting the MP from President Campbell as him and I have had many
conversations about trying to get him advanced from being a deacon.  So, I asked – he said no – the appt. is w/
Elder Holland.  I was a bit taken back.  He told me again how he wanted to call me last night to invite me to join
him as I was his ‘missionary’, like those three men who reached out to Elder Holland’s father – I had reached out to
Cory on inspiration at the right time and it was the Lord’s time.  I was honored he would think of me and invite me
to join what was to be one of the  most amazing experiences of my life.  Elder Holland and Chidester showed up
and we were brought to an interview room – with a table and three chairs.  The two brethren sat on one side and I
next to Cory and Kara next to him.  Elder Holland shook my hand again – calling me Kelly and asked if I would say
the prayer.  I still did not know what is going on – but I am in a room w/ an apostle of the lord 3 feet away and he
asked me to invoke the spirit into our meeting. Well, if you don’t believe Christ and Heavenly Father are aware of
their children – and the ONE - the lost sheep – leave the 90 and 9 – and go after the one - you are MISTAKEN.  He
left the thousands this day – from the conference and took care of the one!  He took 45 minutes w/ us – right up
until Conference was to start.  And promised he would be there for Cory all the way until we get them to the
temple and he performs the sealing.  He spoke about his last talk on depression – Cory is bipolar and has issues w/
that – He spoke on how we already know how the game ends.  We know that Christ wins.  We know that Satan has
power. That he will put points on the board – but he can’t win and won’t win as Jesus already has through the
atonement.  So, it is more about what jersey we are going to wear.  He loved, he counseled, he listened intently. 
He took the time with the one to make a huge difference.  He asked me to work w/ Elder Chidester to be a conduit.
To keep in touch.  To call him if necessary to report and that we are on this journey together until we get Cory and
Kara sealed in the temple and that he will be there to perform the sealing.  He ended by saying “Cory, there are
15MM members in this church.  Meetings like this – are rare.  But, I felt something with you and knew we had to
do this.  I hope you realize how much your heavenly father is mindful of you and loves you’.  Then, we gave Cory a
priesthood blessing.  My hands where on Cory’s head on the hands of an apostle of the Lord.  I will never forget
that experience.  That blessing was powerful.  He talked to him like a son.  He counseled him.  He blessed him. He
rebuked Satan in his life.  He counseled him that God has given man science, and medicine and the priesthood –
and that w/ his issues – he needs to take full advantage of all of them.  He counseled w/ him to get to the temple
and that if he loves his kids as much as he professes – the least he could do would be to be sealed to them for time
and all eternity and give them that gift.  It was one of those moments and really weekends – never to be

Well, here is the rest of the story. When visits like this happen – often the stake president will take the presiding
authorities out on visits to a few homes in the stake. Bishop Davis, my bishop I work with, went right to president
Campbell a week or so ago and said if you are going out – I would please ask that you visit w/ the Chapmans. I feel
that would do it for them. Pres. Campbell – said no – that is not going to happen. Too much going on and not
likely to visit Cory’s for who knows what reasons – but Danny said he kept praying for a miracle and that somehow
Elder Holland and Cory would be able to hook up. It was a beautiful and wonder experience. Miracle. Answer to
prayer(s). Revelation. Priesthood power. Elder Hollands blessing was powerful – he spoke with him. He instructed
him. He rebuked satan for him. He counseled w/ him to get to the temple and that if he loves his kids as much as
he professes – the least he could do would be to be sealed to them for time and all eternity and give them that gift.

Recived a text from Chris Tibbits. He wanted to meet w/ Morgan Brown, his HT, and I. He needs assistance –
food/finance. Kidney problems. We counseled. Gave him a blessing. Shared the update w/ Bishop and told him to
get to the temple and get his recommend renewed. Great meeting.

I wrote my letter to Mike Frantz. I will send this week. I hope and prayer the heavens will touch ihis mind and
heart and he can watch conference w/ his wife and feel of the truth of that message and have a desire to learn
more and be baptized. He will be an awesome member and I felt inspired to share this w/ him now. I pray again
that as Elder Holland said – He has NOT forgotten his children – Mike Frantz and his wife Susan are two pervious
children and God will touch their lives w/ his spirit as they watch those talks and pray the message I send him will
be a benefit to him.

12/17/13 – email entry between Mike Frantz and I:

On Dec 12, 2013, at 9:27 AM, Kelly.Passey <> wrote:

Mike, thanks for your address.  You should receive my package today or tomorrow along with our family
Christmas card.  I have mentioned before how our church holds a general conference every 6-months
where we get to hear from the prophet and apostles.  It is an amazing event.  I have always appreciated
our relationship and friendship and brotherhood.  The  relationships we have in life have always made
me wonder, and maybe you too have wondered, about life before we came here to earth - and how and
why the Lord enables some of us to interact and be a part of particular individuals lives?  Basically, how
is it we have the circle of friends, family and influences vs. the other 6.9 billion people on the earth.  I am
sure as you have thought about your sweet wife and beautiful daughters you have thanked the heavens
you found Susan and were able to raise your children together.  Certain friendships and relationships,
like Heather’s (my wife) which seemed like I knew her when I first met her, or other friends – seem like
kindred spirits and special friends like true ‘brothers’.  I think it speaks to the likelihood of us knowing
and potentially making promises to each other in a pre-earth life.  God, it seems, has put people
together in proximity, in friendships, in families for a reason – so we can hopefully have the most
positive impact and be a blessing to those around us.  I am again thankful for that feeling with you and
what is even more amazing is that it was based on the foundation of those first very few short months
we met in SLC at Prime Option w/ Discover Card and then added to it w/ Visa.  Well, regardless of how
and why we are blessed to interact w/ those around us - it is a marvel.

So, back to my gift.  As I sat listening to these talks I kept thinking about you and your family and felt a
strong impression to share this with you after listening to one particular talk. I have listened to all of
them now several times on the way to work – I try to pick one a day to listen to. I hope you can take
some time to listen/watch some of these speakers too.  These men and women are inspired.  It is
powerful and simple in presentation as they bear witness and testimony about Jesus, the heavens,
prophets and apostles, and the need for a restoration of many of the teachings that have been lost over
the millennia.  Peter in the new testament talks about a ‘restoration/restitution of all things in the last
days’ and common sense screams that if a loving God of heaven would send prophets and apostles to
men of olden days – why not us? Does he love us less? – wouldn’t he, passed the dark ages (Amos 8:11-
12) where there was not a famine of water or bread – but a famine of hearing the word of the Lord and
men wondered and wandered as to where to find it.  If he loves us as much as them of old - wouldn’t he
send us modern or latter day apostles and teachers and prophets and more scripture to teach us before
the coming again of his Son?  That is what I believe these men and women speak of.  I invite you to listen
to them and hope you feel and sense the truth in their message as I do.   I don’t know why at this time I
felt such a strong impression to share this with you – likely the spirit of the season of Christmas – but I
have learned that when I feel prompted to do something – it is best to act upon that and let the cards
fall where they may.

I hope you and your family have a joyous Christmas and New Year.  I pray the God of heaven will
continue to bless you and provide opportunities for you to be a positive influence on the life’s of those
around you as you have been to me.  I know we are all here at this time on the earth for a reason and
we are all on a path to be the best men/women we can be and follow in the footsteps of the Savior and
return to live with him and Heavenly Father again someday.  Now that my dad has been gone almost 7-
years I have that hope more and more as the time passes.  That death is not the end. The Jesus truly was
resurrected and that we too can live again in heaven with our families.  I hope and pray for your good
health and again thank you for your friendship.

Sincerely KP

From: Mike []

Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas
Hi Kelly, Your message gave me goose bumps and is another shining example of the gifts given by The
Lord on a daily basis.  The gift of friendship and and family is truly amazing.  I have come to realize that
the more we stop and recognize these gifts the more we can become what we behold.  If we truly give
ourselves to The Lord Jesus and grow in faith we can experience the pure joy and peace of his love
through the reflection of Jesus's love through family and friends.  It is truly amazing.

I also find myself in self examination and reflection around the Christmas Holiday.  As I continue to
examine how I can contribute and influence those around me using my gifts I realize that miracles do
happen everyday.  Aren't miracles the celebration of the gifts The Lord has bestowed?  I think so.

Also wanted to let you know that I am a member of the club of those who have lost their father.  I think
about my dad every day and hope to make him proud.  I am sure you feel the same.  I know in my heart
and soul we will see them again.

As I look at our businesses I ask myself each morning if what I am doing is the progressive realization of a
worthy ideal.  I find that if I can stay focused on the worthy ideal that at the end of the day I can make
the most impact on those around me and feel closer to Jesus.

The timing of your note was perfect and your gift in the mail certainly very much appreciated my friend.
I truly value your friendship more than you know. All the blessings of this wondrous season to you and
yours.  Let's be sure to get together in 2014 and beyond. What a handsome family and thank you for
sharing.  All the blessings of The Lord to you and yours.

Michael Frantz

1/2/14 Email I sent to a few select friends:

I hope and pray you all have the best in 2014.  God lives. His son, our brother, enabled the way. The plan is sure
before us. Our path is straight and our guide is sure in the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The priesthood reigns and
is the power to overcome all through faith and love!  God bless you my brothers. Thank you all for your friendship
and example to me!!  I love reflecting this time of year on what is most important. I am most thankful for our
brotherhood! I am proud in the knowledge we all stood together, shoulder to shoulder, in the pre-existence and
unitedly declared our allegiance one to another and to our Christ and Savior. 

Thank you and happy new year. 


Paper Plate – March 2014

Thoughts on the need for the Holy Ghost in our lives…

Watching my girls grow up I was fascinated by their attachment to their ‘blankie’. It was not a passing thing for them. It brought
to them comfort, peace, happiness, reassurance, a sense of protection and warmth – for years! Often, as a dad, I felt they
preferred what ‘blankie’ did for them than any hug I could provide. Obviously you see the analogy. How too can the Holy Ghost
play that role for us? And, do we take full advantage of the protections and comfort we can receive?

The Holy Ghost performs several vital roles in the plan of salvation. (1) He bears witness of the Father and the Son (3 ne. 28:11
& Ether 12:41). (2) He reveals the truth of all things (John 14:26 & Moroni 10:5). (3) He sanctifies those who have repented
and become baptized (3 nephi 27:20 & John 3:5). And, (4) He is the Holy Spirit of Promise (D&C 132:7). In its simplest terms –
Heavenly Father prepared the beautiful plan, Jesus our Beloved Savior and brother perfected it through his selfless sacrifice,
and the Holy Ghost ‘enables’ it and us – if we listen – to feel, find, and act upon the plan through our faith and actions to return
to our heavenly home through these vital roles outlined above.

The power of the Holy Ghost can come upon a person before baptism and witness that the gospel is true. But the right to have
the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, whenever one is worthy, is a gift that can be received only by the laying on of
hands by one having authority, after baptism into the true Church of Christ. As a member of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost is
given to all of Heavenly Father’s children as a blessing to lead and guide and steer and correct and warn and expound and
provide peace and comfort to all on our journey and path back towards heaven. So much so that we have the opportunity and
privilege, every week, to thankfully not only renew our baptismal covenants, but as we do our part, (“..and always remember
him and keep his commandments…) always have his spirit to be with them.” (D&C 20:77) Always having his spirit, the Holy
Ghost and light of Christ, with us - that is a beautiful blessing and something we need to take advantage of through sacrament
attendance and worthily partaking of the sacrament. With what surrounds us - we need the blessings of regularly/weekly
sacrament attendance now more than ever and I invite any who have been away for a while to please join us. We miss you and
need you.

Years ago I attended the Manti pageant. We are all familiar with the protestors. One such was on a box and was surrounded by
a group of 14-16 year olds and he had their ear and they were listening. I walked up and began to listen for a moment. Now, I
am positive the Holy Ghost has not always been my constant companion – but I have never felt it abandon me like I did at that
moment. It was an immediate departure and left me empty and cold. I told those kids right then to leave, not to listen to
anymore, and I departed. I testify – as my girls learned years ago, that ‘blankie’ feeling is real. The Holy Ghost will tell you in
your mind and in your heart (D&C 8:2) and I pray this month as we hear talks on this subject we may all listen and strive to find
ways to be more in tune with his promptings and receive the blessings of his warmth to our souls.

Kelly Passey

Paper Plates – May 2014

This month our theme is taken from 1 Nephi 19:23. Here, we see Nephi, a loving brother, struggling to teach his
oft wayward siblings about Christ. This verse indicates that by reading unto them the scriptures, especially the
words of mighty prophets, he might ‘persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer’ – a worthy goal for a
loving family member to have for his loved ones. He continues “…for I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might
be for our profit and learning.”

That is a phrase worth considering - ‘Liken all scriptures unto us’. Nephi is indicating that the scriptures have been
preserved for us to ‘compare’ against our day. We can compare ourselves, our weaknesses, our strengths; we can
compare world events, the teachings of secular leaders, laws, signs in nature, and Christ’s dealings with early day
saints vs. modern/latter day saints. Whether we are young or old, healthy or sick, married or single, man or
woman, we are all experiencing life and all the tests that come with it. We can find hope! We can find peace! We
can find comfort and understanding and faith and light and love and a path forward – through the scriptures. Why
else were they preserved – but again, ‘for our profit and learning’.

The scriptures can teach us and instruct us and provide answers to prayers. They can provide the balm in Gilead so
often sought after and needed in a hard and challenging world. They can be the anchor in our lives amidst storms.
They can strengthen us when tired and when we feel alone.

We are so blessed to have the words of the prophets from the Old World (the Bible), the teachings and words of
Christ during his ministry and that of his Apostles (New Testament), to learn of his dealings with his ‘other sheep’
he was preparing in the Americas (The Book of Mormon) which testify of Christ, and the restorative scriptures
(Pearl of Great Price) and those that help teach us in these last days how his church should be established and
governed (Doctrine & Covenants). We truly have a treasure trove of Gods words, his love, and his Wisdom.

If we need help with obedience we can learn from Nephi: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath
commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a
way..” (1Nephi 3:7) If we need help identifying truth or what path we should take, we can study the gift of the
spirit and role of the Holy Ghost: ‘For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good
from evil’..and ‘if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye
should do.’ (Moroni 7:16 & 2 Nephi 32:5). If you are a mom, a dad, a sister, a brother, a daughter or a son – the
scriptures are full of stories and examples that can provide guidance - how to act, how not to act, lessons on faith,
patience in long suffering, humility in prayer, and the power of the fast and tithe.

Challenge: The youth have 100 verses in their scripture mastery – They are powerful! I encourage you to study
them, review them in FHE, memorize your favorites that apply to your life and strengthen you, and mark them in
your scriptures. You will find if you do this – they will provide answers to prayers you need when you need them – I

As we listen to the talks this month – let us remember that it is by the Rod of Iron, the scriptures and word of God,
that if we press forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron, we may partake of the fruit of the tree, the love
of God, and forever be in his presence (1Nephi 8:30) for when we read and liken and ‘search the scriptures; we are
blessed -- for in them ye think ye have eternal life’ – for they testify of Christ. (John 5:39)

Kelly Passey


Deborah, I am sure you were waiting for this letter – I have been trying to get to it since I stopped by.
Life is demanding but I couldn’t wait longer. I apologize for its delay. It was so awesome to see you
again – and Jamison – wow, fully grown – so different from the little 5-8 year old I remember. Life has a
funny way of reminding us of friends. For me, it was a spiritual prompting that reminded me of you. I
have thought about you often over the years and how much I appreciated being welcomed into your
home as a young home teacher when we lived in the McKinely ward on Layton ave. Those were the first
three years of Heather’s and my marriage and we loved our time there and the people in the

You may recall I told you how I was at a Priesthood leadership training meeting that Sunday morning
(7:00 am - ) and the Stake President was talking about how we go about receiving answer to prayers
and personal revelation. He handed out a piece of paper with some quotes and encouraged us as we
listened if we felt a prompting to write it down and act on it. He was talking about how we can do a
better job in our role as a teacher, we are all teachers as you know – especially with our children, or
being a home teacher as I was for you. And, he talked about how we should prepare more ahead of
time. It made me realize I hadn’t asked the speakers to talk yet in sacrament and so I grabbed my phone
to do a search under ‘sacrament’ as I had written an email to our bishop a few days before about
potential names. The search pulled up the emails I was looking for but it also oddly enough pulled up a
few ‘contacts’ and one was ‘Thompsen’. I only looked at the name for a half second when your name
came rushing into my head and the feeling that I needed to find you and visit you and see how you were
doing. I wrote that down as I was prompted and reflected on it again and again. I knew I needed to act
and move on that prompting – and I wondered if I was to visit you then, or just after church. I felt no
rush so I decided to wait until after church. You should be grateful I wasn’t knocking on your door at
8:00 am that morning…

I went home and still thinking about you, our home teaching visits, our sweet discussions about your
daughter, the roofing project, etc., I found my old journal. I opened it up and honestly turned right to
the page with my recording of the roofing project. It reads as follows:

7/3/95 “What a great week. The church is so true. The spirit is strong when you are doing service for
others. Tuesday night, I was a little worried about how many people would show up for the roofing
project at Deborah’s Thompsen’s house. She is a sweet lady I home teach. She is great. We must have
had 30-35 people there about 10 on each side of the roof and -10 below cutting shingles and cleaning
up. It was just a great site, all working together towards a common goal. I was so proud and happy of
the ward I belong to. They are such loving people…”

I know you too remember that event fondly and I’m sure over the years it has touched your heart as it
has mine. We weren’t able to talk much while we visited on your front lawn and I didn’t want to take
too much of your time with your friends there waiting. But, I did want to ask you a very important
question  ‘why do you think I was there’? I hope you have reflected on that.

I want you to think about that - really. Can you tell me why you think I was prompted to come and see
you? I only know I was so impressed I simply grabbed my boys after church and drove to your home --
wondering if you lived there still – and, if I would find you or not? It was so great to see you and get a
hug and remember old times and teaching and visiting in your home – But, I am not sure exactly why
Heavenly Father wanted me to stop by and see you. I hope you can think and reflect on why you think
he wanted me there. I would love for you to respond and let me know.

I can only imagine that as a loving Heavenly Father - he is, and always has been, mindful of you and
wants your ultimate happiness – a happiness that comes by having his son, Jesus Christ in your life
regularly. He wants you back and needs you in his church and needs you to bring your skills, talents,
service, love, devotion, experiences, lessons of life, all of it – he needs that from you to be a strength to
your family and friends, and in the McKinley ward - to strengthen those around you and you likewise I
feel need that too from them. I ask you to please consider that after this many years for him to reach
out and get me to move like that – it must be ‘time’ for you to likewise move and comeback!

Please know - one is NEVER too far away. One is never not worthy enough for his love. One is never not
loved enough to be embraced by his arms that are always outstretched towards us. To feel so
(unworthy or unwelcome or unloved) is to lessen the merits of Christ’s Mercy and Love and atoning
sacrifice we celebrate this time of year with Easter upon us. He died for ALL of us – you and I both – so
that we might live and love and serve one another and have a hope of the resurrection after this life. A
hope in the time wherein you can be reunited with your sweet daughter and other choice family
members that have gone on before – and be given a chance to be with her again and help finish raising
her in righteousness and love in the heavens above. I can only imagine how you long for that
opportunity.. It is most likely that it is also your sweet daughter in heaven, asking a loving Heavenly
Father, for intervention in your life – so that you can be an eternal family and be sealed together

I am speaking a bit boldly - but, Deborah - you are a daughter of God. You are a sister of mine and a
sister to your brother Jesus Christ. Never forget that. It is time to enjoy the constant companionship of
the Holy Ghost and once again enjoy the fellowship with your brother and sisters in the gospel. You
have SO much to give. You are so strong and such a great person of love, and service, and caring, and
compassion. I have always known it and you know it too. You have so much to gain and give. If you ask
me why - that is why I feel I was inspired to reach out and come find you again. To awaken within you a
sense of your belonging and to share a brief understanding as to how God sees you. As his daughter!
That he wants you back in his midst on a regular basis – enjoying his spirit and his presence in your life
more each day.

Deborah, I was so happy to find you still there. I was so happy you remembered me. Heather was so
excited when I told her. We don’t have a home phone but my cell is 801-865-6060. Heather and I
would love to get together. Have you for dinner or if you want to join us at church for sacrament some
time. We live in Bountiful – our home is 3960 mountain oaks drive, 84010. Our church is 965 E
Oakwood Dr, Bountiful Utah. It starts at 9 am – sacrament meeting. Testimony meeting is still the first
Sunday of every month. Heather’s cell phone is 801-663-3568. Let either of us know any time you want
to come and join us. We will save you a special spot with our family.

Thank you again for the hugs. They meant so much to me. Thank you for visiting with me. Thank you
for letting me be your home teacher so many years ago and being a friend still all these years later.

Love always - KP

Bishopric / Pam & Lisa experiences / Thoughts on ‘bishop’ & president Campbells statements

September 2014 – Paper Plates

There is a great truth found in the Book of Mormon, Ether Chapter 12. Moroni was abridging the 24-
plates, mind you preserving precious points, and records: “And it came to pass that Ether did prophesy
great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not”
(v.5). They couldn’t ‘see’ them – therefore they wouldn’t believe them. They needed to be taught that
believing was seeing. He continues…“And now, I Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these
things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore,
dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith” (v.6) and
finally, “For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them;
wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.”(v.12)

President Kimball taught “Just as undaunted faith has stopped the mouths of lions, made ineffective
fiery flames, opened dry corridors through rivers and seas, protected against deluge and drought, and
brought heavenly manifestations at the instance of prophets, so in each of our lives faith can heal the
sick, bring comfort to those who mourn, strengthen resolve against temptation, relieve from the
bondage of harmful habits, lend strength to repent and change our lives, and lead to a sure knowledge
of the divinity of Jesus Christ.”

We don’t have to be a Daniel, or a Moses, or a Noah. All of us possess the faith necessary to see
miracles happen. If we are honest with ourselves and ponder key events – we would likely confirm,
often amidst our trials and struggles and often when we felt alone, that we have experienced both small
and large miracles in our lives and that we in fact – weren’t alone! But it is in the action of ‘doing’ and
putting forth effort, and trying, and believing, and hoping - in our day to day activities - when we really
‘see’ the miracles. It takes that action of doing, through faith, when God will help us ‘see’.

I hope this month in our sacrament meeting talks as we hear about how ‘faith precedes the miracles’ we
can all be uplifted and exercise faith in our life more abundantly and ‘do’ so that we can ‘know’ (John
7:17) and ‘see’ the miracles of God’s hands holding and helping us along. – Precious doctrine indeed.

Brother Passey

December 2014 Paper Plates

When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the Spirit of Christ, for the Christmas spirit is the Christ
Spirit. It will block out all the distractions around us which can diminish Christmas and swallow up
its true meaning. President Monson.

“Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel (God is with us)”

“And behold this will I give unto you for a sign at the time of his coming; for behold there shall be great
lights in Heaven..and behold there shall a new star arise such an one as ye never have beheld.”

“And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth unto Judea, unto the City of
Bethlehem to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with Child”

“And behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him saying, Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for
behold the time is at hand and on this night shall the sign be given and on the morrow come I into the

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder and
His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of

“And there were in the same county shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flocks by
night. And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and they were sore afraid. And the angel said fear
not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this
day in the City of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord.”
“And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a
manger because there was not room for them in the Inn.”

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly hosts praising God and saying,
Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace good will toward men”

“And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write
according to our prophecies, that our children may now to what source they may look for a remission of
their sins.”

There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the
principles taught by Jesus Christ. Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow. As we
strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and can have peace each day
of the year. It is His example which, if followed, stirs within us more kindness and love, more respect and
concern for others.

“Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence. Because He came, we know how to reach
out to those in trouble or distress. Because He came, death has lost its sting, the grave its victory. We
will live again because He came. Because He came and paid for our sins, we have the opportunity to gain
eternal life.” (President Monson, 2011 First Presidency Christmas Devotional)

The Christmas season is a time to reflect and act upon the blessings and opportunities we have because
of the birth, life, Atonement, and Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As our Heavenly Father “so
loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son” we express our love toward one another and
toward God and his precious Son by giving of ourselves. May the spirit of Christmas be with you and
yours forevermore.

Brother Passey

March 2015 Paper Plates

Its’ OK – I forgive you. Come here.

“Its ok. I forgive you. Come here” And, then a hug ensued with heartfelt crying. How many times,
looking back upon our childhood, can we remember when we did something wrong? Something we had
been taught wasn’t right. And, we still did it. And, then – whether through our own submission or, as in
my case most often, getting caught – we feel penitent and through tears seek forgiveness from a loving

I can tell you I NEVER remember a time when I wasn’t immediately forgiven. Counseled – yes, but still –
loved and embraced and forgiven. And, without recognizing it - taught a lesson regarding repentance
and forgiveness. Those memories flood me as I look back. My own father has been gone now for
almost 8 years. Whether little or large acts of commission/omission – it didn’t matter. My own ‘weight’
I placed for the gravity was sufficient torture for the day it seemed - time and time again.
How many of us now as parents have done the exact same thing for our children? When we see them
before us with tears in their eyes and a longing to be loved and forgiven and not in trouble – hasn’t it
pierced our very heart strings to the core and haven’t we all ‘fallen upon their necks, and they upon our
necks, and we kiss each other’ (Moses 7:63).

I believe Heavenly Father is trying to teach us something about the atonement with these instances with
our children or memories with our parents. Over and over it seems to repeat itself. And over and over
we love, embrace and forgive and forget. Why? We are taught that all things are a ‘type and shadow’
of Christ. All things testify of Christ. This is just one more instance where through our experiences as
parents, we come to have knowledge of how oft our Heavenly Father will forgive us – through Christ’s
atonement. He is likewise ready to embrace us with open arms – if we but come to him in like manner
and become like a little child. Meek. Submissive. Tender. Penitent - and with a broken heart and
contrite spirit. Would we do any less for our children? Will He do any less for us?

I believe we often have a preconceived belief about and fear of a just God. It is true – that justice cannot
be robbed. But, thankfully for us – mercy is the heart of the law.

"Perfect people don't need a Savior. He came to save his people in their imperfections. He is the Lord of
the living, and the living make mistakes. He's not embarrassed by us, angry at us, or shocked. He wants
us in our brokenness, in our unhappiness, in our guilt and our grief." Sister Chieko Okazaki

I pray this month as we listen to the talks on Repentance and Forgiveness we will remember how our
loving Heavenly Father stands ready and with open arms calls out to us “Its Ok. I forgive you. Come
here”. I pray this month you will all feel His love (John 3:16) and remember His Son and never cease to
call upon His name and fall upon His neck.

Kelly Passey

June 2015 Paper Plates

“..Humble, earnest, and persistent prayer enables us to recognize and align ourselves with the will of our
Heavenly Father. The object of our prayers should not be to present a wish list or series of requests but to
secure for ourselves and others blessings that God is eager to bestow..” Elder David A. Bednar

In the summer of 1997 our scout troop went on a 5-day, 53-mile river rafting trip down the green river.
We had checked it out as leader’s weeks before with a quick 3-day float - and all was well. Unfortunately,
when we got there with the scouts – the mosquitos had hatched! We tried not to let them damper our fun.
We floated & swam non-stop in the river. We recited the articles of faith. We played horseshoes and
football and Uno during our down time. We spoke of our favorite Book of Mormon characters and created
awesome memories – we even created new acronyms – MSI and BSI. Mosquitos per Square Inch (MSI)
was used to determine how suitable a site was for camping the night. And, Bites per Square Inch (BSI)
was how bad a boy was swelling up due to the bites.

The last night came around and it was time for our testimony meeting. The campfire was lit and chairs
assembled. An invitation went to all (7 scouts & 3 leaders) to attend – unfortunately, it seems our
invitation went out to the mosquitos as well. It was so thick you could hardly breathe. Several boys began
to say we should just go to bed and not have a testimony meeting. We decided we should try up on the
hillside in the boulders – it was worse! We came back down to the fire - more complaining! Finally,
young Joseph Atkins (the bishop’s son) said “let’s not let the mosquitos ruin our testimony meeting” and
he suggested we pray.

He asked me if I would give the prayer. I was the scoutmaster, Reed Sherman our Varsity Coach and
Blake Atkins our Bishop of this young McKinley Ward from Salt Lake. At this time in my life, I had never
felt more anxiety for a blessing. It felt as if Satan had unleashed a legion of his best warriors to combat us
that evening in the form of mosquitos. We gathered in a circle, knelt down, and I humbly prayed – calling
upon our gathered priesthood and our righteous desires for relief. We finished and sat back in our chairs
– the mosquitos were still there…

I soon shut my eyes, bowed my head, and prayed silently and earnestly with all the effort of my being –
pleading for my heavenly father to please, please show these boys a miracle and to let us have our
testimony meeting. There beneath the stars, on a clear night, with the river running by us and the red rock
cliffs roundabout – I heard my answer. You see for years as a young man – I guess I would often
complain about things to my dad. A statement I heard over and over again was ‘son, don’t let it bother
you – just ignore it’. That evening – a loving Heavenly Father chose to answer my prayer to him with an
answer I had heard from my loving earthly father again and again – I heard loud and clear in my head my
father’s voice “Son, don’t let it bother you – just ignore it”.

You see – up until that point – we had been swatting and swinging and smashing mosquitos with our
arms and squirming this way and that, but we were not settling down to invite the spirit in. I knew my
answer was revelation from a loving Father – I looked to our Bishop. I said “don’t let them both you, just
ignore them”. The bishop looked into my eyes, we both felt the spirit, and then slowly he folded his arms
and legs and said to the boys “Don’t let them bother you, just ignore them”. All of the boys followed suit
and folded their arms and legs. Within a minute the mosquitos were all gone! A miracle was witnessed
and we went boy by boy, around the circle, again and again – some boys bearing their testimony two and
three times! It was one of the most powerful testimony meetings of my life. Little testimonies became
bigger, and big testimonies were strengthened as we ‘recognized and aligned ourselves with the will of
our Heavenly Father’ through humble and earnest prayer.

This month – our sacrament topic is ‘Spiritual Experiences with Prayer’. We have many missionaries
going out and several coming home. I pray with all of my heart you will all come, prepare yourself,
partake of the sacrament, renew your covenants and commitments to always remember our Savior Jesus
Christ – and be fed spiritually. Our loving Father, our ‘God is eager to bestow’. If you have not come to
church in a while – we miss you. We need you. Please, Please come - and feel of His love I pray.

Kelly Passey


Solid testimony meeting today. I was reading the scriptures, which I have not been doing
enough lately, and said a prayer and opened to Revelations 12:11. The chapter is largely about
the pre-existance war between Michael and Satan. I found 10 & 11 interesting: 10 And I heard a
loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them
before our God day and night. (Satan accused the Christ day & night).
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. I love
that – we can overcome satan by #1) The Atonement, and #2) Testimonies… I fasted for
Deborah and prayed that the spirit would be with me as I was conducting and bearing my
testimony. This month we are talking about the articles of faith. I shared this scripture and how
I turned right to this and how here we are on ‘testimony’ day and how we can ‘cast’ satan out by
bearing our testimony and that our testimonies can be simple and beautiful like the AofF. As an
example – the critical one (first vision) is #1 – we believe in God the Eternal Father, His Son
Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Whereas others – like Methodist have their own Articles of
Faith (church of England 1566 has 39, and Methodist 1801 has 25). It felt really good and I am
thankful for my testimony and fasting. June Knight stood up, a convert who was a Methodist,
and talked about how powerful #1 AofF is for her too as she never understood the first article
about God, Jesus and HG being one mystical magical being without form, passion or parts.
Anyway – great day. Then,

Saddest thing ever. So many things have happened – largely in my kids life’s and their growth and I’ve
missed it. I”ll start with Jenna and try and little recap. Jenna is very strong and opinionated. She has
continued with cello and while she fights it and hates practicing anytime someone comes over – friend
or family – we often find her whipping out her cello to play some songs for them. I love that about her –
not afraid to share her talents. She is doing good in school. Her best friend is Delaney Mower and she
likes to hang with Sophie Davis and a few other kids like Kate (Asian girl) can’t remember her last name.
She has also been doing karate now for about 2-years and is a brown belt. It is awesome to watch her
and she loves that it is ‘her thing’. She is very loving to me. She gives me hugs often and jumps into my
arms. I love that about her and honestly wish my other kids were huggers like her. They do occasionally
but not like my little Jenner by the sear. I can Jenna ‘boog’ or ‘booger’. Why or how – I don’t know. Just
started years ago. Sam calls her ‘blarve’ and Bailey calls her ‘Weetches’. I can’t think of a special name
for her that Noah has for her. She is lean and growing taller and her hair is getting long – down to her
lower back. She is beautiful girl and I love her. She likes when I sing her primary songs at night and
scratch her back to help her fall asleep. It is a highlight for me. For whatever reason I always sing the
same three songs. I am a child of God. How Great Thou Art. And, A poor wayfaring man of grief.

Email with Mike Frantz:

You are truly an inspiration and the definition of a friend. Wish our paths crossed more often.
All my love to you and yours.
Mike Frantz
On Mar 9, 2017, at 10:28 AM, Kelly.Passey <> wrote:

Good to hear from you brother. Was out with some friends skiing yesterday at Snowbasin and missed
your email. Got to take a day here and there to feed the soul up in the mountains I think. Gods country.
I thought I would be out there meeting with Discover by now - but nothing yet. They are really my key
Chicago account. As soon as I get one booked you will be the first to know. My cell is 801-865-6060.
Things are good here. Oldest daughter Bailey is a senior in HS and has got accepted into the music
program for Flute to the University of Utah and Brigham Young University. I think she will pick BYU as
she is planning on going on a mission for the church. She was also sterling scholar for her school. Proud
of her efforts. Like you - fun to watch your kids grow. I hope your clan of ladies are doing well. Would
be dang fun to go to a stand up comedy gig with you and watch Susan perform if that ever worked out.

Be well my friend. Hope to connect in person again soon. Remember to find time to feed yourself
spiritually, mentally, physically, et al. We are a 'whole' person and need soul, body and mind taken care
of. Challenging in the demanding world and pressures put upon us - often our own doing. I pray you are
well. I pray for you to have an excellent day/week. I pray for your family and relations and work. God
Bless you my friend. Started listening to The Book of Joy - good listen. Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

Best always.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Frantz []
Hi Kelly,
Just sending good thoughts. Need my Kelly Passey fix soon. Let's touch base! Hey, don't seem to have
your mobile. Can you forward when you get the chance? Thanks my friend!

Attending a mission prep class today with Noah where President Hammond shared thoughts on the
savior and his trial and crucifixion. I wish I would have recorded it. Thoughts..

 Scriptures talk about a great many that came to get Christ. Sources talk about the best
household troops being pulled in and up to 600 men. That is not something you can do by
calling on a cell phone. It was planned out well in advance from Annas and with the help of the
Roman guard.
 Christ asked ‘whom seeketh though’ and they said Jesus of Nazareth and he said ‘I am he’. The
scriptures state that they fell back or fell down at this. He had such power in his words. Again,
whom seeketh you? repeat I am he –
 Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with
you teaching in the temple, and ye laid no hold on me
o Jewish law prevented any night arrests because they wanted to do everything in the
open and nothing in secret or dark. They broke this law.
 Peter cuts off malcius’s ear. Christ rebukes him and states for all to hear as I am sure there was
significant commotion ‘Peter knoweth though not that I could call down 12 legions (6,000 =
legionor 72,000) angels of my father
 They brought him to Caiphas the high priest but annias was the guy really in charge. He used to
be the HP but had more power separately and controlled the money and comings/goings of the
jewish leaders – Caiphas was his son-in-law.
 They saught – ‘false witnesses’ because they knew they had no real charge against him but they
sought his life. And, they could find none….
 Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put
him to death; But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yetfound they none. At
the last came two false witnesses, And said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of
God, and to build it in three days. And the high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou
nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? But Jesus held his peace. And the high
priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether
thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto
you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the
clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what
further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. What think ye?
They answered and said, He is guilty of death.
 The jews had no grounds to kill a man, only the romans. They had a good working relationships
with the romans. So they took Christ to Pilate. Pilate has been burned twice already by the jews
so he is leary of them and his relationship to Rome as procurator. Twice before with the silver
eagles he displayed through the cities and another time with ‘guilt’ banners the people appealed
to Ceasar and Rome wanting peace and paying tax members both times told Pilate to remove
them. So, Pilate was leary of them and didn’t really want to weigh in on their matter finding no
fault with Jesus. He finds out he is from galilea and sends him to Herod – an easy out. Herod is
a killer and has no problem killing Jews. His father is the one who ordered the deaths of all the
babies when Christ was born to squash the prophecy of a ‘king of the jews’ being born. He is not
a good man – and Christ answers him nothing on his questions. He sends him back to Pilate.
 Pilate questions him more and decides to help appease the jews by beating jesus and flogging
him with cords (bone & metal) to destroy/tear apart his back. The normal lashings were 36. It is
suggested he got more. After the ‘atonement’ in the garden where he bled from everypour
from the weight of the sins of the world and now this – he is so utterly wiped out – it is no
wonder he cannot carry his cross beam 700 yards to golgothas hill.
 Pilate remembers or is reminded likely from the jewish leaders that there is a customer of
clemency during Passover to release one prisoner. There is oddly enough one many in prisons
whose name is ‘barabbas’. Simon BarJona – means Simon, Son of Jona. It is a was to describe a
family line. Here is BarAbbas – a zealot and murdered in prison rightfully so vs. Christ who is -
wrongly accused against all jewsish customs and we find two (2) ‘Sons of God’. Jesus Christ the
rightly heir and true Son of the Father or God and one ‘BarAbbas’ – which literally means Son of
Abba or Father/God. Christ vs. an Anti-Christ if you will – and who do the people pick for
clemency to be released – but Barabbas – and not the savior.
 He is marched to Golgothas hill. Nailed to the cross with long wooden or metal spikes between
wrist bones and palm bones hitting major nerves. The weight of your body being held up by
that piercing nerves would be excruciating. The word in Latin for Excruciating literally means –
of the cross. The cross would have been only 8-9 feet in total as when they give him vinegar to
drink when he said ‘I thirsteth’ they do so on a hyssop stick which would be only about 24” long
and with the arm of a normal man reaching up with that hyssop stick again – Christ wasn’t
raised up way high up and above all – but more directly in front of you at largely eye level. His
mother and apostles where right there right in front of him.
 He did three things – Father forgive them for they know not what they do, This day you shall be
with me in paradise, and John, behold they mother, mother behold they son and John took
Mary and departed. He served/blessed and thought of three others before himself as always.
He could stand any further for his mother to be right there looking/weaping for him and so had
John take her away.
 6 hours on the cross. Trying holding your arms up above your head for 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes and
see how that feels. Notice the shortness or tightening of the chest – its harder to breathe. Most
who died on the cross do so peacefully and passout and die – largely due to an affixation
(shortness or breath and good oxygen). With the short breaths in and out you end up breathing
back in ‘bad’ air or Carbon dioxide – you finally get so winded and need air so bad you have to
stand up against the nails in your feet to push yourself up in order to breathe before that pain
begins to kill as you get a few breaths and you slump back down to the weight against your
hands/wrist. They would often break their legs to help expedite the death process. The soldiers
had seen people die this way, largely peacefully at the end as they pass out and likely seen
hundreds if not thousands die this way. However…
 When the savior knew it was done, and after the Father removing the spirit from him so he was
utterly alone, so he bore the full weight 100% of the atonement and his mission as savior and
redeemer of the world – he look heavenward and proclaimed – having to stand up again on his
feet and push himself up in order to get enough air to talk – (each time blessing the others he
had to do this as well) – then, Father…Into they hands I commend my spirt and he gave up the
ghost and died. So Very different from how all others die. The centurion soldier near by having
watched this event proclaimed – ‘Truly, this was the son of God’.

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