Banking Software Final Discontinuation Notice - G531-1000-0000

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Discontinuation Notice SAM ID FIN-

Banking Software

Final Discontinuation Notice



Discontinuation Rationale
‘Jitter’ or Enhanced Card Drive (ECD) was a solution offered by NCR as an initial countermeasure to card
skimming. Jitter operates by vibrating the card motion as the card is drawn into and out of the ATM with the
intent to prevent a clean swipe of the card, as required by a skimmer. Since the time of the introduction of
Jitter, criminal techniques and technology have improved such that the analog waveform of a jittered swipe
can be filtered to remove the effects of the jitter and reveal the card data. This vulnerability has the effect of
compounding the existing problems of jitter; namely that the jitter only applies to the CVV1 portion of the
magnetic strip due to the ATM dimensions, and that sometimes ATM users will pull their card smoothly out
of the ATM. Jitter also places a great wear on the card reader motor thus reducing its lifespan.
For these reasons, NCR no longer advocates Jitter as an effective anti skimming countermeasure. At best,
jitter has a mild deterrent effect only. The minimum requirement for skimming protection on an NCR ATM is
configured with skimmer detect and anti-tamper monitoring.

G531-1000-0000 Enhanced Card Driver Runtime License

Summary of Changes

Countries Impacted by Last Order Date Last Manufacturing Last Service Date
Discontinuation Date

Global Effective Immediately Effective Immediately N/A

4th February 2021 4th February 2021
    *exceptions as per agreement with each country

See embedded Excel spreadsheet for detailed information including shipment information, Product IDs to be
discontinued and replacement options:

©2017 NCR Corporation, All rights reserved.

NCR – Confidential
Use and Disclose Solely Pursuant to Company Instructions
Discontinuation Notice SAM ID FIN-

Any information which may impact the above discontinuation schedule must be sent to the Product
Manager Charlie Harrow and Christine Bunch and the Discontinuation Notifications mailbox immediately.
Contact Us

Failure to action may result in missed customer commitments and/or excess inventory. If you have any
questions on these actions, contact your manager.

The last order date is the date that the Product IDs will no longer be available in the QuoteBuilder/ERP
systems. All orders must be fully processed before the above specified last order date to ensure that it is

Further information
The discontinuation document is published to SAM
All active hardware product discontinuations can be found through the following link

Summary of Changes
Last Change Date Description of Change Author
27th January 2020 Final Discontinuation Notice Released Charlie Harrow
Christine Bunch
Jenny Chan

©2017 NCR Corporation, All rights reserved.

NCR – Confidential
Use and Disclose Solely Pursuant to Company Instructions

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