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Speaker_______________________ Date you will be speaking___________

Time Allotted: _______ min Topic: __________________________

 Always testify of Jesus Christ
 Share one or more personal experiences related to the gospel topic
 Use the scriptures
 Quote modern-day prophets and leaders
We encourage you to share the gospel from your heart, focusing on comforting, uplifting, and
strengthening your brothers and sisters. Please remember the value of bearing personal testimony
rooted in your real life personal experiences, as well as a personal witness of the love, mercy, and
the blessings of our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and His atonement.
Please remember three simple rules:
 If a speaker speaks too long you will lose the attention of the audience. Please don’t
speak longer than your allotted time. If your allotted time will result in the meeting
finishing early, please don’t extend your remarks, the audience will appreciate a
meeting that finishes early.
 One of the most powerful ways to begin a talk is to start with a personal experience
based on the gospel topic you were assigned. No need to introduce yourself and
family, give a personal history, or tell a joke about how you received your assignment.
 Should I read my talk? Sometimes when we read our talks they can come across less
personal. The more eye contact you can make with the audience will help people
connect better with you and the message you are sharing. It is especially important to
not read your personal experience but to share it in your own words.
“In my judgment the sacrament meeting is the most sacred, the most holy, of all the
meetings of the Church.” Joseph Fielding Smith 


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