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August 2, 2023 Dear Judge Olmedo, ‘My name is Alanna Masterson, Danny's only sister and youngest sibling. My brother is facing a lengthy sentence, therefor | wanted to give you some insight into the man that shaped me into the person | am today, Danny is my best friend and helped raise me when my father left us. My mom was alone Providing for all of us and Danny stepped in to shoulder that burden. He helped all of us financially, but also with the daily happenings of his younger siblings. He sat front row at every ballet recital (of which there were plenty) and made sure he was never late, with flowers in hand. He took me to school, to sleepovers. My first movie at the El Capitan. He came to visit me at boarding school all the time, and he gave his weekends to helping the kids in my drama class. He took me to my first concert and taught me all about music. He gave me a job when | wanted to go to college in New York so I'd have enough money for my subway pass and food He let me live with him the entire time | was in school, so | wouldn't have to worry about the financial burden of finding an apartment, He was there when | graduated, front and center. He's never missed anything for me or anyone that | know. He flew to Atlanta where | was working and held my hand through 30 hours of labor, making me laugh in between contractions. He held my daughter so | could sleep and recover, while also taking care of his daughter. He's the best father and husband | know. Never ever putting himself first. When his wife’s kidney failed, he did everything he could to help her. He launched an awareness campaign to find her a match, after she was too far down on the transplant list and they were running out of time. But the most important thing about my brother Danny, is his relationship with his 9 year old daughter. They are best friends, He does everything with her and for her. Homework, story time, dance class, mini golf, baking, brushing and braiding her hair so her curls don't get into knots. They have ballet recitals in the living room, and ice skating duets at the rink. They go and see movies every Saturday and go on long adventures together. She'd be lost without him, we all would be. He's our family’s true North Star; for so many friends and loved ones. hope you take into consideration all of this information in regards to your sentencing. Thank you very much. Respectfully, Alanna Masterson ies

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