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Senior High

11-1 Semester
Core Subject

Oral Communication in Context

Quarter 1
Module 1: Nature and Elements of Communication
Oral Communication in Context- Senior High School Core Subject
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 -Module 1: Nature and Elements of Communication
First Edition, 2021

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Development Team of the Module

Compiler: Alice C. Bordadora, MTI, Talamban National High School

Illustrator: Pia Bianca C. Bordadora

Editors: Roquesa B. Sabejon, PSDS, North District 7

Rex C. Ebarle, MTI, Cebu City National Science High School
Gina M. Panes, TIII, Cebu City National Science High School
Dennis Jay L. Tecson, TII, Alaska Night High School
Genara S. Villanueva, TIII, Alaska Night High School

Management Team:

Rhea Mar A. Angtud, Schools Division Superintendent

Bernadette A. Susvilla, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Grecia F. Bataluna, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief
Norman R. Gabales, EPSvr-English
Vanessa L. Harayo, EPSvr-LRMS

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Senior High School
11-1st Semester
Core Subject

Oral Communication in Context

Quarter 1
Module 1: Nature and Elements of Communication


Welcome to school year 2020 – 2021!

The design of this module is mainly adhered to your varied communicative needs.
It is carefully made by taking salient communicative skills into considerations to
harness your ability in communication. In addition, the communicative activities that
you will answer in this module are highly intended to provide you avenues in
developing your appreciation, passion, and competence in communication.

Your drive to accomplish those activities will serve as your strength to grasp even
more your purpose. Driven with eagerness in this module, you will certainly enjoy
the process of acquiring competitiveness in communication. This advantage will give
you breaks, and these breaks will continue coming to your way if you find meaning
when handling varied communicative situations.

This module is comprised of the following parts:

Pretest This is a multiple-choice test that will assess

your prior knowledge based on the lesson
presented in the module.

What I Need to Know This enumerates the essential skills and

competencies you are expected to learn all
throughout the module.

What’s In This contains a preparatory activity either in a

form of motivation or a review that will lead
you to the actual lesson in the module.

What’s New This presents you the lesson in varied ways. It

can be through story, a song, a poem, a
problem opener, an activity, or a situation. The
concepts here are simplified through

What I Can Do This is an activity which will let you apply your
learned knowledge and skill from the lesson
into your real-life situations and concerns.

What I Have Learned This is composed of brief statements that

express your key takeaways after learning the
lesson from the module.

What’s More This contains activities that will further assess

and enhance your appreciation and
understanding on the lesson presented in the

Post Test This is a multiple-choice test that evaluates
your level of mastery of the learning
competency anchored on the lesson.

Answer Key This contains the answers to all the activities

except for the posttest in the module.
References This enumerates all the sources used in
developing this module.

The following are the reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module.
2. Do not forget to answer Pretest before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/ facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult to your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

About the Module

This module has only one lesson entitled: Nature and Elements of Communication.
The ultimate skill that this module wants you to acquire after completion is that you
will determine the functions of communication that must be employed in different
scenarios. With that in mind, you are expected to handle English language
learning as a worthwhile journey.

Directions: Using a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer for
each item. Label your paper as Pretest- Module 1 in Oral Com.

1. It is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one

person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures.
a. communication b. speech delivery c. function d. information

2. Which of the following serves as the source of information in the communication

a. receiver b. message c. channel d. speaker

3. What do you call the process of converting the message into words, actions, or
other forms that the speaker understands?
a. encoding b. decoding c. context d. feedback

4. It is the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the

a. encoding b. decoding c. channel d. receiver

5. These are the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.

a. barriers b. noises c. messages d. feedbacks

6. Which of these is the greatest hurdle to communication?

a. barrier b. feedback c. sender d. message

7. What do you call the environment where communication takes place?

a. message b. channel c. context d. decoding

8. The factor that affects the flow of communication is _ _.

a. barrier b. speaker c. message d. feedback

9. The following are nonverbal communications, EXCEPT:

a. body language c. whispering the message
b. facial expression d. sign language

10. What is the correct process of communication? Arrange the given steps below.
A. The receiver gets the message.
B. The speaker encodes an idea or converts the idea into words or actions
C. The receiver sends or provides feedback.
D. The speaker generates an idea.
E. The receiver decodes or interprets the message based on the context.
F. The speaker transmits or sends out a message.

a. F-A-C-E-B-D b. D-B-F-A-E-C c. B-A-F-C-D-E d. D-B-C-E-A

For items 11-15, choose your answer from the box.

a. control d. social interaction

b. motivation e. emotional expression
c. information dissemination

11. It is the function of communication that allows individuals to interact with others.

12. It is the function of communication that facilitates people’s expression of their


13. It is the function of communication that conveys information.

14. It is the function of communication that encourages people to live better.

15. It is the function of communication that directs behavior.

Nature and Elements
of Communication

What I Need to Know

After completing this module, you are expected to:
1. define communication;
2. discuss the nature and the process of communication; and
3. determine the function of communication based on the situations given.

What’s In
Directions: Think of five words that you can associate with communication. Write
them down inside the box. Afterwards, in one sentence define
communication from those answers. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper. Avoid answering in the module.


What’s New

Communication: Definition and Nature

Communication comes from the Latin language, communis and communicare.

Communis is a noun which means common while communicare is a verb which means
to make something common.
Communication is a broad topic. Cheney (2011) defined communication as a process
of encoding and transmitting messages using different symbols from one sender to a
receiver. It is a process of sharing and conveying information from one person to
another within and across channels, contexts, media, and culture to achieve the
desired goal. There is aural and oral communication. Aural refers to the ear or hearing
while oral refers to the mouth or speaking.
There are four main types of communication we use daily: verbal, nonverbal, written,
and visual. These types of communication take place in various situations. Verbal
communication involves the use of words or speech or auditory language to express
emotions, thoughts, or exchange of information while nonverbal communication
involves the use of visual or nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, eye or body
movements, gestures, and many more without speaking. Below are examples of the
various methods we send and receive messages and information.

face-to-face interaction Tri-media

(both verbal and non-verbal communication)

Methods of Communication

online communication electronic gadgets

We already have learned the definition of communication. Now, let us explore its
nature. Communication is one of the basic activities of man. It is something that we
cannot live without. Moreover, it is important to be able to share our thoughts, feelings
likewise hear the opinions and ideas of the people around for us to maintain a
harmonious relationship. Thus, we can avoid misunderstandings.

Nature of Communication

1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker and the
3. Communication can be expressed through words (verbal), actions
(nonverbal), or both at the same time.

Communication is a process for it entails a series of actions or steps taken to achieve

a particular end. It involves a continuous process from the sender to the receiver and
vice versa. Most often, we use a common language to send messages, to express our
thoughts and feelings, and to provide information.

Elements of Communication What are the

elements of

1. Speaker The source of information or message

2. Message the information, ideas, or thoughts
conveyed by the speaker in words or in
3. Encoding the process of converting the message into
actions or other forms that the speaker
4. Channel the medium or the means such as personal
or non-personal, verbal, or nonverbal
through which the encoded message is
5. Decoding the process of interpreting the encoded
message of the speaker by the receiver
6. Receiver the recipient of the message or someone
who decodes the message
7. Feedback the reactions, responses, or information
provided by the receiver
8. Context the environment where communication
takes place
9. Barrier the factor that affects the flow of

The communication process refers to the transmission or passage of information or
message from the sender through selected channel to the receiver overcoming the
barriers that effect its pace. The process of communication is a cyclic one as it
begins with the center and ends with the sender in the form of feedback.

Study the illustration of the communication process below:

The Communication Process

Here is a sample process of communication.

Process of Communication Examples

The speaker generates an idea. Pia feels guilty after she accidentally
broke her brother’s favorite guitar.

The speaker encodes an idea or She thinks of how to tell him about the
converts the idea into words or actions. incident using their mother tongue.

The speaker transmits or sends out a She tells her brother, “Kuya Lorenze
message. nabuak ko baya ang imong paboritong
guitara pero aksidente ra jud wala tuyoa.
Pasayloa ko.”

The receiver gets the message. Kuya Lorenze hears what Pia has said.

The receiver decodes or interprets the He tries to analyze what she means, and
message based on the context. he was a bit sad.

The receiver sends or prohibits Kuya Lorenze frowns but forgives his
feedback. sister because it was an accident. It was
not intentionally done.

Functions of Communication

Communication is categorized as a human skill. Its function refers to how we use the
language for different purposes and contexts using various media. Communication is
a way a person conveys information to someone else. When we say information, it
can be facts, ideas, concepts, opinions, attitudes, and emotions. Communication is
very important because it is the only way we can work together harmoniously. There
are five functions of communication namely control, social interaction, motivation,
emotional expression, information dissemination.

We should be careful with the
choice of words we say. Say the
right ones at the proper time,
place, and person. The “right”
words can mean the difference
between being misunderstood
and being clear in your


Control Social Emotional Information

Interaction Expression Dissemination

Allows Facilitates
Functions to Motivates or
individuals to people’s Functions to
control encourages to convey
interact with expression of
behavior live better information
others their feelings
and emotions

Remember, words can be so harsh. It can make or break a person;

therefore, think first before you speak. Make sure you have uttered the right
words. Sometimes, it does not matter what you say, but how you say it. Be
sensitive and considerate.

What I Can Do

Directions: Determine the function of communication that must be employed in

each scenario below. Afterwards, write an utterance that best fits in
each function. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

Scenario 1. A foreigner has visited your place and he is so eager to know more
about the people and the community. He is asking what activities he can
do while he is on vacation.

Function of What will you say?


Scenario 2. In one of the tests, you notice your best friend cheating.

Function of What will you say?


Scenario 3. You notice that your classmate has incurred a lot of absences.
Obviously, she is depressed because she broke up with her boyfriend.

Function of What will you say?


Scenario 4. You heard negative rumors about you. You know in yourself that those
were not true. What is the ideal thing to do? Will you just be quiet and
keep it to yourself or you confront the person who started it?

Function of What will you say?

Communication _

Scenario 5. A transferee in your class has been so silent for a week because he is
being left out by the group as he is new in school. What must you do?

Function of What will you say?


What I Have Learned

Directions. Read the questions below and explain what they mean. Write you answer
on a separate sheet.

1. Explain the nature and the process of communication.

_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ __ _

2. Explain this quote:

“It is said that it does not matter what you say, what matters is how you say it.”

_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _ _
_ _
_ _
_ _

What’s More

I. Directions: Determine the function of communication in each situation. Write your

answer on a separate sheet.

I understand your situation, but

it is not yet the end of the world.
Teacher, I am so worried of my
Talk to your subject teachers.
grades. I failed in most of my
Work hard and study your
subjects. It is because of my
lessons so you will pass the test
absences. I am afraid I may not
and be promoted. Always have
be able to cope.

1. _ 2. _

Next time if you have Tomorrow, Teacher Sam will

problem, do not react conduct a remedial class at
to it negatively. Bravely 3:00 in the afternoon. Proceed
face it and find to Room 235 of the Science
solutions. building. Please come on time.

3. _ 4. _

Hi John, where have I am good. Thank
you been? How are you! I went to see
you? Teacher Liz, my
adviser. I need to go.
Nice meeting you.
Have a good day.

5. _

II. Directions: Compare and contrast verbal and nonverbal communications using a
Venn diagram. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

Verbal Communication VS Nonverbal Communication

Differences Differences


III. Directions: Based on the picture, provide a two-sentence utterance in each
function of communication below. Write your answer on a
separate sheet.

1. Control

2. Social Interaction

3. Motivation

4. Emotional Expression

5. Information Dissemination

Post Test
Directions: Using a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer
for each item. Label your paper as Post Test- Module 1 in Oral Com.

1. Communication that does not employ words is called _ .

a. non-verbal b. sub-verbal c. verbal d. written

2. Which of the following situations uses verbal type of communication?

a. calling someone on the phone c. hurrying to your classroom
b. listening to a radio program d. running to a track meet

3. The following are forms of non-verbal communication, EXCEPT:

a. clapping b. hugging a friend c. frowning d. reciting in class

4. Nana Delia would like to ask Rico about an upcoming event on Monday. In the
communication process, Nana Delia is in the level of .
a. giving feedback c. decoding the message
b. activating the stimulus d. ending the conversation

5. Which of the following is not a communication channel?

a. phone call b. letter c. e-mail d. environment

6. Maria has a habit of ignoring the messages of her classmates. Which of the
following elements Maria misses in terms of communication?
a. channel b. context c. participation d. feedback

7. The person who sends out the message is the .

a. caller b. receiver c. sender d. messenger

8. A return message from someone is called ___________________________ _.

a. backtalk b. feedback c. forwarding d. retweet

9. What kind of communication are emojis classified?

a. non-verbal b. verbal c. both a and b d. none of them

10. Words are symbols we use to communicate with each other.

a. true b. false c. partly true d. partly false

11. Control is a function of communication which _ _ .
a. directs behavior
b. allows individuals to interact with others
c. facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions
d. motivates or encourage people to live better

For items 12-15, read the situations given and identify the functions of communication
they used from the box.

a. control d. social interaction

b. motivation e. emotional expression
c. information dissemination

12. Rhea meets her high school classmates to catch up with them after a long time.

13. Phoebe shares her insights to live peacefully despite a complicated life.

14. A tourist guide orients a group of visitors about a heritage site.

15. Ronald expresses his profound gratitude to all the people who have helped him
to achieve his dreams.



Alda, Rivika C. Oral Communication in Context (PowerPoint slides). Cebu Normal


Gador, Sunliegh C, Malimas, Mary Ann P. & Turano, Charity T. (2016) Speak
Confidently a Comprehensive Worktext in Oral Communication for High School.
University of San Carlos Press:Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City.

Sipacio, Philippe John F, & Balgos, Ann Richie G. (2016) Oral Communication in
Context for Senior High School. C & E Publishing: 893 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon

Online Sources retrieved June 15, 2020
our%20oral%2 0surgery.


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