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Company Profile
Public Appraisal Service Office
Ayon Suherman & Partners
Property Appraisal Services Field
KJPP License No: 2.09.0028

Page I
Table of Contents
1. About Us KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan
2. Head Office & Branch Locations of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan
3. Services of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Partners
4. Services of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Partners
5. Property Valuation Services
6. Development Consulting Services
7. Project Supervision Services
8. Agribusiness Consulting Services
9. Investment Planning Services
10. Financial Advisory Services
11. Company Data KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan
12. Team Work KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan

Page II
About Us KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan
The establishment of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan is to comply with the
Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 406/KK.06/2004, dated September
6, 2004 concerning Appraisal Services Business in the Form of Limited Liability
Company where in Article 3 Paragraph 2 it is stated that "PJP Business License
as referred to in Paragraph 1 is valid until December 31, 2009". In addition, the
Capital Market Supervisory Agency has also issued provisions regarding the
Registration of Capital Market Supporting Professions through the Decree of
the Chairman of BAPEPAM Number: KEP-09/PM/2005 dated August 23, 2005,
which one of its contents has limited the validity period of the STTD of
Appraisal Services Business in the form of a Limited Liability Company until
December 31, 2019.

The Head Office of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan is located at Pejaten office,
Jalan Pejaten Raya Kav. 2 No. 11, West Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta
12510. The establishment of the business entity is to comply with the
Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 125/PMK.01/2008 dated
September 2, 2008 which regulates Public Appraisal Services where in Article 7
Paragraph 1 it is stated that "Public Appraisers in providing their Services must
have a KJPP (Public Appraisal Services Office)" and in Article 14 Paragraph 1 it
is stated that "KJPP Business Entity is in the form of an Individual or
Ayon Suherman & Rekan Public Appraisal Services Office was established on
April 25, 2007 and is a business entity engaged in appraisal.

Head Office & Branch Locations of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan
1. Jakarta Head Office
Pejaten House,
Jalan Pejaten Raya Kav. 2 No. 11,
Pejaten Barat, Pasar Minggu,
South Jakarta 12510
Tel : 021-79195004, 79194973
Fax : 021-79195051
Email :
2. Depok Branch Office (P)
Anggrek Shophouse Complex Block C1 No. 39,
Grand Depok City Boulevard,
Depok, West Java 16412
Tel : 021-77836860-2
Fax : 021-7704826
Email :
3. Denpasar Branch Office (P)
Jalan Tukad Petanu Residence,
Block B No. 1,
Sidakarya, South Denpasar, Denpasar,
Bali 80224
Tel : 0361-4487466
Fax : 0361-4487466
Email :

4. Samarinda Branch Office (P)

Pandanwangi Mansion J/1 & H/5,
Jalan Abdul Wahab Syahrani RT. 23 RW. 11,
Sempaja Selatan, North Samarinda,
Samarinda, East Kalimantan 75124
Tel : 0541-2526864
Email :
5. Bandung Branch Office (PS)
Jalan Margabaru III No. 4,
Cijawura, Buah Batu, Bandung,
West Java 40287
Tel : 022-7503275
Fax : 022-7503275
Email :
6. Surabaya Branch Office (PS)
Jalan Jemur Andayani I No. 33 E,
Siwalankerto, Wonocolo,
Surabaya, East Java 60236
Tel : 031-8477317
Fax : 031-8477318
Email :
7. Medan Branch Office (PS)
Patumbak Defense Road,
Villa Permata Indah Housing Complex,
Block F No. 12,
Patumbak, Deli Serdang,
North Sumatra 20149
Tel : 061-42788492
Email :
Page V
Services of KJPP Ayon Suherman & Partners
Broadly speaking, the services provided by KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan are
divided into 2 groups, namely Property Valuation and other services.
Property Valuation Services is a service of estimating the value of a property
by experts who are professional, credible, experienced and uphold
independence. Property valuation covers various business sectors, including:
Land and Buildings and their appurtenances, as well as other developments
on land;
• Installations and equipment assembled in a single unit and/or stand-
alone used in the production process;
• Transportation equipment, heavy equipment, communication
equipment, medical equipment, laboratory equipment and utilities, and
office equipment;
• Agriculture, plantations, livestock, fisheries and forestry;
The above property valuation services are intended to meet the demands of
various business sectors for independent property value opinions for various
purposes, such as:
• Valuation of collateral in order to fund new investments or for business
• Property valuation for Insurance purposes.
• Valuation for equity participation.
• Valuation for the purpose of sale and purchase of assets /
• Valuation for asset swap.
• Valuation for internal management purposes, such as; Revaluation,
Taxation, and Preparation of the Company's Annual Report.
• Property valuation for other purposes.
In carrying out appraisals, KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan always refers to the
standards set by the association, namely the Indonesian Appraisal Standards
(SPI) and the Indonesian Appraisal Code of Ethics (KEPI).

Development consulting is an analysis needed to determine the relationship
between the value of investment invested and the rate of return on an
investment. Development consulting services consist of:
Feasibility Study or project evaluation is a study (research and analysis) of
investment project plans / proposals, both in the form of new projects and old
businesses (rehabilitation, expansion and business diversification) to
determine whether the business plan provides benefits greater than the
investment costs (feasible) or vice versa (no feasible). The feasibility
assessment of the business plan is reviewed from various fields, including
aspects; general and legal, market and marketing, technical and production,
management, financial and economic benefits. The projections, analysis and
conclusions drawn up are the basis for consideration of the investment plan
decision to be taken, in addition to other considerations or assessments that
are non-financial in nature.
The final results of the study containing business plan recommendations are
generally widely used for credit applications (investment and working
capital) to banks and as guidelines for implementing the business plan
(project implementation, completion and operational schedules) for project
owners (investors/owners). In addition, many are also utilized for the internal
management of the ongoing company.
This study is similar to a business plan feasibility study, except that all
research and analysis is focused on market and marketing aspects with a
broader, more detailed and accurate scope and discussion. The aspects
discussed generally include; product utilization, supply-demand, price trends,
distribution patterns, business competition, market share analysis, as well as
conclusions and suggestions (recommendations) for the client. Study results
are usually used for business development (extension and product
diversification) or to start a new business field.
To start a new business, this study is very important in order to determine the
market share that can still be achieved. On the basis of the market
conclusion, the investor can make a decision to continue or not the original
business plan. The feasibble market conclusion, where market opportunities
are still available or market share can be achieved, is a reference in
determining the amount of investment in the fields of: land requirements,
factory capacity (machinery) and management needs.
Optimization Study (Highest and Best Use Study) The study is conducted to
find out the best and optimal development product for a property that is
considered to have the potential to be developed or the development of an
existing property at the moment the utilization is not optimal. With the
Optimization Study, it is expected that a conclusion will be obtained about the
highest and best use (Highest Best and Best Use Study) will include a study of
various aspects, including: technical aspects, legal aspects, financial aspects
and aspects of the most optimum use.


Project Supervision Services are monitoring and evaluation activities for the
implementation of project activities. Project Supervision Services aim to
ensure that project activities can run according to plan and avoid deviations.
This service is very useful especially for: investors, creditors and project
At the time of applying for a credit facility, the funder or project owner may
ask the consultant to evaluate the proposed development/building project
(initial evaluation). The evaluation is carried out to establish the initial position
of the project.
Supervision of project implementation generally involves monitoring the rate
of development and allocation of funds from a project proposed by the
debtor or project implementer.
With an initial project outline and cost plan as a baseline, the consultant then
monitors the progress of the project on a regular basis from start to finish. The
main activity is to prepare an independent report to the funder or project
owner. The report contains information on: allocation of funds, realization of
project progress (physical and cost), problems and alternative solutions,
recommendations for the next work plan including: project activity plan and
future withdrawal/use of funds plan.

Page IX

Agribusiness Consultancy Services include the following services:

Crop Census is an inspection activity by direct observation (in the field) of an
object/commodity plantation/plantation. The census is conducted to
determine the performance of a plantation/crop, which includes objectivity
towards: types of plants planted, number and area of plants, age of plants,
quality of plants and problems.
The Land Feasibility Evaluation Study is a study of the feasibility of a land area
for the development of plantation, horticulture, food crops, livestock, fisheries
and other agricultural businesses, in terms of land suitability,
agroclimatology, and local social and economic conditions. The final result of
this study contains a number of recommendations for cultivable land, fertility
improvement, necessary technical culture measures, and analysis of other
socio-economic issues. Usually, this study is conducted prior to the
preparation of a feasibility study for a business.

Page X

Asset Management Services include the following services:

Asset Identification and Inventory specifically this activity is intended to
determine the number, type and specifications of all assets in detail.
Collecting data on fixed assets which includes the size, physical form, legal
status and condition of assets.
Asset management uses the results of identification and inventory to develop
a commercialization asset management information system through
investment, asset disposal, funding (collateral), strategic partnership, joint
venture, BOT, BTO, KSO and others.
Anticipate privatization plans (IPO, strategic partner, strategic sale) and

Page XI
Property management services are operational / property management
services so that they are effective and effective according to their designation
through maintenance and repair programs, so that the property has a high
useful value and economic value. While the property being managed can be
in the form of office buildings or other commercial buildings.

An analysis of assets was conducted to identify and select assets into
operational and non-operational asset groups. First, for operational assets, a
more in-depth study is carried out to find out whether the assets are
optimized or not. If the utilization is not optimal, then an optimization study is
carried out. The optimization study of operational assets is carried out based
on the benchmark of the asset needs associated with its business activities.
Second, for non-operational assets, the analysis is carried out on the
utilization of existing asset conditions, to determine whether the utilization is
optimal in terms of land use in development and functional development
from an economic aspect.

Page XII

Property Investment Services include the following types of services:

Investment Arrangement
The job is intended to provide advice or consultation on an investment plan,
namely from the needs and development plans for their business that require
investors. The needs in question such as selling assets, buying assets,
business development cooperation, to working capital needs.
Asset Disposal Advisory
The work is intended to provide advice and assist service users to obtain
maximum results in the context of asset disposal. This work includes
preparation, methodology, techniques and strategies for asset disposal.

Page XV
Deed No. 1 Dated March 2, 2009, Notary Ahmad Ali Nurdin, SH
Deed No. 02 dated May 25, 2023, Kasmita Syafni, S.H.
Rukan Pejaten, Jalan Pejaten Raya Kavling 2 Number 11, Pejaten Barat, South
Jakarta, 12510
Ayon Suherman, SE, M.Ec. Dev., MAPPI (Cert.) No. : P-1.09.00155
Rosikhun Fadlol, MAPPI (Cert.) No. : P-1.10.00294
Mahrizal Ependi, SE, MAPPI (Cert.) No. : P-1.12.00336
Dwi Rohmawati, SP, MAPPI (Cert.) No. : P-1.12.00337
Kiryanto, S.Si., MAPPI (Cert.) No. : P-1.18.00513
Achmad Fa'izin, S.T., M.M., MAPPI (Cert.) No. : P-1.13.00359
Taufan Bachtiar, S.Kom., MAPPI (Cert.) No. : PS-1.15.00027
Wawan Trisnawan, ST. MT, MAPPI (Cert.) No. : PS-1.16.00092
Nova Naldi Susanto Uga, S.T., MAPPI (Cert.) No. : PS-1.19.00269
Yusrizal, S.T., MAPPI (Cert.) No. : PS-1.19.00248
Ayon Suherman, SE., M.Ec. Dev., MAPPI (Cert.)
Mahrizal Ependi, SE, MAPPI (Cert.)
Dwi Rohmawati, SP, MAPPI (Cert.)
Kiryanto, S.Si., MAPPI (Cert.)
Ir. Rosikhun Fadlol, MAPPI (Cert.)
Ayon Suherman, SE., M.Ec. Dev., MAPPI (Cert.)
Dwi Rohmawati, SP, MAPPI (Cert.)
Kiryanto, S.Si., MAPPI (Cert.)
Nova Naldi Susanto Uga, S.T., MAPPI (Cert.)
KJPP Ayon Suherman & Partners
Ayon Suherman, SE., M.Ec. Dev., MAPPI (Cert.)
Ir. Rosikhun Fadlol, MAPPI (Cert.)
Mahrizal Ependi, SE, MAPPI (Cert.)
Dwi Rohmawati, SP, MAPPI (Cert.)
Kiryanto, S.Si., MAPPI (Cert.)
Achmad Fa'izin, S.T., M.M., MAPPI (Cert.)
Business Identification Number (NIB) No. 9120106971636
NPWP No. 02.624.252.2-061.000
Taxable Entrepreneur Confirmation Letter (PKP)
Certificate of Registration (SKT)
membership of the KJPP FORUM No. : 10090033

KJPP Ayon Suherman & Rekan is led by Ayon Suherman, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI
(Cert.) who is highly experienced in the field of valuation of various types of
assets from various business sectors, with various levels of difficulty. Ayon
Suherman sharpened his knowledge in Property at Gadjah Mada University
and obtained a Master In Economics Development (M.Ec.Dev.) degree.
Rosikhun Fadlol, MAPPI (Cert.) as a Partner, has more than 20 years of
experience, both as an executor, manager, and head of an appraisal
company. With his agricultural background and experience in handling
appraisals, he is an expert whose competence is recognized by many circles,
especially in the field of agribusiness valuation and other consulting services
in the agribusiness sector.
Dwi Rohmawati, SP, MAPPI (Cert.) as Partner, has a long experience in the field
of valuation both as an executor, manager, and branch manager. Making her
one of the competent experts in the field of asset valuation from various
business sectors.
The other partners have more than 20 years of experience in the valuation
field, both as executors and team leaders, in the valuation of various types of
assets with a fairly complicated level of difficulty, making them competent
experts in the field of valuation.
Supported by competent Partners and strengthened by implementing
experts who have extensive experience in handling valuation work, KJPP Ayon
Suherman & Rekan is ready to provide satisfactory Valuation services and
other Consultancy Services.

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