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ESCUELA DE INGLES WASHINGTON, s.. PRACTICE. Answer the next questions with complete answers. 1. What would you do if you saw a person stealing something? 2.. What would your father tell you if you didn’t study? 3.. Where would you go if you had time and money today? 4. Would you feel uncomfortable if you realized that one of your friends is homosexual? 5.- Would the teacher annoy if his or her students fail the course? 6.. Would there be less violence in Mexico city if there were more jobs? 7.- Would you continue paying taxes if it weren’t an obligation? 8.. If somebody asked you, would you do something forbidden? MIGHT PRACTICE. What do you think these people might be doing now ? Write a sentence. 1. The Mexican President. 2. The American president. 3.- Your Dad. 4.. The pope. 13 ‘Av. Santa Ana No. 182 Col. Ejido de San Fo. Culhuacén CP. 04420 México, D.F. Tels. 5607-7948 5656-7044 ACTIVITY. How much could you tell about a person from his/her appearance ? Talk about it. * Could you guess a person’s job by looking at him or her ? * Could you easily guess a person's age from his or her appearance ? * Could a person’s clothes tell you a lot ? * Could you change your mind about a person after getting to know him or her? * Could you fall in love at first sight ? * Do you think you could try to change someone's appearance ? ACTIVITY. What would you say.......? 1.- You work in an office. One day, your boss borrows your pen to make a note, then he puts it back in his own pocket. Would you.....? a) say nothing, b) say "Excuse me. | think you've got my pen’. c) say "Wait a minute. You've got my pen’. d) take one of his pens from his desk. 2.- A friend asks you to help her to decorate her flat. You have an important exam the next day. Would you......? a) say nothing about the exam, and spend the day helping her. b) say "I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone else. | really can’t spare the time ©) say "I can’t. I've got far too much to do" d) agree to help, although you don’t intend to go. SHALL AND LET’S PRACTICE. Make a question offering help according to the sentence given. Use shall 1. | can't hold this anymore (help) 2. Mary doesn't have enough money for this magazine. ? (buy ) 3. This chair is broken ? (fix) 4. These groceries bags are heavy. - ? Cearry) ¢ the letter. ( post)

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