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MODULE 4 Basic Leadership Leadership can be defined as one’s ability to influence and motivate others to bring the best out in them. It focuses on encouraging individuals to add more to the overall effectiveness of an organization. Also, itis often defined as a process wherein an individual, influences and encourages others to achieve the organizational objectives and directs the organization so that it becomes more coherent and cohesive to work. Moreover, a person who can bring out the change is the one who possesses the ability to be a leader. Leadership is all about developing people, in turn helping them to reach their maximum potential, In the simplest of terms, leadership is an art of motivating the people to help achieve a common goal In this module, we will be learning all about leadership. To be specific, in this module, the student is expected to learn the following + definition of leadership; + different types and behavior of a leader, + traits and qualities of a leader; and + servant leadership and its principles. At the end of this module, the student is expected to: + discuss leadership and its qualities and traits; + demonstrate virtues as the foundation of leadership and their applica- tion on an individual, team and institutional level; and + identify oneself as to what kind of leader they possessed. @ Lessons in the Module Lesson 1: Leadership: Types, Qualities and Principles. * 0 (xm Module 4: Basic Leadership Lesson 1: Leadership Types, Qualities And Principles OL discuss what is leadership; + explain the different leadership traits and characteristics; + demonstrate virtues as the foundation of leadership and their application ‘on an individual, team and institutional level; and identify oneself as to what kind of leader they possessed One Week iS) INTRODUCTION It is a cliché that leaders are not bom but they are developed. Thus, welcome students to this module as we are going to cover and discuss the basic traits, charac- teristics and principles of a leader that you need to learn as a preparation for you to become a good leader in the future, Further, it has been believed that the success of every group's endeavor in whatever nature of work in the field of business, social, political, spiritual, and others will always reflect from the good qualities of a leader and the type of leadership one has manifested. Thus, learning basic leadership is very much essential as it will give student opportunity to develop more and to enhance more the leadership skill that they have which may be beneficial for themselves, for their family, in school or even in the society and community they are living. nal Service Training Program 91 «CE jodule 4: Basie Leadership Lesson -Leasership Tes, Quaites And Princpies LEARNING TASK: Below are different forms of assessment and test which will measure what type of leadership do you personally possess as a leader and as an individual. Thus, in doing and in answering the questions, please answer it honestly so that, you, yourself can person- ally reflect and evaluate that you do have this kind of leadership skills and leadership style. Activity NAME: COURSE/YEAR: DATE: SCORE: Direction: For each question below, answer the statement by choosing one of the three options: A, B or C. Please answer according to how you would behave in reality, rather than how you think you should behave. in other words, please answer the questions honestly. When you are finished, add ali your scores with the following scoring guide: A(1 point), B (2 points) and C (3 points). After adding all your scores, refer to the attached specify what appendix it is at the end of the module for the in- terpretation of what leadership style do you have 1. If there is serious conflict within my team: a. | remind everyone that we have goals to meet. b. I bring my people together so that we can talk it through c. | let them work by themselves so that they don't have to bother one another. 2. | trust my team members: a. Very much. b. Fair amount. ¢. Notat all 3. Some of my people are highly skilled and motivated. They: a. Can be set free to weave their magic. b. Often hold creative planning sessions with me. c. Are subject to the same workplace strategies and processes as everyone else. 4. The best way for me to ensure that my team meets its goals is to: a. Lead from the front. b. Encourage participation from everyone. c. Delegate often and widely. 5. We have an eight-hour deadline for a project that | think requires 16 hours, so I: a. Relay the deadline and let everyone get on with it. They know what they're doing. b. Ask my team members what they feel is the fastest way to complete it. c. Issue instructions and deadlines to each team member. 6. Poor performance should be: a. Punished, so that it doesn't happen again. b. Talked through with the individual, so that we can learn c. Left. It will work itself out 92 ««€' Module 4: Ba hip Lesson -Leadershp Types, Quaties And Principles 7. [need to develop and apply a new social media strategy, so I: a. Draw up the strategy myself and then sell it to the team. b. Tell my team what the challenge is and ask for suggestions on how to meet it. c. Hand over the project to my team members and ask them to come back with a plan. 8. I like to: a. Let my team make the decisions. b. Make a decision but not until my team has had input. c. Make a decision but not until | have told the team my rationale. 9. Ihave a new starter in my team, so I: a. Let them discover the best way of working b. Invite them into team collaborative meetings. c. Sit with them until they understand the processes and the quality that | expect. 10. | think that great leaders: a. Know best. That’s why they're leaders. b. Are humble and understand that a team works best collectively. c. Give their team members plenty of space to let them get on. 41. When asked whether | like to serve my team, |: a. Am not sure. b. Say yes, wholeheartedly. c. Frown 12. | notice that a member of my team is demotivated, so |: a. Closely manage each of their tasks to ensure that they are following proce dures correctly, b. Make an extra effort to ensure that they are involved in team discussions. c. Back off, as they probably need some space. — Or NAME: COURSE/YEAR: DATE: SCORE: Direction: Below is the Team-Player Survey adapted from Jossey-Bass (2002) which will help you identify your style as a team player. The re- sults will lead you to an assessment of your current strengths and pro- vide a basis for a plan to increase your effectiveness as a team player. Further, you will be asked to complete eighteen sentences which have four possible endings. Now, in each sentence, please rank the endings in the order in which you feel each one applies to you. Place the number 4 next to the ending which is most applicable to you and continue down to number 1 next to the ending which is the least applicable to you. Please do not make ties or use 4, 3, 2, or 1 more than once. 4. During team meetings, | usually: ‘a. provide the team with technical data or information. b. keep the team focused on our mission or goals. ‘c. make sure everyone is involved in the discussion. d. raise questions about our goals or methods 2. In relating to the team leader, |: a, suggest that our work be goal directed. b. try to help her build a positive team climate. ¢. am willing to disagree with her when necessary. d. offer advice based upon my area of expertise. 3. Under stress, | sometimes: a. overuse humor and other tension-reducing devices. b. am too direct in communicating with other team members. c. lose patience with the need to get everyone involved in discussions. d. complain to outsiders about problems facing the team. 4. When conflicts arise on the team, | usually: a. press for an honest discussion of the differences. b. provide reasons why one side or the other is correct c. See the differences as a basis for possible change in team direction. d. try to break the tension with a supportive or humorous remark. 5. Other team members usually see me as: a. factual. b. flexible. ‘c. encouraging. 'd. candid ‘times, | am: a. too results oriented. b. too laid-back. cc. self-righteous. d. shortsighted, 7. When things go wrong on the team, | usually: a. push for increased emphasis on listening, feedback, and participation b. press for a candid discussion of our problems. ‘c. work hard to provide more and better information. d. suggest that we revisit our basic mission. 8. Arisky team contribution to me is to: ‘a. question some aspect of the team’s work. b. push the team to set higher performance standards. ‘¢. work outside my defined role or job area d. provide other team members with feedback on their behavior as team members, 4 «I 10. "1 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Module 4; Basic Leadership Lesson 1 -Leadership Types, Qualtes And Pres Sometimes other team members see me as: a. a perfectionist b. unwilling to reassess the team's mission or goals. ‘¢. not serious about getting the real job done d. a nitpicker. | believe team problem-solving requires: ‘a. cooperation by all team members. b. high-level listening skills. ‘¢. a willingness to ask tough questions. d. good solid data When a new team is forming, | usually: a. try to meet and get to know other team members. b. ask pointed questions about our goals and methods. ‘c. want to know what is expected of me. 'd. seek clarity about our basic mission. At times, | make other people feel: a. dishonest because they are not able to be as confrontational as | am. b. guilty because they don't live up to my standards. ‘¢. small-minded because they don't think long-range. d. heartless because they don’t care about how people relate to each other. | believe the role of the team leader is to: a. ensure the efficient solution of business problems. b. help the team establish long-range goals and short-term objectives ‘¢. create a participatory decision-making climate. 'd. bring out diverse ideas and challenge assumptions. | believe team decisions should be based on’ a. the team’s mission and goals. b. @ consensus of team members. ‘¢. an open and candid assessment of th d. the weight of the evidence. es | a, see team climate as an end in itself. b. play devil's advocate far too long. ¢. fail to see the importance of effective team process. d. overemphasize strategic issues and minimize short-term task accomplishments. People have often described me as: a. independent. b. dependable. ¢. imaginative. d. participative. Most of the time, | am ‘a. responsible and hardworking. b. committed and flexible ‘¢. enthusiastic and humorous. 'd. honest and authentic. In relating to other team members, at times | get annoyed because they don't: a. revisit team goals to check progress. b. see the importance of working well together. ‘¢. object to team actions with which they disagree. 'd. complete their team assignments on time. 8 «(xm Directions: Module 4: Basie Leadership Lesson 1 - Leadership Types Qualies And Principles TEAM-PLAYER SURVEY RESULTS 1. Please transfer your answers from the survey to this page. 2. Please be careful when recording the numbers. Write the numbers 4-3-2-1 corre- spondingly on a-b-c-d choices depending with your answer based on the assessment You just need to transfer your answer in the table for easy computation of results. 3. The totals for the four styles must equal to 180. 4. The row that accumulate the highest points corresponds to your leadership style. 5. For interpretation of result, refer to the appendix attached in the last pages of this module. Questions | Contributor | Collaborator | Communicator | Challenger 1 a b ¢ d 2 a a b € 3 € d a b + 6 ¢ d a 5. a b c d 6 a a b 2 T € q a b 8. b @ qd a v. a D c d 10. d a b € 1 fe a b 12. b c d a 1B. a D € d i q a B e 15. € d a b 16. 6 ¢ d a 17. a b c ld 18. a a b é TOTA = 180 96 «= Training Program Module 4: Basic Leadership Lesson t= Leadership Types, Quaites And Prinpies COURSE/YEAR: SCORE: Direction: Answer the following questions with a minimum of three sen- So “

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