Short Paper (A Reflection in Research)

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Gonzales, Joana B.

BSN 3C-c


The journey of creating a research title during this subject has been a transformative and enlightening
experience, teaching me valuable lessons about patience, creativity, and self-reliance. It has also
reshaped my perspective on the significance of research topics, emphasizing that even well-explored
subjects can hold uncharted territories of knowledge waiting to be unveiled. One of the most crucial
lessons I've learned is patience. Crafting a research title that is not only engaging but also holds
academic merit requires time and persistence. Unlike my high school days, where simplicity and
attainability were often the main criteria for selecting research topics, this subject challenged me to
think critically and explore unconventional angles. It pushed me out of my comfort zone, urging me to be
patient and persistent in the quest for a truly distinctive research title. Another eye-opening realization
was that no topic should be dismissed outright simply because it has been extensively researched by
others. While it can be intimidating to delve into a subject with a rich history of academic exploration,
this subject has shown me that there are always fresh perspectives, questions, or methodologies that
can shed new light on even the most familiar topics. This perspective shift has made me more open to
considering a broader range of research possibilities, even within well-trodden areas. One of the most
personally rewarding aspects of this experience has been the opportunity to break away from
dependency on others, as was the case during my high school years. In the past, I had relied on friends
for assistance in formulating research titles, but this time, I took the initiative to stand on my own.
Researching, brainstorming, and crafting my research title independently was a proud moment of self-
discovery. It boosted my confidence and self-reliance, proving that I have the capability to tackle complex
academic challenges.

Furthermore, I am grateful for the instructor's guidance and approach in shaping our research topics.
The instructor's facilitation allowed me to contribute more actively within my group and express my
unique opinions and ideas. This inclusive approach to topic selection encouraged collaboration and
diversity of thought, enriching our collective experience and the depth of our research.

In conclusion, this subject has been a transformative journey, teaching me the virtues of patience,
creativity, and self-reliance in the research process. It has broadened my horizons, enabling me to see
the value in even the most explored topics and encouraging me to approach them with fresh
perspectives. Most importantly, it has empowered me to take ownership of my research journey,
instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment in my ability to independently formulate a research title.
The instructor's guidance has further enhanced the collaborative aspect of our research group, fostering
an environment where diverse opinions are valued and contribute to the collective learning experience.

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