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• Stone buildings that surmounted

Intellectual Revolution
→ It is the period where paradigm shifts • Irrigation system and technique for storing
Occurred. It is where the scientific beliefs water
that have been widely embraced and • First suspension bridge
accepted by the people were challenged • Coca leaf - one of the main forms of
and opposed. medicine used by the Inca.
→ It refers to Greek speculation about the • Quipu - a system of knotted ropes to record
"nature" in the period before Socrates information
(roughly 600 to 400 BCE).
→ “Pre-Socratic" or "non-theological" or "first
philosophy". more on physics and logic. → Mandatory education: 15-20 years old,
Showed how society was transformed by both boys and girls study.
science and technology → Calmecac and Telphochcalli
→ Chocolates or Cacao Beans
→ Chinampas (Floating Gardens)
→ means “Middle America” in Greek b anti spasmodic

→ Location: from the central part of Mexico to → Used for surgeries, relax and for muscle
the central part of Central America. spasm.


→ Also known as Rubber People → 365-day calendar cycle called xiuhpōhualli

(year count) and a 260-day ritual cycle
called tōnalpōhualli (day count). These two
→ Curing ailments cycles together form a 52-year "century",
sometimes called the "calendar round".
CALENDAR → Invention of Canoe
→ Based on the cycles of the sun TOLTEX CIVILIZATION
SLASH AND BURN TECHNIQUE → Before the Aztecs, It was the Toltecs that
reigned in the Central Mexico in the 10th
→ Overgrown plots of land are burned
MAYAN CIVILIZATION → It was Roughly 900 to 1100 AD.
→ It was a culture in the Mayans to use blood
→ Successful and powerful indigenous in order to please the gods and allow the
people of Meso-America. life itself to continue or nation to prosper
ROADS they offer human sacrifices.
→ The name of their god is Quetzalcoatl.
→ Trade and visitation → For the Aztecs they see the Toltecs period
as the Golden Era because writing,
medicine, and metallurgy are invented.
→ 365 days a year; where each year has 18 → Huge influence of the Toltecs: architecture
months which have 20 days each; plus and sculptures

extra 5 days at the end of the year (uayeb).

Toltecs – master builder
Pulque - alcoholic drink inveted by the Toltecs
→ Fully developed writing language of the which is commonly used in their rituals, medecine,
Americans before Columbus. and celebration.


→ Soaring pyramid temples and ornate → Which took a lot of engineering prowess to
places. pull, off. But the results showed a boosted
productivity of their crops
Toltecs only served as the key contributors on the • The book written by Taqi al-Din ibn Maruf al-
Science and Technology of the cultures that Rashid al-Dimashqi explained steam power
followed. and a blueprint of a six-piston pump.


→ Middle East Countries are dominantly CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN (Feb 12, 1809 – April 19,
occupied by Muslims. With the spread of 1882) !
Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries, a period
→ Darwin was born into a wealthy family in
of Muslim scholarship, or what is called the
1809. His dad expected him to become a
Golden Age of Islam lasted until the 13th
doctor or a priest, but at university Charles
was much more keen on the world around
→ The common language of Arabic, access
to Greek texts from the Byzantine Empire,
→ At just 22, Darwin set off on a round-the-
and their proximity to India contributed to
world voyage that took him to South
the Muslims' intellectualization and
America, Australasia, and Africa.
provided their scholars with the knowledge
→ He ventured into dense rainforests, climbed
to create innovations and develop new
mountains in the Andes, and explored the
ideas. But contrary to the Greeks, Muslim
Galapagos islands, collecting and
scientists placed more excellent value on
observing plants, animals, and fossils along
science experiments than plain-thought
the way.
→ He published his diaries of the trip in 1839
THE ISLAMIC GOLDEN AGE (750 – 1258 C.E) and became one of the leading lights of
London scientific society. Darwin’s health
• Noria (watermill) / Sagivah - The Arabs
got worse around this time, and he’d suffer
applied the Romans’ principles and
from illness for most of the rest of his life.
improved the watermill that they called
→ 1838 – He married Emma.
Noria or Saqiyah. The word "Noria" comes
→ 1842 – Down House
from the Arabic term, Na-Torah, meaning
→ 1859 - On the Origin of Species by Means of
"water wheel" in Syria, and means "the
Natural Selection
wailer." It was the earliest mechanical
→ For the rest of his life, Darwin carried on
device propelled by means other than
working and writing at Down House. He
man or animal.
published more books and carried out
CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST more experiments with plants and animals.
→ He died in 1882, and was buried in
• The Arabs applied the Roman principles Westminster Abbey as a national hero. His
and improved the Noria watermill. theory has been scrutinised and
• The middle East is known for its machine developed in the 140 years since, but his
designed to improve irrigation, industrial ideas and life’s work still form the basis of
work, and war. The windmill and watermill how we understand the development of
are used for crushing sugarcane, grinding the natural world today.
grain, and pumping water.
• Al-Jazari - He introduced the use of DARWIN’S THEORY OF EVOLUTION
crankshaft in the Noria and Saqiyah, and
→ Darwin proposed that species can change
the concept of minimizing intermittency
over time, that new species come from
was implied for the purpose of maximizing
preexisting species, and that all species
their efficiency.
share a common ancestor. In this model,
• Ibn Bassil - The first who made improvement
each species has its own unique set of
to the Noria that was inspired from the
heritable (genetic) differences from the
principles of Romans. He is the one who
common ancestor, which have
pioneered the use of "flywheel" in the Noria
accumulated gradually over very long time
and Saqiyah. The Flywheel is used to
smoothen out the delivery of power from a
→ Repeated branching events, in which new
driving device to a driven machine.
species split off from a common ancestor,
• The book of basic al-Zaman ibn al-Razaz Al-
produce a multi-level "tree" that links all
Jazari described candle and water clocks,
living organisms.
water vessels, fountains, automata, and
water-raising devices. THE EVOLUTION OF THE CAT
Darwin referred to this process, in which groups of WHY IS DARWIN’S THEORY RELEVANT TODAY?
organisms change in their heritable traits over
→ Charles Darwin developed his theory of
generations, as “descent with modification."
evolution in the middle of the 19th century.
Today, we call it evolution. Darwin's sketch above
→ Remarkably, even though Darwin’s insights
illustrates his idea, showing how one species can
on evolution were based on little more than
branch into two over time, and how this process
observations and the results of simple
can repeat multiple times in the "family tree" of a
experiments he conducted in his home, his
group of related species.
insights have largely withstood the test of
time. In fact, despite all the advances in
science that have taken place over the
160 years since he published The Origin of
Species, Darwin’s theory of evolution by
natural selection has become the central
organizing framework of all of biology.


→ Darwinian Society is an extension of

Darwinism to social phenomena. They
believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea
that certain people become powerful in
society because they are innately better.
Social Darwinism has been used to justify
imperialism, racism, eugenics and social
inequality at various times over the past
century and a half.



→ The evolution of Darwinism altered global

thought while revealing the reality about
the Earth and life. Previously, there was
widespread agreement in the Western
5 POINTS OF DARWIN’S THEORY world that God was the creator of life and
that we were created in his image. The
1. Competition - demand by organisms for theory that humans are descended from
limited environmental resources. apes was heavily contested at first, but the
2. Adaption - inherited characteristics that discovery of evolution in humans and other
increase chance of survival organisms has established it. Darwinism
3. Variation - the occurrence of an organism provided us with a better grasp of our
in more than one distinct color or form reality, allowing us to change the way we
4. Overproduction - more organisms are think.
produced than can live
5. Speciation - the formation of new species HOW DID DARWIN’S THEORY AFFECT SOCIETY
as a result of geographic, physiological, TODAY?
anatomical, or behavioral factors that → Darwinism allowed us to gain a better
prevent previously interbreeding understanding of our world, which in turn
populations from breeding with each allowed us to change the way that we
other. think
→ DISSIMILARITY - members of the same
→ Individuals with traits that enable them to species show variation in characteristics.
adapt to their environments will help them most characteristics of organisms are
survive and have more offspring, which will inherited, or passed from parent to
inherit those traits. Individuals with less offspring.
adaptive traits will less frequently survive to
pass them on.
are produced than are able to survive. DISCOVERIES AFRICAN
→ SELECTION - organisms that survive are
• The Great Rift Valley of Africa - The
more likely to reproduce and pass on
beginning of early human evolution
favorable adaptations to their offspring
reaches back to the earliest innovations of
more than those with unfavorable
primitive technology and tool culture.
• Stone tool - These stone tools have survived
AFRICAN in great quantities and now serves the
major means to determine the activities of
→ Several ancient African cultures birthed
hominids. Archaeologists have classified
discoveries in Astronomy. Many of these
distinct stone tool industries in the basis of
are foundations on which we still rely and
style and use.
some were so advance that their mode of
• Stone Age - The stone age was an ancient
discovery still cannot be understood.
time when people made tools from stone.
→ Africa was first developed the concepts of
Wood, bones, and other materials were
also used for tools, but those things don’t
→ Ancient Egyptians had fully developed the
last as long, so more stone tools are found
fundamentals of algebra and geometry, as
well as pythagorean theorem. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM AFRICA

DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN AFRICA • Africa is known for the production of Kola

nuts and coffee in Ethiopia (Kola nuts are
1. Development of geometry - Ancient
mostly found in West Africa and is the basis
Egyptians invented and developed
of cola drink.
geometry because they were involved in
• Kola - Africa is known for the production of
work to control the flooding of the Nile
Kola nuts and coffee in Ethiopia (Kola nuts
are mostly found in West Africa and are the
2. Center of Alchemy - Alchemy was born in
basis of cola drink)
ancient Egypt, where the word Khem was
• Coffee - Italians gave it to us short and
used in reference to the fertility of the flood
strong, Americans served it filtered then
plains around the Nile.
ratcheted up the calories by adding syrups,
3. Human anatomy and pharmacology - They
whipped cream, and even pumpkin
are also highly advanced in medicine such
• Modern Art - Africa’s contemporary artists
as operating autopsies and caesarian.
are having a bit of a moment, but the world
INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION still largely ignores the continent’s role in
inspiring celebrated artists such as Picasso,
→ The intellectual revolutions pertain to the Matisse, and Kirchner
period of paradigm shifts or changes in the • Penis Transplants - After performing the first
scientific beliefs. heart transplant in 1967, South African
→ The Information Revolution started from the surgeons scored another first by this year
Sumerian pictographs, which is the earliest carrying out the world’s first transplant of
writing system. Then comes the invention of the male organ. The nine-hour operation in
Gutenberg’s printing press 1455. Three March 2015 allowed its 21-year-old
emerged the use of typewriter and recipient to become sexually active, and
telegraph. Today, technologies are used he wasted no time in proving its efficacy.
widely which became easier with the help
of internet to communicate and ASIA
disseminate and store information
→ Biggest continent in the world and the
3 REVOLUTIONS THAT DEFINED THE SOCIETY home of many ancient civilizations and
has a large melting pot of various cultures
1. Ideas of known intellectuals and practices.
a. Copernican revolution → The Asian revolution is essentially the industrial
b. Darwinian revolution revolution, which. I took place here in the 19th
c. Freudian revolution century, transferred to countries which have
2. Information revolution been.
3. Cradles of early science
→ This is not just a continent of different • Sustainable Farming - The practice of
stemmed religions but in fact, it is also a raising fish in rice paddies by Chinese
cradle of science and technology. farmers, which is more than 1,000 years old,
→ Great civilizations have stood out in India, not only preserves the environment but also
China, and the Middle East civilizations. benefits local communities.
→ Almost all Asian countries, except Japan, • Traditional medicines - They discovered
were latecomers to these revolutions. various medical properties and uses of
Nevertheless, many of them, including China, different plants and animals to cure human
South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, illness. An example is the practice of
India, Indonesia, and Malaysia, made acupuncture.
significant progress by the end of the Third • Tools - Among the famous discoveries and
Industrial Revolution. inventions of the Chinese civilizations were
→ What follows is a brief depiction of the the compass, papermaking, gunpowder,
involvement of Japan; the “Asian Giants,” and printing tools that became known in
China and India; and the four “Asian Tigers,” the West only by the end of the Middle
South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Ages.
Taiwan, in the first three Industrial Revolutions o Iron plough, wheelbarrow, and
and a more extended discussion of the role propeller.
several Asian nations are taking in what at o They also developed the design of
least one scholar has called the Fourth different models of bridges,
Industrial Revolution. invented the first seismological
→ During the Third Industrial Revolution, Hong detector, and developed a dry
Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea— dock facility.
the four Asian Tigers—emerged as highly • Significant records on supernovas, lunar
successful economies challenging and and solar eclipses, and comets - Preserved
exceeding Japan. to understand better the heavenly bodies
→ ASEAN brings together ten Southeast Asian and their effects to our world.
states – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, • Seismology - This made them more
Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, prepared in times of natural calamities.
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – into one • By the end of the Third Industrial Revolution,
organisation China had become the manufacturing
center of the world, exporting an
impressive quantity of items such as toys,
→ Mao Zedong of China, Ho Chi Minh of consumer products, and clothing, and
Vietnam, Gandhi of India, Sukarno of enjoyed the world’s seventh-largest GDP.
Indonesia, Nasser of Egypt, Ataturk of
Turkey, and Khomeini of Iran are featured.
The Indians creatively developed various ideas
and technologies useful in their everyday lives.
One of the ancient civilizations with substantial
• Manufacturing iron and in allurgical works.
contributions Chinese civilization has greatly
- Their iron steel is considered to be the best
influenced many of its neighboring countries.
and held with high regard in the whole of
• Confucious - One of the most well-known the Roman Empire.
philosophers emphasized his philosophies on • Medicine - Ayurveda, a system of
the importance of traditional etiquette, traditional medicine that originated in
he focuses on an orderly human world. ancient India before 2500 BC, is still
• Represented hydraulic civilization that practiced as a form of alternative
maintained its population by diverting medicine.
rivers to aid irrigation. • Astronomy - They developed theories on
• In 8th century the Chinese civilization the configuration of the universe, the
started rice cultivation and later on, in 1021, spherical self-supporting Earth, and the
the song state introduced the agricultural year of 360 days with 12 equal parts of 30
techniques acquired from the days each.
Champa Kingdom, now known as • Mathematics (Ancient India) - The earliest
Vietnam, which allow rice to be produced traces of mathematical knowledge in the
faster with less water. Indian subcontinent appeared in the Indus
Valley Civilization. The people of this
civilization tried to standardize the o governments to be more
measurement of length to a high degree of transparent, accountable and
accuracy and designed a ruler, the responsive to citizens.
Mohenjodaro ruler.
• India’s exports of high technology
products, particularly software, continually ✓ Asia has been immeasurably transformed
grew. by the information revolution, and this has
• Indian astronomer and mathematician had spin-offs for the wider world economy.
Aryabhata (476-550), in his Aryabhatiya ✓ The revolutions in Turkey, China, India,
introduced a number of trigonometric Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt and Iran are
functions, tables, and techniques, as well featured, with a focus on key leaders and
as algorithms of algebra. groups, motivations, ideologies, specific
• Other Contribution: Alchemy, which is a goals and strategies used, and the impact
Taoist chemistry of these revolutions over time.
✓ A number of other Asian economies were
The global information revolution is having
ranked by the ITU to be in the world's top 20
profound effects on economies, societies, and
for "ICT Development Index", notably
politics in Asia.
Japan (8th), Hong Kong-China (11th) and
• Rapid progress in information technology Singapore (12th).
and investments in the necessary ✓ Other Asian countries stretch way back in
infrastructure have been key drivers of the the overall list of 155 countries, with
information revolution in Asia. Malaysia ranking 58th, China 78th,
Philippines 94th, Indonesia 95th, and India
Which in turn has underpinned rising levels of
prosperity and education
✓ China today leads the US in key technology
• Many Asian economies are also global sectors such as mobile payment and is
leaders in education. increasingly competitive in advanced
• More multinational companies (MNCs) microchip, artificial intelligence, and other
moved to Asian countries—basing next-generation technologies.
manufacturing operations within Asia, ✓ The direction of the global economy
where labor and material costs were depends largely on Asia, which holds both
significantly lower. It created opportunities its biggest share and the greatest share of
for China, India, and other Asian nations to highly educated young workers.
collaborate and share knowledge with
companies and governments from
developed countries and improve their COPERNICAN’S VIEW
own industries.
→ This caused the paradigm shift of how the
• Asian economies like Japan, Korea,
earth and sun were placed in the
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore,
Chinese Taipei, and Thailand - Important
→ All the stars we see in the night sky are in our
producers of hardware, major innovations
own galaxy. Our galaxy is called “the milky
like the Internet, Google, Facebook, and
way” because it appears as a milky band
Twitter originated in the US.
of light in the sky.
• ICT Revolution - Facilitated the
development of East Asia's manufacturing CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY
production networks, and value chains.
o Enabled many economies to jump → Famous Greek philosopher and astronomer
on a fast track to development. → Famous for his controversial geocentric
• Relationships between citizens and theory of the universe
government authorities too - As → Stated that the planets, the sun and the
democracy has taken hold in some moon moved in a circular motion around
countries, and civil society has asserted the earth - existence of days and nights
itself, a good number of emerging Asian
economy governments now have laws
enabling the public to request and receive → A polish mathematician and astronomer
government-held information. → Developed his model of a sun - centered
universe and explained the daily and
yearly motion of the sun and stars in the STRUCTURAL MODEL: PROVINCES OF THE MIND
1. ID - Pleasure Principle
→ Reality principle
→ An outmoded description of the universe
→ Compromises between ID and
with earth is at the center
Super Ego
→ Was not accepted because the model
3. SUPER EGO - Concerned with social norms
could not fully explain these changes in the
and rules
appearance of the inferior planets.
- Moral Compass
furthermore, galileo's observations of
jupiter's moons made it clear that celestial PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT
bodies do move about centers other than
1. Oral stage
the earth.
2. Anal stage
3. Phallic stage
→ Not accepted by the church during
copernicus time. he does not have 4. Latency stage
enough evidence to prove himself right.
another is that most people criticized him 5. Genital stage
for his theory is heresy or in contrast to what
the church believes.
→ Galileo and Kepler helped in proving • Sigmund Freud's theories and work helped
Copernicus Theory shape current views of childhood,
o Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion - personality, memory, sexuality, and
they describe how (1) planets move therapy.
in elliptical orbits with the sun as a • Freud's work had laid the foundation for
focus, (2) a planet covers the same many other theorists to formulate ideas.
area of space in the same amount • The id, ego, and superego work together to
of time no matter where it is in its create human behavior. The id creates the
orbit, and (3) a planet's orbital demands, the ego adds the needs of
period is proportional to the size of reality, and the superego adds morality to
its orbit (its semi-major axis). the action which is taken.



→ It was Galileo's observations of venus that The biggest impact of Freud’s revolution would be
proved the theory. using his telescope, the way how society thought about and dealt with
Galileo found that venus went through mental illness, changed. He created the
phases, just like our moon. psychoanalytic theory of personality and
continues to exert an influence on the
development of psychology today. But beyond
SIGMUND FREUD this, he profoundly changed our understanding of
humanity, thought, and culture.
→ Considered to be the Father of Psychiatry.
→ Born in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in INFORMATION AGE
the Austrian Empire.
→ The Information Age began around the
→ He qualified as a doctor of medicine in
1970s and is still going on today. It is also
1881 at the University of Vienna
known as the Computer Age, Digital Age,
→ Freud lived and worked in Vienna, having
or New Media Age. The Information
set up his clinical practice there in 1886.
Revolution started from the Sumerian
→ He was appointed a docent in
pictographs, which is the earliest writing
neuropathology and became an affiliated
professor in 1902.
→ This era brought about a time period in
THE FREUDIAN THEORY OF PERSONALITY which people could access information
and knowledge easily. Also, technologies
→ Development of an observational method are used widely which became easier with
to gather reliable data to study human life.
the help of internet to communicate and
disseminate and store information.
→ Refers to the global economic paradigm
prevalent from the late 1990s onward,
characterized collectively by
unprecedented advancements in
technological innovation and the rapid
global proliferation, appropriation,
application, and use of new digital
Information and Communication
Technologies in everyday life. The
Information Revolution is further described
against three constituent strands - the
Computer Revolution, the Internet
Revolution, and the Digital Revolution



• Tim Berners Lee – created the World Wide

• Steve Jobs - created the first effective
personal computer called Apple.
• Bill Gates - fueled the world's largest
software business, Microsoft, with the goal
of getting a computer onto every person's
• Irving E. Fang - identified six 'Information
Revolutions': writing, printing, mass media,
entertainment, the 'tool shed'


• Recordings - It made use of storage media

so that it may be re-accessed. It was first
used about late 19th century.
• Cinema - Film: Story conveyed with moving
images. Since around 1900.
• Radio - It is a one-way transmission over
radio waves intended to reach a wide
audience using radio waves.
o Heinrich Hertz - discovered radio
waves in 1886
o Guglielmo Marconi - developed
the first practical radio transmitters
and receivers around 1895-6 and
used commercially at 1900
• Television - It is a telecommunication
medium for transmitting and receiving
moving images (usually with sound).
o Constantin Perskyi - coined the term
• Internet - It is the global system of
interconnected computer networks that
communicate between networks and
• Mobile phones - It allows phone calls be
more mobile and made available across a
wide geographic area.

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