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Question Making, S.

Past (3)

Ask questions for the given answers.

1. ____________________________________________________________ ?
Last long weekend I went to the beach. How about you?
2. ____________________________________________________________ ?
Those files were digitized last year.
3. ____________________________________________________________ ?
She spent the whole week in bed. I hope she is feeling better now!
4. ____________________________________________________________ ?
Mary cancelled dinner last Saturday, she had food poisoning.
5. ____________________________________________________________ ?
Thank you, I quit smoking last year.
6. ____________________________________________________________ ?
By the time I realized I did not have it the train arrived.
7. ____________________________________________________________ ?
The City built that monument to commemorate the battle.
8. ____________________________________________________________ ?
The detective said it was an inside job, someone told the robbers when the alarms
would be off.
9. ____________________________________________________________ ?
Jack Nicholson played the main character. The movie is great.
10. ____________________________________________________________ ?
I believe the Oscars took place last February.
11. ____________________________________________________________ ?
They were at home watching TV last Friday night.
12. ____________________________________________________________ ?
She cooked lunch for her friend last weekend.
13. ____________________________________________________________ ?
The grand opening took place last week.
14. ____________________________________________________________ ?
Sewing blankets for the animal shelter makes me happy
15. ____________________________________________________________ ?
The boys went camping last long weekend.

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