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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical
What are the different physical and chemical properties of minerals?
Learn about it!
A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid material that has a fixed structure and a definite chemical
Identification of Minerals
There are several laboratory and field techniques used to distinguish minerals based on physical and chemical properties.
Some minerals can be identified with the use of high-powered instruments while some can be assessed through their
physical properties.
Physical Properties of Minerals
Physical properties are useful when working in the field, where there is usually no access to complex analytical
techniques. Although a particular mineral has different forms, the fundamental physical properties are still the same.
Useful physical properties to identify a mineral include color, streak, luster, specific gravity, hardness, cleavage, tenacity,
and crystal habit.
 The color of a mineral depends on the elements which constitute the crystal lattice – the arrangement of atoms, or
groups of atoms, in a specific pattern and with high symmetry. The reflection of certain wavelengths of light by
the crystal lattice results in the color perceived by the observer.
 Streak is the color of the mineral in its powdered form.
 Luster is the relative differences in the opacity and transparency of a mineral as light is reflected on its surface.
This describes the 'sparkles' of the mineral surfaces.
 Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of the mineral to the weight of the water with an equal volume.
 Hardness is the measure of the resistance of a surface to abrasions or scratches. It is generally measured using
Mohs Scale of Hardness.

 Cleavage is the tendency of the mineral to be split or broken along flat surfaces.

 Fracture refers to the texture or shape of the mineral’s surface when the mineral breaks into forms other than flat

 Tenacity refers to the behavior of the mineral under deformation or stress such as cutting, crushing, bending, or

 Crystal habit refers to the growth crystal pattern of a mineral as single or aggregated.
Chemical Properties of Minerals
All minerals have a certain arrangement of elements in their crystal structure. They can be represented by a chemical
formula, which presents the proportions of atoms that constitute them. For example, the mineral quartz has a chemical
formula SiO 2  SiO2 . Its crystal structure is a continuous framework of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra.
The chemical properties of minerals depend on their chemical formula and crystal structure. Solubility and melting point
are chemical properties commonly used to describe a mineral.

 Solubility refers the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent at a specified temperature. For example, biotite,
a mineral commonly found in igneous rocks, is soluble in both acid and base solutions. The dissolution releases
the loosely-bound potassium ions in the mineral.
 Melting point refers to the temperature at which solid turns into liquid. Minerals composed of atoms that are
tightly bonded within the crystal structure have high melting points. For example, quartz melts above 1670°C.
In the laboratory, the composition and crystal structure of minerals can be analyzed through chemical and instrumental
analysis. Crystallographic techniques such as X-ray diffraction are performed to determine the crystal structure of the
Common Rock-Forming Minerals
The most common rock-forming minerals are quartz, feldspar, mica, pyroxene, amphibole, and
olivine. All of the following silicate minerals, except for quartz, are mineral groups.
Quartz has a chemical composition of SiO2 . It is a glassy-looking hard substance with white
streaks. Despite its hardness, with a Mohs hardness of 7, it is quite
brittle. Pure quartz is clear and transparent. Colored varieties of
quartz are due to elemental impurities built into its lattice. The
grains of quartz, in general, are irregular in shape.
Feldspar has a chemical composition of XAl (1−2) Si (3−2) O8, where X  is K, Ca , or Na. It is quite hard with a Mohs
hardness of 6. It is a light-colored material, usually white, but they can have lighter shades of red or green. It has a glassy
luster. In rocks, feldspar forms rectangular crystals that break along flat faces.
Pyroxene minerals have a general composition of XY(Al,Si) 2 O 6   where X is Ca or Mg  and Y is either
Mg,Fe,Al Mg,Fe,Al . Augite is the most common of this group. It has a glassy luster with
streaks of white, light green, or light brown. It is generally black in color and has stubby
prismatic crystals. Its key feature is its two cleavages at around 90°.
Amphibole has a dark color with a Mohs hardness ranging from 5 to 6. Hornblende is the
most common amphibole. It has a glassy luster and
an opaque characteristic. Its crystals are very long
and very thin.
Olivine is a silicate mineral with a general
chemical composition of (Mg,Fe) 2  (Mg,Fe)2
SiO 4  SiO4 , but calcium, manganese, and nickel can
be substituted for magnesium and iron. It is known
for its distinct olive-green color and commonly used
in the gemstone industry as peridot. It is a glassy looking and transparent substance that is
almost as hard as quartz. Its crystals have a granular shape.
Let’s Try!Silicates like quartz are among the Earth’s most important natural resources. There
would be no computers, phones, glass, or bricks. All of these rely on silicate minerals as raw materials. What other
minerals are known to have important uses like silicates?
Try it!Research on the different kinds of minerals found in common products (e.g. lipstick, glass) that you use every day.
What do you think?
Is there a possibility for the physical characteristics of rock minerals to change over time? Explain your answer.

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