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August 29th 2022

Top 5
1. Learn the ins and outs of finance so I may learn how to legally pay my workers as little
as possible
2. Begin brainstorming for a product idea.
3. Present my summery of the ruby ridge incident to my law enforment class in a elaqent
4. Get a good night of sleep.
5. Finnish lord of the rings.

Top 5 S.M.A.R.T. Goals week

1. Practice piano
2. Take the dog on a walk every day this week
3. finish the first chapter of the fall of Rome
4. Finish all of my books
5. Get the paperwork filled out.

1.Finish the piano song i’m working on

2.Sell the box of chocolate
3. Walk the dog.
4. Get to page 200 of the blinding knife
5. Finish annotating the first chapter of the fall of rome

1.Finish the pianoe song I am working on

2. Walk the dog
3. Sell the box
4.Suggest anyother sone for friday
2.walk the dog
4.get to page 385 of the blinding knife
5.cook a meal
1. Walk the dog
2. Sell the box
3. Walk the dog
4. Finish blinding knife
5. Finish all of my work
To day I woke up ran a lap. My day was fairly average I walked the dog went to school
did all the normal stuff.
1. Sleep
2. Finish smart goals
3. Donate blood
4. Walk the dog
5. Take a nap
Another average day
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and
hugable and they are puppies little puppies. dogs
2. Walk both dogs
3. Get an a on law enforcement test
4. Get irion amor in minecraft
5. Be like able.
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and
hugable and they are puppies little puppies.

1. Walk my dogs
2. Go to sleep by 9:30
3. Get a passing grade on my upcoming test
4. Be a nicer person
5. Remember business club
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and
hugable and they are puppies little puppies.

1. Go to sleep before midnight

2. Exercise
3. Learn more about report writing\
4. Come up with a better business plan
5. Forget about the existence of vegas
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and
hugable and they are puppies little puppies.
1. Spend and hour on piano
2. Go for a bike ride
3. Buy a calendar
4. Go to sleep by 9
5. Walke the dogs
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and
hugable and they are puppies little puppies.
1. Learn to spell
2. Learn adjectives
3. Learn adjective phrases
4. Learn proper grammar
5. sleep
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies.
6. Learn to spell
7. Learn adjectives
8. Learn adjective phrases
9. Learn proper grammar

1.Get to page 600 in “A Storm of Swords”.

2. Practice piano for an hour

3. Exercise

4. Run a mile

5. Walk the dogs

1.sleep on time

Today I woke up, smelled the roses and got to school early. I feel as useless and idiotic
as I always do I have achieved next to nothing with my life and am incredibly useless.
2. Eat
3.Walk the dog
4. Play the piano
5. Go to bed on time


1. Walk the puppies

2. Play piano
3. LEARN TO wright reports
4. Learn proper use of commas
5. Learn proper use of punctuation
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies.
1. sleep on thime
2. Play the piano
3.Feed the dogs
4. Walk the dogs
5. Pick up dog poop
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies.
1. Study report writing
2. Sleep
3. Play piano
4. Make a salad for luch
5. Walk the dog
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies. report writing
2.go to sleep on time
3.practice piano
4.remember to get a sandwich from my moms classroom
5.improve my report writing
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies. report writing
2.go to sleep on time
3.practice piano
4.remember to get a sandwich from my moms classroom
5.improve my report writing
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies. report writing
2.go to sleep on time
3.practice piano
4.remember to get a sandwich from my moms classroom
5.improve my report writing
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies.
1. Go to sleep on time
2. Practice piano
3. Run a lap\
4. Walk the dog
5. Eat food
I am thankful for my two wonderful dogs they are so cute and lovable and hugable and
they are puppies little puppies.
1. Walk the dogs
2. Exercise
3. Attend virtual business
Today I am feeling about as idiotic as I usually do. I have noting of any importance to
say or do and have an inability to shut my mouth.
1.walk the dog
3. Attend virtual business ]
4. Finish my work in class
5. Practice piano for an hour
1.walk the dog
3. Attend virtual business ]
4. Finish my work in class
6. Practice piano for an hour
7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
8:30 sleep
1.practice piano
2.sleep on time
3.finish homework with dogs
7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
1.walk the dog
3. Attend virtual business ]
4. Finish my work in class
7. Practice piano for an hour
7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
8:30 sleep
1.practice piano
2.sleep on time
3.finish homework with dogs
7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
1.practice piano
2.sleep on time
3.finish homework with dogs
7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
1.walk the dog
3. Attend virtual business ]
4. Finish my work in class
8. Practice piano for an hour
7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
Money laundering incor

Affordible tax attorney.

Tiket skimmers

Drug rehabilitation

Fast fashion seller

I did not insult the music

7:00 wake up
8:00 Get so school
3:00 Go to virtual business
3:30 Get home
3:35 Start work
4:45 piano
5:45 break
1.walk the dog
3. Attend virtual business ]
4. Finish my work in class
9. Practice piano for an hour
1.walk the dog
3. Attend virtual business ]
4. Finish my work in class
10. Practice piano for an hour
11. 7:00 wake up
12. 8:00 Get so school
13. 3:00 Go to virtual business
14. 3:30 Get home
15. 3:35 Start work
16. 4:45 piano
17. 5:45 break

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