A Comparative Study of The Rights of Feminism and Islam - Compressed

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‫‪A Comparative Study of the Rights of Feminism and Islam‬‬



‫رگنان‬ ‫قیقحتاکر‬

‫رپورسیفڈارٹکاشہیحمادلنیاہیمش‬ ‫رشبماالسمرابین‬

‫ڈنی‪:‬ہیلکرعہیبوولعماالسہیم‬ ‫رولربمن‪0000294018:‬‬




A Comparative Study of Feminism and Islam


The issue of women's rights and gender equality has been a subject of global interest and
concern, particularly in Muslim-majority countries in Asia. This comparative study
aims to explore the relationship between Feminism and Islam in the context of Asia,
with a particular focus on how these two ideologies interact and intersect in shaping
women's lives in the region. Through this research, I aim to shed light on the complex
relationship between these two ideologies and to contribute to the ongoing discourse on
women's rights and gender equality.

Literature Review:

The relationship between Feminism and Islam has been a subject of debate and
discussion for several decades. While some scholars argue that the two ideologies are
incompatible, others argue that there is a possibility for them to coexist. In the context of
Asia, the debate becomes more complex, as Islam is the predominant religion in several
countries, and the interpretation of Islamic teachings varies widely across the region.
The literature on this topic is extensive, with several studies examining the relationship
between Feminism and Islam from different perspectives.


This study will be a comparative analysis of the feminist movement and Islamic
teachings and practices in selected Asian countries. The study will be based on a
qualitative research design, which will include a review of relevant literature and the
analysis of primary data collected through interviews and surveys. The countries to be
included in the study will be selected based on their level of Islamic influence, their
socio-political context, and the presence of an active feminist movement.

Data Collection:

Primary data will be collected through interviews with feminist activists, Islamic
scholars, and women's rights advocates in the selected countries. The interviews will be
semi-structured and will cover a range of topics, including the interpretation of Islamic
teachings on gender, the role of women in society, the challenges faced by women's
rights activists, and the relationship between Feminism and Islam in the context of the
country. Additionally, a survey will be conducted to collect data on the attitudes and
beliefs of the general public towards women's rights and gender equality in each


The data collected through interviews and surveys will be analyzed using a thematic
analysis approach. The themes will be identified based on the research questions and the
issues that emerge from the data. The analysis will focus on identifying commonalities
and differences between the feminist movement and Islamic teachings and practices in
the selected countries. The data will also be analyzed to identify the challenges faced by
women's rights activists in the region and the potential for the coexistence of Feminism
and Islam in shaping women's lives.

Expected Outcomes:

The study is expected to contribute to the ongoing discourse on women's rights and
gender equality in the context of Asia. The research findings will provide insights into
the complex relationship between Feminism and Islam and their impact on women's
lives in the region. The study will also identify the challenges faced by women's rights
activists in the region and the potential for collaboration between feminists and Islamic
scholars to promote gender equality.


The issue of women's rights and gender equality is a complex and multifaceted one,
particularly in Muslim-majority countries in Asia. This comparative study aims to
contribute to the ongoing discourse on this issue by exploring the relationship between
Feminism and Islam in the context of Asia. The study will provide insights into the
challenges faced by women's rights activists in the region and the potential for the
coexistence of Feminism and Islam in shaping women's lives. By shedding light on this
complex relationship, this study aims to promote a more nuanced understanding of the
issue and to contribute to the ongoing efforts to promote gender equality in the region.

Sources and references:

 Glorious Quran
1. Bukhari, Muhammad ibn Ismail, Al-Jami' al-Sahih al-Bukhari, Dar Tawq al-
Najah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1422 AH.
2. Muslim ibn Hajjaj, Abu Al-Husayn, Qushayri, Sahih Muslim, Dar Ihya al-Turath
al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, 1431 AH.
3. Abu Dawood, Sulaiman ibn Ash'ath, Sunan Abu Dawood, Dar al-Risalah al-
'Alamiyyah, 1430 AH.
4. Tirmidhi, Abu 'Isa Muhammad ibn 'Isa, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Dar al-Gharb al-
Islami, Beirut, Lebanon, 1418 AH.
5. Nasa'i, Abu Abd al-Rahman, Ahmad ibn Shuayb, Al-Sunan al-Kubra, Mu'assasat
al-Risalah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1421 AH.
6. Ibn Majah, Qazwini, Abu Abdullah, Muhammad ibn Yazid, Dar al-Risalah al-
'Alamiyyah, 1430 AH.
7. Burhan al-Din, Ali ibn Abi Bakr al-Marghinani, Al-Hidayah fi Sharh Bidayat al-
Mubtadi, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1431 AH.
8. Muhammad ibn Mahmud, Al-Inayah Sharh al-Hidayah, Dar al-Kutub al-
Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1440 AH.
9. Kamal al-Din, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahid, Fath al-Qadeer, Dar al-Kutub al-
Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1424 AH.
10.Abdullah ibn Ahmad, Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudamah, Maktabat al-Qahirah, Egypt,
1388 AH.
11. Al-Shafi'i, Muhammad ibn Idris, Al-Umm, Dar al-Ma'arifah,
Beirut, Lebanon, 1410 AH.
12.Sahnun ibn Sa'id, Al-Mudawwanah al-Kubra, Ministry of Islamic Affairs,
Sa'adah Press, 1324 AH.
13.Alaa al-Din, Abu Bakr ibn Mas'ud, Kasani, Bada'i al-Sana'i fi Tartib al-Shara'i,
Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1418 AH.
14.Ibn Najim, Zain al-Din ibn Ibrahim, Al-Bahr al-Ra'iq, Matba'ah Ilmiyyah, Egypt,
1311 AH.
15.Sarakhsi, Abu Bakr, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Al-Mabsut, Beirut, 1398 AH.
16.Wahbah al-Zuhayli, Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh, Dar al-Asha'at, Karachi.
17.Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Fiqh al-Buyu', Maktabah Ma'arif al-Quran, Karachi.
18.Hay'at Kibar al-'Ulama' al-Islamiyyah, Al-Mawsu'ah al-Fiqhiyyah al-
Kuwaitiyyah, Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait.
19.Alaa al-Din, Muhammad ibn Ali, Al-Durr al-Mukhtar, Dar al-Kutub al-
Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.
20. Shami, Ibn Abidin, Muhammad Amin, Radd al-Muhtar, Dar al-Kutub al-
Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon.
21.Azizur Rahman, Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband, Dar al-Asha'at, Karachi.
22. Husayn ibn Mansur, Fatawa Qadi Khan, Matba'ah Kubra Bulaq, Egypt, 1310 AH.
23. Nazam al-Din, Fatawa 'Alamgiri, Kubra Amiriyyah Bulaq, Egypt, 1310 AH.
24. Zafar Ahmad, Usmani, Imdad al-Ahkam, Maktabah Darul Uloom, Karachi.
25. Shabir Ahmad Qasmi, Fatawa Qasimiyyah, Ashrafi Book Depot, Deoband.
26. Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Fatawa Usmani, Maktabah Ma'arif al-Quran, Karachi.
27. Rashid Ahmad Ludhianvi, Ahsan al-Fatawa, Zakariya, Deoband.
28. Hakim al-Ummah, Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Imdad al-Fatawa, Maktabah Darul Uloom,
29. Fatawa Biyynat, Maktabah Biyynat, Karachi.

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