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Rhebeka Esther de Lima Costa

Manager of Cakewalk Bakery

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
June 25th, 2023

Bakery Staples
1234 Dulce Drive
Abbotsford, BC V1M 3L7

Subject: Sugar Delivery Issue and Overcharging

Dear Bakery Staples,

I am writing to address a recent issue regarding a sugar delivery and the overcharging on
our company's account. I initially decided to try out Bakery Staples because you are a local
business, just like us, that we would like to support. First of all, I would like to express my
appreciation for the 10% discount offered on our first order and the prospect of saving 5% on
subsequent orders for other ingredients. However, our experience with Bakery Staples
unfortunately has not been satisfactory.

The initial problem arose with the delivery of the sugar. When I placed the order, I was
assured that we would receive two separate deliveries of 500 kilograms each, February 01
and February 15. However, you delivered 1000 kilograms on both dates and we had to
return 500 kilograms of sugar on each occasion, resulting in unnecessary time and effort
expended. Even after returning the sugar, upon receiving our account statement at the end
of the month, I discovered that we had been charged for 2000 kilograms. It was only upon
carefully reviewing the confirmation email that I realized my mistake in approving the delivery
of two 1000 kilogram orders. This misunderstanding has placed a significant financial burden
on our business.

Understanding that mistakes can happen, I have confidence that Bakery Staples is willing to
solve this issue. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a copy of our account statement,
clearly highlighting the double charge and the subsequent financial impact on our bakery. As
a loyal customer, I trust in Bakery Staples' commitment to ethical practices. Resolving this
issue will ensure our continuing partnership in the long run.

I kindly request that all communication from now on be conducted in writing in order to
prevent miscommunications. I sincerely hope that you will take action to rectify the
overcharge and provide a credit towards our next purchase. We value our relationship with
Bakery Staples and look forward to continuing our business' relationship on a positive note.

Yours sincerely,

Rhebeka Esther de Lima Costa

Cakewalk Bakery

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