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You say You hear

Good morning. Mis Hello, good morning.

Excuse me, would you like to go to Brazil?
No, I wouldn’t. Why not?
Because, I don’t have time to go to Brazil. Okey.
I want to go to UK. Could you call me a Yes, of course. Where to?
taxi, please?
To Jorge Chavez International Airport. And when would you like it for?
Now, please.
How much is it? That’s s/. 20, please.
Thank you very much, Sir.
Could I have a ticket to Heathrow Airport, Single or return?
Return, please. Standard or first class?
First class, please. That’s $ 5000
That’s $ 5000. Here you have. Thank you so much. Have a good journey, Sir.
Thank you so much. Bye, bye.

- Practise the conversation with a partner.

- In pairs, role-play the conversation. Then change roles.
A. (book open) You are the receptionist, the taxi driver, and the ticket Clerk.
The taxi costs s/. 11.60. The ticket costs s/. 18.90.
B. (book closed) You want to get a taxi to Victoria Station, and then a train to
Gatwick Airport. Begin Could you calll me a taxi, please?

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