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Unit 5

Share Your Story

1. President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.
2. He was born in June 21, 1961.
3. He was popularly known as Jokowi. He was previously the Mayor of Surakarta from
2005 to 2012, and the Governor of Jakarta from 2012 to 2014. He then elected in July
2014 as the 7th and current president of Indonesia.
4. He was the first Indonesian president not to come from an elite political or military

Listening Section
Activity 1
1. Komodo Island : Komodo Island is one of the 17,508 islands that comprise the
Republic of Indonesia, it is particularly notable as the habit of
the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard on Earth, which is named
after the island.
2. Manta Point : Manta Point is the excellent dive site and the most strategic
location to witness Manta Rays.
3. Pink Beach : Pink Beach or Pantai Merah is one of seven pink beaches on
the planet located in Labuan Bajo.
4. Padar Island : Padar Island is a small island located between Komodo and
Rinca islands, it is famous with a unique landscape.
5. Rinca Island : Rinca, also known as Rincah, Rindja, Rintja and Pintja is a
small island near Komodo and Flores Island.

Activity 2

last weekend my uncle’s house

Donny’s birthday party Labuan Bajo

One hour flight quick trip

 stayed overnight  my first time

 night view  an incredible experience

No. Sentence T/F

1. Last weekend, Bayu was at Donny’s birthday party. F

2. Bayu went to his uncle’s house last weekend. T

3. Cindy made a long trip to Labuan Bajo. F

4. Labuan Bajo is in East Nusa Tenggara. T

5. Last weekend, Bayu was sleeping on the ocean in a chartered boat. T

1. The dialogue talks about Bayu’s trip to Labuan Bajo last weekend
2. Cindy was at Donny’s birthday party last weekend.
3. Bayu is the one who had a quick trip.
4. There were 5 destinations.
5. I have learned that Labuan Bajo has so many beautiful tourist destinations. (The
answer may vary)

Activity 3
1. First thing first, I will visit Kaolin Lake, which is a lake that was formed originally
due to the kaolin mining activity in the past. It is famous for its tosca water, which
contrasts sharply with the white land color. The next thing to do is to find the Garuda
Stone on Tanjung Kelayang Beach, which is granite rock which looks very similar to
the eagle. Then, I will certainly visit the famous Laskar Pelangi movie’s filming
location, Laskar Pelangi Elementary School. In Bangka Belitung, I can find the
replica of SD Laskar Pelangi used in the movie set. Lastly, I will stop by Batu
Berlayar Island and take a lot of photos with the background of the big rocks and
crystal clear water. (The answer may vary)
2. Because those are the most beautiful tourist attractions in Bangka Belitung. (The
answer may vary)

Activity 4
I have an experience regarding to this matter. When I went to Bali last year, I saw so many
plastic waste on the beach. Then, when I took a swim in the ocean, I found some plastic
waste such as water bottles, and plastic bags. Then I picked any plastic waste I can find at
that time and put it away in the trash can. As a result of this, thousands of seabirds and sea
turtles, seals, and other marine mammals are killed each year after ingesting plastic or getting
entangled in it. This condition have so much negative impacts on marine ecosystems. This
matter is becoming a problem that definitely should be highlighted. (The answer may vary)

Reading Section
Activity 5
1. Yes, I have heard of Benjamin Harrison. (The answer may vary)
2. I think Benjamin Harrison is one of the most underrated presidents among the general
public, even though he had achieve many major accomplishments during his
presidency. (The answer may vary)
3. Benjamin Harrison selected as the “most forgotten president” in a 2012 article in New
York. Polls of historians and political scientists have generally ranked Harrison as a
below-average president.
4. The author describes Benjamin Harrison as a great man who worked hard to get to
where he was, and also by having unusual characteristics of his own.
5. After his term as President ended.

No Statement True False
1. Benjamin Harrison was an American President. 
2. Benjamin Harrison's father signed the Declaration of 
3. Benjamin Harrison had an easy way with people. 
4. Benjamin Harrison married twice. 
5. Benjamin Harrison died from tuberculosis. 

Activity 6
1. Benjamin Harrison was a president of the United States.
2. Yes, it does.
3. Yes, it does. It tells the life of Benjamin Harrison from when he was young, until he
4. I think the text has an interesting and engaging way of retelling Benjamin Harrison’s
past life. I also like the way the text represented, it has the right structure of a recount
text. (The answer may vary)
5. If I act coldly towards people as Benjamin Harrison did, I may not have so many
friends and people won’t like me because social life requires us to act friendly
towards people. (The answer may vary)
6. If I had been Benjamin Harrison, I would not have acted as he did, because I think
one of the characteristics of a president is that I should get along with people,
especially my own staff. (The answer may vary)
7. I think a president can change a nation because one leader can make much difference
to a huge nation. (The answer may vary)
8. No, I think there is a direct correlation between the level of education you achieve and
your likelihood of finding a job, with higher degrees typically leading to higher
salaries. However, it’s all coming back to the individuals, if they have a strong will to
get good jobs, then they don’t necessarily have to had a higher education in the first
place. It takes strong will and effort to have a good job for oneself. (The answer may
9. No, a president can also pay attention to his family, it is their responsibility. (The
answer may vary)
10. I would definitely utilize all the knowledge I have to live a better life. (The answer
may vary)
11. I think after the reading the text, it gives me an understanding of how persistent was
Benjamin Harrison. He worked hard and steadily built his career to become an
American president. It changes me because there is always a good thing comes from a
hard work. (The answer may vary)
12. After reading the text, I will try to believe in myself that I could do better in my daily
life just as much as Benjamin Harrison believed in himself to had a role to play in
history. (The answer may vary)

Activity 7
The first thing I will do after graduating from school is that I will continue my education to a
higher level, and get a bachelor degree. I also want to have my own business because as a
graduate from vocational high school, I already have been given an entrepreneurship training,
so that I could open a business according to my own fields of expertise.

Viewing Section
Activity 8
Questions Answers
What was the title? Hidden Figures (A film)
Where did it take place? United States
After watching it, have you learned some Yes, the lessons I have learned from
lessons? watching this film is to have a
commitment and great determination to
success can overcome any obstacles, and
also by having true grit.
How could you apply the lessons in your I could apply the lessons from the film by
life? pushing my boundaries to do better to
achieve great accomplishments in my life.
(The answer may vary)

Activity 9
1. Drama/History.
2. Theodore Melfi.
3. Theodore Melfi, Margot Lee Shetterly, and Allison Schroeder.
4. Theodore Melfi, Pharrell Williams, Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, and Donna
5. Pharrel Williams, Hans Zimmer, and Benjamin Wallfisch.
6. The tagline is “Meet the women you don’t know, behind the mission you do.”
7. It was released in 2016.
(The answer may vary)

Activity 10
Hidden Figures tells a story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who
served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space programs. As the United
States raced against Russia to put a man in space, NASA found untapped talent in Katherine
Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson that served as the brains behind one of the
greatest operations in U.S. history. This biography film based on unbelievably true life stories
of these three women, known as “human computers”, the film follow these women as they
quickly rose the ranks of NASA alongside many of history’s greatest minds specifically
tasked with calculating the momentous launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. These three
amazing women crossed all gender, race, and professional lines while their brilliance and
desire to dream big, beyond anything ever accomplished before by the human race, firmly
cemented them in U.S. history as true American heroes. (The answer may vary)

Speaking Section
Activity 11
Last Sunday, my friends and I spent a whole day together. We went to an amusement park in
Jakarta, called Dunia Fantasi or Dufan. We had a lot fun in there, it was the most amazing
day ever.
I woke up earlier and did subuh prayer. After that, I had breakfast with my family in the
morning. At 9 am, my friends arrived at my house and then we went to the amusement park
with my mom’s car. As soon as we got there, we immediately checked in and went to the first
ride, which is Kora-Kora. It’s like a huge swing in the form of a ship, the ship swung forward
and backward slowly at first, then the speed and altitude increased regularly that made it so
fun. After that, we went to a food stall to bought drinks for ourselves and some snacks. Then,
we went to this ride called Kicir-Kicir, the shape of it resembles a windmill and then we sat at
each end of the fan blade then the fans were circling and our seat spun. It looked like an
ordinary ride at first, but then my friends and I screamed for the whole ride. After two more
rides, we had lunch at this fried chicken fast food chain. Not long after that, we went to rides
like Halilintar, Tornado, and Niagara-Gara. In the afternoon, we went to Ancol beach because
it’s close to Dufan. We spent our afternoon walked along the beach until we saw sunset, it
was so beautiful. In the evening, we went to my house, but on our way to my house, we
stopped at a restaurant and had our dinner there. After we had dinner, we arrived at our house
at 10 PM. Then my friends got picked up by their parents to go home. I immediately took a
shower, and went to bed because I felt so tired and happy at the same time.

Activity 12
1. Yuni : Whose bike is that, Bima? Isn’t that a retro bike?
Bima : Oh, it was my granddad’s bike. It was from the 50s, my granddad used that
to go anywhere at that time.
Yuni : Wow, it’s so cool that your family still keep it after all this time!

2. Rara : Dad, what is this?

Dad : It is a typewriter, darling. It is a machine that was commonly used in the past
print letters, and numbers. It is similar to a keyboard on your laptop.
Rara : Can you show me how to try it, Dad?
Dad : Sure, dear.

Writing Section
Activity 13
The most embarrassing moment I’ve ever experienced is when I was 10 years old. My friends
and I were playing on the playground. We played a game of hide and seek. We played
happily. Until, it was my turned to look for them. I was looking for them one by one and
managed to find it. However, one of my friend named Putri was very clever in hiding. I could
not find him. Then I kept looking for him. I remembered that Putri wearing a pink shirt and
black pants. As I passed the elephant statue in the park, I saw a kid wearing a pink shirt and
black pants. Without thinking, I immediately approached her. After getting close, I pulled her
and took her to my friends. I wanted to tell them that I had managed to find her. However, I
became silent, when I saw Putri was near my friends. She greeted me “hey why did not you
find me?” I was confused. Then I saw my friends laugh. Then I looked to the children who I
drag from near the elephant statue. I was surprised that it was not Putri but she was someone
else wearing the same clothes. The girl looked at me with disgust. All of my friends there
were laughing at me. I was embarrassed. I wanted to run out of there. Finally, I apologized to
the girl which I had been pulled. Since then I was always called as Mrs. Clumsy by my
Visual Representation Section
Activity 14
The answers may vary according to the creativity of the students.

Grammar Corner 1
Activity 15
Last Sunday, my team won an e-sport competition. After long hours competing, our team was
finally announced as the winner. We celebrated the win on the stage. It was an unforgettable
experience for us standing in front of our fans and handling the trophy. Our team has played
e-sport for over six months and that was the first time we have won the trophy.

Activity 16
Yesterday was my day off. I didn’t go anywhere and just stayed home. I woke up very late
because it was so hectic the day before, so I just got up at 11 am. Then, I ordered food
delivery because there wasn’t anything I can eat my house. As soon as my food arrived, I
opened my laptop and watched my favorite TV series while eating. At 1 PM, I took a shower
to freshen up. Then, I checked my reminder board for any work that I haven’t done, turned
out there wasn’t any. So, I spent the whole day watching new movies and series on Netflix.
Unexpectedly, on the afternoon, my cousins visited me and I hung out with them until

Grammar Corner 2
Activity 17
1. because
2. since
3. so
4. or
5. otherwise

Activity 18
No Sentences 
1. Benjamin Harrison played an unusually active role as President at a time 
when most chief executives saw themselves as simply administrators.
2. As a result, American writer and intellectual Henry Adams said Harrison was 
the best president since Lincoln.
3. Over time, Harrison steadily built a career as a public official.
4. In 1889, he followed his grandfather's footsteps all the way to the White
5. After his term as president ended, Benjamin Harrison returned to his home in 

Grammar Corner 3
Activity 19
No Sentences 
1. As a result, American writer and intellectual Henry Adams said Harrison was 
the best President since Lincoln.
2. Benjamin Harrison grew up on a farm in the Midwestern state of Ohio as one
of eight children.
3. Young Benjamin Harrison respected these men and believed he had a role to 
play in history, too.
4. His hard work and intelligence carried him to Miami University in Ohio, and 
then to a career as a lawyer.
5. But his political path was interrupted by the American Civil War. 

Activity 20
1. whereas
2. and then
3. finally
4. afterward
5. however
6. except
7. as a result
8. so
9. as a result
10. also
11. because of this
12. first, then
13. in fact
14. on the other hand
15. because

Grammar Corner 4
Activity 21
1. His great-grandfather is the subject, signed is the verb, and the Declaration of
Independence is the object.
2. Young Benjamin Harrison is the subject, respected is the verb, and these men is
the object.
3. He is the subject, married is the verb, and a woman he had known since he was a
teenager is the object.
4. Benjamin Harrison is the subject, divided his attention is the verb, and his wife
and his job is the object.
5. Benjamin Harrison is the subject, returned is the verb, and his home in
Indianapolis is the object.

Activity 22
1. Her favorite artist is composing a new song.
2. The architecture designed her own house.
3. A bachelor’s degree holder earns 75% more than if they had only a high school
4. My brother moved into my room while I was in college.
5. Management need to explore ways of improving office security.

Grammar Corner 5
Activity 23
1. Benjamin Harrison played an unusually active role as President at a time when most
chief executives saw themselves as simply administrators.
2. As a result, American writer and intellectual Henry Adams said Harrison was the best
President since Lincoln.
3. Benjamin Harrison grew up on a farm in the Midwestern state of Ohio as one of eight
4. His grandfather was not the only famous political Harrison.
5. His great-grandfather signed the Declaration of Independence.
6. Young Benjamin Harrison respected these men and believed he had a role to play in
history, too.
7. His hard work and intelligence carried him to Miami University in Ohio, and then to a
career as a lawyer.
8. Along the way, he married a woman he had known since he was a teenager, Caroline
Lavinia Scott.
9. The couple settled in another Midwestern city, Indianapolis, Indiana, and had a son
and daughter.
10. But his political path was interrupted by the American Civil War.

Activity 24
No. Proper nouns Examples
1. Name of person Agatha Christie, Christina Aguilera, Mary Lou
2. Titles of people President Bush, Captain Kirk, Professor Snape
3. Names of countries England, Italy, Brazil
4. Names of cities Tokyo, Adelaide, Amsterdam
5. Names of particular locations Odeon Cinema, Fifth Avenue, Central Park
6. Names of days, months, holidays Christmas, August, Wednesday
7. Brand names Fuji Film, Adidas, Xerox
8. Company names Arctic Wolf Networks, Inc., Apple, Pottery Barn
9. Titles of books Norwegian Wood, Pride and Prejudice, Oliver Twist
10. Titles of magazines Family Circle, Food Network Magazine, Golf Magazine
11. Titles of newspapers Daily Times, The Columbus Dispatch, The Jakarta Post
12. Titles of movies Interstellar, The Dark Knight, Rear Window
13. Titles of tv shows Friends, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Modern Family
14. Titles of songs Bohemian Rhapsody, A Sky Full of Stars, Heal the World
15. Titles of plays Macbeth, The Bear, Dead Souls

Critical Thinking Tasks

1. Jawaban: D
Pada dialog tersebut, terlihat bahwa wanita tersebut tidak tertarik menonton
pertandingan sepak bola. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. She isn’t interested in
watching football matches.

2. Jawaban: C
Pada dialog tersebut, terlihat bahwa Sarah kehabisan bensin saat terjebak macet yang
menyebabkan Ia terlambat. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. She was ran out of
petrol in the middle of the traffic jam.

3. Jawaban: C
Pada teks tersebut, penulis menjelaskan bahwa banyak orang termasuk orang tua nya
bertentangan dengan e-sport dan menganggap hal tersebut tidak terlalu berguna untuk
siswa. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C. A negative judgment about e-sport.

No Sentences Yes No
a. Last Sunday when I was feeding my cat, I saw that he 
had no appetite.
b. I looked carefully at his body and I found that his left leg 
had a scratch.
c. I bought medicine and brought some bandages and then 
cleaned the wound with antibiotics before applying
bandages to the injured skin.
d. The next day I changed the bandages and I treated him 
very well.
e. I was very happy his leg healed and he has returned to
play with me as usual.

No Sentences Yes No
a. The author saw his/her cat had no appetite. 
b. The author looked carefully at her/his cat's body. 
c. The author bought medicine and brought some bandages. 
d. The author cleaned the wound with antibiotics. 
e. The author was very happy her/his cat's leg healed. 

6. Jawaban: A
Pada teks tersebut dijelaskan bahwa Doni baru saja menemukan artikel menarik
tentang e-sport di internet. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. An interesting article
about e-sport.

No Sentences Yes No
a. Doni knew about e-sport before. 
b. Last Sunday, Doni read an article about e-sport. 
c. Doni read the article and began to be interested in finding 
out more about e-sport.
d. Doni was not excited to read more about e-sport. 
e. Doni hoped he would get much information from the 

No Sentences Yes No
a. What are they talking about in the dialogue? 
b. Has the flood ended when the speakers talk about it? 
c. What was done by the authorities about the situation? 
d. Was Pahang affected by the flood? 
e. How many people are affected by the flood? 

9. Jawaban: D
Pada dialog tersebut, Nella berkata bahwa Ia bisa merasakan kesedihan para korban
banjir yang terpaksa harus meninggalkan rumah mereka. Jadi, jawaban yang paling
tepat adalah D. Nella can feel how sad the people who were affected by the flood.

10. The word ‘affected’ can be replaced with the word ‘afflicted’ because they have the
same meaning which is cause a change to someone or something.

No Sentences Yes No
a. Who is Woodrow Wilson? 
b. What is Woodrow Wilson's famous quote? 
c. Is the fact that Woodrow Wilson is the only US President 
with a Ph.D. still valid now?
d. What was the cause of Woodrow Wilson's collapse? 
e. How did Woodrow Wilson communicate to Congress 
after he collapsed?

No Sentences Yes No
a. Woodrow Wilson served two terms, from 1913 to 1921, 
and led the United States through the First World War
Wilson might have seemed an unlikely war president.
b. He was a university professor before he entered politics. 
c. He wrote a number of books. 
d. Wilson did not succeed in that effort. 
e. Three years later, the former president died quietly there, 
finally at peace.

13. Orientation:
Woodrow Wilson served two terms, from 1913 to 1921, and led the United
States through the first World War. Wilson might have seemed an unlikely war
president. He was a university professor before he entered politics. And, when the
conflict began in Europe in 1914, Wilson strongly rejected the idea of the U.S. getting
involved. He even campaigned for his second term on the slogan "He kept us out of
the war." But Wilson's idealism eventually made him believe the U.S. must enter the
conflict. He famously said, "The world must be safe for democracy."
He spent the last months of his presidency fighting to create a League of
Nations that would prevent future wars. Wilson did not succeed in that effort. But the
effects of his presidency are still seen today in both the domestic and foreign affairs of
the United States.
Sequence of events:
Woodrow Wilson was born in the state of Virginia in 1856 and grew up in the
South. Wilson's father was a Protestant Christian minister who supported the views of
Confederacy during the Civil War. Wilson's mother had been born in England but
raised in the United States. She was reportedly warm and loving, especially to her
husband and four children.
Wilson's early life was marked by poor health and a passion for learning. His
education included tutoring by Confederate soldiers, classes with his father, a year at
Davidson College, a bachelor's degree from the school now called Princeton, one year
of law school, and a doctoral degree in history and political science from the
University of
Johns Hopkins. He remains, so far, the only President with a Ph.D.
Wilson's academic interests were in government, and how it could be most
effective. Even as a young man, he supported the idea of a strong Executive, either a
Prime Minister or a President. He wrote a number of books, including a biography of
George Washington, and a history of the United States. He also taught popular classes
at several colleges, including Bryn Mawr in Pennsylvania, Wesleyan in Connecticut,
and Princeton in New Jersey.

Wilson collapsed from exhaustion because he travelled more than 15.000
kilometers in 22 days and gave 29 speeches to raise public support for the League of
Nations. Shortly after, he suffered a major stroke. Although he recovered somewhat,
he remained partly paralyzed. He rarely appeared in public again. Instead, Wilson
communicated to Congress through his wife. When Republicans changed the Treaty
to deal with their concerns, Wilson told his supporters to reject it. In the end, the U.S.
never did join the League of Nations.
When a new president, Warren Harding, was sworn-in in 1921, Edith and
Woodrow Wilson retired to a house in Washington, D.C. Three years later, the former
president died quietly there, finally at peace.

14. .
No Sentences True False
a. Jesse and Jack are talking about e-sport competition. 
b. Jesse has a competition next Sunday. 
c. Mr. Smith is Jack's and Jesse's teacher. 
d. There are no criteria for players in e-sport competitions. 
e. Just like other sports, there is scorekeeping to determine a 

15. E-sport requires players that have good physical stamina, dexterity, and quick
16. Zaha Hadid became the first woman to win the Pritzker Prize, the most prestigious
award for architecture. She also designed the project around the world including the
glass, granite, and steel Guangzhou Opera House in China, the London Aquatics
Centre, built for the 2012 Olympics, and the Sheikh Zayed bridge in Abu Dhabi.


No Sentences Yes No
a. In 2004, Hadid became the first woman to win the 
Pritzker Prize, the most prestigious award for
b. Hadid studied mathematics at the American University in 
c. She designed projects around the world. 
d. She completed her architectural studies in Britain, where 
she continued to live and work.
e. The Royal Institute of British Architects awarded Hadid 
Gold Medal.

No Sentences 
a. Hadid's firm says she died on Thursday at a hospital in Miami, Florida, 
where she was being treated for bronchitis.
b. At the time of her death, Hadid was working on stadiums for the 2022 
World Cup in Qatar and a new Iraqi parliament building in Baghdad.
c. Earlier this year, The Royal Institute of British Architects awarded Hadid 
its Gold Medal, honouring her as "a formidable and globally influential
force in architecture".
d. She designed projects around the world including the glass, granite and 
steel Guangzhou Opera House in China, the London Aquatics Centre,
built for the 2012 Olympics, and the Sheikh Zayed bridge in Abu Dhabi,
a curved design meant to "evoke the undulating sand dunes of the desert".
e. Hadid studied mathematics at the American University in Beirut.

19. The word “completed” can be replaced by the word “finished” because they have the
same meaning which is finish making or doing.
20. What can be learned from the text is that Zaha Hadid was one of the most amazing
and innovative architect. She proves that by her astounding works and achievements.
Her works will live on even after she passed.

Definition: Recount text is a text that retell past events.
Structures: The generic structure of recount text are orientation, sequence of events, and
Language features:
 It includes a dialogue to relate retelling an event. It also uses descriptive language to
describe where the events took place.
 It is written in the past tense and the active voice.
 It uses connectives related to time.
 It uses transitional words and phrases.
 It focuses on specific people or events, not general topics.
 It uses the first person, in autobiography and fiction; otherwise use the third person.
 It uses critical vocabulary appropriate to the subject.
 It uses proper nouns.
 It picks out incidents that are amusing, interesting, or important.
 It uses powerful words.

A. Choose the correct answers.
1. Jawaban: B
Pada teks tersebut, penulis menceritakan pengalamannya pada hari Sabtu lalu saat Ia
dan keluarganya pergi ke Wonosobo dan menginap di hotel. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat
adalah B. The author stayed in a hotel last Saturday.

2. Jawaban: A
Pada kalimat pertama dalam teks tersebut tertulis “Last Saturday I went to Wonosobo
with my family.” Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. It is in Wonosobo.

3. Jawaban: A
Pada kalimat ketiga dalam teks tersebut tertulis “My mother booked two hotel rooms
for us.” Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. The author’s mother.

4. Jawaban: D
Kata-kata “not far away” memiliki arti tidak jauh, jadi kata yang tepat untuk
menggantikannya adalah “near” yang memiliki arti dekat.

5. Jawaban: A
Pada kalimat kelima dalam teks tersebut tertulis “The room has two beds, television,
AC, hair drier, refrigerator, and a safe deposit box.” Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah
A. 2.

6. Jawaban: E
Di dalam dialog tersebut Farah & Rio terlihat sedang membicarakan tentang salah
satu orang terkaya di dunia, yaitu Elon Musk. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Elon

7. Jawaban: A
Kalimat tanya “What does he do?” pada dialog tersebut bermaksud bertanya apa yang
Elon Musk lakukan dalam pekerjaannya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. What
does he do for a living?

8. Jawaban: D
Kata “Earth” memiliki arti dunia, jadi sama dengan jawaban D. world.

9. Jawaban: B
“It” dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu kepada pertanyaan “How much is SpaceX
worth?”. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B. SpaceX.
10. Jawaban: B
Bentuk waktu lampau yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah B. It was Tesla
electric car and the SpaceX rocket.

B. Answer the questions.

11. What I like about reading a recount text is how entertaining it is, and also informative
if it’s about a biographies of great people. (The answer may vary)

12. Yes, because recount text can found in the way of a biography is written. A biography
conveys details about a person’s life or about an episode in their life.

13. I think the easiest kind of recount text is personal recount, where we retell our
personal experiences. (The answer may vary)

14. Bung Hatta is one of “The Proclamators” of Indonesia Independence. Born with full
name Mohammad Hatta on 12 August 1902 at Fort de Kock, West Sumatra, Dutch
East Indies. Bung Hatta played important roles in Indonesian strive for Independence.
He is well-educated person that strive not with physical power but used intelligent
After the independence day of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta became the first vice
president of the country and became prime minister later on. He continued to build the
country with his efforts and thoughts.
Bung Hatta died at the age 77 on 14 March 1980 at Jakarta, Indonesia. He was buried
at Tanah Kusir public cemetery at Jakarta. To honor his name and Soekarno as the
independence proclamators, Indonesia’s biggest airport at Cengkareng is named

15. Alana : Do you know Dewi Sartika?

Fatur : I have heard her name, what I know is that she was one of heroes in
but I don’t really know what she did. Do you?
Alana : She was the leading figure for the education for Indonesia, especially
women. She was acknowledged formally as National Hero in 1966 because
founded the first school for women.
Fatur : Wow, she is amazing. What is the school name?
Alana : It was called “Sakola Istri” at first, then it changed to “Sakola Kautamaan
and now the school is called “Sekolah Dewi Sartika”.
Fatur : Where is it located?
Alana : It’s located in Bandung.

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