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The advantages of spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its

disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this day and age, English has consistently had its status of a lingua franca underpinned as it is
increasingly adopted by people of various cultures worldwide. It is claimed that the merits
widespread popularity of English as an international language are currently eclipsing the
demerits, nonetheless, the continuance of which remains open to question. From my perspective.
I concur with this view considering the following plausible rationales.

With respect to the economic aspect, the use of English as a global language consistently proves
beneficial. This is because English contributes to the elimination of communication barriers,
which allows international trade and business to advance at an unprecedented rate. To illustrate,
as the population of English-speaking nations manage to adopt the primary language of global
commerce, it is seemingly easier them to boost the economic growth thanks to worldwide
partnership and cross-cultural economic cooperation. Alternatively stated, English acts as the
driving force for the development of the economy, boosting the national wealth and prosperity.
And given the ascending trajectory of globalisation, such advantage is likely to stand.

Besides, English as a lingua franca can significantly facilitate cultural understandings. As the
world is shrinking into a global village, it is a common sight that people of various origins have
the opportunity to interact with one another either in the physical world or on virtual platforms.
In that case, English can dismantle language barriers and provide the gateway for them to gain
knowledge about foreign cultures. Additionally, the lingua franca renders the portrait of cultural
values on the media comprehensible to citizens worldwide. This partly addresses the prejudices
and stereotypes held by people of alien origins, which is continually appreciated as it reinforces
harmony across cultures.

All in all, it is apparent that the benefits of English as an international language are likely to
consistenly outshine its drawbacks considering the globalised context of the modern world and
the importance attached to intercultural understandings. However, this is not tantamount to the
dismissal of the potential shortcomings, yet a subordinated assessement of the given situation.

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