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A. Medication:
● The doctor prescribed home medications and was discussed with the
patient and their family members. Explained the medication's mechanism
of action, route of administration, and frequency.
● Emphasized the importance of taking medication as prescribed and the
potential side effects and adverse effects they should be aware of.

B. Exercise:
● Explained the importance of exercise for recovery and its benefits in
maintaining muscle strength and joint mobility.
● Encouraged the client to engage in moderate amount of exercise every
day, such as stretching and gentle range of motion exercises.
● Advised them to follow any specific exercise regimen or physical therapy
instructions provided by their health care provider.

C. Treatment:
● Stress the importance of strict adherence to the prescribed medication
regimen at home.

D. Health Teachings:
● Instructed family members on proper food preparation to prevent any
foodborne illnesses of infections.
● Emphasized the importance of follow-up visits with the attending physician
to monitor the healing process and address any concerns.
● Encouraged regular handwashing and proper hygiene practices for both
the client and their family members.
● Stress the importance of maintaining clean environment to minimize risk of

● Advised the client to maintain a proper and balanced diet to support their
overall health and healing process.
● Encouraged the client to increase their fluid intake to stay hydrated.

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