Swargard Dragons Do Not Eat Dwarves

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he dragon stood and observed the dwarf.

hat am I doing here?” King Ogg asked His thoughts searched for references

himself as he struggled to conquer the which would help him assess the
incline. It bothered him that the “path” humanoid’s character. Few were available.
consisted of numerous obstacles worthy
of an acrobat's skills. It bothered him
even more that he was no longer young. But what “Thank you for accepting my invitation.”
bothered him the most was that the Great War had wiped
out almost all of Swargard’s inhabitants, there had not Ogg understood these words although he was not sure
since been a turn for the better, and he was powerless to that he actually heard them. The dragon did not move
improve the situation. This is why he agreed to a kind of his lips in order to speak. The words sounded like a
meeting unheard of in dwarves’ history - he was on his powerful but pleasant melody. He realized that he should
way to meet a dragon. Dragons are not the type of expect to hear thunder when the dragon actually spoke.
creatures you can meet in passing and engage in small They surveyed each other. The dwarf suddenly realized
talk about the weather. Nor would you find yourself in that he had not yet replied. “Why did you invite me?” He
their proximity and manage not to be eaten. They simply did not intend to sound crude and impolite. The
pay as much attention to dwarves as dwarves care about gargantuan presence of the all-powerful dragon had
the feelings of a Geranium. Geraniums do not grow in overwhelmed him completely.
the North anyway.
“I wish to hear your opinion.”
Except for bears and gmurs, nobody liked the icy
north. Nevertheless, here we saw a king and his tribe, “On what?”
living in the north for centuries and avoiding all others.
As gods commanded, they had been working on science, “On many things. But first, do you need a rest? To
surviving, and waiting for them to return. The dwarves’ warm up by a fire perhaps. Anything at all?”
stubbornness and stamina allowed them to persevere
there all these years. Their courage and honor, on the “I could use a fire”. Ogg heard himself speak. He was
other hand, had almost plunged them into the Great surprised by his own response because he was not cold.
War, where their secret lore would have been exposed. He realized that he wanted to see the dragon spit fire and
Ogg himself wanted to lead his dwarven brethren to set wood ablaze.
battle against Swargard’s evil forces which had been
consolidated into an unbeatable army by then. It was a “Very well. I will wait for you to start it before we
matter of pride. Back then, 150 years ago, the dwarves of continue.”
the north swallowed their pride. They did not go to war.
They waited and despaired knowing that the powers of Having no way out, for the first time in years, king
evil were winning. They obeyed the gods. Because of that Ogg collected wood and started a fire. He did not feel
decision, Ogg would never have been able to remain king humiliated by this. Dwarves’ kings are not arrogant
had Perun not intervened and arrested the upheaval. But rulers. He did feel stupid because his desire to experience
that is a story for another time. dragon’s powers had backfired on him. As he started the
fire with a lighter instead of a flint, he heard the
Evil had triumphed but it did not destroy all life and melodious voice again: “An interesting way to tame fire.
hope. The Great War was over. However, everyone knew I am Najjachi, son of Gozmidure the Great. Welcome.”
it would reignite at some point. So, the dwarves of the
north continued to obey their king and diligently “All the best to you as well. I am King Ogg, son of
prepared for the next war. This time, no one would stop Velsedmon. Why are we here?”
them from showing up on the battlefield. Most likely
they would die there, regardless of how bravely and aptly “So that our meeting remains a secret to all.”
they fought. But to the northern dwarves death was
more acceptable than the shame in which they now lived. Ogg felt a mild chill. The words did not seem
Other races did not know about the dwarves’ shame threatening, but the tone of the dragon’s voice had
because they were not aware of their existence. Except changed. He had a feeling that he would soon witness
for the dragons. It always seemed that dragons were something deemed so secretive by the dragon, that he
aware of everything. felt queasy in anticipation of it.

And so Ogg, grumbling to himself, approached the top “King of the Northern Dwarves: Before I reveal the
of the hill and the plateau which was designated as the reason for our meeting, I must ask if you will accept my
rendezvous spot. One did not decline a dragon’s conditions. That is, I wish to hear your opinion about my
invitation. The King was who they asked for. The King proposal. Although I do not doubt your honor, I want to
alone. warn you that I will know whether you speak the truth,
just like I knew why you asked for the fire which is
Ogg climbed onto the plateau. The dragon had been warming you up presently. You are free to accept or
waiting. Everything he knew or thought he had known decline my offer but in either case, you will only speak of
about dragons had not prepared King Ogg for the it with me, no one else. If you decide to accept my
encounter. Never before did he feel the need to run away proposal, you will risk the fate of all dwarves and other
from someone or something… until this moment. inhabitants of Swargrad, same as I will risk the fate of all
dragons. So, please decide whether you wish to hear me
out, or if it is time for us to part company and act as if
this meeting never took place.”

Ogg knew that he would go along with it. He would anyone. He promised that he or Perun would come back,
never forgive himself otherwise, He believed the dragon and that we would not have to keep the secret anymore.
would speak the truth. No doubt about it. Yet, he heard We promised patience and dedication. It has been like
himself speak: that ever since. We brought shame upon ourselves
“What if I cannot keep quiet?” during the Great War, but we obeyed the gods. I hope
they come back during my lifetime and tell us that we
“In that case I will be forced to end your life.” have done the right thing. Only then will I forgive myself
for our betrayal of others.”
“How?” Ogg knew that his brain was misfiring - there
was more than one way for Najjachi to kill him, “I understand. You have spoken honorably and
obviously, but his own babbling words bothered him truthfully. I am grateful for that. I noticed you told me
more. The moment he added “It does not matter how”, nothing of the science itself, but I did not ask about it
he heard the dragon's voice: “I will swallow you.” The anyway. We will come to that later. It is my turn now.
chill grew stronger, unabated by the fire. The dragon’s Dajbog came to us too at the start of the War of the
decision sounded simple and final. gods….”

“I did not come all the way here in order to give up Ogg caught himself wondering how many dragons
now. I am listening.” He hoped that those words helped there were in the first place. He collected himself and
him regain at least a morsel of respect. A morsel more dedicated his attention completely to the forthcoming
than what he commanded now, which was none at all. words. He had a feeling that what he was about to hear
would determine not just his fate, but that of all
“Fine. At the time of the Great War, the demented and dwarves, humans, and dragons.
malicious creatures of Swargard were united by a
common goal to destroy all that was natural and “...He told us that Svarog, the ancient father, who had
righteous. Dwarves, people and dragons fought back. We dreamt up Swargard and all of the Universe, stopped
are well aware of the heroic deeds that transpired. interfering with the will of the gods. All communication
Months went by and we were losing the war, by a lot. ceased.
Perun’s appearance changed the balance, and the forces In what seemed like a blink of an eye in god’s life,
of evil withdrew. But defeated they were not. They dwell some of the gods decided to change things around
on the Moon Mountain, where they excavate frigstahl, completely. Veles and Jarovid joined Crnobog and
and prepare to attack again. I know that many centuries Morana. Perun, Triglav, Svetovid and Mokosa
ago, Dajbog demanded that your tribe travel north and confronted them. Some gods kept to themselves.
develop a strange magic which did not require frigstahl. Numerous demigods took sides motivated by their own
Are you ready to tell me more about this?” beliefs or interests. The gods’ war took place on a
different plane of existence. At the onset, everyone was
“I understand that you are about to reveal to me a concerned with waking up Swarog, because they knew
secret worthy of my life, while, at the same time, you are that if that happened, everything would end, including
inquiring about the secret of my tribe, which is not gods themselves. As you know, during the Great war,
completely unknown to you, apparently. What do you which we were losing, Perun showed up and drove away
intend to do with the information?” the forces of evil. And just like that, he was gone again.
No one knows what is happening now in the gods’ war.
“You do not have to give me the answer. If, however, However, Perun did not leave quite that quickly. He
you do decide to share this information with me, I pledge told me first about something he had created, something
to you that I will not reveal it to anyone.” I want you to see. It is time we flew to the Gate.”

“I will tell you about whatever interests you. I also “How do you mean...? You will take me with you?”
reserve a right to kill you if you do not keep your word.”
“I will not carry you, King of the Dwarves, I will allow
“How?” you to ride on my back. Look to the right, behind the pile
of rocks. You will find the saddle I have brought along.”
“It does not matter how.”
Ogg picked up the saddle and began fastening it to the
dragon. Both of them felt uneasy.

he dragon drew his head close to the “Who made this saddle?”

king’s. The chill was finally gone. For the
first time he felt like an even partner in a “How could I know something like that?”
conversation and not a worthless old lump
of a dwarf. A voice danced all around him: “Fine. Before me, who used this to sit on your back?”
“I accept.” He could swear that the dragon’s voice
vibrated like a laugh. “No one.”

“Dajbog said back then that the war of the gods had “No one?”
begun. He said that it would affect all beings and all
worlds, whatever he meant by that. He demanded that “You will be the first “someone” ever to ride on my
we isolate ourselves and dedicate our existence to back. You probably understand that it would never have
science - a kind of magic which does not require come to this if there was any other way for you to reach
frigstahl. He demanded that under no circumstance, our destination.”
even in a case of war, would we reveal our existence to

“I understand. Yet, the very existence of the saddle tells more, smaller dragons will also be too large. This started
me that someone already rode or meant to ride a a few months back.”
dragon.” “Are you thinking about going through it soon?”

“Have you ever heard of Korijan Zmajar?” “I have no doubts that we have to go through it if we
fail to stabilize it.”
“Yes. I thought that was a made-up story from the
past.” “Stabilize it?”

“It is not. Korijen was a human being, a friend of “We are both aware of the fact that hard working
dragons. The saddle belonged to him. He rode on several dwarves keep digging up minor quantities of frigstahle
dragons. This happened in ancient times, when people from Velsemines mines. It is clear to me that you use this
were honorable and strong and when there were fewer of ore to prepare for the next conflict with the forces of evil.
them. Before they became a self-centered, selfish, Yet, I brought you here to ask if you could apply the rest
rapidly procreating mob, examples of which we saw on of the ore, as well as your science, toward maintaining
the eve of the Great War. Anyway, that is a story for the present size of the gate.”
another time. Climb on if you are ready.”
“I understand. What if we fail?”
gg climbed onto the dragon’s back and

settled in the saddle. Najjachi looked “Then I suggest we use the gate and thus save both
back at him. Ogg nodded and the dragon dwarves and dragons.”
took off. Up and East. To say that riding a
dragon was an incredible experience “People too?”
would fail to describe how the dwarf felt. He knew,
although no one said it out loud, that he was given an “People too.”
opportunity nobody else would have for centuries. Yet,
admiring the mighty being’s movements did not occupy “You think the gate allows passage in both
his entire mind. He knew they were on the way to see a directions?”
secret which was the cause of this meeting. To see
something created by Perun himself. Everything that “That is how gates work, usually.”
transpired that evening was more than a dwarf could
ever hope to experience, even a dwarf of the North. “But this one was made by gods and it is getting
The flight did not last long. The dragon landed on a
little clearing near a mountain top. There was not much “I am not sure if it is bidirectional.”
space there, maybe enough to fit two dragons. An abyss
surrounded the plateau on three sides. On the fourth “Didn’t Perun tell you where it leads?”
side, there stood a gigantic door which seemed to be
jutting out from the mountain itself. Its edges were “As I said, into other worlds.”
blurry, as if they were shimmering. It was just large
enough to allow a dragon to walk through it. “I agree. Let us try. I have no idea how to improve on
the gods’ work, but we will try.”
“Should I get off?”
“Good. Thank you for being able to make a decision,
“That would be a decent thing for you to do.” King. Climb on, it is time to head back. “

So, Ogg climbed down: “What is behind this door?” So Ogg got on. Najjachi turned back towards Ogg and
whispered: “You should know I would not have eaten
“Other worlds. Perun created gate and showed it to you. Dragons do not eat dwarves.”
me. He told me that the gods would return, and the door
would be destroyed. However, only in the case the gods “Never?”
did not return, and dragons faced extinction would we be
permitted to use it. As you know, dragons’ young can “Seldom. And reluctantly.”
only hatch on the Moon mountain where frigstahl was
abundant. It has been a century and a half since forces of Huge wings flapped and the dragon was airborne. Ogg
evil took control of the mountain. During this time, if a quietly held on to the saddle. For the second time the
dragon decided to fly off to the mountain he never came dragon's voice sounded like a laugh.

“Please do not misinterpret my words: I understand

the implication of a long-term inability to procreate and
the wrath our enemy’s power might make us feel. But I
do not see any danger for the continuation of your
species. You live thousands of years.”

“You are right, there is none for now. The problem is

in the gate itself; It is getting smaller. In a few years, the
largest dragons will not fit through it. And, in a few years


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