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Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234


Detection of Gear Wear and Faults in Spur Gear Systems Using

Statistical Parameters and Univariate Statistical Process Control Charts
Sinan Maraş1   · Hakan Arslan2 · Burak Birgören3

Received: 27 January 2021 / Accepted: 23 June 2021 / Published online: 5 July 2021
© King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals 2021

In this study, the detection of wear faults in spur gears was examined using vibration analysis, statistical process control
method, and statistical parameters. For this purpose, a closed-loop test rig with a power transmission system was established.
Defect-free gears were attached to the test assembly, and the system was operated at a specific torsional load and number
of cycles until the gears were worn. Vibration amplitudes at vertical and horizontal directions, received via sensors on the
bearings, were transferred to the computer with a digital-analog converter. The control charts were plotted by sampling 30
data points per hour. Upper and lower control limits were determined by using the data obtained from the defect-free gears.
The gears are worn in the process due to the effect of applied torque and the operation conditions suitable for the formation
of defects. As a result, the vibration amplitudes were increased. The accuracy and convergence of the statistical process
control method were verified by the statistical parameters root mean square, kurtosis value, skewness value, crest factor, and
peak-to-peak values. It was emphasized that great convergence and accuracy between the statistical process control results
and statistical parameters results are achieved. The present study showed that the detection of abrasion of a robust gear could
be graphically demonstrated through a real-time experimental study. The statistical process control method is convenient and
easily applicable, which allows constructing a real-time early warning system detecting malfunctions at the start.

Keywords  Spur gears · Gear fault · Wear · Vibration · X̄  -S charts · Statistical parameters · Generalized variance chart

1 Introduction reliability and higher costs. Therefore, early detection of

faults on gear wheels is critical. Various parameters for mon-
Gear wheels are widely used in many mechanical engineer- itoring the condition of machines are being used to detect
ing applications to transmit power between rotating shafts. damages. Several techniques such as vibration analysis, oil
Damages such as abrasion, fatigue, and breakage occur analysis, temperature analysis, flow and leakage control,
on these significant machine elements: Undesired, sudden pressure control, acoustic emission, and noise analysis meth-
occurrences may happen and cause more significant mal- ods are used to assess gear damages. Among these methods,
functions in time, resulting in lower product quality and vibration analysis is commonly used today because it accu-
rately reflects the condition within the machines’ internal
* Sinan Maraş structure [1]. Fault detection of gears can be performed by vibration measurement and analysis of measurement data
Hakan Arslan through signal processing, artificial intelligence, support vector machines, and statistical analysis methods [2, 3].
Burak Birgören Recent studies on these topics involve [4–11]. Several statistical analysis methods have been applied
to vibration data for fault detection in the literature. For
Mechanical Engineering Department, Ondokuz Mayıs example, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was performed to
University, 55139 Samsun, Turkey
vibration data obtained for various load conditions to moni-
Mechanical Engineering Department, Kırıkkale University, tor gear condition by researchers. Thus, the conditions, for
71450 Kırıkkale, Turkey
example, standard, faulty, abraded, and fractured spur gears’
Industrial Engineering Department, Kırıkkale University, progression, were determined [12–15].
71450 Kırıkkale, Turkey


12222 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234

Multivariate statistical methods were applied to gear fault detection using standard deviation and variance values of
diagnosis in relatively few studies. Particularly, Baydar and synchronized vibration signals. Further, Villa and Reñones
Chen [16] determined the jag faults of helical gears using the [32] studied gear fault detection of unbalance and misalign-
principal components analysis. Next, Loutridis [17] analyzed ment by statistical analysis of vibration data obtained from
the robust and broken gears through multiscale statistical wind turbine gear working at high-speed loading conditions.
methods for fault detection. Besides, they have compared They have developed a statistical fault detection algorithm
this method with the wavelet transformation method. Fur- based on fault significance level (p-value). Yin and Wang
ther, Yang and Huang [18] proposed a technique combin- [33] presented a statistical model of the vibration signal for
ing data mining and control charts to select critical vari- gear fault detection. They derived sample means in the first
ables for fault detection in a wind turbine. They also used step and then set up a signal model consisting of a sinusoidal
the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) and function. Signal parameters of the model were estimated by
multivariate EWMA methods to compare the types of errors the least square analysis method. They also determined the
generated. Along the same lines, Ge and Kruger [19] used optimal model with the Bayesian information criterion. Fur-
different methods for gear fault detection such as dynamic ther, Li and Zhu [34] perused the statistical properties (mean
multivariate statistics, independent component analysis, sup- and variance) of the vibration signals of a rotating machine
port vector data description, and local statistical approaches. using a decoupling technique and compared them with the
Then, Yuzukirmizi and Arslan [20] investigated the fault threshold values for fault classification. As an ensemble
detection of gears with localized defects using vibration sig- method, Hsu and Wang [35] used statistical quality con-
nal data in the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). trol charts and machine learning algorithms to detect wind
Moreover, Makis [21] applied a time-synchronous averaging turbine faults. They also classified the failure types of wind
and vector auto-regressive multivariable method using gear turbines using methods such as Pareto analysis and scatter
vibration data to detect an early malfunction in a gearbox plot. Wang and Lu [36] proposed a new statistical time–fre-
operating under varying load. Finally, Lal and Kane [22] quency analysis for rotating machine condition monitoring.
used the time series model to extract properties that charac- They performed statistical analyses for fault diagnosis by
terize gearbox faults and applied the EWMA charts to obtain transforming the spectral content of conditional signals into
deviations in property values. dynamic graphics. It was stated that the median graph and
Many works of fault categorization were performed for the hypothesis test are effective methods for the decision to
vibration data. The fuzzy inference, hidden Markov process, change the condition.
artificial neural network, and support vector machine meth- Other methods based on vibration analysis to detect gear
ods were used for fault classification [23–26]. To indicate failures are Bayes estimation [37], statistical kurtosis [38],
a few, Raad and Antoni [27] studied the novel indicators of empirical mode decomposition method [39], application of
periodicity for the classification of vibration signals whose a scalogram, and its mean frequency change [40]. In addi-
statistical values periodically change with respect to some tion, the statistical process control (SPC) method has been
global variables. They also showed how these indicators increasingly used to monitor the process conditions for fault
were used for gear fault detection in the applications. For diagnosis in rotary machines [41]. In this method, lower
statistical analysis, Heyns and Godsill [28] performed some and upper control limits are determined using the mean and
experiments to detect gear faults using residual signals. standard deviation values of vibration data obtained from the
Pacheco de Oliveira [29] classified the vibration signals for robust gears. Fault detection can be performed by observ-
gear fault detection using artificial neural networks. They ing data outside the control limits, which signals a potential
also determined whether there are statistically significant change in the distribution.
similarities between neural networks. Next, Kane and And- The literature survey shows that statistical methods such
hare [30] examined psychoacoustic, acoustic, and vibration as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, statistical kurtosis, empir-
properties for gear fault correlation and classification. In ical mode decomposition, the parametric and nonparametric
addition, they found that psychoacoustic properties clas- statistical procedure of signals, and artificial neural networks
sify faults better than acoustic and vibrational statistical are used to diagnose artificially generated gear faults. How-
properties. ever, there are only a few studies using the univariate and
The parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures multivariate statistical process control methods for data
of signals obtained from vibration tests were performed as obtained from vibration test systems for real-time spur gear
another approach for fault diagnosis of gears in the litera- fault detection. Among these studies, independent compo-
ture. To remark a few, Rafiee and Rafiee [31] studied the nent analysis, support vector data description, local statisti-
detection of gear and bearing damages by using the wavelet- cal approaches, and dynamic multivariate statistical methods
based signal processing methods. They also determined that are used for helical gear fault detection [19]. The time series
bearings provide more relevant results than gears in fault and EWMA charts are used in [22] to obtain deviations in

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234 12223

property values in detecting spur gear malfunction. How- 3 Statistical Parameters

ever, these two studies are concerned with faults on the gear
created by artificially breaking the teeth. The statistical parameters were calculated from the time
The difference of this study from the published literature domain data. The parameters used in the statistical analy-
is that a real-time early warning system was performed by sis include root-mean-square (RMS), kurtosis value (KV),
detecting malfunction at the start using the SPC method and skewness value (SV), crest factor (CF), and peak-to-peak
statistical parameters. The SPC method can be used with values. These parameters were obtained by receiving the
minimal data compared to other signal processing methods 500 vibration data from the gear abrasion test rig of each
and statistical parameter methods. The study demonstrates hour as the sampling volume. The RMS value indicated
the advantages of the SPC method, such as using less calcu- the continuous or steady-state amplitude in a time-varying
lator capacity by using less data, detecting faults in shorter signal. The RMS values were calculated from the equation
times, convenience, and applicability, as compared to previ- shown below:
ous studies on real-time fault detection. √

In this study, vibration amplitudes obtained from spur √1 ∑ N

gears through a gear test assembly with a closed-circuit RMS = √ x2

N k=1 k
power transmission system were examined using process
control charts. The control charts of robust gear under first
operation conditions, and the control charts of data obtained xk ∶ k th vibration data in time domain
from experimental results were compared. The existence of N ∶ the number of vibration data
abrasion damage was evaluated. In addition, fault detection
was performed in the gears by using statistical parameters. It The root-mean-square is proportional to the root of the
was noteworthy that a high degree of similarity and accuracy power of the vibration, including noise. Thus, it is helpful
was observed between the SPC and statistical parameters to identify balance problems. However, it is not helpful to
methods. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the distinguish the failing component.
first research paper applying the SPC method using vibration The skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and
data to detect wear failure in spur gears, which is a signifi- hence any symmetric data should have skewness nearly
cant deficiency in spur gear systems. equals zero. The skewness value was calculated from the
equation shown below:
2 Statistical Process Control Charts 1 ∑
SV = (x − x̄ )3 (2)
N𝜎 3 i=1 i
Control charts are graphs used to study how a process
changes over time. So, data are plotted in time order. A con- x̄ ∶ The mean value of the whole data in time domain
trol chart has a central line for the average, an upper line for 𝜎 ∶ The standard deviation of the whole data in time domain
the upper control limit, and a lower line for the lower control
limit. These lines are determined from historical data. By The KV was a higher-order statistical attribute of a time
comparing current data to these lines, conclusions can be series. The values corresponded to the normalized fourth
drawn about whether a process variation is consistent, in central moment. This situation was shown for Gaussian
control, or unpredictable, that is, out of control, affected by distribution, and a brief description of each is provided
special causes of variation. below:
Univariate control charts are used to monitor a single N
variable over time, such as vibrations received from the 1 ∑
KV = (x − x̄ )4 (3)
radial direction. In this study, 𝐗̄ (average) charts are chosen N𝜎 4 i=1 i
to monitor means and S (standard deviation) charts are used
Kurtosis is a measure of the peakedness of distribution
to monitor univariate variations. Two variables are under
according to the normal distribution. For the same variance,
investigation in this study: (1) vibrations received from the
higher kurtosis values correspond to fat tails, and low kurto-
radial direction and (2) the axial direction. A traditional
sis values correspond to concentration toward the mean with
approach is followed in this study: two separate univariate
skinny tails in the distribution. The kurtosis value increases
charts monitor the means and standard deviations of the two
when a gear wears or breaks due to the vibration.
variables. Detailed descriptions and formulae of the charts
The CF corresponded to the ratio between the crest
mentioned above can be found in Montgomery [42] and in
value (maximum absolute value reached by the function
Minitab® Software [43], used for the data analysis and con-
representative of the signal during the considered period).
trol charts’ application.


12224 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234

� �
max ��xi �� 4 Experimental Setup
CF = �
1 ∑ 2
xk Gear test assemblies with a closed-circuit power transmis-
k=1 sion system are an assembly widely used in gears’ experi-
mental studies. Gear abrasion test assembly was generated
Peak-to-peak value is somewhat the difference between to perform the planned tests.
positive and negative peaks. This value was calculated as As shown in Fig. 1, the experiments were carried out
follows: using an ordinary back-to-back test rig (FZG). Two pairs of
( ) ( ) spur gear units were used in the tests. A three-phase, 1.1 kW,
Peak to Peak Value = max xip − min xjv and 1460 r/min AC motor was used in the experimental set-
1≤p≤NP 1≤v≤NV
up. This drive motor was connected to a Telemekanique
brand speed control device which enables to adjust speed
xiP ∶ i th local maximum value in vibration - time curve precisely. As seen in Fig. 2, the accelerometers were fixed
xjV ∶ j th local minimum value in in vibration - time curve on the bearings magnetically. They were used to measure in
radial and axial direction vibrations of the gears indirectly.
NP ∶ the number of local maximum values
PCB 352C68 model accelerometer receiver generates an
NV ∶ the number of local minimum values electric signal due to the pressure composed by the vibra-
tion. These signals are being elevated to the PCB 482A16

Fig. 1  A view of the test rig

Fig. 2  Magnetically fixed
accelerometers on ball bearing
at axial and radial directions

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234 12225

Table 1  Vibration measurement Device Model(type) Technical specifications

devices and technical
specifications Accelerometer PCB 352C68 Measurement range: ± 50 g pk
Sensitivity: 100 V/g
Frequency range: 0.5 Hz-10 kHz
Resolution: 0.00016 g RMS
A/D data control card NI PCI-6251 2 Analog output channel
16 Analog input channel
Resolution: 16-Bits
Sampling rate: 1.25 MS/s single channel
Input range: ± 100 mV to ± 10 V
Amplifier/signal conditioner PCB 482A16 4 Channels
Low frequency response (− 5%): 0.225 Hz
High frequency response (− 5%): 100,000 Hz
Broadband noise (at unity gain): 9.1 μV RMS

Fig. 3  Test gears used in experi-


model signal conditioner and then transferred to NI PCI- Table 2  Parameters of the test gear pair
6251 A/D data collection control card. The measurement Pinion gear Wheel gear
values, being received as an electric signal (analog) by the
A/D data collection control card, are converted to accelera- Materials GG 25 cast iron GG 25 cast iron
tion values through the computer software. Vibration meas- Hardness 83 HRB 81 HRB
urement devices and their technical specifications are shown Elasticity of material (kN/mm2) 118–128 118–128
in Table 1. Number of teeth 43 111
There are gearboxes on the test assembly with the same Module (mm) 2 2
cycle rates. Loading on the system is performed by wring- Tooth width (mm) 23 23
ing the outlet shaft between the gearboxes, and the assem- Addendum circle diameter (mm) 93 228
bly is stationary. The system was made stationary by plac- Shaft diameter (mm) 25 25
ing a metal ring (torque coupling) on the shaft part, which
exists as two pieces between the test gearbox. Torque is
applied to the system by placing a bolt in the hole on this
ring located on the slave gearbox side and contacting this wringing moment applied for loading is in the opposite
bolt to the adjusted fixed support placed on the construc- direction of the motor’s rotation direction. In the tests, the
tion. As 200 Nm torsional preload will operate in the tests, motor was operated at a fixed cycle of 1000 cycles/minute.
20 kg weight is being hung on the moment arm. The torque Pinion gear and wheel gears used in the tests are shown in
coupler’s bolts are tightened while the weight is hung and Fig. 3, and their features are shown in Table 2. This test
the closed circuit is completed. The direction pinion of system was operated for 199 h in total.


12226 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234

Gears were subjected to abrasion within the process which is observed as sudden changes in the standard devia-
through the wringing moment applied. Thus, the vibration tion values.
amplitudes were increased. These changes in vibrations were In Fig. 5, while there is no deviation in the sampling aver-

analyzed using the X —S charts. The first 30 data points of age on the graph obtained from the data of the first 40 h, the
each hour are used for subgrouping the data; increasing the change in standard deviation started by hour 40. When the
subgroup sample size makes the charts oversensitive to small chart is examined between the 41st and 74th hours, the devi-
changes in the process while more data are available. The ation from the average began after the 70th hour. At the 41st
first 20 h are used for constructing the charts (Phase I), and hour, the average value deviated significantly, but the fluc-
the rest is used for Phase II. The control graphs monitored tuation of average decreased at the 42nd hour. The decrease
the process, and abrasion damage was detected. in friction can explain this situation because of the gears’
operation by the new oil and oil film adaptation on the gear
surfaces. In Fig. 5, when the X  - S chart is observed between
the 74th and 93rd hours, it is observed that the average of the
5 Results and Discussion gear amplitudes is very close to the central line value. These
values are within the control limits during these hours. It is
The test system was operated for 199 h in total, and data- observed from the standard deviation chart that the average
set consisting of 30 data was obtained from the vibrations of the amplitudes is closer to the upper control limit and
received from the radial direction. X  - S charts were drawn that the metal pieces breaking off the gear surface increases
by using these datasets. The timeline of the gear fault detec- abrasion. Although the abrasion cannot be observed between
tion process during experimental studies is shown in Fig. 4. these hours, it is examined on average and standard devia-
Figure 5 shows the X  - S chart of 199 h of data received tion control charts. A fluctuation is investigated among aver-
from the radial direction. In the graphs, the average was age values after the 95th hour. As the abrasion starts on all
found as 0 and the standard deviation as 0.579. X  -S chart the gear surfaces, the standard deviation is beyond the end
was drawn in the MINITAB program. In this graph, pinion values. A decrease in the vibration amplitudes is observed
and wheel gear wear faults are observed significantly. In the on the graph as a result of the adaptation of abraded gear
following sections, the review of graphics will be carried out surfaces due to continuous operation and increasing vibra-
locally for a detailed analysis. tion amplitudes along with the start of abrasion. An increase
The spur gears used were installed in the system while of vibration amplitudes resulting from the fault of rotating
they were in good condition, and the same gears were oper- parts of machines is a possible condition. However, at ini-
ated without changing in the experiments. During the pro- tial operations of the machines of the vibration amplitude
cess, the occurrence of abrasion damage was analyzed using first decreases due to adaptation of machine parts, and it is
SPC and statistical methods. As the oil in the gearbox lost its considered to increase as per the occurrence of malfunction
quality due to heating, the oil was drained once every 40 h [44]. The effects of the adaptation of the worn gear sur-
and new oil was added instead. During this operation, the oil faces to each other are seen in the standard deviation graph
heats up, and its viscosity decreases and thus increases the between the 94th and 97th hours and between the 113th and
friction. In the quality control charts, an increase of vibra- 118th hours. (Fig. 5). Average values of gear frequencies
tion amplitudes and relative standard deviation values are approached the central line value, and less fluctuation was
observed. Vibration amplitudes decrease by adding new oil, composed. This behavior is the adaptation of surfaces due to

Fig. 4  Timeline of gear fault Abrasion on gear surfaces is

detection process severe and it signals to the
Gear Oil Start of adaptation
fact that larger damages may
changed abraded gear surfaces
occur on the gears

40, 80th hours 96th hours 113th hours 120, 160th hours 182th hours 192th hours

Start of abrasion Gear Oil Vibration values periodically

was observed changed increase and start to infringe
the control limits

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234 12227

Fig. 5  X  - S Graph of 194 h of data received from the radial direction (X)

correspondence of abraded points of abraded gear surfaces at 93rd hours. While the adaptation period is less between
each tour. In this process, the gear surface’s abrasion amount the 128th and 165th hours, a longer adaptation period has
will increase and will continue until the breakpoint. been observed between the 165th and 175th hours. After the
The abrasion on pinion gear and wheel test gear is visible 175th hour, the standard deviation values are within end lim-
between the 94th and 97th hours, as shown in Fig. 6. As the its. When the graphs between the 182nd and 199th hours are
abrasion starts on all the gear surfaces, the standard devia- observed, average and standard deviation values periodically
tion is beyond the end values. A decrease in the vibration increase and infringe on the control limits. It means that the
amplitudes is observed on the graph due to the adaptation of abrasion on gear surfaces is now severe, and it signals the
abraded gear surfaces for continuous operation and increas- fact that more considerable damages may occur on the gears,
ing vibration amplitudes along with the start of abrasion. such as breakage.
The abrasion of both corresponding gears continues until At the end of 199 h of operation, the wear of the pinion
they adapt to each other. gear surface and the wheel test gear surface is observed, and
Vibration-time graph in the radial direction between the the effects of this situation can be seen in Fig.9.
93rd and 96th hours is given in Fig. 7. As shown in this Figure 10 shows the X  - S charts of 199 h of data received
figure, since the 95th hour, vibration amplitudes are started from the axial direction. In the graphs, the average was
to increase in the radial direction. Furthermore, as seen in found to be -0.110, and the standard deviation was 3.158.
Fig. 8, vibration peak amplitudes increase in the frequency It was observed that no visible changes occurred during the
spectrum starting from the 95th hour. first 17 h. Between the 19th and 40th hours, small changes
It can better be observed from the standard deviation in the amplitudes were observed simultaneously on the X  - S
graph in Fig. 5 that the abrasion adaptation of gears has just charts because of increased abrasions. The reason for this
started between the 128th and 181st hours. No net change is situation is that heating up of oil and its viscosity decreases.
observed between these hours. This situation is the adapta- The oil change was performed between the 41st and 73rd
tion of surfaces due to correspondence of abraded points hours. Small changes were observed on the graphs as a result
of abraded gear surfaces at each tour between the 73rd and of this change. Changes of vibration increased between


12228 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234

the 73rd and 93rd hours, and the abrasion of gear surfaces
became visible by the 93rd hour. Although the gear’s abra-
sion started between the 94th and 124th hours, no net change
can be observed from the graphs. The reason for this is the
adaptation of surfaces after the start of abrasion at gear sur-
faces. Abrasion continues between the hours of 125 and 181.
When the standard deviation graph is observed between the
181st and 199th hours, it is investigated that the abrasion
progressed. For example, breakage may occur on the gears
as a result of extensive damages.
Consequently, abrasion could be observed on the graphs
composed by the data received from a radial direction.
Moreover, composed of data received from the axial direc-
tion in control charts, this condition is not as bright as the
graphs drawn as per the vibrations received from the radial
direction, although abrasion of gears was analyzed.
RMS values obtained from vibration signals are shown
in Fig. 11. There is no abnormality on the graph in the first
40 h. After the 40th hour, the RMS values increase, and
fluctuations and wear begin between the 41st and 74th hours.
The RMS values are close to each other between the 74th
and 95th hours because the worn points on the gear surfaces
adapt to each other at each turn [44]. There is an increase in
RMS values after the 95th hour. It is examined that the val-
ues between the 95th hour and the 124th hour show a sudden
and steady increase and decrease and follow a trend. During
Fig. 6  The abrasion of pinion and wheel gear surfaces as the result of this time, abrasions have become noticeable. No net change
95 h of operation is observed between hours 125 and 181. This situation is
the adaptation of surfaces due to correspondence of abraded

Fig. 7  Vibration-time graphs for radial direction(X) between 93 and 96 h

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234 12229

Fig. 8  Frequency-vibration amplitude graphs for radial direction(X) between 93 and 96 h

Fig. 9  The abrasion of the

pinion gear and wheel test gear
surfaces as a result of 199 h of

points of abraded gear surfaces at each tour. After the 181st have decreased between the 125th and 181st hours due to the
hour, RMS values increase following the trend. The wear worn gear surfaces’ adaptation. It is shown from Fig. 12 that
on gear surfaces becomes severe, and it signals that more the sudden increases and decreases in kurtosis values are
significant damage such as breakage in gears may occur. observed starting from the 182nd hour. It can be determined
Kurtosis values obtained from vibration signals are during this time that the wear damage is effective.
shown in Fig. 12. Kurtosis values increase from the 40th The crest factor values obtained from vibration signals are
hour, and at this stage, abrasion damage begins to occur. shown in Fig. 13. It can be seen from the graph that there
Kurtosis value exceeds 10 in the 74th hour. Between the 74th are increases in values as of the 40th hour. The abrasions on
and 95th hours, the kurtosis values are close to each other the gear surface occurred from starting this hour. Especially
due to the worn gear surface adaptation [44]. It is observed in the 74th hour, the crest factor value surpassed 6, and the
that there are sudden increases and an abnormal trend in wear became apparent. Due to the adaptation of the gear
values between the 95th and 124th hours. The fluctuations surfaces [44], there is a very small increase in the values


12230 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234

Fig. 10  X  - S Graph of 199 h of data received from axial direction (Y)

Fig. 11  The plot of RMS values 1.80

obtained from vibrations signals


RMS Value







Working Hour

between the 75th and 95th hours. The sudden increases are gear surfaces. Since the 182nd hour, there are significant
investigated in values after the 95th hour. The wear dam- increases and decreases in values, and the process follows
age has become more pronounced. After the 125th hour, an abnormal trend. It can be concluded that the wear damage
crest factor values increased and decreased between 2 and has occurred clearly and become severe.
3.5. During this time, wear damage progress, but the values Figure 14 shows the peak-to-peak values obtained from
have remained close to each other due to the adaptation of vibration signals. The chart is similar to RMS data. After the

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234 12231

Fig. 12  The plot of kurtosis 13.00

values obtained from vibrations 12.00
signals 11.00

Kurtosis Value

Working Hour

Fig. 13  The plot of crest factor 6.50

values obtained from vibrations 6.00
Crest Factor


Working Hour

Fig. 14  The plot of the peak- 12.00

to-peak values obtained from 11.00
vibrations signals 10.00
Peak-to-Peak Value



Working Hour

40th hour, values increase, and wear damage begins to occur. it can be concluded that the abrasion damage has become
It is seen that it exceeds the value of 9 in the 73rd hour. severe. Between the 125th and 181st hours, the worn gear
The values between the 75th and 95th hours are close to surfaces adapt to each other; therefore, the values are close
each other due to the worn gear surfaces’ adaptation. Sudden to each other [44]. After the 181st hour, the values show
increases and decreases are observed after the 95th hour, and sudden increases and decreases, and it is examined that an


12232 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021) 46:12221–12234

abnormal process follows. Then, the wear on gear surfaces initiation and violation of control limits on and S control
has increased considerably. chart is investigated between the 93rd and 123rd hours. First
Figure  15 shows the skewness values obtained from of all, vibration amplitudes increase with the initiation of
vibration signals. After the 35th hour, irregular increases and wear between the 94th and 181st hours. Due to the ongoing
decreases began to be observed in values. It can be deter- study, with the adaptation of the worn gear surfaces to each
mined from here that abrasion damage has started to occur. other, a decrease in vibration amplitudes occurs over time.
In the 73rd hour, the skewness value suddenly increased As a result, no net change can be examined on the average
from − 1 to 1. From the 75th hour, it is observed that the and standard deviation charts in this period. As a result of
points follow a trend by increasing and decreasing steadily. severe abrasion of gear surfaces between the 181st and 199th
Between the 125th and 181st hours, the values seem to be hours, the average and standard deviation values periodically
close to each other due to the adaptation of the wear of the increased and infringed on the control limits. Moreover, it
gear surfaces [44]. After the 181st hour, there are sudden signals the possibility of more considerable damages on
increases and decreases, and it can be investigated that the gears, such as breakage.
process is not in a random trend as abnormal behavior. It can In addition, fault detection was performed using statisti-
be examined that the wear damage in gears has increased cal parameters in the gears. The RMS, kurtosis, crest factor,
considerably. peak-to-peak, and skewness methods were used as statisti-
cal parameters. When the graphs obtained from statistical
parameter analysis were examined, it was determined that
6 Conclusions there was an irregular increase and decrease in the values as
an abnormal trend due to the occurring and gradual increase
In this study, the determination of abrasion damage, which of the wear. Thus, wear damage in gears could also be deter-
is the primary damage mechanism for gears, was carried mined by statistical parameter analysis. While the control
out using vibrations recorded during spur gears rotation. limits were used in the SPC method, the fault was detected
Analysis of process control charts realized this damage. A by evaluating the diagnostic statistics. The number of data
gear test assembly having a closed-circuit power transmis- used in the SPC method is 30, whereas the number of data
sion system was formed to perform the tests, and the system used in statistical parameter methods is 500. Therefore, less
was operated for 199 h in total. X control charts are used to data were used in the SPC method compared to the statistical
measure the differences of process average and S control parameter methods. The advantages of the SPC method are
charts’ standard deviation regarding the vibration amplitudes that it uses less calculator capacity by using fewer data and
received from axial (X) and radial (Y) directions. In addi- allows detecting faults in a shorter time.
tion, X and S charts were drawn in the MINITAB program. This study showed that the detection of a robust gear’s
The gearbox’s oil changing period was determined as abrasion could be graphically demonstrated through real-
40 h by evaluating the quality control charts, which show time experimental study. The statistical process control
an increase in vibration amplitudes and standard deviation method can be used with the minimum data concerning
values over this period. Vibration amplitudes decrease by the other signal processing techniques. The detection of
adding new oil, which was reflected as sudden changes malfunction may realize a real-time early warning sys-
in the standard deviation values as well as gear abrasion tem at the start. Early detection of faults before the system

Fig. 15  The plot of SV obtained 1.50

from vibrations signals 1.25
Skewness Value



Working Hour

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