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SBE 9plus

911plus CTD System Operating and Repair Manual

Serial Number: 09P64093-1066

User Manual, Version 015

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
13431 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA
Tel: 425/643-9866
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Manual Generation Date...................................................................................................................


Limited Liability Statement..............................................................................................................


Declaration of Conformity................................................................................................................



Manual - Version 015........................................................................................................................




Pressure Test Certificates..................................................................................................................





Service Request Form.......................................................................................................................



13431 NE 20th St.
Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA
Phone: (425) 643 9866
Fax: (425) 643 9954

Manual Generation Date: 27 October 2011



Extreme care should be exercised when using or servicing this equipment. It should be used or
serviced only by personnel with knowledge of and training in the use and maintenance of
oceanographic electronic equipment.

SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. disclaims all product liability risks arising from the use or servicing of
this system. SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. has no way of controlling the use of this equipment or of
choosing the personnel to operate it, and therefore cannot take steps to comply with laws pertaining to
product liability, including laws which impose a duty to warn the user of any dangers involved in
operating this equipment. Therefore, acceptance of this system by the customer shall be conclusively
deemed to include a covenant by the customer to defend, indemnify, and hold SEA-BIRD
ELECTRONICS, INC. harmless from all product liability claims arising from the use of servicing of this

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Do not submerge this instrument (S/N 09P64093-1066)
beyond the depth rating of the lowest rated component listed below!

Main Housing (Aluminum) 6800 meters

Digiquartz (10000 Psia) 6885 meters

DO Sensor (SBE 43) 7000 meters

Temperature Sensor (SBE 3plus) 6800 meters

Conductivity Sensor (SBE 4C) 6800 meters

Pump (SBE 5T) 10500 meters

Bottom Contact Module 10500 meters

SEARAM (17plus) 6800 meters



SBE 9plus CTD Underwater Unit S/N 09P64093-1066

Depth Capability 6800 meters

Pressure Sensor Range 0-10000 psia

Digiquartz Pressure Sensor (w/ temp-comp) S/N 120427
Modulo 12P S/N MOD12P-1051
AD590M (Pressure Temperature Coefficient) 0.012795
AD590B (Pressure Temperature Coefficient) -9.510273

A/D Input Voltage Range 0 to 5 Volts DC

Logic Board EPROM Version 1.0

Modem Interface Installed Yes
Modem Board Microcontroller V 1.3, PN 11194

Data Format:
Frequency 0 Temperature
Frequency 1 Conductivity
Frequency 2 Pressure
Voltage 0 Oxygen, SBE 43
Voltage 1 Free

Temperature Sensor (SBE 3plus) 03P5386

Conductivity Sensor (SBE 4C) 043944
Pump (SBE 5T) 056184
DO Sensor (SBE 43) 432208
SEARAM (17plus) 17P64093-0337


Sea-Bird supplies two versions of our software package for communication, real-time data acquisition, and data analysis and
• SEASOFT-Win32 - Windows software for PC running Win 95/98/NT/2000/XP
• SEASOFT-DOS - DOS software for IBM-PC/AT/386/486 or compatible computer with a hard drive
Detailed information on the use of the Windows software follows:

SEASOFT-Win32 software was supplied on a CD-ROM with your CTD. This software package is designed to run on a PC running Win
95/98/NT/2000/XP. The CD-ROM also contains software manuals that describe the appropriate applications for the various programs, the
procedure for installing the software, and instructions on using the programs. There are three primary programs used with the CTD for
setup, data collection and retrieval, data display, and data processing:
• SEATERM - terminal program for setup of the CTD and uploading of data from the CTD memory (Note: If using the CTD with the
90208 Auto Fire Module or SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM, use SeatermAF instead of SEATERM)
• SEASAVE - real-time data acquisition program
• SBE Data Processing - data processing program
Instructions for using the software are found in their Help files.

To communicate with the CTD to set it up or to upload data from the CTD memory to the computer hard drive, SEATERM
must have information about the CTD hardware configuration (communication parameters, internal firmware, etc.) and about
the computer. To communicate with the CTD, double click on Seaterm.exe:
1. In the Configure menu, select the CTD. The Configuration Options dialog box appears.
A. On the COM Settings tab, select the firmware version (if applicable), baud rate, data bits, and parity to match the CTD’s
configuration sheet. If necessary, change the com port to match the computer you are using.
B. On the Upload Settings tab, enter upload type (all as a single file, etc.) as desired.
For the SBE 17 and 25 only: enter the serial number for the SBE 3 (temperature) and SBE 4 (conductivity) modular sensors,
exactly as they appear in the configuration (.con) file.
C. On the Header Information tab, change the settings as desired.
Click OK when done. SEATERM saves the settings in a SEATERM.ini file.
2. On the Toolbar, click Connect to communicate with the CTD.
3. To set up the CTD prior to deployment:
On the Toolbar, click Status. SEATERM sends the Status command and displays the response. Verify that the CTD
setup matches your desired deployment. If not, send commands to modify the setup.
4. To upload data from the CTD:
On the Toolbar, click Upload to upload data from the CTD memory to the computer.

Sea-Bird CTDs store and/or transmit data from their primary and auxiliary sensors in the form of binary or hexadecimal
number equivalents of the sensors’ frequency or voltage outputs. This is referred to as the raw data. The calculations required
to convert from raw data to engineering units of the measured parameters (temperature, conductivity, pressure, dissolved
oxygen, pH, etc.) are performed using the software, either in real time, or after the data has been stored in a file. SEASAVE
creates the file in real time. As noted above, SEATERM uploads the recorded data and creates the file on the computer hard

To successfully store data to a file on the computer and subsequently convert it to engineering units, the software must know
the CTD type, CTD configuration, and calibration coefficients for the sensors installed on the CTD. This information is
unique to each CTD, and is contained in a configuration file. The configuration file, which has a .con extension, was written
onto a floppy disk and the CD-ROM shipped with the CTD. The .con file for a given CTD is named with the last four digits
of the serial number for that CTD (e.g., 1234.con). The configuration file is created or modified (e.g., changing coefficients
after recalibration, or adding another sensor) by using the Configure menu in SEASAVE or
SBE Data Processing. The configuration file is used by SEASAVE to convert raw data to engineering units
when it acquires, stores, and displays real-time data. The configuration file is also used by some modules in
SBE Data Processing (Data Conversion and Derive) that convert raw data to engineering units during data processing.

The instrument type and instrument configuration settings of the .con file and the required setup for the SEATERM.ini file
for the CTD as delivered are documented below. The calibration coefficients for the CTD's sensors are contained in the
calibration coefficient section of the CTD manual.

SEATERM will not upload data correctly without a properly configured SEATERM.ini file. SEASAVE and SBE Data
Processing will not interpret the data correctly without the correct .con file.

5. A/D voltage 0 Oxygen, SBE 43

6. A/D voltage 1 Free

SBE 9plus
For use with the SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit or
SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM Memory and Auto Fire Module

Shown with standard

conductivity and temperature sensors and pump


as of January 2010
User’s Manual
Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
13431 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Manual Version #015, 08/01/11
Telephone: +1 425-643-9866 PCB Firmware Versions:
Fax: +1 425-643-9954 Logic EPROM - 1.0 and later Modem – 1.3 and later Seasave V7 Version 7.21d and later

Limited Liability Statement

Extreme care should be exercised when using or servicing this equipment. It should be used or serviced
only by personnel with knowledge of and training in the use and maintenance of oceanographic
electronic equipment.

SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. disclaims all product liability risks arising from the use or servicing
of this system. SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. has no way of controlling the use of this equipment
or of choosing the personnel to operate it, and therefore cannot take steps to comply with laws
pertaining to product liability, including laws which impose a duty to warn the user of any dangers
involved in operating this equipment. Therefore, acceptance of this system by the customer shall be
conclusively deemed to include a covenant by the customer to defend, indemnify, and hold SEA-BIRD
ELECTRONICS, INC. harmless from all product liability claims arising from the use or servicing of
this system.

Manual version 015 Table of Contents SBE 9plus

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ........................................................................ 5
About this Manual .............................................................................................5
Unpacking SBE 9plus ........................................................................................6
Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus ................................................... 7
System Description ............................................................................................7
Specifications ...................................................................................................10
Dimensions ......................................................................................................11
Main Housing End Cap Connectors.................................................................12
Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus .............................. 14
Plumbing ..........................................................................................................14
Vertical Mount ..........................................................................................15
Horizontal Mount......................................................................................16
Pump Operation ...............................................................................................17
SBE 9plus with Manual Pump Control .....................................................17
SBE 9plus with Water Contact Pump Control ..........................................17
Bottom Contact Switch ....................................................................................18
Optimizing Data Quality ..................................................................................19
Wiring System – Use with SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit ....................................20
Wiring System – Use with SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM ....................................21
Wiring System – Use with Both SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit and
17plus V2 SEARAM .......................................................................................22
Wiring System – Use with Optional RS-232 Serial Output Interface ..............22
Ballast Weights ................................................................................................23
Setup for Deployment ......................................................................................23
Deployment ......................................................................................................25
Recovery ..........................................................................................................26
Data Output Format .........................................................................................27
Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration ........................... 28
Corrosion Precautions ......................................................................................28
Connector Mating and Maintenance ................................................................29
Plumbing Maintenance ....................................................................................29
Conductivity Cell Maintenance .......................................................................30
Pressure Sensor Maintenance...........................................................................30
Pump Maintenance ..........................................................................................30
Sensor Calibration............................................................................................31
TC Duct Disassembly / Reassembly ................................................................33
Section 5: Troubleshooting................................................................ 35
Problem 1: Sensor Problems ............................................................................36
Conductivity and Temperature Sensors ....................................................36
Pressure Sensor .........................................................................................37
Frequency Sensors (T, C, and P) ..............................................................37
Voltage Sensor ..........................................................................................37
Problem 2: Pump Not Working .......................................................................38
Problem 3: SBE 9plus Completely Inoperative ...............................................39
SBE 9plus with Deck Unit ........................................................................39
SBE 9plus with SEARAM ........................................................................39
Problem 4: No Data (Power Supplies OK) ......................................................40

Manual version 015 Table of Contents SBE 9plus

Glossary .............................................................................................. 41
Safety and Electrical Symbols .........................................................................42
Appendix I: Theory of Operation and Functional Description ..... 43
General Theory of Operation ...........................................................................43
Primary Sensors and Sensor Interface ......................................................44
Auxiliary Sensors......................................................................................44
Functional Description .....................................................................................45
CTD Channel Range, Resolution, and Accuracy ......................................45
Auxiliary Sensor Voltage Channel Range, Resolution, and Accuracy ....46
Data Telemetry ................................................................................................46
SBE 9plus Power .............................................................................................46
Appendix II: Circuitry ...................................................................... 47
End Cap Wiring ...............................................................................................47
Card File Wiring ..............................................................................................47
Sea Cable Interface ..........................................................................................48
Transmitter and Pump Delay PCB (Trans) ......................................................48
Logic PCB .......................................................................................................48
Modulo 12P PCB (Mod12P) ............................................................................49
AP Counter PCBs (Temp1, Cond1, Press, Temp2, and Cond2) ......................50
AD/CS PCB (CSAD) .......................................................................................51
Differential Amplifier / Low Pass Filter PCBs (AIF1 and AIF2) ....................51
Modem PCB ....................................................................................................51
G.O. 1015 Rosette Interface PCB (optional) ...................................................52
Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly/Reassembly ..................... 53
Appendix IV: Replacement Parts ..................................................... 58
Appendix V: Manual Revision History ............................................ 66
Index .................................................................................................... 67

Manual version 015 Section 1: Introduction SBE 9plus

Section 1: Introduction
This section includes contact information and photos of a standard
SBE 9plus shipment.

About this Manual

This manual is to be used with the SBE 9plus CTD. It is organized to guide the
user from installation through operation and data collection. We have included
detailed specifications, setup instructions, maintenance and calibration
information, and helpful notes throughout the manual.

Sea-Bird welcomes suggestions for new features and enhancements of our

products and/or documentation. Please contact us with any comments or
suggestions ( or 425-643-9866). Our business hours are
Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1700 Pacific Standard Time (1600 to 0100
Universal Time) in winter and 0800 to 1700 Pacific Daylight Time (1500 to
0000 Universal Time) the rest of the year.

Manual version 015 Section 1: Introduction SBE 9plus

Unpacking SBE 9plus

Shown below is a typical SBE 9plus shipment.

housing 17027 9plus
pigtail to sea cable

17044 2-pin dummy plug
& 17043 locking sleeve
SBE 3plus


17171 male dummy plug

SBE 9plus CTD in cage (shown with & 17888 locking sleeve
standard T & C sensors & pump)

Conductivity cell Conductivity cell filling Pressure sensor

cleaning solution and storage kit oil refill kit

Jackscrew Kit

Conductivity disconnect
fitting spare o-ring kit

Software, and Electronic Copies of

Software Manuals and User Manual

Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus

This section describes the functions and features of the
SBE 9plus CTD, including specifications and dimensions.

System Description
With optional dual T & C sensors & pump
The SBE 9plus continually measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure,
and parameters from up to eight auxiliary sensors, in marine or fresh-water
environments at depths up to 10,500 meters (34,400 feet). Designed for
applications where vertical profiles of the measured parameters are required,
the 9plus samples at 24 scans per second (24 Hz).

The 9plus main housing contains the acquisition electronics, telemetry

circuitry, and Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. The pressure sensor,
ported to outside pressure through an oil-filled plastic capillary tube protruding
from the bottom end cap, is available in five depth ranges to suit the operating
depth requirement. Bulkhead connectors for the modular sensors are mounted
on the main housing’s end caps.

The 9plus uses the modular SBE 3plus Temperature Sensor, SBE 4C
SBE 5T Conductivity Sensor, SBE 5T Submersible Pump, and TC Duct. The pump-
pump controlled, TC-ducted flow significantly reduces salinity spiking caused by
ship heave, and in calm waters allows slower descent rates for improved
resolution of water column features.
Main A standard 9plus is supplied with:
• Aluminum main housing for depths to 6,800 meters (22,300 feet)
• Aluminum, modular T (SBE 3plus) and C (SBE 4C) sensors
• Digiquartz pressure sensor
SBE 3plus
• TC Duct, which ensures that Temperature and Conductivity
sensor measurements are made on the same parcel of water
• Titanium SBE 5T submersible pump for pumped conductivity; by fixing
flow to a constant rate, the pump ensures constant conductivity time response
• Eight 12-bit A/D differential input, low pass-filtered channels for optional
auxiliary sensors
SBE 4C conductivity sensor
• 300 baud modem for Water Sampler control (SBE 32 Carousel or G.O. 1015)
• Impulse glass-reinforced epoxy bulkhead connectors
Note: • Protective stainless steel cage
The 300 baud modem interface was
optional in 9plus CTDs with serial 9plus options include:
number 785 and lower. • Titanium main housing and T and C sensors, to 10,500 meters (34,400 feet)
• Wet-pluggable (MCBH) connectors in place of standard connectors
• Secondary T and C sensors with secondary pump, for redundant data
• Auxiliary sensors for dissolved oxygen, pH, fluorescence, light (PAR),
light transmission, turbidity, etc.
• Bottom contact switch
• Manual pump control or water contact switch pump control - typically
used for fresh water applications
• Control module for G.O. 1015 water sampler
• RS-232 serial output interface, typically used for an AUV/ROV logging
9plus data –prevents use with G.O. 1015 water sampler
• RS-232 serial data uplink – limits sea cable length to 8000 meters,
prevents use with SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM (autonomous water
sampling), and prevents use with G.O. 1015 water sampler
• Wide range calibration of T and C sensors

Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

The 9plus can be used for real-time data acquisition, or for autonomous
operations. Data acquisition/control is provided as follows:

Real-time data acquisition and control

Note: SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit - The rack-mountable Deck Unit supplies DC
When the 9plus CTD is used with the power to the 9plus, decodes the 9plus data stream, and passes the data to a
11plus V2 Deck Unit, the system is computer (in IEEE-488 or RS-232 format). The Deck Unit’s back-panel
often referred to as the 911plus. switch permits operation from 120 or 240 VAC 50/60 Hz input power.
The front panel provides numeric display of frequency and voltage data
via a thumbwheel switch and 8-digit LED readout. Other Deck Unit
features include:
• NMEA Interface for integrating position data with the data stream
• A/D converter for a Surface PAR light sensor
• Tape recorder interface
• Remote output
• Audible alarm
• 300 baud modem interface for power and real-time control of a water
Note: sampler without data interruption (SBE 32 Carousel or G.O. 1015 or 1016
The 300 baud modem interface, now Rosette) or remote serial output device - The modem permits water
standard in both the Deck Unit and sampler control through the Deck Unit or via Seasave software. Bottles
CTD, was optional in Deck Units with may be closed at any depth, sequentially or (SBE 32 or G.O. 1016 only) in
serial number 700 and lower and in any order, and without interrupting 9plus data, using Seasave or from the
9plus CTDs with serial number 785 Deck Unit’s front panel. The modem interface must be installed in both
and lower.
the 9plus and in the Deck Unit.
• RS-232 Serial Data Uplink interface - The interface must be installed in
both the 9plus and in the Deck Unit. The interface was optional in Deck
Units with serial numbers below 637; newer Deck Units are compatible
with Serial Data Uplink with a jumper change. See Section 10: Setting Up
RS-232 Serial Data Uplink in the SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit manual for
operational details.
See the Deck Unit manual for system operating details.

• Computer, slip ring-equipped winch,
conductive cable, and NMEA 0183
navigation device are not supplied by
• When used without a water sampler, the
9plus is deployed in a vertical orientation.
• Standard and optional auxiliary sensors
on the 9plus CTD are not shown in the
• Seasave 7.17 or later also supports
acquisition of data from a NMEA device
connected directly to the computer
(instead of the deck unit).

Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Autonomous operation (no conducting wire required)

SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM Memory and Auto Fire Module -
Note: The SEARAM, mounted on or near the 9plus, allows the 9plus to operate
When the 9plus CTD is used with the
autonomously on non-conducting cables. Power is supplied to the 9plus (and
17plus V2, the system is often referred
to as the 917plus. SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler) by the SEARAM’s internal batteries, and
9plus data is stored in the SEARAM memory. The SEARAM’s auto-fire
feature operates the Carousel Water Sampler. Using pressure data from the
9plus and a programmable table of bottle closure pressures, the SEARAM
signals the Carousel to close bottles on upcast. Built-in logic and user-input
parameters provide control in determining when the upcast begins, preventing
accidental bottle closure caused by temporary upward movements during
downcast. On recovery, the SEARAM memory is uploaded via an RS-232 link
to a computer.

• Winch and cable are not supplied by
• When used without a water sampler,
the 9plus is deployed in a vertical
• Standard and optional auxiliary
sensors are not shown in the


It is possible to use the SEARAM to record 9plus data in memory at the same
time as the 9plus data is transmitted real-time through the 11plus Deck Unit.
This provides a data back-up in case there are data transmission problems over
the sea cable.
• Help files provide detailed
information on the software.
• Separate software manuals on CD- The 9plus is supplied with a powerful Windows 2000/XP software package,
ROM contain detailed information on SEASOFT V2, which includes:
Seasave and SBE Data Processing.
• Sea-Bird also supplies an older • SEATERM – terminal program for easy communication and setup when
version of Seasave, Seasave- the 9plus is used with the 11plus V2 Deck Unit.
Win32. However, all Seasave
instructions in this manual are • SeatermAF – terminal program for easy communication, setup, and data
written for Seasave V7. See retrieval when the 9plus is used with the 17plus V2 SEARAM.
Seasave-Win32’s manual and/or
Help files if you prefer to use the • Seasave V7 – program for acquiring, converting, and displaying real-time
older software. or archived raw data.
• Sea-Bird supplies the current
• SBE Data Processing - program for calculation and plotting of
version of our software when you
purchase an instrument. As software conductivity, temperature, pressure, data from auxiliary sensors, and
revisions occur, we post the revised derived variables such as salinity and sound velocity.
software on our FTP site. See our
website ( for the
latest software version number, a
description of the software changes,
and instructions for downloading the
software from the FTP site.

Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus


Temperature Conductivity
Pressure A/D Inputs
(°C) (S/m)

0 to full scale range (in meters of

deployment depth capability):
Measurement Range -5 to +35 0 to 7 0 to +5 volts
1400 / 2000 / 4200 /
6800 / 10500 meters

Initial Accuracy 0.001 0.0003 0.015% of full scale range 0.005 volts

0.02% of 0.001
Typical Stability 0.0002/month 0.0003/month
full scale range/year volts/month

Resolution at 24 Hz 0.0002 0.00004 0.001% of full scale range 0.0012 volts

Sensor Calibration
(measurement outside these 2.6 to 6 S/m, Paroscientific calibration,
ranges may be at slightly -1.4 to +32.5 plus zero plus Sea-Bird temperature -
reduced accuracy due to conductivity (air) correction
extrapolation errors)

Time Response 5.5 Hz 2-pole

(single pole approximation 0.065
0.065 seconds 0.015 seconds Butterworth
including sensor and acquisition seconds
system contributions) Low Pass Filter

Master Clock Error

Contribution (Based on
5-year worst-case error budget, 0.3 dbar with
including ambient temperature 0.00016 °C 0.00005 S/m 6800 m (10,000 psia) -
influence of 1 ppm total over
-20 to +70 °C plus 1 ppm first pressure sensor
year drift plus 4 additional year’s
drift at 0.3 ppm/year)

Power available for auxiliary sensors: 1 amp at +14.3 volts
Voltage Sensors

Single or multi-core armored cable up to 10,000 meters (32,800 feet) long with
Sea Cable
inner core resistance of up to 350 ohms

Up to 6800 meter (22,300 ft) - aluminum

Main Housing Material
Up to 10500 meter (34,400 ft) - titanium

With aluminum main housing -

In air 25 kg (55 lbs) In water 16 kg (35 lbs)
Weight (including all standard
sensors and cage)
With titanium main housing -
In air 29 kg (65 lbs) In water 20 kg (45 lbs)

Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus


Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Main Housing End Cap Connectors

= standard Impulse glass-reinforced = optional MCBH (wet-pluggable) connectors

epoxy connectors Note: Wet-pluggable connectors available in anodized aluminum or
titanium; connector type must match 9plus housing (standard aluminum
or optional titanium).

Top End Cap

Manual version 015 Section 2: Description of SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Bottom End Cap

Note: An SBE 9plus with dual temperature and conductivity sensors is

supplied with two pumps, one for each TC pair. JB3 connects to both pumps
with a Y-cable.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Section 3: Deploying and Operating

SBE 9plus
This section includes discussions of:

• Plumbing
Separate software manuals and Help • Pump operation
files contain detailed information on
installation, setup, and use of Sea- • Bottom contact switch
Bird’s real-time data acquisition
software and data processing
software. • Optimizing data quality

• Wiring the system

• Ballast weights

• Setup for deployment

• Deployment

• Recovery

• Data output format


An SBE 9plus is typically deployed in a vertical position. However, when used

with an SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler, the 9plus is deployed in a horizontal
position. Pump placement and plumbing for a horizontal mount is different than
that for a vertical mount.

Sea-Bird provides the system with pump placement and plumbing for the
desired orientation at the time of purchase. However, you may reorient the
system later as needed. Failure to place the pump and plumbing properly can
trap air, preventing the pump from working properly.

Shown below are schematics of the system configuration for vertical and
horizontal deployment.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Vertical Mount

• The main plumbing is 13 mm ID x 19 mm OD (1/2 inch x 3/4 inch)

Tygon tubing.
• Place the intake and exhaust at the same height. Attach exhaust tubing
from the pump to the cage. Failure to place the exhaust tubing properly
can lead to acceleration of water in the plumbing, with resulting errors in
conductivity data.
• Place the exhaust as far from the intake as possible, preferably in
diagonally opposing corners, so that exhaust water is not pulled into the
intake. Failure to place the exhaust away from the intake can lead to errors
in temperature data, because the pump transfers heat to the exhaust water.
• Place a 13 mm (0.5 inch) long piece of 9.5 mm ID Tygon tubing at the
dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor intake and exhaust. Slide the larger
diameter Tygon tubing (13 mm ID) over the smaller diameter tubing to
provide tight seals.
• If the system does not include a DO sensor, connect the tubing from the
conductivity cell directly to the Y-fitting.

Air release valve detail

0.5 mm (0.02 in.)

Note: Periodically clean air

release valve to ensure
proper functioning.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Horizontal Mount

• The main plumbing is 13 mm ID x 19 mm OD (1/2 inch x 3/4 inch)

Tygon tubing.
• Place the DO sensor intake above the conductivity sensor exhaust.
• Place the pump intake above the DO sensor exhaust.
• Orient the pump with the exhaust outlet corner up.
• Place a 13 mm (0.5 inch) long piece of the 9.5 mm ID Tygon tubing at the
DO sensor intake and exhaust. Slide the larger diameter tubing
(13 mm ID) over the smaller diameter tubing to provide tight seals.
• If the system does not include a DO sensor, connect the tubing from the
conductivity cell directly to the pump intake.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Pump Operation

For a standard SBE 9plus, pump turn-on occurs when two conditions are met:
• The control logic for pump turn-on • Raw conductivity frequency exceeds minimum conductivity frequency -
functions is based on the sensor Sea-Bird hard wires the minimum conductivity frequency for pump turn-on
output on the primary conductivity to a value above the 9plus zero conductivity raw frequency (see SBE 4C
channel. If the 9plus is equipped calibration sheet), to prevent pump turn-on when the 9plus is in air.
with redundant T & C sensors and A typical value for pump turn-on is approximately 3500 Hz.
pumps, and you want to deploy it • Pump turn-on delay time (60 seconds) has elapsed -
with the primary conductivity sensor The pump turn-on delay allows time for all the air in the Tygon tubing
removed, swap the secondary T & C and pump to escape after the 9plus is submerged. If the pump turns on
sensor pair to the primary T & C
when there is air in the impeller housing, priming is uncertain and a
channel bulkhead connectors (JB2
for conductivity, JB1 for proper flow rate cannot be ensured.
• Sea-Bird sets the minimum When deploying, soak the instrument just under the surface for at least
conductivity frequency for pump 1 minute before beginning the downcast, allowing time for the SBE 9plus to
turn-on to well above the zero determine that the conductivity frequency exceeds the zero conductivity
conductivity frequency, to prevent frequency and for the subsequent 60-second pump turn-on delay. The tubing
the pump from turning on in air as a above the air-bleed hole (9plus vertical orientation only) contains a small
result of small drifts in the reserve of water. This maintains pump prime (for up to 1 minute, depending on
electronics. As a result, the length of tubing above air-bleed), even if the 9plus is lifted up so that the cell
standard 9plus is not suitable for
inlet and pump outlet are just below the water surface. This allows beginning
use in fresh water, because the
conductivity frequency of fresh water the actual profile very near the top of the water. The cell inlet and pump
is just slightly above the zero outlet must not come above the water surface or prime will be lost.
conductivity frequency and therefore • If prime is lost, turn off power to the 9plus (via the Deck Unit or
the pump will not turn on. Optional SEARAM as applicable). Restore power, submerge the 9plus completely,
modifications are available for and wait for at least 1 minute before beginning the downcast.
fresh water use. See SBE 9plus
with Manual Pump Control and SBE Failure to allow sufficient soak time for pump turn-on will result in poor
9plus with Water Contact Pump
quality data at the top of the profile for any sensors plumbed with the pump
Control below.
(conductivity, optional dissolved oxygen, etc.).

SBE 9plus with Manual Pump Control

• With the manual pump control
An SBE 9plus with optional manual pump control allows you to turn the
feature installed, you must
remember to turn the pump on; it pump on and off via commands from Seasave, which can be useful for fresh
will not turn on automatically. water applications. Pump control commands are sent through the SBE 11plus
• See the SBE 11plus manual for Deck Unit Modem Channel connector, but pump control does not interfere
details on operating the pump with with water sampler operation.
the manual pump control feature
installed in the 9plus. Seasave V7 supports this feature from within the user interface (enable/disable
manual pump control on the Pump Control tab in the Configure Inputs dialog
box; turn the pump on and off from the Real-Time Control menu). Earlier
versions of Seasave supported this feature if the software was started with the
–pc option from the command line.

SBE 9plus with Water Contact Switch Pump Control

With the water contact pump control An SBE 9plus with optional water contact pump control allows the pump to
feature installed, you must inspect the automatically turn on 60 seconds after a contact pin is immersed in water (salt
contact pin periodically for corrosion; or fresh), and automatically turn off when the contact pin is removed from the
corrosion may prevent the pump water. This feature can be useful for fresh water applications, since the pump
from turning on.
control is independent of the water conductivity. The contact pin is on a
special dummy plug that connects to JB6 on the 9plus bottom end cap;
modifications to the 9plus internal wiring to JB6 for this feature prevent use of
JB6 for a bottom contact switch.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Bottom Contact Switch

All SBE 9plus CTDs manufactured An optional bottom contact switch can be used with the SBE 9plus (with the
after February 2007 have a 2-pin SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit) to provide an early warning that the CTD package
female bulkhead connector for JB6 to is nearing the ocean floor. The bottom contact switch module includes:
differentiate JB6 from the JT1 sea • switch
cable connector. Earlier versions used
a 2-pin male bulkhead connector for
• mounting kit – three kits are available, for mounting switch to 9plus
JB6. See Application Note 86 for housing, 9plus cage, or SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler cage
details on the change, and information • cable to connect to JB6 at the center of the 9plus bottom end cap
on retrofitting existing CTDs if desired. • 0.9 kg (2 lb) lead ball
• length of heavy line – cut to desired length based on amount of warning
you want that CTD package is nearing ocean floor

Note: The switch remains open (no current flow) when the lead ball pulls on the
The Deck Unit’s alarm and Seasave switch arm. When the ball reaches the ocean floor, the weight is removed from
do not require any setup for the bottom the arm and the switch closes. This sets a bit in the 9plus data stream, which
contact switch. causes an alarm to turn on in the 11plus V2 Deck Unit.
However, if you are using an SBE 14
Remote Display connected to the To prevent the alarm from sounding while the package is sitting on deck
computer, and you want the Remote
(i.e., before the weight of the ball is applied to the switch), insert a small piece
Display alarm to ring in response to
the bottom contact switch, you must of non-conductive material (such as Tygon tubing) in the switch to hold the
enable the bottom contact switch switch open.
alarm on the SBE 14 Remote Display
tab in Seasave’s Configure Outputs. When deploying the system, remember to remove the non-conductive
material once the weight of the ball is applied to the switch. Lower the lead
ball carefully into the water. Do not just drop the ball, or you may damage
the switch. Similarly, use care on recovery.

Tygon tubing or
other non-
material to hold
switch open
while on deck


Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Optimizing Data Quality

Our deployment recommendations are only general guidelines, and are

focused primarily on maximizing data quality. Actual sea state conditions, and
winch and deck gear configurations, may require some adaptation to achieve
best data quality and avoid mechanical problems.

The SBE 9plus is optimized for profiling rates of 0.5 to 2 m/second, with
1 m/second generally providing the best compromise between data quality and
profile resolution. The pump maintains a constant and optimum flow rate,
which ensures that the sensor response times are independent of descent rate.
Adjust the 9plus descent rate based on the amount of ship motion (i.e., sea
state) imparted to the cable, and the size, weight, and drag of the underwater
package at the end of the cable. Generally, use a faster lowering rate in
rougher seas, allowing the 9plus to stay clear of turbulent wakes that are shed
downward when the ship heaves up; shed wakes are an error source from
which all CTDs suffer. When the sea is very calm, the 9plus can be lowered
more slowly (for example, 10 to 20 cm/second) for greater vertical resolution.

Like for other CTDs, common 9plus configurations are intended for obtaining
downcast data; the sensors are oriented so the T-C Duct inlet passes through
relatively undisturbed water as the CTD is lowered. As the CTD is raised
(upcast), the sensors sample the turbulent wake of the package, resulting in
lower quality data. If planning to sample on the upcast, consider the following:
• Vertical orientation - The sensors are in the wake of the main housing on
the upcast, providing poor data quality. Because the T and C sensors and
pump are modular, it is possible to mount redundant T and C sensors and
pump remotely on the upper and lower ends of the frame; one T&C sensor
pair can see undisturbed water on the downcast and the other pair can see
undisturbed water on the upcast.
• Horizontal orientation (for example, under SBE 32 Carousel Water
Sampler) - Upcast data is improved somewhat because the sensors are
mounted as close as possible to the outside edge of the package. Position
other instruments, sample bottles, etc. so that they are not directly above
the T & C sensors and do not thermally contaminate the water that flows
to the sensors at the T-C Duct inlet.

When a 9plus is installed on a water sampler, good conductivity and optional

dissolved oxygen data can be collected, even when stopped to collect a water
sample, because water continues to flow through the sensors at a fixed and
optimal rate.

Whether sampling on the upcast and/or downcast, position the T-C Duct
inlet so that other instruments, sample bottles, etc. do not thermally
contaminate the water that flows past the sensors.

Where the water temperature is very different from the temperature at which
the 9plus has been stored, better results are obtained if the 9plus equilibrates to
Note: the water temperature at the surface (soak) for several (3 - 5) minutes before
See Pump Operation for information beginning the profile. The reason is not that the electronics are temperature
on the minimum soak time required sensitive (they are not), but that the thermal influence of the instrument
to ensure proper pump operation. housing on the water entering the cell will be reduced. If the difference
between water and storage temperature is extreme, allow more soak time.

When very heavy seas cause severe ship motion, the 9plus descent can actually
stop or reverse direction if the ship heaves upward faster than the package can
descend. This is often seen as loops in the real-time temperature trace. If the
winch payout rate is too high, a loop of wire can form under water when the
package descent is slowed or reversed by ship heave and the winch is still
paying out wire. Inevitably, the loop formation gets out of phase with the heave

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

and the loop closes on itself when the ship heaves, causing a kink. If the package
includes a water sampler as well as the CTD, the package creates much more
drag than with only the CTD, further increasing the possibility of a loop forming
in the cable. After 1000 to 2000 meters of cable are paid out, it can be difficult
or impossible to detect a loop in the cable. Adding 100 to 200 kg (maybe more
by experimentation) of lead weights to the Carousel frame will help overcome
the effect of drag, and allow the package to descend faster and stay more in line
directly below the overboarding sheave.

Spiking is sometimes seen in the derived values for salinity, density, or sound
velocity. Spiking results largely from a response time mismatch of the
conductivity and temperature sensors, especially when the profiling descent rate
is non-uniform. Much of the spiking can be removed by aligning the data in
time. This alignment is done automatically by the Deck Unit based on user-input
time alignments and selected sensors (conductivity, oxygen, etc.). A rough
alignment of primary and secondary conductivity only is done automatically in
the SEARAM, based on user-input parameters. More precise alignment can be
performed when post-processing data in SBE Data Processing.

Note: The amount of spiking depends on the temperature gradient, and is much
See SBE Data Processing’s worse when coupled surface motion causes the instrument to stop - or even
Help files for information on data reverse - its descent. In the event of heavy ship motion, it may be worth letting
processing modules that can correct
the instrument free-fall. When very heavy seas cause severe ship motion and
data for the influences of ship motion
and minimize salinity spiking. result in periodic reversals of the instrument descent, the data set can be
greatly improved by removing scans taken when the pressure is not increasing,
using SBE Data Processing.

Wiring System – Use with SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit

See the Deck Unit manual for
recommendations on sea cable, winch, Sea cable from SBE 9plus to Deck Unit
and deck gear, which are not supplied
by Sea-Bird. Lab Testing

Connect the SBE 9plus to the Deck Unit with the supplied test cable.

Life threatening voltage (+250 VDC)
A 2-pin pigtail cable is connected to the 2-pin sea cable connector (JT1) on
is present on the sea cable when
the Deck Unit is powered. This the SBE 9plus top end cap at time of shipment. If your sea cable is not
voltage persists for up to 1 minute terminated with an equivalent connector, make a waterproof splice to connect
after removing power. Verify that the pigtail to your sea cable. Positive power ( +, cable inner conductor) goes to
the sea cable is disconnected from the small pin (black wire on the pigtail), and negative ( -, cable armor) power
the Deck Unit and the AC power goes to the large pin (white wire on the pigtail).
cord is unplugged from the Deck • If you inadvertently connect power with the wrong polarity, no damage will
Unit. Wait 1 minute after power is be done, because there is a protective diode in series with the + power line.
removed before splicing the pigtail The 9plus will not work, however, until the condition is corrected.
to the sea cable.
For safety and for most reliable performance, Sea-Bird strongly
recommends use of the cable armor for the CTD power / data return.
Do not confuse JT1 on the top end cap
with either of the 2-pin connectors on See the Deck Unit manual for connection of the sea cable to the Deck Unit and
the bottom end cap (pressure sensor wiring of the Deck Unit to the computer, power, and auxiliary equipment. On
end). JB3 is the pump connector and the ship, cables longer than 3 meters should be installed inside an earthed
JB6 is for a bottom contact switch. metal conduit by a qualified electrician. This minimizes the potential for
Connecting power via the sea cable external signals to disrupt communication and ensures that high voltage lines
to JB3 or JB6 will cause serious (such as the sea cable) are sufficiently protected. Cables shorter than 3 meters
damage to the 9plus. can be used without shielding when installing or bench testing the instrument.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

SBE 9plus to Auxiliary Sensors

Connect the auxiliary sensors (up to 8 auxiliary sensors) to JT2, JT3, JT5,
and JT6 on the SBE 9plus top end cap. Each connector interfaces with up to
two auxiliary sensors. Connection of the auxiliary sensors to the 9plus
must correspond to the instrument configuration in the .xmlcon or .con file
(see Setup for Deployment).

SBE 9plus to Water Sampler

• SBE 32 Carousel - Connect the 9plus 6-pin top center JT7 connector to
Note: the 6-pin bulkhead connector at the bottom of the Carousel electronics
300 baud modem interfaces are housing with the 6-pin to 6-pin jumper cable.
required in the 9plus and 11plus V2 • G.O. 1015 Rosette - Connect the 9plus 3-pin JT4 connector to the
Deck Unit for operation with a water Rosette. The G.O. 1015 has 2 polarity settings, normal and reverse, which
sampler. The interface, now standard
in both the Deck Unit and CTD,
refer to the sea cable polarity. Most commonly, it is set to reverse,
was optional in Deck Units with especially when used with a MK III CTD. The 9plus can be used with the
serial number 700 and lower and in G.O. 1015 in either setting by choosing the appropriate interface cable:
9plus CTDs with serial number 785 17196 for reverse or 17533 for normal. If you have only one interface
and lower. cable, the polarity setting of the G.O. 1015 can be changed to correspond
with your cable (see Application Note 35).
• G.O. 1016 Rosette - Connect the 9plus 6-pin top center JT7 connector to
the Rosette.

Wiring System – Use with SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM

The SEARAM has no clamp or voltage SBE 9plus to SEARAM
drop circuitry to limit supply voltage to
the 9plus. Thus, the voltage supplied Connect the SBE 9plus 6-pin JT7 to the SEARAM 6-pin connector (clockwise
by the SEARAM’s power supply is the from the switch plunger) using the supplied cable.
voltage supplied to the 9plus, which is
also the voltage supplied by the 9plus
to all its auxiliary sensors. Some
auxiliary sensors, such as WET Labs SBE 9plus to Auxiliary Sensors
ECO sensors, are limited to input
voltages less than 15 volts. Twelve Connect the auxiliary sensors (up to 8 auxiliary sensors) to JT2, JT3, JT5,
fully charged batteries in the SEARAM and JT6 on the SBE 9plus top end cap. Each connector interfaces with up to
supply the following voltage: two auxiliary sensors. Connection of the auxiliary sensors to the 9plus
• NiMH or Ni-Cad - 14.4 volts must correspond to the instrument configuration in the .xmlcon or .con file
• Alkaline - 18 volts (see Setup for Deployment).
Using alkaline batteries in the
SEARAM for 9plus deployments
including lower input voltage
sensors can damage the sensors. SBE 9plus to Water Sampler

Connect the water sampler to the SEARAM, not to the SBE 9plus (see the
Note: SEARAM manual).
300 baud modem interface is required
in the 9plus for operation with a water
sampler. The interface, now standard,
was optional in 9plus CTDs with serial
number 785 and lower.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Wiring System – Use with Both SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit and 17plus V2 SEARAM

It is possible to use the SEARAM to record 9plus data in memory at the same
Note: time as the 9plus data is transmitted real-time through the 11plus Deck Unit.
The SEARAM cannot be used to This provides a data back-up in case there are data transmission problems over
control a water sampler with this
scheme; the water sampler (if used)
the sea cable. Start data acquisition through the Deck Unit, as described in the
is controlled via the Deck Unit or Deck Unit manual. Then, start saving data to the SEARAM memory by
Seasave. pushing in the SEARAM’s switch plunger.

Sea Cable from SBE 9plus to Deck Unit

Connect as described above in Wiring System – Use with SBE 11plus V2

Deck Unit.

SBE 9plus to Auxiliary Sensors

Connect as described above in Wiring System – Use with SBE 11plus V2

Deck Unit.

SBE 9plus to SEARAM and (if applicable) Water Sampler

Without a water sampler:

Connect the 9plus 6-pin JT7 to the SEARAM 6-pin connector (clockwise
from the switch plunger) using the supplied cable.

With a Carousel Water Sampler:

With a Y-cable, connect
- 9plus 6-pin JT7 pins 1 and 4 to the SEARAM 6-pin connector (clockwise
from the switch plunger).
- 9plus 6-pin JT7 pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 to the 6-pin bulkhead connector at the
bottom of the Carousel electronics.

Wiring System – Use with Optional RS-232 Serial Output Interface

When the SBE 9plus is ordered with an optional RS-232 serial output interface
installed in placed of the standard G.O. 1015 interface, it can transmit 9plus
data through the JT4 connector on the 9plus top end cap at 19,200 baud, 8 data
bits, and no parity. This option is typically desired when an AUV / ROV is
providing power to the 9plus and is logging 9plus data. A computer running
Seasave will be able to display and archive the data directly from the 9plus; no
SBE 11plus Deck Unit is required.

SBE 9plus to RS-232 Data Logger and Power Supply

Connect the SBE 9plus optional serial output 3-pin JT4 on the top end cap to
the equipment logging the RS-232 serial data, using the supplied pigtail cable.
Note: Power (12 – 16V) is also supplied to the 9plus through JT4 (typical for
If desired, the 9plus can be powered
through the sea cable JT1 connector
operation with an AUV / ROV). The voltage supplied to the 9plus by the
instead of JT4. For wiring details, see power supply will be the voltage supplied by the 9plus to all the sensors.
Sea Cable from SBE 9plus to Deck Ensure that you are supplying appropriate voltage and power to operate the
Unit in Wiring System – Use with 9plus as well as all the sensors.
SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit above.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

SBE 9plus to Auxiliary Sensors

Connect the auxiliary sensors (up to 8 auxiliary sensors) to JT2, JT3, JT5,
and JT6 on the SBE 9plus top end cap. Each connector interfaces with up to
two auxiliary sensors. Connection of the auxiliary sensors to the 9plus
must correspond to the instrument configuration in the .xmlcon or .con file
(see Setup for Deployment).

Ballast Weights

When making deep casts, working in heavy seas (see Optimizing Data Quality
Note: above), or working on large ships with heavy-duty winches, use additional
Remove ballast weights from the cage weight on the SBE 9plus cage. Bolt the weights to the side rails of the cage as
for shipping.
close to the bottom as possible.

Setup for Deployment

• Seasave and SBE Data Processing 1. Verify that the configuration (.xmlcon or .con) file matches the instrument
versions 7.20 introduced .xmlcon files configuration. The configuration file defines the instrument – auxiliary
(in XML format). Versions 7.20 and sensors, and channels, serial numbers, and calibration dates and
later allow you to open a .con or coefficients for all sensors. Seasave and SBE Data Processing use the
.xmlcon file, and to save it to a .con configuration file to interpret and process the raw data. If a sensor is
or .xmlcon file. Seasave and SBE recalibrated or the configuration is changed (such as by adding auxiliary
Data Processing use the same sensors), the configuration file must be updated. If the .xmlcon or .con
configuration file. file does not match the instrument configuration, the software will not
• A new or recalibrated CTD ships with
interpret and process raw data correctly. View and edit the file in
a configuration file that reflects the
current configuration as we know it. Seasave or SBE Data Processing; details are provided for Seasave:
The file is named with the instrument
serial number, followed by a .con A. Double click on Seasave.exe.
extension. For example, for a CTD
with serial number 2375, Sea-Bird B. Click Configure Inputs. On the Instrument Configuration tab, click
names the file 2375.con. You may Open. In the dialog box, select the .xmlcon or .con file and click Open.
rename the file (but not the
extension) if desired; this will not
affect the results.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

C. The configuration information appears on the Instrument Configuration

tab. Verify that the sensors match those on your instrument, and that
auxiliary sensors are assigned to the correct channels. Click Modify to
bring up a dialog box (shown below) to change the configuration and/or
to view/modify calibration coefficients.
Channel/Sensor table reflects this choice. Voltage 0 in .con or .xmlcon file corresponds
Channel/Sensor table reflects this to sensor wired to channel 0 on end cap connector, voltage 1 to sensor wired to
choice. Typically: channel 1 on end cap connector, etc. Total voltage words = 4; each word contains data
• 0 = SBE 3plus or 4C plugged into from two 12-bit A/D channels. 11plus V2 suppresses words above highest numbered
JB5 (COND 2) on 9plus (dual voltage word used. Number of words to keep is determined by highest numbered
redundant sensor configuration) external voltage input that is not a spare: Words to suppress = 4 - Words to Keep
• 1 = SBE 3plus or 4C plugged into External Voltage (not spare) 0 or 1 2 or 3 4 or 5 6 or 7
JB4 (TEMP 2) on 9plus and not Connector JT2: AUX1 JT3: AUX2 JT5: AUX3 JT6: AUX4
using JB5 (COND 2) connector Words to Keep 1 2 3 4
(single redundant sensor
• 2 = no redundant T or C sensors

11plus > 5.0: Seasave sends

AddSpar= command to 11plus,
consistent with configuration file
selection for Surface PAR.
11plus < 5.0: Surface PAR acquisition
is set in 11plus with dip switch.
IEEE-448 or RS-232C for CTD data
17plus: Real-time data acquisition not
interface between Deck Unit and computer.
available, only playback of archived
None: Not using 11plus or 17plus; see For full rate (24 Hz) data,
Seasave manual. set to 1. Example: If scans
to average=24, Seasave
averages 24 scans, saving
to computer at
• NMEA - Select if NMEA navigation 1 scan/second.
device used, and select whether
NMEA device is connected directly
Shaded sensors cannot be
to 11plus Deck Unit or to computer.
removed or changed to
If NMEA navigation device
another type; others are
connected to computer, you can also
append NMEA depth data (3 bytes)
and NMEA time data (4 bytes) after
Lat/Lon data. Seasave adds current
latitude, longitude, and universal
time code to data header; appends
NMEA data to every scan; and
writes NMEA data to .nav file every
time Ctrl F7 is pressed or Add to
.nav File is clicked. See Section 6:
Setting Up NMEA Interface.
• Surface PAR - Select if Surface
PAR sensor used; ; must agree with
Deck Unit setup if 11plus firmware
< 5.0. Seasave appends Surface
PAR data to every scan. Adds 2
channels to Channel/Sensor table.
Do not decrease Voltage words Click a sensor and click
suppressed to reflect this; Voltage Modify to view/change
words suppressed reflects only calibration coefficients
external voltages going directly to for that sensor.
9plus from auxiliary sensors. Click a (non-shaded) sensor and click Select to pick a different
• Scan time - Select to have Seasave sensor for that channel; dialog box with list of sensors appears.
append time (seconds since January After sensor is selected, dialog box for calibration coefficients
1, 1970 GMT) to each data scan. appears. Select sensors after Frequency channels suppressed
and Voltage words suppressed have been specified above.

D. Click Save or Save As to save any changes to the .xmlcon or .con file.
Click Exit when done reviewing / modifying the configuration file.

2. Program the system for the intended deployment:

• Deck Unit with 9plus - use SEATERM (see Deck Unit manual)
• SEARAM with 9plus - use SeatermAF (see SEARAM manual)
Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus


1. Install a cable or dummy plug for each connector on the main housing
end cap:
A. Lightly lubricate the inside of the dummy plug/cable connector with
CAUTION: silicone grease (DC-4 or equivalent).
Do not use WD-40 or other B. Standard Connector- Install the plug/cable connector, aligning the
petroleum-based lubricants, as they raised bump on the side of the plug/cable connector with the large pin
will damage the connectors. (pin 1 - ground) on the 9plus. Remove any trapped air by burping or
gently squeezing the plug/connector near the top and moving your
fingers toward the end cap. OR
MCBH Connector – Install the plug/cable connector, aligning
the pins.
C. Place the locking sleeve over the plug/cable connector. Tighten the
locking sleeve finger tight only. Do not overtighten the locking
sleeve and do not use a wrench or pliers.

2. Connect the other end of the cables installed in Step 1 to the

appropriate sensors.

3. Verify that the hardware and external fittings are secure.

4. If applicable, remove the Tygon tubing that was looped end-to-end around
the conductivity cell for storage. Reconnect the conductivity cell to the
9plus plumbing.

5. See the Deck Unit or SEARAM manual for details on starting

data acquisition.

The SBE 9plus is ready to go into the water.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus


WARNING! 1. Rinse the 9plus with fresh water. See Section 4: Routine Maintenance and
If the 9plus stops working while Calibration for conductivity cell cleaning and storage.
underwater, or shows other signs of
flooding or damage, carefully
secure it away from people until you
2. If using the 9plus with the SEARAM, upload data from the SEARAM
have determined that abnormal memory. Ensure all data has been uploaded by reviewing and processing
internal pressure does not exist or the data before resetting the memory.
has been relieved. Pressure housings
may flood under pressure due to dirty 3. Use SBE Data Processing to process the .hex data from the Deck Unit or
or damaged o-rings, or other failed SEARAM (see SBE Data Processing Help files).
seals. When a sealed pressure Note: Seasave V7 creates a .hex file from data from the Deck Unit. Earlier
housing floods at great depths and is Seasave versions created a binary .dat file.
subsequently raised to the surface,
water may be trapped at the pressure
at which it entered the housing,
presenting a danger if the housing is
opened before relieving the internal
pressure. Instances of such flooding
are rare. However, a housing that
floods at 5000 meters depth holds
an internal pressure of more than
7000 psia, and has the potential to
eject the end cap with lethal force.
A housing that floods at 50 meters
holds an internal pressure of more
then 85 psia; this force could still
cause injury.
If you suspect the 9plus is flooded,
point the 9plus in a safe direction away
from people, and loosen the 6 screws
on the top end cap about ½ turn. If
there is internal pressure, the end cap
will follow the screws out, and the
screws will not become easier to turn.
In this event, loosen 1 top end cap
bulkhead connector very slowly, at
least 1 turn. This opens an o-ring seal
under the connector. Look for signs of
internal pressure (hissing or water
leak). If internal pressure is detected,
let it bleed off slowly past the
connector o-ring. Then, you can safely
remove the end cap.

Manual version 015 Section 3: Deploying and Operating SBE 9plus SBE 9plus

Data Output Format

The SBE 9plus outputs 36 bytes of data in raw form as described below.
Note: The format is:
Data output through the JT4 connector
for a 9plus configured with the optional
RS-232 serial output interface is
identical to the output from the Byte Description
SBE 11plus Deck Unit, with the End Cap
following exception: Connector
• Alignment and any averaging, 1 8 MSB of pressure sensor temperature -
typically done in the Deck Unit, must compensation
be performed in post-processing if 2 4 LSB of pressure sensor temperature -
using the RS-232 serial output. compensation; status bits for pump,
bottom contact, G.O. 1015 Rosette confirm bit,
and modem
3 Modulo count -
4–6 Primary temperature frequency JB1
7–9 Primary conductivity frequency JB2
10 – 12 Pressure frequency -
13 – 15 Secondary temperature frequency JB4
16 – 18 Secondary conductivity frequency JB5
19 – 21 Voltage output from A/D channels 0 - 1 JT2
(12 bits each)
22 – 24 Voltage output from A/D channels 2 - 3 JT3
(12 bits each)
25 – 27 Voltage output from A/D channels 4 - 5 JT5
(12 bits each)
28 – 30 Voltage output from A/D channels 6 - 7 JT6
(12 bits each)
31 – 36 Expansion (all zeros) -

The data output from the 9plus is rearranged in the Deck Unit or SEARAM.
Unused channels are suppressed in the data stream transmitted by the
Deck Unit or stored in the SEARAM, based on the setup of the configuration
(.xmlcon or .con) file.
• The Deck Unit and SEARAM suppress frequency words above the
highest numbered frequency word used. For example, if you have a
secondary sensor connected to JB4 but not to JB5, bytes 16 to 18 will be
suppressed. As another example, if you have a secondary sensor
connected to JB5, but not to JB4, bytes 13 to 15 will contain all zeros,
because there is no sensor connected to JB4.
• The total number of voltage words is 4; each word contains data from two
12-bit A/D channels (3 bytes per word). The Deck Unit and SEARAM
suppress words above the highest numbered voltage word used. For
example, if you have auxiliary sensors connected to JT2 (Auxiliary Sensor
Connector 1) and JT5 (Auxiliary Sensor Connector 3), only voltage
word 4 (bytes 28-30) will be suppressed; voltage word 2 (bytes 22-24)
will contain all zeros, because there are no sensors connected to it.

See the manual for the Deck Unit or SEARAM for details on their
output formats.

Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

Section 4: Routine Maintenance

and Calibration
This section reviews corrosion precautions, connector mating and
maintenance, plumbing air valve maintenance, conductivity cell storage and
cleaning, pressure sensor maintenance, sensor calibration, and TC Duct
disassembly. The SBE 9plus accuracy is sustained by care and calibration of
the sensors and establishment of proper handling practices.

Corrosion Precautions

Rinse the SBE 9plus with fresh water after use and prior to storage.

Aluminum Main Housing

The housing is insulated from the stainless steel guard cage and sea cable
power circuits, preventing heavy corrosion of the housing. Avoid direct
attachment of metal objects to the housing.

All stainless steel screws that are exposed to salt water have been generously
lubricated with Blue MolyTM, a molybdenum lubricant containing nickel
power and zinc oxide. After each cruise, remove these screws and re-lubricate.
This compound is electrically conductive; use care to ensure it does not
get on PCBs.

Note: The SBE 9plus has three large zinc anodes screwed into the main housing top
Sea-Bird recommends that you end cap. Check the anodes periodically to verify that they are securely
replace an anode when more than fastened and have not been eaten away.
50% of the material has eroded.
Once a year, remove the stainless steel hose clamps and PVC mounting chocks
to clean the entire housing surface; this will prevent long-term breakdown of
the surface. We recommend periodic replacement of the clamps; use Teflon
tape or similar material between the clamps and the anodized housing surface.

Optional Titanium Main Housing

All exposed metal and hardware are titanium. No corrosion precautions are
required, but avoid direct electrical connection of the titanium to dissimilar
metal hardware.

Ring-shaped anode Modular Sensors and Auxiliary Equipment

The modular temperature and conductivity sensors, as well as auxiliary

sensors manufactured by Sea-Bird that have an aluminum housing (SBE 18,
SBE 27, etc.), have a ring-shaped zinc anode. Check the anodes periodically to
verify that they are securely fastened and have not been eaten away.

Auxiliary equipment powered from the SBE 9plus should ideally have a
floating housing relative to their power circuits. It is permissible to have CTD
power and/or signal common lines connected to auxiliary equipment housing.
However, do not connect the auxiliary equipment housing to the 9plus 15-volt
power source, as this can destroy the conductivity cell electrodes.
Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

Connector Mating and Maintenance

Clean and inspect connectors, cables, and dummy plugs before every
Note: deployment and as part of your yearly equipment maintenance. Inspect
See Application Note 57: Connector connectors that are unmated for signs of corrosion product around the pins,
Care and Cable Installation.
and for cuts, nicks or other flaws that may compromise the seal.

When remating:

CAUTION: 1. Lightly lubricate the inside of the dummy plug/cable connector with
Do not use WD-40 or other silicone grease (DC-4 or equivalent).
petroleum-based lubricants, as they
will damage the connectors. 2. Standard Connector - Install the plug/cable connector, aligning the
raised bump on the side of the plug/cable connector with the large pin
(pin 1 - ground) on the 9plus. Remove any trapped air by burping or
gently squeezing the plug/connector near the top and moving your fingers
toward the end cap. OR
MCBH Connector – Install the plug/cable connector, aligning the pins.

3. Place the locking sleeve over the plug/cable connector. Tighten the
locking sleeve finger tight only. Do not overtighten the locking sleeve
and do not use a wrench or pliers.

Verify that a cable or dummy plug is installed for each connector on the
system before deployment.

Plumbing Maintenance

For an SBE 9plus deployed in a vertical orientation -

A clogged air release valve can trap air, preventing the pump from
functioning properly; this will affect the data quality. Periodically clean the
air release valve:

1. Use a 0.4 mm (0.016 inches) diameter wire (you can use #26 AWG wire)
to clean the valve. The easiest way to do this is to remove the Tygon
Y-fitting tubing above the air release valve, and use needle-nosed pliers to force the
with air wire through the hole.
2. Blow through the air release valve to ensure it is open.

3. (if applicable) Replace the Tygon tubing above the air release valve.

Air release valve detail

0.5 mm (0.02 in.)

Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

Conductivity Cell Maintenance

CAUTIONS: The SBE 4C conductivity cell is shipped dry to prevent freezing

• Do not put a brush or any object in shipping. Refer to Application Note 2D: Instructions for Care and Cleaning
inside the conductivity cell to dry of Conductivity Cells for conductivity cell cleaning and storage procedures
it or clean it. Touching and bending and materials.
the electrodes can change the
calibration. Large bends and
movement of the electrodes can
damage the cell.
• Do not store the SBE 4C with
water in the conductivity cell.
Freezing temperatures (for example, Sea-Bird supplies a conductivity cell filling and storage kit to use in rinsing
in Arctic environments or during air and cleaning the cell. Disconnect the plumbing from the conductivity cell to
shipment) can break the cell if it is use the filling and storage kit.
full of water.

Conductivity sensor

Do not remove TC Duct for Conductivity

rinsing, cleaning, or storage sensor
Conductivity quick disconnect – press metal – attach Tygon tubing to
lever and disconnect plumbing from cell to end of TC Duct to loop
loop Tygon tubing to each end of cell Tygon tubing to each end
of cell

Pressure Sensor Maintenance

The nylon pressure capillary fitting – which includes a pressure port fitting and
an external capillary tube – is filled with silicone oil. The oil transmits
hydrostatic pressure via internal, stainless steel, capillary tubing to the pressure
sensor inside the instrument, and prevents corrosion that might occur if the
sensor diaphragm was exposed to water. The internal tubing and nylon
capillary fitting are vacuum back-filled at the factory.

Because of the viscosity of the silicone oil and capillary action, the silicone oil
does not run out of the external capillary tube. However, due to temperature
and pressure cycling over long periods, it is normal for some oil to slowly leak
Pressure out of the external capillary tube. When the oil is not visible or is receding
port inside the translucent tube, or if the fitting has been damaged, refill the oil
using the supplied pressure sensor oil refill kit. See Application Note 12-1:
Main Housing Pressure Port Oil Refill Procedure & Nylon Capillary Fitting Replacement.
Bottom End Cap

Pump Maintenance

See Application Note 75: Maintenance of SBE 5T, 5P, and 5M Pumps.

Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

Sensor Calibration

Sea-Bird sensors are calibrated by subjecting them to known physical

conditions and measuring the sensor responses. Coefficients are then
computed, which may be used with appropriate algorithms to obtain
engineering units. The conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors on the
After recalibration, Sea-Bird ships the SBE 9plus are supplied fully calibrated, with coefficients printed on their
sensors back to the user with an respective Calibration Certificates (back of manual) and stored in the
updated configuration (.xmlcon) file instrument configuration (.xmlcon or .con) file.
and Calibration Certificates showing
the new coefficients. We recommend that the 9plus sensors be returned to Sea-Bird for calibration.
There is no need to send the 9plus main housing along with the temperature
and conductivity sensors. See TC Duct Disassembly / Reassembly below for
detailed instructions on removing the sensors.


The SBE 4C conductivity sensor incorporates a fixed precision resistor in

parallel with the cell. When the cell is dry and in air, the sensor’s electrical
circuitry outputs a frequency representative of the fixed resistor. This
frequency is recorded on the Calibration Certificate and should remain stable
(within 1 Hz) over time.

The primary mechanism for calibration drift in conductivity sensors is the

fouling of the cell by chemical or biological deposits. Fouling changes the cell
geometry, resulting in a shift in cell constant. Accordingly, the most important
determinant of long-term sensor accuracy is the cleanliness of the cell. We
recommend that the conductivity sensor be calibrated before and after
deployment, but particularly when the cell has been exposed to contamination
by oil slicks or biological material.


The primary source of temperature sensor calibration drift is the aging of the
thermistor element. Sensor drift will usually be a few thousandths of a degree
during the first year, and less in subsequent intervals. Sensor drift is not
substantially dependent on the environmental conditions of use, and — unlike
platinum or copper elements — the thermistor is insensitive to shock.


The Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor is so stable and immune to

environmental effects that much less frequent checks are required.

Techniques are provided below for making small corrections to the pressure
sensor calibration using the slope and offset calibration coefficient terms by
comparing SBE 9plus pressure output to:
• Readings from a barometer - Digiquartz sensors show most of their error as
a linear offset from zero. Check the 0 pressure reading from the sensor
against the local barometric pressure.
• Readings from a dead-weight pressure generator – For especially critical
work, on an annual schedule check the pressure sensor full scale response
using a dead-weight tester. This provides more accurate results, but requires
equipment that may not be readily available.

Pressure sensor port

(main housing bottom end cap)
Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

Before using either of these procedures, allow the 9plus to equilibrate (with
power on) in a reasonably constant temperature environment for at least 5 hours
before starting. Pressure sensors exhibit a transient change in their output in
response to changes in their environmental temperature. Sea-Bird instruments
are constructed to minimize this by thermally decoupling the sensor from
the body of the instrument. However, there is still some residual effect;
allowing the 9plus to equilibrate before starting will provide the most accurate
calibration correction.

Note: Calculating Offset using a Barometer

The 9plus pressure sensor is an
absolute sensor, so its raw output 1. Place the 9plus in the orientation it will have when deployed.
includes the effect of atmospheric
pressure (14.7 psi). As shown on the
2. In Seasave, in the .xmlcon or .con file, set the pressure offset to 0.0.
Calibration Sheet, Sea-Bird’s
calibration (and resulting calibration
coefficients) is in terms of psia. 3. Acquire data, and display the 9plus pressure sensor output in decibars.
However, when outputting pressure in
engineering units, Seasave outputs 4. Compare the 9plus output to the reading from a good barometer at the same
pressure relative to the ocean surface elevation as the 9plus pressure sensor.
(i.e., at the surface the output pressure Calculate offset = barometer reading – 9plus reading
is 0 decibars). Seasave uses the
following equation to convert psia 5. Enter calculated offset (positive or negative) in the .xmlcon or .con file.
to decibars:
Pressure (db) =
[pressure (psia) - 14.7] * 0.689476

Offset Correction Example:

Absolute pressure measured by a barometer is 1010.50 mbar. Pressure displayed from 9plus is -2.5 dbars.
Convert barometer reading to dbars using the relationship: mbar * 0.01 = dbar
Barometer reading = 1010.50 mbar * 0.01 = 10.1050 dbar
Seasave outputs gage pressure, using an assumed value of 14.7 psi for atmospheric pressure.
Convert 9plus reading from gage to absolute by adding 14.7 psia to the 9plus output:
-2.5 dbars + (14.7 psi * 0.689476 dbar/psia) = -2.5 + 10.13 = 7.635 dbars
Offset = 10.1050 – 7.635 = + 2.47 dbars
Enter offset in .xmlcon or .con file.

Calculating Slope and Offset using a Dead-Weight Pressure Generator

Using a suitable dead-weight pressure generator to subject the sensor to

increments of known pressures:

1. Remove the nylon fitting (with short attached 1/8-inch OD plastic tube)
from the 9plus main housing bottom end cap. The fitting contains silicon
oil, so there will be some spillage. The end cap’s 5/16-24 straight thread
permits mechanical connection to a pressure source. Use a fitting that has an
O-ring face seal, such as Swagelok 200-1-OR.

2. In Seasave, in the .xmlcon or .con file, set the pressure slope to 1.0 and
pressure offset to 0.0.

3. While varying the pressure with the dead-weight pressure generator, acquire
data in Seasave, and display the 9plus pressure sensor output in decibars.

4. Perform a linear regression on the data to calculate slope and offset.

Enter these values in the .xmlcon or .con file.

5. After calibration, refill the cavity with silicon oil using the supplied oil refill
kit (see Application Note 12-1: Pressure Port Oil Refill Procedure &
Nylon Capillary Fitting Replacement).

Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

TC Duct Disassembly / Reassembly

The TC Duct consists of two parts: tubing
Temperature • T Duct installed in the
sensor guard
temperature sensor guard
• C Duct assembly C Duct


T Duct C Duct Assembly

For sensor shipment, calibration, and acid cleaning, the C Duct must be
disconnected from the T Duct and removed from the conductivity cell.
Note that the temperature sensor should be shipped with the temperature
sensor guard, which includes the installed T Duct, to prevent damage to
the thermistor.

These procedures require slow, deliberate movements to avoid breaking the

temperature or conductivity sensor. Therefore, Sea-Bird recommends that you
perform these procedures in a lab, not on deck
Conductivity sensor


1. Lay the cage on its side.

2. Remove the conductivity and temperature sensors and mounting bracket

assembly from the 9plus main housing:
A. Unscrew the locking sleeves from the temperature and conductivity
sensor cable connectors by hand. If you must use a wrench or
Conductivity quick disconnect – press metal
pliers, be careful not to loosen the bulkhead connector instead of
lever and disconnect plumbing from cell the locking sleeve.
B. Remove the cable connector from each sensor by pulling the
connector firmly away from the sensor.
C. Remove the quick disconnect from the conductivity cell.
D. Remove the two hex head screws that secure the mounting bracket to
screws for T the 9plus main housing end cap. Remove the mounting bracket from
& C sensor the main housing.


3. Disconnect the T Duct from the C Duct:
A. Slowly rotate the temperature sensor guard by turning it counter-
clockwise approximately 90 degrees. At the same time, rotate the
C Duct clockwise slightly. The Tygon tube that joins the ducts flexes
and slips off the T Duct as the T Duct twists out of its position.
Note: Do not force the C Duct, as this could break the conductivity
cell. If rotating the C Duct is difficult, pour water over the duct area
to dissolve buildup around the duct.
Temperature sensor guard rotated 90°
counterclockwise while C Duct rotated
clockwise slightly

Manual version 015 Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration SBE 9plus

4. Remove the C Duct from the conductivity cell:

A. Carefully rotate the C Duct clockwise more. Do not force the
C Duct, as this could break the conductivity cell. If rotating the
C Duct is difficult, pour water over the duct area to dissolve buildup
around the duct.
B. Once loosened, gently pull the C Duct straight out from the
conductivity cell.
C. Store the C Duct for reinstallation.

Rotate C Duct clockwise Pull C Duct straight out

from conductivity cell
5. Retighten the temperature sensor guard by hand.

6. Loosen the mounting bracket strap screw, and slide the sensor(s) from the
bracket. Note that if both sensors are being shipped, the sensors can be
shipped in their mounting bracket.
screw 7. If shipping the sensors:
A. Rinse the cell with clean, de-ionized water and drain. Remove larger
droplets of water by blowing through the cell. Do not use
compressed air, which typically contains oil vapor.
B. Attach a length of Tygon tubing from one end of the conductivity cell
to the other, to prevent dust and aerosols from entering the cell
Slide sensor(s) during shipment.
out of bracket


1. If applicable, reinstall the temperature and conductivity sensors in the

mounting bracket:
A. Slide the temperature sensor into the sensor mounting bracket until
the end of the temperature sensor guard extends beyond the
conductivity sensor guard approximately 29 mm (11/8 inch).
B. Retighten the mounting strap screw.

2. Reconnect the T Duct and C Duct:

A. Rotate the temperature sensor guard counter-clockwise approximately
90 degrees, so the T Duct is out of the way.
29 mm B. Install the C Duct on the conductivity cell, leaving it in the rotated
(1 1/8 in.) position described in Step 3 of Disassembly above.
C. Slowly rotate the temperature sensor guard back into position. As you
rotate, insert the end of the T Duct into the Tygon tubing on the
C Duct. Continue to rotate both the temperature sensor guard and the
C Duct until the T Duct and C Duct are aligned. Do not apply force
perpendicular to the end of the glass conductivity cell, as doing so
will break the cell. If the ducts are not aligned, loosen the mounting
strap screw slightly and carefully rotate / slide the temperature sensor
for better alignment; retighten the screw and repeat Step C.
D. Center the Tygon tubing on the joint between the C Duct and T Duct.

3. Reinstall the conductivity and temperature sensors and mounting bracket

assembly on the 9plus main housing:
Rotate temperature sensor guard A. Reinstall the T & C mounting bracket on the main housing end cap,
and C Duct into place using the two hex head screws.
B. Reinstall the quick-release plug on the conductivity cell.
C. Reinstall the cables and locking sleeves.

Manual version 015 Section 5: Troubleshooting SBE 9plus

Section 5: Troubleshooting
• Hazardous voltages exist in the This section reviews common problems in operating the SBE 9plus, and
9plus and 11plus V2 when power is provides the most likely causes and solutions.
on. These voltages persist after
power is removed because of See the Deck Unit or SEARAM manual, as applicable, for detailed
capacitor storage. Before working troubleshooting of the system. See Appendix II: Circuitry and the Schematics
on either unit, remove the power section for circuitry details. See Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly /
cord from the 11plus V2 and wait Reassembly to access the 9plus electronics.
60 seconds.
• If the 9plus stops working while
If the data telemetry is correct (Deck Unit data light is on and error light is off)
underwater or shows other signs
of flooding or damage, carefully but one or more channels is faulty, see Problem 1 before proceeding with work
secure the instrument away from on the 9plus; the problem may be a defective sensor.
people until it has been determined
that abnormal internal pressure All voltages are measured relative to pin 2 of any plug-in PCB; this is main
does not exist or has been signal / power ground for the 9plus.
relieved. Pressure housings may
flood under pressure due to dirty or
damaged o-rings, or other failed
seals. When a sealed pressure
housing floods at great depths and is
subsequently raised to the surface,
water may be trapped at the pressure
at which it entered the housing,
presenting a danger if the housing is
opened before relieving the internal
pressure. Instances of such flooding
are rare. However, a housing that
floods at 5000 meters depth holds
an internal pressure of more than
7000 psia, and has the potential to
eject the end cap with lethal force.
A housing that floods at 50 meters
holds an internal pressure of more
then 85 psia; this force could still
cause injury.
If you suspect the 9plus is flooded,
point the 9plus in a safe direction
away from people, and loosen the 6
screws on the top end cap about ½
turn. If there is internal pressure, the
end cap will follow the screws out,
and the screws will not become easier
to turn. In this event, loosen 1 top end
cap bulkhead connector at least
1 turn. This opens an o-ring seal
under the connector. Look for signs of
internal pressure (hissing or water
leak). If internal pressure is detected,
let it bleed off slowly past the
connector o-ring. Then, you can
safely remove the end cap.

Manual version 015 Section 5: Troubleshooting SBE 9plus

Problem 1: Sensor Problems

Each SBE 9plus is shipped with a configuration (.xmlcon or .con) file that
matches the configuration of the instrument (number and type of sensors, etc.)
and includes the sensor calibration coefficients.
• Data with nonsense values may be caused by incorrect instrument
configuration in the .xmlcon or .con file. Verify that the settings in the file
match the instrument Configuration Sheet, and that sensors are connected
to the correct bulkhead connectors.
• Data with unreasonable (i.e., out of the expected range) values for a
sensor may be caused by incorrect calibration coefficients in the .xmlcon
or .con file. Verify that the calibration coefficients in the file match the
Calibration Certificates.

CAUTION: Apparent sensor problems may be the result of trouble with the cables or the
Each Sea-Bird sensor housing was 9plus acquisition circuitry. The conductivity and temperature sensors have
completely desiccated and backfilled with identical power and output characteristics, and can be swapped to help localize
pure argon prior to factory calibration. the problem.
Opening the housing introduces humidity
(atmospheric water vapor), which will
Although repair of these sensors is possible, it is not likely that repairs can be
cause an immediate offset to the
calibration as well as temporary drift
made without affecting sensor calibration. Our sensors are small and easily
instability. replaced in the field; as they are supplied with calibration coefficients, a spare
sensor can easily get a failed unit into fully operating and calibrated condition.

Conductivity and Temperature Sensors

If no output frequency is generated, the Deck Unit displays 0.000 for the
defective channel. Swap the cable connections to the temperature and
conductivity sensors to verify the operation of the acquisition circuit. If a sensor
is defective, swapping sensors puts a sensible frequency into the previously
0.000 reading display.

If the frequency is still 0.000 with the sensors swapped:

• Disconnect the cable from the sensor connector. The cable voltage between
pin 1 (large pin) and pin 3 (pin counterclockwise from pin 1) of the sensor
cable should be +14.3 volts.
• To confirm the proper functioning of a frequency channel, connect a
frequency source (square or sine wave, 2 - 5 volts p-p) to pin 1 (large pin)
and pin 2 (pin clockwise from pin 1) of the sensor cable. The Deck Unit
should read the frequency of the generator.
• Check the sensor separately from the 9plus by connecting a
10 - 20 volt power source to the sensor and observing the frequency output
with an oscilloscope.

If the problem does not appear to be with the sensor, see

Frequency Sensors below.

Manual version 015 Section 5: Troubleshooting SBE 9plus

Pressure Sensor

An internal pressure sensor is mounted inside foam insulation near the bottom of
the card file. The red lead should be at +8 volts, the black lead at power
common. The blue lead should be connected to Backplane via the small board
that the sensor cabling is secured to. A properly operating sensor exhibits a
square wave frequency of 32 - 40 kHz at this point. For a discussion of possible
fault conditions associated with this and subsequent acquisition circuitry, see
Frequency Sensors (T, C, and P) below. Do not perform field repairs on a
defective pressure sensor; any repair work must be done at the factory.

The temperature compensation of the pressure uses a solid-state (bandgap)

temperature sensor embedded in the pressure sensor. This element (Analog
Devices type AD590) is a 2-terminal device that generates a current proportional
to absolute temperature (1 microamp / °K). The current is input to an op amp on
the Modulo 12P PCB; a current of opposite polarity is derived from the VREF /
LTC1273 reference and used as an offset source. The current difference is scaled
through the 95K ohm precision fixed resistor R10 to create an input to the 12-bit
A/D converter, U5. The A/D converter parallel output is strobed into the
CD4021 shift registers in preparation for transmission to the Deck Unit.

The white lead (from the pressure sensor) goes to -13.5 volts. The orange lead
connects to pin 10 of the Modulo 12P PCB. Disconnect this lead and connect
through a microammeter to power common. If the sensor is working correctly,
the current should be approximately equal (in microamps) to the ambient
temperature in °K. If the pressure temperature appears to be OK, check the
voltage levels associated with Modulo 12P PCB U3.

If the problem does not appear to be with the sensor, see

Frequency Sensors below.

Frequency Sensors (T, C, and P)

If the problem does not appear to be in the sensor itself:

• Check that the sensor signal is present on the 9plus AP Counter (labeled
For version 1 SBE 3 temperature Temp1, Cond1, Press, Temp2, and Cond2 inside the 9plus) PCB (pins 7 and
sensors (older product; serial number H on the backplane, on the right edge of the small board that the coax
below 2000), the sensor signal is 2 volt cabling is mounted to). These are 2 volt p-p sine waves of 2800 - 12000 Hz
p-p sine waves of 2800 – 12000 Hz. for conductivity, 0.5 volt square waves of 2000 – 6000 Hz for temperature,
and 4 volt square waves of 32000 - 40000 Hz for pressure.
• Remove that channel’s AP Counter PCB and try one of the other AP
Counters (the five PCBs are identical) in the offending channel position.
If this restores the signal, the AP Counter PCB has a defective input.
• If the AP Counter inputs are OK, try swapping AP Counter PCBs to locate
the faulty one. If the problem stays with the same channel, check that the
FR, SE, SC, and RESET inputs are active.

Voltage Sensor

If an A/D channel is giving incorrect readings, verify that the inputs to the A/D
PCB (labeled CSAD) multiplexer (pins D, F, H, J, L, 10, 8, 7) are correct. Check
for +14.3 and -13.5 volts at the A/D PCB. Look for the SE scan clock at pin 9;
this starts the (rapid ~ 50 µs/channel) acquisition of A/D channel data. Verify
that the SC shift clock is present at pin 6, and that serial data is present at pin 4.

Manual version 015 Section 5: Troubleshooting SBE 9plus

Problem 2: Pump Not Working

The SBE 9plus has a hard-wired pump delay to facilitate pump priming. Pump
• The control logic for pump turn-on turn-on is enabled after two conditions are met:
functions is based on the sensor • The conductivity cell has filled with seawater, causing the conductivity
output on the primary conductivity frequency to rise above the pump turn-on frequency. AND THEN
channel. If the 9plus is equipped • The 60-second pump turn-on delay has elapsed, allowing sufficient time for
with redundant T & C sensors and air in the tubing to escape through the air bleed-hole.
pumps, and you want to deploy it Hold the pump just under the surface with the top of the tubing underwater for at
with the primary conductivity sensor least 1 minute before beginning a profile.
removed, swap the secondary T & C
sensor pair to the primary T & C
channel bulkhead connectors (JB2 Check the pump and connections:
for conductivity, JB1 for • Put salt water (a few ppt is sufficient) in the conductivity cell; you should
temperature). hear a faint rattling from the pump (extended operation of the pump when
• Sea-Bird sets the minimum not in water will reduce bearing life). The pump is not self-priming, so it
conductivity frequency for pump cannot lift water through the cell when in air. Pumping of water does not
turn-on to well above the zero occur until the pump exhaust port (side of impeller assembly) is underwater.
conductivity frequency, to prevent • Verify that the pump cable is not damaged and connectors are fully mated.
the pump from turning on in air as a
• Unplug the pump from its cable. Apply +12 volts to the pump’s small
result of small drifts in the
electronics. As a result, the connector pin, return to the large pin. Verify a current drain of about
standard 9plus is not suitable for 300 milliamps and listen for the pump running.
use in fresh water, because the
conductivity frequency of fresh water Disassemble the 9plus and perform the following tests.
is just slightly above the zero • Connect an audio signal generator (approximately 2 volts p-p output) at pin
conductivity frequency and therefore 7 (return to pin H) of the primary conductivity AP Counter PCB (Cond1).
the pump will not turn on. Optional Set the generator frequency to about 2500 Hz. Observe the squared signal at
modifications are available for
U2A output. The voltage at pin L should be 0. Increase the generator
fresh water use; see SBE 9plus
with Manual Pump Control and SBE
frequency to about 4000 Hz. The voltage at pin L should now be 5 volts. If
9plus with Water Contact Pump not, the one-shot U3B or the buffer U2B is defective.
Control in Section 3: Deploying and • Verify that the voltage at Cond1 AP Counter PCB pin L also appears at the
Operating SBE 9plus. Transmitter PCB pin K. 60 seconds after Transmitter PCB pin K goes high,
pin L should also go high (to nearly 14.3 volts). If this is the case, the
problem is in the wiring to the pump external connector.

Manual version 015 Section 5: Troubleshooting SBE 9plus

Problem 3: SBE 9plus Completely Inoperative

SBE 9plus with Deck Unit

The Deck Unit may not be supplying the proper sea cable voltage (250 volts).
Check the Deck Unit rear panel fuse.

Check the telemetry waveform across the sea cable at the Deck Unit (see
WARNINGS! above before performing this test. Allow 60 seconds after
power-down before making connection to the sea cable output

• If the telemetry waveform is present, the problem is in the Deck Unit.

• If the telemetry waveform is not present, measure the sea cable current
(should be 50-220 milliamps, depending on the 9plus configuration). If no
current is being drawn by the 9plus, there is either a break in the sea cable
or an open circuit in the cable interface circuitry inside the 9plus.
Typical Waveform Assuming there is no break in the sea cable:

Remove power from the Deck Unit and open the 9plus top end cap.
Restore power to the Deck Unit and measure the internal supply voltages
Note: (relative to pin 2): +5, +14.3, and -13.5 at pins 1, 5, and 3 respectively of
See the backplane illustration at the the Analog Interface PCBs. Measure the pressure sensor supply voltage of
beginning of this section. the Transmitter PCB at pin J: + 8 volts.

If there is no voltage at any point on the backplane, the sea cable

interface circuitry is defective or is not receiving power from the sea cable.
Check that the interface is receiving the correct input voltage (250 volts).

If no voltage is present at the inputs to the DC/DC converters, the series

pass transistor Q1 on the Sea Cable Interface PCB may be open.

If +5, +8, +14.3, or -13.5 volt level is absent or in error by more than
0.5 volts, remove power from the Deck Unit and open the 9plus bottom end
cap. Remove all the 9plus plug-in PCBs. Check the power supply levels
again - if these are now OK, the problem is probably in one of the plug-in
PCBs. Start plugging PCBs in, beginning with the Transmitter PCB. (Turn
off power and wait 1 minute for supply discharge before plugging in each
PCB). If a PCB appears to cause the drop in supply voltage, refer to the
circuit description in Appendix II: Circuitry and the PCB’s schematic.

Check the PCB for dead shorts at the power input pins - an IC or a power
supply bypass capacitor may be shorted. Examine the PCB for any metallic
material (solder, wire clippings, shavings) that may have inadvertently
shorted the printed circuit traces or component pins. With the PCB in the
9plus, look at the PCB outputs and inputs for signal irregularities. The logic
levels are 5 volt CMOS and should swing the full 0 to +5 volts.

If the power supply levels are not OK with the plug-in PCBs removed,
check the backplane wiring for broken connections or wires, and for any
shorted connections. Check the ribbon cable between the card files. Check
that the input voltage to the DC/DC converters is correct. If so, one of the
converters may be defective, or one of the by-pass capacitors across the
converter outputs may be shorted.

SBE 9plus with SEARAM

The SEARAM may not be supplying the proper voltage (12-15 volts).
Check the SEARAM.

Manual version 015 Section 5: Troubleshooting SBE 9plus

Problem 4: No Data (Power Supplies OK)

Check Logic PCB pin 3 for the NRZ logic level. If this signal is present, check
phase-reversing output at Transmitter PCB pin 8.

• If the phase-encoded signal is present at the Transmitter PCB output,

the problem is in the transformer coupling to the sea cable or in the sea
cable wiring.

• If the phase-encoded signal is missing (or wrong in frequency or

waveform), check for proper output signals from the Logic PCB. The
following should be observed:
Pin 5,E FR 27,648 kHz (square wave)
Pin 4,D FR/4 6,912 kHz (square wave)
Pin H 69,120 Hz (square wave)
Pin 6,F 8,640 Hz (square wave)
Pin 9,K SE 24 Hz (square wave)

Pin 5,E FR 27,648 KHz (square wave) Pin 4,D FR/4 6,912 KHz (square wave) Pin H 69,120 Hz (square wave)

Pin 6,F 8,640 Hz (square wave) Pin 9,K SE 24 Hz (square wave)

Typical Waveforms

If any of the signals described above are missing or of improper shape or

frequency, disconnect power and remove all the plug-in PCBs except the
Logic PCB. If any of the tabulated signals remain faulty, the trouble is on
the Logic PCB, or is the result of a short in the backplane wiring.

If the signals described above are OK on the Logic PCB alone, reinstall the
remaining PCBs one-by-one, checking the suspect signal after each PCB is
installed until the faulty PCB is located.

Manual version 015 Glossary SBE 9plus

Fouling – Biological growth in the conductivity cell during deployment.

PCB – Printed Circuit Board.

SBE Data Processing – Sea-Bird’s Win 2000/XP data processing

software, which calculates and plots temperature, conductivity, pressure, and
data from auxiliary sensors, and derives variables such as salinity and sound
velocity. See the SBE Data Processing manual or Help files.

Scan – One data sample containing temperature, conductivity, pressure, and

optional auxiliary inputs.

Seasave V7 – Sea-Bird’s Windows 2000/XP software used to acquire,

convert, and display real-time or archived raw data. See the SeasaveE V7
manual or Help files.

SEASOFT V2 – Sea-Bird’s complete Windows 2000/XP software package,

which includes software for communication, real-time data acquisition, and
data analysis and display. SEASOFT V2 includes SEATERM, SeatermAF,
Seasave V7, and SBE Data Processing.

SEATERM – Sea-Bird’s Win 95/98/NT/2000/XP terminal program used to

communicate with the SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit. See the Deck Unit manual
and SEATERM Help files.

SeatermAF – Sea-Bird’s Win 95/98/NT/2000/XP terminal program used

to communicate with the SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM Memory and Auto Fire
Module. See the SEARAM manual and SeatermAF Help files.

TCXO – Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator.

Super O-Lube – Silicone lubricant used to lubricate O-rings and O-ring

mating surfaces. Super O-Lube can be ordered from Sea-Bird, but should also
be available locally from distributors. Super O-Lube is manufactured by
Parker Hannifin (

Triton X-100 – Reagent grade non-ionic surfactant (detergent), used for

cleaning the conductivity cell. Triton can be ordered from Sea-Bird, but should
also be available locally from chemical supply or laboratory products
companies. Triton is manufactured by Avantor Performance Materials

Manual version 015 Glossary SBE 9plus

Safety and Electrical Symbols

Some or all of the following symbols may be used on the SBE 9plus:

Symbol Description
Potentially hazardous voltage.

Hazardous! Voltage > 30 VDC may be present.

Attention! There is a potential hazard; consult the manual before
DC (Direct Current).
Double insulated. The metal enclosure of the SBE 9plus is isolated
such that protection from electrical shock is provided through
reinforced electrical insulation.
Static awareness. Static discharge can damage part(s).

Protective earthing terminal.

Manual version 015 Appendix I: Theory of Operation and Functional Description SBE 9plus

Appendix I: Theory of Operation and

Functional Description
General Theory of Operation

Electronics in the SBE 9plus housing provide three primary functions:

• regulation of the voltage levels required by the internal circuits, external
Discussion in this section is for the
9plus with the 11plus V2 Deck Unit. sensors, and pump
Operation with the SEARAM is not • acquisition (digitization) of sensor signals
covered. • data telemetry

Unlike CTD systems that are powered from a fixed current, the 9plus receives a
voltage impressed by the Deck Unit onto the sea cable (minus the sea cable I-R
drop), regulates it to a constant value, and presents it to a high-efficiency DC/DC
converter that generates the system supply voltages (+14.3/-13.5, +8, and +5).
Two advantages derive from this method:
• less power is lost in the sea cable and more delivered to the CTD
• the CTD is not required to dissipate unneeded power, eliminating the need
to monitor and adjust surface sea cable supply

Bulkhead connectors on the 9plus bottom end cap supply +14.3 volt power to
(and receive variable frequencies from) the modular conductivity and
temperature sensors. The C and T variable frequencies plus the internal
Digiquartz® frequency are routed to separate counters, which are allotted exactly
1/24 second to derive 24-bit binary values representative of each sensor
frequency. Sea-Bird’s hybrid counter technique combines integer and period
counting to produce digital results that are simultaneous (time coincident)
integrals of C, T, and P. Binary data from the entire suite of C, T, P, and
auxiliary sensors are transmitted serially 24 times per second using a 34560 Hz
carrier differential-phase-shift-keyed technique. This telemetry system is suitable
for all single and multi-conductor cables having a conductor resistance of
350 ohms or less.

A 300 baud full-duplex FSK sub-carrier modem (2025/2225 Hz downlink;

The 300 baud modem interface, now 1070/1270 Hz uplink) provides a separate communications channel for control
standard in both the Deck Unit and of the Sea-Bird Carousel or other common water samplers. Bottles can be fired
CTD, was optional in Deck Units with with Deck Unit front panel push buttons, or through Seasave via a computer
serial number 700 and lower and in connected to the Deck Unit back panel. There is no interruption of 9plus
9plus CTDs with serial number 785 power or data during the bottle firing process. An optional interface card in the
and lower. 9plus permits control of older multi-bottle sampler types.

Manual version 015 Appendix I: Theory of Operation and Functional Description SBE 9plus

Primary Sensors and Sensor Interface

The temperature sensor (SBE 3plus) is a compact module containing a

pressure-protected high-speed thermistor and Wein bridge oscillator interface
electronics. The thermistor is the variable element in the Wein bridge, while a
precision Vishay resistor and two ultra-stable capacitors form the fixed
components. The conductivity sensor (SBE 4C) is similar in operation and
configuration to the temperature sensor, except that the Wein bridge variable
element is the cell resistance. The Digiquartz pressure sensor also provides a
variable frequency output. Embedded in the pressure sensor is a semiconductor
temperature sensor used to compensate the small ambient temperature
sensitivity of the Digiquartz. The sensor frequencies are measured using high-
speed parallel counters and the resulting digital data, in the form of count totals,
are transmitted serially to the Deck Unit. The Deck Unit reconverts the count
totals to numeric representations of the original frequencies.

The conductivity and temperature sensors are calibrated by immersing them in a

variable conductivity/temperature bath, while the pressure sensor is calibrated
using a dead-weight pressure generator. The sensor output frequencies are
tabulated along with the known physical input conditions of C, T, and P, and the
results used to obtain calibration coefficients which relate frequency to the
measured parameter. The sensor frequency, as output by the Deck Unit, is the
input to a conversion equation that - along with the calibration coefficients -
gives results in scientific units.

The SBE 3plus and SBE 4C sensors are equipped with Sea-Bird’s TC duct. The
TC duct, in addition to the SBE 5T pump, provides uniform and constant flow of
sea water past the temperature and conductivity sensors. The physical
configuration of the duct causes the time interval between temperature and
conductivity measurements to be known and constant. Knowledge of the time
interval between measurements allows salinity calculations to be made with
measurements from the same parcel of water. Application Note 38 provides
detailed discussion of the TC duct.

Auxiliary Sensors

Optional sensors for dissolved oxygen, pH, light transmission, fluorescence, etc.,
do not require the very high levels of resolution needed in the primary CTD
channels, nor do these sensors generally employ variable frequency outputs.
Accordingly, signals from the auxiliary sensors are acquired using a
conventional voltage-input multiplexed A/D converter. The A/D output is a
binary number between 4095 and 0 corresponding to 0 to +5 volts. The A/D
binary values are incorporated into the SBE 9plus serial data stream and are
available in unconverted form for display or transfer to the system computer.
The 9plus provides four bulkhead connectors for optional auxiliary sensor
inputs. Each connector provides +14.3 volts power and permits access to two
differential input / low pass filtered digitizer channels.

The A/D channels are rated as Category I for attachment to non-mains derived
voltage sources only. Acceptable examples include sensors powered by the
9plus, batteries or low voltage power supplies isolated from mains voltage.
Voltage input is not to exceed 5V for any time.

Manual version 015 Appendix I: Theory of Operation and Functional Description SBE 9plus

Functional Description

CTD Channel Range, Resolution, and Accuracy

The conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors produce variable frequency

outputs. A hybrid period counting technique is used to obtain the high encoding
speed and resolution required by profiling applications. Each sensor has its own
counting electronics circuit, so all sensors are sampled simultaneously. Each
sensor uses two 12-bit counters - one accumulates the integral number of sensor
counts during the sample interval (1/24 second), and the other measures time
from the beginning of the measurement period until the first positive-going zero
crossing of the sensor frequency, i.e., the fractional sensor count.

Each counter handles 4096 counts. The maximum time that the Nr counter is
gated on is 1/Fs. Since the Nr counter runs at 6,912,000 Hz, the minimum
allowable Fs is (6,912,000 / 4096), or 1687.5 Hz. The maximum allowable
sensor frequency is determined by the size of the Ns counter - no more than
4096 counts can be accumulated during the measurement interval. Thus,
maximum Fs = 4096 / (1/24) = 98,304 Hz.

CTD resolution degrades as scan rate increases. A scan rate of 24 samples per
second is assumed in the discussion below. Ratio the resolution accordingly
for systems with other sampling rates.

Resolution (Hz/bit) = Scan Rate * Fs / Fr

Fs = sensor frequency
Fr = CTD reference frequency (6,912,000 Hz for C and T; 27,648,000 Hz for P)

For example, for C and T:

Note: • at 2 kHz, resolution is 0.0069 Hz / bit (= 24 x 2000 / 6912000)
To compute nominal resolution in • at 98 kHz, resolution is 0.34 Hz / bit (= 24 x 98000 / 6912000)
engineering units, we use the
approximate values for sensitivity
To get resolution in engineering units, divide by sensitivity, for example,
(Sen) from the sensor specification
sheets. The values given here are for Hz / (°C). Examples are shown below.
illustration - your computer must use
the more exact equations and specific Temperature:
calibration constants for each sensor
to convert to engineering units. At -1 °C, Fs = 2.1 kHz and Sensitivity = 48 Hz / (°C)
Resolution = 24 x (2100 / 6912000) / 48 = 0.00015 °C / bit
At 31 °C, Fs = 4 kHz and Sensitivity = 76 Hz / (°C)
Resolution = 24 x (4000 / 6912000) / 76 = 0.00018 °C / bit


At 1.4 Siemens / meter (S/m), Fs = 5 kHz and Sensitivity = 1900 Hz / (S/m)

Resolution = 24 x (5000 / 69120000) / 1900 = 0.0000091 S/m per bit
At 5.8 S/m, Fs = 11 kHz and Sensitivity = 960 Hz / (S/m).
Resolution = 24 x (11000 / 69120000) / 960 = 0.0000398 S/m per bit

Pressure (10,000 psi range Digiquartz sensor, assuming a conversion factor of

1.46 psi/dbar; resolution with other sensor ranges changes proportionately):

At 0 dbar, Fs = 33,994 Hz and Sensitivity = 0.726 Hz/dbar.

Resolution = 24 x (33994 / 27648000) / 0.726 = 0.041 dbar / bit
At 6800 dbar, Fs = 38,480 Hz and Sensitivity = 0.614 Hz/dbar.
Resolution = 24 x (38480 / 27648000) / 0.614 = 0.054 dbar / bit

Manual version 015 Appendix I: Theory of Operation and Functional Description SBE 9plus

System accuracy is determined by the accuracy of the sensors and of the

crystal oscillator (master clock) used to generate the reference frequency Fr.
Fr is stable to within 1 ppm over -20 to 70 °C; time drift is less than 1 ppm for
the first year and less than 0.3 ppm per year thereafter. A five-year, worst case
master clock error budget of 3.2 ppm total yields errors in temperature of
0.00016 °C, in conductivity of 0.00005 S/m, and in pressure of 0.3 dbar.

Auxiliary Sensor Voltage Channel Range, Resolution,

and Accuracy

Up to eight voltages with the range 0 to +5 volts DC can be acquired. The

voltages are selected sequentially by a microcontroller, and digitized to 12 bits
by successive approximation. The first A/D channel voltage is acquired during
an interval of approximately 50 µs at the beginning of each scan (the same time
at which counting of frequency channels begins); the second channel is
processed during the next 20 µs, etc. Differential input amplifiers followed by
2-pole Butterworth anti-aliasing filters are used in each A/D channel.

The A/D converter input range of 0 to 5 volts is converted to digital values

between 4095 and 0. The resolution at the SBE 9plus A/D input ports is
therefore 5 volts/4096 = 0.0012 volts/bit.

The Linear Tech LTC1290 A/D converter chip provides true 12-bit accuracy
without adjustment. The low-pass filters and differential amplifiers have been
designed to maintain an overall accuracy of about 0.1% over the range of
temperature encountered in ocean profiling.

Data Telemetry

The serial data from the SBE 9plus is sent to the Deck Unit in RS-232 NRZ
format (1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit) using a 34560 Hz carrier-modulated
differential-phase-shift-keying (DPSK) telemetry link. Phase reversals in the
data stream are detected in the Deck Unit to recreate the NRZ data.
A single chip micro controller reformats the NRZ data as required by the
Deck Unit main CPU.

SBE 9plus Power

SBE 9plus power is supplied from the Deck Unit through a single pair of
wires, usually the inner (insulated) conductor and steel jacket of a double-
armored single conductor electro-mechanical cable. A reverse-polarity
protection diode protects the 9plus from sea cable cross-wiring. The sea cable
supplies are entirely self-adjusting and require no operator attention,
irrespective of load on the 9plus or length of sea cable.

The 9plus pressure case, internal power, and sea cable voltages are electrically
isolated from one another to prevent galvanic corrosion.

The 9plus has a universal 90 – 264 VAC input; DC-to-DC converters generate
+14.3, +8, +5, and -13.5 volts. Cable current is approximately 200 milliamps
for a fully loaded (maximum auxiliary equipment) 9plus. The Deck Unit’s
250 volt DC sea cable supply can therefore drive approximately
(250 - 170V) / 200ma = 400 ohms of sea cable. However, Sea-Bird
recommends 350 ohms as the maximum overall impedance of the sea cable.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

Appendix II: Circuitry

The electronics needed to power the system sensors, acquire and digitize output
frequencies or voltages, and transmit the digital information up the sea cable are
in the SBE 9plus main housing.
• The Digiquartz pressure transducer is mounted to the bottom end cap, at the
lower end of the card file. The pressure port connection is via an oil filled
capillary tube. A Swagelock 200-1-OR fitting is used to connect the
capillary tube to the end cap (5/16-24 straight thread).
• The other system sensors are located outside the main housing, with a cable
connecting power to, and bringing signals from, each modular sensor.

End Cap Wiring

Drawings 50076A (standard connectors) and 50199 (optional wet-pluggable

connectors) show the top end cap bulkhead connectors for the auxiliary sensors,
sea cable, SEARAM, and optional rosette. The Sea Cable Interface, Modem, and
optional G.O. 1015 Rosette Interface PCBs are mounted to the top end cap.
Drawing 32119D shows the top end cap assembly wiring. The top end cap
interface PCB determines if the unit is standard (drawing 40598A) or has an
optional, isolated 12 V power supply (drawings 40581E and 50077B).
Connections to Sea Cable Interface J1 and J2 are shown, as are connections to
Modem J2 and J3, and Rosette Interface J1. Power, data, and analog signals are
routed to the card file via a ribbon cable that runs between a PCB attached to the
bottom of the mounting hardware for the sea cable interface and the card file.

Drawings 50078A (standard connectors) and 50197 (wet-pluggable connectors)

show the bottom end cap, where the temperature and conductivity sensors, pump,
and bottom contact sensor are connected. Connectors for secondary temperature
and conductivity sensors are also provided. Drawing 31430C shows the bottom
end cap assembly wiring.

Card File Wiring

With the exception of the Sea Cable Interface, which is permanently mounted to
the top end cap, and the modem / rosette interface circuits that plug directly to it,
the SBE 9plus electronics are on plug-in PCBs with printed edge connectors,
mounted in slots in the card file rails. The PCBs are located in the order shown
in drawing 31387E. Sheet 1 shows the backplane wiring, as well as the routing
(via J12) of signals, power, and controls to and from the top end cap. Sheet 2
shows the wiring between the backplane and lower end cap.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

Sea Cable Interface

Voltage input: 170VDC – 280VDC, 50W

See drawing 32125A. Toroidal transformer T1 couples the DPSK telemetry

signal from the Transmitter and Pump Delay PCB onto the sea cable. It passes
cable currents up to 0.5 A without saturating; T2 couples the modem signal to
R1. The SBE 9plus primary DC/DC converter generates 15 V at 2.0 A
maximum (U1). +5 V is generated from U1’s 15 V output by linear regulator
U2. Primary power for the 9plus is provided by diode OR’ing U1’s output with
the battery voltage obtained from an (optional) SEARAM. – 13.5 V for the
A/D circuits is developed using a charge pump circuit on the CSAD board.
Power available for auxiliary sensors is approximately 1.0 A.

Transmitter and Pump Delay PCB (Trans)

See drawing 31291C. NRZ data from the system shift registers (on the AP
Counter, Modulo 12P, and AD/CS PCBs) are DPSK encoded by U2A, U2B, and
U1A; the DPSK signal is modulated by the 34560 Hz carrier via U2C.
Transistors Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 form a complementary line driver. On detection
of seawater by the conductivity sensor, counter U4 accumulates the 24-Hz scan
clock and is decoded by U5A, U5B, and U5C to develop a 60-second delay.
U6A then latches and drives Q6 and Q5 to route power to the pump.

Logic PCB

See drawing 31399A. This circuit contains a 27,648,000 Hz, temperature-

compensated, crystal oscillator and the countdown electronics to generate most
of the SBE 9plus control signals. Fr is the buffered 27,648,000 Hz oscillator
output that is used by the pressure sensor counting circuit. Fr/4 is the 6,912,000
counter reference frequency required by the temperature and conductivity
counters. U3 and U5 are frequency dividers that produce a 69,120 Hz clock for
the telemetry and the two frequencies used to clock U6, U7, and U8. Most of the
logic waveforms required for system timing are developed by counter-
sequencing the address lines of EPROM U7; U7’s outputs are then latched by
U6. Following is a list of the control signals and their significance:
• 8640 Hz - System clock, determined by the requirement of transferring
12 words in 1/24th of a second.
• 69120 Hz - This clock is divided by two on the Transmitter PCB and
modulates the DPSK telemetry.
• Shift clock - Shifts data from the data acquisition PCBs; it is inactive during
start bits, stop bits, and for a 10-bit period at the beginning of each data
scan. This 10-bit period allows the data acquisition PCBs to transfer their
data in parallel to their shift registers.
• SE - Sample enable, a 24 Hz clock; this signal goes high at the beginning of
each 1/24-second sample interval.
• Not Load - This signal occurs just before the end of the 10-bit period
mentioned above. It causes the AP counters to end their count and place
the counter contents in the shift registers. This signal is necessary in the
event that no sample frequency is present.
• Load - The inverse of the previous signal, it performs the same function as
above for the Modulo P PCBs.
• Reset - This occurs after the falling edge of SE and prepares the AP
counters for the next sampling.

Start and stop bits for the serial data stream are also generated by the EPROM.
These are OR’ed and AND’ed with the data stream to produce the proper serial
data format. A timing diagram is shown below.
Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

The frequency of the crystal oscillator, U1, is adjusted by the removing the
access screw on the oscillator case and turning the adjusting screw. This
adjustment has been made at the factory by comparison to a WWV receiver
frequency standard to obtain the most accurate reference frequency.

Logic Timing Diagram

Modulo 12P PCB (Mod12P)

See drawing 31915A. The Sample Enable (SE) control signal causes the
CD4040 counter to increment once each scan. This counter is never reset. The
LOAD signal from the logic PCB controls the parallel-load/serial-out modes
of the 4021 shift register.

The LTC1273 is a 12-bit A/D converter used to digitize the output of an

AD590L temperature sensor that is imbedded within the Digiquartz pressure
sensor housing. The 590 is a two-terminal, current-output device whose output
changes by 1 µA/°K change (current output is 0 at -273.2 °C). A current of
opposite polarity is derived from the VREF / LTC1273 reference and used as an
offset source. The current difference is scaled through the 95K ohm precision
fixed resistor R10 to create an input to the 12-bit A/D converter, U5. When the
AD590 current is 268.15 µA (corresponding to - 5 degrees), the nominal value
of the A/D output word is 385; when the current is 308.15 µA (35 °C), the
output word is 3923 (actual values of N are determined at test and used to
create the SEASOFT coefficients M and B). The A/D converter output can be
converted to temperature with the equation:

Digiquartz Temperature = TD = (M)(binary) - B

Typical values for M and B are 0.0126 and -9.844 respectively. The computed
TD can be used in the Digiquartz conversion equation to remove most of the
sensor’s temperature-related errors (see the Digiquartz calibration sheet).

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

AP Counter PCBs (Temp1, Cond1, Press, Temp2, and Cond2)

See drawing 31366C. These PCBs count the frequencies generated by the
temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors. U1, an LM393 comparator,
takes the sensor wave outputs and converts them to logic level square waves
for input to the counter circuit. The 301K and 3.01K resistors (R2 and R3)
provide approximately 50 mV of hysteresis to prevent multiple triggering if
there is noise on the signal line (the negative-going threshold point is at
approximately -50 mV). The 1N5818 Schotkey diode protects the LM393
input from excessive negative input voltage. This diode also causes some
unimportant distortion on the negative peak of the sine-wave.

The count sequence is initiated by positive-going SE, which opens the Fr counter
gate (signal B) and enables the D1 input of the 74AC74 flip-flop. The next
positive-going transition of the Squared Sensor Frequency (SSF) resets the
74AC74 flip-flop, closing the Fr counter gate and triggering the first 4538 one-
shot (5 µs). This one-shot delay allows time for the Fs and Fr counters to ripple-
through and parallel-loads data in the Fr and Fs counters into their respective
shift registers (the three 4021’s). At the end of the delay, the second 74AC74 is
activated, triggering the second 4098 one-shot, which resets the Fr and Fs
counters to zero. Prior to the arrival of the shift clock, a negative-going pulse
[not load] ensures that the shift registers are loaded and placed in serial mode.
This is only necessary if no Fs counts have occurred (for example, if a sensor is
missing or malfunctioning). After the negative-going transition of SE, a set pulse
(RESET) arrives at the 74AC74s, preparing them for the next sample. The
timing diagram is shown below.

AP Counter Timing Diagram

The primary conductivity channel is the signal source for pump control. U3, a
4538 one-shot, is connected to the sensor’s squared output. It is used in the re-
triggerable mode to generate a control signal for the pump power switch. The
4050 acts as a filter to smooth the one-shot output, with an average DC output
increasing with conductivity. Approximately 1 minute after the conductivity
frequency goes above approximately 3500 Hz, the 4050 output is +5 V and
pump power is turned on. This prevents the pump from running when the
SBE 9plus is not in the water. The pump impeller bearings are water-
lubricated, and should not be run dry for extended periods of time. If the
conductivity cell is dry or contains fresh water, its frequency will be low and
the pump will be off. All counter PCBs are equipped with pump control
circuits, but only the primary conductivity channel is wired to the pump
power switch.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus


See drawing 32068A. This PCB contains a 12 bit A/D converter with built in
multiplexer (Linear Technology LTC1290), a 5 volt reference (Linear
Technology LTC1027), an inverter that supplies -13.5 volts for the analog
interface boards (LT1054), and a Dallas Semiconductor microcontroller
(DS87C520). Sample enable is inverted by Q1 to interrupt the microcontroller
and begin sampling. Analog channels 0 through 7 are converted in turn, a
conversion requiring approximately 20 microseconds. After all 8 conversions
have finished the system shift clock causes the microcontroller to shift the
binary data from the 8 conversions out onto pin 1. Most significant bit is
shifted out first.

The -13.5V supply is buffered through Q2 to ensure compatibility with a 9plus

that has a -15V supply in the top end cap.

Differential Amplifier / Low Pass Filter PCBs (AIF1 and AIF2)

See drawing 32156A. AIF1 and AIF2 are identical; AIF1 is for voltage channels
0 to 3 and AIF2 is for voltage channels 4 to 7. U1, U3, U4, and U6 are
AD620BN differential amplifiers. The differential outputs are routed to four
low-pass filters, which are 2-pole Butterworth (maximally flat) types. They have
unity gain at dc and a gain of 0.707 at 5.5 Hz. The filters are of the single-
amplifier follower type, which give extremely good gain accuracy because there
are no gain-setting resistors.

Components determining the filter frequency transfer characteristic have 1% or

2% tolerances and are stable with ambient temperature (i.e., metal film resistors
and Mylar capacitors respectively).

Modem PCB

See drawing 32023C. The Modem PCB mounts on stand-offs to the Sea Cable
Note: Interface PCB on the top end cap, where it is sandwiched between the mounting
The 300 baud modem interface, now rails. +14.3 V power and the modem signals are obtained via interboard
standard in the 9plus, was optional in connector J1. This is a 300 baud full-duplex circuit based on a Motorola
9plus CTDs with serial number 785 MC145443 modem chip (U5). A 6-pole active bandpass filter (U2 and U4 and
and lower. associated components) rejects the U3-buffered uplink FSK signal
(1070 - 1270 Hz), while passing the downlink signal (2025 - 2225 Hz). The
modem chip passes serial data to UART U7, which is controlled by a single-chip
microprocessor PXAG37KBA (U8). If the serial data uplink interface option is
installed, a logic to RS-232 level converter chip (U6, LT1081) provides access
to the modem channel from a terminal, computer, or serial-output instrument
connected to J2 via top end cap JT4. Control signals for the G.O. 1015 Rosette
Interface are available at J4, while the G.O. 1015 bottle trip confirm signal is
routed to the card file backplane from J3.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

G.O. 1015 Rosette Interface PCB (optional)

See drawing 31294F. The G.O. 1015 Rosette Interface PCB mounts on
standoffs to the Modem PCB on the top end cap. The SBE 9plus main power
source (+14.3 V) is obtained at interboard header H1 and applied to DC/DC
converter U4, which generates a floating 60 VDC level. If bottle firing is not
enabled, Q1 is ON and opto-coupler U6 active, with its output transistor
conducting and clamping Q3’s gate low; in this condition, current is not
supplied to the Rosette. Upon receipt of the enable command, Q1 is turned off.
Now Op amp U5 controls Q2 and hence the gate voltage on power MOSFET
Q3. Q3’s gate quickly rises until a voltage equal to reference D3 (1.25 V) is
generated across R13 (18 ohms). Q3’s source current is accordingly clamped
at 1.25 / 18 = 69 mA. Upon receipt of a fire command, Q1 is turned on. This
again clamps Q3’s gate low, causing cessation of the 69 mA current, at which
time the Rosette stepper motor activates. Note that powering down the system
with the Rosette pylon in an enabled state causes a cessation of the 69 mA
current and causes the pylon to trip (fire a bottle).

The capacitive transient associated with stepper activation is coupled via D5

and R12 to another opto-isolator (U2). The conduction of U2 triggers a one-
shot (U1A), which generates a 1-second pulse. The pulse is routed via H1 and
Modem J3 to an input on one of the data shift registers on the Modulo 12P
PCB and is subsequently transmitted to the surface for decoding by the
Deck Unit and display via Seasave. The confirmation pulse is also decoded
within the 9plus, and a corresponding character is transmitted to the surface
via the subcarrier modem.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

Appendix III:
Electronics Disassembly/Reassembly
Instructions are provided here for accessing the electronics in the SBE 9plus
housing, for diagnosis and/or repair of an electronics malfunction.

Sea-Bird provides a jackscrew kit with the 9plus, to assist in removal of the
housing end caps. The kit contains:
Jackscrew • 2 Allen wrenches
kit • 6 jackscrews
• 2 spare plastic socket hex-head screws

Open the appropriate end cap to access the desired PCBs:

• Top end cap (end cap with sea cable, water sampler, and auxiliary sensor
connectors) – sea cable interface, and 300 baud modem interface, and
optional G.O. 1015 interface
• Bottom end cap (end cap with conductivity, temperature, pump, and
bottom contact connectors, and pressure sensor) – all other PCBs

Instructions below apply to opening either end cap except where noted.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

1. Disconnect power from the 11plus V2 Deck Unit and disconnect the sea
• Hazardous voltages exist in the
9plus and 11plus V2 when power is cable from the 9plus.
on. These voltages persist after
power is removed because of
capacitor storage. Before working 2. Lay the cage on its side.
on either unit, remove the power
cord from the 11plus V2 and wait
60 seconds. 3. Disconnect the cables from the 9plus bulkhead connectors. Unscrew the
• If the 9plus stops working while locking sleeves from the cable connectors by hand. If you must use a
underwater or shows other signs wrench or pliers, be careful not to loosen the bulkhead connector
of flooding or damage, carefully
instead of the locking sleeve. Remove each cable by pulling the
secure the instrument away from
people until it has been determined connector firmly away from the bulkhead connector.
that abnormal internal pressure • For opening the 9plus top end cap, disconnect all cables from both
does not exist or has been end caps.
relieved. Pressure housings may • For opening the 9plus bottom end cap, disconnect all cables from the
flood under pressure due to dirty or bottom end cap only.
damaged o-rings, or other failed Mark with tape which cables were removed from which connectors so that
seals. When a sealed pressure they can be reinstalled correctly. Connecting cables to the wrong
housing floods at great depths and is
subsequently raised to the surface,
connectors can cause system damage or bad / missing data.
water may be trapped at the pressure
at which it entered the housing,
presenting a danger if the housing is
opened before relieving the internal
pressure. Instances of such flooding
are rare. However, a housing that
floods at 5000 meters depth holds
an internal pressure of more than
7000 psia, and has the potential to
eject the end cap with lethal force.
A housing that floods at 50 meters
holds an internal pressure of more
then 85 psia; this force could still
cause injury.
If you suspect the 9plus is flooded,
point the 9plus in a safe direction
away from people, and loosen the 6
screws on the top end cap about ½
turn. If there is internal pressure, the
end cap will follow the screws out,
and the screws will not become easier
to turn. In this event, loosen 1 top end
cap bulkhead connector at least
1 turn. This opens an o-ring seal
under the connector. Look for signs of
internal pressure (hissing or water
leak). If internal pressure is detected,
let it bleed off slowly past the
connector o-ring. Then, you can
safely remove the end cap.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

4. The temperature and conductivity sensors are attached to the bottom end
cap with a mounting bracket. The conductivity cell is very fragile.
Conductivity sensor
Remove these sensors from the end cap before proceeding:
A. Remove the quick disconnect from the conductivity cell.
B. Disconnect the cables from the sensors; follow instructions in Step 3
for unscrewing locking sleeves, and removing and marking cables.
C. Remove the two hex head screws securing the bracket to the bottom
end cap.

Hex-head screws
for T & C sensor
mounting bracket
Conductivity quick disconnect – press metal
lever and disconnect plumbing from cell

Hex head screw and washer (2 on each 5. For opening the 9plus top end cap only – Remove the 9plus from the cage
clamp, clamps top and bottom of housing)
to access the PCBs:
A. Remove all sensors mounted on the 9plus housing.
B. Remove the two hex head screws and washers securing each
mounting clamp. Carefully lift the 9plus out of the cage.

6. Wipe the outside of the end cap and housing dry, being careful to remove
any water at the seam between them.

7. Remove the Phillips-head screws securing the end cap to the housing:
Remove plastic Remove Phillips- • Top end cap – 6 screws
hex-head screw head screw • Bottom end cap - 4 screws. Do not remove the slightly smaller
(typical, 3 places) (typical, 6 places) Phillips-head screw; this is an electrical connector.
Remove Phillips-
head screw
(typical, 4 places)

Remove plastic
hex-head screw
(typical, 2 places)

Pressure screw (slightly
sensor smaller than
port others) –
do not remove

Top End Cap Bottom End Cap Plug for mounting bracket connection for
optional secondary C & T sensors

8. Remove the plastic hex-head screws from the end cap using the larger
Allen wrench. Insert the jackscrews in these holes in the end cap. When
you begin to feel resistance, use the smaller Allen wrench to continue
turning the screws. Turn each screw 1/2 turn at a time. As you turn the
Insert jackscrews, the end cap will push away from the housing.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

9. When the end cap is loosened, pull it and the PCB assembly out of
the housing.

10. Remove any water from the O-ring mating surfaces inside the housing
with a lint-free cloth or tissue. Be careful to protect the O-rings from
Power damage or contamination
11. Top end cap – The top end cap PCB assembly is connected to the bottom
end cap PCB assembly by a ribbon cable. Disconnect the ribbon cable.

Disconnect ribbon cable

Top end cap – Sea Cable Interface Top end cap - Modem PCB Top end cap - Optional G.O. 1015
PCB (above Sea Cable Interface PCB) Rosette PCB (above Modem PCB)

12. Bottom end cap – The card file is connected to the top end cap PCB
assembly by a ribbon cable. Disconnect the ribbon cable.

Disconnect ribbon cable

Bottom end cap PCB assembly (card file) – each PCB labeled for easy identification

Bottom end cap PCB assembly (card file) backplane

13. Remove the jackscrews from the end cap.

Manual version 015 Appendix III: Electronics Disassembly / Reassembly SBE 9plus

1. Remove any water from the O-ring and mating surfaces with a lint-free
Note: cloth or tissue. Inspect the O-ring and mating surfaces for dirt, nicks, and
Before delivery, a desiccant package is cuts. Clean or replace as necessary. Apply a light coat of O-ring lubricant
inserted in the housing, and the (Parker Super O Lube) to O-ring and mating surfaces
electronics chamber is filled with dry
Argon gas. These measures help 2. Reconnect the ribbon cable to the PCB assembly. Verify the connector
prevent condensation.
If the electronics are exposed to the
holds and pins are properly aligned.
atmosphere, dry gas backfill with
Argon and replace the desiccant 3. Carefully fit the PCB assembly into the housing, aligning the holes in the
package. See Application Note 71: end cap and housing.
Desiccant Use and Regeneration
(drying) for information on desiccant. 4. Reinstall the Phillips-head screws to secure the end cap to the housing.

5. Reinstall the plastic hex head screws in the end cap.

6. If you removed the 9plus from the cage, replace it in the cage.
• Carefully place the 9plus onto the mounting brackets in the cage.
Secure the 9plus with the mounting clamps, hex head screws,
and washers.
• Remount all sensors on the 9plus housing.

7. Apply anti-seize compound to the hex head screws and remount the
temperature and conductivity sensors on the bottom end cap.

8. Reconnect all system plumbing.

9. Reconnect all cables (see Connector Mating and Maintenance in

Section 4: Routine Maintenance and Calibration). Connecting cables to
the wrong connectors can cause system damage or bad / missing data.

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Appendix IV: Replacement Parts

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
3-pin RMG-3FS to 3-pin From SBE 3plus or 4C to 2
17086 * (4 if secondary
RMG-3FS, 0.6 m (2.1 ft) 9plus main housing T & C sensors)
2-pin RMG-2FS to 2-pin From SBE 5T to
17133 * 1
RMG-2FS, 1.1 m (3.7 ft) 9plus main housing
2-pin RMG-2FS to 2-pin Y-cable from (2) SBE 5Ts to 9plus
17799 * 1
RMG-2FS to 2-pin RMG-2FS main housing (for dual pumps)
2-pin RMG-2FS to 2-pin Test cable, 9plus to
80591 * 1
MS3106A-12S-3P, 2.4 m (8 ft) 11plus V2 Deck Unit
2-pin RMG-2FS pigtail,
17028 * Pigtail cable, 9plus to sea cable 1
2.4 m (8 ft)
6-pin AG-206 to 6-pin From 9plus JT7 to
17198 * -
AG-206, 2 m (6.58 ft) SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler
6-pin AG-206 to 6-pin From 9plus JT7 to
* = 9plus with standard 17132 * -
AG-206, 0.3 m (1.1 ft) SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM
2-pin VMG-2FS to 2-pin From 9plus JB6 to bottom contact
172267 *
** = 9plus with wet- RMG-2FS, 1.1 m (3.7 ft) switch
pluggable connectors 17043 * Locking sleeve Locks cable / dummy plug in place -
2-pin RMG-2FS dummy plug For when JB3 or JT1 connectors not
17044.1 * 2
with locking sleeve used
2-pin VMG-2FSD dummy For when JB6 bottom contact
172266 * plug connector not used

3-pin RMG-3FS dummy plug

17045.1 * For when connectors not used 5
with locking sleeve
6-pin AG-206FS dummy
17047.1 * For when connectors not used 5
plug with locking sleeve

3-pin MCIL-3FS to 3-pin From SBE 3plus or 4C to 2

171669 ** (4 if secondary
MCIL-3FS, 0.7 m (2.5 ft) 9plus main housing T & C sensors)
2-pin MCIL-2FS to 2-pin From SBE 5T to
171503 ** 1
MCIL-2FS, 1.1 m (3.7 ft) 9plus main housing
2-pin MCIL-2FS to
Y-cable from (2) SBE 5Ts to 9plus
171671 ** 2-pin MCIL-2FS to 1
main housing (for dual pumps)
2-pin MCIL-2FS
2-pin MCIL-2FS to 2-pin Test cable, 9plus to
801363 ** 1
MS3106A-12S-3P, 2.4 m (8 ft) 11plus V2 Deck Unit
2-pin MCIL-2FS pigtail,
171512 ** Pigtail cable, 9plus to sea cable 1
2.4 m (8 ft)
6-pin MCIL-6FS to 6-pin From 9plus JT7 to
171741 ** -
MCIL-6FS, 2 m (6.58 ft) SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler
6-pin MCIL-6FS to 6-pin From 9plus JT7 to
171796 ** -
MCIL-6FS, 0.3 m (1.1 ft) 17plus V2 SEARAM
2-pin MCIL-2MP to 2-pin From 9plus JB6 to bottom contact
172270 ** MCIL-2FS 1.1 m (3.7 ft) switch

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
171192 ** Locking sleeve Locks cable / dummy plug in place -
2-pin MCDC-2-F dummy For when JB3 or JT1 connectors not
171497.1 ** 2
plug with locking sleeve used
2-pin MCDC-2MP dummy For when JB6 bottom contact
171795 ** 1
plug connector not used
3-pin MCDC-3-F dummy
171500.1 ** For when connectors not used 5
plug with locking sleeve
6-pin MCDC-6-F dummy
171498.1 ** For when connectors not used 5
plug with locking sleeve
50089 SBE 9plus Jackscrew Kit For removing connector end cap 1
Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate – Reagent
grade non-ionic cleaning solution for
30411 Triton X-100 -
conductivity cell (supplied in 100%
strength; dilute as directed)
50025 Oil refill kit For pressure sensor -
For filling conductivity cell for
50087 T/C duct filling & storage kit -
Tygon tube,
30388 ½ inch ID x Main plumbing tubing -
¾ inch OD
Tygon tube, 13 mm (0.5 inch) long pieces used
30579 3/8 inch ID x on SBE 43 intake and exhaust to fit -
½ inch OD to main plumbing
Assorted o-rings, including:
• 30010 Pump thrust washer, Pacer
(insulates each end of impeller against
pump shaft)
• 30072 Parker 2-017N674-70 (bulkhead
• 30082 Parker 2-213N1000-70 (pump
end cap
to housing)
• 30091 Parker 2-241N674-70 (9plus end
to housing)
• 30095 Parker 2-002N674-70
(pump impeller retainer)
50070 Spare o-ring kit • 30571 Parker 2-124N674-70 -
(pump head to impeller housing)
• 30804/231002 L-Seal LS001 with
backup ring
(C sensor cell penetrator)
• 30805/231003 L-Seal LS020 with
backup ring
(C sensor end cap to housing)
• 30806/231004 L-Seal LS021 with
backup ring
(DO, pH, P, T sensor end cap to
• 30813 Morrison seal (fast thermistor
• 30814 Morrison seal (thermistor probe -
TC Duct)
Conductivity disconnect • 30803 Parker 2-011 N674-70
50246 fitting spare (quick disconnect o-ring)
o-ring kit • 30389 Cable tie (hold Tygon to quick

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
Assorted hardware, including:
• 30117 Machine screw 2-56 x 5/16 PH SS
(small sensors – board set to end cap)
• 30120 Machine screw 2-56 x 7/8 PH SS
(SBE 4C end cap to housing)
• 30126 Machine screw 4-40 x 3/8 PH SS
(small sensors - anodes to housings)
• 30131 Machine screw 4-40 x 5/8 PH SS
(SBE 4C cell tray to end cap, housing)
• 30137 Machine screw 6-32 x ¼ PH SS
(11plus V2 power supply to support rail)
• 30142 Machine screw 6-32 x 3/8 PH SS
(9plus insulators to cage mounting straps,
secure 11plus V2 fan)
• 30154 Machine screw 8-32 x 3/8 PH SS
(9plus groundstrap to connector end cap)
Spare hardware • 30157 Machine screw 8-32 x ½ PH SS
50347 kit, aluminum (11plus V2 transformers to support rails) -
housing • 30158 Machine screw 8-32 x 5/8 PH SS
(9plus retainer strap to sensor mount bar)
• 30182 Machine screw 10-24 x 1-1/4 PH SS (end
caps to 9plus housing)
• 30194 Bolt 3-8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex SS (cage mounting
straps around CTD housing)
• 30196 Bolt 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 PH SS (9plus
eyelet screw)
• 30226 Nut, ¼-28 hex, SS (SBE 3 probe to end cap)
• 30236 Washer, #8 nylon (for 30154)
• 30244 Washer, #6 int tooth (for 30131)
• 30248 Washer, #8 split ring lock (for 30158)
• 30258 Washer, 3/8 split ring lock (for 30194)
• 30270 Screw insulator #10 x ¾
(for end cap to housing screws)
• 30517 Bolt 3/8-16 x 2 hex head, Al (TC mount bar
to bottom end cap)

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
Assorted hardware, including:
• 17527 Terminal, insulated (9plus bottom cardfile
• 30117 Machine screw 2-56 x 5/16 PH SS
(small sensors - boardset to end cap)
• 30125 Machine screw 4-40 x 3/8 PH SS
(cable clamps to connector rail)
• 30126 Machine screw 4-40 x 3/8 PH SS (small
sensors - anodes to housings)
• 30128 Machine screw 4-40 x ½ FH SS (9plus Digi
retainer, rails; secure 11plus V2 rails)
• 30129 Machine screw 4-40 x ½ PH SS
(9plus backplane assembly)
• 30142 Machine screw 6-32 x 3/8 PH SS
(9plus insulators to cage mounting straps, secure
11plus V2 fan)
• 30146 Machine screw 6-32 x 1/2 FH SS (standoff
rings, PCB heat sink)
• 30194 Bolt 3-8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex SS (cage mounting
straps around 9plus housing)
Spare hardware • 30226 Nut, ¼-28 hex, SS (SBE 3 probe to end cap)
50348 kit, titanium • 30238 Washer, #4 flat, SS -
(cable clamps and solder lug)
housing • 30258 Washer, 3/8 split ring lock (for 30194)
• 30269 Screw insulator #10 3 3/8”
(end cap to housing screws)
• 30346 Machine screw, 10-24 x 1”, hex TT
(9plus end caps to housing)
• 30374 Washer, ¼” ID, flat, nylon (for 30226)
• 30514 Machine screw, 8-32 x ½ PH TT
(T-C sensor strap to mount bar)
• 30516 Spacer, 6-32 x 1” Hex SS M-F
(internal end cap to standoff ring)
• 30526 Cap screw, ¼-20 x ¾ nylon
(plug end cap jackscrew holes)
• 30544 Machine screw, 8-32 x ½ FH TT (sensor
mount block to sensor mount bar)
• 30863 Washer, #8 Split Ring Lock, Ti (for 31066)
• 30941 Bolt ¼-20 x 1 ¾
(TC mount bar to bottom end cap)
• 30964 Machine screw, 4-40 x 5/8, PH TT
(conductivity cell securing screws)
• 31066 Machine screw 8-32 x ¾ socket head Ti
(retainer strap to sensor mount bar)

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
Includes cables, connectors, dummy plugs,
maintenance supplies, and other
mechanical spares:
• 17028 Cable, 2-pin RMG-2FS, 2.4 m (8 ft) pigtail
with locking sleeve (sea cable)
• 17043 Locking sleeve (secure cables &
dummy plugs)
• 17044 2-pin RMG-2FS dummy plug
• 17045 3-pin RMG-3FS dummy plug
• 17047 6-pin AG-206 dummy plug
• 17086 Cable, 3-pin RMG-3FS to 3-pin
RMG-3FS, 0.6 m (2.1 ft) (T & C cables)
• 17133 Cable, 2-pin RMG-2FS to
2-pin RMG-2FS cable, 1.1 m (3.6 ft) (pump cable)
• 17628 6-pin AG-306-HP-SS
bulkhead connector
• 17652 2-pin XSG-2-BCL-HP-SS
bulkhead connector
• 17653 3-pin XSG-3-BCL-HP-SS
bulkhead connector
• 20042 Deck unit fuse (3AG-1/2A fast blow, sea
• 20045 Deck unit fuse (3AG-1A slow blow,
230 VAC line)
Seaspares kit for • 20046 Deck unit fuse (3AG-2A slow blow,
9plus with 115 VAC line)
standard • 23041 Anode ring (for T sensor)
50088 • 23548 Anode ring (for C sensor) -
connectors and • 23908 Dual sensor retainer strap
aluminum (for T & C sensor)
housing • 231957C Cage clamp set (9plus to cage)
• 31339 Hose clamp, AWAB 316 SS (secure pump,
DO, or pH sensor)
• 30044 Anode (for main housing end cap)
• 30384 Tubing, 7/16 diameter, 1/16 wall
(C sensor soaker hose)
• 30388 Tygon tubing, ¾” x ½”
(main CTD plumbing)
• 30389 Cable tie, 4” (secure plumbing to plastic
• 30409 Teflon tape (insulates insides of hose clamps)
• 30411 Triton X-100 (C cell cleaning solution)
• 30457 Parker O-Lube (silicone-based
o-ring lubricant)
• 30458 Cable tie, 15” (secure plumbing & cables to
CTD or cage)
• 50029 Pressure sensor capillary
(for pressure sensor port)
• 50025 Pressure sensor oil refill kit
• 50070 9plus o-ring kit (see above)
• 50086 11plus V2 deck unit cable connector
• 50087 T/C duct filling & storage kit
• 50089 9plus jackscrew kit
• 50347 9plus hardware kit (see above)
• 90088 T/C duct tubing kit

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
Includes cables, connectors, dummy plugs,
maintenance supplies, and other
mechanical spares:
• 17028 Cable, 2-pin RMG-2FS,
2.4 m (8 ft) pigtail with locking sleeve (sea cable)
• 17043 Locking sleeve
(secure cables & dummy plugs)
• 17044 2-pin RMG-2FS dummy plug
• 17045 3-pin RMG-3FS dummy plug
• 17047 6-pin AG-206 dummy plug
• 17086 Cable 3-pin RMG-3FS to 3-pin RMG-3FS,
0.6 m (2.1 ft) (T & C cables)
• 17133 Cable, 2-pin RMG-2FS to 2-pin RMG-2FS
cable, 1.1 m (3.6 ft) (pump cable)
• 17628 6-pin AG-306-HP-SS
bulkhead connector
• 17652 2-pin XSG-2-BCL-HP-SS
bulkhead connector
• 17653 3-pin XSG-3-BCL-HP-SS
bulkhead connector
• 20042 Deck unit fuse
(3AG-1/2A fast blow, sea cable)
• 20045 Deck unit fuse
Seaspares kit for (3AG-1A slow blow, 230 VAC line)
9plus with • 20046 Deck unit fuse
standard (3AG-2A slow blow, 115 VAC line)
50139 • 231922 Dual sensor retainer strap -
connectors and (strap for T & C sensor)
titanium • 231957C Cage clamp set (9plus to cage)
housing • 31339 Hose clamp, AWAB 316 SS (secure pump,
DO, or pH sensor)
• 30384 Tubing, 7/16 diameter, 1/16 wall
(C sensor soaker hose)
• 30388 Tygon tubing, ¾” x ½”
(main CTD plumbing)
• 30389 Cable tie, 4”
(secure plumbing to plastic fittings)
• 30409 Teflon tape
(insulate insides of hose clamps)
• 30411 Triton X-100 (C cell cleaning solution)
• 30457 Parker O-Lube
(silicone-based o-ring lubricant)
• 30458 Cable tie, 15” (secure plumbing & cables to
CTD or cage)
• 50029 Pressure sensor capillary
(for pressure sensor port)
• 50025 Pressure sensor oil refill kit
• 50070 9plus o-ring kit (see above)
• 50086 11plus V2 deck unit cable connector
• 50087 T/C duct filling & storage kit
• 50089 9plus jackscrew kit
• 50348 9plus titanium hardware kit (see above)
• 90088 T/C duct tubing kit

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
Includes cables, connectors, dummy plugs,
maintenance supplies, and other
mechanical spares:
• 171512 Cable, 2-pin MCIL-2FS 2.4 m (8 ft) pigtail
with locking sleeve (sea cable)
• 171192 Locking Sleeve, MCDLS-F
• 171497 2-pin MCDC-2-F dummy plug
• 171500 3-pin MCDC-3-F dummy plug
• 171498 6-pin MCDC-6-F dummy plug
• 171669 Cable, 3-pin MCIL-3FS to
3-pin MCIL-3FS, 0.7 m (2.5 ft) (T & C cables)
• 171503 Cable, 2-pin MCIL-2FS to
2-pin MCIL-2FS, 1.1 m (3.6 ft) (pump cable)
• 172026 Connector, 6-pin MCBH-6MAS
bulkhead connector
• 172023 Connector, 2-pin MCBH-2MAS
bulkhead connector
• 171724 Connector, 3-pin MCBH-3MAS
bulkhead connector
• 20042 Deck unit fuse
(3AG-1/2A fast blow, sea cable)
• 20045 Deck unit fuse
(3AG-1A slow blow, 230 VAC line)
• 20046 Deck unit fuse
Seaspares kit for (3AG-2A slow blow, 115 VAC line)
9plus with wet- • 23041 Anode ring (for T sensor)
pluggable • 23548 Anode ring (for C sensor)
50321 • 23908 Dual sensor retainer strap -
connectors and (for T & C sensor)
aluminum • 231957C Cage clamp set (9plus to cage)
housing • 31339 Hose clamp, AWAB 316 SS (secure pump,
DO, or pH sensor)
• 30044 Anode (for main housing end cap)
• 30384 Tubing, 7/16 diameter, 1/16 wall
(C sensor soaker hose)
• 30388 Tygon tubing, ¾” x ½”
(main CTD plumbing)
• 30389 Cable tie, 4”
(secure plumbing to plastic fittings)
• 30409 Teflon tape
(insulate insides of hose clamps)
• 30411 Triton X-100 (C cell cleaning solution)
• 30457 Parker O-Lube
(silicone-based o-ring lubricant)
• 30458 Cable tie, 15”
(secure plumbing & cables to CTD or cage)
• 50029 Pressure sensor capillary
(for pressure sensor port)
• 50025 Pressure sensor oil refill kit
• 50070 9plus o-ring kit (see above)
• 50086 11plus V2 deck unit cable connector
• 50087 T/C duct filling & storage kit
• 50089 9plus jackscrew kit
• 50347 9plus hardware kit (see above)
• 90088 T/C duct tubing kit

Manual version 015 Appendix IV: Replacement Parts SBE 9plus

Part Quantity in
Part Application Description
Number 9plus
Includes cables, connectors, dummy plugs,
maintenance supplies, and other
mechanical spares:
• 171512 Cable, 2-pin MCIL-2FS 2.4 m (8 ft) pigtail
with locking sleeve (sea cable)
• 171192 Locking sleeve, MCDLS-F
• 171497 2-pin MCDC-2-F dummy plug
• 171500 3-pin MCDC-3-F dummy plug
• 171498 6-pin MCDC-6-F dummy plug
• 171669 Cable, 3-pin MCIL-3FS to 3-pin
MCIL-3FS, 0.7 m (2.5 ft) (T & C cables)
• 171503 Cable, 2-pin MCIL-2FS to 2-pin
MCIL-2FS, 1.1 m (3.6 ft) (pump cable)
• 172019 Connector, 2-pin MCBH-2MP(WB) TI
½-20 bulkhead connector
• 172020 Connector, 3-pin MCBH-3MP(WB) TI
½-20 bulkhead connector
• 172022 Connector, 6-pin MCBH-6MP(WB) TI
½-20 bulkhead connector
• 20042 Deck unit fuse
(3AG-1/2A fast blow, sea cable)
• 20045 Deck unit fuse
Seaspares kit for (3AG-1A slow blow, 230 VAC line)
• 20046 Deck unit fuse
9plus with wet- (3AG-2A slow blow, 115 VAC line)
pluggable • 231922 Dual sensor retainer strap
50322 -
connectors and (for T & C sensor)
titanium • 231957C Cage clamp set (9plus to cage)
• 31339 Hose clamp, AWAB 316 SS (secure pump,
DO, or pH sensor)
• 30384 Tubing, 7/16 diameter, 1/16 wall
(C sensor soaker hose)
• 30388 Tygon tubing, ¾” x ½”
(main CTD plumbing)
• 30389 Cable tie, 4”
(secure plumbing to plastic fittings)
• 30409 Teflon tape
(insulate insides of hose clamps)
• 30411 Triton X-100 (C cell cleaning solution)
• 30457 Parker O-Lube
(silicone-based o-ring lubricant)
• 30458 Cable tie, 15”
(secure plumbing & cables to CTD or cage)
• 50029 Pressure sensor capillary
(for pressure sensor port)
• 50025 Pressure sensor oil refill kit
• 50070 9plus o-ring kit (see above)
• 50086 11plus V2 deck unit cable connector
• 50087 T/C duct filling & storage kit
• 50089 9plus jackscrew kit
• 50348 9plus titanium hardware kit (see above)
• 90088 T/C duct tubing kit
VSG-2BCL-HP- JB6 bulkhead connector (bottom contact switch)
172265* SS, 1/2-20 – standard 9plus built after February 2007

MCBH- JB6 bulkhead connector (bottom contact switch)

172268** – aluminum 9plus with wet-pluggable
connectors built after February 2007
MCBH- JB6 bulkhead connector (bottom contact switch)
172269** – titanium 9plus with wet-pluggable connectors
built after February 2007

Manual version 015 Appendix V: Manual Revision History SBE 9plus

Appendix V: Manual Revision History

Date Description
006 06/03 • Rewrite, adding photos, graphics, end cap drawings, SEARAM information, bottom contact switch,
maintenance and cleaning, TC duct, Windows software.
007 12/04 • Update Section 5: Troubleshooting, Appendix I: Theory of Operation, and Appendix II: Circuitry
for current circuitry.
• Correct and updated specifications.
• Add connector details to end cap drawings.
• Add more replacement part information.
008 03/05 • Update information on modem interface: now standard feature instead of option.
• Add information that 17plus can provide data backup while using 9plus with 11plus.
• Update conductivity cell cleaning recommendations to correspond to revised application note 2D.
• Add information on pump maintenance, referring to application note 75.
• JT7 pinouts: clarify which pins to use when connecting to Carousel vs. connecting to SEARAM.
• Add information on adding weights to minimize kinks/loops in cable.
009 03/07 • Incorporate Seasave V7: no more .dat files created (.hex instead), update description of how to set
up .con file in Seasave.
• Update schematic that shows bottom contact alarm (show bottom contact, altimeter, and/or
pressure alarm).
• Correct top end cap drawing:Aux Sensor Connector 2, pin 3 is V2 return, not V3.
• Update description of bottom contact switch and bottom end cap drawing, because bottom contact
switch connector changed to female connector to avoid confusion with sea cable connector.
• Add information about RS-232 output option added to price list.
• Update callout for wet-pluggable connectors: switched to WB type.
• Update Recovery Warning.
• Add to Maintenance: wire size to use to clean air bleed hole.
• Add information on custom 9plus feature to turn pump on/off during data acquisition.
• Correct information on water sampler firing: setting bit high is only for GO 1015. For GO 1016
and Carousel, no bit is set; a .bl file is created.
010 12/07 • Describe custom modification to allow pump turn-on 60 sec after water contact (fresh or salt)
with a contact pin.
• Change stability specification for pressure to per year instead of per month.
• Update connector maintenance for consistency with application note 57.
011 03/08 • Seasave: Update .con file screen capture and discussion of acquiring NMEA data: can now select
whether NMEA data is appended in Deck Unit or directly by the computer.
012 09/08 • Add notes where NMEA is discussed explaining that can connect NMEA directly to computer.
013 01/10 • Changes required for CE certification.
• Update software name.
• Add information about .xmlcon file.
• Add note that for dual T&C, have dual pumps, with y-cable coming from 2-pin pump connector.
• Remove custom language for manual pump control and water contact pin descriptions – these
options now on price list. Add more information about these options.
• Update SBE address.
014 11/10 • Update configuration file information related to Surface PAR sensor: Seasave 7.21a and later
sends AddSPAR= to 11plus based on setting in configuration file, for 11plus firmware > 5.0.
• Add caution: 17plus has no clamp or voltage drop circuitry to limit voltage to 9plus. Voltage
supplied by 17plus is voltage supplied to 9plus, which is also voltage supplied by 9plus to
auxiliary sensors. Some auxiliary sensors are limited to < 15 volts. Fully charged batteries in
17plus supply: NiMH or Ni-Cad - 14.4 volts, Alkaline - 18 volts. Using alkaline batteries in
17plus for 9plus deployments including lower input voltage sensors can damage sensors.
015 08/11 • Round P stability specification to 0.02% of full scale range/year, consistent with other Sea-Bird
products using this sensor.
• Correct note on data output format through optional RS-232 serial output interface.
• Add reference to SBE 11plus manual for information on optional manual pump control use.
• Update Triton website information.
Manual version 015 Index SBE 9plus

. G
.con file · 23 Glossary · 41
.xmlcon file · 23
Horizontal orientation · 14
Air release valve · 29
Alarm · 18
AUV interface · 22 M
Maintenance · 28
B Manual pump control · 17
Manual revision history · 66
Ballast · 23
Bottom contact switch · 18
C Orientation · 14

Cage · 11
Calibration · 31 P
Circuitry · 47 Parker Super O-Lube · 41
Cleaning · 29, 30, 33 Parts
Clock · 10 replacement · 58
Conductivity sensor Plumbing · 14
calibration · 31 maintenance · 29
cleaning · 30 Power · 10
storing · 30 Pressure sensor
Configuration file · 23 calibration · 31
Connectors · 12, 29 maintenance · 30
Contact switch · 18 Pump
Corrosion precautions · 28 maintenance · 30
operation · 17
D placement · 14

output format · 27 R
processing · 26 Recovery · 26
quality · 19 Replacement parts · 58
Deployment · 23, 25 Revision history · 66
fresh water · 17 Rinsing · 30
optimizing data quality · 19 ROV interface · 22
saltwater · 17 RS-232 serial output interface · 22
Deployment recommendations · 19
Description · 7
Dimensions · 11 S
DO sensor placement · 14
Safety symbols · 42
Saltwater deployment · 17
E SBE Data Processing · 9, 23, 26
Seasave · 9, 23
Electrical symbols · 42 Seasave pump control · 17
Electronics disassembly/reassembly · 53 SEASOFT · 9
End cap · 12 SEATERM · 9, 23
SeatermAF · 23
F Sensors · 10, 11
Serial output interface · 22
Format Shipping instructions · 33
data output · 27 Soak time · 17
Fresh water deployment · 17 Software · 9, 23
Functional description · 43 Specifications · 10
Storage · 30
Super O-Lube · 41
System description · 7
Manual version 015 Index SBE 9plus

TC duct · 33 Water contact pump control · 17
Temperature sensor Weight · 23
calibration · 31 Wiring
Theory of operation · 43 with SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit · 20
Triton · 41 with SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit and 17plus V2 SEARAM ·
Troubleshooting · 35 22
with SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM · 21
Unpacking SBE 9plus · 6
Y-fitting · 29
Valve · 29
Versions · 66
Vertical orientation · 14


SBE 911plus CTD..................................................................................................................

SBE 3 Temperature.................................................................................................................

SBE 4 Conductivity................................................................................................................

SBE 5T-5P Pump....................................................................................................................


Paroscientific Digiquartz........................................................................................................

SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen......................................................................................................


SBE 911plus CTD

Sea-Bird's 911plus CTD is

the primary oceanographic
research tool chosen by the
world's leading institutions.

SBE 9plus underwater unit mounted to Carousel Photo by S. Compoint / Sygma

• Accurate and stable, modular T & C sensors
• Paroscientific Digiquartz® pressure sensor
• TC-Ducted Flow and pump-controlled time responses to
minimize salinity spiking
• 24 Hz all-channel scan rate
• Depth capability 6800 or 10500 meters
• Built-in interface for dual C & T sensors (sensors optional)
SBE 9plus • 8 A/D channels and high power capability for auxiliary sensors
Unit shown • Modem channel for real-time water sampler control (without
with optional data interruption)
dual T & C • Built-in NMEA 0183 interface to merge real-time GPS data
sensors with the CTD data
• Optional Serial Data Uplink allows 9600 baud data pass-thru
on shared CTD telemetry channel
• Optional RS-232 serial output interface for use with AUV/ROV
logging CTD data
• Optional SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM module for in-situ recording
and programmable Carousel bottle firing
• Powerful Windows software included

SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit



System Engineering and the Fundamental Principles of CTD Accuracy

The SBE 911plus CTD produces profiles of ocean temperature, salinity, and density at the highest possible absolute
accuracy, because its performance under both static and dynamic conditions has been optimized. Static accuracy (as
demonstrated in an equilibrated calibration bath) ensures that the deep-ocean readings will be correct and allows
meaningful comparison of results obtained by different researchers at different times and places. Dynamic accuracy is
necessary to present water column features in clear detail, and is critical for maintaining absolute accuracy under
oceanic (non-equilibrated) conditions. This is because salinity, density, and other oceanographic variables are calculated
from separate measurements of pressure, temperature, and conductivity. If the calculated values are to be correct, the
separate measurements must be made at the same time and on the same sample of water.

Time response and spatial mismatches not only create spiking, but also produce bias errors that are indistinguishable
from static errors because they cannot be averaged out. For example, if the temperature sensor responds slowly,
averaging its readings through a temperature gradient will produce a bias error of sign opposite to the gradient. Similarly,
the spiking caused by a mismatch in time-response of the temperature and conductivity sensors will bias the results
unless the correct time lag is applied in post-processing. Corrections are possible in practice only if the sensor time
responses are constant, a condition that cannot be met by free-flushing (unpumped) conductivity sensors. The time
responses of free-flushing sensors are inevitably affected by the influence of ship-coupled motion on profiling speed.

To obtain the highest possible absolute accuracy, the SBE 911plus CTD incorporates certain key features:
• A single temperature sensor that is both accurate and fast
• A conductivity sensor with a totally internal field that is immune to proximity effects
• Constant (pumped) flow, providing constant time responses in T and C
• A TC Duct to ensure that the temperature and conductivity sensors measure the same water
• A dramatically superior quartz pressure sensor
• Modular sensors that can be separately calibrated
• Acquisition electronics free of significant error

The temperature accuracy that can be achieved under controlled laboratory conditions with an SPRT (Standards-grade
Platinum Resistance Thermometer) cannot be obtained in the ocean with the industrial-grade PRTs used in competing
CTD instruments. The 911plus thermistor sensor's better ocean accuracy derives from its 10 times higher sensitivity and
100 times higher absolute resistance (at the ice-point, the thermistor resistance changes by about 1 ohm/mK while the
resistance of a PRT changes by about 0.001 ohm/mK), its inherently fast response that eliminates the need for fast and
slow sensor combinations (and the errors that arise when merging data from separate sensors), and because it is not
measurably affected by shock and vibration.

Sea-Bird's conductivity cell designs reflect our recognition that the primary causes of conductivity errors are mineral and
biological deposits on the sensor, proximity affects arising from external fields, and uncontrolled time-responses.
Deposits occur with all conductivity sensor designs (they are more serious with sensors that are smaller than Sea-Bird's)
and can be minimized by periodic detergent and bleach cleaning of the cell. The four-electrode and inductive-cell types
used on competing CTDs have significant external fields that often completely preclude high-accuracy laboratory
calibration and that lead to in-situ proximity errors induced by guards, mounting brackets, and other nearby sensors.
Sea-Bird's totally internal field conductivity cell eliminates proximity errors, permits constant-flow pumping to control time
response, and is connected to the temperature sensor by the TC Duct to ensure that the measurements of T and C are
made on exactly the same water.
The highest possible pressure accuracy is obtained by using the Paroscientific Digiquartz pressure sensor. The
inexpensive pressure sensors used in other CTD systems have excessive hysteresis and thermal transient errors,
requiring costly sensor-specific characterization and tedious postprocessing. Sea-Bird's choice of a costly, but
dramatically superior, pressure sensor eliminates most of these errors before they get into the data set. Careful shock
mounting of the Digiquartz has resulted in negligible failure rates.

The SBE 911plus’ modular sensors can be calibrated in well-insulated temperature/salinity baths that have smaller
gradients and better accuracy than baths built to accommodate (and absorb the heat produced by) an integrated CTD.
Unlike some competing sensor designs where trim pots are adjusted and drift history is lost each time a calibration is
performed, the Sea-Bird calibrations are preserved as sets of numerical coefficients. As a result, all calibrations of
Sea-Bird sensors can be compared and a complete drift history established (Sea-Bird maintains such histories - some of
them spanning more than 20 years - on thousands of sensors). The information in these histories continues to play an
important role in Sea-Bird's ongoing improvements to its sensor designs.

The SBE 911plus sensors can be calibrated separately without significant loss of overall CTD accuracy because the
SBE 9plus digitizes the temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensor output signals by frequency counting, an
inherently binary process whereby a count either registers or does not. Cable resistance, connector properties, and
noise cannot degrade the overall system acquisition accuracy, which is limited only by the stability of a quartz master
clock. Errors attributable to this clock are demonstrably negligible.

While competing designs offer elegant solutions to part of the CTD measurement problem, we have carefully balanced
the engineering trade-offs to get better overall results. The SBE 911plus has the ability -- under conditions of rapidly
changing temperature and immense pressure loading -- to obtain the independent measurements precisely coordinated
in space and time that are the essence of CTD accuracy. Its design is a synthesis of ideas based upon a thorough
understanding of the marine environment, the operational requirements of oceanographers, and the fundamental
principles affecting CTD accuracy. System Engineering has made the 911plus CTD the World's Most Accurate CTD.

How the SBE 911 plus CTD Works

Sensor Operation: The temperature sensor (SBE 3plus) is a compact module containing a pressure-protected,
high-speed thermistor and Wien-bridge-oscillator interface electronics. The thermistor is the variable element in the Wien
bridge, while a precision Vishay resistor and two ultra-stable capacitors form the fixed components. The conductivity
sensor (SBE 4C) is similar in operation and configuration to the temperature sensor, except that the Wien-bridge
variable element is the cell resistance (cell resistance is the reciprocal of cell conductivity). The Digiquartz pressure
sensor also provides a variable frequency output. Embedded in the pressure sensor is a semiconductor temperature
sensor used to compensate the small ambient temperature sensitivity of the Digiquartz. The calibration information for
each sensor (C, T, and P) is contained in a series of numeric coefficients used in equations relating frequency to the
measured parameter.

System Operation: The SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit provides power to the sea cable, decodes the data arriving from
the underwater unit, and interfaces to a computer via RS-232 or IEEE-488. Push buttons and status lights for SBE 32
Carousel Water Sampler operation are provided, and there are connections for back-up data recording and playback
using an audio tape recorder. The SBE 9plus underwater unit comprises modular temperature and conductivity sensors,
a small external pump, and a main housing supplied with surface power from the sea cable. Electronics in the main
housing provide three primary functions, including regulation of the several voltage levels required by the internal
circuits, external sensors, and pump; acquisition (digitization) of sensor signals; and data telemetry.

Sea cable power supply: Unlike competing CTD systems in which the deck unit supplies a fixed current, the
SBE 11plus V2 presents a constant voltage to the sea cable. The SBE 9plus receives this voltage (minus the sea cable
I-R drop), regulates it to a constant value, and presents it to a high-efficiency DC/DC converter that generates the
system supply voltages (+14.3/-13.5, +8, and +5). Two advantages derive from this method: less power is lost in the sea
cable (and more is delivered to the underwater unit); and the underwater unit is not required to dissipate unneeded
power, (freeing the user of the need to monitor and adjust the surface sea cable supply).

Signal acquisition and data telemetry: Connectors on the SBE 9plus bottom end cap supply power to (and receive
variable frequencies from) the modular conductivity and temperature sensors. The C and T variable frequencies plus the
internal Digiquartz frequency are routed to separate counters that are allotted exactly 1/24 second to derive 24-bit binary
values representative of each sensor frequency. Sea-Bird's hybrid counter technique combines integer and period
counting to produce digital results that are simultaneous (time coincident) integrals of C, T, and P. The 9plus provides
four bulkhead connectors for optional auxiliary sensor inputs. Each connector provides +14.3 volts power and permits
access to two differentially-amplified and low-pass-filtered digitizer channels with 0 to 5 volt range and 12-bit resolution.
Binary data from the entire suite of C, T, P, and auxiliary sensors are transmitted serially 24 times per second using a
34560 Hz carrier differential-phase-shift-keyed (DPSK) technique. This telemetry system is suitable for all single- and
multi-conductor cables having a conductor resistance of 350 ohms or less.

Subcarrier modem and SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler control: A 300 baud full-duplex FSK subcarrier modem
(2025/2225 Hz downlink; 1070/1270 Hz uplink) provides a separate communications channel for control of the Carousel.
Bottles can be fired with push buttons on the deck unit's front panel, through SEASOFT , or via a separate computer
connected directly to the modem port on the back panel. There is no interruption of CTD power or data during the bottle
firing process. An optional interface card in the SBE 9plus permits control of older multi-bottle sampler types, and the
modem channel is also available as a general purpose RS-232 interface for custom user applications.


System Components
The SBE 911plus CTD consists of an SBE 9plus Underwater Unit with sensors for C, T, and P (dissolved oxygen,
chlorophyll, and other auxiliary sensors are optional) and a submersible pump, and an SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit. For
real-time data collection, an electro-mechanical sea cable (single- or multi-conductor), slip-ring equipped winch, and
computer for data display and logging are typically supplied by the user. An optional SBE 17plus V2 SEARAM
Recorder and Auto Fire Module provides in-situ recording and self-contained CTD operation, and can be user-
programmed to trigger bottle closure on a Carousel Water Sampler, eliminating the need for the Deck Unit, conductive
sea cable, and slip-ring equipped winch.

SBE 9 plus Underwater Unit

The standard SBE 9plus Underwater Unit has an aluminum housing
rated to 6800 meters, and is supplied with one conductivity and one
temperature sensor (fitted with TC Duct and constant-flow pump) and an
internally mounted, temperature-compensated, Paroscientific Digiquartz
pressure sensor for 6800 meter (10,000 psia) full scale range.
Input channels and bulkhead connectors are provided for an optional
second (redundant) pair of temperature and conductivity sensors.
Other standard features include an 8-channel, 12-bit A/D converter with
differential inputs and low-pass filters, and high-power capability for
support of commonly used auxiliary sensors (e.g., SBE 43 dissolved
oxygen, SBE 18 or 27 pH, transmissometer, fluorometer, ambient light,
altimeter), a modem channel for real-time water sampler control, and a
port for connection of an optional bottom contact switch. Other pressure
sensor ranges (1400, 2000, 4200, and 10,500 meters) and a
10,500-meter titanium housing are optional.

SBE 11 plus V2 Deck Unit

The SBE 11plus V2 Deck Unit includes RS-232 and IEEE-488 computer
interfaces, a modem channel for real-time water sampler control
(including water sampler control push buttons and status lights), NMEA
0183 interface for adding GPS position to CTD data, 12-bit A/D input
channel for surface PAR sensor, switch-selectable 115/ 230 VAC
operation, audio tape interface (data backup), LED readout for raw data,
and audible bottom contact (or altimeter) alarm. The 11plus V2 also
provides a remote pressure output (useful as an input signal for towed
vehicle control) and a programmable serial ASCII data output containing
up to seven variables in computed engineering units. Calibration
coefficients are stored in EEPROM, and a separate microcontroller
converts raw CTD data to temperature, depth, salinity, etc. The 11plus V2
is shipped in a free-standing cabinet with a hardware kit for mounting in a
standard 19-inch electronics rack.

SBE 17 plus V2 SEARAM

The SEARAM provides battery power for the SBE 9plus CTD and SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler,
memory for CTD data recording, and autonomous water sampler control (Auto-Fire). When the
SEARAM's magnetic on/off switch is activated, date, time, and sequential cast number are recorded.
The 16 Mbyte memory provides approximately 15 hours recording of C, T, and P at 24 Hz (6 hours
with all auxiliary channels used), and the SEARAM can average samples for longer recording
endurance. It can be programmed before deployment to decode pressure data from the 9plus and fire
bottles at user-programmed depths, allowing autonomous water sampling and CTD recording without
a conductive sea cable. Data upload requires about 12 minutes/Mbyte at 38400 baud. The SEARAM
includes a Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable battery pack and charger.

When the SBE 9plus is equipped with the SEARAM, the system is referred to as the 917plus.
See the SEARAM brochure for details.


Software - SEASOFT© V2
Supplied with each SBE 911plus, SEASOFT calculates a suite of seawater parameters, including salinity, density,
buoyancy, sound velocity, etc., and fully supports auxiliary sensors for oxygen, light transmission, PAR, fluorescence,
and many other variables. SEASOFT provides real-time plots or number readouts while saving raw data to a disk file
from which an ASCII or binary intermediate file in engineering units may subsequently be made. Post-processing utilities
provide bin averaging, wild point editing, filtering, time-aligning, and color video graphing / hard copy plotting of profiles,
waterfall overlays, and density-contoured TS plots. When operating the 911plus with a water sampler, complete bottle
housekeeping files based on firing confirmations are recorded. SEASOFT is upgraded frequently; new versions are
supplied free and posted on our website for easy access.

Metrology Standards and Calibration Laboratories

Following consultation with the US National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Sea-Bird's
metrology lab was configured to achieve
temperature precision of 50 µK and accuracy of
0.0005°C. To obtain this performance, premium
primary references, including four Jarrett water
triple-point cells (with maintenance bath) and an
Isotech gallium melt cell, are operated in
conjunction with two YSI 8163 standards-grade
platinum resistance thermometers and an ASL
Model F18 Automatic Temperature Bridge. IAPSO
standard seawater and a Guildline 8400B AutoSal
provide the highest obtainable salinity accuracy of
0.002 PSU.

SBE 911plus temperature and conductivity sensors

are calibrated in low-gradient, computer-controlled
baths capable of transferring Sea-Bird metrology lab
accuracies within 0.0005°C and 0.001 PSU.

Calibration data from Sea-Bird's computer-controlled baths

are collated to produce certificates showing the latest
results. Overplots of previous calibrations allow the user to
judge the stability of the sensor over time.

SBE 911plus Digiquartz pressure calibrations are performed

by Paroscientific, Inc. using a DH Model 5206 Primary
Pressure Standard (oil-operated dead weight tester)
certified to an accuracy of 0.01% of reading (0.7 dbar at
6800 meters depth). Cross-comparison against independent
standards has established the consistent accuracy of the
Paroscientific calibrations.

Accuracy and stability of the SBE 911plus quartz master

clock is judged against a Spectracom Model 8163 reference
oscillator phase-locked to the U.S. National Institute of
Standards and Technology's WWVB 60 kHz broadcast


General Specifications

Measurement Range Conductivity 0 to 7 Siemens/meter (0-70 mmho/cm)

Temperature -5 to + 35 °C
Pressure 0 to full scale – 2000/3000/6000/10,000/15,000 psia
(1400/2000/4200/6800/10500 m)
A/D inputs 0 to +5 volts

Initial Accuracy Conductivity 0.0003 S/m (0.003 mmho/cm)

Temperature 0.001 °C
Pressure 0.015% of full scale
A/D inputs 0.005 volts

Typical Stability Conductivity 0.0003 S/m (0.003 mmho/cm) per month

Temperature 0.0002 °C per month
Pressure 0.02% of full scale per year
A/D inputs 0.001 volts per month

Resolution (at 24 Hz) Conductivity 0.00004 S/m (0.0004 mmho/cm)

Temperature 0.0002 °C
Pressure 0.001% of full scale
A/D inputs 0.0012 volts
Time Response Conductivity 0.065 second
Temperature 0.065 second
Pressure 0.015 second
A/D inputs 5.5 Hz 2-pole Butterworth Low Pass Filter
Master Clock Error Contribution Conductivity 0.00005 S/m
Temperature 0.00016 °C
Pressure 0.3 dbar (for 6800 m [10,000 psia] pressure sensor)

Dimensions, mm (inches) 9plus 952 x 330 x 305 (37.5 x 13 x 12)

11plus V2 132 x 432 x 432 (5.2 x 17 x 17)

Weight, kg (lbs) In air In water

9plus (aluminum) 25 (55) 16 (35)
9plus (titanium) 29 (65) 20 (45)
17plus V2 (aluminum) 9 (20) 4.5 (10)
17plus V2 (titanium) 12 (26) 7.3 (16)
11plus V2 10 (23) --
single-pole approximation including sensor and acquisition system contributions
based on five-year worst case error budget including ambient temperature influence of 1 ppm total over -20 to +70°C
plus 1 ppm first year drift plus four additional year's drift at 0.3 ppm per year

Miscellaneous Specifications
SBE 9plus power available for auxiliary sensors 1 amp at +14.3 volts
SBE 11plus V2 AC power requirement 130 watts at 115 or 230 VAC 50-400 Hz
Sea cable inner conductor resistance 0 to 350 ohms
Subcarrier modem baud rate 300 baud (30 characters per second, full duplex)


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. E-mail:

13431 NE 20 Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

Premium CTD Temperature Sensor SBE 3plus


The superior performance of the SBE 3plus results from its optimized electronic design,
superior calibration, response characterization, and quality testing program. The SBE 3plus is a
more rigorously tested and calibrated version of our SBE 3F temperature sensor. A sensor is
designated as an SBE 3plus only after demonstrating drift of less than 0.001 °C during a
six-month screening period. In addition, the time response is carefully measured and verified to
be 0.065 ± 0.010 seconds.

Every SBE 3plus is calibrated in Sea-Bird's computer-controlled calibration baths. These super-
low-gradient baths produce temperature calibrations with resolution and accuracy not previously
available to oceanographers.

These sensors can be successfully calibrated as

separate modules because they have built-in
acquisition circuits and frequency outputs. When
used with a Sea-Bird CTD, overall system accuracy
is limited only by the accuracy of the CTD's master
clock. Errors from this source are demonstrably
negligible (in the SBE 911plus CTD, clock error
contribution is 0.00016 °C based on a five-year
worst case error budget including ambient
temperature influence of 1 ppm total over -20 to +70 °C, plus
1 ppm first year drift, plus four additional year’s drift at 0.3 ppm
per year).


Intended primarily for use on the SBE 911plus CTD system, the
SBE 3plus can also be used as a component in custom
oceanographic systems or for high-accuracy industrial and
environmental temperature monitoring applications. Depth
ratings to 6800 meters (aluminum) and 10500 meters (titanium)
are offered to suit different application requirements.


Range -5.0 to +35 °C

Resolution1 0.0003 °C at 24 samples per second
Initial Accuracy2 ± 0.001 °C
Stability Must demonstrate less than 0.001 °C drift during the 6 months prior to delivery
Response Time3 [sec.] 0.065 ± 0.010 (1.0 m/s water velocity)
Self-heating Error <0.0001 °C in still water
Settling Time < 0.5 sec. to within 0.001 °C
Power Required 11 - 16 VDC, 25 ma
Signal Output ± 0.5V square wave
Housing Depth Rating Weight
7075 aluminum 6800 meters 0.63 kg (1.4 lbs) in air; 0.28 kg (0.6 lbs) in water
6Al-4V titanium 10500 meters 0.90 kg(2.0 lbs) in air; 0.55 kg (1.2 lbs) in water
Achieved with Sea-Bird’s SBE 911plus CTD.
NIST-traceable calibration applying over the entire oceanographic range.
Time to reach 63% of final value following a step change in temperature; water velocity 1 m/s.

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. E-mail:

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

Premium CTD Temperature Sensor SBE 3plus


The sensing element is a glass-coated thermistor bead, pressure-protected in a 0.8 mm diameter thin-walled
stainless steel tube. Exponentially related to temperature, the thermistor resistance is the controlling element
in an optimized Wien Bridge oscillator circuit. The resulting sensor frequency is inversely proportional to the
square root of the thermistor resistance and ranges from approximately 2 to 6 kHz, corresponding to
temperature from -5 to +35 °C.


SBE 3plus sensors are calibrated to ITS-90 temperature using Sea-Bird's computer-controlled calibration
bath. Extremely well insulated, the baths provide a uniform toroidal circulation yielding an overall transfer
accuracy against an SPRT within 0.0002 °C. Repeatability at each of twelve individually mapped sensor
positions is better than 0.0001 °C. Sea-Bird's metrology laboratory underpins the temperature calibration
baths. Following consultation with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, the met lab was
configured to achieve temperature precision of 50 µK and accuracy of 0.0005 °C. To obtain this performance,
premium primary references including four Jarrett water triple-point cells (with maintenance bath) and an
Isotech gallium melt cell are operated in conjunction with two YSI 8163 standards-grade platinum resistance
thermometers and an ASL F18 Automatic Temperature Bridge.


The calibration yields four coefficients (g, h, i, j) that are used in the following equation (Bennett):

T = - 273.15, [°C]
g + hln(f0/f) + iln2 (f0/f) + jln3 (f0/f)

where T is temperature [°C], ln is the natural log function, and f is the SBE 3plus output frequency in Hz. Note
that f0, an arbitrary scaling term used for purposes of computational efficiency, was historically chosen as the
lowest sensor frequency generated during calibration. For all calibration results expressed in terms of ITS-90
temperatures, the f0 term is set to 1000. Calibration fit residuals are typically less than 0.0001°C.

ACTUAL CALIBRATION DATA for Sensor Serial Number 2132


g = 4.12744629e-03 h = 6.26321187e-04
i = 2.05376982e-05 j = 2.13741203e-06
f0 = 1000.000


[°C] [Hz] [°C] [°C]

-1.4309 2075.334 -1.4309 -0.00002

1.0784 2195.385 1.0785 0.00004
4.5695 2370.650 4.5695 0.00001
8.1675 2561.590 8.1674 -0.00006
11.5994 2753.736 11.5993 -0.00002
15.1570 2963.518 15.1571 0.00009
18.6607 3180.898 18.6607 -0.00001
22.1592 3408.886 22.1592 -0.00001
25.7189 3652.317 25.7188 -0.00002
29.1334 3896.897 29.1334 -0.00001
32.6673 4161.665 32.6673 0.00001


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. E-mail:

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

Conductivity Sensor SBE 4

SBE 4 series conductivity sensors are modular, self-
contained instruments that measure conductivity from 0 to
7 S/m (Siemens/meter), thus covering the full range of lake
and oceanic applications. The sensors (Version 2; S/N 2000
and higher) have electrically isolated power circuits and
optically coupled outputs to eliminate any possibility of noise
and corrosion caused by ground loops. Interfacing is
also simplified by the square-wave variable frequency Quick disconnect
output signal (nominally 2.5 to 7.5 kHz, corresponding to
0 to 7 S/m). The sensors offer improved temperature SBE 4C;
4M is similar, but does not include Quick disconnect
compensation, smaller fit residuals, and faster turn-on
stabilization times. Supply voltage range is 6 to 24 volts.

The SBE 4C is a primary sensor for the SBE 9plus CTD Underwater Unit and SBE 25 SEALOGGER CTD.
Available in 6800 m aluminum or 10500 m titanium housing, the SBE 4C has a quick-disconnect fitting to
simplify plumbing to the CTD pump. The SBE 4M is intended for long-term moored deployments. Available
with a 3400 m or 6800 m aluminum housing or 10500 m titanium housing, the SBE 4M is supplied without the
quick-disconnect fitting.

The sensing element is a cylindrical flow-

through borosilicate glass cell with three
internal platinum electrodes. The electrode
arrangement offers distinct advantages over
inductive or open external field cells. Because
the outer electrodes are connected together,
electric fields are confined inside the cell,
making the measured resistance (and
instrument calibration) independent of
calibration bath size or proximity to protective
cages or other objects. The cell resistance
controls the output frequency of a Wien Bridge
oscillator circuit. A unique Sea-Bird design
feature introduces a fixed conductivity offset,
permitting the instrument to measure
conductivity down to 0 for fresh water work.


Because of the SBE 4's low noise

characteristics, hybrid frequency measuring
techniques (used in Sea-Bird's CTD
instruments) may be used to obtain rapid
sampling with very high temporal and spatial
resolution. The SBE 4 is ideally suited for
obtaining horizontal data with towed systems or
vertical data with lowered systems. Because of
its small size, it is especially useful for
moorings, portable CTD systems, or through-
the-ice work.

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Fax: (425) 643-9954

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: E-mail:

Conductivity Sensor SBE 4


Measurement Range 0.0 to 7.0 Siemens/meter (S/m) Settling Time 0.7 seconds to within 0.0001 S/m
Initial Accuracy 0.0003 S/m Supply Voltage 6 - 24 VDC
Stability 2 0.0003 S/m/month Supply Current 18 ma at 6V; 12 ma 10 - 24 V
Resolution 3 0.00004 S/m at 24 Hz Signal Output 1V square wave capacitively coupled
Time Response 4 0.060 seconds (pumped)
Typical specifications, referenced to NIST-traceable calibration.
Not applicable in areas of high biofouling activity or highly contaminated waters, or if procedures in Application Note 2D are not followed.
Achieved with SBE 9 CTD. In custom applications, resolution will depend on the frequency measuring technique used.
Time to reach 63% of final value following a step change in conductivity.

Housing Depth Rating Weight

6061-T6 aluminum 3400 meters 0.7 kg (1.6 lbs) in air; 0.34 kg (0.75 lbs) in water
7075-T6 aluminum 6800 meters 0.7 kg (1.6 lbs) in air; 0.34 kg (0.75 lbs) in water
6Al-4V titanium 10500 meters 1.1 kg (2.4 lbs) in air; 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs) in water


Sea-Bird calibrates the sensor over the range of 2.6 to 6 S/m in a computer-controlled bath, using natural
seawater; a water sample at each point is compared to IAPSO seawater using a Guildline AutoSal. A least-
squares fitting technique (also including a zero conductivity point in air) yields calibration coefficients for use
in the following equation:

g + hf 2 + if 3 + jf 4
Conductivity = [S/m]
10 [1 + δt + εp]

where f is instrument frequency [kHz], t is temperature [°C], p is pressure [decibars], and δ is thermal
coefficient of expansion (3.25 x 10 -06) and ε is bulk compressibility (-9.57 x 10 -08) of the borosilicate cell. The
resulting coefficients g, h, i, and j are listed on the calibration certificate. Residuals are typically less than
0.0002 S/m.



Practical Salinity Scale 1978: C(35,15,0) = 4.2914 [Siemens/meter]
g = -1.05697877e+01 i = -4.32023820e-03
h = 1.42707291e+00 j = 4.53455585e-04


[°C68] [ppt] [S/m] [kHz] [S/m] [S/m]

0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 2.72957 0.00000 0.00000

-1.3428 35.2722 2.80855 5.22318 2.80850 -0.00005
1.0942 35.2724 3.01943 5.36370 3.01947 0.00004
15.2226 35.2731 4.34337 6.17207 4.34338 0.00001
18.6914 35.2731 4.69132 6.36724 4.69135 0.00003
29.0800 35.2708 5.77613 6.93974 5.77603 -0.00010
32.6309 35.2657 6.15878 7.13053 6.15885 0.00007


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Fax: (425) 643-9954

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: E-mail:

Submersible Pump SBE 5T (titanium) & SBE 5P (plastic)

The pump module is a compact unit consisting of a centrifugal pump head and a
long-life, brushless, DC, ball-bearing motor. The pump impeller and electric drive
motor are coupled magnetically through the housing, providing high reliability by
eliminating moving seals. The 5T has a 10,500-meter (34,400-ft) titanium housing;
the 5P has a 600-meter (1960-ft) plastic housing. The operational characteristics
of the 5T and 5P are identical.


5T 5P
The pump is a primary component in the SBE 9plus CTD and 25 / 25plus
Sealogger CTD. It is also used as optional equipment on SBE 16plus V2,
16plus-IM V2, and 19plus V2 Seacat CTDs. The pump flushes water through the
conductivity cell at a constant rate, independent of the CTD's motion, improving
dynamic performance. It may also be suitable for custom applications, where
pressure heads are less than 300 cm of water and flow rates are less than
100 ml/sec.

The pump is configured by selecting standard or low voltage, and one of
several motor speed options. Speed options of 1300, 2000, 3000, or
4500 rpm have been established to meet various flow requirements. Other
speeds can be set by adjusting a potentiometer.
• #3 winding, low voltage, 2000 rpm –
typical for SBE 25
• # 3 winding, standard voltage, 2000 rpm –
typical for SBE 16plus V2, 16plus-IM V2, or 19plus V2 with pumped
auxiliary sensor(s), and for SBE 25plus
• #3 winding, standard voltage, 3000 rpm –
typical for SBE 9plus

Motor speed and pumping rate remain nearly constant over the entire input
voltage range (less than 1% change in speed for a 1-volt supply voltage
change). The unrestricted flow rate with no head is 100 ml/second * at
2000 rpm. Flow changes are nearly linear with speed changes. With
unlimited supply current, turn-on surge is 1.8 Amps * (maximum), dropping
to steady state in 0.25 seconds *. If power supply current is limited to
200 milliAmps *, the motor comes up to speed in 0.30 seconds *. A series
diode is installed in the input power line to prevent damage if wires are
accidentally reversed. Pumping rates and motor current for various
applications are shown on the next page.
* approximate

Input Voltage:
Standard input range (#3 winding; 1300 - 3000 RPM): 10 - 18 VDC
Standard input range (#3 winding; 4500 RPM): 12 - 18 VDC
Low input range (#3 or #5 winding; 1300, 2000 RPM only): 6 - 16 VDC
SBE 5T - 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs) in air, 0.3 kg (0.7 lbs) in water;
SBE 5P – 0.5 kg (1.0 lb) in air, 0.1 kg (0.2 lbs) in water

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. E-mail:

13431 NE 20 Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

Submersible Pump SBE 5T (titanium) & SBE 5P (plastic)

#3 Winding, Standard
Voltage, 2000 RPM –
typical for
SBE 16plus V2,
16plus-IM V2, or
19plus V2 with pumped
auxiliary sensor(s), and
for SBE 25plus

#3 Winding, Standard
Voltage, 3000 RPM –
typical for SBE 9plus

#3 Winding, Standard Voltage,

4500 RPM,
flow through cell only:
Voltage Current Draw
(V) (ma)
12 640
15 585


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. E-mail:

13431 NE 20 Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

Absolute Pressure Transducers Series 3000 & 4000


0.01% Accuracy
1 × 10 Resolution
Low Power Consumption
High Stability and Reliability
Quartz Crystal Frequency Outputs
Fully Calibrated and Characterized
NIST Traceable - ISO 9001 Quality System


Well Testing
Energy Exploration
Laboratory Standards
Process Control Systems
Pressure Calibration Systems
the ultimate in precision high pressure measurements.
Typical application accuracy of 0.01% is achieved even
under difficult environmental conditions. Desirable
characteristics include 1×10-8 resolution, low power
consumption, and high reliability. The transducers are
easy to interface with counters and digital computer PSIA MPa

The remarkable performance of these transducers is

achieved through the use of a precision quartz crystal
resonator whose frequency of oscillation varies with
pressure induced stress. A quartz crystal temperature
signal is provided to thermally compensate the
calculated pressure and achieve high accuracy over a
broad range of temperatures. The transducers include
integral shock protection to withstand acceleration,
shock, and vibrational loads.

High precision and resolution are mandatory for

applications such as oil, gas, and geothermal well
exploration and reservoir analysis. Accuracy
comparable to the primary standards make
performance laboratory and calibration test systems.

All ranges have been packaged in a variety of

configurations including Intelligent Transmitters, MODEL DESIGNATION*
Depth Sensors, Portable Standards, and Fiber-Optic
*See Series 2000 Absolute transducers
Systems. All DIGIQUARTZ® products come with a for pressure ranges below 1000 psia (7 MPa)
limited five year warranty with the first two years
covered at 100%.

Paroscientific, Inc.
Digiquartz Pressure Instrumentation

Digiquartz Pressure Instrumentation


Repeatability ±0.01% of Full Scale Overpressure 1.2 × Full Scale

Hysteresis ±0.01% of Full Scale
Acceleration Sensitivity ±0.008% of Full Scale / g Power requirements +6 Volts DC @1.3mA
(Three Axis Average) (Operates from +25 V max to +6 min V.)
Max. Temp. Sensitivity Using
Compensation Equation Provided ± 0.0008% of Full Scale/ °C Weight 8 oz. (227 grams) max.

Calibrated Temperature Range
Pressure signal is a nominal 10% frequency change
within the band 30KHz to 42KHz.
Model Number Standard Temp. High Temp.
Temperature signal is a nominal 45 ppm / °C sensitivity within
31K -54°C to 107°C 0°C to 150°C
the band 168KHz to 172KHz.
42K - 410K 0°C to 125°C 0°C to 150°C
Output signal is a nominal square wave of 4 volts amplitude
411K - 420K 0°C to 50°C 0°C to 177°C peak to peak, capacitively coupled with source impedance less
430K - 440K 0°C to 50°C —- —- than 1000 ohms.

Conformance and temperature compensation equations and

calibration coefficients are provided with each transducer.


Listed below are standard model and part numbers.


0-1000 0-7 31K 1139-001
0-2000 0-14 42K 1220-001
0-3000 0-21 43K 1221-001
0-6000 0-41 46K 1222-001
0-10000 0-69 410K 1223-001
0-11000 0-77 411K 1224-001
0-15000 0-103 415K 1225-001
0-20000 0-138 420K 1226-001
0-30000 0-207 430K 1227-001
0-40000 0-276 440K 1228-001

Add -0 to the Part Number for Oil Filling

Dimensions are in inches - parenthesized dimensions are in centimeters. (Liquid Applications)

For more information on Paroscientific products, contact your Consult factory for High Temperature Model / Part Numbers
local Digiquartz® representative or the application engineers at: and special configurations.

Paroscientific, Inc.
4500 148th Ave. N.E.
Redmond, WA 98052
Tel: (425) 883-8700
Fax: (425) 867-5407

Product defined by Specification Control Drawing. Specifications subject to change without prior notice. Manufactured under one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 4,089,058
4,215,570 - 4,321,500 - 4,372,173 - 4,382,385 - 4,384,495 - 4,406,966 -4,454,770 - 4,455,874 - 4,479,391 - 4,526,247 - 4,531,073 - 4,592,663 - 4,596,925 - 4,651,569 - 4,669,316 -
4,706,259 - 4,713,540 - 4,717,240 - 4,724,351 - 4,727,752 - 4,733,561 - 4,743,752 - 4,751,849 - 4,757,228 - 4,764,244 - 4,831,252 - 4,872,343 - 4,912,990 - 4,929,860 - 5,113,698.
Other patents pending. ® Registered Trademark of Paroscientific, Inc. © Copyright 1997 by Paroscientific, Inc.

Sea-Bird Dissolved Oxygen Sensor SBE 43

The SBE 43 sets the oxygen measurement standard for oceanographic research.
The SBE 43 sensor is a complete redesign of the Clark polarographic membrane type,
in which careful choices of materials, geometry, and sensor chemistry are combined
with superior electronics interfacing and calibration methodology to yield major gains
in performance.
Calibration stability is improved by an order of magnitude, and the sensor requires
less frequent calibration. Calibration drift is caused primarily by membrane fouling from
ocean contaminants, and less so by chemical processes inside the sensor. If the
membrane is kept clean, the sensor’s improved chemical stability yields demonstrated
calibration drift rates of less than 0.5% over 1000 hours of operation (on time).
Temperature response is dramatically improved. The chemical and physical processes
that underlay the oxygen measurement are very sensitive to temperature. Accurate
characterization of the internal sensor temperatures that control these processes, especially when water temperature is
changing rapidly, is a key accomplishment of the design. Not only does the SBE 43 sensor measure temperature in the
right place: the temperature equilibration time of the entire sensor head has been reduced to a few seconds, so it tracks
changing water temperature much more faithfully.
Hysteresis is largely eliminated in the upper ocean (1000 meters) due to improved temperature response of the sensor.
Residual mismatch between up and down casts in this part of the ocean is due to sensor alignment, correctable in post-
processing. At higher pressures, changes occur in gas-permeable Teflon membranes that affect their permeability
characteristics. These changes have long time constants, depend on the sensor’s time-pressure history, and result
in hysteresis at depths greater than 1000 meters. These effects are predictable and are also correctable in post-
processing. The resultant SBE 43 measurement resolves oxygen features more precisely, reducing the ambiguity about
locking measured sensor values to bottle Winklers.
Continuous polarization eliminates stabilization wait-time after power-up. The sensor is always ready for immediate use.
Earlier sensors required several minutes to polarize following power-up. During that time, sensor readings were inaccurate.
In the SBE 43, micropower electronics and an internal, five-year, board-mounted battery eliminate power-up delay.
Poisoning in hydrogen sulfide environments was a phenomenon common to early oxygen sensor designs that used
silver as the cathode element. The SBE 43 uses a noble metal (gold) as the cathode and silver as the anode, and shows
no degradation of signal or calibration when used for profiling in hydrogen sulfide environments.

0.00 Oxygen [ml/l] 6.00



200 Equatorial Pacific

Oxygen 2° 0.9’ N, 110° 2.2’ W
300 25 Oct 2000
Pressure [db]

24 Hz SBE 911plus data; oxygen

Temperature measurements were time shifted
6 seconds relative to pressure
500 to account for water transit time
through TC Duct and plumbing.
600 No other processing was
700 surface oxsat = 4.7 ml/l

0 Temperature, ITS-90 [ C] 30

32 Salinity, PSS-78 35

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Email:

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

Sea-Bird Dissolved Oxygen Sensor SBE 43

Signal resolution is increased by on-board temperature compensation, and a CTD channel is made available for other
purposes because there is no temperature output signal. Even when oxygen concentration is constant, the normal range of
ocean temperatures causes the output of earlier sensors to vary by a factor of two. The SBE 43’s internal temperature
compensation eliminates this variation, allowing the sensor to pre-amplify the signal proportionately; resolution with existing
CTD systems is correspondingly increased.
Effective bio-fouling strategies allow for longer moored deployments. Plumbing isolates the SBE 43 from continuous
exposure to the external fouling environment; allows trapped water to go anoxic, minimizing electrolyte consumption
between samples; and holds anti-foulant in the trapped water. The black plenum and installing black tubing blocks light,
reducing in-situ algal growth.
A 5-year warranty backs the sensor’s integrity. During the warranty period, one sensor re-charge (electrolyte refill, membrane
replacement, and recalibration) will be performed at Sea-Bird free of charge.
Configuration Options
The SBE 43 voltage output sensor can be integrated with any Sea-Bird CTD that accepts input from a 0 - 5 volt auxiliary
sensor (for example, SBE 9plus, 16/16plus/16plus V2, 16plus-IM/16plus-IM V2, 19/19plus/19plus V2, or 25). SBE 43
configuration choices include:
• Housing: 7000-meter titanium or 600-meter plastic housing
• Connector: XSG or wet-pluggable MCBH connector
• Membrane: 0.5-mil (fast response, typically for profiling applications) or 1-mil (slower response but more rugged for
enhanced long-term stability, typically for moored applications)
The SBE 43F frequency output sensor can be integrated with an SBE 52-MP or used for OEM applications (requires OEM
circuit board). The SBE 43F is available with a 600-meter plastic or 7000-meter titanium housing.
Measurement range: 120% of surface saturation in all natural waters, fresh and salt
Initial accuracy: 2% of saturation
Typical stability: 0.5% per 1000 hours (clean membrane)
Input power: 6.5 - 24 VDC, 60 milliwatts
Output signal: 0 - 5 VDC (SBE 43), frequency (SBE 43F)
Housing/depth rating: 600-meter plastic or 7000-meter titanium housing (10,500-meter titanium housing available on request)
Weight (in air): SBE 43 — 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs) with titanium housing, 0.5 kg (1.0 lb) with plastic housing
SBE 43F — 0.4 kg (0.9 lbs) with titanium housing
SBE 43 Voltage Output
39 mm
44.5 mm (1.54 in.)
(1.75 in.) diameter

SBE 43F Frequency Output Sensor 3 2 4 1

(for SBE 52-MP and OEM applications) 4 1 3 2
299 mm
(11.8 in.)
Standard connector: Optional
XSG-4-HP-SS wet-pluggable
22.4 mm MCBH-4MP (WB), TI
(3/8" length base,
(0.89 in.) 1/2-20 thread)

Pin Signal
245 mm 1 Ground
18.5 mm
(9.6 in.) 2 O2 signal
(0.73 in.)
3 O2 return
69.9 mm 4 Power
(2.75 in.) 2.5 mm
(0.10 in.)
9.3 mm
(0.37 in.)

13 mm
9.3 mm (0.51 in.)
(0.37 in.) 69.9 mm
(2.75 in.) 05/09

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Email:

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Telephone: (425) 643-9866
Website: Fax: (425) 643-9954

SBE 3 Temperature Calibration - S/N 03P5386.....................................................................

SBE 4 Conductivity Calibration - S/N 043944.......................................................................


Digiquartz Calibration - S/N 120427......................................................................................


SBE 5T Configuration - S/N 056184......................................................................................


SBE 43 Oxygen Calibration - S/N 432208.............................................................................


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005-2010 USA
Phone: (+1) 425-643-9866 Fax (+1) 425-643-9954 Email:




g = 4.30483056e-003 a = 3.68121297e-003
h = 6.23726193e-004 b = 5.89354243e-004
i = 1.89010103e-005 c = 1.46501332e-005
j = 1.38481106e-006 d = 1.38610936e-006
f0 = 1000.0 f0 = 2799.751


(ITS-90) (Hz) (ITS-90) (ITS-90)
-1.5000 2799.751 -1.5000 -0.00005
1.0000 2964.139 1.0001 0.00006
4.5000 3205.903 4.5000 0.00002
8.0000 3461.612 8.0000 -0.00002
11.5000 3731.675 11.5000 -0.00001
15.0000 4016.488 15.0000 0.00002
18.5000 4316.427 18.4999 -0.00007
22.0000 4631.894 22.0000 -0.00002
25.5000 4963.251 25.5001 0.00007
29.0000 5310.843 29.0001 0.00005
32.5000 5675.019 32.4999 -0.00005
2 3
Temperature ITS-90 = 1/{g + h[ln(f /f)] + i[ln (f /f)] + j[ln (f /f)]} - 273.15 (°C)
0 0 0
2 3
Temperature IPTS-68 = 1/{a + b[ln(f /f)] + c[ln (f /f)] + d[ln (f /f)]} - 273.15 (°C)
0 0 0
Following the recommendation of JPOTS: T is assumed to be 1.00024 * T (-2 to 35 °C)
68 90
Residual = instrument temperature - bath temperature
Date, Offset(mdeg C)
0.02 08-Oct-11 -0.00

Residual, (Degrees C)



-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Temperature, Degrees C

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005-2010 USA
Phone: (+1) 425-643-9866 Fax (+1) 425-643-9954 Email:


CALIBRATION DATE: 05-Oct-11 PSS 1978: C(35,15,0) = 4.2914 Seimens/meter


g = -1.05080275e+001 a = 1.89090084e-005
h = 1.63967971e+000 b = 1.63776101e+000
i = -9.06939522e-004 c = -1.05050658e+001
j = 1.67672548e-004 d = -8.53243273e-005
CPcor = -9.5700e-008 (nominal) m = 4.7
CTcor = 3.2500e-006 (nominal) CPcor = -9.5700e-008 (nominal)

(ITS-90) (PSU) (Siemens/m) (kHz) (Siemens/m) (Siemens/m)
0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 2.53246 0.00000 0.00000
-1.0000 34.8669 2.80827 4.85200 2.80825 -0.00002
1.0000 34.8673 2.97991 4.95864 2.97993 0.00002
15.0000 34.8695 4.27745 5.70012 4.27744 -0.00001
18.5000 34.8695 4.62466 5.88261 4.62467 0.00001
29.0000 34.8684 5.70989 6.41932 5.70988 -0.00000
32.5000 34.8625 6.08313 6.59373 6.08314 0.00000

2 3 4
Conductivity = (g + hf + if + jf ) /10(1 + δt + εp) Siemens/meter
m 2
Conductivity = (af + bf + c + dt) / [10 (1 +εp) Siemens/meter
t = temperature[°C)]; p = pressure[decibars]; δ = CTcor; ε = CPcor;
Residual = (instrument conductivity - bath conductivity) using g, h, i, j coefficients
Date, Slope Correction
0.002 05-Oct-11 1.0000000

Residual, (S/m)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Conductivity (Siemens/m)


13431 NE 20th St, Bellevue Washington 98005 USA
Phone: (425) 643-9866 Fax: (425) 643-9954 Email:

Digiquartz Pressure Calibration dP/dT Corrected Coefficients

(Changed coefficients are posted in italics)

Pressure Transducer Serial Number: 120427

Original Calibration Date: 2011-03-31
Date of Correction: 2011-10-22
Installed in: SBE 9Plus S/N 1066


C1 -43089.75 psia
C2 1.1597026e+00 psia/deg C
C3 1.4179e-02 psia/deg C2

D1 0.034293
D2 0.0

T1 29.9924 µsec
T2 1.017805e-04 µsec/deg C
T3 3.988e-06 µsec/deg C2
T4 4.21901e-09 µsec/deg C3
T5 0e+00

AD590M = 0.012795
AD590B = -9.510273
Slope = 1.0
Offset = 0.0

Corrected at Sea-Bird Electronics as per Paroscientific Calibration and Sea-Bird Electronics dP/dT tests.
The original calibration from Paroscientific assumes an operating temperature range of 0 to 125 degrees C.
dP/dT correction adjusts this operating range to a nominal range of 0 to 22 degrees C. This increases the
accuracy of the transducer in this temperature range.

NOTE: Original coefficients from Paroscientific are attached to this form for informational purposes and
should not be used.

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

1808 136th Place NE, Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Tel: (425) 643-9866
Website: Email:
Fax: (425) 643-9866


Customer: SHOA Delivery Date: 10/25/2011
Serial Number: 6184 MRP PN: 90741
Job Number: 64093

Pressure Case: 10,500 meters (titanium)

Pittman Motor Type:
P/N 3711B113-R1, 18.02 ohms nominal (For applications up to 2000 RPM MAX)
5 Winding, low voltage input (jump P5 to P7)
(80676 assy/3711B113-R1 motor)

5 Winding, standard voltage input (jump P5 to P6)

(80676 assy/3711B113-R1 motor)
P/N 3711B112-R1, 7.40 ohms nominal (For applications up to 4500 RPM MAX)
3 Winding, low voltage input (jump P5 to P7)
(80675 assy/3711B112-R1 motor)

3 Winding, standard voltage input (jump P5 to P6)

(80675 assy/3711B112-R1 motor)
P/N 3711B112-R2, 3.55 ohms nominal (For applications up to 4500 RPM MAX)
3 Winding, low voltage input (jump P5 to P7)
(801572 assy/3711B112-R2 motor)

3 Winding, standard voltage input (jump P5 to P6)

(801572 assy/3711B112-R2 motor)

Speed Adjust Range: Min: 870 RPM Max: 4800 RPM ( @ 12 Vin/300mA load)
Final Speed Setting: 3000 RPM (TP1 = 100.0 Hz)

Low voltage pumps only:

Motor speed at 7.5 Vin with no load: 0 RPM (TP1 = 0.0 Hz)

Motor speed at 7.5 Vin with 200mA load: 0 RPM (TP1 = 0.0 Hz)

Motor dropout voltage: 9.4


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th Street, Bellevue, WA 98005-2010 USA
Phone: (+1) 425-643-9866 Fax (+1) 425-643-9954 Email:




Soc = 0.4512 B = 1.7065e-004 D1 = 1.92634e-4 H1 = -3.30000e-2
Voffset = -0.5086 C = -2.7586e-006 D2 = -4.64803e-2 H2 = 5.00000e+3
Tau20 = 1.71 E nominal = 0.036 H3 = 1.45000e+3


(ml/l) ITS-90 PSU OUTPUT(VOLTS) OXYGEN(ml/l) (ml/l)
1.22 2.00 0.00 0.790 1.22 0.00
1.22 12.00 0.00 0.876 1.23 0.00
1.23 6.00 0.00 0.827 1.23 0.00
1.25 20.00 0.00 0.956 1.26 0.00
1.26 30.00 0.00 1.049 1.26 0.00
1.27 26.00 0.00 1.016 1.27 0.00
4.13 6.00 0.00 1.573 4.12 -0.01
4.13 2.00 0.00 1.458 4.12 -0.01
4.14 12.00 0.00 1.750 4.14 -0.01
4.18 20.00 0.00 1.992 4.17 -0.01
4.21 26.00 0.00 2.188 4.21 -0.00
4.22 30.00 0.00 2.318 4.22 -0.00
6.89 30.00 0.00 3.460 6.88 -0.00
6.93 26.00 0.00 3.275 6.94 0.01
6.95 20.00 0.00 2.983 6.95 -0.00
6.95 12.00 0.00 2.596 6.96 0.00
7.02 6.00 0.00 2.325 7.03 0.01
7.11 2.00 0.00 2.149 7.12 0.00

2 3
Oxygen (ml/l) = Soc * (V + Voffset) * (1.0 + A * T + B * T + C * T ) * OxSol(T,S) * exp(E * P / K)
V = voltage output from SBE43, T = temperature [deg C], S = salinity [PSU] K = temperature [deg K]
OxSol(T,S) = oxygen saturation [ml/l], P = pressure [dbar], Residual = instrument oxygen - bath oxygen
Date, Delta Ox (ml/l)
0.2 12-Oct-11 1.0000

Residual, (ml/l)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Oxygen (ml/l)

SBE 9plus Pressure Test Certificate - S/N 1066.....................................................................

SBE 3 Pressure Test Certificate - S/N 03P5386.....................................................................


SBE 4 Pressure Test Certificate - S/N 043944.......................................................................


SBE 5T Pressure Test Certificate - S/N 056184.....................................................................


SBE 43 Pressure Test Certificate - S/N 432208.....................................................................


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th St. Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Phone: (425) 643-9866
FAX: (425) 643-9954
Website: Email:

SBE Pressure Test Certificate

Test Date: 10/11/2011 Description SBE-9Plus CTD

Job Number: 64093 Customer Name SHOA

SBE Sensor Information: Pressure Sensor Information:

Model Number: 09 Sensor Type: DigiQuartz

Serial Number: 1066 Sensor Serial Number: 120427
Sensor Rating: 10000

Pressure Test Protocol:

Low Pressure Test: 15 PSI Held For: 50 Minutes

High Pressure Test: 10000 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

Passed Test:

Tested By: rl

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th St. Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Phone: (425) 643-9866
FAX: (425) 643-9954
Website: Email:

SBE Pressure Test Certificate

Test Date: 5/28/2010 Description SBE-3 Temperature Sensor

Job Number: 64093 Customer Name SHOA

SBE Sensor Information: Pressure Sensor Information:

Model Number: 03 Sensor Type: None

Serial Number: 5386 Sensor Serial Number: None
Sensor Rating: 0

Pressure Test Protocol:

Low Pressure Test: 40 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

High Pressure Test: 10000 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

Passed Test:

Tested By: VG

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th St. Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Phone: (425) 643-9866
FAX: (425) 643-9954
Website: Email:

SBE Pressure Test Certificate

Test Date: 4/20/2011 Description SBE-4 Conductivity Sensor

Job Number: 64093 Customer Name SHOA

SBE Sensor Information: Pressure Sensor Information:

Model Number: 04 Sensor Type: None

Serial Number: 3944 Sensor Serial Number: None
Sensor Rating: 0

Pressure Test Protocol:

Low Pressure Test: 40 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

High Pressure Test: 10000 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

Passed Test:

Tested By: VG

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th St. Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Phone: (425) 643-9866
FAX: (425) 643-9954
Website: Email:

SBE Pressure Test Certificate

Test Date: 9/22/2011 Description SBE-5T Submersible Pump

Job Number: 64093 Customer Name SHOA

SBE Sensor Information: Pressure Sensor Information:

Model Number: 5T Sensor Type: None

Serial Number: 6184 Sensor Serial Number: None
Sensor Rating: 0

Pressure Test Protocol:

Low Pressure Test: 40 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

High Pressure Test: 10000 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

Passed Test:

Tested By: VG

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.

13431 NE 20th St. Bellevue, Washington 98005 USA Phone: (425) 643-9866
FAX: (425) 643-9954
Website: Email:

SBE Pressure Test Certificate

Test Date: 10/11/2011 Description SBE-43 DO Sensor

Job Number: 64093 Customer Name SHOA

SBE Sensor Information: Pressure Sensor Information:

Model Number: 43 Sensor Type: None

Serial Number: 2208 Sensor Serial Number: None
Sensor Rating: 0

Pressure Test Protocol:

Low Pressure Test: 50 PSI Held For: 15 Minutes

High Pressure Test: 10000 PSI Held For: 30 Minutes

Passed Test:

Tested By: gw

Appnote 2DConductivity..................................................................................................................................................................

Appnote 6Sound Velocity................................................................................................................................................................


Appnote 10Conductivity..................................................................................................................................................................

Appnote 141978 Practical Salinity Scale.........................................................................................................................................


Appnote 20Digiquartz Pressure........................................................................................................................................................


Appnote 31Coefficient Corrections..................................................................................................................................................


Appnote 34Cell Storage...................................................................................................................................................................


Appnote 35General Oceanics Rosette..............................................................................................................................................


Appnote 36aConductivity Tubing Kit..............................................................................................................................................


Appnote 38Fundamentals of TC-Duct.............................................................................................................................................


Appnote 405T-5P Pump Speed Adjustment.....................................................................................................................................


Appnote 42ITS-90 Temperature Scale.............................................................................................................................................


Appnote 57Connector Care..............................................................................................................................................................


Appnote 69Pressure to Depth Conversion.......................................................................................................................................


Appnote 71Desiccant Use and Regeneration...................................................................................................................................


Appnote 73Pressure Sensor Elevations Above Sea Level...............................................................................................................


Appnote 75Maintenance of SBE 5T, 5P and 5M Pumps.................................................................................................................


Appnote 86Inverted Bottom Contact Switch Connectors................................................................................................................


Appnote 64SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen............................................................................................................................................


Appnote 64-1SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen.........................................................................................................................................


Appnote 64-2SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen.........................................................................................................................................


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 2D Revised October 2010

Instructions for Care and Cleaning of Conductivity Cells

This application note presents new recommendations (as of October 2006), based on our recent research, for cleaning and
storing conductivity sensors. In the past, Sea-Bird had recommended cleaning and storing conductivity sensors with a Triton
X-100 solution, and cleaning conductivity sensors with an acid solution. Our latest research leads us to recommend adding
the use of a dilute bleach solution to eliminate growth of bio-organisms, and eliminating the use of acid in most cases.

The application note is divided into three sections:

 General discussion
 Rinsing, cleaning, and storage procedures
 Cleaning materials

General Discussion

Since any conductivity sensor’s output reading is proportional to its cell dimensions, it is important to keep the cell clean of
internal coatings. Also, cell electrodes contaminated with oil, biological growths, or other foreign material will cause low
conductivity readings. A desire to provide better control of growth of bio-organisms in the conductivity cell led us to develop
revised rinsing and cleaning recommendations.
 A dilute bleach solution is extremely effective in controlling the growth of bio-organisms in the conductivity cell. Lab
testing at Sea-Bird indicates no damaging effect from use of a dilute bleach solution in cleaning the conductivity cell. Sea-
Bird now recommends cleaning the conductivity sensor in a bleach solution.
 Triton X-100 is a mild, non-ionic surfactant (detergent), valuable for removal of surface and airborne oil ingested into the
CTD plumbing as the CTD is removed from the water and brought on deck. Sea-Bird had previously recommended, and
continues to recommend, rinsing and cleaning the conductivity sensor in a Triton solution.
 Sea-Bird had previously recommended acid cleaning for eliminating bio-organisms or mineral deposits on the inside of
the cell. However, bleach cleaning has proven to be effective in eliminating growth of bio-organisms; bleach is much
easier to use and to dispose of than acid. Furthermore, data from many years of use shows that mineral deposits are an
unusual occurrence. Therefore, Sea-Bird now recommends that, in most cases, acid should not be used to clean the
conductivity sensor. In rare instances, acid cleaning may still be required for mineral contamination of the
conductivity cell. Sea-Bird recommends that you return the equipment to the factory for this cleaning if it is

Sea-Bird had previously recommended storing the conductivity cell filled with water to keep the cell wetted, unless the cell
was in an environment where freezing is a possibility (the cell could break if the water freezes). However, no adverse affects
have been observed as a result of dry storage, if the cell is rinsed with fresh, clean water before storage to remove any salt
crystals. This leads to the following revised conductivity cell storage recommendations:
 Short term storage (less than 1 day, typically between casts): If there is no danger of freezing, store the conductivity cell
with a dilute bleach solution in Tygon tubing looped around the cell. If there is danger of freezing, store the conductivity
cell dry, with Tygon tubing looped around the cell.
 Long term storage (longer than 1 day): Since conditions of transport and long term storage are not always under the
control of the user, we now recommend storing the conductivity cell dry, with Tygon tubing looped around the cell ends.
Dry storage eliminates the possibility of damage due to unforeseen freezing, as well as the possibility of bio-organism
growth inside the cell. Filling the cell with a Triton X-100 solution for 1 hour before deployment will rewet the cell
Note that the Tygon tubing looped around the ends of the conductivity cell, whether dry or filled with a bleach or Triton
solution, has the added benefit of keeping air-borne contaminants (abundant on most ships) from entering the cell.


Rinsing, Cleaning, and Storage Procedures

SBE 4 Conductivity Sensor
Note: See Cleaning Materials below for discussion of appropriate sources /
concentrations of water, Triton X-100, bleach, and tubing.

CAUTIONS: Soaker tube

 The conductivity cell is primarily glass, and can break if mishandled.
Use the correct size Tygon tubing; using tubing with a smaller ID will
make it difficult to remove the tubing, and the cell end may break if excessive force is used. The correct size tubing for
use in cleaning / storing all conductivity cells produced since 1980 is 7/16" ID, 9/16" OD. Instruments shipped prior to
1980 had smaller retaining ridges at the ends of the cell, and 3/8" ID tubing is required for these older instruments.
 Do not put a brush or object (e.g., Q-Tip) inside the conductivity cell to clean it or dry it. Touching and bending the
electrodes can change the calibration; large bends and movement of the electrodes can damage the cell.
 If an SBE 43 dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor is plumbed to the CTD - Before soaking the conductivity cell for more
than 1 minute in Triton X-100 solution, disconnect the tubing between the conductivity cell and DO sensor to prevent
extended Triton contact with the DO sensor membrane (extended Triton contact can damage the membrane). See
Application Note 64 for rinsing, cleaning, and storage recommendations for the SBE 43.
 IDO MicroCATs (37-SMP-IDO, 37-SIP-IDO, 37-IMP-IDO) have an integrated dissolved oxygen sensor. Do not follow
the rinsing, cleaning, and storage recommendations in this application note for IDO MicroCATs; extended Triton
contact with the DO sensor membrane can damage it, and the recommended solution temperature can cause a temporary
increase in sensitivity. See Application Note 64 for rinsing, cleaning, and storage recommendations for IDO MicroCATs.

Active Use (after each cast)

1. Rinse: Remove the plumbing (Tygon tubing) from the exhaust end of the conductivity cell. Flush the cell with a
0.1% Triton X-100 solution. Rinse thoroughly with fresh, clean water and drain.
 If not rinsed between uses, salt crystals may form on the conductivity cell platinized electrode surfaces. When the
instrument is used next, sensor accuracy may be temporarily affected until these crystals dissolve.
2. Store: The intent of these storage recommendations is to keep contamination from aerosols and spray/wash on the ship
deck from harming the sensor’s calibration.
 No danger of freezing: Fill the cell with a 500 – 1000 ppm bleach solution, using a loop of Tygon tubing attached to
each end of the conductivity sensor to close the cell ends.
 Danger of freezing: Remove larger droplets of water by blowing through the cell. Do not use compressed air, which
typically contains oil vapor. Attach a loop of Tygon tubing to each end of the conductivity cell to close the cell ends.

Routine Cleaning (no visible deposits or marine growths on sensor)

1. Agitate a 500 – 1000 ppm Bleach solution warmed to 40 C through the cell in a washing action (this can be
accomplished with Tygon tubing and a syringe kit – see Application Note 34) for 2 minutes. Drain and flush with
warm (not hot) fresh, clean water for 5 minutes.
2. Agitate a 1%-2% Triton X-100 solution warmed to 40 C through the cell many times in a washing action (this can
be accomplished with Tygon tubing and a syringe kit). Fill the cell with the solution and let it soak for 1 hour.
Drain and flush with warm (not hot) fresh, clean water for 5 minutes.

Cleaning Severely Fouled Sensors (visible deposits or marine growths on sensor)

Repeat the Routine Cleaning procedure up to 5 times.

Long-Term Storage (after field use)

1. Rinse: Remove the plumbing (Tygon tubing) from the exhaust end of the conductivity cell. Flush the cell with a 0.1%
Triton X-100 solution. Rinse thoroughly with fresh, clean water and drain. Remove larger droplets of water by blowing
through the cell. Do not use compressed air, which typically contains oil vapor.
2. Store: Attach a loop of Tygon tubing to each end of the conductivity cell to close the cell ends and prevent contaminants
from entering the cell.
 Storing the cell dry prevents the growth of any bio-organisms, thus preserving the calibration.
3. When ready to deploy again: Fill the cell with a 0.1% Triton X-100 solution for 1 hour before deployment. Drain the
Triton X-100 solution; there is no need to rinse the cell.


Cleaning Materials


De-ionized (DI) water, commercially distilled water, or fresh, clean, tap water is recommended for rinsing, cleaning, and
storing sensors.
 On ships, fresh water is typically made in large quantities by a distillation process, and stored in large tanks. This
water may be contaminated with small amounts of oil, and should not be used for rinsing, cleaning, or storing

Where fresh water is in extremely limited supply (for example, a remote location in the Arctic), you can substitute
clean seawater for rinsing and cleaning sensors. If not immediately redeploying the instrument, follow up with a
brief fresh water rinse to eliminate the possibility of salt crystal formation (salt crystal formation could cause small shifts in
 The seawater must be extremely clean, free of oils that can coat the conductivity cell. To eliminate any bio-
organisms in the water, Sea-Bird recommends boiling the water or filtering it with a 0.5 micron filter.

Triton X-100

Triton X-100 is Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate, a mild, non-ionic surfactant (detergent). Triton X-100 is included with
every CTD shipment and can be ordered from Sea-Bird, but may be available locally from a chemical supply
or lab products company. It is manufactured by Mallinckrodt Baker (see for local distributors). Other liquid detergents can
probably be used, but scientific grades (with no colors, perfumes, glycerins, lotions, etc.) are required because of their known
composition. It is better to use a non-ionic detergent, since conductivity readings taken immediately after use are less likely to
be affected by any residual detergent left in the cell.

100% Triton X-100 is supplied by Sea-Bird; dilute the Triton as directed in Rinsing, Cleaning, and Storage Procedures.


Bleach is a common household product used to whiten and disinfect laundry. Commercially available bleach is typically 4 % -
7% (40,000 – 70,000 ppm) sodium hypochlorite (Na-O-Cl) solution that includes stabilizers. Some common commercial
product names are Clorox (U.S.) and eau de Javel (French).

Dilute to 500 – 1000 ppm. For example, if starting with 5% (50,000 ppm) sodium hypochlorite, diluting 50 to 1
(50 parts water to 1 part bleach) yields a 1000 ppm (50,000 pm / 50 = 1000 ppm) solution.

Tygon Tubing

Sea-Bird recommends use of Tygon tubing, because it remains flexible over a wide temperature range and with age. Tygon is
manufactured by Saint-Gobain (see It is supplied by Sea-Bird, but may be available locally from a chemical
supply or lab products company.

Keep the Tygon in a clean place (so that it does not pick up contaminants) while the instrument is in use.



In rare instances, acid cleaning is required for mineral contamination of the conductivity cell. Sea-Bird recommends that
you return the equipment to the factory for this cleaning. Information below is provided if you cannot return the
equipment to Sea-Bird.

 SBE 37-IMP, 37-SMP, 37-SIP, 37-IMP-IDO, 37-SMP-IDO, or 37-SIP-IDO MicroCAT; SBE 49 FastCAT;
SBE 52-MP Moored Profiler CTD; or other instruments with an integral, internal pump - Do not perform
acid cleaning. Acid cleaning may damage the internal, integral pump. Return these instruments to Sea-Bird for
servicing if acid cleaning is required.
 SBE 9plus or SBE 25 CTD – Remove the SBE 4 conductivity cell from the CTD and remove the TC Duct before
performing the acid cleaning procedure.
 All instruments which include AF24173 Anti-Foulant Devices – Remove the AF24173 Anti-Foulant Devices
before performing the acid cleaning procedure. See the instrument manual for details and handling precautions when
removing AF24173 Anti-Foulant Devices.

WARNING! Observe all precautions for working with strong acid. Avoid breathing acid fumes. Work in a well-
ventilated area.

The acid cleaning procedure for the conductivity cell uses approximately 50 - 100 cc of acid. Sea-Bird recommends using a
20% concentration of HCl. However, acid in the range of 10% to full strength (38%) is acceptable.

If starting with a strong concentration of HCl that you want to dilute:

For each 100 cc of concentrated acid, to get a 20% solution, mix with this amount of water -
Water = [(conc% / 20%) – 1 ] * [100 + 10 (conc% / 20% )] cc
Always add acid to water; never add water to acid.

Example -- concentrated solution 31.5% that you want to dilute to 20%:

[(31.5% / 20%) – 1 ] * [100 + 10 (31.5% / 20% )] = 66.6 cc of water.
So, adding 100 cc of 31.5% HCl to 66.6 cc of water provides 166.6 cc of the desired concentration.
For 100 cc of solution:
100 cc * (100 / 166.6) = 60 cc of 31.5% HCl 66.6 cc * (100 / 166.6) = 40 cc of water

For acid disposal, dilute the acid heavily or neutralize with bicarbonate of soda (baking soda).

1. Prepare for cleaning:

A. Place a 0.6 m (2 ft) length of Tygon tubing over the end of the cell.
B. Clamp the instrument so that the cell is vertical, with the Tygon tubing at the bottom end.
C. Loop the Tygon tubing into a U shape, and tape the open end of the tubing in place at the same height as the
top of the glass cell.
2. Clean the cell:
A. Pour 10% to 38% HCl solution into the open end of the tubing until the cell is nearly filled. Let it soak for 1
minute only.
B. Drain the acid from the cell and flush for 5 minutes with warm (not hot), clean, de-ionized water.
C. Rinse the exterior of the instrument to remove any spilled acid from the surface.
D. Fill the cell with a 1% Triton X-100 solution and let it stand for 5 minutes.
E. Drain and flush with warm, clean, de-ionized water for 1 minute.
F. Carefully remove the 0.6 m (2 ft) length of Tygon tubing.
3. Prepare for deployment, or follow recommendations above for storage.


Application Note Revision History

Date Description
January 1998 Initial release.
October 2002 Remove reference to part number for the small anti-foul cylinders (which have been eliminated)
in Tygon tubing.
January 2005 Change in recommendations. Clean with bleach solution as well as Triton. Acid cleaning is not
recommended in general, but some information on acid is still provided for the few cases where
it is necessary. A section on Materials added, defining water, Triton, etc. in more detail.
July 2005 Include information on common names of commercially available bleach
October 2006 Update manufacturer name and website link for Triton
September 2008 Add SBE 52-MP to list of instruments with integral, internal pump that should not have acid
October 2010 - Add reference to IDO MicroCATs, with caution to following cleaning and storage procedures
in Application Note 64 instead of in this application note.
- Update address.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 6 Revised August 2004


Use of CTD measurement for determination of sound velocity is appealing because these instruments are
simpler and more rugged, and because their resolution, accuracy, and stability lead to far better precision
than can be obtained with direct SV measuring devices. For example, specifications of 0.01 mS/cm
conductivity, 0.01 degrees C temperature, and 1 meter in depth are readily achieved with good quality CTD
equipment. Assuming that the relationship between C, T, and D and SV is exactly known (see below), the
resulting uncertainty in SV would be as follows:

Error Type Sound Velocity Error

temperature error of 0.01 deg C 0.021 meters/second
conductivity error of 0.01 mS/cm 0.011 meters/second
salinity error of 0.01 psu 0.012 meters/second
depth error of 1 meter 0.017 meters/second

The equivalent SV errors (considered at 15 degrees C, 42.9 mS/cm, 35 psu, and 0 pressure, i.e., typical open-
ocean surface conditions) are much smaller than those usually claimed for direct-measurement instruments.

The question about the absolute accuracy of the inference of SV from CTD data is more difficult to answer.
The main reason for this is apparently the result of differences in the instrumentation used by various
researchers and is compounded by the difficulty of performing direct measurements of sound velocity under
controlled conditions of temperature, salinity, and (especially) pressure. For example, three widely used
equations (Wilson, 1959; Del Grosso, 1972; Millero and Chen, 1977) show differences in absolute sound
speed on the order of 0.5 meters/second for various combinations of water temperature, salinity, and pressure,
despite being based on careful measurements made under laboratory conditions.

The work of Millero and Chen is, however, the most modern, and it builds upon and attempts to incorporate
the work of earlier investigators. Accordingly, the SV/CTD relationship described by these researchers in
their paper of 1977 was used as a major component in the derivation of the Equation of State (Unesco
technical papers in marine science no. 44). Millero and Chen’s 1977 equation is also the one endorsed by the
Unesco/SCOR/ICES/IASPO Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards, which comprises the
internationally recognized authority for measurements of ocean parameters (in Sea-Bird’s SEASOFT
software, users may select any of the 3 equations mentioned above).

Pike and Beiboer, 1993, made a careful comparison of algorithms used to calculate sound velocity. They
concluded that use of the Wilson equation should be discontinued, and that the Chen and Millero algorithm
should be used on the continental shelf while the Del Grosso formula is more appropriate for deep ocean
waters and long path lengths. Their paper includes tables showing valid temperature and salinity ranges for
each of the algorithms.

We draw the following conclusions from the research papers listed above:

1) Investigators using specialized equipment under scrupulously controlled laboratory conditions report
measurements of SV vs. changes in temperature, salinity, and pressure which differ by
0.5 meters/second and more. It is unrealistic to expect that commercial direct-measurement
instruments will be more accurate under field conditions than the laboratory equipment used by
successions of careful researchers.

2) The claimed accuracy of commercial direct-measurement SV probes probably more legitimately

represents their precision (compare with CTD/SV uncertainties tabulated above) rather than their
absolute accuracy. The relationship between what these instruments read and true sound velocity is
probably just as dependent on the same vagaries that are also the only significant sources of error
when employing the CTD approach.

3) Because of the uncertainties in the time-delays associated with the acoustic transducers and
electronics (and because of the difficulty of measuring with sufficient accuracy the length of the
acoustic path), direct-measurement probes must be calibrated in water. As suggested by the research
under controlled laboratory conditions, this is not an easy task, especially over a range of
temperature, pressure, and salinity. On the other hand, a CTD probe can easily be calibrated using
accepted methods.

4) A CTD can predict absolute SV to something better than 0.5 meters/second (a judgment seconded
by Professor Millero in a private conversation), while its relative accuracy (precision) is probably
better than 0.05 meters/second under the most demanding conditions of field use.

5) The very high precision associated with CTD measurements and the existence of an internationally
accepted relationship (even if imperfect) between CTD and SV permits very consistent
intercomparison and a high degree of uniformity among CTD-derived SV data sets, no matter when
and where taken.


C-T. Chen and F. J. Millero, 1977, Speed of Sound in Seawater at High Pressures. J Acoust Soc Am, 32(10),
p 1357.

V. A. Del Grosso, 1974, New Equation for the Speed of Sound In Natural Waters (with Comparisons to
Other Equations). J Acoust Soc Am, 56(4), pp 1084-1091.

J. M. Pike and F. L. Beiboer, 1993, A Comparison Between Algorithms for the Speed of Sound in Seawater.
The Hydrographic Society, Special Publication No. 34.

Wilson W D, 1960, Equation for the Speed of Sound in Seawater. J Acoust Soc Am, 32(10), p 1357.

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 10 Revised March 2008


Sea-Bird conductivity sensors provide precise characterization of deep ocean water masses. To achieve the accuracy
of which the sensors are capable, an accounting for the effect of hydrostatic loading (pressure) on the conductivity
cell is necessary. Conductivity calibration certificates show an equation containing the appropriate pressure-
dependent correction term, which has been derived from mechanical principles and confirmed by field observations.
The form of the equation varies somewhat, as shown below:

SBE 4, 9, 9plus, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26, 26plus, and 53 BPR

( g + h f 2 + i f 3 + j f 4 ) / 10
Conductivity (Siemens/meter) = slope + offset (recommended)
1 + [CTcor] t + [CPcor] p

(a f m + b f 2 + c + dt ) / 10
Conductivity (Siemens/meter) = slope + offset
1 + [CPcor] p

SBE 16plus, 16plus-IM, 16plus V2, 16plus-IM V2, 19plus, 19plus V2, 37, 45, 49, and 52-MP

g + hf2 + if3 + jf4

Conductivity (Siemens/meter) = slope + offset
1 + [CTcor] t + [CPcor] p

• a, b, c, d, m, and CPcor are the calibration coefficients used for older sensors (prior to January 1995).
Sea-Bird continues to calculate and print these coefficients on the calibration sheets for use with old
software, but recommends use of the g, h, i, j, CTcor, CPcor form of the equation for most accurate results.
• g, h, i, j, CTcor, and CPcor are the calibration coefficients used for newer sensors.
Note: The SBE 26, 26plus, and 53 BPR use the SBE 4 conductivity sensor, so both sets of calibration
coefficients are reported on the calibration sheet. SEASOFT for Waves for DOS, which can be used with
the SBE 26 only, only supports use of the a, b, c, d, CTcor, and CPcor coefficients. The current processing
software for these instruments, SEASOFT for Waves for Windows, only supports use of the g, h, i, j,
CTcor, CPcor coefficients.
• CPcor is the correction term for pressure effects on conductivity (see below for discussion)
• slope and offset are correction coefficients used to make corrections for sensor drift between calibrations;
set to 1.0 and 0 respectively on initial calibration by Sea-Bird (see Application Note 31 for details on
calculating slope and offset)
• f is the instrument frequency (kHz) for all instruments except the SBE 52-MP.
For the SBE 52-MP, f = instrument frequency (kHz) * (1.0 + WBOTC * t)0.5 / 1000.00
• t is the water temperature (°C).
• p is the water pressure (decibars).

Sea-Bird CTD data acquisition, display, and post-processing software SEASOFT for Waves (for SBE 26, 26plus, and
53 only) and SEASOFT (for all other instruments) automatically implement these equations.


Conductivity cells do not measure the specific conductance (the desired property), but rather the conductance of a
specific geometry of water. The ratio of the cell’s length to its cross-sectional area (cell constant) is used to relate the
measured conductance to specific conductance. Under pressure, the conductivity cell’s length and diameter are
reduced, leading to a lower indicated conductivity. The magnitude of the effect is not insignificant, reaching
0.0028 S/m at 6800 dbars.

The compressibility of the borosilicate glass used in the conductivity cell (and all other homogeneous, noncrystalline
materials) can be characterized by E (Young’s modulus) and ν (Poisson’s ratio). For the Sea-Bird conductivity cell,
E = 9.1 x 106 psi, ν = 0.2, and the ratio of indicated conductivity divided by true conductivity is:

where s = (CPcor) (p)
Typical value for CPcor is - 9.57 x 10-8 for pressure in decibars or - 6.60x 10-8 for pressure in psi

Note: This equation and the mathematical derivations below deal only with the pressure correction term, and do not
address the temperature correction term.


For a cube under hydrostatic load:

ΔL / L = s = -p (1 - 2 ν) / E
• p is the hydrostatic pressure
• E is Young’s modulus
• ν is Poisson’s ratio
• ΔL / L and s are strain (change in length per unit length)

Since this relationship is linear in the forces and displacements, the relationship for strain also applies for the length,
radius, and wall thickness of a cylinder.

To compute the effect on conductivity, note that R0 = ρL / A , where R0 is resistance of the material at 0 pressure,
ρ is volume resistivity, L is length, and A is cross-sectional area. For the conductivity cell A = π r2 , where r is the
cell radius. Under pressure, the new length is L (1 + s) and the new radius is r (1 + s). If Rp is the cell resistance
under pressure:

Rp = ρL (1 + s) / (π r2 [1 + s]2) = ρL / π r2 (1 + s) = R0 / (1 + s)

Since conductivity is 1/R:

Cp = C0 (1 + s) and C0 = Cp / (1 + s) = Cp / (1 + [Cpcor] [p])

• C0 is conductivity at 0 pressure
• Cp is conductivity measured at pressure

A less rigorous determination may be made using the material’s bulk modulus. For small displacements in a cube:

ΔV / V = 3ΔL / L = -3p (1 - 2 ν) / E or ΔV/V = -p / K

• ΔV / V is the change in volume per volume or volume strain
• K is the bulk modulus. K is related to E and ν by K = E / 3 (1 - 2 ν).

In this case, ΔL / L = -p / 3K.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 14 January 1989


Should you not be already familiar with it, we would like to call your attention to the January 1980 issue of the
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, which is dedicated to presenting the results of a multi-national effort to
obtain a uniform repeatable Practical Salinity Scale, based upon electrical conductivity measurements. This work
has been almost universally accepted by researchers, and all instruments delivered by Sea-Bird since February 1982
have been supplied with calibration data based upon the new standard.

The value for conductivity at 35 ppt, 15 degrees C, and 0 pressure [C(35,15,0)] was not agreed upon in the IEEE
reports -- Culkin & Smith used 42.914 mmho/cm (p 23), while Poisson used 42.933 mmho/cm (p 47). It really does
not matter which value is used, provided that the same value is used during data reduction that was used to compute
instrument calibration coefficients. Our instrument coefficients are computed using C(35,15,0) = 42.914 mmho/cm.

The PSS 1978 equations and constants for computing salinity from in-situ measurements of conductivity,
temperature, and pressure are given in the 'Conclusions' section of the IEEE journal (p 14) and are reproduced back
of this note. In the first equation, 'R' is obtained by dividing the conductivity value measured by your instrument by
C(35,15,0), or 42.914 mmho/cm. Note that the PSS equations are based upon conductivity in units of mmho/cm,
which are equal in magnitude to units of mS/cm. If you are working in conductivity units of Siemens/meter
(S/m), multiply your conductivity values by 10 before using the PSS 1978 equations.

Also note that the equations assume pressure relative to the sea-surface. Absolute pressure gauges (as used in all
Sea-Bird CTD instruments) have a vacuum on the reference side of their sensing diaphragms and indicate
atmospheric pressure (nominally 10.1325 dBar) at the sea-surface. This reading must be subtracted to obtain
pressure as required by the PSS equations. The pressure reading displayed when using Sea-Bird's SEASOFT CTD
acquisition, display, and post-processing software is the corrected sea-surface pressure and is used by SEASOFT to
compute salinity, density, etc in accordance with the PSS equations.

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:


Re-Calibration of Paroscientific Digiquartz Pressure Sensors

Digiquartz sensors are supplied by Paroscientific with coefficients derived from a calibration performed over
temperature (0 - 125 °C). When used in the Paroscientific 'temperature model' (as incorporated in Sea-Bird software),
these coefficients reflect the initial calibration of the sensor.

Although Paroscientific can re-calibrate the sensors by duplicating the original procedures, the sensor must be removed
from the CTD, the cost is relatively high, and lead times can be considerable. Also, Paroscientific no longer has
facilities for performing the calibration unless their 'temperature crystal' is in place and active; this requires opening and
reworking the sensor itself. It is possible to perform a pressure calibration vs temperature by placing the entire CTD in a
temperature-controlled water bath, but of course this is also a cumbersome and expensive operation.

Tests show that room-temperature-derived 'slope' and 'offset' corrections to the initial Digiquartz calibration can account
for long-term drift to within less than 0.01% of the sensor's full scale range. To perform this correction, use a suitable
dead-weight pressure generator to subject the sensor to increments of known pressures. Run SEASOFT to display
pressure, or measure the sensor frequency directly with a counter (or with the CTD Deck Unit) and compute pressure
with the formula given on the Digiquartz calibration sheet.


A 10,000 psia sensor has drifted and its responses are low, as shown in the following table:

Pressure (psia) Indicated Pressure

0 -12.70
2,000 1986.50
4,000 3985.68
6,000 5984.89
8,000 7984.12
10,000 9983.29

A linear regression (best straight-line fit) to the data [pcorrected = (pindicated * M) + B] yields M = 1.00039987 and
B = 12.710. Seasoft 3.2c (and later) permits entry of these correction coefficients, which were of course originally set to
1.00000000 and 0.000 respectively.

Experimental Derivation of Method

To demonstrate the validity of this approach, two 10,000 psia Digiquartz sensors (S/N 22003 and 22065) were
subjected to full re-calibrations at Paroscientific after approximately 4 years of use, with the new calibration results
used to predict how the sensors would have performed (i.e., what their output frequencies would have been for inputs of
0, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, and 10,000 psia) if a simple room-temperature-only calibration had been performed. These
frequencies were input to the initial-coefficient model and a linear regression (for a presumed ambient temperature of
20 °C) was used to obtain slope and offset terms for correction of the sensor's calibration drift. To determine if the
original temperature models remain valid, this procedure was repeated with the models adjusted for 0 degrees. The
results are
as follows:

22003 input p indicated p, 20 °C indicated p, 0 °C error 20 °C error 0 °C

0 -21.21 -21.68 -21.21 -21.68
2000 1977.97 1977.42 -22.03 -22.58
4000 3977.17 3976.60 -22.83 -23.40
6000 5976.42 5975.71 -23.58 -24.29
8000 7975.60 7974.82 -24.40 -25.18
10000 9974.82 9973.97 -25.18 -26.03

22065 input p indicated p, 20 °C indicated p, 0 °C error 20 °C error 0 °C

0 -12.70 -12.35 -12.70 -12.35
2000 1986.50 1986.58 -13.50 -13.42
4000 3985.68 3985.57 -14.32 -14.43
6000 5984.89 5984.55 -15.11 -15.45
8000 7984.12 7983.53 -15.88 -16.47
10000 9983.29 9982.50 -16.71 -17.50

Indicated p, 20 °C: pressure (psia) predicted by new Paroscientific calibration for input p with sensor
temperature of 20 °C

Indicated p, 0 °C: pressure (psia) predicted by new Paroscientific calibration for input p with sensor
temperature of 0 °C

error, 20 °C: predicted pressure (psia) - input p (psia) at 20 °C

error, 0 °C: predicted pressure (psia) - input p (psia) at 0 °C

Indicated p, 20 °C and input p 0 - 10000 psia in a linear regression generated slope (m) and offset (b) terms for use with
the original Paroscientific model:

For sensor S/N 22003, m = 1.00039676; b = 21.23044596

For sensor S/N 22065, m = 1.00039999; b = 12.70930197

The following tables show the errors to be expected using the original Paroscientific models adjusted for slope and
offset errors using the formula 'corrected p = m (indicated p) + b':

22003 input p corrected p, 20 °C corrected p, 0 °C error 20 °C error 0 °C

0 0.02 -0.46 0.02 -0.46
2000 1999.99 1999.43 -0.01 -0.57
4000 3999.98 3999.40 -0.02 -0.60
6000 6000.02 5999.31 0.02 -0.69
8000 7999.99 7999.21 -0.01 -0.79
10000 10000.00 9999.16 0.00 -0.84

22065 input p corrected p, 20 °C corrected p, 0 °C error 20 °C error 0 °C

0 0.01 0.36 0.01 0.36
2000 2000.00 2000.08 0.00 0.08
4000 3999.98 3999.88 -0.02 -0.12
6000 6000.00 5999.65 -0.00 -0.35
8000 8000.02 7999.44 0.02 -0.56
10000 9999.99 9999.21 -0.01 -0.79


For the slope/offset corrected data, error 20 °C is clearly insignificant (maximum 0.02 psi or 0.0002% of full scale for
either sensor). The original temperature models for the 2 sensors show larger but still modest maximum errors of
0.84 psia (0.0084%) for S/N 22003 and 0.79 psi (0.0079%) for S/N 20065. These errors are of course in each case
significantly smaller than the 0.04% calibration accuracy claimed by Paroscientific. Sensor 22003 and 22065 were
originally calibrated on 4 April 1985 with re-calibrations performed 2 June 1989 (22003) and 23 December 1988

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 31 Revised February 2010

Computing Temperature and Conductivity Slope and Offset Correction

Coefficients from Laboratory Calibrations and Salinity Bottle Samples

Conductivity Sensors

The conductivity sensor slope and offset entries in the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file in SEASOFT permit the user
to make corrections for sensor drift between calibrations. The correction formula is:

(corrected conductivity) = slope * (computed conductivity) + offset

where :
slope = (true conductivity span) / (instrument reading conductivity span)
offset = (true conductivity - instrument reading conductivity) * slope measured at 0 S/m

For newly calibrated sensors, use slope = 1.0, offset = 0.0.

Sea-Bird conductivity sensors usually drift by changing span (the slope of the calibration curve), and changes are
typically toward lower conductivity readings with time. Any offset error in conductivity (error at 0 S/m) is usually due
to electronics drift, typically less than ±0.0001 S/m per year. Offsets greater than ±0.0002 S/m per year are symptomatic
of sensor malfunction. Therefore, Sea-Bird recommends that conductivity drift corrections be made by assuming
no offset error, unless there is strong evidence to the contrary or a special need.

true conductivity =3.5 S/m
instrument reading conductivity = 3.49965 S/m
slope = 3.5 / 3.49965 = 1.000100

Correcting for Conductivity Drift Based on Pre- and Post-Cruise Laboratory Calibrations

Suppose a conductivity sensor is calibrated (pre-cruise), then immediately used at sea, and then returned for post-cruise
calibration. The pre- and post-cruise calibration data can be used to generate a slope correction for data obtained
between the pre- and post-cruise calibrations.

If α is the conductivity computed from the pre-cruise bath data (temperature and frequency) using post-cruise
calibration coefficients and β is the true conductivity in the pre-cruise bath, then:

Σ (α i)(β i)
postslope = (postslope is typically < 1.0)

Σ (α i)(α i)

Sea-Bird calculates and prints the value for postslope on the conductivity calibration sheet for all calibrations since
February 1995 (see Appendix I: Example Conductivity Calibration Sheet)


To correct conductivity data taken between pre- and post-cruise calibrations:

islope = 1.0 + (b / n) [(1 / postslope) - 1.0]

islope = interpolated slope; this is the value to enter in the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file
b = number of days between pre-cruise calibration and the cast to be corrected
n = number of days between pre- and post-cruise calibrations
postslope = slope from calibration sheet as calculated above (see Appendix I: Example Conductivity
Calibration Sheet)

In the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file, use the pre-cruise calibration coefficients and use islope for the value of

Note: In our SEASOFT V2 suite of programs, edit the CTD configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file using the Configure
Inputs menu in Seasave V7 (real-time data acquisition software) or the Configure menu in SBE Data Processing (data
processing software).

For typical conductivity drift rates (equivalent to -0.003 PSU/month), islope does not need to be recalculated more
frequently than at weekly intervals.

* You can also calculate preslope. If α is the conductivity computed from post-cruise bath data (temperature and
frequency) using pre-cruise calibration coefficients and β is the true conductivity in the post-cruise bath, then:

Σ (α i)(β i)
preslope = (preslope is typically > 1.0)

Σ (α i)(α i)

In this case, pre-cruise calibration coefficients would be used and:

islope = 1.0 + (b / n) (preslope - 1.0)

Correcting for Conductivity Drift Based on Salinity Bottles Taken At Sea

For this situation, the pre-cruise calibration coefficients are used to compute conductivity and CTD salinity. Salinity
samples are obtained using water sampler bottles during CTD profiles, and the difference between CTD salinity and
bottle salinity is used to determine the drift in conductivity.

In using this method to correct conductivity, it is important to realize that differences between CTD salinity and
hydrographic bottle salinity are due to errors in conductivity, temperature, and pressure measurements, as well as
errors in obtaining and analyzing bottle salinity values. For typical Sea-Bird sensors that are calibrated regularly,
70 - 90% of the CTD salinity error is due to conductivity calibration drift, 10 - 30% is due to temperature calibration
drift, and 0 - 10% is due to pressure calibration drift. All CTD temperature and pressure errors and bottle errors must
first be corrected before attributing the remaining salinity difference as due to CTD conductivity error and proceeding
with conductivity corrections.


Three salinity bottles are taken during a CTD profile; assume for this discussion that shipboard analysis of the
bottle salinities is perfect. The uncorrected CTD data (from Seasave V7) and bottle salinities are:
Approximate CTD Raw CTD Raw CTD Raw Bottle
Depth (m) Pressure (dbar) Temperature (°C) * Salinity Salinity
200 202.7 18.3880 4.63421 34.9705 34.9770
1000 1008.8 3.9831 3.25349 34.4634 34.4710
4000 4064.1 1.4524 3.16777 34.6778 34.6850
* Temperatures shown are ITS-90. However, the salinity equation is in terms of IPTS-68; you must convert
ITS-90 to IPTS-68 (IPTS-68 = 1.00024 * ITS-90) before calculating salinity. SEASOFT does this automatically.

The uncorrected salinity differences (CTD raw salinity - bottle salinity) are approximately -0.007 psu. To
determine conductivity drift, first correct the CTD temperature and pressure data. Suppose that the error in
temperature is +0.0015 °C uniformly at all temperatures, and the error in pressure is +0.5 dbar uniformly at all
pressures (drift offsets are obtained by projecting the drift history of both sensors from pre-cruise calibrations).
Enter these offsets in the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file to calculate the corrected CTD temperature and
pressure, and calculate the CTD salinity using the corrected CTD temperature and pressure. This correction method
assumes that the pressure coefficient for the conductivity cell is correct. The CTD data with corrected temperature
(ITS-90) and pressure are:
Corrected CTD Corrected CTD CTD Raw CTD Salinity Bottle
Pressure (dbar) Temperature (°C) Conductivity (S/m) [T,P Corrected] Salinity
202.2 18.3865 4.63421 34.9719 34.9770
1008.3 3.9816 3.25349 34.4653 34.4710
4063.6 1.4509 3.16777 34.6795 34.6850

The salinity difference (CTD salinity – bottle salinity) of approximately -0.005 psu is now properly categorized as
conductivity error, equivalent to about -0.0005 S/m at 4.0 S/m.

Compute bottle conductivity (conductivity calculated from bottle salinity and CTD temperature and pressure) using
SeacalcW (in SBE Data Processing); enter bottle salinity for salinity, corrected CTD temperature for ITS-90
temperature, and corrected CTD pressure for pressure:
CTD Raw Conductivity (S/m) Bottle Conductivity (S/m) [CTD - Bottle] Conductivity (S/m)
4.63421 4.63481 -0.00060
3.25349 3.25398 -0.00049
3.16777 3.16822 -0.00045

By plotting conductivity error versus conductivity, it is evident that the drift is primarily a slope change.
If α is the CTD conductivity computed with pre-cruise coefficients and β is the true bottle conductivity, then:

Σ (α i)(β i)
slope = (slope is typically > 1.0)

Σ (α i)(α i)

Using the above data, the slope correction coefficient for conductivity at this station is:
Slope = [(4.63421 * 4.63481) + (3.25349 * 3.25398) + (3.16777 * 3.16822)] /
[(4.63421 * 4.63421) + (3.25349 * 3.25349) + (3.16777 * 3.16777)] = +1.000138

Following Sea-Bird’s recommendation of assuming no offset error in conductivity, set offset to 0.0.


Temperature Sensors

The temperature sensor slope and offset entries in the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file in SEASOFT permit the user
to make corrections for sensor drift between calibrations. The correction formula is:

corrected temperature = slope * (computed temperature) + offset

where :
slope = (true temperature span) / (instrument reading temperature span)
offset = (true temperature - instrument reading temperature) * slope measured at 0.0 °C

For newly calibrated sensors, use slope = 1.0, offset = 0.0.

Sea-Bird temperature sensors usually drift by changing offset (an error of equal magnitude at all temperatures). In
general, the drift can be toward higher or lower temperature with time; however, for a specific sensor the drift remains
the same sign (direction) for many consecutive years. Many years of experience with thousands of sensors indicates
that the drift is smooth and uniform with time, allowing users to make very accurate drift corrections to field data based
only on pre- and post-cruise laboratory calibrations.

Span errors cause slope errors, as described in the equation for slope above. Sea-Bird temperature sensors rarely exhibit
span errors larger than 0.005 °C over the range -5 to 35 °C, even after years of drift. Temperature calibrations
performed at Sea-Bird since January 1995 have slope errors less than 0.0002 °C in 30 °C. Prior to January 1995, some
calibrations were delivered that include slope errors up to 0.004 °C in 30 °C because of undetected systematic errors in
calibration. A slope error that increases by more than ±0.0002 [°C per °C per year] indicates an unusual aging of
electronic components and is symptomatic of sensor malfunction. Therefore, Sea-Bird recommends that drift
to temperature sensors be made assuming no slope error, unless there is strong evidence to the contrary or a
special need.

Calibration checks at-sea are advisable for consistency checks of the sensor drift rate and for early detection of sensor
malfunction. However, data from reversing thermometers is rarely accurate enough to make calibration corrections that
are better than those possible by shore-based laboratory calibrations. For the SBE 9plus, a proven alternate consistency
check is to use dual SBE 3 temperature sensors on the CTD and to track the difference in drift rates between the two
sensors. In the deep ocean, where temperatures are uniform, the difference in temperature measured by two sensors can
be resolved to better than 0.0002 °C and will change smoothly with time as predicted by the difference in drift rates of
the two sensors.


Correcting for Temperature Drift Based on Pre- and Post-Cruise Laboratory Calibrations

Suppose a temperature sensor is calibrated (pre-cruise), then immediately used at-sea, and then returned for post-
cruise calibration. The pre-and post-cruise calibration data can be used to generate an offset correction for data
obtained between the pre- and post-cruise calibrations.

Calibration coefficients are calculated with the post-cruise calibration. Using the pre-cruise bath data and the post-cruise
calibration coefficients, a mean residual over the calibration temperature range is calculated.

residual = instrument temperature – bath temperature

Sea-Bird calculates and prints the value for the residual on the temperature calibration sheet (see Appendix II: Example
Temperature Calibration Sheet).

To correct temperature data taken between pre- and post-cruise calibrations:

Offset = b * (residual / n)
b = number of days between pre-cruise calibration and the cast to be corrected
n = number of days between pre- and post-cruise calibrations
residual = residual from calibration sheet as described above (see Appendix II: Example Temperature
Calibration Sheet)

In the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file, use the pre-cruise calibration coefficients and use the calculated offset for
the value of offset.

Note: In our SEASOFT V2 suite of programs, edit the CTD configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file using the Configure
Inputs menu in Seasave V7 (real-time data acquisition software) or the Configure menu in SBE Data Processing (data
processing software).

Instrument was calibrated (pre-cruise), used at sea for 4 months, and returned for post-cruise calibration.
Using pre-cruise bath data and post-cruise coefficients, the calibration sheet shows a mean residual of
-0.2 millidegrees C (-0.0002 °C).

For preliminary work at sea, use the pre-cruise calibration coefficients and slope = 1.0, offset = 0.0.
After the cruise, correct temperature data obtained during the cruise for drift using properly scaled values of
correction coefficients:

For data from the end of the first month (30 days) at sea:
Offset = b * (residual / n) = 30 * (-0.0002 / 120) = - 0.00005;
Convert data using pre-cruise coefficients and -0.00005 as the offset in the configuration file.

For data from the end of the second month (60 days) at sea:
Offset = b * (residual / n) = 60 * (-0.0002 / 120) = - 0.0001;
Convert data using pre-cruise coefficients and -0.0001 as the offset in the configuration file.

For data from the end of the third month (90 days) at sea:
Offset = b * (residual / n) = 90 * (-0.0002 / 120) = - 0.00015;
Convert data using pre-cruise coefficients and -0.00015 as the offset in the configuration file.

For data from the end of the 4-month cruise:

Offset = - 0.0002;
Convert data using pre-cruise coefficients and -0.0002 as the offset in the configuration file, or using post-
cruise coefficients and 0 as the offset in the configuration file.


Appendix I: Example Conductivity Calibration Sheet


Appendix II: Example Temperature Calibration Sheet


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 34 Revised March 2008

Instructions for Use of Conductivity Cell Filling and Storage Device PN 50087 and 50087.1

This application note provides instructions for use of

PN 50087 / 50087.1 syringe and tubing assembly in
rinsing, cleaning, and storing conductivity sensors.
The tubing assembly consists of a length of 6.35 mm
(1/4 inch) I.D. tube connected by a plastic reducing union
to a short piece of 11.1 mm (7/16 inch) I.D. tube. Refer to
Application Note 2D: Instructions for Care and Cleaning
of Conductivity Cells for information on water and
solutions recommended for use.
• SBE 9plus, 19plus V2, 25, and 49 are shipped with
PN 50087.
• SBE 16plus V2 and 16plus-IM V2 are shipped with
PN 50087.1, which includes the parts in 50087, plus
hose barbs to replace the anti-foulant cap on the
instrument. The hose barbs allow for connection of
the tubing for cleaning and storing, as described

Note: This procedure can also be used with the SBE 16,
16plus, 16plus-IM, 19, and 19plus, which are no longer in

Procedure for Use

1. To fill the conductivity cell, draw about 40-60 cc of

solution into the syringe.
2. Connect the plastic tubing to the TC duct intake on the
temperature sensor [Figure 1] (or to the open end of
the conductivity cell on systems without the
TC duct [Figure 2]), and inject solution into the cell
and pump plumbing.
• CTDs with a TC duct or hose barb fitting -
remove the plastic reducing union and connect
the smaller diameter tubing directly to the
TC duct / fitting.
• CTDs without a TC duct or hose barb fitting
(older instruments) - leave the reducing union and
large diameter tubing attached and carefully
connect the tubing directly to the end of the glass
conductivity cell [Figure 2].
3. (If applicable) Loop the rubber band around a bar on
the CTD cage and back over the top of the syringe to
secure the apparatus for storage.



Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:



The Sea-Bird SBE 911plus CTD system is electrically and mechanically compatible with standard,
unmodified Rosette water samplers made by General Oceanics (G-O). The SBE 911plus can be
ordered with the optional modem and Rosette interfaces. These items allow the SBE 911plus to
control the operation of the Rosette directly and without interrupting the data from the CTD. Use of
the SBE 911plus this way eliminates the need for the G-O deck box.

Mechanical Interfacing

Vertical mounting of the CTD to the Rosette pylon is shown in figure 1. The CTD underwater unit
(SBE 9) is removed from its stainless-steel guard cage and a special clamp (Sea-Bird #24083,
General Oceanics# C1015-SB-2) is fixed just under the CTD's top end cap flange. Four heavy
threaded rods pass through this clamp and secure the CTD assembly to the Rosette's lower bottle
plate. An extension stand must be used to provide sufficient height to protect the CTD sensors when
the Rosette is on deck. Consult General Oceanics for the extension stand appropriate for your
Rosette. Note that the CTD will be in the 'wake' of the Rosette during the upcast; the Rosette will
modify the temperature of the water as it passes through, and the CTD will respond accordingly.
Optimum data quality cannot be obtained under these conditions, and only the downcast data should
be used. If the 'TC Duct' is employed, the plumbing connections are the same as without the Rosette.

Horizontal mounting of the CTD may be feasible where the Rosette frame is of sufficient diameter.
(figure 2). A somewhat smaller diameter will suffice if the CTD is removed from its cage and
mounted with suitable clamps. Notice that the pump position is altered and the 'return tubing'
deleted; in the horizontal configuration there is no vertical component to the water in the system.
This makes the system inherently insensitive to ship's motion induced vertical accelerations. By
positioning the TC Duct intake close to the Rosette frame's periphery and out of the wake of the
pylon/bottle assembly, it may be possible to obtain good upcast in addition to downcast data.

Electrical Interfacing

The SBE 9plus is connected to the G-O Rosette using a three-pin jumper cable (P/N 17196, reverse
polarity cable). When using this cable, the switch in the Rosette pylon should be set for 'reverse
polarity'. It is possible to use a Rosette set for 'normal polarity' by connecting a different cable
(P/N 17533, normal polarity cable) between the G-O pylon and the CTD Rosette connector.

Note that with the SBE 9plus there is no Y-cable between the sea cable termination, the CTD, and
the Rosette, as is used with older SBE 9 systems and EG&G CTDs. The sea cable is connected
directly to the CTD at connector JT1. A jumper cable is then used between CTD connector JT4 and
the connector on the Rosette pylon. (See SBE drawing no. 50076 or 50077 and figure 3)

CTD/Rosette Operation

The firing of the bottles on the Rosette can be accomplished by three different methods. During the
display of real time data using SEASAVE, function keys [CTRL] F3 can be used to enable and fire
bottles (if the computer serial port is connected to the modem port on the SBE 11plus). The buttons
on the front panel of the deck unit can be used in a similar manner, whether or not the primary
logging computer has its serial port connected to the modem port. A third option is to connect a
second computer to the modem communications port on the SBE 11plus and use the program
TMODEM to control the Rosette operation.

If the bottle has been enabled, sending a fire signal will cause the immediate closing of the enabled
bottle on the Rosette. If the bottle has not been enabled, sending a fire command will initiate a 15-
second arming sequence followed by the firing of the bottle.

When the SBE 9plus underwater unit detects a bottle confirmation from the G-O Rosette it:

1) sends a confirm message to the computer connected to the modem port

2) sets a bit high in the modulo word for 1.5 sec. The confirm bit is a permanent mark in
the CTD data stream for later ID and processing of the Rosette bottle data and is used
by SEASAVE to keep track of the number of bottles fired.

Note: If the Rosette pylon has been enabled, turning off the deck unit power will cause the
pylon to fire. This situation can cause bottles to trip in unexpected locations. Tripping a bottle
on deck may be hazardous.

Figure 1

Vertical mounting of the SBE 9 CTD to the General Oceanics Rosette pylon. The CTD is removed
from the SBE guard cage and the CTD top end bolted to the bottom of the pylon with a special
mounting bracket (SBE #24083). In this figure, inertia-balanced plumbing has been installed; the
pump is mounted with the pump head up and connected to the conductivity cell through an air vent
valve (SBE #90087). The filter and orifice assembly, normally between the conductivity cell and
pump, has been removed. In addition, the ‘TC’ duct has been installed on the sensing end of the
temperature and conductivity sensors.
Inertia-balanced plumbing removes pump speed fluctuations induced by accelerations of the CTD
package. The duct improves salinity by channeling the same water past both sensors, and precisely
controlling the dynamic response and time lag between measurements of both sensors.

Figure 2

Horizontal mounting of the SBE 9 CTD in a General Oceanics Rosette frame. The CTD is left in
the SBE guard cage and the guard cage is clamped to horizontal bars at the bottom of the Rosette
frame. The pump is mounted in a straight line behind the conductivity cell with the base of the pump
exhaust port oriented straight up (so that all trapped air in the pump chamber can escape). In this
figure, a ‘TC’ duct has been installed on the sensing end of the temperature and conductivity
sensors; consequently, the filter and orifice assembly between the conductivity cell and pump have
been removed.

One advantage of the horizontal mounting is the ability to collect CTD data on both the down and up
profiles. To obtain the best data, mount the CTD so that the ‘TC’ duct (or conductivity cell) intake is
as close to the edge of the frame as possible, while maintaining an unobstructed view on a vertical
line through the intake (so that the frame or Rosette bottles do not disturb the water that the CTD

Figure 3 SBE 9plus to 1015 Rosette Interconnections


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 36A revised - April 1998


a. Remove conductivity sensor from the CTD and remove the cell guard from the sensor housing (4 screws).
b. Remove the anode ring from the top of the sensor housing and install the new flat-sided anode ring in its
c. Remove the two screws at the top of the cell tray and take the cell tray spacer out from between the cell
tray and the sensor housing.
d. Screw the male tubing connector (item 2) into the connector bracket.
e. Insert the connector bracket at the location of the old cell tray spacer and measure the length of tubing
(item 3, 7/16 ID x 1/16 wall) required to connect the cell end and the connector.
f. Remove the connector bracket, cut the appropriate length of Tygon tubing (7/16 ID x 1/16 wall) and push
one end onto the tubing connector.
g. Reinsert the connector bracket between the cell tray and sensor housing, carefully pushing Tygon tubing
onto the end of the conductivity cell. Make sure the tubing is not bulged, out of line, or putting any stress
on the cell end.
h. Reinstall the 2 screws through the holes in the cell tray and connector bracket.
i. Replace the cell guard.
j Insert the hose barb end of the female tubing connector (item 4) into the end of the Tygon tubing (item 5)
leading from the pump intake. Secure the tubing to the connector with nylon cable ties as shown (item 6).
k. Push the male and female connectors (items 2 and 4) together until they lock. Push the metal tab on the
female connector to unlock.

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

Application Note 38 December 1992

Fundamentals of the TC Duct and Pump-Controlled Flow Used on Sea-Bird CTDs

Scientists are interested in salinity and density, but CTD probes measure the pressure, temperature, and electrical
conductivity of the ocean water. Because salinity and density are computed from the C, T, and P values, it is obvious
that the C, T, and P measurements must be made on the same parcel of water, otherwise the computed salinity and
density will be wrong and "spiking" will result (the pressure sensor can be above or below, so long as its physical
displacement is taken into account).

Many CTD probes fail to measure C and T on the same water parcel because the C and T sensors are physically
separated, or because the C and T sensors have different time responses. Especially, the time response of their
conductivity cells depends on the CTD drop rate, with more time required to fill the cells at slower speeds. Unless the
CTD profiling speed is known and constant (it almost never is constant because of ship motion), the response time of
these systems’ conductivity cells will be continuously changing, and serious spiking will result.

To reduce salinity and density spiking to the lowest possible level without loss of resolution caused by data averaging,
Sea-Bird uses a TC duct and a pump. These two features ensure that the measurement of temperature and conductivity
are made on the same parcel of water as follows:

TC duct: All the water sensed by both the temperature and conductivity cell must pass through a single small
(0.4 cm) diameter opening.

Pump: The electronically controlled pump forces the seawater to flow at a constant 30 cm3/second speed to
ensure that the C - T time responses are constant.

The physical arrangement of the Sea-Bird T and C sensors with TC duct is shown in Figure 1. As the CTD descends,
water is taken in at the duct opening (the opening points downward) and its temperature is immediately sensed. After a
small time delay of 0.073 seconds during which the water flows through the duct, the water enters the conductivity cell.
The 0.073-second delay is constant because the pumping speed is fixed. This delay is automatically corrected in real-
time by the SBE 11plus Deck Unit.



Note that the downward exhaust of the pumped water (Figure 2) eliminates any "ram" effect that would cause the flow
rate to be affected by profiling speed.



Data taken with the Sea-Bird CTD show that the pumped and TC ducted temperature and conductivity sensors both
exhibit the same time response of about 0.060 seconds. The Sea-Bird time responses have been measured and verified
in a series of sophisticated and comprehensive field measurements by Dr. Michael Gregg of the University of
Washington (Gregg's findings are supported by independent measurements in the North Atlantic by Dr. Thomas Müller
of the Institute für Meerskunde / Kiel which demonstrate the 911plus CTD's fast and accurate responses (see below).


Containing very sharp temperature and salinity gradients that are stably stratified in density, the Mediterranean Outflow
in the North Atlantic Ocean presents one of the world's most demanding challenges to CTD dynamic performance. It
was here that the Institut für Meereskunde (Kiel, Germany) conducted CTD intercomparisons demonstrating the
dynamic accuracy and resolution of Sea-Bird's 911plus CTD.
The Sea-Bird's superior performance was confirmed by:
A salinity spiking errors less than ± 0.005 PSU throughout the profile and rms spiking error less than 0.001
B corresponding density spikes of less than ± 0.005 Kg/m3;
C density inversions in the entire record that are always less than 0.003 Kg/m3;
D two prominent features identified by an algorithm as salinity spikes that are in fact signatures of active
oceanographic mixing and not salinity or density error;
E sensor time-responses of 0.060 seconds (± 0.010) that are confirmed by the spatial resolution of the sharpest
TS steps in the record.

The 24 Hz data (processed with SEASOFT 4.0) have been time aligned and corrected for cell thermal mass. No other
filtering, averaging, or editing was performed and no data have been replaced or removed.


The following questions are often raised about the operations of the Sea-Bird CTD:

1. Does the TC duct act like a filter?

On conductivity there is a small filtering effect that increases the conductivity time response from 0.035 seconds
to 0.06 seconds. The effect of the TC duct on temperature is to improve its time response slightly (also to
0.06 seconds) and make it completely independent of profile rate.

2. The total volume of the TC duct and conductivity cell is about 6 cm3. Since the pump volume rate is 30
cm3/second, isn't the conductivity time response about 6/20 (0.20 seconds)?

No. The 2.2 cm3 volume comprising the TC duct and the short length of cell ahead of (upstream from) the first cell
electrode is not part of the cell's active measuring region. The time required to fill this volume (2.2 cm3 divided by
the pump volume rate of 30 cm3/second) is 0.073 seconds and represents a delay that is constant for all conditions,
including variations in CTD profiling speed. The SBE 11 CTD deck unit automatically subtracts this delay so that
the conductivity and temperature data passed to the computer are correctly aligned in time and truly represent the
same parcel of water.

The time response of the cell once the water has reached the first electrode is determined by the time rate of filling
of the cell's 2 cm3 active volume which comprises only the part of the cell inside the outer electrodes. The time to
completely fill the active volume is only 2 cm3 /30 cm3/second or 0.067 seconds. The water in the 1.8 cm3 upper
(downstream) volume of the cell is beyond the cell's active area. The filling of this volume plays no role in the
determination of the conductivity sensor's response.

3. Where does the water taken in by the TC duct come from?

Each 24 Hz scan measured by the SBE 911 CTD represents the conductivity and temperature of a "rod" of water
immediately underneath the TC duct inlet (see Figure 4).



The dimensions of the rod depend on CTD profiling speed and are shown in the table below.

Profiling Speed (m/s) Rod Diameter (cm) Rod Length (cm)

0.25 1.24 1.04

0.50 0.88 2.08
0.75 0.71 3.13
1.00 0.62 4.20
1.50 0.50 6.25
2.00 0.44 8.33

Using the TC duct, the Sea-Bird CTD provides better spatial resolution than any other CTD.

While the analytical description of the flow is somewhat complicated, the simple cylindrical geometry is easily
understood by the following argument: If the pump draws water into the TC duct at exactly the CTD drop speed,
then water entering the duct must come from a cylinder having a diameter exactly equal to the inside diameter of
the TC duct intake (0.4 cm). The CTD in this case "sweeps" new water at just the rate that its movement downward
is causing new water to be "presented". The CTD can also be thought of as falling down a long 0.4 cm diameter
"rod" extending from the surface of the water column to the bottom. The volume of water taken from the "rod"
each second must equal the volume flow rate imposed by the pump. In the SBE 9 CTD, this volume is 30
cm3/second. As speed of the CTD changes, the diameter of the "rod" will become larger or smaller to meet the
water volume demanded by the pump.

All water that enters the TC duct comes from inside this cylinder and none comes from outside the cylinder. In
addition, it is easy to see that for the Sea-Bird's 24 Hz sample rate, each measurement corresponds to a cylinder of
ocean water with a length that is 1/24 of the distance that the CTD moves in 1 second. As shown in Figure 4, Sea-
Bird conductivity measurements taken using the TC duct correspond to discrete cylindrical samples of about 0.6
cm diameter stacked end-to-end along the path of the CTD. Each data scan generated by the Sea-Bird CTD thus
represents the true temperature and conductivity of a parcel of water typically less than 1 cm in diameter and less
that 5 cm long.

4. Why don't other CTD systems use a TC duct and pump?

The conductivity cells (electrode and inductive types) used on other CTD systems have partly external electric
fields. Any object (such as a duct or tubing leading to a pump) brought near these cells will cause large errors in
conductivity. The designers of other CTD systems were not completely aware of the importance of time response
matching and therefore chose cell configurations that are not compatible with TC ducts and pumping.

5. What happens when the Sea-Bird CTD is not moving? Doesn't the pump stir up the water?

Not very much. Even after 15 minutes, the most distant water taken in by the TC duct will be from less than 20 cm
away. At-sea results obtained by the Institute für Meerskunde at Kiel show the Sea-Bird CTD to be very accurate
and sensitive (providing quiet, low-noise data), even when held at one depth for 40 minutes. Other CTD systems
were shown to be less stable and less quiet.

When the CTD is not moving (for example, hanging above the ocean bottom waiting to close a deep salinity
bottle), the water entering the TC duct comes from a collapsing sphere centered on the duct intake. This point-sink
flow pattern is well documented in fluid dynamics texts (Batchelor, 1967) and has been verified for the TC duct by
dye tests in a laboratory tank. The flow field can be visualized as a set of concentric spheres collapsing on the duct
intake at a volume rate equal to the pump rate.


Tests conducted in the North Atlantic by Dr. Müller of IFM/Kiel demonstrate that the pump and TC duct do not
cause errors on a non-moving Sea-Bird CTD. The CTD was suspended under the ship at a depth of approximately
4635 meters for 43 minutes. All 62,000 measurements of temperature and salinity during this test are plotted in
Figure 5 and show that the measurements are within +/- 0.002 oC and +/- 0.0012 PSU of the local mean gradients.



Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20 Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:
APPLICATION NOTE NO. 40 Revised September 2011


Equipment: DC power supply Drawings: 31441B (schematic)

Frequency counter 41250A (assembly)

The pump housing must be disassembled to adjust the pump speed. SBE 5P and 5T electronics are the same, but separate
instructions for removing / reinstalling the electronics are provided for each pump, because of differences in mechanical details.

Note: In September 2011, Sea-Bird changed the SBE 5T mechanical design; the new design is easily differentiated from the
old design because the new design does not have a retaining ring (see photo below). The old SBE 5T is opened from the end
with the retaining ring and bulkhead connector; the new SBE 5T is opened from the end with the pump head. Instructions for
disassembly/reassembly of the new SBE 5T pump are identical to those for the SBE 5P pump.

1. Remove the electronics from the housing:

• SBE 5T Titanium Pump with retaining ring
(old design, discontinued September 2011) –
A. Unscrew the white plastic end cap retainer ring.
B. Install a 2-pin dummy plug with locking sleeve over the bulkhead connector to
provide a good grip and protect the connector pins. Rotate the end cap back and
forth while carefully pulling the end cap away from the housing. Pull the end cap
and attached electronics out of the housing.

ring (only
on old

SBE 5T (old design,

September 2011
• SBE 5P Plastic Pump and
SBE 5T Titanium Pump without retaining ring (new design, September 2011) -
A. Unscrew the pump head from the housing.
B. Pull out the end cap from the housing.
C. Pull out the electronics from the housing. Note that the electronics are wired to the bulkhead
connector inside the housing.

5T 5P

2. Connect the positive lead of your frequency counter to the yellow test post (T1)
(new design,
(drawing 41250A). Connect the frequency counter ground (negative) to the power September 2011)
supply ground (negative).


3. Supply power:
• Low voltage pump (pump with LV in the serial number) -
Supply 6 volts DC power to the bulkhead connector or directly
to the PCB (P8 is positive, P19 or P18 is common,
drawing 41250A).
• Normal voltage pump - Supply 12 volts to the
bulkhead connector or directly to the PCB (P8 is positive,
P19 or P18 is common, drawing 41250A).

4. A 2K ohm potentiometer (R11, drawing 41250A) is located on the back side of the board. Adjust the potentiometer to
obtain the frequency corresponding to the desired speed (Frequency * 30 = rpm):
• Pittman 18.2Ω motor (P/N 3711B113-R1) - Set jumper position P15 to P17 (1300 rpm) and P12 to P13 (1300
rpm), and adjust the speed as desired, up to the nominal maximum of 2000 rpm.
• Pittman 7.4Ω motor (P/N 3711B112-R1) - Set jumper position P15 to P16 (3000 rpm) and P14 to P13 (3000
rpm), and adjust the speed as desired, up to the nominal maximum of 4500 rpm.
To adjust speed below approximately 2200 rpm, set jumper position P15 to P17 (1300 rpm) and P12 to P13 (1300
rpm), and adjust speed using the potentiometer.
• Pittman 3.55Ω motor (P/N 3711B112-R2) - Set jumper position P15 to P16 (3000 rpm) and P14 to P13 (3000
rpm), and adjust the speed as desired, up to the nominal maximum of 4500 rpm.
To adjust speed below approximately 2200 rpm, set jumper position P15 to P17 (1300 rpm) and P12 to P13 (1300
rpm), and adjust speed using the potentiometer.

5. Disconnect the frequency counter and the power supply.

6. Reinstall the electronics in the housing:

• SBE 5T Titanium Pump with retaining ring (old design, discontinued September 2011) –
A. Inspect the connector end cap o-ring and the mating surface in the housing for dirt, nicks, and cuts. Clean as
necessary. If the o-ring or mating surface is damaged, return the pump to Sea-Bird for repairs.
Note: Sea-Bird recommends that connector end cap o-ring replacement be performed at the factory, because
the pump’s physical configuration makes customer-replacement of this o-ring difficult to perform without
special tools.
B. Apply a light coat of o-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the o-ring and mating surfaces. Gently place a
new desiccant bag (PN 30558 – 1 gram) on the electronics (see Application Note 71 for desiccant use and
regeneration). Reinstall the electronics in the housing, until the o-ring has fully seated. Reinstall the retaining
ring on the connector end cap.

• SBE 5P Plastic Pump and

SBE 5T Titanium Pump without retaining ring (new design, September 2011) -
A. Inspect the connector end cap o-ring and the mating surface in the housing for dirt, nicks, and cuts. Clean
and/or replace o-rings as necessary.
B. Apply a light coat of o-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the o-ring and mating surfaces. Gently place a
new desiccant bag (PN 30558 – 1 gram) on the electronics (see Application Note 71 for desiccant use and
regeneration). Reinstall the electronics in the housing. Reinstall the end cap in the housing, carefully aligning
the end cap with the housing and pushing hard on the end cap to seat the first o-ring in the housing (only 1 o-
ring should now be visible). CAUTION: If you are not careful, you may pinch the o-ring which may
allow water to enter the housing, damaging the electronics.
C. Reinstall the pump head on the end cap.




Application Note Revision History

Date Description
April 1999 Initial release
November 2002 Add information about jumper P12 to P13 (1300 rpm) and P14 to P13 (3000 rpm)
May 2005 New drawing numbers and motor
June 2007 Update to include instructions for 5P as well as 5T
Add photos to clarify instructions
Add standard and wet-pluggable connector diagram to clarify pinouts
September 2011 Add information on new mechanical design for SBE 5T


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 42 Revised February 2010


Beginning in January 1995, Sea-Bird's temperature metrology laboratory (based upon water triple-point and gallium melt cell,
SPRT, and ASL F18 Temperature Bridge) converted to ITS-90 (T90). These T90 standards are employed in calibrating all
Sea-Bird temperature sensors, and as the reference temperature used in conductivity calibrations.

The international oceanographic research community continues to use IPTS-68 (T68) for computation of salinity and other
seawater properties. Therefore, following the recommendations of Saunders (1990) and as supported by the Joint Panel on
Oceanographic Tables and Standards (1991), our software and our instrument firmware (for instruments that can calculate and
output salinity and other seawater properties directly) converts between T68 and T90 according to the linear relationship:

T68 = 1.00024 * T90

The use of T68 for salinity and other seawater calculations is automatic in our software and in those instruments that directly
output salinity and other seawater parameters.

Note: In our SEASOFT V2 suite of software programs, edit the CTD configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file to enter calibration
coefficients using the Configure Inputs menu in Seasave V7 (real-time data acquisition software) or the Configure menu in SBE
Data Processing (data processing software).

SBE 9plus (using SBE 3plus temperature sensor), 16, 19, 21, and 25 (using SBE 3F temperature sensor)

Beginning in January 1995, Sea-Bird temperature calibration certificates began listing a set of coefficients labeled g, h, i, j, and
F0, corresponding to ITS-90 (T90) temperatures. For user convenience and for historical comparison with older calibrations, the
certificates also continue to list a, b, c, d, and F0 coefficients corresponding to IPTS-68 (T68) temperatures. The T90 coefficients
result directly from T90 standards; the T68 coefficients are computed using the Saunders linear approximation.

SEASOFT supports entry of either the T90 or the T68 coefficients for these instruments. When selecting temperature as a
display/output variable, you must select which standard (T90 or T68) is to be used to compute temperature. SEASOFT
recognizes whether you have entered T90 or T68 coefficients in the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file, and performs the
calculations accordingly, depending on which coefficients were used and which display variable type is selected.
• If g, h, i, j, F0 coefficients (T90) are entered in the configuration file and you select temperature display/output variable type
as T68, SEASOFT computes T90 temperature directly and multiplies it by 1.00024 to display or output T68.
• If a, b, c, d, and F0 coefficients (T68) are entered in the configuration file and you select temperature display/output variable
type as T90, SEASOFT computes T68 directly and divides by 1.00024 to display or output T90.

SBE 16plus, 16plus-IM, 16plus V2, 16plus-IM V2, 19plus, 19plus V2, 26plus, 35, 35RT, 37 (all), 38,
39 and 39-IM, 45, 49, 51, 52-MP, 53, and all higher numbered instruments

For these instruments, all first manufactured after the switch of our metrology lab to ITS-90, Sea-Bird provides only one set of
temperature calibration coefficients, based on the T90 standards. These instruments all have user-programmable internal
calibration coefficients, and can output data in engineering units (°C, S/m, dbar, etc. as applicable to the instrument). When
outputting temperature in engineering units, these instruments always output T90 temperatures.
• Instruments that can internally compute and then output salinity and other seawater parameters (for example,
SBE 37-SI) - Use of T68 for salinity and other seawater calculations is automatic; the instrument internally performs the
conversion between T90 and T68 according to the Saunders equation.
• Instruments supported in SEASOFT (for example, SBE 19plus V2) - Use of T68 for salinity and other seawater calculations
is automatic; the software performs the conversion between T90 and T68 according to the Saunders equation. When
selecting temperature as a display/output variable, you must select which standard (T90 or T68) is to be used to compute

Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 57 Revised February 2010

Connector Care and Cable Installation

This Application Note describes the proper care of connectors and installation of cables for Sea-Bird instruments.
The Application Note is divided into three sections:
• Connector Cleaning and Inspection, and Cable / Dummy Plug Installation
• Locking Sleeve Installation
• Cold Weather Tips

Note: All photos in this Application Note show standard Impulse XSG/AG connectors. Except as noted, all
procedures apply to standard XSG/AG connectors as well as to optional wet-pluggable MCBH connectors.

Connector Cleaning and Inspection, and Cable / Dummy Plug Installation

Clean and inspect connectors, cables, and dummy plugs:
• Before every cruise.
• During the cruise – This is a good practice if you have a few days of down time between casts.
• After every cruise – This is the best way to find and remove any corrosion on connector pins before severe
corrosion develops.
• As part of your yearly equipment maintenance.

Follow this procedure:

1. Carefully clean the bulkhead connector and the inside of the mating cable’s boot or the dummy plug with a Kim
wipe. Remove all grease, hair, dirt, and other contamination.

Clean bulkhead Clean inside of cable

connector boot or dummy plug

2. Inspect the connector and cable boot or dummy plug:

A. Inspect the pins on the bulkhead connector for signs of
corrosion. The pins should be bright and shiny, with no
discoloration. If the pins are discolored or corroded, clean
with alcohol and a Q-tip.
B. Inspect the bulkhead connector for chips, cracks, or other
flaws that may compromise the seal.
C. Inspect the cable boot or dummy plug for cuts, nicks,
breaks, or other problems that may compromise the seal.
Replace severely corroded or otherwise damaged connectors, Corroded pins on bulkhead connectors -
cables, and dummy plugs - contact Sea-Bird for instructions Connector on right has a missing pin
and a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.


3. Using a tube of 100% silicone grease (Dow DC-4 or

equivalent), grease the bulkhead connector and the cable
boot or dummy plug.

Do not use WD-40 or other petroleum-based lubricants,
as they will damage the connectors.

A. Squeeze the silicone grease -- approximately half the

size of a pea -- onto the end of your finger. Apply a
light, even coating of grease to the molded ridge around
the base of the bulkhead connector. The ridge looks like
an O-ring molded into the bulkhead connector base and
fits into the groove of the mating cable boot or dummy

B. Squeeze approximately half the size of a pea of the silicone

grease onto the end of your finger. Apply a light, even coating
of grease to the inside of the cable boot or dummy plug.

4. Standard XSG/AG connectors only: Align the bump on the cable boot or dummy plug with the large pin on the
bulkhead connector, and align the sockets with the pins.
Optional wet-pluggable MCBH connectors only: Align the non-conducting guide pin and the conducting pins
with the mating sockets.

• Do not twist the cable boot or dummy plug on the bulkhead connector; twisting can lead to bent pins,
which will soon break.

5. Push the cable boot or dummy plug all the way

onto the bulkhead connector.
• Standard XSG/AG connectors only: You may
note a bulge in the boot or dummy plug,
which is due to trapped air. There may be an
audible pop, which is good. With some newer
cables or dummy plugs, or in cold weather,
there may not be an initial audible pop.

6. Standard XSG/AG connectors only: After the cable

or dummy plug is mated, run your fingers along
the cable boot or dummy plug toward the bulkhead
connector, milking any trapped air out of the boot
or plug. You should hear the air being ejected.
Failure to eject the trapped air will result in the
connector leaking.


Locking Sleeve Installation

After the cable boot or dummy plug is mated to the bulkhead connector, install the locking sleeve. The locking
sleeve secures the cable or dummy plug to the bulkhead connector and prevents them it being inadvertently
removed. Important points regarding locking sleeves:
• Tighten the locking sleeve by hand. Do not use a wrench or pliers to tighten the locking sleeve. Over-
tightening will gall the threads, which can bind the locking sleeve to the bulkhead connector. Attempting to
remove a tightly bound locking sleeve may instead result in the bulkhead connector actually unthreading from
the end cap. A loose bulkhead connector will lead to a flooded instrument. Pay particular attention when
removing a locking sleeve to ensure the bulkhead connector is not loosened.
• It is a common misconception that the locking sleeve provides watertight integrity. It does not, and continued
re-tightening of the locking sleeve will not fix a leaking connector.
• As part of routine maintenance at the end of a day’s casts, remove the locking sleeve, slide it up the cable, and
rinse the connection (still mated) with fresh water. This will prevent premature cable failure.

Locking sleeve

Cold Weather Tips

In cold weather, the cable or dummy plug may be hard to install and remove.

Removing a Frozen Cable Boot or Dummy Plug:

1. Wrap the cable boot or dummy plug with a washrag or other cloth.
2. Pour hot water on the cloth and let it sit for a minute or two. The cable boot or dummy plug should thaw and
become flexible enough to be removed.

Installing a Standard XSG/AG Cable or Dummy Plug:

When possible, install cables and dummy plugs in warm environments. If not, warm the cable boot or dummy plug
sufficiently so it is flexible. A flexible cable boot or dummy plug will install properly.

Note about Wet-Pluggable (MCBH) Connectors:

As an option, Sea-Bird offers wet-pluggable (MCBH) connectors in place of the standard Impulse XSG/AG
connectors. Wet-pluggable connectors have a non-conducting guide pin to assist pin alignment and require less
force to mate, making them easier to mate reliably under dark or cold conditions, compared to our standard
connectors. Wet-pluggable connectors may be mated in wet conditions; their pins do not need to be dried before
mating. By design, water on the connector pins is forced out as the connector is mated. However, they must not be
mated or un-mated while submerged. Like standard connectors, wet-pluggables need proper lubrication and require
care during use to avoid trapping water in sockets.
If desired, Sea-Bird can retrofit your existing instruments with wet-pluggable connectors; contact Sea-Bird for
pricing information.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:


Conversion of Pressure to Depth

Sea-Bird’s SEASOFT software can calculate and output depth, if the instrument data includes
pressure. Additionally, some Sea-Bird instruments (such as the SBE 37-SI or SBE 50) can be set up
by the user to internally calculate depth, and to output depth along with the measured parameters.

Sea-Bird uses the following algorithms for calculating depth:

Fresh Water Applications

Because most fresh water applications are shallow, and high precision in depth not too critical,
Sea-Bird software uses a very simple approximation to calculate depth:

depth (meters) = pressure (decibars) * 1.019716

Seawater Applications

Sea-Bird uses the formula in UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Science No. 44. This is an
empirical formula that takes compressibility (that is, density) into account. An ocean water column
at 0 °C (t = 0) and 35 PSU (s = 35) is assumed.

The gravity variation with latitude and pressure is computed as:

g (m/sec2) = 9.780318 * [ 1.0 + ( 5.2788x10 -3 + 2.36x10 -5 * x) * x ] + 1.092x10 -6 * p

x = [sin (latitude / 57.29578) ] 2
p = pressure (decibars)

Then, depth is calculated from pressure:

depth (meters) = [(((-1.82x10 -15 * p + 2.279x10 -10 ) * p - 2.2512x10 -5 ) * p + 9.72659) * p] / g

p = pressure (decibars)
g = gravity (m/sec2)


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 71 Revised March 2008

Desiccant Use and Regeneration (drying)

This application note applies to all Sea-Bird instruments intended for underwater use. The application note covers:
• When to replace desiccant
• Storage and handling of desiccant
• Regeneration (drying) of desiccant
• Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for desiccant

When to Replace Desiccant Bags

Before delivery of the instrument, a desiccant package is placed in the housing, and the electronics chamber is filled with dry
Argon. These measures help prevent condensation. To ensure proper functioning:
1. Install a new desiccant bag each time you open the housing and expose the electronics.
2. If possible, dry gas backfill each time you open the housing and expose the electronics. If you cannot, wait at least
24 hours before redeploying, to allow the desiccant to remove any moisture from the chamber.

What do we mean by expose the electronics?

• For most battery-powered Sea-Bird instruments (such as SBE 16, 16plus, 16plus V2, 16plus-IM, 16plus-IM V2,
17plus, 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, 25, 26, 26plus, 37-SM, 37-SMP, 37-IM, 37-IMP, 44, 53, 54, 55, Auto Fire Module
[AFM]), there is a bulkhead between the battery and electronics compartments. Battery replacement does not affect
desiccation of the electronics, as the batteries are removed without removing the electronics and no significant gas
exchange is possible through the bulkhead. Therefore, opening the battery compartment to replace the batteries does
not expose the electronics; you do not need to install a new desiccant bag in the electronics compartment each time you
open the battery compartment. For these instruments, install a new desiccant bag if you open the electronics
compartment to access the printed circuit boards.
• For the SBE 39, 39-IM, and 48, the electronics must be removed or exposed to access the battery. Therefore, install a
new desiccant bag each time you open the housing to replace a battery.

Storage and Handling

Testing by Süd-Chemie (desiccant’s manufacturer)
at 60% relative humidity and 30 °C shows that
approximately 25% of the desiccant’s adsorbing
capacity is used up after only 1 hour of exposure to
a constantly replenished supply of moisture in the
air. In other words, if you take a bag out of a
container and leave it out on a workbench for
1 hour, one-fourth of its capacity is gone before
you ever install it in the instrument. Therefore:
• Keep desiccant bags in a tightly sealed,
impermeable container until you are ready to
use them. Open the container, remove a bag,
and quickly close the container again.
• Once you remove the bag(s) from the sealed
container, rapidly install the bag(s) in the
instrument housing and close the housing.
Do not use the desiccant bag(s) if exposed to
air for more than a total of 30 minutes.

Regeneration (drying) of Desiccant

Replacement desiccant bags are available from Sea-Bird:
• PN 60039 is a metal can containing 25 1-gram desiccant bags and 1 humidity indicator card. The 1-gram bags
are used in our smaller diameter housings, such as the SBE 3 (plus, F, and S), 4 (M and C), 5T and 5P,
37 (-SI, -SIP, -SM, -SMP, -IM, and –IMP), 38, 39, 39-IM, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, and 50.
• PN 31180 is a 1/3-ounce desiccant bag, used in our SBE 16plus, 16plus V2, 16plus-IM, 16plus-IM V2, 19plus,
19plus V2, 21, and 52-MP.
• PN 30051 is a 1-ounce desiccant bag. The 1-ounce bags are used in our larger diameter housings, such as the
SBE 9plus, 16, 17plus, 19, 25, 26, 26plus, 32, 53 BPR, 54, 55, AFM, and PDIM.
However, if you run out of bags, you can regenerate your existing bags using the following procedure provided by the
manufacturer (Süd-Chemie Performance Packaging, a Division of United Catalysts, Inc.):

MIL-D-3464 Desiccant Regeneration Procedure

Regeneration of the United Desiccants’ Tyvek Desi Pak® or Sorb-It® bags or United Desiccants’
X-Crepe Desi Pak® or Sorb-It® bags can be accomplished by the following method:

1. Arrange the bags on a wire tray in a single layer to allow for adequate air flow around the bags
during the drying process. The oven’s inside temperature should be room or ambient temperature
(25 – 29.4 °C [77 – 85 °F] ). A convection, circulating, forced-air type oven is recommended for
this regeneration process. Seal failures may occur if any other type of heating unit or appliance
is used.

2. When placed in forced air, circulating air, or convection oven, allow a minimum of 3.8 to 5.1 cm
(1.5 to 2.0 inches) of air space between the top of the bags and the next metal tray above the bags.
If placed in a radiating exposed infrared-element type oven, shield the bags from direct exposure to the
heating element, giving the closest bags a minimum of 40.6 cm (16 inches) clearance from the heat
shield. Excessive surface film temperature due to infrared radiation will cause the Tyvek material to
melt and/or the seals to fail. Seal failure may also occur if the temperature is allowed to increase
rapidly. This is due to the fact that the water vapor is not given sufficient time to diffuse through the
Tyvek material, thus creating internal pressure within the bag, resulting in a seal rupture. Temperature
should not increase faster than 0.14 to 0.28 °C (0.25 to 0.50 °F) per minute.

3. Set the temperature of the oven to 118.3 °C (245 °F), and allow the bags of desiccant to reach
equilibrium temperature. WARNING: Tyvek has a melt temperature of 121.1 – 126.7 °C
(250 – 260 °F) (Non MIL-D-3464E activation or reactivation of both silica gel and Bentonite clay can
be achieved at temperatures of 104.4 °C [220 °F]).

4. Desiccant bags should be allowed to remain in the oven at the assigned temperature for 24 hours.
At the end of the time period, the bags should be immediately removed and placed in a desiccator jar or
dry (0% relative humidity) airtight container for cooling. If this procedure is not followed precisely,
any water vapor driven off during reactivation may be re-adsorbed during cooling
and/or handling.

5. After the bags of desiccant have been allowed to cool in an airtight desiccator, they may be removed
and placed in either an appropriate type polyliner tightly sealed to prevent moisture adsorption, or a
container that prevents moisture from coming into contact with the regenerated desiccant.

NOTE: Use only a metal or glass container with a tight fitting metal or glass lid to store the regenerated desiccant. Keep
the container lid closed tightly to preserve adsorption properties of the desiccant.


Sud-Chemie Performance
101 Christine Dr.
Belen, New Mexico 87002
Phone: (505) 864-6691
ISO 9002 CERTIFIED Fax: (505) 864-9296


Packaged Desiccant


Trade Name and Synonyms: Silica Gel, Synthetic Amorphous Silica,

Silicon, Dioxide
Chemical Family: Synthetic Amorphous Silica
Formula: SiO2.x H2O


Components in the Solid Mixture

Amorphous 63231-67-4 >99 PEL - 20 (RESPIRABLE), LIMIT – NONE,
Silica TLV – 5 HAZARD -

Synthetic amorphous silica is not to be confused with crystalline silica such as quartz,
cristobalite or tridymite or with diatomaceous earth or other naturally occurring forms of
amorphous silica that frequently contain crystalline forms.

This product is in granular form and packed in bags for use as a desiccant. Therefore, no
exposure to the product is anticipated under normal use of this product. Avoid inhaling
desiccant dust.


Appearance and Odor: White granules; odorless.

Melting Point: >1600 Deg C; >2900 Deg F
Solubility in Water: Insoluble.
Bulk Density: >40 lbs./cu. ft.
Percent Volatile by Weight @ 1750 Deg F: <10%.


Sud-Chemie Performance
101 Christine Dr.
Belen, New Mexico 87002
Phone: (505) 864-6691
ISO 9002 CERTIFIED Fax: (505) 864-9296


Packaged Desiccant

Fire and Explosion Hazard - Negligible fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat
or flame by reaction with incompatible substances.

Flash Point - Nonflammable.

Firefighting Media - Dry chemical, water spray, or foam. For larger fires, use water spray
fog or foam.

Firefighting - Nonflammable solids, liquids, or gases: Cool containers that are exposed
to flames with water from the side until well after fire is out. For massive fire in enclosed
area, use unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles; if this is impossible, withdraw from
area and let fire burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety
device or any discoloration of the tank due to fire.


Health hazards may arise from inhalation, ingestion, and/or contact with the skin and/or
eyes. Ingestion may result in damage to throat and esophagus and/or gastrointestinal
disorders. Inhalation may cause burning to the upper respiratory tract and/or temporary or
permanent lung damage. Prolonged or repeated contact with the skin, in absence of
proper hygiene, may cause dryness, irritation, and/or dermatitis. Contact with eye tissue
may result in irritation, burns, or conjunctivitis.

First Aid (Inhalation) - Remove to fresh air immediately. If breathing has stopped, give
artificial respiration. Keep affected person warm and at rest. Get medical attention

First Aid (Ingestion) - If large amounts have been ingested, give emetics to cause
vomiting. Stomach siphon may be applied as well. Milk and fatty acids should be
avoided. Get medical attention immediately.

First Aid (Eyes) - Wash eyes immediately and carefully for 30 minutes with running
water, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get prompt medical attention.

First Aid (Skin) - Wash with soap and water.


Sud-Chemie Performance
101 Christine Dr.
Belen, New Mexico 87002
Phone: (505) 864-6691
ISO 9002 CERTIFIED Fax: (505) 864-9296


Packaged Desiccant
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: This product is a desiccant and generates heat as it adsorbs
water. The used product can contain material of hazardous nature. Identify that material
and treat accordingly.


Reactivity - Silica gel is stable under normal temperatures and pressures in sealed
containers. Moisture can cause a rise in temperature which may result in a burn.


Notify safety personnel of spills or leaks. Clean-up personnel need protection against
inhalation of dusts or fumes. Eye protection is required. Vacuuming and/or wet methods
of cleanup are preferred. Place in appropriate containers for disposal, keeping airborne
particulates at a minimum.


Respiratory Protection - Provide a NIOSH/MSHA jointly approved respirator in the

absence of proper environmental control. Contact your safety equipment supplier for
proper mask type.

Ventilation - Provide general and/or local exhaust ventilation to keep exposures below
the TLV. Ventilation used must be designed to prevent spots of dust accumulation or
recycling of dusts.

Protective Clothing - Wear protective clothing, including long sleeves and gloves, to
prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact.

Eye Protection - Chemical splash goggles designed in compliance with OSHA

regulations are recommended. Consult your safety equipment supplier.


Avoid breathing dust and prolonged contact with skin. Silica gel dust causes eye irritation
and breathing dust may be harmful.


Sud-Chemie Performance
101 Christine Dr.
Belen, New Mexico 87002
Phone: (505) 864-6691
ISO 9002 CERTIFIED Fax: (505) 864-9296


Packaged Desiccant

* No Information Available

HMIS (Hazardous Materials Identification System) for this product is as


Health Hazard 0
Flammability 0
Reactivity 0
Personal Protection HMIS assigns choice of personal protective equipment to the
customer, as the raw material supplier is unfamiliar with the
condition of use.

The information contained herein is based upon data considered true and accurate. However, United Desiccants makes no warranties
expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or adequacy of the information contained herein or the results to be obtained from the use
thereof. This information is offered solely for the user's consideration, investigation and verification. Since the use and conditions of
use of this information and the material described herein are not within the control of United Desiccants, United Desiccants assumes no
responsibility for injury to the user or third persons. The material described herein is sold only pursuant to United Desiccants' Terms
and Conditions of Sale, including those limiting warranties and remedies contained therein. It is the responsibility of the user to
determine whether any use of the data and information is in accordance with applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:
APPLICATION NOTE NO. 73 Revised October 2010

Using Instruments with Pressure Sensors at Elevations Above Sea Level

This application note covers use of a Sea-Bird instrument that includes a pressure sensor at elevations above sea level,
such as in a mountain lake or stream.


Sea-Bird pressure sensors are absolute sensors, so their raw output includes the effect of atmospheric pressure. As
shown on the Calibration Sheet that accompanies the instrument, our calibration (and resulting calibration coefficients)
is in terms of psia. However, when outputting pressure in engineering units, most of our instruments output pressure
relative to the ocean surface (i.e., at the surface the output pressure is 0 decibars). Sea-Bird uses the following equation
in our instruments and/or software to convert psia to decibars:

Pressure (db) = [pressure (psia) – 14.7] * 0.689476

where 14.7 psia is the assumed atmospheric pressure (based on atmospheric pressure at sea level).

This conversion is based on the assumption that the instrument is being used in the ocean; the surface of the ocean
water is by definition at sea level. However, if the instrument is used in a mountain lake or stream, the assumption of
sea level atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia) in the instrument and/or software can lead to incorrect results. Procedures are
provided below for measuring the pressure offset from the assumed sea level atmospheric pressure, and entering the
offset in the instrument and/or software to make the appropriate correction.

 Perform the correction procedure at the elevation at which the instrument will be deployed. Allow the
instrument to equilibrate in a reasonably constant temperature environment for at least 5 hours before starting.
Pressure sensors exhibit a transient change in their output in response to changes in their environmental
temperature. Sea-Bird instruments are constructed to minimize this by thermally decoupling the sensor from the
body of the instrument. However, there is still some residual effect; allowing the instrument to equilibrate before
starting will provide the most accurate calibration correction.

Inclusion of calibration coefficients in the instrument itself or in a file used by our software to interpret raw data varies,
depending on the instrument. Commands used to program the instrument vary as well. Therefore, there are variations in
the correction procedure, depending on the instrument. These instruments are addressed below:


 SBE 16plus and 16plus V2 (RS-232 versions) SEACAT C-T (pressure optional) Recorder,
SBE 19plus and 19plus V2 SEACAT Profiler CTD, and SBE 49 FastCAT CTD Sensor
 SBE 16plus and 16plus V2 (RS-485 versions) SEACAT C-T (pressure optional) Recorder, and
SBE 16plus-IM and 16plus-IM V2 SEACAT C-T (pressure optional) Recorder
 SBE 37 MicroCAT (all IDO models and all other models with firmware version > 3.0)
 SBE 37 MicroCAT (all models with firmware version < 3.0, except IDO models)
 SBE 50 Digital Oceanographic Pressure Sensor
 SBE 52-MP Moored Profiler CTD and DO Sensor
 SBE 39-IM Temperature (pressure optional) Recorder
 SBE 39 Temperature (pressure optional) Recorder
 SBE 26plus SEAGAUGE Wave and Tide Recorder and SBE 53 BPR Bottom Pressure Recorder


SBE 9plus and 25

Sea-Bird real-time data acquisition software (Seasave) and post-processing software (SBE Data Processing) use
calibration coefficients programmed in a configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file to convert raw data from these instruments
to engineering units.
Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:
1. With the instrument in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In Seasave, in the .con or .xmlcon file, set the pressure offset to 0.0.
3. Acquire data in Seasave, and display the pressure sensor output in decibars.
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the .con or .xmlcon file.
Offset Correction Example:
Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in .con or .xmlcon file.

SBE 16plus and 16plus V2 (RS-232 versions), 19plus and 19plus V2, and 49
Sea-Bird real-time data acquisition software (Seasave) and post-processing software (SBE Data Processing) use
calibration coefficients programmed in a configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file to convert raw data from these instruments
to engineering units. These instruments are also able to directly output data that is already converted to engineering
units (pressure in decibars), using calibration coefficients that are programmed into the instrument.
Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:
1. With the instrument in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In Seasave, in the .con or .xmlcon file, set the pressure offset to 0.0.
3. Acquire data in Seasave, and display the pressure sensor output in decibars.
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the .con or .xmlcon file.
6. Also enter the calculated offset in the instrument (using the POffset= command in the terminal program*).
*Note: SBE 16plus V2 and 19plus V2 use SeatermV2 terminal program; the other instruments use SEATERM.
Offset Correction Example:
Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in .con or .xmlcon file and in instrument.

SBE 16plus and 16plus V2 (RS-485 versions), and 16plus-IM and 16plus-IM V2
Sea-Bird real-time data acquisition software (Seasave) and post-processing software (SBE Data Processing) use
calibration coefficients programmed in a configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file to convert raw data from these instruments
to engineering units. These instruments are also able to directly output data that is already converted to engineering
units (pressure in decibars), using calibration coefficients that are programmed into the instrument.
Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:
1. With the instrument in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In the terminal program*, set the pressure offset to 0.0 (#iiPOffset=0) and set the output format to converted data
in decimal form (#iiOutputFormat=3).
*Note: 16plus V2 and 16plus-IM V2 use SeatermV2; the other instruments use SEATERM.
3. Acquire data using the #iiTP command.
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the instrument (using the #iiPOffset= command).
6. Also enter the calculated offset in the .con or .xmlcon file, using SBE Data Processing.
Offset Correction Example:
Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in .con or .xmlcon file and in instrument.


SBE 37 (all IDO [Integrated Dissolved Oxygen] models, and all other models with firmware version > 3.0)

The SBE 37 is able to directly output data that is already converted to engineering units (pressure in decibars), using
calibration coefficients that are programmed into the instrument. If using SeatermV2 (version 1.1 and later) to upload
data, SeatermV2 creates a configuration (.xmlcon) file along with a .hex data file. Sea-Bird post-processing software
(SBE Data Processing) uses the calibration coefficients in the .xmlcon file to convert raw data to engineering units.

Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:

1. With the SBE 37 in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In the SeatermV2 terminal program, set the pressure offset to 0.0 and pressure sensor output to decibars. *
3. Acquire data. *
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the SBE 37 in SeatermV2. *
6. If you have already uploaded data, also enter the calculated offset in the .xmlcon file, using SBE Data Processing.

Offset Correction Example:

Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in the SBE 37.

* NOTE: Commands for setting pressure offset, setting output format, and acquiring data vary:
Pressure Offset Output Format Command to
Command Command Acquire Data **
MicroCATs with Inductive Modem (IM)
#iiPOffset= #iiOutputFormat=1 (measures and outputs
or RS-485 telemetry
data 100 times)
TSn:100 (measures and
MicroCATs with RS-232 telemetry POffset= OutputFormat=1
outputs data 100 times)
** See MicroCAT manual for location of pressure data in output data string.

SBE 37 (all models with firmware version < 3.0, except IDO [Integrated Dissolved Oxygen] models)

The SBE 37 is able to directly output data that is already converted to engineering units (pressure in decibars), using
calibration coefficients that are programmed into the instrument. These SBE 37s do not use a configuration (.con or
.xmlcon) file.

Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:

1. With the SBE 37 in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In the SEATERM terminal program, set the pressure offset to 0.0 and pressure sensor output to decibars. *
3. Acquire data. *
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the SBE 37 in SEATERM. *

Offset Correction Example:

Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in the SBE 37.

* NOTE: Commands for setting pressure offset, setting output format, and acquiring data vary:
Pressure Offset Output Format Command to
Command Command Acquire Data
MicroCATs with Inductive Modem (IM) or #iiTP (measures and
#iiPOffset= #iiFormat=1
RS-485 telemetry outputs pressure 30 times)
TP (measures and outputs
MicroCATs with RS-232 telemetry POffset= Format=1
pressure 100 times)


SBE 50

The SBE 50 is able to directly output data that is already converted to engineering units (psia, decibars, or depth in feet
or meters), using calibration coefficients that are programmed into the instrument. The SBE 50 does not use a
configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file.

Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:

1. With the SBE 50 in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In the SEATERM terminal program, set the pressure offset to 0.0 (POffset=0) and set the output format to the
desired format (OutputFormat=).
3. Acquire data using the TS command a number of times.
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the SBE 50 (use POffset= in SEATERM). The offset must be entered in units
consistent with OutputFormat=. For example, if the output format is decibars (OutputFormat=2), enter the
offset in decibars.

Offset Correction Example:

Pressure displayed at elevation with OutputFormat=2 (db) is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in the SBE 50.


The SBE 52-MP is able to directly output data that is already converted to engineering units (pressure in decibars),
using calibration coefficients that are programmed into the instrument. The SBE 52-MP does not use a configuration
(.con or .xmlcon) file.

Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:

1. With the SBE 52-MP in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In the SEATERM terminal program, set the pressure offset to 0.0 (POffset=0).
3. Acquire data using the TP command.
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the SBE 52-MP (use POffset= in SEATERM).

Offset Correction Example:

Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in the SBE 52-MP.


The SBE 39-IM directly outputs data that is already converted to engineering units (pressure in decibars), using
calibration coefficients that are programmed into the SBE 39-IM. The SBE 39-IM does not use a configuration (.con or
.xmlcon) file.

Follow this procedure to correct the pressure:

1. With the SBE 39-IM in the air, place it in the orientation it will have when deployed.
2. In the SEATERM terminal program, set the pressure offset to 0.0 (#iiPOffset=0).
3. Acquire data using the #iiTP command.
4. Calculate offset = (0 – instrument reading).
5. Enter the calculated offset in the SBE 39-IM (use #iiPOffset= in SEATERM)

Offset Correction Example:

Pressure displayed at elevation is -1.655 db. Offset = 0 – (-1.655) = + 1.655 db
Enter offset in the SBE 39-IM.


SBE 39

The SBE 39 directly outputs data that is already converted to engineering units (pressure in decibars), using calibration
coefficients that are programmed into the SBE 39. The SBE 39 does not use a configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file. The
SBE 39 is a special case, because its programmed calibration coefficients do not currently include a pressure offset
term. The lack of a pressure offset term creates two difficulties when deploying at elevations above sea level:
 After the data is recorded and uploaded, you must perform post-processing to adjust for the pressure offset.
Sea-Bird software cannot currently perform this adjustment for the SBE 39.
 Without adjusting the instrument range, internal calculation limitations prevent the SBE 39 from providing accurate
data at high elevations. Specifically, if (0.1 * sensor range) < (decrease in atmospheric pressure from sea level to elevation),
an error condition in the SBE 39’s internal calculations occurs. The table below tabulates the atmospheric pressure and
approximate elevation at which this calculation limitation occurs for different pressure sensor ranges.
Atmospheric Pressure (psi) at Approximate
Range Range (psi) =
0.1 * Range (psi) elevation at which error occurs = Corresponding Elevation
(m or db) * Range (db) / 0.689476
[14.7 – 0.1 * Range (psi)] (m)
20 29 2.9 11.8 1800
100 145 14.5 0.2 No where on Earth!
350 507 50.7 - -
1000 1450 145 - -
2000 2900 290 - -
3500 5076 507 - -
7000 10152 1015 - -
* Notes:
 Although decibars and meters are not strictly equal, this approximation is close enough for this Application Note.
See Application Note 69 for conversion of pressure (db) to depth (m) for fresh or salt water applications.
 Equations used in conversions -
As shown on page 1: pressure (db) = [pressure (psia) – 14.7] * 0.689476;
Rearranging: pressure (psia) = [Pressure (db) / 0.689476] + 14.7
Measuring relative to atmospheric: pressure (psi; relative to atmospheric pressure) = Pressure (db) / 0.689476

From the table, it is apparent that the only practical limitation occurs with a 20 meter pressure sensor. To use the
SBE 39 in this situation, change the sensor range internally to 100 meters by entering PRange=100 in the SBE 39
(using SEATERM). This changes the electronics’ operating range, allowing you to record pressure data at high
elevations, but slightly decreases resolution. After the data is recorded and uploaded, perform post-processing to adjust
for the pressure offset. Note that Sea-Bird software cannot currently perform this adjustment for the SBE 39.

CAUTION: Changing PRange in the SBE 39 does not increase the actual maximum water depth at which the
instrument can be used (20 meters) without damaging the sensor.

Example 1: You want to deploy the SBE 39 with a 20 m pressure sensor in a mountain lake at 1400 meters
(4590 feet). This is lower than 1800 meters shown in the table, so you do not need to adjust the sensor range.
After the data is recorded and uploaded, perform post-processing to adjust for the pressure offset.

Example 2: You want to deploy the SBE 39 with a 20 m pressure sensor in a mountain lake at 2000 meters
(6560 feet). This is higher than 1800 meters shown in the table, so you need to adjust the sensor range. In
SEATERM, set PRange=100 to allow use of the SBE 39 at this elevation. After the data is recorded and
uploaded, perform post-processing to adjust for the pressure offset.

SBE 26plus and 53

Unlike our other instruments that include a pressure sensor, the SBE 26plus and 53 output absolute pressure (i.e., at the
surface the output pressure is atmospheric pressure at the deployment elevation). Therefore, no corrections are required
when using these instruments above sea level. SBE 26plus / 53 software (SEASOFT for Waves) includes a module that
can subtract measured barometric pressures from tide data, and convert the resulting pressures to water depths.


Application Note Revision History

Date Description
June 2004 Initial release.
July 2005 Add information on SBE 39-IM, 52-MP, and 53.
February 2009  Add information on V2 Seacats and newer MicroCATs (version 3 and greater firmware).
 Add information on SeatermV2 software.
October 2010  Add information on IDO MicroCATs (37-SMP-IDO, SIP-IDO, IMP-IDO).
 Add information on creation of .xmlcon file for MicroCATs with data uploaded using
SeatermV2 1.1 and later.
 Add information on .xmlcon files for all instruments that use configuration files.
 Update address.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20 Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 75 Revised September 2011

Maintenance of SBE 5T, 5P, and 5M Pumps
This application note is intended to assist you in maintaining your pump:
• SBE 5T Titanium Submersible Pump – titanium housing (depth to 10,500 meters).
• SBE 5P Plastic Submersible Pump – plastic housing (depth to 600 meters).
• SBE 5M Miniature Submersible Pump – available in titanium housing (depth to 10,500 meters) or plastic housing (depth
to 600 meters).

Note: In September 2011, Sea-Bird changed the SBE 5T mechanical design; the new design is easily differentiated from
the old design because the new design does not have a retaining ring (see photo below). The old SBE 5T is opened from the
end with the retaining ring and bulkhead connector; the new SBE 5T is opened from the end with the pump head.
Instructions for disassembly/reassembly of the new SBE 5T pump are identical to those for the SBE 5P pump.

A properly maintained pump will provide constant flow for your CTD and any pumped auxiliary sensors, resulting in high
quality data. The main symptom of a non-functioning or poorly functioning pump is bad conductivity data, because the pump is
not pulling water through the conductivity cell.

CAUTION: Do not run the pump dry. The pump is water lubricated; running it without water will damage it. If testing your
system in dry conditions, remove the Tygon tubing from the hose barb at the top of the pump head, and fill the inside of the
pump head with water. This will provide enough lubrication to prevent pump damage during testing.

The application note is organized as follows:

• Routine rinsing after recovery (applies to all pumps)
• SBE 5T Titanium Pump with retaining ring (old design, discontinued September 2011) -
Periodic cleaning for SBE 5T
Yearly maintenance for SBE 5T
Non-functioning or poorly functioning SBE 5T
• SBE 5M Pump (plastic or titanium), SBE 5P Plastic Pump, and
SBE 5T Titanium Pump (new design, no retaining ring, September 2011) -
Periodic cleaning for SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T
Yearly maintenance for SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T
Non-functioning or poorly functioning SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T

Hose Pump
barb head


End cap
5T retaining 5T 5P SBE SBE
ring 5M 5M
(5T old
design SBE 5M with SBE 5M with
only) titanium housing plastic housing


SBE 5T (old design, SBE 5T SBE 5P

discontinued (new design,
September 2011) September 2011)

Routine Rinsing after Recovery (applies to all pumps)

At the end of a day of taking casts:

1. Remove the Tygon tubing from the pump head’s hose barbs.

2. Leaving the pump head on the housing, thoroughly rinse the inside of the pump head, pouring clean, fresh water through a
hose barb. If the pump head is not rinsed between uses, salt crystals may form on the impeller. Over time, this may freeze
the impeller in place, preventing the pump from working.

3. Replace the Tygon tubing on the hose barbs.

4. Unscrew the cable locking sleeve from the bulkhead connector, and slide it up the Locking sleeve
cable. Thoroughly rinse the cable connection (still mated) with clean, fresh water.
This will prevent premature cable failure.

5. Slide the locking sleeve back into place, and screw it back onto the bulkhead
connector. Do not use a wrench or pliers to tighten the locking sleeve.

SBE 5T Titanium Pump with Retaining Ring (old design, discontinued September 2011)

Periodic Cleaning for SBE 5T (old design)

If you are going to store the pump for more than 1 week, or have removed the pump from a mooring, perform a more thorough

1. Unscrew the pump head from the housing.

2. Using clean, fresh water, thoroughly rinse the pump head and impeller.

3. Inspect the impeller for salt deposits. Clean any deposits with clean, fresh water and a toothbrush. Verify that the impeller
can turn freely.

4. Inspect the shaft, and the O-ring and thrust washer holding the impeller on the shaft. There is another thrust washer
underneath the impeller magnet, inside the housing. If this thrust washer is in good condition, you should observe a small
gap between the bottom of the impeller and the end cap. If there is no gap, the thrust washer is worn and needs to be
replaced (see Yearly Maintenance for SBE 5T (old design) for replacement procedure).

Note small gap End cap

between impeller O-ring
and end cap.
Impeller –
Absence of gap
note salt
indicates worn
thrust washer
under impeller


End cap Impeller

Shaft, O-ring,
and thrust End cap

SBE 5T with Pump Head Removed


Yearly Maintenance for SBE 5T (old design)

1. Unscrew the pump head from PN 30571

the housing. O-ring End cap
PN 30009
2. Replace the O-ring and 2 thrust impeller/
washers on the shaft: 30010 PN
A. Remove the O-ring from the thrust 30010
washer PN
shaft. A pair of tweezers works thrust
well for this. washer
B. Pull the impeller and attached
magnet off the shaft. The thrust Shaft
washer above the impeller will
come off at the same time. SBE 5T with Pump Head and Impeller Removed
Inspect the impeller for salt
build-up, and clean if
necessary. Inspect the magnet for wear. Particularly in sandy coastal environments, the magnet may be worn down
from abrasion. If necessary, replace the impeller / magnet assembly (PN 30009).
C. Remove the second thrust washer from the bottom of the shaft. A pair of tweezers works well for this.
D. Inspect the shaft for wear.
E. Rinse the shaft and depression in the housing with clean, fresh water. Allow to dry.
F. Using new thrust washers (2 of PN 30010) and O-ring (PN 30095), replace the thrust washer and impeller / magnet on
the shaft. Replace the other thrust washer and O-ring on the shaft, above the impeller, pushing hard with your fingertip
to seat the thrust washer and O-ring in place.

3. Inspect the end cap O-ring and the mating surface on the pump head for dirt, nicks, and cuts. Clean or replace as necessary.
Apply a light coat of O-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the O-ring and mating surfaces.

4. Reinstall the pump head on the pump housing.

5. Inspect the bulkhead connector for corrosion, which is a sign of seawater leakage between the bulkhead connector and
cable. If there is corrosion, thoroughly clean the connector with water, followed by alcohol. Inspect the bulkhead connector
for chips, cracks, or other flaws that may compromise the seal. Inspect the mating cable’s connector for cuts, nicks, breaks,
or other problems that may compromise the seal. Give the connector surfaces a light coating of silicon grease, and remate
the connector properly; see Application Note 57: Connector Care and Cable Installation.
• If the bulkhead connector is severely corroded or damaged, it must be replaced. Sea-Bird recommends that this work
be performed at the factory, because the pump’s physical configuration makes customer-replacement of the connector


Non-Functioning or Poorly Functioning SBE 5T (old design)

Perform the inspection procedures listed above in Yearly Maintenance for SBE 5T (old design). If you do not discover the
problem there, proceed as follows.
1. Unscrew the connector end cap retaining ring. Install a 2-pin end cap Retaining ring
dummy plug with locking sleeve over the bulkhead connector
to provide a good grip and protect the connector pins. Rotate
the end cap back and forth while carefully pulling the end cap
away from the housing. Pull out the end cap and attached
electronics from the housing.

2. Verify that the magnet can spin freely and is not broken or

3. Look for other signs of damage on the electronics.

4. Inspect the connector end cap O-ring and the mating surface in the housing for dirt, nicks, and cuts. Clean as necessary. If
the O-ring or mating surface is damaged, return the pump to Sea-Bird for repairs.
• Sea-Bird recommends that connector end cap O-ring replacement be performed at the factory, because the pump’s
physical configuration makes customer-replacement of this O-ring difficult to perform without special tools.

5. Apply a light coat of O-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the O-ring and mating surfaces. Gently place a new
desiccant bag (PN 30558 – 1 gram) on the electronics (see Application Note 71 for desiccant use and regeneration).
Reinstall the electronics in the housing, until the O-ring has fully seated. Reinstall the retaining ring on the connector end

PN 30082 Retaining ring
Magnet Connector end
Desiccant cap O-ring


SBE 5M Pump (plastic or titanium),

SBE 5P Plastic Pump, or
SBE 5T Titanium Pump (new design, no retaining ring, September 2011)

Periodic Cleaning for SBE 5M, 5P, or End cap

5T (new design, no retaining ring) O-rings

If you are going to store the pump for more than 1 week, or have removed the
pump from a mooring, perform a more thorough cleaning:

CAUTION: Remove the end cap and impeller from the housing before
cleaning the impeller. The end cap O-rings seal the electronics chamber. The
end cap may walk out of the housing after the pump head is removed, allowing
water to enter the electronics chamber if you clean the impeller without first
End cap Pump
removing the end cap from the housing. and impeller head

1. Unscrew the pump head from the housing.

2. Pull out the end cap from the housing.

3. Using clean, fresh water, thoroughly rinse the pump head and impeller.

4. Inspect the impeller for salt deposits. Clean any deposits with clean, fresh water and a toothbrush. Verify that the impeller
can turn freely.

5. Inspect the shaft, and the O-ring and thrust washer holding the impeller on the shaft. There is another thrust washer
underneath the impeller magnet, inside the housing. If this thrust washer is in good condition, you should observe a small
gap between the bottom of the impeller and the end cap. If there is no gap, the thrust washer is worn and needs to be
replaced (see Yearly Maintenance for SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T (new design, no retaining ring) for replacement procedure).

6. Apply a light coat of O-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the O-ring and mating surfaces. Reinstall the end cap in the
housing, carefully aligning the end cap with the housing and pushing hard on the end cap to seat the first O-ring in the
housing (only 1 O-ring should now be visible).
CAUTION: If you are not careful, you may pinch the O-ring, which may allow water to enter the housing,
damaging the electronics.

7. Reinstall the pump head on the end cap.

Note small gap
between impeller
and end cap.
Impeller –
Absence of gap
note salt
indicates worn
thrust washer
under impeller


Shaft, Impeller
and End cap
End cap thrust

SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T with Pump Head Removed


Yearly Maintenance for SBE 5M, 5P, or

5T (new design, no retaining ring)
PN 31011
O-ring PN 30571
CAUTION: Remove the end cap and impeller from the housing before O-ring
cleaning the impeller. The end cap O-rings seal the electronics chamber. The
end cap may walk out of the housing after the pump head is removed, allowing
water to enter the electronics chamber if you clean the impeller without first
removing the end cap from the housing.

1. Unscrew the pump head from the housing.

2. Pull out the end cap from the housing. End cap Pump
and impeller head
3. Replace the O-ring and 2 thrust washers on
the shaft:
End cap
A. Remove the O-ring from the shaft. A pair of
PN 30009
tweezers works well for this. impeller/
B. Pull the impeller and attached magnet off the PN
30010 PN
shaft. The thrust washer above the impeller will
thrust 30010
come off at the same time. Inspect the impeller for washer PN
salt build-up, and clean if necessary. Inspect the washer
magnet for wear. Particularly in sandy coastal O-ring
environments, the magnet may be worn down
from abrasion. If necessary, replace the impeller / Shaft
magnet assembly (PN 30009).
C. Remove the second thrust washer from the bottom SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T with Pump Head and Impeller Removed
of the shaft. A pair of tweezers works well for
D. Inspect the shaft for wear.
E. Rinse the shaft and depression in the housing with clean, fresh water. Allow to dry.
F. Using new thrust washers (2 of PN 30010) and O-ring (PN 30095), replace the thrust washer and impeller / magnet on
the shaft. Replace the other thrust washer and O-ring on the shaft, above the impeller, pushing hard with your fingertip
to seat the thrust washer and O-ring in place.

4. Inspect the end cap O-rings and the mating surface on the pump head for dirt, nicks, and cuts. Clean or replace as
necessary. Apply a light coat of O-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the O-rings and mating surfaces.

5. Reinstall the end cap in the housing, carefully aligning the end cap with the housing and pushing hard on the end cap to seat
the first O-ring in the housing (only 1 O-ring should now be visible).
CAUTION: If you are not careful, you may pinch the O-ring, which may allow water to enter the housing,
damaging the electronics.

6. Reinstall the pump head on the end cap.

7. Inspect the bulkhead connector for corrosion, which is a sign of seawater leakage between the bulkhead connector and
cable. If there is corrosion, thoroughly clean the connector with water, followed by alcohol. Inspect the bulkhead connector
for chips, cracks, or other flaws that may compromise the seal. Inspect the mating cable’s connector for cuts, nicks, breaks,
or other problems that may compromise the seal. Give the connector surfaces a light coating of silicon grease, and remate
the connector properly; see Application Note 57: Connector Care and Cable Installation.
• If the bulkhead connector is severely corroded or damaged, it must be replaced. Sea-Bird recommends that this work
be performed at the factory, because the pump’s physical configuration makes customer-replacement of the connector


Non-Functioning or Poorly Functioning SBE 5M, 5P, or

5T (new design, no retaining ring)

Perform the inspection procedures listed above in Yearly Maintenance for SBE 5M, 5P, or 5T (new design, no retaining ring).
If you do not discover the problem there, proceed as follows.

1. Unscrew the pump head from the housing.

2. Pull out the end cap from the housing.

3. Pull out the electronics from the housing. Note that the electronics are wired to the bulkhead connector inside the housing.

4. Verify that the magnet can spin freely and is not broken or damaged.

5. Look for other signs of damage on the electronics.

6. Reinstall the end cap in the housing:

A. Apply a light coat of O-ring lubricant (Parker Super O Lube) to the O-ring and mating surfaces.
B. SBE 5M – Gently place a new desiccant capsule (PN 31044 – 0.4 gram) on the electronics, and replace the black
tape to secure it in place.
SBE 5P or 5T - Gently place a new desiccant bag (PN 30558 – 1 gram) on the electronics.
(see Application Note 71 for desiccant use and regeneration).
C. Reinstall the electronics in the housing.
D. Reinstall the end cap in the housing, carefully aligning the end cap with the housing and pushing hard on the end cap
to seat the first O-ring in the housing (only 1 O-ring should now be visible).
CAUTION: If you are not careful, you may pinch the O-ring, which may allow water to enter the housing,
damaging the electronics.

7. Reinstall the pump head on the end cap.

SBE 5M with Electronics Removed (titanium version shown; plastic version similar)

SBE 5P with Electronics Removed (5T similar)


Application Note Revision History

Date Description
August 2004 Initial release
June 2007 Update to include instructions for 5P
September 2011 Add information on new mechanical design for SBE 5T


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 86 February 2007

Change to SBE 9plus CTD Bottom Contact Switch Connector (JB6)

This Application Note discusses a change to the bottom contact switch bulkhead connector on the SBE 9plus CTD.

Through mid-February 2007, the configuration of the SBE 9plus included three 2-pin, male, bulkhead connectors:
• JT1 sea cable connector on the top end cap
• JB3 pump connector on the bottom end cap
• JB6 bottom contact connector on the bottom end cap

The 9plus is usually deployed with a dummy plug on the JB6 bottom contact connector (because most customers do not use
a bottom contact switch). Over the years, a small number of customers have mistakenly removed the dummy plug and
plugged the 250-volt sea cable into JB6, causing extensive damage to the electronics that renders the 9plus inoperable until
one of the PCBs is replaced. To prevent this expensive user error, all SBE 9plus CTDs built after mid-February 2007 will
use a 2-pin female bulkhead connector for JB6 to differentiate JB6 from the JT1 sea cable connector.

Note: It is rare for the sea cable to be mistakenly plugged into the JB3 pump connector, most likely because there is always
a pump cable on this connector.

For existing SBE 9plus CTDs, Sea-Bird will change the JB6 bottom contact connector on request, at our usual price for this
type of work. Note that a new dummy plug and (if applicable) a new cable to a bottom contact switch are also required if
the connector is changed. Contact Sea-Bird for pricing and for scheduling information.

Part Numbers for new bulkhead connector, cables, and dummy plugs:

Part Description
172265 VSG-2BCL-HP-SS bulkhead connector
172266 VMG-2FSD-HP dummy plug for bulkhead connector
172267 RMG-2FS to VMG-2FS cable, bottom contact switch to 9plus

172268 MCBH-2FS (WB) AL wet-pluggable bulkhead connector for 9plus with aluminum housing
172269 MCBH-2FS (WB) TI wet-pluggable bulkhead connector for 9plus with titanium housing
172270 MCIL-2FS to MCIL-2MP cable, bottom contact switch to 9plus (wet-pluggable bulkhead connectors on both)
171795 MCDC-2MP dummy plug for wet-pluggable bulkhead connector

See below for a drawing of the 9plus bottom end cap.


SBE 9plus Bottom End Cap

1. Wet-pluggable (MCBH) connectors are available in anodized aluminum or titanium; connector type must match
SBE 9plus housing (standard aluminum or optional titanium).
2. All the 3-pin connectors are the same type; see the connector callout for JB5.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: +1 425-643-9866

13431 NE 20 Street Fax: +1 425-643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 64 Revised February 2011

SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor – Background Information,
Deployment Recommendations, and Cleaning and Storage

General Description

The SBE 43 is a polarographic membrane oxygen sensor having a single output signal of 0 to +5 volts, which is
proportional to the temperature-compensated current flow occurring when oxygen is reacted inside the membrane. A
Sea-Bird CTD that is equipped with an SBE 43 oxygen sensor records this voltage for later conversion to oxygen
concentration using a modified version of the algorithm by Owens and Millard (1985).

The SBE 43 determines dissolved oxygen concentration by counting the number of oxygen molecules per second
(flux) that diffuse through the membrane from the ocean environment to the working electrode. At the working
electrode (cathode), oxygen gas molecules are converted to hydroxyl ions (OH-) in a series of reaction steps where
the electrode supplies four electrons per molecule to complete the reaction. The sensor counts oxygen molecules by
measuring the electrons per second (amperes) delivered to the reaction. At the other electrode (anode), silver
chloride is formed and silver ions (Ag+) are dissolved into solution. Consequently, the chemistry of the sensor
electrolyte changes continuously as oxygen is measured, resulting in a slow but continuous loss of sensitivity that
produces a continual, predictable drift in the sensor calibration with time. This electro-chemical drift is accelerated
at high oxygen concentrations and falls to zero when no oxygen is being consumed. Accordingly, sensor storage and
deployment strategies that produce zero- or near zero-oxygen environments when the sensor is not being sampled
can be used to substantially reduce electro-chemical drift, improving long-term data quality.

Membrane fouling also contributes to drift by altering the oxygen diffusion rate through the membrane, thus reducing
sensitivity. Non-biological fouling, occurring for example if the SBE 43 was profiled through an oil slick, typically
produces an immediate jump toward low oxygen. Biological fouling, particularly on moorings, can be troublesome,
because the living organisms either consume or create oxygen. Without protection and/or routine cleaning, a micro-
environment around the sensor can produce oxygen levels that are different from the true ambient conditions. By
recognizing fouling, both episodic and gradual in nature, and promptly cleaning the sensor using the procedures in
this application note, accuracy can be restored.

In 2007, Sea-Bird began shipping SBE 43s with a black plastic plenum in place of the original white plastic
plenum, for SBE 43s intended for mooring applications. When our inventory of white plastic plenums is used up, we
will begin building all SBE 43s with black plastic plenums. In 2007, Sea-Bird also began shipping SBE 43s intended
for mooring applications with black Tygon tubing in place of clear Tygon tubing (SBE 43s intended for profiling
applications will continue to be plumbed with clear tubing). The black plenum and tubing minimize light entering the
system, and reduce biological fouling.

The concentration of oxygen in the environment can be computed given the flux of oxygen and the geometry of the
diffusion path. The permeability of the membrane to oxygen is a function of temperature and ambient pressure and is
taken into account in the calibration equation. The algorithm to compute oxygen concentration requires
measurements of water temperature, salinity, pressure, and oxygen sensor output voltage. When the oxygen
sensor is interfaced with a Sea-Bird CTD, all of these parameters are measured by the CTD system.

The oxygen sensor consumes the oxygen in the water very near the surface of the sensor membrane. If there is not an
adequate flow of new water past the membrane, the sensor will give a reading that is lower than the true oxygen
concentration. Additionally, if the flow rate is not constant, the sensor response time will vary, causing dynamic error,
particularly when profiling. Maximum accuracy requires that water be pumped (across the membrane) at rates from
20 to 40 ml/second, as provided on Sea-Bird CTDs with SBE 5T or 5P pumps.


Temperature differences between the water and oxygen sensor can lead to errors in the oxygen measurement.
The SBE 43 minimizes this difference by using materials that equilibrate rapidly with the environment and
incorporating a thermistor placed under the membrane, at the cathode, for accurate temperature compensation.
As a result, the SBE 43 is less susceptible to error when profiling through areas of high temperature gradients than
previous oxygen sensors.

Use in Moored Applications

As discussed above, the oxygen sensor consumes the oxygen in the water near the sensor membrane. In moored
applications, this requires that water be pumped past the oxygen sensor. When used with a SEACAT (SBE 16, 16plus,
16plus-IM, 16plus V2, 16plus-IM V2, or 19plus or 19plus V2 in moored mode), the SBE 43 flow chamber (plenum)
is connected in-line between the pump and conductivity sensor. The pump does not run between samples, trapping
water in the plenum. Because the sensor is continuously polarized by an internal battery, oxygen continues to be
consumed between samples. The sensor depletes oxygen in the water close to the membrane. If you were to observe
the sensor output after the pump stopped, the oxygen concentration inside the plenum would approach a steady state
well below ambient oxygen levels. When the pump switches on at the beginning of the next sampling interval, you
would observe a curve similar to those shown below for a 0.5-mil membrane. The water flow establishes a normal
boundary layer at the membrane, and the sensor equilibrates to the ambient oxygen level. The time required to reach
99% of the final equilibrium value depends on temperature (faster equilibration in warmer water) and on the sensor
membrane thickness (faster equilibration with a thinner membrane).

Vertical arrows on the plot show the point at which the sensor has achieved 99% of the final value at each

28 seconds at 1.7 °C
Dissolved Oxygen ml/l

7 99% of final value

1.7 °C
6 10.2 °C
19.7 °C
29.2 °C
T = 1.7
3 T = 10.2
T = temperature (°C)
2 T = 19.7
7 seconds at 29.2 °C
1 T = 29.2
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time in Seconds
Response Time at Several Temperatures for 0.5-mil Membrane

Prior to 2007, all SBE 43s were sold with a 0.5-mil thick membrane. Beginning in 2007, Sea-Bird began offering
two membrane thicknesses – 0.5 mil (faster response, typically for profiling applications) and
1.0 mil (slower response but more durable, typically for moored applications).


Summary of Response Times for Moored Applications

The first plot below is derived from the preceding plot and may be used to determine the time required from power-
up and pump turn-on to the availability of an acceptable dissolved oxygen sample with a 0.5-mil membrane. For
simplicity, we generally recommend a minimum pump time of 15 seconds for 15 °C and warmer water, and reference
the 1% curve below for colder water.
Summary of Response Times for 0.5-mil Membrane
Time to 1% of final value

Time in Seconds
25 Time to 5% of final value
To 1% of final value
To 5% of final value
0 10 20 30 40
Temperature in Degrees C

• Example – SBE 16plus with SBE 43 with 0.5-mil membrane:

If working in 20 °C water and wanting oxygen data to within 1% of actual oxygen concentrations, pump time of at
least 11 seconds is required. Set the SBE 16plus to pump during the entire sample (PumpMode=2) *, and set the
delay before sampling to 15 seconds (DelayBeforeSampling=15) *. We have allowed an extra 4 seconds of pump
time; this ensures that the sample will still be good if the SBE 16plus is in colder than expected water. Note that
longer pump times reduce battery endurance.
* See the appropriate CTD manual for the exact format of these commands; they vary, depending on the product and the
telemetry interface.

The next plot was derived in a similar fashion, and may be used to determine the time required from power-up and
pump turn-on to the availability of an acceptable dissolved oxygen sample with a 1.0-mil membrane. For simplicity,
we generally recommend a minimum pump time of 25 seconds for 15 °C and warmer water, and reference the
1% curve below for colder water.
Summary of Response Times for 1.0-mil Membrane

To 1% of final value

To 5% of final value


Use in Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Environments

SBE 43 oxygen sensors can be used for hours in hydrogen sulfide rich environments with no ill effects to sensor
elements or signal calibration.

Poisoning of oxygen sensors in hydrogen sulfide environments was a phenomenon common to early sensor designs
that used silver as the cathode element. The SBE 43 uses a noble metal (gold) as the cathode and silver as the anode,
and shows no degradation of signal or calibration when used for profiling in hydrogen sulfide environments. In
particular, a month of intensive hydrographic profiles in the Black Sea using Sea-Bird oxygen sensors has
demonstrated that these sensors can operate repeatedly in the H2S rich depths for durations of hours without any
degradation of signal or calibration over that experienced in equivalent profiling work in the open, oxygenated ocean.

We have no laboratory or field evidence of the effect of mooring Sea-Bird oxygen sensors in H2S rich environments
for periods of days to months.

Oxygen Algorithm

Sea-Bird uses an algorithm based on that of Owens and Millard (1985) to convert SBE 43 oxygen sensor data to
oxygen concentration. The Sea-Bird algorithm incorporates a term related to the offset voltage produced for zero
oxygen signal. In addition, there is a third-order polynomial that compensates for changes in sensitivity with
temperature and an exponential term that compensates for changes in sensitivity with pressure.

Sea-Bird’s algorithm has the following form:

  ∂V  
Oxygen (ml / l ) = Soc ∗ V + Voffset + tau (T , P ) *   ∗ Oxsol (T , S )
  ∂t  
E *P
∗ 1.0 + A * T + B * T 2 + C * T 3 * e) (

Description Symbol Definition
Computed Oxygen Dissolved oxygen concentration (ml/l)
T CTD Temperature (ºC)
Measured P CTD Pressure (decibars)
Parameters S CTD Salinity (psu)
V SBE 43 temperature-compensated output oxygen signal (volts)
Soc Oxygen signal slope
Voffset Voltage at zero oxygen signal
A, B, C Residual temperature correction factors
Calibration E Pressure correction factor
Coefficients Sensor time constant tau (T,P) at 20 ºC, 1 atmosphere, 0 PSU;
slope term in calculation of tau(T,P)
D1, D2 Temperature and pressure correction factors in calculation of tau(T,P)
H1, H2, H3 Hysteresis correction factors
Oxsol(T,S) Oxygen saturation value after Garcia and Gordon (1992); see Appendix A
δV/δt Time derivative of SBE 43 output oxygen signal (volts/second)
Sensor time constant at temperature and pressure =
Value tau(T,P)
tau20 * exp (D1 * P + D2 * [T – 20])
K Absolute temperature

Our software requires you to enter Soc, Voffset, A, B, C, E, tau20, D1, D2, H1, H2, and H3 in the configuration
(.con or .xmlcon) file; values are taken from the Calibration Sheet provided with the sensor.

Note: H1, H2, and H3 values are available on calibration sheets for SBE 43s calibrated after October 2008. See
Application Note 64-3: SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Hysteresis Corrections for the appropriate values to use if
your calibration sheet does not show these coefficients.


Tau Correction

Note the derivative term [tau(T,P) * δV/δt]; this correction term’s function is to improve the response of the
measured signal in regions of large oxygen gradients. However, this term also amplifies residual noise in the signal
(especially in deep water), and in some situations this negative consequence overshadows the gains in signal
responsiveness. In Seasave V7 and SBE Data Processing version 7.18b or later, this Tau correction can be disabled
if desired, deleting the entire derivative term from the equation for calculated oxygen.

Hysteresis Correction

Under extreme pressure, changes can occur in gas permeable Teflon membranes that affect their permeability
characteristics. Some of these changes (plasticization and amorphous/crystalinity ratios) have long time constants
and depend on the sensor’s time-pressure history. These slow processes result in hysteresis in long, deep casts. The
hysteresis correction algorithm (using H1, H2, and H3 values entered for the SBE 43 in the configuration [.con or
.xmlcon] file) operates through the entire data profile and corrects the oxygen voltage values for changes in
membrane permeability as pressure varies. At each measurement, the correction to the membrane permeability is
calculated based on the current pressure and how long the sensor spent at previous pressures.
Hysteresis responses of membranes on individual SBE 43 sensors are very similar, and in most cases the default
hysteresis parameters provide the accuracy specification of within 2% of true value. For users requiring higher
accuracy (±1 µmol/kg), the parameters can be fine-tuned, if a complete profile (descent and ascent) made preferably
to greater than 3000 meters is available. H1, the effect’s amplitude, has a default of -0.033, but can range from
-0.02 to -0.05 between sensors. H2, the effect’s non-linear component, has a default of 5000, and is a second-order
parameter that does not require tuning between sensors. H3, the effect’s time constant, has a default of 1450 seconds,
but can range from 1200 to 2000. Hysteresis can be eliminated by alternately adjusting H1 and H3 in the
configuration file during analysis of the complete profile. Once established, these parameters should be stable, and
can be used without adjustment on other casts with the same SBE 43.


The following Sea-Bird software allows you to select the SBE 43 oxygen sensor (labeled Oxygen, SBE) and use the
Sea-Bird equation documented in this application note when setting up the configuration (.con or .xmlcon) file for
the CTD:
• SBE Data Processing version 7.18b or later
Enable / disable the Tau correction on the Miscellaneous tab in Data Conversion, if you are outputting
calculated oxygen at this step. Enable / disable the hysteresis correction on the Miscellaneous tab in Data
Conversion, if you are outputting oxygen voltage and/or calculated oxygen at this step.
You can also enable / disable the Tau correction on the Miscellaneous tab in Derive.
• Seasave V7 version 7.18b or later
Enable / disable the Tau correction and/or the hysteresis correction on the Miscellaneous tab in Configure
Inputs. Note that these corrections are applied to data displayed in the software and to calculated values output
by the software; however, raw oxygen voltage output by Seasave V7 to the CTD .hex file is not corrected.
• Seasave-Win32 version 5.39c or later
(The Sea-Bird equation is called the Murphy-Larson equation in this software, but performs the same basic
calculation as in Seasave V7 and SBE Data Processing. However, the hysteresis correction is not available in
this software. Additionally, to disable the Tau correction, the user must set tau20=0 in the configuration (.con)
file; this deletes the term [tau(T,P) * δV/δt] from the calibration equation).

The latest version of the software is available for download from our website (


1. There are several types of oxygen data that can be calculated, as desired, in all of these software versions:
• Oxygen, SBE (units of ml/l, mg/l, or micromoles/kg, as selected) – measured SBE 43 oxygen, based on the
equation shown above in Oxygen Algorithm.
• Oxygen saturation (units of ml/l or mg/l, as selected) – theoretical saturation limit of the water at the local
temperature and salinity value, but with local pressure reset to zero (1 atmosphere). This calculation
represents what the local parcel of water could have absorbed from the atmosphere when it was last at the
surface (p=0) but at the same (T,S) value. See Appendix A for computation of oxygen saturation.
• Oxygen, SBE, percent saturation – ratio of measured SBE 43 oxygen to oxygen saturation, in percent.
2. When entering calibration coefficients for the SBE 43 in the configuration file for the CTD, you can select the
older Owens-Millard equation or the recommended Sea-Bird equation (documented in this application note).

Data Conversions

Sea-Bird uses the following equations to convert oxygen to various engineering units:
[mg/L] = [ml/L] * 1.42903
[micromole/Kg] = [ml/L] * 44660 / (sigma_theta(P,T,S) + 1000)

For the micromole/Kg conversion, there is disagreement in the scientific community about the conversion constant
44660 should be used:
• The value 44660 is exact for oxygen gas.
• The value 44615 is the average value for atmospheric gas (N2,O2,Ar,H2O,CO2,...). It is not exact for any
individual gas, but has been used historically by oceanographers.
The argument distills to exact versus historic, with oceanographers split; Sea-Bird uses 44660 in all
software calculations.

Oxygen Sensor Cleaning and Storage

Sea-Bird has altered our recommendations with regard to cleaning and storage of the SBE 43. In the past, we
recommended using Triton X-100 detergent for the combined purpose of degreasing and discouraging biological
growth. We recently discovered that prolonged exposure of Triton X-100 to the sensor membrane is harmful and
causes the sensor’s calibration to drift. Our present recommendation, detailed below, is to continue to use
Triton X-100 for degreasing (with a short wash), then use a short wash with a dilute bleach solution to reduce
biological growth, and store the sensor in an anoxic (or near zero oxygen) condition. See Materials below for a
discussion of Triton X-100 detergent, bleach, and water.

Avoid fouling the oxygen membrane with oil or grease, as this causes a calibration shift toward erroneously
low readings. An oil-fouled membrane can be cleaned using the following procedures.

CAUTION: During service and storage, maintain temperature at or below 30 ºC (86 ºF). If temperatures are
raised above 40 ºC (104 ºF), sensors exhibit a temporary increase in sensitivity of a few percent. This relaxes back to
historical sensitivity after a few days when temperatures return below 30 ºC (86 ºF).


• Preventive Field Maintenance Between Profiles: After each cast, flush with a 0.1% solution of Triton X-100,
using a 60 cc syringe (see Application Note 34). Then rinse thoroughly with fresh water. Between casts, ensure
that the sensor remains shaded from direct sunlight and stays cool and humidified. Plugging the inlet and exhaust
of the plumbing after rinsing will trap sufficient humidity.

• Routine (post-cruise) Cleaning (no visible deposits or marine growths on sensor) - Follow this
two-step procedure:
A. Flush the sensor for 1 minute with a 1% solution of Triton X-100 warmed to 30 ºC (86 ºF).
Drain and flush with warm (not hot) fresh water for 5 minutes.
B. Soak the sensor for 1 minute in a 500 – 1000 ppm solution of Bleach. After the soak, drain and flush
with lukewarm (not hot) fresh water for 5 minutes.

• Cleaning Severely Fouled Sensors (visible deposits or marine growths on sensor): Soak the sensor in
de-ionized water overnight to loosen deposits. Repeat the Routine Cleaning procedure up to 5 times.
Do not attempt to clean the membrane with high pressure flow or by wiping or touching the membrane.

• Long-Term Storage (after field use): Do not fill the tubing with water, Triton solution, or Bleach solution.
 If there is no danger of freezing, loop tubing from inlet to outlet. Place a small piece of clean sponge,
slightly dampened with fresh, clean water, in the center of the tubing (not near the membrane).
 If there is danger of freezing, shake all excess water out of the plenum and loop tubing from inlet to
outlet, leaving the sensor membrane dry.
 Because the sensor is continuously polarized by an internal battery, oxygen in the plenum and tubing will
continue to be consumed, depleting the electrolyte and causing drift. Storing the sensor in a zero-oxygen
environment will stop calibration drift between uses. To minimize drift during storage, if possible, connect
one end of the tubing loop to the plenum, displace the air in the plenum and tubing with Nitrogen gas, and
connect the other end of the tubing to the plenum. If tubing is not available, displace the air in the plenum
with Nitrogen gas and close off the plenum with a cap on each end (tape can be used if nothing else is
available); do not insert a cap or plug inside the plenum.


• Triton X-100 - 100% Triton X-100 is included with every CTD shipment and may be ordered from Sea-Bird;
dilute as directed above. Triton X-100 is Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate, a mild, non-ionic surfactant (detergent), and is
manufactured by Mallinckrodt Baker (see
for local distributors). Other liquid detergents can probably be used, but scientific grades having no colors,
perfumes, glycerins, lotions, etc. are required.

• Bleach – Bleach is a common household product used to whiten and disinfect laundry. Commercially available
bleach is typically 4% - 7% (40,000 ppm – 70,000 ppm) sodium hypochlorite (Na-O-Cl) solution that includes
stabilizers. Some common commercial product names are Clorox (U.S.) and eau de Javel (French).
Clean the SBE 43 with a 500 – 1000 ppm solution of water and sodium hypochlorite. Dilute the concentrated
household bleach 50 to 1 (50 parts water to 1 part bleach) to produce the proper concentration to clean the
oxygen sensor.

• Water – We recommend de-ionized (DI) water because it is reliably pure, but commercially distilled water or
fresh clean tap water is also sufficient for all uses above. On ships, fresh water can occasionally contain traces
of oil and should not be used for rinsing, cleaning, or storing sensors, unless there is no alternative.

• Do not use stronger solutions or longer wash times than recommended above.
• Do not place concentrated Triton or bleach directly on the SBE 43 sensor membrane. A strong Triton solution
can leave a film on the membrane, adversely affecting results.


Appendix A - Computation of Oxygen Solubility (Oxsol)

Ts = ln [(298.15 – T) / (273.15 + T)]

Oxsol(T,S) = exp {A0 + A1(Ts) + A2(Ts) 2 + A3(Ts) 3 + A4(Ts) 4 + A5(Ts) 5 +
S * [B0 + B1(Ts) + B2(Ts) 2 + B3(Ts) 3] + C0(S) 2}
• Oxsol(T,S) = oxygen saturation value = volume of oxygen gas at standard temperature and pressure
conditions (STP) absorbed from humidity-saturated air at a total pressure of one atmosphere, per unit
volume of the liquid at the temperature of measurement (ml/l)
• S = salinity (psu)
• T = water temperature (oC)
• A0 = 2.00907 A1 = 3.22014 A2 = 4.0501 A3 = 4.94457 A4 = -0.256847 A5 = 3.88767
• B0 = -0.00624523 B1 = -0.00737614 B2 = -0.010341 B3 = -0.00817083
• C0 = -0.000000488682
The table below contains oxygen saturation values at atmospheric pressure calculated using the Oxsol equation.
Units are ml/l. To compute mg/l, multiply the values in the table by 1.42903.

Oxsol: Oxygen Saturation Concentrations in Fresh and Ocean Water (ml/l)

Temperature Salinity (PSU)
(°C) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 32 35
-2 10.84 10.46 10.10 9.74 9.40 9.07 8.75 8.63 8.45
0 10.23 9.88 9.54 9.21 8.90 8.59 8.30 8.18 8.01
2 9.68 9.35 9.04 8.73 8.44 8.15 7.88 7.77 7.61
4 9.17 8.87 8.58 8.29 8.02 7.75 7.49 7.39 7.24
6 8.71 8.43 8.15 7.89 7.63 7.38 7.14 7.05 6.91
8 8.29 8.02 7.77 7.52 7.28 7.04 6.82 6.73 6.60
10 7.90 7.65 7.41 7.18 6.95 6.73 6.52 6.44 6.31
12 7.54 7.31 7.08 6.86 6.65 6.45 6.25 6.17 6.05
14 7.21 6.99 6.78 6.57 6.37 6.18 5.99 5.92 5.81
16 6.91 6.70 6.50 6.31 6.12 5.93 5.75 5.68 5.58
18 6.62 6.43 6.24 6.06 5.88 5.70 5.53 5.47 5.37
20 6.36 6.18 6.00 5.82 5.65 5.49 5.33 5.27 5.17
22 6.12 5.94 5.77 5.61 5.45 5.29 5.14 5.08 4.99
24 5.89 5.72 5.56 5.41 5.25 5.10 4.96 4.90 4.82
26 5.68 5.52 5.37 5.22 5.07 4.93 4.79 4.74 4.66
28 5.48 5.33 5.18 5.04 4.90 4.77 4.63 4.58 4.51
30 5.29 5.15 5.01 4.87 4.74 4.61 4.49 4.44 4.36
32 5.11 4.98 4.84 4.71 4.59 4.46 4.34 4.30 4.23

Note: As implemented in Sea-Bird software, the Oxsol equation is valid for -5 < T < 50 and 0 < S < 60. Outside of
those ranges, the software returns a value of -99 for Oxsol.

Carritt, D.E. and J.H. Carpenter. 1966: Comparison and evaluation of currently employed modifications of the Winkler method
for determining dissolved oxygen in seawater. J. Mar. Res. 24(3), 286-318.
Clesceri, L.S. A.E. Greenberg, and R.R. Trussell ed. 1989, Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater,
17th edition, American Public Health Assoc. Washington D.C. ISBN 0-87553-161-X.
Gnaigner, E., and H. Forstner, Ed., 1983: Polarographic Oxygen Sensors: Aquatic and Physiological Applications,
Springer-Verlag, 370 pp.
Millard, R, C., Jr., 1982: CTD calibration and data processing techniques at WHOI using the 1978 practical salinity scale.
Proc. Int. STD Conference and Workshop, La Jolla, Mar. Tech. Soc., 19 pp.
Owens, W.B., and R.C. Millard Jr., 1985: A new algorithm for CTD oxygen calibration. J. Physical Oceanography, 15, 621-631.
Garcia and Gordon (1992) "Oxygen solubility in seawater: Better fitting equations", Limnology & Oceanography, vol 37(6),


Application Note Revision History

Date Description
- Initial release.
September 2002 • Modify language and equation consistent with Application Note 64-2.
• Modify cleaning recommendations (caution about not putting triton directly on membrane).
January 2004 Correct equation at beginning of Appendix A, which was missing a bracket.
December 2004 Change cleaning recommendations: short (1 minute) soak in dilute bleach solution and short
(1 minute) soak in dilute Triton solution.
May 2005 Add information on use in hydrogen sulfide rich environments.
August 2005 Add information on “oxygen, SBE” vs. “oxygen saturation” vs “percent saturation” in software.
November 2005 Add information on use in moored mode – discuss equilibration time vs temperature, and pump
December 2005 Add information on Nitrogen gas in Tygon tubing for storage.
October 2006 Update name of manufacturer and web link for Triton.
February 2007 • Update temperature for Triton solution cleaning to 30 °C (was 40 °C).
• Add caution about storing at temperatures above 30 °C.
July 2007 • Add response time curve for new 1 mil membrane, provide DelayBeforeSampling=
recommendation of 25 seconds.
• Change title of application note to reflect what is covered.
• Discuss black plenum and black tubing.
• Add information about SBE 5P pump.
• Update for Seasave V7.
• Software (Seasave V7, Seasave Win32, and SBE Data Processing) was updated to
accommodate new DO equation, mention new equation to be released in Fall 2007.
April 2008 • Introduce Sea-Bird equation, update equations, etc.
• Update Appendix A (provide Oxsol values instead of Oxsat values).
November 2008 Update to correspond to software changes in SBE Data Processing and Seasave V7 versions
7.18b, providing information on tau and hysteresis corrections.
February 2010 • SBE Data Processing and Seasave V7 version 7.20b: modification to Oxsol equation
(Garcia & Gordon only) to extend ranges to (-5 < t < 50, 0 < s < 60) instead of (-2 < t < 40,
0 < s < 42). Outside those ranges, it returns a value of -99.0.
• Correct documentation of A4 in Garcia & Gordon Oxsol, should be negative (was listed as
• Add information on .xmlcon configuration file.
• Update address.
February 2011 Add reference to Application Note 64-3 for information on hysteresis coefficients H1, H2, and


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Website:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 64-1 revised April 2008

Plumbing Installation - SBE 43 DO Sensor and

Pump on a CTD
This Application Note describes installation of an SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Sensor and pump
(and associated plumbing) for:
• Profiling applications – on an SBE 9plus CTD, using PN 90087 Universal Plumbing Kit. The plumbing
guidelines for the SBE 9plus also apply to an SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, or 25 CTD, except as noted.
• Moored applications - on an SBE 16plus, 16plus-IM, 16plus V2, 16plus-IM V2, or SBE 19plus or 19plus V2
(used in moored mode), using PN 90087 Universal Plumbing Kit.

Parts Included in PN 90087 Universal Plumbing Kit
PN Description Quantity
23337 Pump air release valve - for vertical configuration only 1
30387 Tube, 1/2" Y-fitting - for connection to pump air release valve, vertical configuration only 1
30388 Tygon tubing, 19 mm (0.75 in.) OD, 13 mm (0.5 in.) ID 4 ft
30579 Tygon tubing, 13 mm (0.5 in.) OD, 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) ID - for connections to DO sensor 0.5 ft
30389 Cable tie, 102 mm (4 in.) - to secure tubing connections 20
30458 Cable tie, 381 mm (15 in.) - to secure Y-fitting to main housing 2

Tools Required
Sharp knife or scalpel for cutting tubing
Straight-edge ruler for measuring and cutting


Note for SBE 9plus or 25:

If your conductivity sensor does not have a
conductivity tube support, install the conductivity
tube support kit before installing the plumbing
(see Application Note 36 for installation details).

Conductivity tube support kit: Conductivity

Part Number 50094 for aluminum sensors tube support
Part Number 50108 for titanium sensors

Basic considerations for plumbing installation:

• Use the minimum tubing lengths necessary, but avoid tight bends in the tubing. Tight bends place stress on the
tubing connections at the sensors, which can lead to failures at the connections.
• Do not create any vertical loops in the tubing. Loops trap air, preventing the pump from working properly.
• Secure each tubing connection with two cable ties.

Plumbing installation details differ, depending on whether the sensors will be deployed in a horizontal or vertical
configuration, as explained in the following sections.


Horizontal Configuration Schematic and Details

The horizontal configuration is most commonly used when the CTD is integrated with an SBE 32 Carousel Water
Sampler with an extension stand. When installing plumbing for the horizontal configuration:
• Configure the system as follows:
¾ Place the DO sensor intake above the conductivity sensor exhaust.
¾ Place the pump intake above the DO sensor exhaust.
¾ Orient the pump with the exhaust outlet corner up.
Failure to configure the system in this manner can trap air, preventing the pump from working properly.
• Place a 13 mm (0.5 inch) long piece of the 9.5 mm ID Tygon tubing at the DO sensor intake and exhaust. Slide
the larger diameter tubing (13 mm ID) over the smaller diameter tubing to provide tight seals.
• SBE 5T titanium pump, which is standard for the 9plus, is shown in the diagram. SBE 5P plastic pump has the
same operational characteristics, and may be ordered with the SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, or 25 CTD for
deployments to 600 m.
• If the system does not include a DO sensor, connect the tubing from the conductivity cell directly to the
pump intake.


Horizontal Configuration Schematic and Details (continued)

Secure each tubing connection with two cable ties (not shown).

Overall View

Pump DO sensor Tygon

(vertically above (plenum intake vertically tubing Conductivity sensor Temperature sensor
DO sensor) above conductivity sensor


Pump exhaust –above DO Slide larger diameter Tygon Quick release TC Duct intake
sensor and TC Duct intake, tubing over smaller diameter coupling on
oriented as shown below Tygon tubing to provide tight conductivity cell
seal at DO sensor
Orient with corner
vertically above
pump intake


Vertical Configuration Schematic and Details

When installing plumbing for the vertical configuration:
• (For SBE 9plus only) Place the opening of the intake and exhaust on the same horizontal plane. Attach exhaust
tubing from the pump to the cage, as shown in the schematic below. Failure to place the exhaust tubing properly
can lead to acceleration of water in the plumbing, with resulting errors in conductivity data.
Note: Exhaust tubing is usually omitted by Sea-Bird for an SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, or 25.
• Place the exhaust away from the intake, so that exhaust water is not pulled into the intake. If the exhaust is too
close to the intake, it will cause errors in temperature data, because the pump transfers heat to the exhaust water.
• Place a 13 mm (0.5 inch) long piece of 9.5 mm ID Tygon tubing at the DO sensor intake and exhaust. Slide the
larger diameter Tygon tubing (13 mm ID) over the smaller diameter tubing to provide tight seals.
• SBE 5T titanium pump, which is standard for the 9plus, is shown in the diagram. SBE 5P plastic pump has the
same operational characteristics, and may be ordered with the SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, or 25 CTD for
deployments to 600 m.
• If the system does not include a DO sensor, connect the tubing from the conductivity cell directly to the

Air release valve detail

0.5 mm (0.02 in.)

Note: Periodically clean air

release valve to ensure
proper functioning.


Vertical Configuration Schematic and Details (continued)

Secure each tubing connection with two cable ties.

Overall View

See Y fitting
Detail below
DO sensor


Exhaust tubing is usually
omitted by Sea-Bird for an
SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2,
or 25.

Exhaust tubing – same

horizontal plane as TC Duct
TC Duct intake – same
intake. Attach to guard cage
horizontal plane as strut with cable ties.
exhaust tubing

Temperature/Conductivity to
DO Sensor Detail Y Fitting Detail

Slide larger
diameter 100 mm (4 in.)
Tygon tubing length of
over smaller Tygon tubing
Tygon tubing
to provide
tight seal at Cable tie
DO sensor
Y fitting with
air release

coupling on Tygon tubing


Parts Included in PN 90087 Universal Plumbing Kit
PN Description Quantity
30388 Tygon tubing, 19 mm (0.75 in.) OD, 13 mm (0.5 in.) ID 4 ft
30579 Tygon tubing, 13 mm (0.5 in.) OD, 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) ID - for connections to DO sensor 0.5 ft
30389 Cable tie, 102 mm (4 in.) - to secure tubing connections 20
23337 Pump air release valve - not used for moored applications 1
30387 Tube, 1/2" Y-fitting – not used for moored applications 1
30458 Cable tie, 381 mm (15 in.) – not used for moored applications 2

Tools Required
Sharp knife or scalpel for cutting tubing
Straight-edge ruler for measuring and cutting

Basic considerations for plumbing installation:

• Use the minimum tubing lengths necessary, but avoid tight bends in the tubing. Tight bends place stress on the
tubing connections at the sensors, which can lead to failures at the connections.

• Do not create any vertical loops in the tubing. Loops trap air, preventing the pump from working properly.

• Secure each tubing connection with two cable ties.

• Configure the system as follows:

¾ Place the DO sensor intake above the conductivity sensor exhaust.
¾ Orient the DO sensor plenum with the intake closer than the exhaust to the sensor body.
¾ Place the pump intake above the DO sensor exhaust.
Failure to configure the system in this manner can trap air, preventing the pump from working properly.

• Place a 13 mm (0.5 inch) long piece of the 9.5 mm ID Tygon tubing at the DO sensor intake and exhaust.
Slide the larger diameter tubing (13 mm ID) over the smaller diameter tubing to provide tight seals.

• If the system does not include a DO sensor, connect the tubing from the conductivity cell directly to the
pump intake.


Schematic and Details


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. Phone: (425) 643-9866

13431 NE 20th Street Fax: (425) 643-9954
Bellevue, WA 98005 E-mail:
USA Web:

APPLICATION NOTE NO. 64-2 Revised February 2010

SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Calibration and Data Corrections
using Winkler Titrations
Figure 1. SBE 43
This application note describes methods for adjusting the calibration coefficients for
the SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) sensor, and for correcting long-term moored
data either in real-time or during post-processing.

The first method requires numerous Winkler titrated water samples and
corresponding sensor voltages to compute new slope and offset terms for the sensor
calibration. The second method is most applicable for long-term moored data
applications that typically only have a few reference samples and are temporally
affected by bio-fouling of the sensor membrane.

Calibration Adjustment Using Multiple Winkler Water Samples and

Sensor Voltages over a Wide Range of Oxygen Calculations
This method statistically estimates calibration coefficients for calculating dissolved oxygen in milliliters per liter
from SBE 43 output voltage. The technique requires dissolved oxygen concentrations reported in ml/l (determined
from a range of Winkler titrated water samples) and SBE 43 oxygen voltage outputs measured at the times the water
samples were collected. Sea-Bird’s data processing software, SBE Data Processing, is used to produce a data table
suitable for the analysis.

Basic Principal
The equation below, used in Sea-Bird’s software for calculating dissolved oxygen in ml/l from SBE 43 output
voltage, is a form of that given in Owens-Millard (1985):

⎧ ⎛ ∂V ⎞ ⎫
Oxygen (ml / l ) = ⎨Soc ∗ ⎜V + Voffset + tau (T , P) * ⎟ ⎬ ∗ Oxsol (T , S )
⎩ ⎝ ∂t ⎠ ⎭
E *P
∗ 1.0 + A * T + B * T 2 + C * T 3 * e ) (
eqn 1
V = SBE 43 output voltage signal (volts)
= time derivative of SBE 43 output signal (volts/second)
T = CTD temperature (°C)
S = CTD salinity (psu)
P = CTD pressure (dbars)
K = CTD temperature (°K)
tau(T,P) = sensor time constant at temperature and pressure
Oxsol(T,S) = oxygen solubility function (ml/l), which converts oxygen partial pressure (sensor measurement) to
oxygen concentration (Garcia and Gordon, 1992). See Appendix A in Application Note 64 for values at various
temperatures and salinities.
Soc, Voffset, A, B, C, E, and tau20, D1, D2 [terms in calculation of tau (T,P)] are calibration coefficients


The SBE 43 is expected to provide an output voltage that is linear with respect to oxygen concentration. Normal
calibration drift manifests itself as a loss of sensitivity and is evident as a change of slope (and less so in offset) in
the linear relationship between oxygen concentration and voltage output. The coefficients A, B, C, and E correct for
small secondary responses to temperature and pressure. Because these coefficients change very slowly over time, the
values given on the SBE 43 calibration certificate will be used in this analysis, and we will concern ourselves with
estimating changes in the slope (Soc) and offset (Voffset).

Setting to zero, we rearrange equation 1 into a linear form and perform a linear regression to obtain a new
Soc and Voffset.


E *P
φ = Oxsol (T , S ) ∗ (1.0 + A * T + B * T + C * T )* e ( )
2 3 K
eqn 2

The oxygen equation then reduces to the form in equation 3:

Oxygen (ml / l ) = Soc ∗ (V + Voffset ) ∗ φ eqn 3

This may be expressed in a linear form in equation 4.

Oxygen (ml / l )
= Soc ∗ ( V + Voffset ) = M ∗ V + B eqn 4
Soc = M
Voffset = B / M

A linear regression is calculated using Winkler oxygen concentration divided by φ as the dependent variable and
SBE 43 output voltage as the independent variable.



The example plot below shows Winkler oxygen divided by φ versus SBE 43 output voltage, and includes a linear
regression line calculated from the data.



0.80 Figure 2.

Winkler oxygen / φ

W/phi = 0.4586V - 0.2378

R2 = 0.9997


1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3

SBE 43 Voltage

In this example, the new Soc value is 0.4586. The new Voffset value is:

− 0.2378 − 0.2378
Voffset = = = − 0.5185
Soc 0.4586
The next plot summarizes the results of the calibration. The diamonds are differences between the SBE 43 dissolved
oxygen and Winkler titration dissolved oxygen, using the original calibration. The squares are differences between
SBE 43 dissolved oxygen and Winkler titration dissolved oxygen, using Soc and Voffset derived above.

Oxygen Difference (SBE43 - Winkler)


Figure 3.
-0.2 results


Original Coefficients
Winkler Derived Coefficients

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Winkler Oxygen (ml/l)


Processing Procedure Using SBE Data Processing

The linear regression that yields a new Soc and Voffset may be accomplished with spreadsheet software, a hand-held
calculator with statistical capability, or (with perseverance) a calculator, graph paper, and pencil. As a first step,
extract pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen saturation, and SBE 43 voltage from the parts of your CTD data
collected when the water sampler closures occurred.

Run SBE Data Processing, and select Data Conversion in the Run menu. Select the appropriate configuration (.con
or .xmlcon) and data (.dat or .hex) files on the File Setup tab. Click the Data Setup tab and set Convert data from to
Upcast and downcast and Create file types to Create bottle (.ros) file only.

Figure 4.

To extract CTD data concurrent to the water sampler closures, Data Conversion must know when the closures
occurred. Select an appropriate Source of scan range data, depending on your instrument type and how the sampler
was commanded to close bottles:
• SBE 9plus with SBE 11plus or 17plus - The data stream is marked with a bottle confirm bit each time a
closure occurred.
• Using Seasave to operate the water sampler - A .bl file, with scan ranges corresponding to closures, is
created during the cast.
• SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, or 25 with Auto Fire Module (AFM) and SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler, or
operated autonomously with SBE 55 ECO Water Sampler - The .afm file contains scan ranges.

Like all sensors, the SBE 43 has a finite response time to a change in dissolved oxygen concentration. This response
time is usually on the order of 6 seconds. For this reason, good sampling procedure dictates that the instrument
package should be stopped in the water column long enough for the SBE 43 and all other sensors to completely
equilibrate before closing the water sampler. An equilibration time of 5 to 6 response times, or 30 to 36 seconds, is


In the example above, Data Conversion will begin extracting data 5 seconds before each water sampler closure
(Scan range offset = -5 s) and will extract a total of 10 seconds of data (Scan range duration = 10 s). Note that
10 seconds is longer than the SBE 43 response time. Because we are extracting data for 5 seconds after the water
sampler closure, the instrument package must remain stopped for at least this long.

To estimate Soc and Voffset, you need pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen saturation (ml/l), and SBE 43 Oxygen
Voltage to go with each Winkler titration data value. Click Select Output Variables and add each of the required
parameters; the dialog box is shown below.

Figure 5.

After selecting all the variables, click OK to return to the Data Conversion Data Setup tab. Then click Start Process
to create the .ros file.

For this example, the .ros file contains 10 seconds of data centered on the moment the bottle closure occurred for
every bottle closure. To make a useful table, select Rosette Summary from SBE Data Processing’s Run menu.
Rosette Summary calculates averages and standard deviations for the variables selected in Data Conversion. Select
the appropriate configuration (.con or .xmlcon) and .ros files on the File Setup tab. Click the Data Setup tab and then
click the Select Averaged Variables button; the dialog box is shown below.

Figure 6.

After selecting all the variables, click OK to return to the Rosette Summary Data Setup tab. Then click Start Process
to create a data table file with the .btl extension.


Create a table with average pressure, temperature, salinity, oxygen saturation, and SBE 43 output voltage for each
water sampler closure depth, by importing the .btl file into a spreadsheet. Then, enter by hand the Winkler titration
dissolved oxygen values from your titration log, matching water sampler closures to pressures.
E *P
φ = Oxsol (T , S ) ∗ (1.0 + A * T + B * T 2 + C * T 3 ) * e
( )
Calculate ,

using A, B, C, and E from the SBE 43 calibration sheet.

Then, calculate Winkler O2 / φ .

An example table is shown below (using A = -0.00034959, B = 0.00013078, C = -0.0000027243, and E = 0.0.036),
with φ (phi) in column 7 and Winkler O2 / φ (Winkler/phi) in column 8.

Table 1. Example calculation of phi and Winkler/phi.

Oxygen SBE 43 Winkler
Pressure Temperature Salinity
Solubility Voltage Oxygen phi Winkler/phi
(db) (°C) (PSU)
(ml/l) Output (V) (ml/l)
194.6 15.43 35.617 5.623 2.452 5.172 5.852 0.884
169.5 16.26 35.713 5.529 2.540 5.306 5.744 0.924
143.7 17.17 35.793 5.430 2.635 5.488 5.632 0.974
93.9 18.97 35.881 5.247 2.753 5.545 5.424 1.022
48.7 23.38 36.087 4.841 2.697 4.966 5.009 0.992
24.0 23.94 35.840 4.801 2.664 4.852 4.956 0.979
9.6 23.95 35.839 4.800 2.667 4.851 4.946 0.981

Perform a linear regression, with:

• Winkler O2 / φ (shown as Winkler/phi in the table) as the Y data
• SBE 43 output voltages as the X data

If a spreadsheet or statistical calculator is not available, the regression equations are:

⎛ Winkler O2 ⎞ ⎛ Winkler O2 ⎞
n ∗ ∑ ⎜⎜V ∗ ⎟⎟ − ∑ V ∗ ∑ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ φ ⎠ ⎝ φ ⎠
M =
n ∗ ∑ V − (∑ V )
2 2

⎛ Winkler O2 ⎞
∑ ⎜⎜ φ
⎟⎟ − M ∗ ∑ V
B= ⎝ ⎠
n = number of data pairs
M = Slope
B = Offset

Soc = M
Voffset = B/M


SBE 43 Calibration Adjustment or Data Correction for Long-Term Deployments

using Sparse Reference Values
The following methods are used to correct fouled SBE 43 sensor data collected primarily in moored applications.
They can be applied to oxygen data when only sparse reference samples are available to verify sensor calibration.
The methods should be applied only to individual sensors (i.e., a correction calculated for one sensor cannot be
applied to other sensors on the mooring). Once a sensor on a mooring is serviced (cleaned) or swapped out, the
process should be repeated. Specific applications for moored oxygen sensors include:
• Data correction when periodic reference check values are collected while the sensor continues sampling in situ
(but no sensor maintenance is conducted) - This data correction is particularly useful for assessing when sensors
need to be serviced for real-time data collection programs. It is also applicable for post-processing of data in
non-real-time applications. See Example of In Situ Data Correction for Continuous Real-Time Mooring Data
Applications below.
• Data correction when only pre- and post-deployment reference samples or factory calibrations are available –
This data correction requires that no sensor maintenance, such as cleaning, be performed between the pre-
and post-deployment reference samples or factory calibrations. See Example of Post-Processing Data
Collection below.

Basic Principal
The SBE 43 sensor output is linear with respect to oxygen concentration and maintains a relatively stable output at
zero oxygen. Electrochemical drift, a limitation in previous Clark designs, exists somewhere below the calibration
uncertainty of 1 µmol/kg and has not been observed in several years of factory calibration data nor in long-
deployments on Argo floats and moorings. Therefore, any sensor drift with time is attributed to fouling of the
membrane, either biological or waterborne contaminants (i.e., oil). The main term of interest for correcting fouling
drift is the SOC term in the SBE 43 sensor calibration equation, as shown here again in Equation 3:

Oxygen (ml / l ) = Soc ∗ (V + Voffset ) ∗ φ eqn 3

SOC is the linear slope scaling coefficient
V is the SBE 43 output voltage signal (volts)
Voffset is a fixed sensor voltage at zero oxygen

φ (defined in Equation 2 earlier in this document) includes terms that correct for the effects of temperature and
pressure, and also includes oxygen solubility dependence on temperature and salinity. Because these terms remain
essentially constant with fouling and sensor age, we will not concern ourselves with φ for this application.
Furthermore, an insufficient number of water samples makes estimation of Voffset uncertain, therefore, we will
restrict the correction derived here to the SOC term, which is the calibration term affected most by the fouling.


The loss of sensitivity attributed to fouling of the sensor membrane is observed as a linear change in the sensor
output when compared to a set of reference samples (Figure 7 and Table 2). The ratio of the reference sample values
to the SBE 43 measured DO concentrations remains constant over the range of the sensor (for multiple values of
DO). This allows for the adjustment in the slope term SOC using just one quality reference sample, because any of
the reference values would provide the same correction in an otherwise healthy sensor.

Figure 7. Original factory calibration of SBE 43

sensor SN 1114 (green dots); post-recovery
calibration prior to sensor cleaning (blue triangles);
re-calibration after sensor cleaning (red squares).
Notice the loss of sensitivity in the post-recovery
calibration (blue triangles) is strictly linear.

Table 2. Reference Winkler water samples and sensor readings at 3 dissolved oxygen concentrations during post-
recovery calibration of SBE 43 sensor SN 1114 (Figure 7). The ratio between the Winkler values and corresponding
SBE 43 output can be used to calculate the SOC correction factor. Note the SOC correction factor remains constant
at each validation point over the range of oxygen values shown, illustrating that any single validation point alone
could be used to correct the slope.
Winkler DO SBE 43 Output, Residual Correction factor
of Bath, ml/l ml/l (SBE 43 – Winkler) (Winkler/SBE 43)
6.80 6.75 -0.05 6.80/6.75=1.007
4.20 4.17 -0.03 4.20/4.17=1.007
1.20 1.19 -0.01 1.20/1.19=1.007

Simply multiplying the pre-deployment SOC value by the correction factor, given by the ratio

(Winkler DO Value / SBE 43 DO Value)

provides a correction to the linear slope term (SOC) in the calibration equation and offers a powerful and
scientifically defensible way to make residual corrections to data from unattended long-term deployments.


Example of In Situ Data Correction for Continuous Real-Time Mooring Data Applications
In this example, we use data collected with an SBE 43 dissolved oxygen sensor deployed in an urban marina for
4 months during the biologically active spring and summer seasons. The integrated SBE 43 and CTD (conductivity,
temperature, and depth sensor) was moored at 2 meters water depth and sampled every 10 minutes following a
30-second flush cycle. Replicate Winkler samples were collected bi-weekly from a 1.2-liter Niskin bottle adjacent to
the moored SBE 43 sensor at the time of a sample. The SBE 43 measured dissolved oxygen within 5% of Winkler
reference values for over 107 days (~3 months) during high biological fouling conditions (Figure 8).

Figure 8. SBE 43 dissolved oxygen time series plotted in dark blue, March 23 – July 31, 2007. Data with a slope
adjustment made after May 13 are co-plotted in cyan. Average Winkler values are shown as open pink circles, and
the percent difference between the SBE 43 and Winkler averages are co-plotted along the right y-axis as black solid
squares (before the May 13 validation and slope adjustment), and as red open squares (from May 13 forward
following the adjustment). The dashed curved lines are drawn to illustrate how correcting the in situ data can
prolong deployment while maintaining accuracy in real-time (or post-processed) data.
Mean standard deviation of the Winkler replicates is 0.03 ml/l.

A single validation point made on May 13 is used to demonstrate the correction of in situ sensor data without
servicing or recovering the instrument (see arrow in Figure 8). The average of the replicate Winkler values on
May 13 is 9.737 ml/l, and the SBE 43 reported 9.308 ml/l. To adjust the calibration for data after May 13, a new
SOC value is obtained by multiplying the pre-May 13 SOC value (1.3256e-04) by the ratio of the reference value to
the sensor value. Verify the units of each are compatible (ml/l, mg/l, µmol/kg, or % saturation).

[(Winkler value ml/l) / (SBE 43 value ml/l)] => (9.737/9.308 = 1.046):

NewSOC = previousSOC * ([Winkler] / [SBE 43])
1.3866e-04 = 1.3256e-04 *1.046

The result of using the NewSOC on data collected after May 13 demonstrates how sensor accuracy is maintained
near initial calibration accuracy by using a single quality reference sample (Figure 8). See the next example for a
description of how to apply a correction to data preceding the May 13 reference sample.

Note: We recommend that the sensor be returned to the factory for servicing when the NewSOC value represents a
change of 15 - 20% from the original calibration and cannot be restored with standard cleaning protocols
(see Application Note 64 for cleaning recommendations).


Example of Post-Processing Data Correction

Sometimes, in-field validation is not possible. This restricts correction of possibly fouled data to post-processing,
and requires a reference validation sample be taken at the end of the deployment or soon after the instrument is
recovered. The reference validation sample could be a water sample taken in the field prior to recovery or a factory

A simple method for data correction in post-processing is to assume a linear fouling adjustment per day (or week, or
month) for the entire period or between field validation data collection periods. The resultant rate of change in the
sensor measurement can then be programmed into a simple algorithm to calculate corrected DO data with time.

Post-Processing Correction Example 1:

The fouling drift in sensor data shown in Figure 8 is linear with time. To apply a correction to the data, simply
compute the rate of change per day in the Soc value from the beginning of the deployment to May 13, when an
in situ reference sample was made (50 days).

SOCrate = (NewSOC – previousSOC) / # of days

0.0012e-04 per day = (1.3866e-04 – 1.3256e-04) / 50

Post-Processing Correction Example 2:

For this example, pre- and post-calibration data from sensor 1114 are used (Table 2). Sensor 1114 was deployed in a
high-fouling coastal lagoon for 2 months with no interim servicing. After recovery, the sensor was returned to the
factory for calibration and shown to have fouled ~1% (Table 2). The post-calibration SOC value prior to any
cleaning, and the rate of change in SOC, are computed as follows:

NewSOC = previousSOC * ([Winkler] / [SBE 43])

0.3837 = 0.3810 * 1.007

SOCrate = (NewSOC – previousSOC) / # of days

4.445e-05 per day = (0.3837 – 0.3810) / 60

During the 2-month deployment period, the sensor experienced an SOC change rate of about 0.000045/day. In
reality, a sensor may not exhibit fouling for several weeks to months (as shown here, fouling was minimal), so the
user will need to decide how best to determine the time span and data correction criteria of fouled data. Interim
water samples or reference checks (using a CTD) between service intervals can provide valuable information on
fouling. Variations on the methods used for post-correcting data are also possible.

Data corrections are only as good as the reference samples used to correct the data. We therefore recommend
replicate water sample collection, or validation methods that employ a sensor that is as accurate as the moored
sensor being tested.

Owens, W. B., and R. C. Millard Jr., 1985: A new algorithm for CTD oxygen calibration. J. Physical
Oceanography., 15, 621-631.

Garcia and Gordon (1992) "Oxygen solubility in seawater: Better fitting equations", Limnology & Oceanography,
vol 37(6), p1307-1312.


Dwg 31921SBE 9plus Block Diagram.............................................................................................................................................

Dwg 20887BSBE 9plus Horizontal Layout.....................................................................................................................................


Dwg 50199SBE 9plus Top Endcap, Connector, MCBH.................................................................................................................


Dwg 32119FSBE 9plus Top Endcap, Wiring, Standard..................................................................................................................


Dwg 31433aSBE 9plus Top Endcap I/F Board, Schematic.............................................................................................................


Dwg 40598ASBE 9plus Top Endcap I/F Board, Assembly.............................................................................................................


Dwg 50232SBE 9plus Bottom Endcap, Connector, MCBH, Inv BC..............................................................................................


Dwg 33320ASBE 9plus Bottom Endcap, Wiring, Inv BC..............................................................................................................


Dwg 32499Cable, MCIL-2FS to MCIL-2FS, Pump Interface, PN 171503.....................................................................................


Dwg 32673Y-Cable, Dual Pump Interface, MCIL-2FS, PN 171671...............................................................................................


Dwg 32695DCable Assy, 9plus Test Cable, MCIL-2FS, PN 801363.............................................................................................


Dwg 32761Cable, MCIL-3FS to MCIL-3FS, Temp/Cond Interface, PN 171669...........................................................................


Dwg 33442BSBE 9plus Sea-Cable Interface, CE, Schematic.........................................................................................................


Dwg 41713BSBE 9plus Sea-Cable Interface, CE, Assembly..........................................................................................................


Dwg 32023eSBE 9plus 300 Baud Modem, Schematic....................................................................................................................


Dwg 40882HSBE 9plus 300 Baud Modem, Assembly....................................................................................................................


Dwg 31291ESBE 9plus Transmitter, Schematic..............................................................................................................................


Dwg 40533DSBE 9plus Transmitter, Assembly..............................................................................................................................


Dwg 33279SBE 9plus Universal Logic, Schematic.........................................................................................................................


Dwg 41613SBE 9plus Universal Logic, Assembly.........................................................................................................................


Dwg 31915BSBE 9plus Modulo 12P, Schematic............................................................................................................................


Dwg 40831BSBE 9plus Modulo 12P, Assembly.............................................................................................................................


Dwg 31366DSBE 9plus AP Counter, Schematic.............................................................................................................................


Dwg 40573ESBE 9plus AP Counter, Assembly..............................................................................................................................


Dwg 32068ASBE 9plus CSAD, Schematic.....................................................................................................................................

Dwg 40904BSBE 9plus CSAD, Assembly......................................................................................................................................


Dwg 32156BSBE 9plus Analog I/F, Schematic...............................................................................................................................


Dwg 40968BSBE 9plus Analog I/F, Assembly...............................................................................................................................


Dwg 32671A Cable, Temperature Sensor (SBE 3plus).................................................................................................................


Dwg 33201 Cable, Bottom Contact Module..................................................................................................................................


Dwg 32758A Cable, SEARAM (17plus........................................................................................................................................





06/12/09 - REF ECN 1245 JR DG
05/25/11 B ECN1337: PCB B, CHG U1 JR DG

TML 40115
22109 U2
3 AMP 1 3
3 4
AC (N) + OUT

1N4005 1N5404
13002 13068 C3 C4
10uF 12036 33uF

14069 14072
2 6
J1 AC (L) - OUT J2
2 7 +15 UNREG
1 6 +5
5 NC
17330 4 DPSK

C2 2 COM
20061 15uF 350V
14036 17531

20 OHM 3W



4 +15 TO MODEM

0.15uF 1KV

10357B Title
Size Document Number Rev
B 33442 B
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 Sheet 1 of 1


+5V 12/12/97 A ECN492: ADD R32 DJM DG
3.579545MHz 08/24/98 B ECN568: PCB REV A, CHANGE J3 DJM DG
18017 05/11/01 C ECN696: CHANGE U1 TO 12099 DJM DG
R11 20K
11/04/04 D ECN808: U2,U4 WERE 12056 JB DG

15097 U12
+5V 02/25/09 E ECN1224: ADD C30-34, CORRECT Y1 DLM DG
+15V R5 20K U9

15097 U2C C24
+5V R12 10K 8 1 1 8 +5V +5V
LT1639 O C C29 MR RST
U2A 12213 15087 2 7 0.1U

LT1639 R6 10K 10 0.1u 3 6 14025

8 + 14025 4 5
12213 15087 PFI PFO

3 9 R13
+ - 14055
1 20K MAX700
R7 47pF

2 14055 C31 11114

- 20K
10K 15097 47pF C23
+15V +5V 2 5


15087 C30 D Q

C4 R14

R10 4700pF 15.8K 3

7 4 15.8K 15262 6


C1 R8

14077 Q

R2 15.8K 15262
U1 4700pF 1
4.99K 15262 13
- U7 U11A
LT1097 14077 2

15082 14 28 1 74HC74
12099 R3 R30 VCC A0 +5V
15.8K 6 12 2 HEADER2
- +
R9 4.7K A1 11034

15262 7 U2D 15170 20 3 17053

OP0 A2 C22
5 LT1639 9 4
95.3K OP1 A3 0.1U
U2B 12213 26
15263 CEN 14025
LT1639 C3 22 25


12213 21 5
C2 14077 6
U3 4700pF RDN 18034
7 19 43 21


LH0002C 14077 RXDB D0 P0.0/A4/D0 XTAL1
R20 95.3K 8 10 42 12.288MHz
12025 TXDB D1 P0.1/A5/D1

18 41 Y1
D2 P0.2/A6/D2
2 6 15 11 40 +5V
15263 INTRN D3 P0.3/A7/D3
1 7 17 39 20
15097 D4 P0.4/A8/D4 XTAL2
R25 23 12 38
R4 R15 20K CLK D5 P0.5/A9/D5
+5V 27 16 37 10
95.3K IP2 D6 P0.6/A10/D6 RST C27 C28 R31
634K U4C 24 13 36
X2 D7 P0.7/A11/D7 33P

15263 14 2 35 33P 4.7K

17072 15264 LT1639 15087 GND P1.0/A0 EA/WAIT 14002 14002 15170
12213 R16 10K 3
1070/1270 FSK P1.1/A1
10 XR88C681 4 32
C33 + P1.2/A2 PSEN
8 11105 5
C34 47pF R17 P1.3/A3
9 14055 6 33
47pF 14055 - 20K P1.4/RXD1 ALE
TP1 47pF 7 12
14055 15097 P1.5/TXD1 NC
C32 8 34 Q1
P1.6/T2 NC
9 2N7000
U8S P1.7/T2EX
24 11 13086
P2.0/A12 P3.0/RXD0
R27 R26 10K 25 13
P2.1/A13 P3.1/TXD0
R22 C5 R18 26 14
P2.2/A14 P3.2/INT0
10K 15087 10K 4700pF 15.8K 27 15
P2.3/A15 P3.3/INT1
15087 15087 R19 14077 15262 SOCKET 40 28 16 R32
P2.4/A16 P3.4/T0

15.8K 17967 29 17 100K

P2.5/A17 P3.5/T1/BUSW
R28 6 13 30 18
- -
15262 15183


P2.6/A18 P3.6/WR
200 2 7 14 31 19
P2.7/A19 P3.7/RD
15045 1 5 12
+ +
LT1639 U4D XAG3

U4A LT1639 11177
LT1639 12213


12213 C6 U11B
+15V 4700pF
R23 9 12

14077 Q D
+ C7 10K R21
1UF 15087 11
14064 8

R24 10K Q
+15V 10K 17072 15087
15087 74HC74

2025/2225 FSK 11034
0.1uF + 10uF +5V
C21 C18
14025 14069 TP2 J3
U6 C16 5
14081 C14 LTC1383 0.1U 4 CTD
+5V 0.1U 14025 3
R29 14025 2
C8 1 2
6.8K C1+ V+ 1
15171 +15V 3 16 17215
U10 C1- VCC

1 3 +5V U5 C15 6 +15V

20 9 J5 0.1U 5 J4


+15V C25 + 1 8

DSI XOU 4 14025 14025 4

1uF C19 C20 17 3 13 12 CONFIRM ROSETTE
10uF 0.1uF C9 TXA CD 9600 BPS I/O 3 R1IN R1OUT FIRE 3
14029 15 11 8 9 INTERFACE
14069 14025 0.1U 14025 RXA2 TXD 2 R2IN R2OUT 2
LM2930 16 5
RXA1 RXD 1 1

12057 14025 0.1U 18 14 14 11

10 2 HEADER4 7 10 17501

19 13 17064

4 7


17501 3
MC145443 2 ASSEMBLY 40882H / PN 801017

J1 11118 300 BPS I/O PCB

C10 C12 C13 1 Title
14025 14025 14025
10195A Size Document Number Rev
21215 B 32023 E
Date: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 Sheet 1 of 1


11/09/06 E ECN1027: R11 was 15171 CB JK

+15V 1 3 +8V

R1 10K R2 R4
680 1.1K 47uF
15172 +
15164 15266 1N4005 C5 12007 C7
1,A +5V

D1 14054 39uF
Q3 14037
CD4013 MJE172 R6


11003 100 1W
5 2N4401
SCI 3 1 1 4 8 13038

4,D CLK Q U2B 15275
3 6 10 OUTPUT
U2A U2C 8
2 9 C6
5 Q2
D CD4070 Q4 0.022UF
2 CD4070 11019 CD4070 2N4403 14020
Q R7


11019 11019 13039
13052 100 1W
+ 15275

C1 C3
39uF C2 470pF
14037 0.01uF 14010
R3 R5
14018 470pF D2
680 220
C4 1N4005
2,B 15164 15159
14010 13002
4 SCI 11 13 11 13

9 9
12 12




CD4013 CD4013
11003 11003

12 U5D +5V
CD4081 11
13 11075
SE 10 9
9 CLK Q1
11 6
K 12 5

U2D 11 3

+5V 13 +5V 16 2 5 U5B
4 CD4081 4 1 U5A
CD4070 13 6 3 3 1

Q8 11075 CD4081 CLK Q
11019 12 2
Q9 11075
R8 13029 8 14
G Q10
5 OHMS IRFF9130 15 5
Q11 D

5 WATT Q5 1 2
Q12 Q

PUMP PWR 3 1 +15V 8
CD4040 10
15268 CD4081

9 CD4013
11075 11003

500uF 10uF
+ + 15K
C8 C9
14035 2N4401 15173
13038 R11
R10 15173

ASSEMBLY 40533D / PN 80581
10079A Title
B 31291 E
Date: Thursday, November 09, 2006 Sheet 1 of 1

SBE 9+ LOGIC TCXO Universal



1 11
1 A
2 12
2 B 4,D
3 13
3 C
4 14
4 D
5 15
5 E 5,E
6 16
6 F
7 17
7 H
8 18
8 J 6,F
9 19
9 K
10 20
10 L





SBE 9+ LOGIC TCXO Universal
B 33279
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2007 Sheet 1 of 2

+5V +5V +5V
U1 0.1u
27.648MHz 14025
C5 18021 C9
C7 0.1u U5A
0.1u 2 1 U3A
PWR OSC 0.1u 14025 74HC390


14025 74HC393 11117

5 11042
1 U4A 1 3

74AC00 3 1 3 5

A QA QB 69120 Hz
3 4 2 11116 4 4 6 H
5 7

2 6

2 U3B

CLR 74HC393

13 11

5,E 9
12 8
15 13 8640 / 17280 Hz
A QA 6,F
12 10

9 9
0.1u QD
1 14025 14 U5B
4,D 3 74HC32 74HC390 7
2 6.9120MHz 11117
12 U4D
DIVIDE BY 100 74AC00 J

+5V 13


1,A +5V 8 74HC32
+5V 11101 9 EXTERNAL SD
U8 U6
+5V 74HC273
C3 C4 74HC4040

11008 11072
10U 1U U7 R1
14069 14064 10 9 10 11 3 2 100K

CLK Q1 A0 O0 D1 Q1 15183
7 9 12 4 5
Q2 A1 O1 D2 Q2
2,B 11 6 8 13 7 6
RST Q3 A2 O2 D3 Q3
5 7 15 8 9 4 U2B
Q4 A3 O3 D4 Q4
3 6 16 13 12 74HC32 6
Q5 A4 O4 D5 Q5 STOP
+5V 16 2 5 17 14 15 5 11101
VCC Q6 A5 O5 D6 Q6
4 4 18 17 16
Q7 A6 O6 D7 Q7
13 3 19 18 19
Q8 A7 O7 D8 Q8
12 25
Q9 A8
8 14 24 1 11

C12 15 21 1
Q11 A10 CLR
0.1u 1 23 28 4 U4B
Q12 A11 VCC
14025 2 74AC00 6

26 5
A13 C10 11116
27 C11
A14 0.1u 0.1u
GND 14025 14025
2 27C256
1 11073
+5V 3 9 U4C
74AC00 3
15001.3 +5V 10
12 11116
74HC32 11
13 Standard: jumper 1 - 2 SOCKET28
High Speed Serial: jumper 1 - 3

SBE 9+ LOGIC TCXO Universal
B 33279
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2007 Sheet 1 of 1


06/19/96 A DJM
06/15/11 B ECN1353: PCB B, U6 WAS 12120 CB DG

SBE 911plus MODULO 12 P

1 11
1 A
2 12
2 B 2,B
3 13
3 C
4 14
4 D C
5 15
5 E
6 16
6 F D
7 17
7 H
8 18
8 J E
9 19
9 K
10 20
10 L 6,F
30503 H







B 31915 B
Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2


06/19/96 A U6 PINS 5 & 6 SWAPPED DJM DJM
06/15/11 B ECN1353: PCB B, U6 WAS 12120 CB DG



6,F 0.1uF

__ U1 11

+5V SE 10 9 7
7 6
4.7K Q2 B
11 6 5
15170 +5V RST Q3 C
5 4
Q4 D
15181 3 13
Q5 E
R2 47K 16 2 14 2
9,K 4 15 12
2N4401 Q7 G QG
13 1 3
13038 C13 Q8 H QH
R3 R5 12
C1 0.1uF Q9
100K 8 14 10

14025 G Q10 CLK
33pF 15183 15 9
100K Q11 P/S
14002 1
15183 Q12

CD4040 11005
R1 100K 11009
10 4
C16 E

U3 C17
DNI 11 0.1uF

SER C14 14025
A 0.1uF
B 14025 DNI
R8 13
100K 14 2
R7 R6 F QF
R11 +5V 15183 15 12
C7 100K 100K G QG
110K 1 3
0.0047u 15183 15183 H QH
14077 + C3 10

C2 0.1u CLK
10u 14025 P/S
R12 14069 CD4021


10K 95K
15027 U5
8,J 15297
20 16 +5V


21 15
CS D1 U4
22 14
R14 R13 19 13 11

L 6 11 7
D4 A
7 10 6 0.1uF
1K 1K D5 B
5 2 9 5 14025
15165 15165 VREF D6 C
U6B + C5 8 4
LM6142AIM D7 D
C8 C4 0.1u 1 7 13
12297 AIN D8 E
1u 10u 14025 6 14 2

14069 D9 F QF
14029 3 5 15 12
4 1 3 5
D11 H QH

R9 LTC1273 10


1,A +5V +5V 12121 9
C6 10
15152 CD4021

+ C11 + C9 0.1u TRACE JUMPER NEAR U5.3
39uF C10 1u 14025 1 2

10V 10u 14029 J2

14070 14069 3 + 15001.2

12297 Title
B 31915 B
Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Sheet 1 of 1


05/15/92 A ECN369 KL DG
08/14/92 B ECN380 DJM
02/02/04 C ECN774: CHG R5 FROM 169K TO 210K CB DG


1 11
1 A
2 12 2,B
2 B
3 13
3 C
4 14 3,C
4 D
5 15
5 E
6 16 4,D
6 F
7 17
7 H
8 18 5,E
8 J
9 19
9 K
10 20 6,F
10 L








ASSEMBLY 40573E / PN 80609
B 31366 D
Date: Monday, October 25, 2004 Sheet 1 of 1

14034 R5
+5V C5
R3 15007
R4 14034
15133 SEE NOTE 2.




1.0uF +5V 12

14025 9 R6 U2B
R1 14029 .1uF Q 470K 74HC4050

7 3 11
+ B U3B 15185 11014
1 C11 0.01uF
1K R2 4,D
D1 2 74HC4538 14018 SDI


C1 1N5818 - U1A 11094 +5V
0.001uF 15076 13008 LM393

12074 3 2

H U11
U2A +5V U4 11 11005

74HC4050 SER
10 9 7
11014 CLK Q1 A
7 6

Q2 B
11 6 5
5 4
Q4 D
+5V 3 13
Q5 E
+5V 16 VCC Q6
2 14
4 15 12

13 1 3
LOAD\ R7 12
3,C 14004 Q9
32.4K 1 U5A 8 14 10

150PF G Q10 CLK
15106 2 74AC10 12 15 9
C6 Q11 P/S
+5V +5V 13 11093 1



4 6 7 6,F

U7A 74HC4538 SC
SE 2 5 11094



9,K D Q U2C
Q 74HC4050
A 11014
3 7 +5V

6 5


5 uS

74AC74 9 10 CD4021
11092 11


SER 11005
+5V 74HC4050 7
C 11014 6
11 12 4
U2E 13
74HC4050 14 2
11014 15 12
+5V 1 3
14004 H QH
R8 14 15
16.5K 10

+5V 9
74HC4050 P/S

U7B 15095 11014

12 9




2.5 uS
+5V 11

8 10 D

74AC74 9

11092 11
U8 +5V
U6B 10 9
74HC4538 U10

3 U5B 7

4 74AC10 6 11094 11 6 CD4021

5 11093 +5V 5 11 11005

10 Q4 SER
3 7
Q5 A
RESET +5V +5V 16 2 6
U3A 4 5
Q7 C
74HC4538 13 4
Q8 D

9 U5C 11094 12 13
Q9 E

10 74AC10 8 B 8 14 14 2
8,J G Q10 F QF
11 11093 15 15 12


Q11 G QG
Fr 6 1 1 3
Q Q12 H QH 5,E
7 74HC4040 10


5 11008 9


+ 7
ASSEMBLY 40573E / PN 80609

B 31366 D
Date: Monday, October 25, 2004 Sheet 1 of 1


04/01/04 A ECN779: U3 WAS LT1054 (12062) CB DG

SBE 9+ 12 BIT A/D




J1 5,E
1 11
1 A
2 12 6
2 B
3 13
3 C
4 14
4 D
5 15 F
5 E
6 16
6 F
7 17
7 H
8 18 7
8 J
9 19
9 K
10 20
10 L






ASSEMBLY 40904B / 801042
SBE 9+ 12 BIT A/D
Size Document Number Rev
B 32068 A
Date: Thursday, April 01, 2004 Sheet 1 of 2

+5V 1,A

C7 + C8
1U 10U
14029 14069

C17 2,B
U3 C16 1U
10U 14029 U4
1 8 14069
3,C 8 1
2 7
7 2 +15V
3 6 R11
+ + 6 3
C12 2N4401 VOUT TEMP C18
4 5 10K
10U CAP- VOUT 13038 0.1U
15172 5 4
14069 TRIM GND 14025
R2 1.1K
C13 LTC1144 D
47U 12203 LTC1027 15266
14106 12136
C14 C15
+ +
10U +5V R3 1.1K
14106 14069 F
C3 15266
+5V 0.1U + C6
14025 22U
1 8 R4 1.1K
MR RST 14076
2 7 D1 H
3 6 1N5818 15266
4 5 13008
PFI PFO 14025

MAX700 U2 U5
11114 Y1 31 39 20 1 CHANNEL 1 R5 1.1K

20MHz EA/VP P0.0 VCC CH0
38 J
18035 P0.1 CHANNEL 2
19 37 19 2 15266
X1 P0.2 ACLK CH1
35 18 3
18 34
C1 33 17 4 R6 1.1K
C2 P0.6 DIN CH3
33P 32 L
33P P0.7 CHANNEL 5
14002 9 16 5 15266
22 15 6
+5V P2.1 CS CH5
12 23
13 24 14 7 R7 1.1K
INT1 P2.3 REF+ CH6
14 25 10
15 26 13 8 15266
T1 P2.5 REF- CH7
R1 P2.6
1 28 12 9
2.7K P1.0 P2.7 V- COM
2 +
15168 P1.1
3 17 C5 11 10 R8 1.1K
4 16 4.7U 8
P1.3 WR
5 29 14065 LTC1290 15266
6 30 12135
P1.5 ALE/P
7 11

Q1 P1.6 TXD
8 10
9 R9 1.1K
13086 DS87C520 7
20 11201 15266



+15V 5,E

+ C10
J2 C9 10U


ASSEMBLY 40904B / 801042
SBE 9+ 12 BIT A/D
Size Document Number Rev
B 32068 A
Date: Thursday, April 01, 2004 Sheet 2 of 2


07/10/98 A ECN558: JUMPER R32, DELETE R9 PF/CB DG
10/06/05 B ECN862: PCB A, DEL R32 DJM DG





1 11
1 A
2 12
2 B
3 13
3 C F
4 14
4 D
5 15
5 E
6 16
6 F 7
7 17
7 H
8 18
8 J
9 19
9 K H
10 20
10 L







Size Document Number Rev
B 32156 B
Date: Thursday, October 06, 2005 Sheet 1 of 2

R4 10
15152 R8 10
+15V 15152
14079 +5V
C3 C5 0.1u

0.01u C7
CH 1+ R1 10K 0.01u
3 14018
4 +
R7 953K 14018

1 U1 R6 15148
AD620BN 6 3
12077 249K 9
15131 C6 2
CH 1- R3 10K - U2A
2 0.033u
D - LMC6462
15172 R5 10


C1 -15V
0.0047u C2
14077 0.0047u
R13 10 14077 C4
15152 0.01u

0.01u 14079
14018 C13 0.1u

R10 10K
CH 2+ 3
6 +
15172 R16 953K
1 U3 R15 15148
AD620BN 6 5
12077 249K K
R12 10K 15131 6
CH 2- 2 C14 - U2B
F - 0.033u LMC6462
15172 14080 12150
R14 10 +15V 5,E

C9 15152
0.0047u C10 -15V C21 C22
14077 0.0047u 10u + 0.1u
14077 R20 10 14069 14025
15152 2,B
14018 C23 C24
10u + 0.1u
C17 14079 14025
C19 0.1u 14069
-15V 3,C

R17 10K 14018
CH 3+ 3
7 +
15172 U4 R23 953K
1 R22 15148
AD620BN 6 5
12077 249K 10
R19 10K 15131 C20 6
CH 3- 2 - U5B
H 0.033u
- LMC6462
15172 R21 10 14080
15152 12150

C15 -15V
14077 0.0047u
14077 C18
R27 10 0.01u
15152 14018 CHANNEL 4 OUT

R31 10
14079 +5V
C29 0.1u U8

C31 +5V
R24 10K
CH 4+ 3 0.01u 1 8
8 + NC NC
15172 R30 953K

1 R29 15148 +15V 2 7

6 3
AD620BN +
8 249K 1 + 3 6
12077 C32 TEMP VOUT
R26 10K 15131 C30 2
CH 4- 2 0.033u - U5A 0.1uF 4 5
14080 14064 NOTE: ORCAD FILE 32156-1.SCH IS FOR


R28 10

C25 C26 15152 LTC1027 +

0.0047u 0.0047
-15V 12136
14076 ASSEMBLY 40968B
0.01u Title
Size Document Number Rev
B 32156 B
Date: Thursday, October 06, 2005 Sheet 1 of 1


For a period of five years after the date of original shipment from our factory, products manufactured by
Sea-Bird are warranted to function properly and be free of defects in materials and workmanship. Should a Sea-Bird
instrument fail during the warranty period, return it freight pre-paid to our factory. We will repair it (or at our option,
replace it) at no charge, and pay the cost of shipping it back to you. Certain products and components have modified
coverage under this warranty as described below.


Service work, repairs, replacement parts and modifications are warranted to be free of defects in materials or
workmanship for the remainder of the original 5-year warranty or one year from the date of shipment from our factory
after repair or service, which ever is longer. Certain products and components have modified coverage under this
warranty as described below.


1. The SBE 43 DO sensor is warranted to function properly for 5 years. Under normal use however, the electrolyte in
an SBE 43 DO sensor will require replenishment after about 3 years (or longer, depending on conditions of use).
Anytime during the warranty period (typically after 3 years), the SBE 43 will be refurbished once without charge,
Return the sensor freight pre-paid to our factory. We will refurbish it for free (electrolyte refill, membrane
replacement, and recalibration) and pay the cost of shipping it back to you. Membrane damage or depletion of
electrolyte caused by membrane damage is not covered by this warranty.

2. The pH sensor electrode used in the SBE 18 pH sensor and SBE 27 pH/ORP sensor has a limited design life
caused by depletion of their chemical constituents during normal storage and use, and is covered under warranty
for the first 90 days only. Other components of the sensor (housing, electronics, etc.) are covered for 5 years.

3. Instruments or sensors manufactured by other companies are warranted only to the limit of the warranties provided
by their original manufacturers, typically 1 year. (example: fluorometers, transmissometers, PAR, optical
backscatter sensors, altimeters, etc.)

4. Water sample bottles manufactured by other companies, and PVC plastic bottle parts used to make Sea-Bird
Improved Sample Bottles are warranted only to the limit of the warranties provided by their original
manufacturers, typically one year. The mounting bracket (except stainless steel band clamp) used in Sea-Bird
Improved Sample Bottles is covered for 5 years.

5. Batteries, zinc anodes, anti-foulant devices, or other consumable/expendable items are not covered under this

6. Electrical cables, dummy plugs, and stainless steel band clamps are warranted to function properly and be free of
defects in materials and workmanship for 1 year.

7. This warranty is void if in our opinion the instrument has been damaged by accident, mishandled, altered,
improperly serviced, or repaired by the customer where such treatment has affected its performance or reliability.
In the event of such misuse/abuse by the customer, costs for repairs plus two-way freight costs will be borne by the
customer. Instruments found defective should be returned to the factory carefully packed, as the customer will be
responsible for freight damage.

8. Incidental or consequential damages or costs incurred as a result of product malfunction are not the
responsibility of SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC.


Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. and its authorized representatives or resellers provide warranty support only to the
original purchaser. Warranty claims, requests for information or other support, and orders for post-warranty repair
and service, by end-users that did not purchase directly from Sea-Bird or an authorized representative or reseller,
must be made through the original purchaser. The intent and explanation of our warranty policy follows:

1. Warranty repairs are only performed by Sea-Bird.

2. Repairs or attempts to repair Sea-Bird products performed by customers (owners) shall be called owner repairs.

3. Our products are designed to be maintained by competent owners. Owner repairs of Sea-Bird products will
NOT void the warranty coverage (as stated above) simply as a consequence of their being performed.

4. Owners may make repairs of any part or assembly, or replace defective parts or assemblies with
Sea-Bird manufactured spares or authorized substitutes without voiding warranty coverage of the entire product,
or parts thereof. Defective parts or assemblies removed by the owner may be returned to Sea-Bird for repair or
replacement within the terms of the warranty, without the necessity to return the entire instrument. If the owner
makes a successful repair, the repaired part will continue to be covered under the original warranty, as if it had
never failed. Sea-Bird is not responsible for any costs incurred as a result of owner repairs or equipment

5. We reserve the right to refuse warranty coverage on a claim by claim basis based on our judgment and
discretion. We will not honor a warranty claim if in our opinion the instrument, assembly, or part has been
damaged by accident, mishandled, altered, or repaired by the customer where such treatment has affected its
performance or reliability.

6. For example, if the CTD pressure housing is opened, a PC board is replaced, the housing is resealed, and then it
floods on deployment, we do not automatically assume that the owner is to blame. We will consider a claim for
warranty repair of a flooded unit, subject to our inspection and analysis. If there is no evidence of a fault in
materials (e.g., improper or damaged o-ring, or seal surfaces) or workmanship (e.g., pinched o-ring due to
improper seating of end cap), we would cover the flood damage under warranty.

7. In a different example, a defective PC board is replaced with a spare and the defective PC board is sent to Sea-
Bird. We will repair or replace the defective PC board under warranty. The repaired part as well as the
instrument it came from will continue to be covered under the original warranty.

8. As another example, suppose an owner attempts a repair of a PC board, but solders a component in backwards,
causing the board to fail and damage other PC boards in the system. In this case, the evidence of the backwards
component will be cause for our refusal to repair the damage under warranty. However, this incident will NOT
void future coverage under warranty.

9. If an owner's technician attempts a repair, we assume his/her qualifications have been deemed acceptable to the
owner. The equipment owner is free to use his/her judgment about who is assigned to repair equipment, and is
also responsible for the outcome. The decision about what repairs are attempted and by whom is entirely up to
the owner.



By downloading or installing any of our software, you expressly agree to the following:

Sea-Bird's SEASOFT© software is provided free of charge to Sea-Bird users and is not subject to any license.
SEASOFT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property
laws and treaties. All title and copyrights in and to SEASOFT and the accompanying printed materials, and any
copies of SEASOFT, are owned by Sea-Bird Electronics. There are no restrictions on its use or distribution,
provided such use does not infringe on our copyright.

Note: SEASOFT is a modular program that includes SEASOFT V2 (Seasave V7, Seasave-Win32, SBE Data
Processing, SeatermV2, Seaterm, SeatermAF, SeatermV2, Plot39, and Deployment Endurance Calculator),
SEASOFT for Waves - Win32, SEASOFT-DOS, and SEASOFT for Waves - DOS.

Sea-Bird Electronics expressly disclaims any warranty for software. Software and any related documentation is
provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including and without limitation, the
implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non infringement. The entire risk arising
out of use or performance of SEASOFT remains with you.
In no event shall Sea-Bird Electronics or its representatives or suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business
information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Sea-Bird Electronics
product, even if Sea-Bird has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Sea-Bird Service Request Form

To return instruments for calibration or other service, please provide the information below, so we can serve you better and
prevent delays in the return of the instruments:
1. Get a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from Sea-Bird (, phone [+1] 425-643-9866, fax [+1] 425-643-9954).
Reference the RMA number on this form, on the outside shipping label for the instruments, and in all related correspondence.
2. Include this form when shipping the instruments to Sea-Bird for servicing.
3. E-mail or fax us a copy of this form on the day you ship. or fax [+1] 425-643-9954

RMA Number: Date equipment needed:

Do you need a written quote? [ ] No [ ] Yes
IMPORTANT! Was this equipment deployed in the Gulf of Mexico during/after the Spring 2010 oil spill?
[ ] No [ ] Yes (specify serial numbers if not applicable to all instruments in shipment)

Your Name: Institution/Company:
Shipping/Delivery address for packages:

Phone: Fax: E-mail:

Date Shipped: Sea-Bird Model Numbers (i.e., SBE 37-SM, etc.):
Quantity: Serial Numbers:

Special Instructions – for example, if specific services are required for some instruments (i.e., if 10 instruments need
calibration, and 1 also needs repairs, specify the serial number for the instrument needing repairs):

[ ] Calibration Services (includes basic diagnostic):

[ ] Temperature [ ] Conductivity [ ] Pressure [ ] Oxygen [ ] pH
[ ] Other (i.e., fluorometer, turbidity, par, etc.):

[ ] Additional Services (additional charges apply; specify serial numbers):

[ ] Internal Inspection & O-Ring Replacement (includes hydrostatic pressure test)

[ ] System Upgrade or Conversion

[ ] Diagnose & Repair Problems (provide as much information as possible - description(s), configuration [.con or
.xmlcon] file and raw data [.hex or .dat] file showing problems, etc.)

[ ] Download Data from instrument Memory


[ ] Credit Card (Sea-Bird accepts payment by VISA, Master Card, or American Express)
Name on Card:
Please call Cheryl Reed (425-644-3244) with credit card information.
[ ] Purchase Order (P.O.)
P.O. Number:
Billing Address (If different than shipping address):

Instructions for Returning Goods to Sea-Bird

Note: Sea-Bird moved in January 2010; use the new address (shown below).
1. Domestic Shipments (USA) - Ship prepaid (via UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) directly to:
Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
13431 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005, USA
Telephone: 425-643-9866, Fax: 425-643-9954

2. International Shipments –
Option A. Ship via PREPAID AIRFREIGHT to SEA-TAC International Airport (IATA Code “SEA”):
Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
13431 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, WA 98005, USA
Telephone: [+1] 425-643-9866, Fax: [+1] 425-643-9954, E-mail:

Notify: MTI Worldwide Logistics for Customs Clearance

Seattle, WA, USA
Telephone: [+1] 206-431-4366 Fax: [+1] 206-431-4374 E-mail:

E-mail flight details and airway bill number to and when your
shipment is en-route. Include your RMA number in the e-mail.

Option B. Ship via EXPRESS COURIER directly to Sea-Bird Electronics (see address above):
If you choose this option, we recommend shipping via UPS, FedEx, or DHL. Their service is door-to-door, including
customs clearance. It is not necessary to notify our customs agent, MTI Worldwide, if you ship using a courier service.

E-mail the airway bill / tracking number to when your shipment is en-route. Include your RMA number
in the e-mail.

For All International Shipments:

Include a commercial invoice showing the description of the instruments, and Value for Customs purposes only. Include the
following statement: “U.S. Goods Returned for Repair/Calibration. Country of Origin: USA. Customs Code: 9801001012.”
Failure to include this statement in your invoice will result in US Customs assessing duties on the shipment, which we will in
turn pass on to the customer/shipper.

Note: Due to changes in regulations, if Sea-Bird receives an instrument from outside the U.S. in a crate containing
non-approved (i.e., non-heat-treated) wood, we will return the instrument in a new crate that meets the requirements of
ISPM 15 (see for details). We will charge $50 to $150 for the
replacement crate, based on the crate type. These prices are valid only for crate replacement required in conjunction with
return of a customer's instrument after servicing, and only when the instrument was shipped in a crate originally supplied
by Sea-Bird.

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