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Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension (1*20=20 分)

Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary (1*38=38 分)

21~25 DCAAD 26~30 ADDDB 31~35 ABBAC 36~40 BDBDC

41~45 DAABC 46~48 BCD 49~53 KHIDG 54~58 CBEJA

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (1*15+2*15=45 分)

59~63 ADABB 64~68 ADBAA 69~73 CADCD 74~77 DCDC

78~80 CAD 81~84 DBCC 85~88 DCAE

Ⅳ. Productive Grammar (1*10=10 分)

89. was still recovering; 90. didn’t prove; 91. had disrupted; 92. when; 93. something

94. that; 95. rested; 96. if; 97. the most recent; 98. will

Ⅴ. Translation (3+4+5+5=17 分)

99. Calling people names in public is humiliating, but sometimes excessive praise can be


100. In terms of work-life balance, you have to find ways to get your daily routine on track

and exercise regularly so you can avoid burnout and function better

101. Now, with the price of solar price falling and distributed generation at the corner of

widespread adoption point, energy efficiency is on the horizon and the dawn of a new energy era

is upon us.

102. AI has reached deep into every aspect of our lives, but it has not yet been able to

discover beauty or meaning beyond patterns in the data, nor has it been able to evoke genuine

emotional responses in humans, where remains huge blind spots for AI innovation.

Ⅵ. Writing (20 分)

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