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知识 Knowledge

Knowledge is organized sets of principles and facts applying in general domains.

艺术与人文 Arts and Humanities 工程与技术 Engineering and Technology

英语 English Language 建筑和施工 Building and Construction

艺术 Fine Arts 计算机和电子产品

Computers and Electronics
外语 Foreign Language
工程与技术 Engineering and Technology
历史与考古 History and Archeology
机械 Mechanical
哲学与神学 Philosophy and Theology
设计 Design
商业及管理 Business and Management
法律和公共安全Law and Public Safety
Administration and Management 法律和政府 Law and Government

行政 Administrative 公共安全和安保
Public Safety and Security
Customer and Personal Service 制造和生产
Manufacturing and Production
经济与会计 Economics and Accounting
食品生产 Food Production
Personnel and Human Resources 生产加工 Production and Processing

销售和营销 Sales and Marketing 数学与科学 Mathematics and Science

通讯 Communications 生物 Biology

通讯和媒体 Communications and Media 化学 Chemistry

电信 Telecommunications 地理 Geography

教育和培训 Education and Training 数学 Mathematics

健康服务 Health Services 物理 Physics

医学和牙科 Medicine and Dentistry 心理学 Psychology

治疗和咨询 Therapy and Counseling 社会学和人类学

Sociology and Anthropology
运输 Transportation
其他 Others:(请说明 Please specify)


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技能 Skills

Skills are the capabilities needed to complete a task.

● 主动学习与学习策略 ● 说服和谈判 Persuasion and negotiation

Active learning and learning strategies
谈判 Negotiation
主动学习 Active Learning
说服 Persuasion
学习策略 Learning Strategies
● 阅读、写作、数学和积极倾听
● 分析思维与创新 Reading, writing, math and active
Analytical thinking and innovation listening

分析思维 Analytical thinking 积极倾听 Active Listening

创新 Innovation 数学 Mathematics

● 注重细节,值得信赖 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension

Attention to detail, trustworthiness
科学 Science
注重细节 Attention to detail
口语 Speaking
可靠 Dependability
写作 Writing
正直 Integrity
● 弹性、压力耐受性和灵活性
● 解决问题的技能 Resilience, stress tolerance and
Complex Problem-Solving flexibility

解决问题的技能 适应性/灵活性 Adaptability/flexibility

Complex Problem-Solving
自我控制 Self-control
● 协调与时间管理
Coordination and time management 压力耐受性 Stress tolerance

时间管理 Time Management ● 服务 Service Orientation

协调 Coordination 服务 Service Orientation

● 创造力、独创性和主动性 ● 系统分析与评估
Creativity, originality and initiative Systems analysis and evaluation

创造力 Creativity 判断和决策

独创性 Originality Judgment and Decision Making

主动 Initiative 系统分析 Systems Analysis

● 批判性思维和分析 系统评估 Systems Evaluation

Critical thinking and analysis

批判性思考 Critical Thinking

监控 Monitoring
● 情商 Emotional intelligence ● 技术技能 Technical Skills

关心他人 Concern for others 设备维护 Equipment Maintenance

合作 Cooperation 设备选型 Equipment Selection

社会导向 Social Orientation 安装 Installation

社会感知力 Social Perceptiveness 操作与控制 Operation and Control

● 指导和教学 操作分析 Operations Analysis

Instruction, mentoring and teaching
操作监控 Operations Monitoring
指导 Instructing
编程 Programming
● 领导力和社会影响力
Leadership and social influence 质量控制分析 Quality Control Analysis

领导力 Leadership 维修 Repairing

● 资源管理技能 技术设计 Technology Design
Resource Management Skills
故障排除 Troubleshooting
Management of Financial Resources ● 其他 Others:(请说明 Please specify)

物资资源管理 ______________________
Management of Material Resources

Management of Personnel Resources

World Economic Forum | The Future of Jobs Report 2020
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能力 Abilities

Abilities are enduring attributes of the individual that influence performance.

● 认知能力 Cognitive Abilities

专注能力 Attentiveness

想法产生和推理能力 Idea Generation and Reasoning Abilities

记忆能力 Memory

感知能力 Perceptual Abilities

数字分析能力 Quantitative Abilities

空间能力 Spatial Abilities

语言能力 Verbal Abilities

● 体能 Physical Abilities
耐力 Endurance

灵活性、平衡性和协调性 Flexibility, Balance, and Coordination

体力能力 Physical Strength Abilities

● 精神运动能力 Psychomotor Abilities

运动控制能力 Control Movement Abilities

精细的操控能力 Fine Manipulative Abilities

反应速度能力 Reaction Time and Speed Abilities

● 感官能力 Sensory Abilities

听觉和言语能力 Auditory and Speech Abilities

视觉能力 Visual Abilities

● 其他 Others:(请说明 Please specify)


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人格特质 Personality

Personality refers to the long-term traits and patterns that drive an individual to consistently
think, feel, and behave in specific ways.

善分析的 Analytical 好相处 Easy-going 善良 Kind

细心 Attentive 有效率 Efficient 忠诚 Loyal

爱冒险 Adventurous 活泼 Energetic 成熟 Mature

自主 Autonomous 热情 Enthusiastic 精细 Meticulous

勇敢 Brave 外向 Extroverted 谦虚 Modest

关爱 Caring 公平 Fair 善于观察 Observant

谨慎 Cautions 孝顺 Filial piety 思想开明 Open-minded

仔细 Careful 善于变通 Flexible 乐观 Optimistic

冷静 Calm 友善 Friendly 耐心 Patient

合作 Cooperative 节俭 Frugal 坚持不懈 Persevering

自信 Confident 大方 / 慷慨 Generous 有礼貌 Polite

尽责 Conscientious 温和 Gentle 积极 Positive

体贴 Considerate 努力 Hardworking 守时 Punctual

创意 Creative 乐于助人 Helpful 理性 Rational

好奇 Curious 诚实 Honest 责任感 Responsible

坚定 Determinate 幽默 Humor 有进取心 Self-motivated

自律 Discipline 富想象 Imaginative 敏感 Sensitive

体贴 Considerate 独立 Independent 善于社交 Sociable

创意 Creative 勤劳 Industrious 稳定 Steady

好奇 Curious 主动 Initiative 直率 Straight-forward

坚定 Determinate 创新 Innovative 信用 Trustworthy

自律 Discipline 正直 Integrity 其他 Others:

(请说明 Please specify)
可靠 Dependable / Reliable 内向 Introverted

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