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Deriving the Kinematics Equations V /-time graphs have their place in physics and offer a a tremendous amount of information to the reader BUT they are time consuming and offer V, av ‘some variability in their creation and interpretation. When posed with a problem, itis i 4uick and easy to be able to use an equation to calculate an answer rather than say, just a minute, I'll run this experiment, create some graphs and get back to you later"! The relationships for motion of objects are well established and can be used to derive the 5 kinematics equations that will allow us to be able to jump right tothe calculation of answers provided that we follow the rules. ‘To derive the kinematics equations, we will use a simple d-t graph that shows an object ‘moving with constant acceleration - so this is the rule: ‘+ You can only use the 5 kinematics equations ifthe problem describes an object that has ONE CONSTANT ACCELERATION. ‘A * No.constant speeds; for constant speed questions, you hat ‘Ad/Adfrom grade 7» = 10 Science * Novariable accelerations (changing the pressure you apply or amount of force used) Allkinematics problems use the same set ofS variables, 9, Ad and At. We wll be deriving S ‘equations where each equation uses a different set of 4 - always leaving one of the § out. This is. hep in deciding which equation to use to slve a problem and inthe amount of information you need to know to dothe jb! As ong asyou know 2 variables you can solve forthe 41 Equation: Rearranged slope formula Consider the #-t graph below. It shows an object that is speeding up in the forwards direction ~ ‘one constant acceleration. tae) fica ee ey: To calculate the acceleration of the object, you ‘would use the slope formula To determine how acceleration changes the object's velocity, you'd need to rearrange this equation to solve for the final velocity. 1 Braph shows constant aceleraton, wecan use to create an ‘equation that fe area of the trian tosolve, igle + rectangle, our goal is to ‘create equations that don’t | Mweuse the area ofa tpesal mula, we coud bulla formula tha wil work every time an object accelerates, Aten rect 2 buh l fr (eet U4 DS at Area, ang 2m ad. (Oy oe at Which variableismissing? ze Eavation3: Finding Displacement (rectangle + tangle) Many problems will ask you how far an accelerating object travels given a staring sped (or fom ‘est) but not the end speed. Here is where the ald area ofs rectangle +triangle comes in handy, A TE Ad = Arcane + Atiage % oe 44 Tot 4+ gine = we . 1 ats Fat y craboe \ RSE oe ao za Ts et v ods Tak +L cay ° 3 Which variable missing? Ter at Occasional, a problem wl provide you with the end Speed but not speci the start speed ‘Weean use similar strategy - instead of adding the triangle ‘we can use the larger rectangle and subtract the triangle. Ad = Ancarge~ Arnd a re pin Tas sigh, Fe ots Thot Lays Which variable is missing? _V, So far all 4 equations come directly from the same simple d-t graph, each ofthe S variables, EXCEPT At, have been left out of an equation. To build an equation that eliminates At, we ‘Start with our first equation ( B)=lb+ Gat) Ifwe square both sides ofthe equation (7,)'- (yy Kat’; (Giydot Simplify ¢ Foi) othe Ue tame Whe WH HO Was Oty’ poral mann We vet thal + Pyesy Be WaR a ‘42K (Yad 4 bx (00)! Thott dot fk wh od * - Treated bacral ywridle ot OF i. woke the © mins petines | Physics 30S Introduction to Vectors. Avector is a quantity that asa (which means amount) and_guactron A quantity with is catled a scalar. In physics, the type of quantity is Important to help deten dynamics) Scalar quantities are things like mass, time, distance, speed, ete. We know how much these quantities are, but they do not contribute direction. EX. asd = rook -te Revel Vector quantities are displacement, velocity, force, field strength, ete. A vector quantity should have an arrow above its symbol. Ex These unis ik Sl crecton inter description The rection canbe communicated in several acceptable ways. fe how an object is moving or ifan object will move (more on this in Cardinal Directions: Standard Directions: Cartesian Plane (math): Noth Upor Forward iy & Wes Bast Ao rae (88 it fckuavs faeck south Dowa ot Backward a ‘Vector Representation: ‘Avector is represented by an arrow. An arrow has atip and atail. To Fp A Sketch or a Scale Drawing can be used to represent the vector. ‘Sketch: A rough approximation of the vector size and direction, it does not need to be 4 measured and a ruler and protractor are not necessary. The vector arrow should be in Unt correct general direction with arelative size being helpful, butit can bedrawn freehan The «ction must be stated or abbreviated, enclosed in square brackets to separate it from other types of brackets. 2 _-, ‘The vector can be labelled with a letter, or the actual 2 quantity represented by the arrow. P-25 km/h (East) Ifthe direction is not vertical or horizontal, hen reference horizontal and vertical directions must be chosen, with the angle deflected from these standards indicated. = cope to ow f santrl and vertical ie feo Vector is 30° from the x axis (East direction). The vector is also in eo the quadrant withthe y axis (North direction), The direction can be labelled as: {7 cot [E30°Nf diem 6 whichis readas"__fad tun to Ath.” Maa roa f facing due East, you would rotate that vector 30° to the North to pre ; achieve the given vector. [BOPNofE] + meaning dat gat” Boy . we te age) fan angle is not provided, then the values are. found using geometry. Compass headings follow the same rules. An angle of INE] is &xactlyihalfWvay, between North and East so the angle will be Ygofthe90?, INE] = [N 45°F] The 45° is understood and does not need tobe stated. “ [SW] =[S.45°w) ot \fa direction of [ENE] is used, then the vectors halfway between the East (axis) and the Northeast [N 45° E] so % of the 45°. ¥ (45° ae Lard: Levee] t- Cens'al The complementary angle (two angles are complementary when they add up to 90°) can be Used in any ofthe answers. = [woo'u] on Lew fw Lew] o [ o'wet ai) s Ex. Sketch the vector B= 400 km [W 70° s] shetch 2 = sem Lewin] \ Cue] ‘An appropriate scale must be identified to fit the vector ina space that is ig or too small. A ruler must be used to measure the length of the arrow to fit the Aprotractor will be required to draw the direction in exactly the correct orientation, 0 cm= 25 m/s = 200m/s[South] _b) Identify the vector drawn below Example 1:[Scal a) Draw the vect (za Healy“ Zewrle “aS risen Come Length = (ec ee Magnitude = sells ~ Lem £960 2cmls © ) O48) 020) = Bites D> Non-cardinaL Direction Vectors: Example 2: Identify D based on a scale of 1.0 cm = 10 m/s? is Be shel Le by] Lut qe] Cosy adem ofthe previous units we have added (and subtracted) vector quantities in one fension (Forward-backward or East-West, etc). Now with twoidimensional possibilities, ‘need to find the answer or resultantwector using the following steps: - Draw or sketch the fist vector. Pest. (3 etna - At the tip ofthe first vector, begin drawing the tal ofthe second vector, This is called _ . Continue connecting tip to tail, until ll vectors are drawn. 4. Connect the start ( q»| + theft, ) to the finish ( Tp t the lst )- ‘This s called the fesultantvector and it represents the answer, 5, Subtraction just thewdationfamegativevesion fg. 4, 1 jy e (emit. Example 1: Sketch the resultant for vector & + Z All berm A aby R =40.m (East] + He regret. Ta2sm(wes} B,D Tare nhs = enle. Example 2: Sketch the Sum of § + 7 1 J Fesomion, 9 300m No >) Example 3: Sketch the Sum of 7 —217 + 4 V=127 (SE) = 2S Pou'e) W=a07 i) eke, * 42D Hererck: afedbetiv tole. € 14 Combining Vectors maticall Vectors are measured quantities that have both size and direction. When you are asked to add (or subtract) vectors you MUST consider the direction, When we put vectors together, we always place them tip-to-tail; we place the “tll (starting point) ofthe 2* vector on the i “up” (end point) ofthe 1* vector. When subtracting, we would just add the negative vector, similar to going backwards/opposite direction. This is easy to see when we are sketching the vectors but abit harder to visualize mathematically. The vectors you could be asked to combine, really fall nto 4 categories dependent on the direction of those individual vectors ‘4. Same Direction Vectors: When adding same direction vectors, you would add like normal. When you sketch these vector tip-to-tail the result (resultant vector) Increases the size ofthe vector without changing the direction, Pea B. Opposite Direction Vectors: When adding vectors that are opposites you should lp the |Weetorto make the directions match and then add the integer numbers (+'ve numbers and "ve numbers). These vectors are lid Up-to-talin such away that for some portion the vectors go. bck over the same ground. le ies00m{E) —R=AvB-€ Sem Ol + 30nL6) - Cust B=20m(e] t+ é =4.00m 0) teem Ze) z ir Vectors: When adding vectors that are at right angles to one another. The lagram created by laying the vectors tip-to-tal makes a fightangle triangle SO it makes mense to use pythagoras' theorem to solve for the sizeof the resultant. N 1 Boothe ‘ aon io” vy Be esinLe sayy D. Vectors qf Angles: When we are putting together vectors that move at an angle, we have ‘more than one direction to consider for each vector. We want a quick and easy method » that will provide an accurate answer. The method we are going to use is called XX wesolvingvectorstorcomponents’ The process takes all the vectors you would like to ‘add together, breaks them into single direction components; groups together the pieces into one netiBast/WestXtidirection and one net Narth/SOUEHEW2atirection vector and then uses those 2 net components to create thewesultaneweetor. This method is much ‘more accurate than sketching vectors and much less time-consuming than scale drawing, Ze bom fy erg jig om Le set] Beam Lewy | ae pean en i create aright triangle so that we can use Pythagorean theorem to calculate the magnitude of the components, Far ong = HIN male EA] Let's use vector J and & to show how the vector addition process works. sate Jan sent yy + thesia 2 wifes CED ance + Adlnld Jee ocean = (dln Ze] ‘ To help organize all of our information/calculations, we are going to use a helpful tool - the Vector Collector: Stept: Sketch your vectors and x y break them into their x &y a be teensy el ve bok jr wT PY Step 2: Use trigto solve forthex&y Ke Kye 398, Se Pejacg) | [eae al you are going to add or subtract. Use the Vector Collector to “collect” [R= sc bm Te) Re bi bala) all of your calculated values. ‘Step 3: Check the directions for the x-components. If they are not the same, flip the smaller sized B vector to write al ofthex-components inthe same direction. Repeat forthe y-components. Step 4: Solve for Rx and Ry by adding each column, Step 5: Sketch Rx and Ry. Use the pythagorean theorem to solve for the size ofthe resultant vector and the tangent function to find the angle. ca [aq] oa setts 44 Be 22h bm no tag aie De hse Dm rhe” Ante abn eo, Or ¥ = rw gin Requt oy ond contlete. He compres on the hari @ I pele ere a ang q average velocity. When objects travel inall sorts of directions overtime, we can combine the individual displacements using ou Ir vector math, @ @ Amouse open ofits home under a bush and scurries 1:75 (N20°E}; then 2.50m (Wy ‘then (3.2m [W359S) to check out a discarded lunch bag. 0 What was the mouse’ total displacement? xt —@ Ifit toole76.5s for the mouse to reach the bag, br what was its average velocity? Ww 3 (AY Coane 1 2 ie E eee, Fe slo \ OF C= TH 46m Cwaagre] Bi Awige Spud ae = # x Vs 2d 2 eae R Caan ‘sd =» Ley sat ne O-0Ke ml sing Different Since our constant velocity andthe 5 kinematics equations can only handle one direction ata time, we have to stop and think about the given vector quantities before using them. In many cases only a specificcomponeits required. Yourun into the classroom at a velocity of 2.40m/s at a 15* angle with the wall to take your seat atthe front of the class. How fast are you moving across the room? as sn 5, ae a { 43 Thana» 280 SWIC » etalede Thue How fast are you moving towards the front of the Bear Pr a 3a Ve = 2Woces ITit took you 1iisto reach your seat, eee ee did you travel? cy cont deny T* edhe Wok = aaanbled (ite) eutaLel ‘You jump into the air to shoot basketball at 3.15m/s at an angle of 10 from vertical or u10%F). ‘a. what was your initial velocity inthe upwards direction? i far forwards will you land, you are in the air for 2.258? : "% (gravity will only impact your vertical velocity) Yo ob J Fo} Vert copper cee clos Te My De ps slomk Ez) sty ae parle Edo] 5 freee copment y A, ' tao Ee sisenie (a ¢ Tye eso, Ste oare o Yaa, abe Val = Cosa (sat, = 1am Cremer]

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