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Reviewer on Research 10

What is research?
- Re – again ; search – to look for something
- Organized method of finding novel(new) ides
- Defined as a systematic & organized process of collecting, organizing, analyzing &
interpreting data
Aims of research
 Verification of existing knowledge & acquisition of new knowledge
 Application of new knowledge
 Advancement of expertise – knowledge, skills & attitude
Function of research
1. Description
- Survey ~ Characteristics of the respondent
- Relationship of the variables
- Compare ~ Difference & similarities
2. Exploration
- Testing the variables
3. Explanation
Characteristics of research
 Realistic/Empirical
- Meaning of Empirical – based on the personal experience of the respondent
 Logical
 Cyclical/Replicable
- Can be repeated
 Analytical
- No errors ; 5% degree of freedom (only 5% should have errors)
 Objective/Methodical
- Refrain from personal views
- Follow procedures
 Critical
- Know the merits & lapses
Kinds of research
 Quantitative & Qualitative research
o Quantitative
- Experimental & Non-Experimental

Non – Experimental
1. Survey
- Knowing the variables
- Knowing the perception of the respondents
- Category of the respondents
2. Correlational
- Relationship of the variables
3. Ex-post facto studies
- Difference of the variables

o True Experimental
- Control Group
- Experimental group
- Dependent Variables
- Independent Variables
Quasi “half” Experimental
- Pre-test & post-test

o Qualitative Research
- Phenomenological - seeks to understand and describe the universal essence of a
- Ethnographic study
Ethnography – The study or studying a group of people
- Grounded Theory – background or highlight

- Are any entity which can be measured for it is quality or quantity
- Need to find ; need to know ; need to test
Kinds of Variables
1. Quantitative variable
- Can be measured numerically
1.1 Discrete – can be counted – Whole number
Ex. Group Size or Class size = 55 people
1.2 Continuous - (interval variables) are measured in ranges, can be positive and/or
Ex. Temperature
1.2.1 Ratio – Special type of continuous variable
/~ Cannot be negative
/~ Zero means none existent
Ex: Age ; Weight

2. Qualitative variable
- Categorical variables
2.1 Dichotomous – only two(2) distinct categories or value
2.2 Nominal – has more than two(2) categories
3. Ordinal variables
- Can be ranked
3 – Always observed
2 – Observed = Likert Scale
1 – Never observed
4. Extraneous Variables
- Cause of confusion
- Thesis errors
- Confounding variables
5. Independent Variables
- Can stand alone
6. Dependent Variable
- Depends on the independent variable
7. Controlled Variables
- Constant
Independent (X) – Subjects to change /alter/experimented
Dependent (Y) – Presumed effect/Results
Controlled – Constant ; Basis of Change

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