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D 1. Derick visits the clinic and is told that his sperm count is normal. A normal sperm count ranges from:
a. 20 to 100/ml. b. 100,000 to 200,000/ml c. 100 t0 200/ml d. 20 to 100 million/ml.
C 2. Female reproductive cells are produced by the:
a. uterus b. fallopian tubes c. ovaries d. pituitary gland

C 3. The portion of the uterus whose significant characteristic is to stretch during vaginal birth is the:
a. corpus b. fundus c. cervix d. internal os

C 4. The hormone responsible for the development of the ovum during the menstrual cycle is:
a. estrogen c. follicle-stimulating hormone
b. progesterone d. luteinizing hoemone (LH)

A 5. The normal female pelvis is well suited for labor and birth and has:
a. a rounded inlet, non prominent ischial spines, straight sides walls, and adeep and roomy posterior
b. a heart-shaped inlet, prominent ischial spines, convergent side walls, and a shallow posterior segment.
Android c. an oval inlet, variable ischial spines, straight side walls, and a deep posterior segment.
d. a transversely oval inlet, variable ischial spines, parallel side walls, and a wide transverse diameter.
A 6. Bartholin’s glands in the female are homologous to what structure in the male?
a. Bulbourethral glands b. Prostate gland c. Vas deferens d.

B 7. An adolescent girl asks the nurse at a clinic if the “test for virginity” is an intact hymen. The correct response is:
a. “Evidence of bleeding with a first sexual encounter indicates virginity.”
b. “No, this is the common myth. The hymen may be torn during exercise, the use of tampons, masturbation, or
c. “Yes, an intact hymen isn’t seen in sexually active and parous women.”
d. “Why are you asking this question? Are you sexually active?”

D 8. In the male, a primary reason for the scrotal sac to be descended is to:
a. rapidly squeeze the sperm from their storage site into the urethra.
b. release an alkaline fluid that helps provide an environment favorable for sperm motility and metabolism.
c. promote sexual arousal during intercourse.
d. maintain a temperature lower than that of the body to ensure
A 9. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones arrive at the clinic for their first prenatal visit. Mr. Jones tells the nurse that the women in his family
usually have girl babies first and wonders why some women always have girls. The nurse’s correct response is:
a. “The sex of the baby is determined by the
b. “Nature determines wether the baby will be a girl or a boy.”
c. “Some women are just more fertile with females.”
d. “The sex of the baby is determined by the egg.”
A 10. Peggy Richardson is pregnant for the first time and asks the nurse, “How can a baby be delivered without you tearing your body
apart?” The nurse’s correct response is:
a. “The hormones progesterone and relaxin help to soften and increase the mobility of your joints and
b. “You will tear some, but this is normal, and nature has a way of putting you back together.”
c. “Increased blood supply and elastic muscles help you not to tear.”
d. “All hormones of pregnancy prevent tearing at birth.”
D 11. Human beings have which chromosomal structure?
a. 23 chromosomes: 11 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes
b. 38 chromosomes: 17 pairs of autosomes and 2 pair of sex chromosomes
c. 22 chromosomes: 46 pairs of autosomes and 2 pair of sex chromosomes
d. 46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex
B 12. The uterine layer responsible for expelling the fetus during birth is the:
a. endometrium b. myometrium c. parametrium d. decidua
D 13. The structure responsible for initiation of puberty in human beings is the:
a. central nervous system c. adrenal glands
b. thyroid gland d. hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad (HPG)
C 14. The layer of the nonpregnant uterus that sloughs off during menstruation is the:
a. myometrium b. deciduas c. endometrium d.
B 15. A patient’s remark during a discussion of sexuality and reproduction indicates to the nurse that he needs
further information. Which of the following is the patient’s statement?
a. “Simultaneous orgasm isn’t essential for conception to occur.”
b. “The woman determines the sex of the
c. “Urination after intercourse won’t prevent pregnancy.”
d. none of the above
B 16. A student nurse asks, “What causes milk let-down?” The nurse’s correct response is:
a. prolactin b. oxytocin c. estrogen d. progesterone
C 17. Which breast structure is responsible for the production of breast milk?
a. Nipples b. Areola c. Acinar cells d. Lactiferous
D 18. The area in the female between the vagina and the anus is known as the:
a. vestibule b. Bartholin’s gland c. mons pubis d.
C 19. A plan for teaching about growth and development in females during puberty should include which of the following statements?

a. Puberty is a time when behavior is focused on pleasing others.

b. Puberty is a time when adult sexual characteristics are attained.
c. Physical and emotional changes are a part of this developmental
d. The onset of menstruation signals puberty.
B 20. Upon auscultation of fetal heart tones, Jane Simmons asks the nurse, “What is that blowing sound that we hear with my baby’s
heartbeat?” The nurse’s correct response is:
a. “Your pulse.” b. “Funic soufflé.” c. “Uterine souffle” d. “Bowel sounds”
A 21. Sheila Benson, a patient who is new to the genetics clinic, ask the nurse, “What do you call the picture breakdown of the number
and size of a person’s chromosomes?” The nurse’s correct response is:
a. karyotype b. pedigree c. pictograph d. partogram
B 22. The labia majora are homologous with which of the following male structures?
a. glans penis b. Scrotum c. gubernaculums testis d. corpora cavernosa
C 23. The clitoris is the homologue of which of the following structures?
a. penis b. Scrotum c. glans penis d. corpora cavernosa
B 24. What is the principal erogenous organ or area of women?
a. vagina b. Clitoris c. labia minora d. G-spot
B 25. Which of the following is the predominant bacteria of the vagina during pregnancy?
a. Peptostreptococcus sp. c. Listeria monocytogenes
b. Lactobacillus sp. d. Streptococcus agalactiae
B 26. What is the average weight of the nulliparous adult uterus?
a. 20 to 30 g b. 50 to 60 g c. 80 to 90 g d. 100 to 150 g
D 27. Which of the following is NOT a component of the bony pelvis?
a. coccyx b. Sacrum c. ischium d. femoral head
C 28. What is the average transverse diameter of the pelvic outlet?
a. 8.0 cm c. 13.0 cm
b. 12.0 cm d. 11.0 cm
D 29. What type of pelvis is characterized by a short anterior-posterior diameter and a wide transverse diameter?
a. gynecoid b. Android c. anthropoid d. platypelloid
A 30. What type of pelvis is associated with an inlet that is round, with straight pelvic sidewalls, spines that are not prominent, and a wide
pelvic arch?
a. gynecoid b. Android c. anthropoid d. platypelloid
A 31. What does the portion of the deciduas invaded by the tropoblast become?
a. decidua basalis b. decidua capsularis c. decidua verta d. decidua parietalis
A 32. What is the most common uterine site for implantation in the human?
a. upper posterior wall b. lower posterior wall c. upper anterior wall d. lower anterior wall
B 33. In the fetus or neonate, what are the two sutures between the posterior margin of the parietal bones and the upper margin
of the
occipital bone called?
a. occipitalis b. Lamboidal c. sagittal d. coronal
D 34. In the fetus or neonate, what are the two sutures between the frontal and parietal bones?
a. frontal b. Sagittal c. lamboidal d. Coronal
Susan, 27-year-old primipara is excited to have her first baby. She learned that breastfeeding is good for the baby, because of this she
also wants to learn more about the breast. The following questions pertain to the female breast.
B 35. Breast development is known as:
A. menarche B. Thelarche C. adrenarche D. Climacteric
C 36. The pituitary hormone that stimulates the secretion of milk from the mammary glands is:
A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. Prolactin D. Oxytocin
D 37. The pituitary hormone that stimulates muscles to contract and cause the let-down reflex is:
A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. Prolactin D. Oxytocin
C 38. Because of hormonal influences, the best time to perform breast self-exam is:
A. anytime as long as it is done C. 5-7 days after menstruation
B. once in two months D. same day each month
A 39. One part of the breast is the areola, it appears rough because it houses the:
A. Montgomery’s glands C. Paraurethral glands
B. Cooper’s ligaments D. Bartholin’s glands
A group of nursing students is conducting a health teaching regarding Reproductive health. A good knowledge on the anatomy
and physiology of the reproductive system will allow the group to answer their concerns.
D 40. Which of the following does not pertain to a part of the female internal reproductive organ?
a.cervical canal c. isthmus
b. uterus d. vaginal orifice
D 41. Sixty (60) percent of the seminal fluid is produced by?
a. epididymis c. seminal vesicle
b. Bulbourethral d. prostate gland
C 42. Which among the following homologous structure is correct?
a. vas deferens – ovaries c. scrotum – labia majora
b. testis – fallopian tubes d. glans penis – hymen
C 43. Low sperm count:
a. <10 million/ml c. <20 million/ml
b. <30 million/ml d. <50 million/ml
D 44. Sperm count below the expected is called?
a. aspermia c. polyspermia
b. gynecomastia d. oligospermia
C 45. The part of the male reproductive system that is the common passageway for both semen
and urine.
a. vas deferens c. urethra
b. epidydimis d. prostate gland
C 46. The normal position of a non-pregnant uterus is?
a. anteflexion c. anterverted
b. retroflexion d. retroverted
C 47. The ligament that allows the uterus to change its position during pregnancy?
a. broad ligament c. round ligament
b. cardinal ligament d. uterosacral ligament
B 48. All of the following pertains to the function of the uterus except;
a. site of implantation c. aids in labor and delivery
b. site of fertilization d. organ of menstruation
B 49. The origin of uterine contraction.
a. perimetrium c. endometrium
b. myometrium d. none of these
C 50. The part being referred by dilation is
a. internal cervical os c. external cervical os
b. cervical canal d. isthmus
B 51. Supports the growing uterus during pregnancy.
a. true pelvis c. pelvic inlet
b. false pelvis d. pelvic outlet
B 52. What is the widest diameter of the pelvic inlet?
a. anterior-posterior diameter c. oblique diameter
b. transverse diameter d. none of these
B 53. What is the smallest diameter of the pelvic outlet?
a. anterior-posterior diameter c. oblique diameter
b. transverse diameter d. none of these
A 54. The acidity of the vagina is caused by:
a. action of doderlein bacilli c. lactobacillus
acidophilus b. perspiration d. lactic acid
C 55. The pad of adipose tissue supporting the symphisis pubis:
a. Corpora cavernosa c. mons veneris
b. Corpus spongiousum d. hymen
A 56. The type of sperm that carries the Y chromosome:
a. Androsperm c. both
b. Gynosperm d. neither

A 57. The outermost portion of the fallopian tube is:

a. called fimbriae c. the site of tubal ligation
b. common site of ectopic pregnancy d. where fertilization happens
B 58. The epididymis is where:
a. the sperm stays to wait for the ovumc. fertilization occurs
b. sperms mature d. sperms are made
D 59 The body organs that produce sex cells for the male and female are the:
a. Vagina and Penis c. Scrotum and Fallopian tube
b. Uterus d. Testes and ovaries

C 60. The following are the functions of the

uterus: I. To aid in labor and
II. To retain and nourish the products of conception
III. Site of implantation
IV. To receive the penis during intercourse
A. All I-IV B. II, III and IV C. I, II, and III only D. I and II

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