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Submitted to:

Pokhara University

Ace Institute of Management

Kathmandu, Nepal

Submitted by:

Mahesh Chapai

PU Registration No: 2020-2-57-0184

Exam Roll No: 20571040

June 2023

I hereby declare that this internship report is the result of my own work and that it does
not contain any previously published materials. This report has been prepared after
completing an eight-week internship at K&A Engineering Consulting P.C., Nepal
Office, as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business
Administration. I have not used this report or its contents for the fulfillment of any
other degree or award. Any external sources of information used in this report have
been duly acknowledged. The ideas and views expressed in this report do not
necessarily reflect the views of the School of Business.

Mahesh Chapai
14th June, 2023



The eight-week internship at K&A Engineering Consulting P.C. has been a truly
transformative experience for me. It has provided me with invaluable insights into the
field of Transmission Planning within the global engineering consulting industry. This
practical learning experience has not only enhanced my technical skills but has also
greatly improved my communication abilities, which will be instrumental in my future
career in Engineering Management.

I am deeply grateful to K&A Engineering Consulting P.C. for giving me the

opportunity to undertake my internship in their esteemed organization, working under
the guidance of highly experienced professionals. Throughout my internship, I
received immense support and assistance from my supervisors and colleagues, for
which I am sincerely thankful. I would like to extend a special acknowledgment to Mr.
Prabal Bhattarai, the engineering manager, for his valuable supervision and mentorship
during my time at the organization.

Furthermore, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Ace Institute of

Management (AIM) for facilitating this internship opportunity. I am particularly
grateful to Mr. Neeran Dhandubadel, Associate Program Director, and Miss Charu
Shrestha, Program Manager, for their invaluable guidance and support throughout the
process, which has contributed to the successful completion of this internship report.

Thank you

Mahesh Chapai


The executive summary provides a concise overview of the internship experience and
key findings. Throughout the internship, I had the opportunity to work with K&A
Engineering, a leading engineering consulting firm, as part of my MBA program. The
primary objective of the internship was to gain practical experience in project
management, aligning with my career aspirations in this field.

During the internship, I actively engaged in various tasks and projects, which included
conducting a Generation Deliverability Study and analyzing the results. This involved
creating a deliverability model, utilizing PowerGEM TARA to identify potential
constraints, and analyzing the outcomes based on violation criteria. Additionally, I
developed skills in data analysis, report writing, and attention to detail, ensuring
accurate and high-quality deliverables.

One of the key highlights of the internship was the exposure to K&A Engineering's
organizational policies and practices. The company's commitment to safety-first
policies and its emphasis on client satisfaction and environmental consciousness
greatly resonated with me. These policies created a supportive and collaborative work
environment, encouraging teamwork, learning, and innovation.

Throughout the internship, I gained valuable insights and learned essential skills that
will be instrumental in my future career as a project manager. These include problem-
solving, time and project management, collaboration, and a client-centric approach.
The hands-on experience, coupled with guidance from experienced professionals,
enriched my understanding of project management methodologies and their practical

In conclusion, the internship at K&A Engineering provided a transformative learning

experience, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world context. The
support and guidance from the organization's management and colleagues were
instrumental in my personal and professional growth. I am immensely grateful for the
opportunities provided and look forward to applying these learnings in my future


DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ I


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... III

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................IV

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ V

LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ VII

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................. VIII

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the Report ................................................................................. 1

1.2 Objec8ve of the Internship ............................................................................... 2

1.3 Details of Internship ......................................................................................... 3

1.4 Organiza8onal Profile ....................................................................................... 3

1.5 Organiza8on's Missions and Objec8ves ............................................................ 4

1.5.1 Mission............................................................................................................................ 4
1.5.2 Objec1ves ....................................................................................................................... 5

1.6 Organiza8on Structure ...................................................................................... 6

1.7 Major Markets and Customers .......................................................................... 6


2.1 Ac8vi8es Performed in the Organiza8on........................................................... 8

2.1.1 Evalua1on of Distribu1on System Descrip1on:............................................................... 8
2.1.2 Prepara1on of One Line Diagram of Feeders: ............................................................... 10
2.1.3 Prepara1on of Arc Flash Training Manual: .................................................................... 11
2.1.4 Report Wri1ng for DER System Impact Study: .............................................................. 12
2.1.5 Prepara1on of Presenta1on of Deliverability Study Result Summary: ......................... 14
2.1.6 Proposal Wri1ng of Genera1on Deliverability Project: ................................................. 16
2.1.7 Genera1on Deliverability Study: ................................................................................... 18

2.2 Problems/Challenges Faced and Solved .......................................................... 19

2.3 Intern’s Key Observa8on and Analyses............................................................ 28

CHAPTER 3 LESSONS LEARNT AND FEEDBACK ...................................... 30

3.1 Key Skill and ATtudes Learnt ......................................................................... 30

3.2 Feedback to the Organiza8on ......................................................................... 32

3.3 Feedback to the College/ University and Future Interns .................................. 33

3.3.1 Feedback to the College/University: ............................................................................. 33
3.3.2 Feedback to Future Interns: .......................................................................................... 34

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 36

APPENDICES .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 1: Weekly Log Sheet ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 2: Weekly Log Sheet ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 3: Weekly Log Sheet .................................................................................... 40

Appendix 4: Weekly Log Sheet .................................................................................... 41

Appendix 5: Weekly Log Sheet .................................................................................... 42

Appendix 6: Weekly Log Sheet ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 7: Weekly Log Sheet ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Appendix 8: Weekly Log Sheet ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Figure 1-1:Organization Structure of K&A Engineering Consulting P.C. ................... 6


CEO : Chief Executive Officer

DER : Distributed Energy Resource

IT : Information Technology

K&A : Kharel and Associates

MBA : Master’s in Business Administration

MW : Megawatt

NFPA : National Fire Protection Association

PPE : Personal Protective Equipment

PSSE : Power System Simulator for Engineering

TARA : Transmission Adequacy & Reliability Assessment

WBS : Work Breakdown Structure



1.1 Background of the Report

Internship is a pivotal component of professional development for students, providing

them with an invaluable opportunity to bridge the gap between academic knowledge
and practical application. It involves working in a professional setting under the
guidance of industry experts, allowing students to put their theoretical understanding
into practice. By immersing themselves in real-world work scenarios, interns gain
hands-on experience and develop industry-specific skills that are essential for their
future careers.

The importance of an internship cannot be overstated. First and foremost, internships

offer a platform for students to apply their classroom knowledge to real-life situations.
This practical application enhances their understanding of concepts and theories,
helping them grasp the nuances of their chosen field. Through their internships,
students develop technical skills specific to their discipline, as well as transferable
skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management.
These skills are crucial for success in any professional role.

Moreover, internships provide students with valuable insights into their industry of
interest. Working alongside professionals, interns gain firsthand exposure to industry
practices, trends, and challenges. They become familiar with the day-to-day
operations, organizational culture, and industry-specific terminology. This exposure
not only enhances their knowledge but also helps them build a professional network,
connecting with individuals who can offer guidance, mentorship, and potential job
opportunities in the future.

Internships also play a significant role in enhancing a student's resume. Having

internship experience demonstrates to potential employers that the student has
practical exposure to the demands of the industry. It showcases their willingness to
learn, adaptability, and initiative, making them stand out among other candidates.

Moreover, internships allow students to explore different career paths within their
field, helping them gain clarity on their career goals and make informed decisions
about their future trajectory.

For an electrical engineer aspiring to pursue a career in project management after

completing an MBA, an internship at K&A Engineering Consulting presents a unique
and highly valuable opportunity. K&A Engineering Consulting is renowned for its
expertise in project management, with a track record of successfully delivering
complex engineering projects across various industries. Interning at K&A Engineering
Consulting exposes students to a dynamic and fast-paced environment where
engineering principles seamlessly integrate with strategic business practices. As a
leading engineering consulting firm, K&A is at the forefront of project management
methodologies and innovative solutions. Interns have the chance to gain firsthand
experience in applying these methodologies, including project planning, scheduling,
and resource allocation.

1.2 Objective of the Internship

As per the curriculum of Pokhara University, I was fortunate to engage in a real-life

working experience within an organization, which has undoubtedly contributed
significant value to my growth as a student. During my eight weeks of internship, I
established specific objectives that were expressed in quantitative terms. I am pleased
to report that I have successfully achieved these objectives, and they are as follows:

• To acquire practical experience in real-world business scenarios, enabling to apply

knowledge in practical settings and develop a deeper understanding of business
• To enhance analytical and problem-solving skills, enabling to tackle challenges
and make informed decisions.
• To enhance communication and presentation skills, effectively conveying ideas,
collaborating with stakeholders, and articulating findings to the clients.

• To cultivate professionalism, adaptability, and teamwork skills by adapting to
different work environments, effectively collaborating with colleagues, and
handling challenges and setbacks with resilience.
• To develop strong client relationship management skills, ensuring client
satisfaction and building long-term partnerships.
• To cultivate a mindset of continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends
and expanding my skillset.

1.3 Details of Internship

• Company Name: K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.

• Address: Siddhivinayak Marg 16, Lalitpur

• Internship Position: Electrical Engineer

• Department: Transmission Planning and Strategies

• Internship Duration: 8 weeks

• Work Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (5 days a week)

• Name and Designation of Internship Supervisor: Er. Prabal Bhattarai, Engineering


1.4 Organizational Profile

K&A Engineering Consulting Company is a dynamic and comprehensive engineering

firm that plays a transformative role in the power industry. With a focus on electric
power delivery and energy engineering services, the company offers a wide range of
expertise, including project management and construction management support
services. As a minority-owned enterprise, K&A takes pride in its commitment to
diversity and inclusion, and its team comprises highly skilled professionals who bring
passion and extensive experience to every project. Renowned for its exceptional
service and adaptable solutions, K&A Engineering Consulting Company consistently
exceeds client expectations.

K&A Engineering Consulting Company provides a comprehensive suite of
engineering and consulting services to meet the diverse needs of its clients. Its
offerings encompass a wide range of expertise, including transmission, substation, and
distribution design. The company excels in strategic planning, offering clients
invaluable insights and guidance to optimize their operations. K&A is also well-versed
in protection and control engineering, ensuring the safe and efficient functioning of
power systems. Additionally, the company offers project controls services to ensure
seamless project execution and cost management. Another area of specialization for
K&A is conducting Distributed Energy Resources (DER) interconnection studies,
facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources into existing power grids. With
its multifaceted services, K&A Engineering Consulting Company stands as a trusted
partner for comprehensive engineering solutions.

K&A Engineering Consulting Company maintains a strong presence across multiple

locations, including offices strategically located throughout the United States, Toronto
in Canada, and Kathmandu in Nepal. This widespread geographical reach enables the
company to effectively serve clients both domestically and internationally. With a
focus on North America, K&A is well-equipped to cater to the diverse needs of clients
in various regions. The company's global footprint ensures that it can provide
exceptional engineering and consulting services to clients across different markets and
industries, regardless of their geographical location.

1.5 Organization's Missions and Objectives

1.5.1 Mission

• To prioritize people by fostering a people-first organization that values knowledge,

learning, and meaningful connections.
• To deliver high-quality consulting, engineering, and design services to power
utility and industrial clients.
• To maintain a culture of pride, collaboration, and continuous learning and

• To earn a reputation for challenging work, uncompromising precision, and
exceptional service.

1.5.2 Objectives

• Provide comprehensive consulting, engineering, and design services: K&A

Engineering Consulting aims to offer a wide range of services to power utility and
industrial clients. This includes expertise in generation, transmission, substations,
distribution, energy efficiency, and distributed energy resource (DER) projects.

• Ensure client satisfaction: The organization is committed to meeting and

exceeding client expectations by delivering high-quality work and maintaining
strong relationships. Client satisfaction is a key objective for K&A Engineering

• Foster a culture of excellence: K&A Engineering Consulting strives to attract

and retain the best talent in the industry. They aim to provide a work environment
where employees can thrive, feel proud of their contributions, and continuously
learn and grow.

• Embrace innovation and adaptability: The organization recognizes the

importance of staying up to date with industry advancements and trends. K&A
Engineering Consulting aims to embrace innovation, adapt to evolving
technologies and practices, and leverage them to provide cutting-edge solutions to
their clients.

• Promote sustainability and energy efficiency: K&A Engineering Consulting is

dedicated to supporting sustainable practices and energy efficiency in their
projects. They aim to contribute to a greener future by incorporating
environmentally friendly solutions and promoting the efficient use of resources.

• Maintain industry expertise and thought leadership: The organization strives

to stay at the forefront of industry knowledge and expertise. They aim to actively
participate in industry forums, conferences, and research to contribute to thought
leadership and continuously improve their services.

1.6 Organization Structure

In the organizational structure of K&A Engineering, which operates in both the USA
and Nepal, a hierarchical system is followed. The CEO, who is also the president of
the company and the sole investor, serves as the head of the organization. Below the
CEO, there are four vice presidents, each responsible for a specific department. The
departments include Engineering, Business Development, Finance, and Project

For our focus on the Engineering Department, the following figure illustrates the
organizational structure:

CEO and

Vice President- Vice President- Vice President- Vice President-

Business Engineering Finance and Project
Development Accounting Execution

Senior Director,
Operations - Nepal

Engineering Human Senior

IT Manager Manager Resource Financial
Manager Analyst

Team Lead - Team Lead - Team Lead -

Transmission Team Lead -
DER Planning Distribution Design SubStation Design

Engineers Engineers Engineers Engineers

Figure 0-1:Organization Structure of K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.

1.7 Major Markets and Customers

K&A Engineering Consulting primarily serves the power utility and industrial sectors.
These sectors encompass a wide range of markets and consumers. Some of the major
markets and consumers for K&A Engineering Consulting include:

• Utilities: K&A Engineering Consulting serves utilities in the power sector,
including traditional utility companies, renewable energy developers, and
integrated energy companies. They provide customized solutions and support
throughout the project lifecycle, addressing challenges related to
conceptualization, permitting, detailed design, construction, commissioning, and

• Contractors: K&A Engineering Consulting collaborates with contractors

involved in power infrastructure projects. They work closely with contractors to
develop engineering and design solutions that consider cost, schedule, and
constructability. This partnership ensures that projects are efficiently executed
while maintaining high-quality standards.

• Renewable Energy Developers: K&A Engineering Consulting caters to

renewable energy developers, assisting them in the design and implementation of
renewable energy projects. This includes projects such as wind farms, solar
installations, and other forms of clean energy generation. They leverage their
expertise and experience to provide customized solutions that align with the
unique requirements of each project.

• Public Sector Clients: K&A Engineering Consulting works with government

agencies at various levels, providing services related to power infrastructure
planning, regulatory compliance, and energy efficiency initiatives. They offer their
expertise to help public sector clients navigate the complexities of the energy
industry and develop sustainable solutions.

• Private Sector Clients: K&A Engineering Consulting serves private sector clients
across different industries such as manufacturing, petrochemicals, oil and gas,
mining, and other heavy industries. They provide engineering and design solutions
tailored to the specific needs of these clients, addressing power infrastructure
challenges, energy efficiency goals, and distributed energy resource projects.



2.1 Activities Performed in the Organization

There are several unique projects that are within the Transmission Planning and
Strategies Department. In this department the projects aren’t limited to transmission
system, instead the department also deals with distribution system planning projects
as well. During my stay of 8 weeks as an intern in this department, I was privileged to
take part in several unique activities. The activities that are performed during those
periods are listed below.

2.1.1 Evaluation of Distribution System Description:

The evaluation of a distribution system involves assessing its performance, efficiency,

and identifying areas for improvement. This task aims to analyze the system's current
state and identify any issues or opportunities for optimization.

Steps involved in the evaluation of a distribution system:

• Data Collection: Gather relevant data about the distribution system, including
feeder configurations, transformer details, load profiles, protection devices,
historical outage data, maintenance records, and other system parameters. This
data can be obtained through site visits, interviews with personnel, data logging,
and existing documentation.

• System Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of the distribution system,

considering factors such as load flow, voltage profiles, power quality, system
losses, and equipment condition. Analyze the data collected to understand the
system's performance and identify any areas of concern or improvement.

• Load Flow Analysis: Perform load flow analysis to determine the electrical
behavior of the distribution system under normal operating conditions. This
analysis calculates voltage levels, power flows, and losses throughout the system,

helping identify overloaded feeders, voltage drop issues, and potential

• Voltage Profile Analysis: Assess the voltage profiles throughout the distribution
system to ensure that voltage levels remain within acceptable limits. Identify areas
with low or high voltages and investigate potential causes, such as transformer
tap settings, voltage regulators, or voltage drop along the feeders.

• Power Quality Analysis: Examine power quality parameters such as harmonics,

voltage fluctuations, and power factor to ensure that the distribution system meets
regulatory standards and customer requirements. Identify any power quality
issues and propose mitigation measures if necessary.

• Identify Improvement Opportunities: Based on the findings from the

assessment, identify areas where the distribution system can be improved. This
may include upgrading equipment, optimizing feeder configurations,
implementing automation and control systems, improving maintenance practices,
or implementing new technologies to enhance system performance and reliability.

• Develop Recommendations: Develop specific recommendations based on the

identified improvement opportunities. Prioritize these recommendations based on
their potential impact, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness. Consider the short-term
and long-term implications of the proposed recommendations and outline the
benefits they can bring to the distribution system.

• Cost-Benefit Analysis: Perform a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed

recommendations to assess their financial feasibility. Consider the costs
associated with implementing the recommendations, including equipment
upgrades, system modifications, and maintenance requirements, and compare
them to the anticipated benefits such as improved reliability, reduced outage
durations, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

• Report Writing: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the evaluation

findings, analysis results, and recommended improvement measures. Present the

report in a clear and organized manner, providing sufficient detail to support the
conclusions and recommendations. Include relevant data, charts, and diagrams to
enhance understanding and highlight key findings.

2.1.2 Preparation of One Line Diagram of Feeders:

The task of preparing a one-line diagram of feeders involves creating a visual

representation of the electrical distribution system, illustrating the interconnections
and components of the feeders in a simplified and standardized format.

Steps involved in the preparation of a one-line diagram of feeders:

• Gather Information: Collect detailed information about the feeders, including

their configurations, equipment ratings, conductor sizes, protection devices, and
interconnections. This information can be obtained from engineering drawings,
equipment datasheets, site visits, or discussions with relevant personnel.

• Identify Feeder Boundaries: Determine the boundaries of each feeder and

identify the main supply points, substations, transformers, and sectionalizing
devices that define the feeder's scope.

• Define Symbols and Conventions: Establish a set of symbols and conventions

to represent different components and equipment in the one-line diagram. This
ensures consistency and clarity throughout the diagram.

• Layout Design: Plan the layout of the one-line diagram, considering factors such
as readability, logical flow, and adherence to industry standards. Determine the
arrangement of components and their interconnections, starting from the source
and progressing through the various branches and loads.

• Draw Main Components: Begin drawing the main components of the feeders,
such as transformers, switchgear, circuit breakers, protective relays,
sectionalizing devices, and major loads. Use appropriate symbols or graphical
representations for each component.

• Add Conductors and Connections: Illustrate the conductors, cables, or busbars
that carry electrical power between the components. Include arrows or lines to
indicate the flow of power and indicate the connection points between

• Labeling and Annotation: Label each component and conductor with clear and
concise text to provide relevant information, such as equipment ratings,
identification numbers, or device types. Add annotations or notes as necessary to
enhance understanding and clarify any specific details.

• Review and Verification: Review the one-line diagram for accuracy,

completeness, and compliance with industry standards. Verify that the diagram
reflects the actual system configuration and matches the collected information.

2.1.3 Preparation of Arc Flash Training Manual:

The task of preparing an Arc Flash training manual involves creating a comprehensive
document that provides guidance and information on Arc Flash hazards, safety
procedures, and mitigation measures.

Steps involved in the preparation of an Arc Flash training manual:

• Research and Familiarization: Conduct research on Arc Flash hazards, industry

standards, regulations, and best practices. Familiarize yourself with relevant
safety guidelines, such as NFPA 70E (Standard for Electrical Safety in the
Workplace), and understand the key concepts, terminology, and requirements
related to Arc Flash incidents.

• Define the Scope and Objectives: Determine the scope of the training manual,
including the target audience, level of detail, and specific objectives. Identify the
key topics and information that need to be covered to ensure a comprehensive
understanding of Arc Flash hazards and safety measures.

• Outline the Manual: Create an outline or structure for the training manual,
organizing the content into logical sections and chapters. This helps ensure a
systematic and organized flow of information throughout the manual.

• Content Development: Develop the content for each section of the manual based
on the defined outline. Provide clear explanations of Arc Flash hazards, including
the causes, potential consequences, and factors that contribute to their occurrence.
Describe the importance of electrical safety, personal protective equipment (PPE),
and safe work practices in preventing and mitigating Arc Flash incidents.

• Visual Aids and Graphics: Incorporate relevant visual aids, diagrams, and
graphics to enhance understanding and engagement. Use illustrations or
photographs to demonstrate proper use of PPE, safe work practices, and electrical
equipment labeling.

• Review and Editing: Review the content of the training manual for accuracy,
clarity, and consistency. Ensure that the information is presented in a user-friendly
and accessible manner. Edit the content to eliminate any errors, redundancies, or

2.1.4 Report Writing for DER System Impact Study:

The task involves writing a report for the DER (Distribution Energy Resources)
System Impact Study, which assesses the potential impact of integrating DERs into the
distribution system. The report aims to document the study's objectives,
methodologies, findings, and recommendations in a clear and organized manner.

Steps involved in the report writing process for the DER System Impact Study:

• Understand the Study: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the DER System

Impact Study, its purpose, scope, and objectives. Familiarize yourself with the
specific DER technologies being evaluated and the goals of their integration into
the distribution system.

• Define the Report Structure: Determine the structure and organization of the
report. Consider sections such as an executive summary, introduction,
methodology, results and analysis, findings, recommendations, and conclusion.
Create an outline to guide the report's flow and ensure a logical progression of

• Executive Summary: Begin the report with an executive summary that provides
a concise overview of the study's objectives, methodologies, key findings, and
recommendations. Summarize the most significant aspects of the study in a clear
and succinct manner.

• Introduction: Introduce the DER System Impact Study, providing background

information on the motivation for the study, the need for assessing the impact of
DER integration, and any relevant industry or regulatory context. Clearly state the
objectives and scope of the study.

• Methodology: Describe the methodologies, models, and tools used in the study
to evaluate the impact of DER integration. Explain the data sources, assumptions,
and analytical techniques employed. Provide sufficient detail to allow readers to
understand the study's rigor and reliability.

• Results and Analysis: Present the results of the DER System Impact Study in a
systematic and organized manner. Include tables, charts, graphs, or other visual
aids to illustrate the findings effectively. Analyze and interpret the results,
highlighting key trends, impacts, challenges, and opportunities identified during
the study.

• Findings: Summarize the significant findings of the study, emphasizing the key
takeaways related to the impact of DER integration on the distribution system.
Present the findings in a logical order, grouping them based on common themes
or areas of impact.

• Recommendations: Based on the study's findings, provide recommendations for

addressing the challenges and leveraging the opportunities associated with DER

integration. Offer actionable and practical suggestions for system planning, grid
management, policy development, infrastructure upgrades, or other relevant

• Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the report and reiterate the
importance of the DER System Impact Study. Emphasize the implications of the
findings and recommendations for the organization, stakeholders, and the broader
energy industry.

• Editing and Proofreading: Review the report for clarity, coherence, grammar,
and spelling errors. Ensure that the information is presented in a concise and
easily understandable manner. Make necessary revisions and edits to improve the
overall quality and readability of the report.

2.1.5 Preparation of Presentation of Deliverability Study Result Summary:

The task involves creating a presentation summarizing the results of the deliverability
study. The presentation aims to communicate the key findings, analysis, and
recommendations from the study to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.

Steps involved in the preparation of the presentation:

• Understand the Study: Familiarize yourself with the deliverability study, its
objectives, methodology, and the specific parameters or criteria used for
evaluation. Gain a thorough understanding of the study's scope, inputs, and

• Determine the Presentation's Objective: Define the objective of the

presentation. Identify the main points you want to convey to the audience,
whether it's the study's findings, implications, recommendations, or a
combination of these. Clarify the key message or takeaway you want the audience
to understand.

• Structure the Presentation: Develop a logical structure for the presentation that
effectively communicates the key points. Determine the sequence of information
and how it will flow to ensure clarity and coherence.

• Introduction: Begin the presentation with an introduction that provides

background information on the deliverability study, its purpose, and its
significance. Explain the importance of the study in relation to the organization
or stakeholders involved.

• Methodology Overview: Provide a brief overview of the methodology employed

in the deliverability study. Highlight the key steps, data sources, and analytical
techniques used to evaluate deliverability, ensuring the audience understands the
study's approach.

• Summary of Findings: Present a concise summary of the study's findings,

focusing on the most relevant and impactful results. Highlight any significant
limitations or challenges encountered during the study. Use charts, graphs, or
tables to visually represent the data and make it easier for the audience to

• Analysis and Interpretation: Provide an analysis and interpretation of the

study's findings. Explain the implications of the results in terms of system
planning, generation capacity, resource adequacy, or other relevant factors.
Discuss any potential risks or opportunities identified in the study.

• Recommendations: Offer recommendations based on the study's findings and

analysis. Suggest actions or strategies that can be taken to address any identified
issues or leverage the opportunities identified in the study. Ensure that the
recommendations are actionable and feasible for the organization or stakeholders.

• Conclusion: Summarize the main points of the presentation and reiterate the key
message or takeaway. Emphasize the importance of the deliverability study and
its relevance to the organization or stakeholders.

2.1.6 Proposal Writing of Generation Deliverability Project:

The task involves writing a proposal for a generation deliverability project, which aims
to assess the feasibility and capacity of integrating new generation resources into the
power system. The proposal outlines the project's objectives, methodology,
deliverables, timeline, and estimated costs to secure funding or approval for the

Steps involved in the proposal writing process for the generation deliverability project:

• Understand the Project Requirements: Gain a clear understanding of the

project's objectives, scope, and requirements. Identify the specific generation
resources to be assessed and the goals of their integration into the power system.
Familiarize yourself with any relevant industry standards, regulations, or

• Define the Proposal Structure: Determine the structure and components of the
proposal. Typical sections include an executive summary, project overview,
objectives, methodology, deliverables, timeline, resources, budget, and
anticipated outcomes. Create an outline to organize the proposal's content and
ensure a logical flow.

• Executive Summary: Begin the proposal with an executive summary that

provides a concise overview of the generation deliverability project. Summarize
the project's purpose, expected outcomes, and the value it brings to the
organization or stakeholders. Highlight the key points that will capture the
reader's attention.

• Project Overview: Provide an introduction to the project, explaining its context

and significance. Clearly state the project's objectives, emphasizing the need for
assessing generation deliverability and the potential benefits it offers. Discuss the
project's alignment with organizational goals or industry trends.

• Methodology: Describe the methodology that will be employed to assess

generation deliverability. Explain the analytical tools, models, data sources, and

techniques that will be used to evaluate the capacity of integrating new generation
resources. Outline any specific assessments, studies, or simulations that will be

• Deliverables: Specify the expected deliverables of the project. This includes

reports, assessments, technical analyses, recommendations, or other tangible
outputs. Clearly define the format, content, and quality expectations for each
deliverable. Align the deliverables with the project's objectives and the needs of
the stakeholders.

• Timeline: Present a detailed timeline that outlines the project's major milestones,
activities, and estimated durations. Clearly define the start and end dates of the
project and the specific timelines for each deliverable or phase. Ensure that the
timeline is realistic and achievable within the allocated resources and constraints.

• Resources: Identify the resources required to execute the generation

deliverability project successfully. This includes personnel, subject matter
experts, data, software tools, equipment, or external support. Specify the roles and
responsibilities of the team members involved and highlight their qualifications
or expertise.

• Budget: Prepare a comprehensive budget that outlines the estimated costs

associated with the project. Include direct costs such as personnel, software
licenses, data acquisition, and any other necessary expenses. Consider indirect
costs such as overheads, administrative expenses, or contingency funds. Provide
a justification for each cost item.

• Anticipated Outcomes: Describe the anticipated outcomes or benefits of the

generation deliverability project. Explain how the project's findings and
recommendations will contribute to informed decision-making, improved
planning, or enhanced grid reliability. Emphasize the value and impact the project
will bring to the organization or stakeholders.

• Editing and Proofreading: Review the proposal for clarity, coherence, grammar,
and spelling errors. Ensure that the information is presented in a compelling and
persuasive manner. Make necessary revisions and edits to improve the overall
quality and readability of the proposal.

• Review and Submission: Share the proposal with relevant stakeholders, such as
project sponsors, decision-makers, or funding agencies, for review and feedback.
Incorporate their suggestions and address any concerns or comments raised. Seek
final approval before submitting the proposal within the specified deadline.

2.1.7 Generation Deliverability Study:

This Study is a comprehensive analysis conducted to assess the feasibility of

connecting a new generation source, such as a power plant or renewable energy
project, to the existing power grid. The study evaluates the capacity and capability of
the grid to accommodate the additional generation and ensures that the new generation
source can reliably deliver power without adversely impacting the grid's performance.

Here are the steps involved in conducting a Generation Deliverability Study:

• Gather Data: Collect relevant data about the system, including load profiles,
generator characteristics, transmission line capacities, and system parameters.
This data can be obtained from databases, historical records, and other reliable

• Model Development: Use specialized software tools such as PowerGEM TARA

to create a deliverability model. This model should accurately represent the
system, including the existing generation sources, transmission network, and load
patterns. Configure the model to reflect the specific conditions during the
summer-peak period.

• Load and Interchange Configuration: Configure the model to reflect the

expected load and interchange patterns during the summer-peak period. This
involves inputting the load profiles and interchange schedules for the relevant
time frame.

• Define Study Generators: Identify the specific study generators that need to be
analyzed for deliverability. These are the new generation sources being
considered for integration into the system.

• Run Power Flow Analysis: Utilize PowerGEM TARA to perform power flow
analysis with the deliverability model created in the previous step. This analysis
calculates the power flows, voltage levels, and system conditions throughout the

• Identify Non-Deliverable Projects: Analyze the results of the ERIS and NRIS
analyses to identify any study projects that do not meet the specified violation
criteria. These non-deliverable projects indicate potential challenges or
limitations that need to be addressed for successful integration into the system.

• Mitigation Measures: Based on the identified violations and non-deliverable

projects, propose mitigation measures to overcome the constraints and improve
the deliverability. These measures may include revising project parameters,
adjusting generation dispatch, implementing transmission upgrades, or
considering alternative solutions to ensure project viability.

• Documentation: Document the results of the analysis, including the violations,

non-deliverable projects, and proposed mitigation measures. This documentation
serves as a record of the results and provides valuable insights for decision-
making and future planning.

2.2 Problems/Challenges Faced and Solved

Throughout the execution of the activities listed above, I encountered several

challenges. While there were occasional hurdles during the project processes, the most
significant challenges arose from the unique projects that demanded strong analytical
and critical thinking skills. These projects pushed me to think creatively and overcome
obstacles through problem-solving and strategic decision-making. Some of the
challenges/problems that are encountered during the internship and the implemented
solutions are listed below.

• Lack of necessary information about the feeder: The absence of essential
information about the feeder presented a significant challenge during the
evaluation. Without comprehensive data, it was difficult to accurately assess the
performance and make informed recommendations. Insufficient information
hindered the analysis process, potentially leading to inaccurate findings or
incomplete evaluations.

To overcome this challenge, I took the initiative to contact the developer

responsible for the feeder. By actively seeking the required information, I ensured
that the analysis could proceed with accurate and reliable data.

• Undervoltage observed during the feeder simulation: During the simulation of

the feeder, encountering instances of undervoltage indicated potential issues
within the distribution system. This posed a challenge as it could affect the
system's stability and reliability. Undervoltage can lead to operational problems,
increased equipment wear, and customer dissatisfaction.

To address this challenge, I proposed mitigation measures such as adjusting

voltage regulator settings, optimizing capacitor placement, and load
redistribution. By implementing these solutions, I aimed to stabilize the voltage
levels and improve the overall performance of the distribution system.

• Software not working during the simulation: The malfunctioning software

posed a significant obstacle during the simulation process, impeding progress and
hindering accurate analysis. Software issues resulted in delays, increased project
timelines, and potential inaccuracies in the analysis.

To resolve this challenge, I promptly sought assistance from the IT team. Their
expertise in troubleshooting software problems allowed for a timely resolution,
ensuring that the simulation could resume smoothly and the analysis could be
completed effectively.

• Difficulty in finding the minimum cost among proposed mitigations:

Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of different mitigation options presented a

challenge, particularly in determining the most economically viable solution.
Failure to identify the most cost-effective mitigation measure could result in
unnecessary expenses or suboptimal solutions.

To overcome this challenge, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of each

proposed mitigation, considering the associated costs and potential benefits. By
carefully comparing and evaluating the cost-effectiveness of each option, I could
identify and recommend the mitigation measure that provided the desired results
at minimal cost.

• Difficulty in replicating the circuit as per the provided feeder: Replicating the
complex circuit based on the provided feeder diagram proved challenging due to
its intricacies and lack of clarity in certain areas. Inaccurate replication of the
circuit could lead to faulty analyses and incorrect recommendations.

To tackle this challenge, I dedicated time to thoroughly study the feeder diagram,
meticulously examining its components, connections, and configurations. By
conducting a detailed analysis, I successfully determined the number of circuits
and their layouts, ensuring an accurate replication of the circuit.

• Miscommunication regarding which standards to follow: Miscommunication

within the team regarding the applicable standards for the project posed a
challenge in ensuring consistency and compliance. Inconsistent adherence to
standards can lead to confusion, errors, and compromised project outcomes.

To address this challenge, I took the initiative to hold a team meeting to discuss
and clarify the appropriate standards to be followed. By promoting open
communication and aligning everyone's understanding, we established a unified
approach that ensured compliance with the required standards.

• Time constraint for report writing: The limited timeframe of four hours for
report writing presented a challenge, as it typically requires six hours to complete
such a task. Time constraints can lead to rushed work, potential errors, and
compromised quality of the report.

To overcome this challenge, I sought assistance from a colleague who was
available and capable of contributing to the task. By delegating specific sections
of the report to them, we were able to work collaboratively and complete the
report within the given timeframe without compromising its quality.

• Creating a simple yet effective Arc Flash training manual: Developing a

training manual that effectively conveyed Arc Flash safety procedures and
guidelines while being easily understandable presented a challenge. Inadequate
clarity or complexity in the manual can hinder the effectiveness of training and
compromise safety.

To address this challenge, I divided the manual into several sections, each
focusing on specific topics and workflows. By incorporating clear and concise
explanations, visual aids, and practical examples, I aimed to simplify the content
and enhance comprehension for new hires.

• Uncertainty about the level of detail required for the project: The unique
nature of the project posed challenges in determining the appropriate level of
detail to include in the analysis and deliverables. Insufficient or excessive detail
can lead to misunderstandings, misaligned expectations, and suboptimal

To overcome this challenge, I proactively engaged in direct communication with

the client. By seeking clarification and guidance, I gained a clear understanding
of their expectations and specific requirements, enabling me to tailor the analysis
and deliverables to meet their needs effectively.

• Software issues and lagging during work: Encountering software-related

issues, such as lagging and malfunctions, presented challenges during the
internship tasks. Software problems can disrupt workflow, cause delays, and
potentially compromise the accuracy and quality of the work.

To address these challenges, I promptly reported the issues to the IT department

and sought their assistance in resolving the software problems. Their expertise

and support were instrumental in overcoming the challenges and ensuring smooth
and uninterrupted progress in the tasks.

• Summarizing the project findings: Summarizing the project findings in a

concise and effective manner presented challenges in terms of time management
and data analysis. Inefficient summarization can lead to unclear communication,
difficulty in conveying key findings, and lack of impact in presenting the project's

To address this challenge, I leveraged a combination of Python scripting and data

analysis with Excel. By automating certain aspects of data summarization and
using data visualization techniques, I was able to streamline the summarization
process and present the project findings in a clear and compelling manner.

• Clarifying project requirements for unique projects: Understanding the level

of detail required for unique projects presented challenges in terms of project
scope and deliverables. Unclear project requirements can lead to misalignment
between expectations and outcomes, resulting in delays and revisions.

To overcome this challenge, I proactively engaged with the client and sought
clarification on the level of detail they expected. By initiating discussions and
clearly communicating the need for specific project requirements, I ensured that
the project scope and deliverables were well-defined, allowing for focused and
accurate work.

• Software issues and IT support: Dealing with software issues and seeking IT
support during project simulations presented challenges in terms of technical
disruptions and workflow interruptions. Software issues can impede progress,
waste valuable time, and hinder the accuracy of project simulations.

When encountering software issues, I promptly sought assistance from the IT

department. By effectively communicating the technical problems faced and
actively collaborating with IT professionals, I was able to address the software
issues and resume project simulations without significant disruptions.

• Detailed quality assurance requirements: Determining the extent of detailed
quality assurance requirements for the project presented challenges in terms of
ensuring quality standards and meeting project specifications. Insufficient or
excessive quality assurance measures can compromise project outcomes and lead
to inconsistencies in deliverables.

To tackle this challenge, I collaborated closely with the DER team to gain insights
into their expectations and the critical aspects that required focused quality
assurance efforts. By aligning the quality assurance activities with the priorities
identified by the DER team, I ensured that the project met the required quality
standards and specifications.

• Dividing activities into sub-activities: Dividing project activities into sub-

activities presented challenges in terms of task organization, clarity, and effective
project management. Poorly divided activities can lead to confusion, overlap, and
difficulties in tracking progress and allocating resources.

To overcome this challenge, I developed a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that

effectively broke down the project activities into manageable sub-activities. By
systematically categorizing tasks and clearly defining their dependencies and
deliverables, I facilitated better task organization, improved clarity, and enhanced
project management.

• Allocating time on each activity within the project: Allocating appropriate time
for each activity within the project posed challenges in terms of time management,
task prioritization, and meeting project deadlines. Poor time allocation can lead
to delays, rushed work, compromised quality, and overall project inefficiencies.

To address this challenge, I utilized a Gantt Chart to visually map out the project
timeline and allocate time for each activity. By carefully considering the
complexity and dependencies of tasks, I ensured a realistic and balanced
distribution of time, allowing for effective task management and timely
completion of project milestones.

• Allocating budget for the project: Determining the appropriate budget
allocation for the project presented challenges in terms of financial planning,
resource allocation, and cost management. Inaccurate budget allocation can lead
to financial constraints, resource shortages, and potential project disruptions.

To overcome this challenge, I adopted a bottom-up budgeting approach. By

analyzing the specific requirements and cost estimates of each project component,
I aggregated the budgetary needs and aligned them with available resources. This
method allowed for a more accurate and realistic budget allocation, enabling
effective cost management throughout the project.

• Verifying accuracy of provided base case data: Verifying the accuracy of the
provided base case data posed challenges in terms of data validation, reliability,
and ensuring the integrity of the project analysis. Inaccurate base case data can
lead to flawed analyses, incorrect conclusions, and unreliable project outcomes.

To address this challenge, I cross-referenced the provided base case data with the
latest voltage drop report available on the website. By comparing and validating
the data against a trusted source, I ensured the accuracy and reliability of the base
case data used in the project analysis.

• Declaring interfaces within the area: Determining and declaring interfaces

within the designated area presented challenges in terms of system integration,
coordination, and ensuring seamless operations. Undefined or unclear interfaces
can result in miscommunication, coordination issues, and disruptions in system

To overcome this challenge, I facilitated discussions and collaboration within the

team to identify the appropriate interfaces. By dividing the area into four parts
(east, west, north, and south) and declaring specific interfaces for each section, I
established clear boundaries and guidelines for system integration and

• Extracting data from PSSE and reporting: Extracting data from PSSE (Power
System Simulation for Engineering) software and reporting it in a comprehensive
manner posed challenges in terms of manual effort, time consumption, and data
accuracy. Manual data extraction and reporting can be tedious, prone to errors,
and time-consuming, impacting overall project efficiency.

To address this challenge, I devised a solution that involved extracting data from
PSSE and organizing it in an Excel sheet. By leveraging data filtering techniques,
I streamlined the process of extracting and analyzing relevant data, reducing
manual effort and improving data accuracy for reporting purposes.

• Deciding on the correct bus names: Determining the correctness of the collected
bus names posed challenges in terms of data verification, accuracy, and ensuring
consistency with the PSSE model. Incorrect bus names can lead to confusion,
errors in analysis, and discrepancies in project documentation.

To tackle this challenge, I cross-referenced the collected bus names with the bus
names in the PSSE model. By comparing and verifying the names, I ensured their
correctness and consistency, thus enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the
project analysis.

• Determining the receiving end of the area: Identifying the appropriate receiving
end of the designated area presented challenges in terms of system design, load
allocation, and ensuring efficient power flow. Choosing the wrong receiving end
can lead to imbalanced power flows, overloading of components, and suboptimal
system performance.

To overcome this challenge, I conducted a thorough analysis of the area and

considered factors such as the number of 115 kV bus systems. Based on this
analysis, I determined that the east side, which had multiple 115 kV bus systems,
would serve as the receiving end. This decision ensured a more balanced and
efficient power flow within the system.

• Load flow convergence issues: Dealing with load flow convergence issues
during project simulations presented challenges in terms of accuracy, stability,
and reliability of load flow calculations. Load flow convergence issues can lead
to incorrect results, unreliable analysis, and hindered decision-making processes.

To address this challenge, I explored alternative methods of load flow calculations

that were close in accuracy to the method typically used. By utilizing an
alternative method, I was able to resolve load flow convergence issues and obtain
reliable load flow results for further analysis.

• Determining appropriate project scenarios: Selecting the appropriate project

scenarios presented challenges in terms of system representation, realistic
assumptions, and capturing relevant system behaviors. Inaccurate or
inappropriate project scenarios can compromise the accuracy of analysis, leading
to misleading conclusions and inadequate system understanding.

To tackle this challenge, I developed four different scenarios, with each scenario
representing one side of the area. By carefully considering system characteristics,
load profiles, and other relevant factors, I ensured that the selected scenarios
captured the essential system behaviors and provided meaningful insights for the
project analysis.

• Deciding the test level of MW: Determining the appropriate test level of MW
(megawatts) for the project posed challenges in terms of solar penetration, system
constraints, and realistic load modeling. Setting the wrong test level of MW can
lead to inaccurate analysis results, unrealistic system behavior, and skewed
project outcomes.

To address this challenge, I collaborated closely with the client and considered
their requirement for solar penetration. By jointly deciding not to exceed 500 MW,
we ensured a realistic test level of MW that aligned with the desired solar
penetration scenario and system constraints.

2.3 Intern’s Key Observation and Analyses

There are large differences in how the projects are handled when it comes to handling
projects in an organization than in the academic setup. The application of the
knowledge that is gained from the institutes are used appropriately in the organization.
Along with these basic observations, there are many other observations that are
pinpointed during the internship period which are explained below.

• Importance of Information Availability: It was observed that having access to

necessary information is crucial for carrying out tasks effectively. When
information was not provided or incomplete, it hindered progress and required
seeking clarification from developers or clients. This highlights the need for a
streamlined information-sharing process within the organization.

• Technical Challenges and Problem-Solving: Various technical challenges were

encountered throughout the internship, such as software issues, load flow
convergence problems, and data verification. However, effective problem-solving
skills were demonstrated by proposing alternative solutions, seeking assistance
from relevant departments, and utilizing available resources effectively. This
highlights the ability to adapt and find solutions in the face of technical obstacles.

• Effective Communication and Collaboration: The importance of effective

communication and collaboration within the organization was recognized. Active
engagement with team members from different departments, holding meetings to
clarify standards and requirements, and collaborating on complex tasks were
observed. This emphasizes the value of open communication channels and cross-
departmental collaboration in ensuring smooth project execution.

• Time and Project Management: The significance of time and project

management in completing tasks efficiently was acknowledged. Utilizing tools
like Gantt charts and Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) to allocate time, divide
activities, and track progress was observed. This indicates the ability to manage
multiple tasks and prioritize work effectively.

• Client-Centric Approach: The importance of adopting a client-centric approach
in work was observed. Understanding client requirements, seeking clarification
when needed, and tailoring solutions accordingly were recognized as essential.
This highlights the commitment to delivering high-quality service and meeting
client expectations.

• Continuous Learning and Innovation: Actively pursuing opportunities for

continuous learning and innovation was observed. Utilizing Python scripting, data
analysis, and other tools to streamline tasks, enhance efficiency, and overcome
challenges was noted. This reflects the motivation to expand skillsets and find
innovative solutions to improve work processes.

• Importance of Feedback and Improvement: The value of feedback and

continuous improvement within the organization was recognized. Actively
seeking feedback from colleagues, asking for clarification when faced with
uncertainty, and providing suggestions for process enhancements were observed.
This demonstrates the commitment to personal growth and contribution to the
overall improvement of the organization.



3.1 Key Skill and Attitudes Learnt

Working in the professional environment gives lots of opportunity to learn new skills
and to sharpen the skills that one possesses. The positive ‘can do’ attitude will improve
after the completion of each unique tasks. During my internship period, I got the
opportunities to learn following skills that I believe will be beneficial in my upcoming
professional life.

• Problem-solving skills: The encountered challenges, problems, and solutions

allowed for the development of strong problem-solving skills. The ability to
identify challenges, analyze the root causes, and develop effective solutions to
overcome them was demonstrated.

• Adaptability: Throughout the internship, adaptability was exhibited by adjusting

the approach and seeking alternative methods or resources when faced with
unexpected challenges or issues. Being flexible and open to change was essential
in dynamic work environments.

• Time management: The challenges related to time allocation, report writing

deadlines, and project scheduling emphasized the importance of effective time
management. The skill to prioritize tasks, allocate time appropriately, and seek
assistance when needed to meet project deadlines was learned.

• Communication skills: Effective communication played a crucial role in

addressing challenges such as miscommunication within the team, clarifying
client requirements, and collaborating with colleagues from other departments.
Strong communication skills were developed to convey ideas, seek clarification,
and ensure smooth coordination.

• Attention to detail: Challenges such as verifying data accuracy, determining

correct bus names, and writing detailed reports highlighted the importance of

attention to detail. The ability to meticulously review information, validate data,
and produce accurate and reliable results was honed.

• Teamwork and collaboration: Several challenges required collaboration with

team members, such as holding meetings to discuss standards, seeking assistance
from colleagues, and facilitating discussions to resolve interface declarations.
Effective teamwork and collaboration skills were developed to foster productive
relationships and achieve shared goals.

• Analytical thinking: Challenges related to data analysis, load flow convergence,

and cost analysis called for analytical thinking. The ability to interpret data,
analyze complex problems, and make informed decisions based on thorough
analysis was developed.

• Resourcefulness: The challenges with software issues, data extraction, and

budget allocation required resourcefulness in finding alternative solutions and
utilizing available resources effectively. The skill to think creatively, explore
different options, and make the best use of the resources at hand was learned.

• Attention to quality: Challenges related to software issues, report writing, and

data verification highlighted the importance of maintaining high-quality
standards. A strong focus on delivering accurate, reliable, and well-presented
work, paying attention to the quality of the outputs was developed.

• Proactive approach: Throughout the challenges, a proactive attitude was

demonstrated by seeking clarification, initiating discussions, and finding
solutions independently or through collaboration. This proactive mindset is vital
in taking ownership of tasks, driving progress, and delivering successful

• Resilience: The encountered challenges tested resilience and the ability to bounce
back from setbacks. Overcoming software issues, time constraints, and
communication gaps required perseverance and a resilient mindset to stay
motivated and focused on finding solutions.

• Client-centric mindset: Dealing with challenges such as unclear client
requirements and the need for clarification emphasized the importance of having
a client-centric mindset. Understanding and anticipating client needs, actively
seeking feedback, and delivering solutions that align with client expectations
became a valuable skill.

• Decision-making: The challenges encountered in decision-making, such as

selecting the appropriate scenarios or mitigation measures, provided opportunities
to enhance decision-making skills. Evaluating alternatives, considering various
factors, and making informed decisions based on available information were
crucial in navigating complex situations.

• Continuous learning: The challenges and problems presented during the

internship fostered a mindset of continuous learning. Being open to new
information, seeking knowledge, and leveraging the expertise of others were
essential in acquiring new skills, improving existing ones, and staying updated
with industry trends.

• Stakeholder management: The challenges involving team coordination,

interface declarations, and client communication highlighted the significance of
effective stakeholder management. Building relationships, understanding diverse
perspectives, and effectively addressing stakeholder needs and concerns were
essential in ensuring smooth project progress.

3.2 Feedback to the Organization

During my internship period, I had the privilege of working closely with the
organization's management and various departments. This experience allowed me to
acquire valuable attitudes and skills that have greatly contributed to my personal and
professional growth. I am immensely grateful for the guidance, support, and
cooperation I received from the organization. Based on my learning, observations, and
institutional knowledge, I would like to provide the following suggestions to further
enhance the organization's operations:

• Recognize Strong Problem-Solving Skills: Acknowledge the intern's
exceptional ability to identify and address challenges during the internship.
Highlight their proactive approach in seeking solutions and utilizing available
resources, demonstrating their strong problem-solving skills and resourcefulness.

• Appreciate Collaboration and Teamwork: Highlight the intern's invaluable

contribution to collaboration and teamwork within the organization. Recognize
their active engagement with colleagues from different departments to resolve
software issues and address communication gaps. Emphasize the importance of
cross-functional collaboration in achieving organizational goals.

• Encourage Continuous Learning and Development: Recognize the intern's

commitment to expanding their knowledge and skills during the internship.
Encourage their enthusiasm for learning and growth and express the
organization's support in providing further opportunities for their professional
development, such as training programs, workshops, or mentorship opportunities.

• Value Meticulous Attention to Detail: Appreciate the intern's meticulousness

and attention to detail in various tasks, such as report writing, data verification,
and ensuring correctness in bus names. Highlight the importance of maintaining
accuracy and quality in work processes, which contributes to the organization's
overall excellence and client satisfaction.

• Foster a Client-Centric Approach: Recognize the intern's dedication to meeting

client needs and ensuring satisfaction. Highlight their efforts in understanding
client expectations, seeking clarification when needed, and delivering tailored
solutions. Emphasize the organization's commitment to a client-centric approach
and the importance of building strong client relationships.

3.3 Feedback to the College/ University and Future Interns

3.3.1 Feedback to the College/University:

• Enhance practical learning: The internship experience highlighted the

importance of practical learning opportunities. It is recommended that the

college/university actively seeks partnerships with industry organizations to offer
more internship opportunities. This can provide students with valuable hands-on
experiences that complement their theoretical knowledge.

• Curriculum alignment: Regularly reviewing and updating the curriculum is

essential to ensure alignment with industry needs. The internship revealed certain
areas where the curriculum could be strengthened, such as incorporating more
practical elements, case studies, and industry-relevant projects. This will help
bridge the gap between theory and practice, equipping students with the skills and
knowledge needed in the real-world scenarios.

• Soft skills development: The internship highlighted the significance of soft skills
in professional success. It is recommended that the college/university places
emphasis on developing communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and
time management skills. This can be achieved through interactive activities,
workshops, and courses designed to enhance these essential skills.

3.3.2 Feedback to Future Interns:

• Proactive approach: Future interns should adopt a proactive approach to their

internship experience. This involves actively seeking necessary information,
clarifying uncertainties, and engaging with colleagues, supervisors, and clients.
By taking initiative, interns can maximize their learning and contribute effectively
to projects.

• Embracing challenges: Challenges encountered during the internship should be

seen as opportunities for growth. Future interns should develop a problem-solving
mindset, remaining resilient and adaptable when faced with obstacles. This will
enable them to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions.

• Effective communication: Strong communication skills, both written and verbal,

are crucial in the workplace. Future interns should prioritize effective
communication, maintaining open lines of communication with supervisors and

clients. Clear and concise communication helps ensure tasks are understood and
executed accurately.

• Time and project management: Developing strong time and project

management skills is essential for successful internship experiences. Future
interns should learn to plan, prioritize, and meet deadlines effectively. This
includes setting realistic goals, managing resources efficiently, and seeking
guidance when needed.

• Client-focused approach: Future interns should maintain a client-focused

approach throughout their internship. This involves actively seeking feedback,
understanding client requirements, and aligning their work to deliver high-quality
results. Engaging with clients and addressing their needs will contribute to a
positive internship experience.

• Continuous learning: The internship experience highlighted the importance of a

continuous learning mindset. Future interns should actively seek opportunities to
expand their knowledge and skills, staying updated with industry trends and
advancements. This can be achieved through self-study, attending workshops or
seminars, and seeking mentorship opportunities.

• Feedback and improvement: Seeking feedback from colleagues and supervisors

is crucial for personal and professional growth. Future interns should embrace
feedback as a tool for improvement, actively seeking constructive criticism and
implementing suggested changes. This will contribute to their development and
enhance their overall performance.


Horowitz, Kelsey, Zac Peterson, Michael Coddington, Fei Ding, Ben Sigrin, Danish
Saleem, Sara E. Baldwin, et al. 2019. An Overview of Distributed Energy Resource
(DER) Interconnection: Current Practices and Emerging Solutions. Golden, CO:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-6A20-72102.

Society, I. I. (2018). IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. New
York, NY 10016-5997.

Appendix 1: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.
Knowledge applied and
Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
The necessary information wasn't Used the knowledge of
provided. It is required to ask the managerial communication skill
Monday 03/04/2023 Evaluation of distribution system
developer to provide information about the by writing the official email to
feeder. the developer
Proposed three different
During the simulation of a feeder, an
optimum mitigation to solve the
Tuesday 04/04/2023 Evaluation of distribution system undervoltage was seen. Need to proposed
issue. Used the skill of problem
mitigation in order to solve the issue.
There was the issue of software not being Used the knowledge of
working while I was performing managerial communication skill
Wednesday 05/04/2023 Evaluation of distribution system
simulation. Need to consult with IT team by writing the official email to
members to resolve the software issue. the IT manager

Thursday 06/04/2023 Evaluation of distribution system

Challenge of finding minimum cost among

the mitigation proposed. The solution was Used the knowledge of Excel,
Friday 07/04/2023 Evaluation of distribution system
to analyze each mitigation and list out the and comparative analysis
cost of valid mitigation and compare it

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 07/04/2023.

Appendix 2: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.

Knowledge applied and

Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
Challenge of replicating the circuit as per
Preparation of one line diagram of the provided feeder. Studied the feeder and Used the skill of gathering and
Monday 10/04/2023
feeders found out the number of circuits within the using data
Tuesday Preparation of one line diagram of
Problem of miscommunication in the team Used the skill of teamwork and
regarding which standards to be followed. learned how could the
Wednesday 12/04/2023 Performed QA/QC of older project
So, I held the meeting with the team talked teamwork activities made
about what could be the better standard effective
Challenge of preparing report within 4
hours, which generally requires 6 hours to
Used skills of time management
Thursday 13/04/2023 Preparation of report for the project complete. So, I took help of another
and teamwork
colleague and asked him to do certain
sections of the task

Friday 14/04/2023 Holiday

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 14/04/2023.

Appendix 3: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.
Knowledge applied and
Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
Challenge on how to make simple but
effective manual so that new hires could Used the skill of Microsoft
Preparation of Arc Flash training
Monday 17/04/2023 understand easily. I divided the topics in PowerPoint to prepare
several sections and prepared workflow in presentation slides for training
each section
Tuesday Preparation of Arc Flash training
Since the project was unique than what we
Preparation of presentation of used to do, so don't know about how much Used the skill of
Wednesday 19/04/2023
ISONE result summary of detailing was required. Asked client to communication
clarify how much they want

Thursday Preparation of presentation of

ISONE result summary

Had been long since I hadn't done such

Report Writing for System Impact Used the interpersonal
Friday 21/04/2023 report. So, I asked and took help of another
Study communication skill
department's colleague

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 21/04/2023.

Appendix 4: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.
Knowledge applied and
Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
Challenge on writing summary since the
Report Writing for System Impact result was different from the previous Communication with supervisor
Monday 24/04/2023
Study studies. Slight change in report template and critical analysis
was done to overcome the challenge
Problem with software "Word" occurred Used the communication skills
Report Writing for System Impact
Tuesday 25/04/2023 (lagging of software issue), solved by by writing official mail to IT
taking help of IT department manager

Wednesday Report Writing for System Impact


Thursday Report Writing for System Impact


How much of detailed quality assurance

QA/QC of the report of distribution was needed to do? Asked the DER team to Used effective communication
Friday 28/04/2023
planning project give the clue of which topic should be skill
focused majorly

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 28/04/2023.

Appendix 5: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.

Knowledge applied and

Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
01/05/2023 Holiday
Challenge on writing scope of the work Used the knowledge of
Proposal writing of deliverability as limited information was provided. managerial communication by
Tuesday 02/05/2023
project Talked with the manager and overcome holding meeting with project
the challenge manager
Challenge on dividing the activities in Used the knowledge gained
Proposal writing of deliverability
Wednesday 03/05/2023 sub-activities. Prepared Work from project management
Breakdown Structure curriculum

Challenge on allocation of time on each Used the knowledge gained

Proposal writing of deliverability
Thursday 04/05/2023 activity within project. Used Gantt Chart from project management
to overcome challenge curriculum

Challenge of allocating budget for the Used the knowledge gained

Proposal writing of deliverability
Friday 05/05/2023 project. Used the approach bottom-up from project management
budgeting. curriculum

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 05/05/2023.

Appendix 6: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.
Knowledge applied and
Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
Problem of verifying whether the provided base
Monday Data collection for Deliverability case data are right. So, I went through the latest Used the skill of critical
Study report of voltage drop report in clients website thinking
and verified the data
Challenge of declaring interfaces within the
area. So, we discussed in a team and then
Tuesday 09/05/2023 Defining interfaces decided to divide the area into four parts, east Teamwork skill was used.
west north and south and then declared the
Manual work of looking into the PSSE and
Data Collection of 115 kV and 230 reporting that was tedious. So, I came with the Used the skill of Microsoft
Wednesday 10/05/2023
kV buses solution of extracting data in the excel sheet and Excel
filtering the data
Challenge of deciding whether the collected bus
Collection of Bus names through Used my detailed oriented
Thursday 11/05/2023 names are correct or not. So, I tallied the name
transmission planning map skillset
with the name of buses in PSSE

Collection of bus numbers with

Friday 12/05/2023
PSSE base case model

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 12/05/2023.

Appendix 7: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.

Knowledge applied and

Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
Challenge on deciding which side of the area
Monday Subsystem file preparation for will be at receiving end. Since, the east side
15/05/2023 Used the skill of data analytics
TARA input had multiple numbers of 115 kV bus system,
I used that side as receiving system
Tuesday Subsystem file preparation for
TARA input

Wednesday Contingency and monitor files

preparation for TARA input

The problem of load flow not converging

Thursday Preparation of PSSE model as occurred. I solved that by using another Used the skill of comparative
input for TARA method of load flow which was close enough analysis
to that which we used to use

Challenge of deciding the scenarios. I later

Simulation on TARA on different Used the skill of critical
Friday 19/05/2023 building four different scenarios, containing
scenarios decision making
each side contains one scenario.

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 19/05/2023.

Appendix 8: Weekly Log Sheet

Student Name : Mahesh Chapai

Organization : K&A Engineering Consulting P.C.
Knowledge applied and
Day Date Brief Description of Tasks Challenges/Problems & their solutions
Challenge on how much of test level MW
Summarization of data obtained need to be decided. Since the client is
Monday 22/05/2023 Used the skill of teamwork
from TARA looking for solar penetration, we decided to
not to go beyond 5oo MW
While summarizing, it was taking too much
Summarization of data based on Used skills of quick thinking
Tuesday 23/05/2023 of time. So, I decided to use the help of
several scenarios and creative thinking
Python script and data analysis with excel

Wednesday Preparation of PowerPoint slides

for client presentation

Since the project was unique than what we

Report writing for Deliverability used to do, so don't know about how much Used the skill of
Thursday 25/05/2023
Study of detailing was required. Asked client to communication
clarify how much they want

Report writing for Deliverability

Friday 26/05/2023

Agency Supervisor’s Signature: Date: 26/05/2023.


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