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Lahore Business School, The University of Lahore

Tentative Course outlines

Subject Statistical Inference and Quantitative Data Analysis - MPhil

Week Contents / Topic
Course Introduction
1 Overview of the subject
The logic of Data Analysis
2 Types of Statistics and its nature
3 Major issues and Challenges in Quantitative Data Analysis
4 Major issues and Challenges in Quantitative Data Analysis
5 Basics - Data, information , hypotheses and testing of Hypotheses
Introduction to Quantitative Research Nature and Process of Research: Designing Research
Topic , Problem Statement ,Objectives, Research Questions
Literature Review , Theoretical Framework and Research Philosophies i.e. . Positivism,
7 Interpretivism, Critical Realism and Pragmatism with their epistemological , anta logical,
Axiological and Methodological Assumptions

Collection of Data - Designing Quality Questionnaires' , Measurement, Types of Measurement

Errors ( Quiz 1 and Assignment #1)

Data Analysis using SPSS- Data Cleaning and Screening ,Demographics Variable Analysis ,
Descriptive Analysis , Working with Charts and Graphs (Quiz 2 and Assignment #2)

10 Exploratory Factor Analysis ,Reliability Analysis (Quiz 3 and Assignment #3)

11 Data Analysis using SPSS - Common Method Bias , , Regression Assumptions ,Correlations and
Regression Analysis (Quiz 4 and Assignment # 4)
12 Data Analysis using SEM AMOS - CFA ,and constructs Validities (Quiz 5 and Assignment#5)

Data Analysis using PLS - SEM : Measurement Model and Structural Model Analysis,
Mediation and Moderation
Data Analysis using PLS - SEM : Measurement Model and Structural Model Analysis,
Mediation and Moderation
15 Project Presentations and Overview of NVivo Software for Qualitative Data Analysis
16 Final Exams

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