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Spring 2015
Instructor: Dr. Tariq Hussain

Required Text:
Title: Microeconomics, 5th Edition
Author: Robert S.Pindyck
Daniel L. Rubinfeld

Grading Protocol:
Assignments 7%
Class Participation 5%
Quizzes 8%
Project 10%
Midterm 30
Final Exam 40

Course objectives

• To learn basic economic theories as tools for analysis

• To apply economic reasoning to assess individual and public choices concerning scarce
• To have a working knowledge of the nature and role of markets in the economy
• To illustrate arguments and interpret data and graphs
• To get ready for advance economics courses

Tentative Course Outline

Date Chapters & Topics

Week 1 Chapter 1 & 2: Preliminaries. The Basic Supply and Demand
Week 2 Chapter 2: The Basic Supply and Demand
Week 3 Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior
Week 4 Chapter 4: Individual and Market Demand
Week 5 Chapter 5: Choice and Uncertainty
Week 6 Chapter 6: Production
Week 7 Chapter 7: The Cost of Production
Week8 Chapter 8: Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply
Week9 Chapter 9: Analysis of Competitive Market
Midterm Exam Week 9
Week10 Chapter 9 & 10: Analysis of Competitive Market and Pricing with Market Power
Week 11 Chapter 10 & 11: Market Power and Pricing with Market Power
Week 12 Chapter 12: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Week 13 Chapter 13: Game Theory and Competitive Strategy
Week 14 Chapter 14 & 15: Markets for Factor Inputs & Investment and Capital
Week 15 Chapter 15 & 16: Investment and Capital & General Equilibrium
Week 16 Chapter 17: Market with Asymmetric Information

Final Exam

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