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Instructor: Ms.Maleeha Gul Semester: Fall 2014

Course: Business Communication Timings: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Course Code: MGMT 500/5000 Days: Saturday


Commercial communication is a basic ingredient in the construction and consolidation of contemporary

societies. It enables individuals to be socialized at a distance, as culture is spread and homogenized. It
helps to form and guide public opinion in private habits, tastes and consumption. It often also helps to
form political opinions or even behaviour. Communication in general contributes definitively to
intensify social change, speeding up the process of transformation.

Communication is the foundation that supports and sustains organizations. Students will be expected to
conduct research, solve problems, collaborate with teams, use sophisticated technologies to
communicate, and make decisions independently. The ability to write and speak well will become
increasingly important to job seeker’s ability to obtain jobs and an employee’s ability to gain


By the end of this course, students should be able to:

 Understand and demonstrate the use of basic and advanced proper writing techniques that today's
technology demands, including anticipating audience reaction
 Write effective and concise letters and memos
 Prepare informal and formal reports
 Proofread and edit copies of business correspondence
 to learn the importance of planning and organizing effective written and oral messages.
 Complete an accurate, complete resume and cover letter,
 Conduct excellent interviews and complete follow-up employment correspondence
 Use career skills that are needed to succeed, such as using ethical tools, working collaboratively,
observing business etiquette, and resolving workplace conflicts
 Plan successfully for and participate in meetings and conduct proper techniques in telephone
 Use e-mail effectively and efficiently
 Develop interpersonal skills that contribute to effective and satisfying personal, social and
professional relationships
 To communicate clearly and concisely in diverse business situations.
 To guide students in developing a suitable plan in three main areas of communication: written,
oral and nonverbal

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This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and
importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favourable outside the firm
environment, as well as an effective internal communications program. The various types of business
communication media are covered. This course also develops an awareness of the importance of
succinct written expression to modern business communication. The course also focuses on managing
and coordinating integrated communications, with emphasis on the written aspects of managerial skills.
This focuses on effective communication using business vocabulary and its influence on human
relations in business and industry. It emphasizes instruction and practice of the form, presentation, tone,
and psychology of business letters and reports.

PRE-REQUISITE: English Language Proficiency Skill


 Effective Business Communications (International Edition) – Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W.

Hilderbrandt, Jane P. Thomas 7th Edition
 Business Communication – Strategy & Skills by Mary Munter, 7th Edition
 Business Communication – Coutland L. Bovee –Johan V. Thill, 8th Edition


Additional reading/review material will frequently be handed out in class or placed on reserve in the
college library to supplement class lectures and the text books. This material will from an integral part
of the course and students are advised to get copies made prior to the discussion in the class.


Students are required to read assigned material before coming to class. For better understanding of the
discipline, active participation based on prior preparation of the assigned material is important. This
demands that students undertake pre-lecture study of the scheduled topic before coming to the class. The
instructor will assess students’ level of preparation by raising questions on the assigned topics. The
students’ responses and participation will constitute a part of the final course grade.


There will be two major exams for this course. The exams will consist of problems and theory questions
based on class lectures, discussions and seminars. No make-up exam will be given except for a medical
reason or any other emergency. If a student misses an exam due to an emergency, he/she would inform
the instructor and submit a written request explaining the nature of emergency. The make-up exam (or
an alternative arrangement) will only be administered if the request is considered genuine, in accordance
with the college policy.

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1. Each student will submit a report (4,000 -- 4,500 words) on an assigned topic.

2. Each student will make an oral presentation (7-10 minutes) on the same topic as assigned for
the written report.

3. Groups of students will be assigned End Term Projects, which would involve extensive
research into a particular aspect of the chosen industry. At the end, formal presentations will
be made on the assigned projects.

All assignments for formal evaluation must be typed and submitted by the specified due date. Only for
very serious reasons, the instructor may grant an extension for submission of an assignment.
Assignments not turned in by the specified due date will be down-graded or ignored altogether.


Students are expected to attend all classes Attendance will be taken regularly. A “zero” will be give for
attendance if the unexcused absences exceed 3 during the semester. If, for any reason, the student misses
a lecture, the onus is on him/her to immediately inquire as to what has transpired in the lecture and if
any relevant material has been handed out.


Mid Term Exam : 20%

Final Exam : 40%
Class Attendance : 10%
Quizzes (6) : 20%
Presentation, Project : 10%
Total : 100 %



The college policy regarding academic honesty and discipline will be strictly enforced. Students who
violate academic integrity in any manner including PLAGIARISM will fail the assignment/ examination
in question and may go through further disciplinary action, as per college policy.

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Sr Topic/Activity Remarks
1.       Warm up activity New session
Introduction to Communication fundamentals .What Intro/GPA
is Communication? Business Communication in selection
Today's World. Overview of the entire course

2.        The Communication Process IWA

 Communication Channels
 Barriers to Communication
 Assessments
3.       Communicating Grammatically  
 The Seven Cs of Business
 Grammar Pre-test
 Unit Evaluation

4.       Individual Presentations WCA

5.       Developing Business Letters  
Designing the Document
 The Business Letter
 Letter Formats
 Punctuation Styles
 Preparing the Envelope
Group Written Case Analysis (WCA)
6.       Types of Business Letters GPA review
 Routine Letters
 Persuasive Letters
 Refusal Letters
 Adjustment Letters
 Credit and Collection Letters
 Social-Business Letters
 Memo Format
 Special Memos
 Visual Techniques for Memos
 Routing Slips
7.       Group Project Assignment (GPA)  
8.       Researching and Reporting IWA for June
 Steps to Writing Reports /GFP selection
 Purpose of Report Writing
 Planning Your Report
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 Researching Information
 Gathering Information
9.       Writing Your Report  
 Organizing the Report
 Rough Draft
 Language Tools
 Presentation Tools
 Revising the Report
Formatting the Complete Report
 Parts of the Final Report
 Other Considerations
10.   Oral Communication WCA

Speaking and Listening Skills

 Speaking
 Listening
 Benefits and Drawbacks of Oral
 Telephone Communication
 Participating in Meetings
 Office Confrontations
Individual written assignment (IWA) on Sr 6
11.   Planning a Business Presentation  
 Defining Your Purpose and Topic
 Knowing Your Audience
 Using Supporting Material
 Organizing Your Presentation
 Assessments
Presentation Delivery
Methods of Delivery
Visual Aids
Body Language
Audience Dynamics
Group Written Case Analysis on Sr 8
12.   Career Basics  
 What Are Employers Looking For?
 Why Employers Don't Hire
 Finding a Career
Selling Yourself: Resume
 What Is a Resume?
 Delivering the Resume
 Writing Guidelines
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 Appearance
 Headings
 Checkpoints for Resumes
13.   Writing the Cover Letter
 What is a Cover Letter?
 Cover Letter Styles
 Writing Your Cover Letter
 Checkpoints for Cover Letters
Interviewing for the Job
 Why an Interview?
 The Pre-Interview
 The Actual Interview
 The Post-Interview
Course Wrap up and final Closure
14.   Group Final Project (GFP)  

P.S:  Students are advised to keep an open mind during all class sessions since some of the material
presented in this course is not necessarily "black and white."  Events, people, locations, and
circumstances vary throughout the communication world and, frequently, techniques and solutions to
challenges are not unique and similar.

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