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Earth's dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology

Chapter · April 2016

DOI: 10.1130/2016.2523(01)

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3 authors, including:

Ellen Wohl
Colorado State University


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The Geological Society of America

Special Paper 523

Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on

the past 50 years in geomorphology

Ellen Wohl*,†
Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523-1482, USA

Paul R. Bierman*
Department of Geology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405-1758, USA

David R. Montgomery*
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-1310, USA


During the past 50 years, geomorphology has become progressively more quan-
titative, with increasing emphasis on nondimensional metrics that facilitate com-
parison across field sites, on quantitative conceptual models, on quantification and
rigorous dating of geomorphic history, and on exploration of how to quantify physi-
cal processes responsible for producing and redistributing sediment. These shifts in
emphasis have been facilitated by development of new techniques for collecting and
analyzing data, including advances in remote-sensing technology and geochronologic
and isotopic methods. During the past half century, the geomorphic community has
become more diverse with respect to gender, geographic representation, and disci-
plinary background, and this has facilitated interdisciplinary approaches to under-
standing planetary surfaces.

INTRODUCTION the sustainability of ecosystems and human societies have also

driven fundamental changes in geomorphic research directions.
This paper provides an overview of changes in the study of We start by introducing the scope and traditional categories
surface processes and landforms on Earth and other planets dur- within the discipline of geomorphology and the state of the dis-
ing the past half century. The discipline of geomorphology has cipline ca. 1960. We then briefly review how changes in society
undergone transformative changes during this period, partly as a and the scientific community between 1960 and the present have
result of the development of several categories of new tools that been reflected in changes within the geomorphic community and
have changed the questions that geomorphologists can ask and the research foci of geomorphology. Subsequent sections of the
the methods that they can use to answer those questions. Beyond paper explore new research approaches, research emphases, and
the development of new tools, changes in the way the scientific conceptual models now widely used by geomorphologists. We
community and society as a whole perceive natural systems and conclude with a summary of changes in the conceptual framework


corresponding author

Wohl, E., Bierman, P.R., and Montgomery, D.R., 2016, Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology, in Bickford, M.E., ed., The
Web of Geological Sciences: Advances, Impacts, and Interactions II: Geological Society of America Special Paper 523, p. 1–29, doi:10.1130/2016.2523(01). For
permission to copy, contact © 2016 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

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2 Wohl et al.

of geomorphology between 1960 and the present. Our emphasis persal, environmental degradation, agricultural sustainability,
in this review is on papers published in English-language jour- and climate change (e.g., James and Marcus, 2006; Bierman and
nals and books. Although we do not focus exclusively on geo- Montgomery, 2014; Harden et al., 2014).
morphology in North America, we do not emphasize the history
of geomorphic thinking in Europe, Asia, or other regions. Geomorphology Ca. 1960

Introducing Geomorphology A search on the keyword “geomorphology” using the search

engine GeoRef reveals that the topics on which geomorpholo-
Geomorphology is the study of Earth and Earth-like plane- gists were publishing in 1960 were broadly similar to those of
tary surface processes, landforms, and landscape evolution. Early today (Fig. 1). More papers focused on origins and physiogra-
geomorphologists, like other early earth scientists, worked on a phy, words seldom used now, but papers covered the full range
broad range of topics. G.K. Gilbert (1843–1918; Baker and Pyne, of environments—weathering, hillslopes, fluvial, karst, glacial,
1978; Pyne, 1980) and W.M. Davis (1850–1934; Chorley et al., coastal, and so forth—and many of the papers focused on pro-
1973) are generally considered key individuals in the develop- cesses. Research ca. 1960, relative to contemporary geomorphic
ment of geomorphic science within the United States. Both of research, was more likely to focus on Quaternary history in terms
them worked on glacial, hillslope, and fluvial environments, and of climatic changes and effects on geomorphic processes and land-
Gilbert in particular is claimed as a founding father by multiple form configurations. One aspect of this was the initiation of flu-
disciplines within geology. Subsequent geomorphologists have vial paleohydrology in the work of Dury (e.g., Dury, 1954, 1964,
been more likely to focus on a narrower range of environments.
Traditional categories within geomorphology include soils and
weathering, hillslopes, rivers, karst, periglacial, glacial, coastal,
desert and eolian, tectonic, and volcanic environments.
Despite this categorization and the attendant specialization
among individual investigators, geomorphologists have long
recognized that Earth’s surface functions primarily as a highly
integrated system. Tectonic uplift driven by deep Earth processes
influences atmospheric circulation patterns, and these patterns
drive the weather and thus climate, which alters bedrock into
sediment (e.g., Molnar and England, 1990; Whipple et al., 1999;
Montgomery et al., 2001; Portenga and Bierman, 2011). Precipi-
tation inputs, tectonic uplift, and biota govern the stability and
downslope transport of sediment onto glaciers and into rivers
(e.g., Burbank et al., 1996; Rahaman et al., 2009). Downstream
fluxes of water, sediment, and solutes within rivers reflect supply
from adjacent uplands, as well as biologically mediated processes
within the river corridor and subsurface inputs from groundwater
(e.g., Corenblit et al., 2011; Batlle-Aguilar et al., 2014). Coastal
processes are strongly influenced by river inputs, but they also
reflect nearshore topography, wave dynamics, atmospheric and
oceanic circulation patterns, and biological communities (e.g.,
Parra et al., 2012; Warrick, 2014). Humans have exerted an
increasingly dominant influence on every aspect of surface and
near-surface processes and fluxes (Hooke, 2000).
One of the hallmarks of contemporary geomorphology
is that it is an integrative discipline, drawing on knowledge of
processes operating from the atmosphere down to the biosphere
and hydrosphere and into the mantle, across time scales from
the immediate to tens of millions of years, and spatial scales
from grain-grain interactions to continental tectonics and global Figure 1. Wordle illustrations of words used in geomorphology papers.
atmospheric and circulation patterns (Bierman and Montgomery, These figures were created by using GeoRef to search on the term
2014; Wohl, 2014a). Geomorphology also explicitly incorporates “geomorphology.” For the first 100 entries that resulted, abstracts in
English from periodicals were copied into a text document. This re-
people, both in the context of historical manipulation of surface sulted in a document with ~3750 words for the 1960 search (A) and
environments (e.g., Walter and Merritts, 2008) and with respect 21,620 words for the 2010 search (B). Wordle ( was
to ongoing societal responses to issues such as contaminant dis- created by Jonathan Feinberg.
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 3

1965), Schumm (e.g., Schumm, 1965, 1968), and others (Baker, physics and chemistry (Baker, 1988; Church, 2013), the wide-
2014). Geomorphic research ca. 1960 also put greater emphasis on spread availability of topographic maps and aerial photographs,
mapping and categorizing surface features. Glacial geomorphol- which facilitated larger-scale, quantitative comparisons among
ogy, in particular, emphasized mapping the distribution of glacial field sites (Church, 2013), and increasing collaboration with civil
erosional and depositional features and developing a relative chro- engineers (Wohl, 2014b). Increasing emphasis on underlying
nology of geomorphic history. Much of this work was being done physical principles may also have resulted from a reaction against
in Europe, where various types of geomorphic mapping were par- earlier conceptual models of historical landscape development
ticularly emphasized. European geomorphologists also put greater (e.g., Davis, 1899), and from limited geochronologic techniques
emphasis on karst geomorphology and the influence of geologic applicable to Quaternary time scales, which constrained the abil-
structures on surface environments, as well as on climatic controls ity to determine temporal relations between potential driving and
on surface process and form, as exemplified in the work of Birot response variables.
(Birot, 1960, 1968) and Tricart in France (Tricart and Cailleux, The shift toward more quantitative studies emphasizing
1965, 1972) and Budel in Germany (Budel, 1982). physical principles coincided with the development of a division
The increase in the number of papers published on rivers, among U.S. geomorphologists that has persisted into the twenty-
relative to other surface environments, seems to have begun ca. first century and is reflected in the scientific societies with which
1960. Fluvial geomorphic papers now constitute the single larg- individual geomorphologists most strongly identify. Geomorphic
est category within geomorphology: 63% of the papers now pub- research presented through meetings and publications of the
lished in the journal Geomorphology, for example, address some American Geophysical Union is more likely to emphasize physi-
aspect of rivers (Wohl, 2014b). Within fluvial geomorphology, cal principles and quantification (e.g., Dietrich, 1982; Dietrich
investigators during the 1960s increasingly emphasized quantita- and Smith, 1984; Jungers et al., 2009) as exemplified by geomor-
tive measurements of processes and conceptual models grounded phic transport laws (e.g., Dietrich et al., 2003). Research associ-
in physics and engineering principles (Hack, 1960; Wolman and ated with venues of the Geological Society of America is more
Miller, 1960; Langbein and Leopold, 1964, 1966). In contrast to likely to emphasize geological context (e.g., Pazzaglia and Gard-
glacial studies and to earlier fluvial geomorphic research, fluvial ner, 1993; Wegmann and Pazzaglia, 2002; Bierman et al., 2014).
studies ca. 1960 put much less emphasis on chronologies and the Geomorphic research conducted by investigators who identify
history of changes in river networks. primarily as physical geographers is commonly presented in
The influence of quantification and systems theory largely venues of the Association of American Geographers and more
grew out of seminal papers of Horton (1945) and Mackin (1948). explicitly incorporates spatial and temporal characteristics of sur-
Horton developed quantitative, dimensionless descriptors of face processes and landforms, interactions of humans with land-
drainage networks and related these descriptors to geomorphic scape, and spatial analysis techniques (e.g., Knox, 1972; Mar-
processes, an approach followed by A.N. Strahler (e.g., Strahler, ston, 1989; Graf, 2001; Chin et al., 2008; Marston, 2008; James,
1950, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1958) and his many students (Keylock, 2013). Geomorphologists outside of the United States are more
2003), including S.A. Schumm (e.g., Schumm, 1956), M.A. likely to be associated with the physical geography tradition.
Melton (e.g., Melton, 1958), and M.E. Morisawa (e.g., Mori- Across the discipline, geomorphology ca. 1960 remained a
sawa, 1957). Mackin’s (1948) description of a graded stream, highly field-focused effort, with place-based case studies domi-
which related river process and form to specific feedbacks and nating research. Almost all of those conducting research were
the attainment of equilibrium, heavily influenced geomorphic males in academic and government positions, primarily in the
thought during the 1960s, as exemplified in work by L.B. Leo- United States, Europe, and the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
pold, M.G. Wolman, T. Maddock, and S.A. Schumm (Chorley, Among the rare exceptions to male domination of geomorphic
2008). Geomorphic research during the 1950s and 1960s empha- research were Hanna Bremer in Germany, Barbara Kennedy,
sized a conceptual framework defined by physical principles Marjorie Sweeting, and Cuchlaine A.M. King in the UK, and
believed to be universally applicable (e.g., Leopold et al., 1964), Marie Morisawa in the United States.
including adjustments among independent driving variables and
landform response variables characterized by feedbacks, thresh- Accelerating Changes in Society and Science
olds, minimization of variance through time and space, and per-
sistent, stable conditions (e.g., Leopold and Maddock, 1953; Several important changes in society and among scien-
Lane, 1955; Wolman and Miller, 1960; Schumm, 1969, 1973). tific professionals directly impacted geomorphology during the
Underlying the emphasis on physical principles was an assump- period between ca. 1960 and 2010. Among these were:
tion that physical systems are deterministic, with linear or at least (1) rapid increases in global population and associated pat-
consistent discoverable properties and causal relations, and a terns of resource use and human settlement;
tendency to relegate specific, place-based geomorphic history to (2) altered perceptions of the natural environment and the
a much less important role in governing landscape process and supply of natural resources and ecosystem services;
form. These emphases likely reflected the prominence of quan- (3) increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusiveness in all
titative and experimentally based scientific disciplines such as aspects of society;
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4 Wohl et al.

(4) increasing numbers of professional scientists and dis- Because these patterns of resource use disproportionately
semination of scientific research via conferences, publi- favor high-income sectors of societies and high-income coun-
cations, and other outlets, and increasing speed of com- tries, ideas of environmental justice and environmental equity
munication and research dissemination; have become increasingly accepted (Cole and Foster, 2001;
(5) changing expectations as to what constitutes a scien- Schlosberg, 2007), creating an opportunity for geomorphologists
tific discipline, with greater emphasis on quantification to quantify patterns of landscape alteration in relation to socio-
and prediction; economic history and contemporary status. Concepts of environ-
(6) expansion of information sources about Earth’s surface and mental justice and equity are the environmental manifestation of
near-surface environments via remote-sensing technology, the general trend in some parts (but not all) of the world toward
both space-based as well as ground- (or ship-) based; increasing inclusiveness and equality among different portions of
(7) increasing emphasis on multi-, inter-, or transdisciplinary humanity during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
approaches to addressing widespread environmental Scientists have also become increasingly diverse with
problems, including acid rain, ozone depletion, deserti- respect to gender, race, and geographic origin since 1960, a trend
fication, sedimentation, erosion, various forms of pollu- that also applies to geomorphology. Between 1965 and 1985, for
tion, species loss, and climate change; example, the percentage of physical science doctorates awarded
(8) technological innovations in, and increasing access to, to women in the United States increased from ~4% to nearly 15%
instrumentation and greater computational power; and (Widnall, 1988), and as of 2012, 37% of science, technology,
(9) increasing use of geomorphology by government agen- engineering, and mathematics (STEM) doctorates in the United
cies, especially those involved in natural resource man- States were awarded to women (U.S. Department of Education,
agement and regulation; and growth of the practice of 2012). Female participation in the annual Binghamton Geomor-
geomorphology by the private sector (mainly in engineer- phology Symposium has increased from 7% during 1970–1980
ing and environmental analysis). to almost 24% during 2003–2013 (Sawyer et al., 2014). The geo-
A review of global environmental trends and societal per- graphic origin of papers submitted to the journal Geomorphology
ceptions of these trends is relevant here because a large portion has also become more diverse through time (Fig. 2).
of geomorphic research is closely connected to natural hazards The broadening of participation in scientific research has
identification and mitigation, as well as environmental engineer- occurred simultaneously with a substantial increase in the num-
ing and restoration. Global population increased ~230%, from ber of professional scientists. The U.S. Census Bureau reports
~3 billion to ~6.9 billion, between 1960 and 2010. Domesticated that in 2013 1.7% of the population held a Ph.D. Membership in
land expanded to ~38% of the ice-free area globally (Foley et the Geological Society of America, for example, increased from
al., 2011; Hooke et al., 2012). More importantly, at least 83% ~5500 in 1960 to ~27,000 in 2010, an almost fivefold increase.
of ice-free land area was directly affected by human activities The growing number of professional scientists in high-
(Sanderson et al., 2002), and accelerating, human-induced cli- income countries has been paralleled by proliferation of profes-
mate warming meant that every part of the planet was at least sional meetings, journals, and edited or authored technical books.
indirectly affected by humans. Geomorphologists in the United States typically belong to the
As global populations became increasingly urban, recogni- American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Association of Ameri-
tion grew that human alteration of natural systems was not lim- can Geographers (AAG), and/or the Geological Society of Amer-
ited to small areas, was not easily reversible, and was negatively ica (GSA). All three societies existed in 1960, but their member-
affecting the ability of ecosystems to provide basic services such ship has increased much faster than the overall U.S. population
as arable land (Montgomery, 2007), and clean air and water since 1960. Only GSA had a geomorphology specialty group in
(Steingraber, 1998). People became more aware of global-scale 1960, whereas all three societies now have such groups. In addi-
loss of species diversity (Clavel et al., 2011) and altered fluxes tion to the annual meetings of these societies, the Binghamton
of water, sediment, and nutrients within terrestrial environments Geomorphology Symposium has been held annually since 1970.
and to the oceans (Vörösmarty et al., 1997; Syvitski et al., 2005; The International Association of Geomorphologists was estab-
Scanlon et al., 2007). In some societies, attitudes toward natu- lished in 1989, and the European Geosciences Union, including
ral environments gradually shifted from a perception of limitless a geomorphology division, was established in 2002. In 1960, 14
supplies of natural resources and natural systems that threatened earth sciences journals typically included papers on some aspect
and could destroy human societies, to an increasing perception of geomorphology, including two journals focused on geomor-
of a fragile Earth endangered by humans not understanding, phology (Geografiska Annaler, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie).
or choosing not to base their activities on, the consequences of By 2010, the number of journals in which geomorphologists reg-
their actions at large scale. This change in perceptions has a firm ularly published was closer to 30, with an additional five journals
foundation: Human activities now appropriate nearly one-third focused on geomorphology (Progress in Physical Geography,
to one-half of global ecosystem production (Foley et al., 2005), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Geomorphology, Phys-
and some suggest humans are now the dominant agent of surface ical Geography, Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface;
change (Hooke, 1994; Meybeck, 2003). Wohl, 2014b).
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 5

Technological advances in publishing facilitated dissemina- ger necessary to physically attend a conference to access abstracts
tion of the larger numbers of publications resulting from greater or, in some cases, posters or entire oral presentations. This trend
numbers of professional scientists. Looking back to 1960, it is of virtual meeting attendance will presumably grow in the future.
now difficult to imagine the circumstances under which scientific
papers were physically prepared for submission and published. Changes in Geomorphology
From handwritten or manually typed papers with line drawings
and paper photographs mailed to a journal and paper copies of The tendency in fluvial geomorphology starting ca. 1960 to
journals mailed once a month or less frequently, we have now emphasize increasing use of chemical and physical theories and
transitioned to entirely electronic movement of manuscripts and measurements of process, as noted already, mirrored a tendency
papers, with nearly instantaneous appearance of manuscripts to put the earth sciences on a more quantitative basis that empha-
online once they are accepted by a journal. Similarly, it is no lon- sized theory building, experimentation, and prediction, analo-
gous to laboratory sciences such as physics and chemistry. Ernest
Rutherford’s famous utterance, “All science is either physics or
A stamp collecting,” reflected Rutherford’s ignorance of natural
science, but it also posed a challenge to field-based scientists who
sought to increase the quantitative emphasis in disciplines such
Proportion of papers submitted from U.S.

0.34 as geology, geomorphology, and ecology. In these disciplines,

0.32 an approach based solely on physics is of limited use because
(1) processes act over such long spatial and temporal scales that
direct manipulation and repetition of experiments is typically not
feasible, and even direct measurements can be extremely difficult;
0.26 (2) complex natural systems have more dependent than indepen-
0.24 dent variables, creating nonlinear interaction and equifinality; and
(3) the historical sequence of events through time leaves a legacy
in natural systems that creates contingency, or the inability to pre-
cisely predict outcomes. Despite these challenges, geomorpholo-
0.18 gists put greater emphasis after 1960 on nondimensional metrics
0.16 that facilitated comparison between sites, on quantitative concep-
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
tual models, on quantification and rigorous dating of geomorphic
Year history, and on exploration of how to quantify physical processes
responsible for producing and redistributing sediment across
Earth’s surface. Studies of drainage network structure and evolu-
B tion (Howard, 1971, 1990; Rodriguez-Iturbe and Rinaldo, 1997)
provide an example of nondimensional, quantitative approaches
to landforms that arose from this shift in emphasis. Quantitative
conceptual models now exist for numerous types of geomorphic
environments and processes (Baas, 2013). Quantification and rig-
orous dating of geomorphic history is exemplified by work on
Number of countries

Pleistocene glaciers (e.g., Plummer and Phillips, 2003; Joy et al.,
2014) and the outburst floods from these glaciers (e.g., Baker,
1973; O’Connor, 1993). Quantification of physical processes
that create and redistribute sediment is exemplified by studies of
weathering (e.g., Anderson, 2007; Yoo et al., 2007; Roering et al.,
2010; Anderson et al., 2013), glacial erosion (e.g., Pratt-Sitaula
et al., 2011; Headley et al., 2012), eolian transport and erosion
(e.g., Anderson and Hallet, 1986; Pelletier, 2009), water and sedi-
10 ment fluxes on hillslopes (e.g., Kirkby, 1971, 2014; Dunne, 1979;
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Dunne and Dietrich, 1980; Dunne et al., 1991; Gabet and Dunne,
2002), bedrock channel erosion (e.g., Howard, 1980; Sklar and
Figure 2. Increasing diversity of papers submitted to the journal Dietrich, 2006; Chatanantavet and Parker, 2009), sediment bud-
Geomorphology during the period 1996–2013. (A) The proportion gets (e.g., Dietrich and Dunne, 1978; Hobo et al., 2014), fluvial
of papers submitted to the journal with first authors in the United
bed load, bed form and planform dynamics (Grant et al., 1990;
States. (B) The total number of countries represented by the first
author of submitted papers. Data for these analyses were provided Grant, 1997; Parker and Toro-Escobar, 2002; Wilcock and Ken-
by Daniel Lovegrove. worthy, 2002; Tal and Paola, 2010; Legleiter et al., 2011; Church
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6 Wohl et al.

and Ferguson, 2015), fluvial and deltaic sediment transport and tat fragmentation, and loss of biodiversity, or climate warming
sedimentology (e.g., Meade et al., 1985; Mertes et al., 1996; requires an approach transcending traditional disciplinary and
Benda and Dunne, 1997; Sun et al., 2002; Paola et al., 2010; Pas- political boundaries. Since ca. 1980, the scientific community
salacqua et al., 2013), and subocean sedimentary processes (e.g., has emphasized integrative research, as reflected in funding ini-
Swenson et al., 2005; Violet et al., 2005). Work in these areas sup- tiatives, student interest, and the desires of individual scientists
ported the development, after ca. 1990, of numerical simulations to conduct societally relevant research. Multiple new hybrid
of landscape evolution over time spans ≥103 yr (e.g., Anderson, terms—zoogeomorphology, ecohydrology, biogeomorphology,
1994; Phillips, 1995; Howard, 1997; Hancock et al., 2000; Will- biogeochemistry—have been coined to reflect the attempts to
goose, 2005; Pelletier et al., 2010). bridge traditional disciplinary boundaries within research and
Advances in remote-sensing technology since 1960 have environmental management. Concepts such as earth system sci-
dramatically expanded the types of questions that geomorpholo- ence (1990s), the critical zone (NRC, 2001), and diverse forms
gists can ask and the methods that they can use to answer these of connectivity (Jain and Tandon, 2010; Wainwright et al., 2011;
questions (e.g., Passalacqua et al., 2015). Remotely sensed imag- Fryirs, 2013) reflect this emphasis on crossing the boundar-
ery accessible to geomorphologists in 1960 consisted principally ies that earlier scholars erected to stake out intellectual turf and
of aerial photographs, although bathymetric imagery of the sea- define their topics of study.
floor and geophysical imagery of Earth’s interior were gradually To summarize the trends in society and science between
increasing in availability. Acquisition of Landsat satellite imag- 1960 and 2010 that influenced the development of geomorphol-
ery starting in 1972, followed by shuttle imaging radar (1982), ogy, we can say that the world grew more crowded with people
airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR), digital elevation and more altered by human activities, and that people became
models (DEMs), and survey-grade global positioning system more aware of rapidly accelerating environmental trends that
(GPS) units during the 1990s, terrestrial and water-penetrating contained the possibility for the crossing of tipping points where
LiDAR during the first decade of the twenty-first century, and Earth systems changed from one state to another (Lenton et al.,
more recent access to inexpensive, personal drones with cameras 2008). These changes were reflected within geomorphology in
(Fig. 3A), all greatly expanded the ability to acquire spatially an increased recognition that surface processes reflect not only
detailed information over large areas. The ability to immediately physics and geological materials and processes, but also humans,
examine any environment on Earth on an office computer or lap- other biota, and climate. This recognition was expressed through
top using Google Earth is an extremely convenient tool for many increased collaboration across disciplinary boundaries and
aspects of geomorphic research and teaching. Geophysical tech- increased involvement by geomorphologists in environmental
niques for increasingly detailed remote sensing of near-surface management.
rock and sediment have also come into increasing use by geo-
morphologists since 1960 (Schrott and Sass, 2008). DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TOOL KIT OF
Similarly, rapid advances in geochronologic and isotopic GEOMORPHOLOGY SINCE 1960
methods have revolutionized the more historical side of geomor-
phology while providing information critical for a process-based In this section, we briefly review some of the major techno-
understanding of surface processes. In 1960, radiocarbon dating logical developments that have facilitated geomorphic research
was just starting to change the way geomorphologists considered since 1960. These developments fall into six basic categories:
the age of landforms, and most glacial geologists still thought remote sensing, spatial data manipulation, geochronology,
that there were only four major glaciations (Flint, 1971). The tracers, high-resolution measurement platforms, and numeri-
development of stable isotopic records of benthic foraminifera cal models.
changed that view dramatically, showing clearly that Earth’s cli- The broadest change in the geomorphological tool kit over
mate has swung between glacial and interglacial states dozens the past 50 years lies in the conceptual reframing of landscape
of times over the past few million years. Routine measurement evolution in the context of plate tectonics. Similar to how the
of cosmogenic nuclides allowed direct dating of glacial deposits concept of evolution reshaped biology, the elaboration of plate
(Phillips et al., 1990) and the mapping of erosion rates around the tectonics in the late 1950s and 1960s reshaped the intellectual
world (Portenga and Bierman, 2011) over time scales relevant to realm of Davisian cycles and laid the geophysical foundation for
surface process studies. Thermochronologic techniques, includ- understanding how landscapes evolve. In light of plate tectonics,
ing (U-Th)/He and fission-track dating, quantified the linkage the global distribution of large-scale features on Earth’s surface
between rates of deep Earth processes and the response of topog- could now be studied—and understood—in a process framework
raphy to such changes through the catalyst of erosion and unroof- that linked geology, geophysics, and geomorphology in ways that
ing (Reiners and Brandon, 2006). allowed the evolution of particular landscapes to be investigated
The ability to quickly scan large portions of the planet makes (Short and Blair, 1986). The tectonic bridge between geology
it difficult to intellectually partition the world into isolated geo- and geomorphology offered a spatial context and temporal scales
graphic units or to ignore the evidence that mitigating such high- over which to address landscape evolution that replaced Davi-
profile environmental problems as contaminant dispersal, habi- sian concepts of cycles of landscape youth, maturity, and old age
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 7

Figure 3. Illustrations of diverse developments in the tool kit of geomorphology since 1960. (A) Personal drones make it relatively quick and
easy to photograph terrain from different elevations above the ground surface and use the photographs to create digital elevation models using
structure from motion. (B) Sample preparation laboratory for cosmogenic radionuclide samples at the University of Vermont and an example of
the resulting interpretation of erosion rates, here Figure 2 from Portenga and Bierman (2011). (C) Example of an automated sampling platform:
here, a suspended sediment sampler that can be programmed to collect samples based on time intervals or triggers such as changes in height of
the water surface.
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8 Wohl et al.

to an expanded understanding with different emphasis on initial expansion from black-and-white photographs to, for example,
and boundary conditions of landscape development. At the same imagery based on emitted or reflected electromagnetic radia-
time, technological advances in instrumentation and data loggers tion reveals information that cannot otherwise be detected by
revolutionized field data collection, making it possible to address the human eye. The new imagery literally provides new ways of
the physics of erosion and sediment transport, and how such pro- seeing terrain. Similarly, the ability to image features below the
cesses are distributed through time. Automated pressure trans- water surface or underground has been critical to mapping and
ducers, data loggers, and fully instrumented tracers (e.g., smart interpreting geomorphic features and history. At the same time,
rocks) enabled time-series analyses of phenomena that formerly remotely sensed imagery has greatly expanded the study of other
could only be addressed with limited field measurements or time- planetary surfaces such as Mars (Baker, 1982), Mercury (Head et
averaged approximations (e.g., Greswell et al., 2009; Chapuis et al., 2011), and Titan (Burr et al., 2013). Table 1 lists some of the
al., 2014; Ford, 2014). Such technological advances changed the basic categories of remotely sensed imagery that have become
way that geomorphologists approach data collection and thereby available since 1960. Some of these images create two-dimen-
the nature of questions that could be addressed. sional (2-D) data that can be used to estimate three-dimensional
(3-D) structures using the technique of structure from motion,
Remote Sensing and Manipulation of Spatial Data in which spatially sequential 2-D image sequences are coupled
using reference points that are tracked from one image to the next
The space-based remote-sensing imagery of the 1960s con- to develop 3-D imagery (Fonstad et al., 2013).
sisted of black-and-white photographs of varying resolution. The ability to determine accurately ground location in real
In the United States, aerial photographs typically began to be time has been greatly enhanced by GPS equipment. Survey-grade
acquired during the late 1920s or early 1930s, and most sections GPS units became commercially available during the 1990s, and
of the country were rephotographed at approximately decadal the spatial resolution has improved to the point that someone
intervals. As reviewed in much greater detail by Gilvear and using a real-time kinematic system can now calculate position
Bryant (2003), the numbers of sensors, platforms, and types of relative to a base station within millimeters (Dail et al., 2000).
imagery have expanded enormously since the early 1970s and This has allowed for detailed geomorphic studies of surfaces
continue to increase at a rapid rate. As other historical reviews at unprecedented resolution, providing information about both
have noted, investigators are able to think about Earth’s surface process and history, such as the evolution of arid-region drain-
in new ways when they are able to access new landscapes or new age networks after disturbance by wheeled and tracked military
perspectives: The scientific expeditions to the western United vehicles (Nichols and Bierman, 2001).
States during the second half of the nineteenth century and the As techniques for acquiring information have expanded,
mapping of seafloor topography provide two well-known exam- new methods have also been developed to display and manipulate
ples (Kious and Tilling, 1996; Sack, 2013). Consequently, the data. Digital elevation models (DEMs) or digital terrain models


Technique Char acteristics Sample refere nces
Aboveground platforms
Airborne phot ogr aph y Much greater spatial resolution with time (now Pirot et al. (2014); Strozzi et al. (2010)
<0.5 m)
Airborne imaging spectrometer (e.g., CASI, S p a t i a l ra n g e 0 . 5 – 2 0 m G h r e f at e t a l . ( 2 0 0 7)
Airborne multispectral scanner (e.g., Spatial range 0.5 –20 m De M iguel and Gomez-Sanchez ( 1994)
Daedalus 1268 ATM)
Spaceborne multispectral scanner (e.g., Spat ial r ange 10 –80 m S e k o e t a l . ( 1 9 9 8 ) ; P h a n e t a l . ( 20 1 2 )
SPOT, Landsat TM)
Airborne LiDAR Spatial resolution << 1 m R o e r i n g e t a l . ( 20 1 3 )

On-ground platforms
Terrestrial & water-penetrating LiDAR Typically submeter spatial resolution Allouis et al. (2010); Hobbs et al. (2010)
Ground-penetrating radar Detects discontinuities at depths <50 m that result Neal (2004); Kramer et al. (2012)
from changes in grain size, bedding, and
moisture content
Electrical resistivit y Detects discontinuities at depths up to hundreds Stan and Stan-Kleczek (2014)
of meters, depending on spacing of electrodes
Seismic reflection & refraction Handheld sledge can be used to produce seismic Travelletti et al. (2010)
wave suitable for depths up to ~30 m
Fathomete r Penetrates water; varying spatial resolution Wilson and Allison (2008)
Note: Main source: Gilvear and Bryant (2003). ATM—Airborne Thematic Mapper; AVIRIS—Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer;
CASI—Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager; LiDAR—light detection and ranging; SPOT—Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre; TM—
Thematic Mapper.
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 9

(DTMs), like the topographic maps that preceded them, strip sample turnaround time was greatly reduced. Now samples as
away vegetation and human structures to present the underlying small as a few tens of micrograms of carbon could be dated,
topography at varying levels of spatial resolution. By incorporat- allowing new applications such as dating paleoearthquakes
ing topographic data in digital format, DEMs facilitate uses such (Tucker et al., 1983). Today, AMS dating of organic material is
as extracting terrain-describing metrics. Attributes such as drain- routine, available to every geomorphologist, and conducted by
age area and slope that in 1960 had to be laboriously gathered by commercial laboratories with rapid turnaround.
hand for individual locations of interest can now be calculated— Meteoric 10Be, which is produced in the atmosphere, has
and displayed—for whole drainage basins with a few keystrokes. been measured since the late 1970s (Turekian et al., 1979).
The development of geographic information system (GIS) soft- Because concentrations are typically high in earth materials (on
ware starting in the 1980s has also greatly expanded the ability the order of 107 to 109 atoms/g), measurements are easy to make.
to manipulate different types of spatial data, particularly now that In many geomorphic environments, meteoric 10Be adheres tightly
DEMs and GIS can be readily used on typical personal comput- to soil grains (Graly et al., 2010), a prerequisite for using it as a
ers and are available free of charge for most of the world. dating tool (Pavich et al., 1986), an erosion rate monitor (Pav-
The diverse forms of remote imagery and spatial data manip- ich et al., 1985), and a tracer of surface processes and their rates
ulation have enhanced the ability of geomorphologists to map (McKean et al., 1993; Jungers et al., 2009; West et al., 2013).
features, including gradients such as sediment concentrations in Recent geomorphic applications of meteoric 10Be include the
rivers, and to quantify rates and magnitudes of change through identification of ancient soil under the Greenland ice sheet (Bier-
time. Although mapping sounds mundane, it includes delineating man et al., 2014), identifying aspect-dependent variations in soil
features invisible to the human eye (e.g., Schaber et al., 1990) and movement rates (West et al., 2014), and modeling erosion rates
features so large or ephemeral in extent that they cannot be read- (Willenbring and von Blanckenburg, 2010).
ily analyzed from the ground, such as very large floods (Hallberg The measurement of in situ–produced cosmogenic nuclides,
et al., 1973). including 3He, 10Be, 14C, 21Ne, 26Al, and 36Cl, has provided age
control for many geomorphic features over much of the world.
Geochronology First envisioned as a geomorphic tool in the 1950s (Schaeffer
and Davis, 1955), application to surface processes had to wait
Advances in geochronology, specifically the measurement until the development and application of AMS in the 1980s
of diverse sets of isotopes, revolutionized geomorphology in the (Elmore and Phillips, 1987). Since then, measurement of these
decades after 1960. Luminescence dating, which determines the nuclides has changed the face of geomorphology. For glacial
most recent exposure to sunlight of quartz and feldspar mineral and fluvial geologists, cosmogenic nuclides provide dates on
grains, has improved substantially since the 1980s and is now terraces (Repka et al., 1997) and moraines (Balco, 2011). For
applied to diverse fluvial, hillslope, and eolian sediments that tectonic geomorphologists, these isotopes allow the calculation
range in age from 1 yr to more than 200,000 yr (Lian, 2007; Rit- of incision rates (Granger et al., 2001) and the direct dating of
tenour, 2008; Fuchs and Lang, 2009; Rhodes, 2011). Cosmo- fault scarps (Mitchell et al., 2001). For those interested in land-
genic nuclides, both those produced in the atmosphere and in situ, scape evolution, measurement of cosmogenic nuclides in river
provide dates for landforms and rates for geomorphic processes sediment and in outcrop samples (Portenga and Bierman, 2011)
including erosion, incision, and faulting (Fig. 3B). Thermochro- provides constraint on erosion rates over thousands to millions
nometers, such as (U-Th)/He dating, record unroofing rates over of years, depending on the rate of erosion, and can be used to
millions to tens of millions of years and allow geomorphologists fingerprint the source of sediment moving through river systems
to understand better the development of topography and the link- (Nelson et al., 2014; Clapp et al., 2002).
ages between surface and deep Earth processes. Thermochronometry, the measurement of mineral ages
Cosmogenic nuclides produced in the atmosphere, such using various isotopic, chemical, and physical systems that
as 10Be and 14C, are today widely used by geomorphologists. begin to accumulate daughter products at different tempera-
Although radiocarbon dating was developed before 1960 (Arnold tures, has become a powerful tool for understanding long-term
and Libby, 1949), use of this isotope for dating expanded rap- (millions of years) changes in large-scale topography. Fission-
idly as more laboratories came on line in the 1960s and 1970s. track ages, in combination with assumptions about paleogeo-
Radiocarbon was used for dating organic material in river ter- thermal gradients, are used to estimate long-term unroofing
races, glacial moraines, and both marine and freshwater sediment rates, with the assumption commonly made that such unroofing
cores, providing a numerical time scale for historical geomor- is driven by erosion rather than tectonics (Brown et al., 2002).
phology that allowed linkage between climate events and land- More recently, lower-temperature thermochronometers such
scape response starting with such seminal papers as that of Suess as (U-Th)/He have been employed to understand more recent
(1956), which established a numerical date for the last glaciation, erosion events, because these chronometers record cooling his-
and expanding rapidly after that. With the advent of accelerator tories closer to Earth’s surface (Reiners, 2002). Such chrono-
mass spectrometry (AMS) in the 1970s (Bennett et al., 1977), meters have even been used to link erosion to regional climate
sample size was reduced by an order of magnitude or more, and patterns (Reiners et al., 2003).
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10 Wohl et al.

Tracers High-Resolution Measurement Platforms

Tracers are distinctive materials that can be used to estimate We use the phrase high-resolution measurement platforms to
fluxes of water, ice, or sediment through time and space. Active include diverse technologies that can record observations at high
tracers are deliberately introduced to an environment, such as frequencies and, in some cases, high spatial resolution, such as
painted clasts placed on the bed of a river or radioactive isotopes digital photogrammetry of stationary sediment on a streambed or
injected into the shallow subsurface of a hillslope as markers bar (Table 2; Kondolf et al., 2003). Many of the high-resolution
for downslope pathways of water. Active tracers used in fluvial platforms used in geomorphology were developed for measur-
geomorphology include painted clasts, fluorescent, radioactive, ing flow velocity (Whiting, 2003) or suspended and bed-material
or ferric coatings, metal collars, and inserted magnets or radio sediment load (Hicks and Gomez, 2003; Gray and Gartner, 2009)
transmitters (Hassan and Ergenzinger, 2003). Although the use in rivers. These technologies have increasingly focused on indi-
of painted clasts in rivers dates to the 1930s, tracer techniques rectly measuring water and sediment fluxes based on some asso-
became more diverse and widely applied starting in the 1960s. ciated property that does not require disrupting the flux in order
Actively introduced tracers also include solutes or dyes used to to measure it. The ability to collect high-frequency temporal data
examine subsurface water movement in hillslopes (McGlynn et has facilitated quantification of temporal variation such as turbu-
al., 2002) or aquifers, fluxes within karst systems (Arbel et al., lence in rivers and pulses of sediment movement (Fig. 3C).
2010), or fluxes within channels and hyporheic zones (Liao et Other platforms focus on topographic data, such as the
al., 2013). ground-based LiDAR platforms and real-time GPS units included
Passive tracers are materials already present in the environ- in the previous section on “Remote sensing and manipulation of
ment that were either introduced at a specific time (e.g., fallout spatial data.” These technologies facilitate acquisition of high-
radionuclides from testing of nuclear weapons; Walling, 2010), resolution spatial data that can reveal erosional and depositional
originate from a specific portion of the landscape (e.g., diagnos- forms otherwise difficult to detect. Ability to detect relatively
tic physical and chemical properties of sediments from a limited short-term, fine-scale topographic changes has also increased as
area within a drainage basin; Peart and Walling, 1986), or experi- these high-resolution spatial data have become easier to acquire.
ence isotopic fractionation that records their history of travel and For example, this enhances the ability to detect patterns and mag-
crystallization (e.g., O isotopes that change as air masses travel or nitudes of hillslope erosion following wildfire (Rengers et al.,
as glacial ice melts; Zhou et al., 2014). 2012), glacial processes such as melting and ablation and progla-
Fallout radionuclides such as 137Cs, 210Pb, meteoric 10Be, and cial sediment budgets (Heckmann et al., 2012), increasing size of
Be originate from nuclear weapons or from natural processes. river bars (Alho et al., 2009), or changes in beach morphology
These materials have been used to trace the mobilization, trans- (Shim et al., 2010).
port, and storage of sediment across the landscape. Use of these
radionuclides is based on known patterns of fallout, radioactive Numerical Models
half-life, and depth distribution in relation to sediment texture
and water content (Walling, 2013). Use of fallout radionuclides The advent of readily available computational power trans-
has been particularly valuable in documenting short-term sedi- formed the role of theory in geomorphology and opened the
ment erosion and redistribution rates (e.g., Reusser and Bierman, door to widespread use of numerical models—from simple
2010; Gartner et al., 2012). spreadsheet-based approaches to dynamic multiparameter simu-
Sediment fingerprinting refers to using distinctive charac- lations using adaptive analysis grids. We use the phrase “numer-
teristics (typically mineralogy) of sediment grains to infer the ical models” to describe quantitative geomorphic hypotheses
source and relative contribution of different portions of a land- expressed as equations, a series of rules, or a computational
scape to sediment in transport and in deposits (Collins et al., algorithm, all of which are typically implemented as a com-
1997). This approach has helped to reveal that the majority of puter program (Pizzuto, 2003). Development of such models
sediment originates from limited portions of many landscapes. In has been greatly facilitated by increases in speed and compu-
the River Severn drainage of the UK, for example, two of the five tational power of computers. Combined with decreases in the
subbasins contribute more than 90% of the suspended sediment physical size and cost of computers, these trends have made it
(Collins et al., 1997). feasible for individual scientists to own computers capable of
Ratios of stable isotopes (δ18O, δD) in surface waters pro- running geomorphic numerical models at time frames amenable
vide useful tracers because they reflect climatic and hydrologic to research. Advances in statistical software, and the ability to
processes such as isotopic composition of precipitation (which perform diverse statistical tests on personal computers, have also
reflects air temperature, altitude, and water vapor source), freeze contributed to the ability to develop stochastic numerical models
and melt processes on the ground, and surface-subsurface flow (Clément and Piégay, 2003).
paths (e.g., Birkel et al., 2011). The isotopic composition of Numerical models are now used to examine diverse geomor-
water has been particularly useful in studies of hillslopes, river phic environments and processes (Table 3). Numerical models
corridors, and snow and glacial processes. provide a mechanism to rigorously test geomorphic understanding
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 11


Measurement pl atform Sa m p l e re f er e nc e s

Measuring flow velocity in rivers and experimental flumes

One-, two-, and three-dimensional electromagnetic current meters MacVicar et al. (2007)
Acoustic Doppler velocimeter and current profiler Wilcox et al. (201 1)
Laser Dopp ler velocime te r N el son e t al . (19 9 5)
Hot-wire anemometer Grant et al. (1968)

Measuring suspended sediment in rivers

Optical sensors (transmissivity or backscattering) Ochiai and Kashiwaya (2010)
A c o u s t i c s e n s o rs Ga rt n er ( 2 00 4 )
Laser diffraction Wren et al. (2000); Voichick
and Topping (2014)

Measuring bed sediment characteristics

Photogrammet r y G ar d ne r a n d A sh m o re ( 2 0 11 )

Measuring bed-material load in rivers

Piezoelectric impact sensors Rickenmann and Fritschi (2010)
Geopho nes Sch ne ide r et al . ( 20 14)

Measuring nearshore velocity and sediment concentration

Acoustic concentration and velocity profiler Hurther et al. (2011)

Measuring glacial ice velocity

Global positioning system Sunil et al. (2009 )

Measuring near-ground wind speed (desert and coastal environments)

Ultrasonic anemometer Sha bani et al. (2 014)

because they start from a conceptual model of (1) what variables raphy and the development of geological structures, particularly
and processes are geomorphically relevant and (2) how those the development of thermochronometric and cosmogenic meth-
variables and processes operate through time and space, and then ods for measuring erosion rates over geological time scales, and
(3) create numerical descriptions of process or form that can be development of numerical models of landscape evolution.
tested against actual processes and forms observed directly or via Integrated studies along these lines have revealed a wide
remote-sensing techniques. range of intriguing connections in different settings. Sustained
zones of high erosion can create channels of low-viscosity flow
NEW APPROACHES in crustal rocks locally along mountain ranges (Beaumont et al.,
2001, 2004; Hodges et al., 2001; Zeitler et al., 2001; Koons et
In this section, we introduce five of the major new con- al., 2002). Both thermochronometric (Reiners et al., 2003) and
ceptual frameworks that influence contemporary geomorphic modeling studies (Koons, 1990; Willett et al., 1993; Willett,
research and applications. Nearly all of these can be traced back 1999) have shown how variations in rainfall patterns within and
to intellectual roots in 1960 or earlier, but the manner in which across mountain ranges result in differential rock uplift and geo-
research questions are framed or the emphasis placed on indi- logical deformation patterns across active orogens. While most
vidual areas has changed substantially since 1960. such studies have concentrated on the development of steady-
state topography, the development of coupled models of erosion,
Interactions among Climate, Tectonics, and Topography tectonic deformation, and rock uplift is allowing exploration of
transient responses over geological time scales. In some regions,
The conceptual framework for understanding landscape variations in rainfall are argued to control rock uplift rates (e.g.,
evolution has shifted dramatically over the past 50 years, from Reiners et al., 2003), whereas in others, rainfall rates are argued
separate consideration of climatic geomorphology and a pulse- to be a secondary influence on spatial gradients in rock uplift rate
response conceptualization of mountain building and decay, to (Gasparini and Whipple, 2014). Continental-scale variations in
consideration of coupled feedbacks between climate-mediated rainfall have been argued to influence the physiography of moun-
erosional and depositional processes, isostatic response, and tec- tain ranges, like the Andes and the Tibetan Plateau (Montgomery
tonically driven rock uplift. Several developments have allowed et al., 2001).
greater exploration of the linkages among erosional and sedimen- In some regions, landscape-scale erosion rates track hill-
tary processes, climate, and tectonic forcing in shaping topog- slope steepness (Ahnert, 1970), whereas in others, erosion rates
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12 Wohl et al.


Model Sample references
Hydrologic models (route water across a landscape, from Li et al. (2008)
precipitation inputs to groundwater or stream flow outputs)
Distributed hillslope models (route water through surface and Downs and Priestnall (2003)
subsurface, nonchannelized uplands; route sediment
One-, two-, and three-dimensional hydraulic models (simulate Nelson et al. (2003)
hydraulic variables within channelized flow)
Drainage net wor k evolution G i a ch e tt a et al . ( 2 0 14 )
Channel cross-sectional and reach-scale geometry Doyle and Shields (2000)
Stre am bank er o s ion P o ll en-B a nkh ea d a nd Si mon (2 00 9 )
River sediment transport Benda and Dunne (1997); Cui et al. (2001);
Lancaster et al. (2003); Wilcock and
Kenworthy (2002)
Bedrock channel incision Howard (1980); Finnegan et al. (2005);
Sklar and Dietrich (2006); Chatanantavet
and Parker (2009)
Transport of wood in rivers Eaton et al. (2012)
Channel planform dynamics Motta et al. (201 4)
Floodplain dynamics Benjankar and Yager (2012)
Landscape evolution Willgoose et al. (1991); Howard (1994);
Coulthard et al. (2013); Gasparini and
Whipple (2014)
Deformation of glacial ice Koehn and Sachau (2014)
Glacial ice sliding de Fleurian et al. (2014)
Eolian erosion Dupont et al. (2014)
Beach dynamics Jamal et al. (201 4)
Karst hydrogeology Yager et al. (2013)

track river profile steepness (Fig. 4; Wobus et al., 2003). Gla- in which complex interactions involving rock, soil, water, air,
cial erosion has been linked to late Cenozoic deformation and and living organisms regulate the natural habitat and determine
structural evolution of mountain belts, like the St. Elias Range the availability of life-sustaining resources” (NRC, 2001, p. 2).
in Alaska (Berger et al., 2008). Under different circumstances, Critical zone geomorphology integrates across space, Earth
glacial erosion has been argued to limit the height of mountain environments, and disciplines, just as landscape evolution mod-
ranges through the so-called “glacial buzzsaw” (Brozović et al., eling integrates through time. The more closely geomorpholo-
1997; Mitchell and Montgomery, 2006; Engholm et al., 2009) gists examine surface processes, the more difficult it becomes
and to shield mountainous topography from erosion where alpine to ignore or disentangle abiotic and biotic processes and fluxes
glaciers are frozen to their bed (Thomson et al., 2010) or their among the atmosphere, land surface, and subsurface in many
erosive activity is confined to ice streams (Gjermundsen et al., environments (Amundson et al., 2007; Anderson et al., 2007).
2015). The reframing of thinking about landscape evolution Explicit focus on physical-biotic interactions, as reflected
through spatial and temporal patterns of climate and tectonic in the terms bio- or zoogeomorphology and ecohydrology,
forcing has transformed broad-scale geomorphological thinking provides one example of integrative geomorphology. Geomor-
over the past half century. phologists historically tended to view biotic communities as pas-
sively responding to habitat created by physical processes (e.g.,
Integrative Geomorphology Wentworth, 1943). Since 1960, investigators have increasingly
emphasized more complex interactions in which organisms can
Integrative geomorphology describes geomorphic research both respond to and influence physical processes and forms
that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries in seeking to (Rodriguez-Iturbe, 2000; Corenblit et al., 2007, 2011; Gurnell et
understand Earth surface processes and the genesis of landforms. al., 2012; Merritt, 2013; Polvi and Wohl, 2013).
The scientists who founded the discipline of geomorphology rec- Ecohydrologic research related to geomorphology began on
ognized the importance of climate and processes within Earth’s uplands, with a focus on the hydrologic mechanisms underly-
interior in shaping landscapes (Gilbert, 1877; Davis, 1899), but ing interactions among climate, soil, and vegetation (Rodriguez-
since 1960, geomorphologists have increasingly emphasized Iturbe, 2000). Use of the term was expanded to examine physical
interactions among physical, chemical, and biotic variables. This and biotic interactions across a range of geomorphic features,
change in emphasis is reflected in the fact that many geomor- including rivers (de Carvalho et al., 2002), lakes, coral reefs, wet-
phologists now describe their work as focusing on the critical lands (Larsen and Harvey, 2010), and meadows. Whatever the
zone, defined as the “heterogeneous, near-surface environment geomorphic feature of interest, the consistent emphasis within
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 13

Figure 4. Illustration of relationships

between tectonics and topography. This
figure, from Wobus et al. (2006, their
figure 10), has slope-area plots and
trunk stream longitudinal profiles from
three river catchments in central Nepal.
In each plot, gray crosses show data
from representative low-uplift-zone
tributaries; black crosses show data
from representative high-uplift-zone
tributaries; and open circles show data
from trunk streams incising through a
mountain range. Dashed lines show
approximate regional upper and lower
bounds on steepness indices of 650 and
95 m, respectively. Gray shading on
slope-area and long profile data shows
extent of high-concavity zone in trunk
streams, representing a maximum esti-
mate of the width of rock uplift gradi-
ents. Open stars show position of abrupt
physiographic transition in central Ne-
pal, as identified from slope maps and
satellite photography.

ecohydrology is linkages among hydrological, biogeochemical, bars. Recent research, for example, suggests that braided rivers
and ecological processes (Newman et al., 2006). For the most are the default channel planform in the absence of vegetation (Tal
part, these ecological processes have been plant-dominated, and Paola, 2007). Only after the evolution of woody vegetation do
prompting Westbrook et al. (2013) to write a piece titled, “Is eco- meandering and anastomosing river deposits appear in the rock
hydrology missing much of the zoo?” which was published in the record (Montgomery et al., 2003; Davies and Gibling, 2011).
journal Ecohydrology. Similarly, wood within channels and floodplains increases
Within fluvial geomorphology, riparian vegetation (e.g., Gur- hydraulic roughness (Buffington and Montgomery, 1999; Manga
nell et al., 2012; Merritt, 2013), instream wood (e.g., Abbe and and Kirchner, 2000; Curran and Wohl, 2003; Manners et al.,
Montgomery, 1996, 2003; Collins et al., 2012; Wohl and Beck- 2007), flow separation, and associated diversity of flow depth
man, 2014), and, to a lesser extent, beavers (e.g., Persico and and velocity (Richmond and Fausch, 1995; Mutz, 2003). Wood
Meyer, 2009; Burchsted et al., 2010; Polvi and Wohl, 2013) have enhances storage of finer sediment and organic matter (Bilby and
received the most attention as biotic modifiers of river corridor Likens, 1980; Brooks et al., 2003; Andreoli et al., 2007; Beck-
process and form, although investigators have recognized that man and Wohl, 2014) and alters bed forms (Montgomery et al.,
fish (Hassan et al., 2008; Riebe et al., 2014) and invertebrates 1995; MacFarlane and Wohl, 2003; Mao et al., 2008), as well as
(Statzner et al., 1996) can also affect physical characteristics of the distribution of bedrock and alluvial river segments (Mont-
rivers (Riggsbee et al., 2013). Aquatic and riparian vegetation gomery et al., 1996). Wood alters channel cross-sectional geom-
can strongly influence hydraulic roughness (Griffin et al., 2005), etry (Nakamura and Swanson, 1993), increases overbank flows
erosional resistance (Pollen and Simon, 2005), and form (Gurnell and lateral channel mobility (Jeffries et al., 2003; O’Connor et
and Petts, 2006; Merritt, 2013) of stream beds, banks, islands, and al., 2003; Brummer et al., 2006), and can result in the formation
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14 Wohl et al.

of anastomosing channel segments (Collins and Montgomery, landscape features are physically linked to one another, including
2002; Wohl, 2011) that enhance the physical and biotic diversity features <1 m in scale (With and Crist, 1995). Functional con-
of associated floodplains (Collins et al., 2012; Wohl, 2013a). nectivity describes process-specific interactions between mul-
Beavers have received more attention from ecologists, who tiple landscape units, such as runoff moving downslope between
refer to beavers as ecosystem engineers (Wright et al., 2002), but patches of grass and patches of exposed soil (With et al., 1997;
geomorphologists have also documented the extensive alteration Wainwright et al., 2011). By focusing on connectivity and quan-
that dam building and other beaver activities can create in river tifying the characteristics of a landscape that promote or retard
corridors. As with instream wood, beaver dams create obstruc- connectivity (Fig. 5; Baartman et al., 2013; Cavalli et al., 2013;
tions that slow downstream fluxes of water, sediment, organic Croke et al., 2013; Heckmann and Schwanghart, 2013), geomor-
matter, and solutes (Butler and Malanson, 1995; Green and West- phologists emphasize the fluxes that characterize Earth’s surface.
brook, 2009; Polvi and Wohl, 2012; Levine and Meyer, 2014), Finally, investigations focused on regional- to global-scale
promote overbank flows and formation of anastomosing chan- fluxes and storage of key elements such as carbon and nitrogen
nels (John and Klein, 2004; Westbrook et al., 2006), and gener- provide a third example of integrative geomorphology. Car-
ally create more physically and biologically diverse segments of bon and nitrogen dynamics are research foci because (1) some
river networks (Naiman et al., 1988; Gurnell, 1998; Burchsted et forms of these elements act as greenhouse gases and contribute
al., 2010). to climate change, (2) diverse human activities have substan-
Diverse forms of biological soil crusts not only influence tially altered global fluxes and storage of carbon and nitrogen,
soil biogeochemistry and moisture, but they also stabilize fine- and (3) mitigation of the negative effects of human alteration
grained soils and reduce erosion by wind and unchannelized of carbon and nitrogen dynamics requires spatially detailed,
running water (Belnap, 2003). Bioturbation associated with mechanistic understanding of how carbon and nitrogen move
plants and animals can also strongly influence downslope fluxes through surface and near-surface environments. Organic carbon
of water, sediment, and solutes. Root growth of trees gradually provides an example.
displaces sediment, toppling of trees abruptly displaces large Organic carbon from terrestrial environments includes
amounts of sediment and shallow, fractured bedrock, and infill- ancient carbon derived from bedrock and modern carbon from
ing of stump-rot pits influences downslope movements of materi- soils and vegetation (Blair et al., 2004; Hilton et al., 2008, 2011;
als (Phillips and Marion, 2006; Gabet and Mudd, 2010; Roering Gomez et al., 2010). The rates at which this carbon is delivered
et al., 2010). Digging activities of animals from the size of griz- from uplands to freshwaters depend on factors such as hillslope
zly bears down to small rodents can displace substantial amounts stability, mechanisms of mass wasting, rates of soil production,
of sediment and influence both downslope sediment fluxes and and connectivity of uplands to lakes and river networks (Fig. 6;
slope morphology (Butler, 1995). Leithold et al., 2006; Wohl and Ogden, 2013). Although rivers
Studies examining diverse forms of connectivity provide were once thought of as “neutral pipes” for carbon delivery to
another example of integrative geomorphology. Connectivity is the oceans (Cole et al., 2007), recent work emphasizes how river
the transfer of matter or energy between two different landscape process and form influence partitioning of terrestrially derived
compartments (Jain and Tandon, 2010; Wainwright et al., 2011; carbon among the atmosphere (outgassing from freshwaters;
Fryirs, 2013), such as hillslopes and channels or dunes and pla- Cole et al., 2007), geosphere (burial in sedimentary reservoirs
yas. Connectivity can occur through physical contact between such as floodplains and deltas; Hoffmann et al., 2009; Cierjacks
two compartments, as when sediment from an adjacent hillslope et al., 2010; Wohl et al., 2012; Zubrzycki et al., 2013), and oceans
is deposited on an alluvial fan. Connectivity can also occur via (downstream transport to nearshore and deep-marine environ-
transfer of matter or energy between two physically disconnected ments; Blair et al., 2004). Human activities alter regional and
compartments, as when eolian dust eroded from a glacial outwash global carbon dynamics by:
plain is transported long distances and deposited in a river val- (1) changing land cover, slope and soil stability, and con-
ley. Disconnectivity refers to any process or structure that limits nectivity of sediment fluxes from uplands to fresh-
physical contact or transfer between compartments (Wester et al., waters and from freshwaters to coastal environments
2014), such as an alluvial fan that creates sediment disconnectiv- (Stallard, 1998);
ity between a tributary and main-stem river by storing tributary (2) reducing physical complexity of channels and flood-
sediment for periods >103 yr (Harvey, 200). Among the forms plains and lateral connectivity between channels and
of connectivity described in the geomorphic literature within floodplains, and thereby reducing transient to long-term
the past two decades are hydrologic (Bracken et al., 2013), sedi- storage of organic carbon within river corridors (Battin et
ment (Harvey, 1997; Fryirs et al., 2007), geochemical (Michel al., 2008); and
et al., 2000; Anderson et al., 2012), river (Ward, 1997; Jaeger (3) reducing biotic diversity and abundance within river cor-
and Olden, 2012), and biological (Merritt and Wohl, 2002; Erős ridors, which affect storage and outgassing of carbon
et al., 2012). Landscape connectivity describes fluxes between (Aufdenkampe et al., 2011).
individual landforms (Brierley et al., 2006; Tetzlaff et al., 2007). Geomorphic understanding of rates and processes of sedi-
Structural connectivity describes the extent to which individual ment and organic matter transfer across Earth’s surface is central
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 15

Figure 5. Map of relative sediment connectivity in the North St. Vrain Creek (drainage area 345 km2) catchment of Colorado,
United States, using the method of Cavalli et al. (2013). This method employs a geomorphometric index based on average
slope gradient, contributing area, and topographic roughness, here estimated from 10 m digital elevation models, to estimate
sediment connectivity. Red indicates high connectivity, and blue indicates low connectivity. Map courtesy of Scott M. Shah-
verdian and Nicholas A. Sutfin.

Figure 6. Schematic illustration of average annual global fluxes of organic carbon (OC) in petagrams per year (modified
from Aufdenkampe et al., 2011), with sources and storage of organic carbon (in tan boxes) that are a function of diverse
geomorphic processes and forms (italicized font in blue boxes).
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16 Wohl et al.

to mitigating reduced carbon storage in uplands, freshwaters, and ducted in these channels under the impression that the observed
nearshore environments (Stallard, 1998; Sutfin et al., 2016). channel and floodplain geometry and stratigraphy represented
Geomorphic research emphasizing physical-biotic interac- largely natural conditions.
tions, connectivity, and global-scale fluxes inherently involves Although some geomorphic papers published prior to 1960
at least a working knowledge of the current state of understand- discussed the diverse effects of humans on geomorphic process
ing in closely related disciplines and commonly involves close and form (e.g., Marsh, 1864), the number of papers focusing on
collaboration with investigators from other disciplinary back- this topic and the breadth of human alterations considered by
grounds. Collaboration has been fostered by requests for propos- geomorphologists have expanded substantially since 1960 (e.g.,
als that require multidisciplinary research (e.g., the U.S. National Goudie and Viles, 1997; James and Marcus, 2006). This shifting
Science Foundation’s Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human focus accompanies widespread acceptance among the earth sci-
Systems or Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Natural ences community for the Anthropocene (Crutzen and Stoermer,
Disasters programs) and by conferences designed to promote 2000) as a distinct division of geologic history.
communication between disciplines. Climate change is arguably the highest-profile aspect of
contemporary human alteration of Earth. Geomorphic research
Geomorphology in a Societal Context related to climate change has mostly focused on how warming
climate and associated changes in temperature and precipitation
Geomorphic research conducted with explicit reference to regimes will affect geomorphic processes, including: weathering
human societies includes at least two basic aspects: focus on the and soil formation (Goll et al., 2014); hillslope stability (Lu et
effects of past and contemporary human activities on Earth’s sur- al., 2010); river discharge, sediment fluxes, and channel geom-
face, and investigations undertaken in connection with a regula- etry (Eckhardt and Ulbrich, 2003; Rood et al., 2008; Goode et
tory framework such as the Clean Water Act or Endangered Spe- al., 2012); glacial mass balance (Oswood et al., 1992; Ren et al.,
cies Act in the United States, or the Water Framework Directive 2007); desertification and eolian dust fluxes (Greve et al., 2014);
in the European Union. and coastal processes, configuration, and stability (Bernatchez
Humans have been modifying surface processes and forms and Dubois, 2008). Lane (2013) noted the lack of citations of
at least since the use of fire in association with hunting (Pyne, geomorphic work in publications from the Intergovernmental
1997; Hooke, 2000). The development of agriculture, by alter- Panel for Climate Change, despite the increasing ability to pre-
ing natural land cover, modifying topography, and in some cases dict geomorphic futures, quantify landscape responses to climate
modifying fluxes of water and sediment across landscapes, change (Knight and Harrison, 2012; Pelletier et al., 2015), and
intensified human modification of Earth surfaces (Hooke, 1994). to link geomorphic processes to climatically relevant issues such
In many regions, the initiation of agriculture appears in the as carbon dynamics. This likely reflects ignorance among the
stratigraphic record of rivers as an increase in sediment deposi- climate change community of recent research directions within
tion and a change in river geometry (Wohl, 2000). As population geomorphology, as well as a slower rate of explicit engagement
grew and people concentrated in more densely settled regions with issues around climate change and carbon cycles among geo-
with resource-intensive commercial activities, the pace of altera- morphologists than among investigators in other disciplines such
tions of Earth surfaces increased (Hooke et al., 2012). Timber as biogeochemistry.
harvesting, mining, construction of transportation corridors in Geomorphic investigations conducted in the context of a
river networks and on land, land drainage, river engineering, regulatory framework typically involve (1) documenting how
and urbanization all modified progressively larger swathes of human alteration of geomorphic processes and forms has moved
terrestrial and freshwater environments with time, so that geo- natural systems away from desired standards of air or water qual-
morphologists and other natural scientists may be hard-pressed ity (e.g., Baron et al., 2000; Reusser et al., 2015), for example,
to find portions of Earth’s surface not directly affected by human (2) assessing contemporary conditions of surface environments
activities (Wohl, 2013b). with respect to regulatory standards, such as habitat abundance
The presence of contemporary surface alteration is rela- and diversity in rivers (Orr et al., 2008), or (3) developing man-
tively easy to recognize, but historic human activities that are agement plans that will restore geomorphic process and form
no longer present can leave subtle effects that are challenging with the objective of achieving legislated standards or desired
to detect. An example comes from recent work documenting the conditions (Mitsch et al., 2001). As noted earlier, the Clean Water
extensive deposition of sediment along small- to moderate-sized Act and Endangered Species Act drive much of this research in
rivers in the eastern U.S. Mid-Atlantic Piedmont region dur- the United States (NRC, 2007, 2008; Melis, 2011), and the Water
ing the period when most rivers contained numerous milldams Framework Directive exerts a strong influence on river-oriented
(Walter and Merritts, 2008). As these dams were abandoned and studies within the European Union (Newson and Large, 2006;
buried, their effects on streambed sedimentation and subsequent Richter et al., 2013).
river process and form were largely forgotten, to the point that Prime examples of geomorphic research conducted in rela-
some of the classic work on river process and form during the tion to a regulatory framework are the movement to quantify and
1950s (Wolman, 1955; Wolman and Leopold, 1957) was con- implement environmental flows on rivers and the burgeoning
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Earth’s dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology 17

industry of river restoration. Dams and flow diversions have geomorphologists willing to develop hypotheses about surface
severely altered fluxes of water (Vörösmarty et al., 1997; Nilsson process and form in the absence of the ability to visit these sur-
et al., 2005; Graf, 2006; Poff et al., 2007) and sediment (Syvitski faces and directly test interpretations (Mars Channel Working
et al., 2005) on the majority of the world’s rivers. These altera- Group, 1983; Baker, 2015). The number of planets (Mars, Mer-
tions have caused extensive changes in river corridors, including cury, Venus) and moons (Earth’s Moon, Titan) and the variety of
altered channel and floodplain geometry and stability, reduced geomorphic processes—fluvial, eolian, and mass movements—
abundance and diversity of aquatic and riparian habitat, and investigated have grown through time, to the point that plane-
reduced connectivity for diverse riverine species (Poff and Zim- tary geomorphology is now a distinct subdiscipline with its own
merman, 2010). Actions to restore river flows began during the meetings and journals.
1970s with specification of some minimum instream flow needed In particular, the availability of the Mars Orbital Laser
to sustain fish populations (Bovee and Milhous, 1978), expanded Altimeter (MOLA) global digital topographic data set for Mars
with the recognition that a broader range of flows was necessary (Zuber et al., 1992) greatly expanded opportunities for geomor-
to maintain physical diversity of rivers (Andrews and Nanker- phic analyses of Martian landforms. The discovery of compel-
vis, 1995), and are now based on the idea that the entire spec- ling evidence for the role of water in shaping Martian landscapes
trum of the annual hydrograph of a river must be present to some (Baker and Milton, 1974; Baker, 2001) led to substantial prog-
degree (Poff et al., 1997)—either on slightly longer time scales ress in assessing the role of fluid flows and groundwater sapping
than a year or at slightly smaller magnitudes than would occur on carving channels on Mars (Higgins, 1982; Malin and Carr,
naturally—if river ecosystems are to persist in their current forms 1999; Coleman, 2003; Manga, 2004). Discovery of evidence for
(Tharme, 2003; Arthington et al., 2006; Shafroth et al., 2010). an ancient delta with meandering river channels at Eberswald
The ability to quantify the magnitude, timing, and duration crater (Malin and Edgett, 2003) brought significant attention to
of environmental flows needed to achieve desired effects relies ancient fluvial processes on Mars. The role of early fluvial activ-
on geomorphic understanding of sediment processes and physi- ity in carving Martian valley networks and forming large alluvial
cal dynamics of river corridors, as well as on ecological under- fans has also received much attention (e.g., Howard et al., 2005;
standing of aquatic and riparian organisms (Yarnell et al., 2010). Moore and Howard, 2005). Readily accessible MOLA data
River management programs for the Colorado River in Grand enabled analyses of slope stability (Schultz, 2002) and discovery
Canyon (Rubin et al., 1998; Wiele et al., 2007; Melis, 2011), the of what has been interpreted as the largest landslide in the solar
Middle Sacramento River in California (Golet et al., 2013), or system (Montgomery et al., 2009). The more recent focus on evi-
Europe’s Danube River (Bloesch and Sieber, 2003) provide high- dence for glacial activity and recognition of the influence of “salt
profile examples of this form of geomorphology in a societal tectonics” on development of Martian sinkholes (Adams et al.,
context. Specific flow magnitudes that create desired ecological 2009) further expanded the range of geomorphic studies on Mars.
effects are also designated functional flows and are evaluated Advances in understanding the role of wind in shaping Martian
based on hydraulic forces associated with a discharge magnitude landforms (e.g., Armstrong and Leovy, 2005; Balme et al., 2008)
(Escobar-Arias and Pasternack, 2010). have focused on the dominant geomorphic process active today
Environmental flows are part of a broader effort to restore on Mars. High-resolution images of the Martian surface allowed
environments that are regarded as physically and ecologically recognition of wind-carved, periodic, flow-transverse bedrock
degraded. A substantial part of environmental restoration is ridges (Montgomery et al., 2012). Over the past several decades,
focused on river restoration, which is now a multibillion-dollar planetary geomorphology has progressed to the point of develop-
industry with thousands of individual restoration projects in North ing distinct subdisciplines of hillslope, fluvial, glacial, and eolian
America, Europe, and other regions (McDonald et al., 2004; environments and processes. One of the unique contributions of
Bernhardt et al., 2005). Although river restoration was initially planetary geomorphology has been to trigger geomorphologists
implemented mainly by civil engineers and ecologists, geomor- to search for terrestrial features better displayed on other plan-
phologists have taken an increasingly active role in emphasizing etary surfaces (Sharp, 1980).
the importance of: water and sediment as dominant independent
variables; processes that maintain river form, habitat, and eco- Tension within Geomorphology
logical function; and spatial and temporal hierarchical scales in
understanding adjustments between river process and form (e.g., By the end of the twentieth century, the tension that arguably
Schmidt et al., 1998; Brooks et al., 2006; Schmidt and Wilcock, has been present within geomorphology since at least 1960 was
2008; Abbe and Brooks, 2011; Kondolf, 2011; Smith et al., 2011; reflected in subsets of the geomorphic research community divid-
Wohl et al., 2015a, 2015b). ing their efforts between distinct professional conferences and
journals (Baker, 1988). At a simplified level, this division within
Other Planets the discipline can be described as being between those who
emphasize reductionist quantification of geomorphic process and
The advent of abundant remotely sensed images of other form on the basis of underlying principles of physics versus those
planets ca. 1972 proved to be an irresistible opportunity for who emphasize the role of place-specific history, which Brierley
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18 Wohl et al.

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Geological Society of America Special Papers Online First

Earth's dynamic surface: A perspective on the past 50 years in geomorphology
Ellen Wohl, Paul R. Bierman and David R. Montgomery

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