Transpo Quiz Group12

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Republic of the Philippines


Morong, Rizal

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
1st Semester, School Year 2023-2024


40-item Quiz
I. True or False
1. Transport security is a critical aspect of ensuring the safe and efficient movement of
passengers and cargo across various modes of transportation, including air, land, sea, and rail.
2. To establish effective transport security, it's essential to address multiple dimensions
and implement various measures to safeguard the integrity of passengers, cargo, routes, and
information systems managing the transport chain.
3. Information technology does not play a vital role in managing transportation systems.
4. Ensuring the safety and security of passengers and cargo is paramount.
5. Maintaining the security of transportation routes is crucial to prevent disruptions and
attacks. This includes securing critical infrastructure like roads, bridges, railways, ports, and
6. Hurricanes, storms, floods, and extreme temperatures are potential threats to transport
7. Acts of violence, conflicts, terrorism, and piracy does not affect transport security.
8. Parking spaces are usually provided close to the highway interchange and expressway
where drivers can park and ride public transportation like buses and transit services.
9. Protecting information systems is essential to prevent cyberattacks, data breaches, and
disruptions to the transport chain. This also includes safeguarding passenger information and
cargo tracking systems.
10. It is a must to comply with national and international regulations and standards for
transport security.

II. Multiple Choice

1. This is in full or in partial ownership of transportation modes (e.g. public transit) or assets
(e.g. roads) and bridges.

a. Public Ownership
b. Subsidies & Taxation
c. Regulatory Control
d. Research & Development
2. This is where the funding for transport infrastructure and mode comes from.

a. Public Ownership
b. Subsidies & Taxation
c. Regulatory Control
d. Research & Development

3. In this policy instrument, the technical, economic, and environmental performance in the
transport sector is improved by funding research.

a. Public Ownership
b. Subsidies & Taxation
c. Regulatory Control
d. Research & Development

4. This policy instrument are the standards such as certification, working conditions,
compensation, and benefits in the transport sector.

a. Public Ownership
b. Labor Regulations
c. Regulatory Control
d. Research & Development

5. This refers to the technical standards for transport modes and assets.

a. Public Ownership
b. Labor Regulations
c. Regulatory Control
d. Research & Development

6. These are the operational standards for transport modes and assets, such as speed and
weight limits.

a. Safety & Standards

b. Labor Regulations
c. Regulatory Control
d. Research & Development

7. The transitional character of logistics requires the consideration of trade and

transactions as a policy issue.

a. Transnational Actors
b. Transportation Policy
c. Cross-sectional Issues
d. Cross-jurisdictional Issues
8. The cross-sectional characteristics of logistics require new information and knowledge to
support public policy.

a. Transnational Actors
b. Transportation Policy
c. Cross-sectional Issues
d. Cross-jurisdictional Issues

9. The cross-jurisdiction characteristics of logistics require new realms of engagement and

intervention of public policy.

a. Transnational Actors
b. Transportation Policy
c. Cross-sectional Issues
d. Cross-jurisdictional Issues

10. Deals with developing a set of constructs and propositions that are established to
achieved specific objectives relating to social, economic, and environmental conditions,
and the functioning and performance of the transport system.

a. Transnational Actors
b. Transportation Policy
c. Cross-sectional Issues
d. Cross-jurisdictional Issues

III. Identification
1. This refers to a system of design and management strategies that aim to balance traffic
on streets with other uses. Traffic calming
2. This refers to a variety of schedule options that provide an alternative to the standard
workweek. Alternative work schedule
3. This refers to a type of car rental. This is designed to be convenient for people who want
to rent cars for short periods of time (a few hours) and only pay for their usage. Car sharing
4. This is also known as the ‘car-free zones’ where areas of a city or town are reserved for
pedestrians only and in which most or all automobile traffic may be prohibited. Pedestrian
5. This mode of transport uses minimal fossil fuels and is a pollution-free. It also conserves
roadway and residential space, thereby providing opportunities for less concrete and more
plant life in urban areas. It also reduces the need to build, service and dispose of cars.
Bicycle riding
6. A __________________ lane (also known as an HOV lane, carpool lane, diamond lane,
2+ lane, and transit lane or T2 or T3 lanes) is a restricted traffic lane reserved for the
exclusive use of vehicles with a driver and two or more passengers, including carpools,
vanpools, and transit buses. High-occupancy vehicle lane
7. A __________________ are usually provided close to the highway interchange and
expressway where drivers can park and ride public transportation like buses and transit
services. Parking space
8. This means a project contained in the transportation plan of the state, a regional
transportation planning organization, city, county, or eligible jurisdiction. Improving public
9. In this model, transportation infrastructure and services are owned and operated by the
government or public entities at various levels (local, regional, or national).
10. _________ _________ in transportation includes airlines, shipping companies, trucking
companies, ridesharing services (e.g., Uber and Lyft), and private toll road operators.

IV. Enumeration
1-8. (2 points each) Enumerate the trends that had significant consequences in which the
implementation of Transport Policy took place.

9-10. (1 point each) Enumerate 2 of the four committees involved in the Transport Planning
I. True or False
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True
II. Multiple Choice
1. a. Public Ownership
2. b. Subsidies & Taxation
3. d. Research & Development
4. b. Labor Regulations
5. c. Regulatory Control
6. a. Safety & Standards
7. a. Transnational Actors
8. c. Cross-sectional Issues
9. d. Cross-jurisdictional Issues
10. b. Transportation Policy

III. Identification
1. Traffic calming
2. Alternative work Schedule
3. Car sharing
4. Pedestrian zones
5. Bicycle riding
6. High-occupancy vehicle lane
7. Parking space
8. Improving public transport
9. Public ownership
10. Private ownership
IV. Enumeration
1-8. (1) Globalization
(2) Deregulation & (3) Privatization
(4) A Broader Focus of Policies
9-10. Policy Committee
Technical Committee
Citizen's Advisory Committee
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

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