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Janelle Allison V.

Virtusio February 22, 2021



1. What is an expanded definition?

Expanded definition or extended definition is a type of technical definition that is
used when a term needs to be explained thoroughly by giving details or to be defined in a
certain context or situation. It may be a few sentence or several pages long
2. How do you write an expanded definition?
You write an expanded definition by elaborating the topic. You give details about
it like giving its description or by citing examples. You explain the topic in a way that
everyone would understand, in a way that you expand or broaden its technical definition.
3. Where do we usually we use an expanded definition?
We usually use an expanded definition in academic papers like book reviews,
research papers, essays, movie analysis, reports, critique papers, and others.
4. Why is the knowledge of writing expanded definition useful?
The knowledge of writing expanded definition is useful because it helps us to
clearly explain a certain word or topic that we want others to understand. By using this,
we are given the chance to explain what we wanted to tell or clarify.
5. How is an expanded definition different from the usual definition of a word?
Expanded definition does not just give a sentence or concrete explanation like the
usual definition of a word. Expanded definition gives the background or details of a
particular term or topic, making it more understandable for everyone.

1. What are some approaches to making expanded definitions?
Using visual aids, giving the history of the word or term, and comparing and
contrasting ideas are some of the approaches to making expanded definitions.
2. How do visual aids help in making an expanded definition?
Visual aids makes a concept or process much easier to understand. It is also an
advantage for those visual learners because they learn better when something is
illustrated or being demonstrated. Some examples of visual aids are graphs, drawings,
charts, diagrams, and pictures.
3. Why do we sometimes need to include the origin of a word in making an expanded
We sometimes include the origin of a word because it can explain clearly the
definition of the word itself. Some origins are exactly the literal meaning of the word. By
just knowing its origin, some people can quickly understand the idea or definition of a
4. What does it mean to compare and contrast?
Compare and contrast means that you are finding the differences or similarities
between certain topics or ideas.
5. Which among the three do you think is the most effective approach? Why?
In my own opinion, using visual aids is the most effective approach because it is
easier to understand than the two approaches. Visual aids can be used to people with
small capacity of thinking like kids and elderlies. They can understand a certain topic or
term in a short period of time unlike in the origin and compare and contrast because it
requires them time and critical thinking and understanding until they can fully understand
the topic or term.

1. How does providing examples help expand the definition of a word?
Providing examples help elaborate a concept, it gives the readers a concrete idea
about a certain topic and meaning of a term or word.
2. How do you use the “cause and effect” approach?
You use the “cause and effect” approach by giving the causes and effects of a
term that refers to an event. Using this approach will answer the questions “Why did it
occur?” and “What are its effects?”
3. Among the approaches discussed in this lesson, which approach do you think best suits
defining scientific terms?
In my own opinion, giving an analogy best suits defining scientific terms because
its gives the readers a concept that is both related to the topic and is familiar to them.
With this they can have their comparisons between the unfamiliar and the familiar
concept using its similarities.
4. Choose one concept and define it by stating its function.
A pen is an instrument for writing or drawing with ink. It releases ink once it has
a contact with a surface like paper. It helps you list important things that you need to
remember, draw random things, and many more.
5. What is the approach is used in the definition below? Explain.
Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth. They have long trunks, floppy ears,
and four wide and thick legs.
The approach used is “providing descriptions.” It gives extensive details by
describing the physical characteristic of the subject in order to expand its definition.


Define the following terms using different approaches or a combination of approaches to

writing definitions.
1. global warming
Global warming is the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's
atmosphere. It is the long-term heating of the Earth’s climate. It is sometimes mistaken as
climate change which is the long-term change in the average weather patterns of the
Earth. Global warming is due to the increased levels of pollutants and greenhouse gases
such as carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and others. It causes extreme
weather events, ice melts, the worsening of disasters, and many more related to the
temperature rise of the Earth’s surface.
2. satellite
Satellite is an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth, the moon, or the
other planets. It is a machine usually made of aluminum. It can send us data regarding to
the temperature, weather, wind speed, and others relating to meteorological data, it can
also send us signals that we use for communication such as the signals for television,
mobile phone, radio, etc., and it is also the one behind the photographs and videos of our
planet and other things located in space. It is like a giant gun that releases bullets or
information down to its target, Earth.
3. cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular or circulatory system refers to the heart, blood, and blood vessels
that permits blood circulation and the transport of nutrients. Cardiovascular system is
responsible for the transport of blood, oxygen, and nutrients in our body, regulation our
body temperature, maintaining our fluid balance, and clotting of open wounds.
Cardiovascular system can be referred to as a busy city inside our body wherein the heart
is the terminal which releases and receives the vehicles referred to as blood that carry and
delivers nutrients in our entire body using the road called blood vessels. When this busy
city stop, that is when our life will end.
4. leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira that
affects both humans and animals. Humans get infected by leptospirosis when an open
wound or cut is exposed to a substance like flood contaminated with urine of an animal
such as rat. Humans infected with this may experience high fever, severe headache,
muscle pain, chills, redness of the eyes, abdominal pain, jaundice, haemorrhages,
vomiting, diarrhoea, and rash.
5. aircraft
Aircraft is a vehicle that is capable to fly by gaining support from the air.
Airplanes, helicopter, airships, gliders, paramotors, and hot air balloon are some of its
examples. It is used for transportation in the air. Some uses it for travelling, cargo
delivery, military use, and many more.

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