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Pre-requisites- for this subject only those faculty will teach these courses who had done
the FDP for these courses.

Course Objectives:

1. To help the students to understand the importance and types of relationship with
2. To develop the competence to think about the conceptual framework of undivided
society as well as universal human order.
3. To help the students to develop the exposure for transition from current state to the undivided
society and universal human order.
Course Methodology:

1. The methodology of this course is exploration and thus universally adaptable. It involves a
systematic and rational study of the human being vis-à-vis the rest of existence.
2. It is free from any dogma or set of do’s and don’ts related to values.
3. It is a process of self-investigation and self-exploration, and not of giving sermons.
Whatever is found as truth or reality is stated as a proposal and the students are facilitated
and encouraged to verify it in their own right, based on their Natural Acceptance and
subsequent Experiential Validation.
4. This process of self-exploration takes the form of a dialogue between the teacher and the
students to begin with, and then to continue within the student leading to continuous self-
5. This self-exploration also enables them to critically evaluate their pre- conditionings
and present beliefs.

Unit Topics Lectures

I Introduction to the course: Basic aspiration of a Human Being and program 8
for its fulfilment, Need for family and relationship for a Human Being, Human-
relationship and role of work in its fulfilment, Comprehensive Human Goal,
Need for Undivided Society, Need for Universal Human Order, an appraisal of
the Current State, Appraisal of Efforts in this Direction in Human History.
II Understanding Human-Human Relationship & its fulfilment: Recognition 8
of Human-Human Relationship, Recognition of feelings in relationship,
Established Values and Expressed Values in Relationship, interrelatedness of
feelings and their fulfilment, Expression of feelings, Types of relationship and
their purpose, mutual evaluation in relationship, Meaning of justice in
relationship, Justice leading to culture, civilization and Human Conduct.
III Justice from family to world family order: Undivided Society as continuity 8
and expanse of Justice in behaviour – family to world family order, continuity of
culture and civilization, Universal Order on the basis of Undivided Society,
Conceptual Framework for Universal human order, Universal Human Order as
continuity and expanse of order in living: from family order to world family
order, a conceptual framework for universal human order.
Open Elective II 2021-22 K series (VII Semester) Page 8
IV Program for Ensuring Undivided Society and Universal Human Order: 8
Education –Sanskar, Health –Sanyam, Production-work, Exchange – storage,
V Human Tradition: Scope and Steps of Universal Human Order, Human 8
Tradition ( Ex. Family order to world family order), Steps for transition from the
current state, Possibilities of participation of students in this direction, Present
efforts in this direction, Sum up.

Text books:

1. A Foundation Course in Human Values and Profession Ethics (Text Book and Teachers’ Manual),
R. R. Gaur, R. Asthana, G. P. Bagaria (2010), Excel Books, New Delhi.
2. Avartansheel Arthshastra, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India.
3. An Appeal by the Dalai Lama to the World: Ethics Are More Important Than Religion, Dalai Lama
XIV, 2015.
4. Economy of Permanence – (a quest for social order based on non-violence), J. C. Kumarappa
(2010), Sarva-Seva-Sangh-Prakashan, Varansi, India.
1. Energy and Equity, Ivan Illich (1974), The Trinity Press, Worcester & Harper Collins, USA.
2. Human Society, Kingsley Davis, 1949.
3. Hind Swaraj or, Indian home rule Mohandas K. Gandhi, 1909.
4. Integral Humanism, Deendayal Upadhyaya, 1965.
5. Lohiya Ke Vichar, Lok Bharti , Rammanohar Lohiya, 2008.
6. Manav Vyavahar Darshan, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India.
7. Manaviya Sanvidhan, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India
8. Samadhanatmak Bhautikvad, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India
9. Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered, E. F. Schumacher,1973, Blond &
Briggs, UK.
10. Slow is Beautiful, Cecile Andrews ( Beautiful)
11. Sociology Themes and Perspectives, Harper Collins; EIGHT edition (2014), Martin Holborn and
Peter Langley, 1980.
12. Samagra kranti: Jaya Prakash Narayan's philosophy of social change, Siddharth Publications Renu
Sinha, 1996.
13. Science & Humanism – towards a unified worldview, P. L. Dhar & R. R. Gaur (1990),
Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi
14. Vyavaharvadi Samajshastra, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India.
15. Vyavahatmak Janvad, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India.
16. The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, 1848.
17. Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World's Religions Can Come Together Dalai Lama XIV,
Reference Videos.
1. Kin school (30 minutes)
2. Technology (Solar City etc.).
3. Natural Farming.
4. Economics of Happiness (1h 8m).

Open Elective II 2021-22 K series (VII Semester) Page 9

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