Sample Report Schlumberger MWD-LWD Tool

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Summary :
Reviewed inspection report, maintenance, ring gauge report, torque chart report, testing report-OST, verify serial
number & visually check of MWD / LWD tools.

Equipment Description:

1 Set Xceed, SN: 393

1 Set ARC6, SN: 1814,

1 Set Telescope 6, SN: A 0322

1 Set Power drive 6, SN: 71172,


 Visit to Schlumberger D & M Facilities in Cilandak & Cikarang to verify MWD / LWD tools for Premier Oil
– Anoa West-1 - Natuna Project :

 Reviewed inspection reports – Acceptable

 Reviewed OST / calibration report - Acceptable

 Reviewed maintenance report – Acceptable

 Make up connection chart - Acceptable

 Ring gauge report – Acceptable

 Build up tool sheet – Acceptable

 Reviewed torque chart – Acceptable

 Verified serial number and physically check above tools - Acceptable:

 Endorsed document

02 May, 2015:

QAQC F001.FP FZE Supplier Visit Report 044E Rev 001

2013 Uncontrolled copy when printed. Page 1 of 3
Reviewed inspection report, maintenance report, build up tool, ring gauge report, verified &
physically check 1 Set Xceed, SN: 393 - Acceptable

20 May 2015
Visit to Schlumberger DnM Facilities in Cikarang - Bekasi to meet Gatot as Engineer in charge short discuss
regarding D&M tools preparation for Premier Oil - Anoa West-1 - Natuna Project: Reviewed inspection reports,
maintenance report, testing report, Build up tool, OST, Make up torque chart, verified and physically check 1 set
of ARC6, 1 set Telescope6 and 1 Set Power drive 6

Set of ARC6, SN: 1814, 5 1/2 FH Box x 4 1/2 IF Box connection : Reviewed Inspection report, Maintenance /
assembly report, make up torque report, OST, verified / physically check - Acceptable

Set of Telescope 6, SN: A 0322, 5 1/2 FH Box X Box connection : Reviewed Inspection report, Maintenance /
assemble report, make up torque report, OST, verified / physically check - Acceptable

QAQC F001.FP FZE Supplier Visit Report 044E Rev 001

2013 Uncontrolled copy when printed. Page 2 of 3
1 Set of Power Drive 6, SN: 71172, 5 1/2 FH Box X 4 1/2 REG Box connection: Reviewed Inspection report,
Maintenance / build up report, make up report chart, OST verified / physically check – Acceptable


Inspection tahap I

1) Tahap I Report ini hanya document Review.

2) Visual thread inspection.
3) Make-up connection

Inspection tahap II
1) Tahap II tergantung permintaan = Monitor disassemble process or not
2) Witness NDE Inspection – Yes
3) Assemble process – Tergantung permintaan Client
4) Tools Testing process / calibration - Yes monitored

Inspection tahap III

Monitored all process:
 Disassemble tools
 Inspection process depend what standard SOW ( API, DS-1 NS2, etc)
 Tools Assemble process
 Monitored Testing process (Tool Calibration, Hydrotest, Function test,etc)
 Monitored Loading process – depend SOW = scope of work

QAQC F001.FP FZE Supplier Visit Report 044E Rev 001

2013 Uncontrolled copy when printed. Page 3 of 3

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