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Janelle Allison V.

Virtusio March 30, 2021

X – St. Joseph


1. What is the topic of the study? Was it clearly explained?

The study is all about how journal writing affects stress and anxiety particularly on Grade
9 students. The topic was clearly explained. In the introduction, the readers were given the
background of the topic, the researcher further discussed it through their discussion, results and
conclusion that that was connected to their methodology. They made the study transparent to the
point where the thoughts of the readers were entertained and their questions are answered.

2. What is the research approach utilized in the study?

They made use of quantitative approach. Through their methodologies, they conducted an
experiment wherein they invited students to participate. It is for the purpose of proving
something by showing the readers a realistic example. They proved that the findings of the past
studies were similar to their findings. They made the previous findings stronger.

3. What are the research questions? Are they promptly and substantially answered?
The research questions are the following:
 Is there a significant relationship between journal writing and decreasing stress and
anxiety among students?
 How did journal writing benefit the students?
The questions were promptly and substantially answered throughout the study, they gave
answers in every part of their study starting from the methodology until the conclusion. They left
no gap in their study.

4. What features of a research report are present in the study?

The features present in the study are:
 Research report posits a research question
The research questions are “Is there a significant relationship between journal
writing and decreasing stress and anxiety among students?” and “How did journal writing
benefit the students?”
 Research report is analytical
They rely on the previous studies and also proved what the previous studies
proved through their methodology, they made the findings stronger.
 Research report always has a thesis statement
“Effects of Regular Journal Writing on Stress and Anxiety” is their thesis
 Research report uses formal language
They made use of formal languange and never used slang throughout the study.
 Research report includes sources of information relevant to the topic
They rely on previous studies and acknowledge them in their reference list or

5. Did the research report follow the required structure?

They all have the 9 parts that every study is required to have. Their study presented the
Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Reference,
and Appendix in a way that it will help the readers clearly understand what is being studied.

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