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Kincumber High School


Stage 5 (Year 10) Geography 2021

Name of Excursion: Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Day at Terrigal/Wamberal Beach

Payment Reference: Year 10 Geography Fieldwork Day
Date of Excursion: Thursday 18th February, 2021
Purpose of Excursion: Mandatory Stage 5 Geography Fieldwork

Description of Excursion:
The Stage 5 Geography Course requires students to undertake compulsory fieldwork
experience and this excursion facilitates this requirement. Students will examine a variety of
coastal environmental changes and management issues along the Terrigal and Wamberal
coastline. The excursion is facilitated by teaching staff and educators from Rumbalara
Environmental Education Centre. This excursion is explicitly connected to course content found
within the Environmental Management and Change Topic.

Excursion Details:

Location: Terrigal Skillion, The Ruins (Wamberal Beach Foredune, not in the water), Terrigal
Town Centre. No swimming will occur.

Other Teachers Attending: Hopkins,

Teacher in charge: Mr Waters
Langston, Barron, Robertson, Sadler, Crowe

Classes involved: All Year 10 classes Transport: Bus (Red Bus)

Cost: $10 Date to be paid by: Tuesday February 16

Time leaving: 8:50am Time returning: 2:15pm

Leaving from: Kincumber High School Returning to: Kincumber High School

Clothing: School Uniform is NOT required but sensible outdoor clothes are required. A hat,
fully enclosed shoes and sunscreen are also necessary.

What to bring/equipment: Backpack, clipboard, pencil, pen and water bottle. Students have
the option to either bring lunch or money to buy lunch from the Terrigal town centre.

Safety Considerations: We will be outdoors all day so sunscreen and insect repellent are
recommended. This excursion involves undertaking activities that might be considered to
contain an element of danger to students. These dangers include being near bodies of water,
crossing roads and walking on uneven surfaces. If students listen to the instructions given to
them by teachers and staff from Rumbalara Environmental Education, there is very minimal
risk of injury.
1. All students are expected to co-operate fully with school personnel, supervisors,
members of the public and others who may be involved in excursion delivery.
2. Students are responsible for taking precautions to reduce risks from sun exposure. This
includes, but is not limited to, appropriate clothing, a hat and sunscreen.
3. Every attempt will be made to contact parents in the case of accident and illness but
students attend excursions on the understanding that emergency medical help will be
sought if required.
In the event of Lockdown/Lockout/Evacuation

• Students will be taken to the nearest local public school.

• Parents will then be notified by the teacher in charge and via SMS from KHS
• If a person other than the parent/caregiver is picking up the student they will need to
have written permission from the parent/caregiver.


• Students will be evacuated to the nearest ‘safe place’ as directed by the NSW RFS
• Parents will then be contacted by the teacher in charge and via SMS from KHS


• If this excursion involves students participating in water based activities could you
make sure that you fill in the appropriate section on the permission note.


• If students are travelling by private vehicles to and from this excursion, a separate
permission note must be completed by drivers and passengers.

I have read the information about the visit to Terrigal and Wamberal Beach on Thursday 18th
February and hereby give permission for my son/daughter [name]
____________________________ of Year 10 to attend this. I understand that my son/daughter
will be travelling from Kincumber High School by bus and walking along the beach dunes and
grassed areas of Terrigal/Wamberal as well as visiting Terrigal Town Centre, whilst being
escorted by teachers.

The following medical conditions need to be managed for the participation of my son/daughter.

£ Permission to be photographed (School Newsletter/Website/Facebook only)

Signed (Parent/Caregiver): _____________________________ Date: __________

Parent/Caregiver’s Emergency Contact No: _____________________________________

£ I understand that there may be times during the lunch break (e.g. when purchasing lunch)
that students may not be in the direct line of sight of teachers

£ Yes I have read and understood the Emergency Management Plan (see above)

Please return this Parent Consent Form to your Geography teacher or the HSIE
staffroom by Tuesday 16th February, 2021.

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