ACN Unit 1 Notes - Final

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1D TP addres 16 A Qururc Tdendijier vised + > erat dant the Connasrion a ec. Auviee 40 the internet 2). T+ enables - Compuba 45 Communica each Ofna in the _natuderk. 3) | Ae tive adds is 32 bix —ahat aa) identifies the Connection. | eo host +o the internet 4) the TP addws is the addww etre Connashen , pot The hes becaut | ijt dav 1s mous to noth Quduerk , the TP addr may | toe. Cheng: pee ig » | A protecd Like TAV4 that dalyna addveyes hod on addvey spac” 2) | An oddvey Space 15 the total _nurnber o} addy —Ukd Fa the | Protocol 3) Tha provat uae bis te dune san adden ~ Speua- } the odd¥e Space 15. DP loeccite each bit can home i tos dul een Vols Co at) A) Levy uses! 32 bir _addvesd | hich ; mand shak the dele Spat 15 gen. ta Wenn t ~~) x\ Wane Wee no Vedado , fen: more then 4 billion duwied Could be Connedtd 4p he internat Notation SD Thi te thre Gomme netahers fp Shoo Lvs addven a) Binary) notation (bode 2) bd. DorcA -Dedimal Merechon bax 260) O. Heradssrnal Notation Coa lO 1 2) Tn binary Notation , on Pv, addeow 16 displayed ay 32 bith 3) To ennke added. move Veadable , one or More - Spaed De Ud needa berwan cath # @ bits: hich 16 Yq4pred ads byte = To. eae the DPV addr» Mor -Compac onl earie forread, i+ 1S r : @ ba Udvitien 10 decimal form cath a dacimal point Cdot) Separety the bhie. Each numbe in dotted deamal Notation is betiten Goankies O and IS. i Hemadseimel Notation ~ Sometime ‘TP v4 addres 1S. tepredendeal in | Bemaclecimal Notation Each Ukmadecinnol digi iS consult 40 Gb The mend a 22bit addrey hed @ haxcdiamel digs: L\I5'2 6 | This’ potadion 1S ote Oded Ln nadiort, irae 11000 00 + lololoes - oacceee -o0esen : \9u_- 168. 0+ Co: AG: 0 0] Je) Une Mere but — divided 3 \te two parts Th |p fart of the addrow Catal Pf tha afin [ the nator, Cat the Suffn athek- dafing sth Node = eee ee [Peqin | Shine [<—nbo Btn ——a =I = “Defines Connection fo the node- A prfin Can be fire th © Variable length The nadwors idantifjer in my we fpr dadignel 29 fou | i ® sLinath Fen this Scheme colnich 16 now sabre ys ces oot a class|ul _addsseni a - 6)| The ned Scheme, cidich iS aay 4o ar Clanslery mien Cahith UG a Naricble, Langith —nubarrt, prdpe Classjut Addrenng BB, shies sbies gb a Class] Preps For byte classa fo pean | Subba A | n= bin 40129 be ass 8 [fo Prd | Sum | nelokis | 122 belt = N=27abib | [s240223 dass ¢ [Ilo Prepin [Sebi D ere Coss D |e Huaihtont- addvemd i} Not applicable 240 255 das [ii Rewud fe jure oe | DvD — han the intent Started an TVs adden Jo chabjopadl cot oJ fond vth Paefiny ~ UY) Buk? accommo: both Smal and nakoovs , thre jim Prefs coe argnid naked ef one. (n=, n=lk anl 224) 3) Tho whole» addres Space wos duvided into fae ewe Calon 4, ®, cD ond €) 4) This Sdume iS teense) fo ad Clawlul ele 2 dow f= tn clay A, the shiek lenath iS 9 bibs. 2) Bub Sine the pat bit which 1s 0, defins the Claw) thaw oe Sits F bib od rutuok identifier i 32. Thi/ rans thee cr only 27 = 129 nebwora in the word thet Can hae a Che A addvey hy Clas B = 0. Th daw B., the network \enath is bb ba» . | 2) but Sinw te fpr 4wo bi Ghich ane (lo), , that “definethe das 3) The are only 14 bib as nie ielntiye abich means thee Eton nubdets Med in the orld thet hee Claw COB addr Ow ony: | | Us Clee = Th dec, ‘the natuseds. slept i524 bib ay Pe bute the por three bins ahichonl Uo), =, dha defins the | Clan). a | 9). Thue oe only 2} bith that oe avatable; as nied — ~ dank free + 4) This oreans thar fare go! =2,09918e fetworg BA jn the. uderd 4 Yhok Can hae & Alo Li addres AD Clewed = D The flow cn 56rd llidad tne Pr od Sufbrn | 1) T+ Stat with [lo | 3) DS uted for mubticert addres OD Claw =D The Clay € addy Stat edith LU sn bine 2) Ca Eis not clwided in to Pref and said “ Lymitatony 9 — Adaxes Depletion : t) The Yeoren That Clanfp nt hoy become obSolatir 1s addres - dupleben: © * 2 [sath dicta clei pa 7 The jntteuk” U3 | fated coith te paola ofthe cadet ne of 3) Thu) thee wee? No ccldreved -arutabe [rx ory Radiory ancl indittduals dhak nedid fp conniob The internt us 4) W ureloatand She pmblm, Let us Conridn Clan tris Clan can —— = = be arngud cto only 128 oxganirattion in th World, 5) | But each ‘or * neds 48° howe a Singe. Mader with Lope, ue empties “iA Single Netware 6) Since the nay be only a he organiaties that waa tl a most o}, the addres in ths. au) Uda Wodted . 3) Clem & addr) rere ded: Jr roid Sie = but | ee of, the addrens in this _clew also Yemain Zr 9, Clove, the number 0 odd) that can be tdd In ech fatwork eyed Sofrnall C2se) hak mest ie aaacit Wen Nor Comlertabe caith it: * : Advantages ze Clawpl sees DY | Ta Clanjul’ addred ax cain eaasl ii the levy) the. _caclebrexs 2) | PA ets refine engin es Clo» - SS |p > tbde con ji the papi seg erodes ~ |) ClasSlex Addelsen)in 1). Zn ode. Fo Bul The pablem 0} added dapletion , a Scleation is pombdsd to Chong the, distnbatim oe], addvenid fe aaa rave te Shei cohids iS Caled — clergy fila ZL) to claw addveni Variable. Sanath bled ae - tae mt) b de ne Aas 2) con be a bleck of baddw , 2 cddwnes, 4 addrew, onl Sa» Soon. 4) st Clanles addrewing , The whole adedven spa is divicld ino Vomiuble uanath ble 3B) The prefian Yoon aacldeed fined the block Crutoert?. ond the Supe ins the ode Cobviad 2) theses rds for Funes ica ibook +} ee ae ee 2) pn one. can be genta wone block 2} acklrey Ee i Bas Becki P =r = ~ Blode | Broder Bloat Block Can-D Qik mm | | t : | Adklrrs Sprce- “ @ “The Pr laren in Clay naar 1S Variabe that Yay . fem 0.03. th 3) | The Gre of the Matderk is son proportioned fo the lemth rates prepa = fo) | AL Smelt pry man 4 laygee nator archcoo loupe pn Mow a Smaller nebderk: : Silos Notation | Thee 1S a aywhm in Cenby addvexiny tat how to fina the if ine 1) an addres 19 given d eo) | Th lenatin 4, Prepin 6 - Seporst quinn the adinen by Sleah 3) | Tha” potedtrbhl % BIS Beferredl ad Slash — notation alao Goud 2 + ClerdWd_interelomain wae rn CTpR. CCl) Yee [ [oe [Tere oe VT | | ¥ Prehrx length 4. Ir Fb 8/8 t 23° A> 6792 [> t L2Q0 -8.Ih 255/25 } | a : on form on Adres : 1) | Given added inte blak, the is a med 4 find” Tre” [prtecsiny ©) inhermation aloout the Iolock de hich the -addva bekrgt ne oo addr) : The lpar added in thebleck. 13) The dost addres @ Sine. the Valuce} Prefin $8, 1S given, the infermedion Con be find or Fb in oi een) i) Prebin Solbira nina. emma oo eee Prov adelsed —— Numbee, adda = N22 BS Shown inhig, 2 9)._The: number), cddvend in the» block 18 fou! 3 NED b) To pprd the: bet addra keep the 9 hftrat bits anl Set the (32-0) vightmar bis alt at-os_ ©) Fo pink te —clawr saclay , Kasy the A lefyrmm bid. ond Set the (32-n) rightmnat by a fo Ls. zt E5- Adres aiuen » 167-193- [o ae D The neimbee of ccldveng,' = 2. D Tha tat adc Can a = fos? 29 bits and a Pe wet 6), the biv oo f = Addu =~ 167+ [99-1F0-92/24 = loloolh \oealt\ Jolelbele ololoole fut eld = 169-198 \Fo - 64/23 = lolooltl Noel) _Ioletole oe] ® 09000 13) The lank add Can be polls pny ‘the pion La big and reser YWh=o]- the bil“ to Is dba 2 167 199 8219+ = foleoltl Wooelll Jelolele alo levle Laredd= 1-6) 190:9S]2~ = Jolelll oat) Joklolo alo LL Nexans Addy Translation Translation (NATD VY) Te occa the THERE oe plobeh Coble) 10 adda 1S ned D |The Tdan 0}, NA) iS to also’ mubhipe cluwies fo action intern dough 9 Sele pulbc addres D |) Fo achiee ha, translation °\ Pav. TP odd pa Public TP oddwv 15 Teayrird 4) | Neko Adds Translatim isa prow in wWheh one or Moe Wocoh TP odds iS thrandlabd inte One ov move gjebat ae odd and Vice Veda Moda Provide Tayunt | ate fe local Bests 5) ThONAT allows a Site te UK a Seto) privat, addres |w Inveceh — Commnunitatin and a Set Oo}, -glebal Sate addr) * Cat xrtone) sy Communicstrn on | ntunt: QO The Sie mut hove “C1. One Conmutin qo the, cholaak inten Aresaunie a NAT— cee Ch owt. The runs NAT Shwe 5 + WSL x J0°| Pood s-8 2h J fam Site. a) Private Adetsess 9) | AS Shown in ana the privale Network Wd privet adder) S) | The Youle “that Connect the network fe the global addres “vam om grunt adden and ere global advan 3) The Prva Netwink 1S lnvine bo INP A YO ol, te Intecut Ne | te Year o} The ynunk Sed - the NAT Youtn § with re adds 00-24-58 Addrcoy _rrevulection ‘ Dd Atl of, the ees spockat o Arroush The NAT tyouliny which Teplaed The Soom “adda in the ~ packel — twith the aloleal” NAT addon yA ae Racked ale fe -Vrreugh oPnak NAT uk. uhh Feploce Aussi addres inthe paskek with The apprprati privet adds : pln Sorc Weld Sunt 200:24:S€ é. ls ate} —>, Tense Isrts. 2 ee = a al. Tae (Stk Se suisestgl deb Bree] Peabo. 2H'sg Fronlotion Table £ io Ta ordu de: tromlaua the oe addres froro outgoi eobal oddw) and tren branslaki the A adahrouy . incom pao 4p Bares odd. the NAT Toul. Wa -henalotin table: A franslatin tobe hes two Columns, the prriveit. vadddoew ond The a@hetled — euliinal addwy Cdastinatin addun tohen. youd. franslots the | Source, add 0} the oudsyoin Peuket Pr ole _sraléd pole 0), The Aeytinatin addon Whe. packets, » 2D LD Lye the — Sourte - adds O\ the packet “bp find dhe prvab addon of te Pebkee . r + S)| D) the shoo had in path. rabwork with addee) 192-[68o] uns! lau Meol Mud te ay the Same HIT? Sere 725:932: | Then the teomladien teble ant inde. the Sovrwe cand olsatinatin | Park addr and Are = Prsdatal QD New Whin the ~edpoe fon Seater Comm back, dhe Combinadin 9} | Socce addey and Autication port added define the privale nuaark hi | | 4) ao the poponte Cores back — fromm dhe ductinatin, the youl. | | | | Pivale oddws Prival Exdart E rider Tacrpo: |» Pest adds ifort Prodecel lov ego} oo 18832 Bo Te JV oD t4e] 125-€3-2, Se mms wd 2 \2 | Dotenet — Protec) GLP) D | The Trent Protec! (Teve) 15 6 nubserk legge pret | What is Weaponsibe fr pales \oroerdi und heli 1 | THIS an Unelickle Protea! mass dhe Tey space Can be (Coreapied, lost, & cunive curo) ovdes a be lel and ms | Geral Congestion in the fat@ortc. oO 3) | Thuy is. eo Gnnachen JW — pweha that ws da sppreak » &)| Thy preace that each a nr 1s handed in ond exchy aie Can forte” a ff clip bunt route. to dfadinntin: SEP Format oO 4: \e al. # : ve a a oe | bit ~ - 7 Tauri Pris anc oe oe ime to Lie Web cay ‘Checkin ghrs | _ebis 1s bids = saath Sours. TA addy (32 bin) Dedrtinatin Te adds C225ix5 ia apes ® D|Nenaien umber (Abi) — T+ Contains the vewion ol, TP tii ond . For Buy je he volue < Desde Langh (bit) = This dd dans the dota length of the 1 dotagycaum Sead » he typical cLoygin. is De byw 2), Ler] Sewie (8b) — Th fidd difins hows the elope Should be handled ~4)\ Terol length Ce bi —This [pod dune the tofal Length, Whscaelu fla act) oy te ee efealiganent The toteh Jength Conbe upp 65535 but Since), aie ous 1s mr) Muth lew then thes eT 5 ype Ta tf 5) aunijicatim , |b and runtatio 6) The elely [3 Gre “yelotd fp the anism othe TP akin the Sree a the et than undegh Pda con ©) Timeto live! (@bits?- = 7 Squilys the numba oh rutuorts at | Fhe the at toe porated Yo hratek + | Oni loletinatin: Gach seit thet [promos the di | reeds ‘at ta baa one: T} the Yahi, Yeathy Uns! | then the aaa 18. chu Es) Rrctoccl Cabin — Tn Ter fg? , tre data Sesion Coulusd Rensloed , Coarned | ot dala a Radet \yern anethe Protect: we TEP, UL, Tomb: Tho |ield Conresirs tha Cocke thet i denh}ies The prstocol | a 3) Heeder chesdsum Clbbis) This. ies V8 umd to check the enos | an de 2 ena : @® 5) Sous une TS gales (3 2bi5) — Thy bictd” Conbaim the LP ale 2}, 7 Sypiem — thet ae Ane dalegpam a on. ze ageless C8UbY) = Thy yas Contasy the TP | add o ie — Ws) Phe Cvardabl)— A dofagam Tusda can howe 4o Lure 2), opie: Oph Cain be. va ft iy a 3 ry Dag (Pend) The: pagent ou daka 15 the main “rake \re Crneckt a The. poled 1S the, Content ol he gael on actual data to be tecena ford Pargamantation £ Do Dilpectc Nerwens mony Vom dliljesnt gran murn rorvpee |e Cre) + due 40 the Salyers in LAN 4echnol L) When one Aetwerk Wants YO Asana dale te anche Mabie iH a Smalln mtv , the the “dake NS Awd Sa the Smal site te Make > pote \pe i te Rad: Pragya, pudioerts 3) Ths proc forge Dategaam in Ye Senaldin Gre ren 1S maerchatinn a“) #8 chasing Con be we va tm Sous ame? F ~~ I the mo jean a ee ares *d 9 | main sp Reweerbl | fiass beat Ae Fapprantsion "Tham tse. th, jy Tat on daa 4 “Pega v Tasitibication > C6 bit) DL conta the Valve Theat ni idaniilged tre ch 2). The_dustinatien Sygbten es this Yalan Cho _peoiernbi. aaglh thak have ban ranted clitiny cheanarasdion: » . B)| “ie token the date “18 f 1 The Value in tre (deh tdentifeahion [jd iS” Copied inte “aut peg . 4) | Tn oth cod alt [paagenans hae ~ the. Meare jelenh|icatt an ssa n Re jus fed defn 3. flogs Do : 1D The feftmatr bit iS Yedeumed ke Not Uded - : Bl The Sekend bit iS Coctied — do not fyagrnent bit, i; Ph bit 1 | Then the pmavhine rust per bragment the spate QT ths Griso. the Can be oe. pees 5S) The thine — bit Cmbitd Called —_ more: fre oan brt o) | Ofpitis l then i meaw he dota, 1s bry the at [regret on Throne move be rents aff” this one ) 1) i Vole is a, Temes -this is the clo a ony Pye 3) | Fragmentation o . Di = idd Shows The relative paritie o), this k ment corth —vexck to the Whole lot “oe D aris the opto) the deta in the original date Prundunch mush 0) F bye zi Bey 7 =oo}t =o) | Seerean je —— aan pe arte te 2a tue 3995 ® 2) | AS. Shown in ig ad witha dota Sia 4om bya is | rented into 3 raginends 4) The bye in origi dot cone numbed ote 3999, Fj} The be fregmet Conus 9 jo1809 The ol oe thy, datogum’s fe ©) The Sxeond ff Caria bye ton b2>9 , Theolfad ‘Value or ‘ths reat iS [00] ¢= 19-5 >) The Trind rag roe Carne hie 200 te 3939. the oboe Value fe the |pragersnt 1S 2km]e =ZSo- Op sion, == the hole, ol} the revs di are \G mode 6\ 482 Parts ox a fped fet and a Venable Do Th Vowab pat Emp phe pt Anat Con be a main | °\, 4o byxe 3) opties ore ner vend lea elit pian aan wed |pr Lnahter beat a) Cyne . Ano. “WO pace 0) Sy Sime lye option option is elit Poo Sing Lye opties 4) No oferotim — TH 15 \byle option und 9 ae Fotken ops: ) End s\ option = THIS & Ubyie opfien Lad [pr Qaddin of tre endel, ogre jes 0 2) j-Mutiy Babe options Theo 4 mathipe ~ byte optiens \) | Reterd Rove = Tt \Sumd Wh. veto Yh Intent youbs vere ala Bo cot i and Stanap coast teow’ 4 fe Qk Tras, tid ha the Sous te palaon cwuk, Thovsh he yndesk ee od Vy, trary v alg Fi 4) 32 =a Thad Specijes a, Bim Aon wos all yeuby' atin nthe open moar be vised bi, gy The chien: Leake Sours. Rok SOTA S Siptlon do the Stride Some yvouk , but ris Ue viaid Bad ous in te dot mur (be vitite, gibt AaSogam Can Vit Ot. Youlby 0 Well: Trrstame + A NeneStamp ophen 1S umd Ab ecnd theme ol, fe Bourn. The Time 1S eriprumd IM enills Sesoneld rom) ond oh. trauk the behavior: Oo} routes & ae 2 imi Alan “TCMe Va at S ees The cme i emir Seporiiry oe TP As aP is are matt) af exer checkiny So it Carrer ddiuk an ext That old on the ; So Tem? 45 und to Sept emer lack fe the Seodes thot, Sent the TP Poked. fea T) a dance» canna nail an TP pucks cthet neat then ir boil Send back ao Mredage. jo The Source | a tent Pocket a Tomt © explain the enor | SEME Meege, Frerat. : Pasnatyes 55 eee 1g ir OD rer Repti 4 ee — | 3) breed dreublaph 4 Pefertrore hat VY Fig Shows “pascal. Teme Mrobese — |evmed : vo Teme Reade 18 @ bytes Leng © O Varbe Sree data Section: BD hace: ary pide aa i Date = Sifre the typed, tdi (Emr Aa 5b) | Coda > = find Specilged “the = Season 2 set Powh odor moneage tyfe 4 . OD Oreste luke the TP Preto! 45 anna, Stat Hess oa age ct i mobile Gey bord on the assumpiin ‘that a host 1s Shorey jek J cfo One Sprefic = Neskutork: DA voute Las “TP addsed fo woul.” an DP clatagar® D poze actdod hay fede pens ar prefin and Suffix) “the ” Pacha locas a hat witha meron rie begs dhe EP addons (0 3-424/8 clyfro a fost attlached to the Network 10-00 -0] 2° 5) | Thy oddrim’ ig Valid nr cohen the hat 1s acltodwd fe the Tate) svt - ey Th The netorwrn » the addyn 15 1S Ne Jonge Void» 9) Rowen tte the iw acldrod Cfrfn.) to clabun The Packt 10 the | Mekoork fo Which he What is. odltothd + t 2) Mebiy Hest c iSbiens. Sk, Tigi + weit \rom one netderk te anotha, the PP ay Strate nits do be mmodifd ni ow the Settual - ae 5 2 | ore Gf the Simple Solution 15 fo lek the gobi. be ary dared op “tt aoe fo. the New + Nebdork 2) The best Can Ud. DHCP to ebtetin a rad acd but i+ hea Seussal Arcdbats + DD. Bawris the Con japratien pe ould nad te be chonped 4) Secord 15 thab each tre the Comput. rouse pom one | Mer@derk — to arotha “+b sisi velar | 3) Thad is thee 1, har soar’ [yor one nehaerk fe anathes sr : = a hranammishen the daka_emthange Gill be. intornupiad . tive addons D The approach thet 13 mar. _fratide 18 to Ube tne adeboniy 22 The “host \has 3) | examoem —orngind —addws- card frehore ordi, and a tem add — Covad os Come o| - add: 3) The Forme WS femanent =, mit poctates The Rett @ith vd ~ Ferre netic, ‘ = : : | DY The Cored) added 1s Verney 1 25 edhan a heb proved fam One nena Sie tetera 4 ATs, Conse}, addins Changs ~S) Epis eroald twoith the here Pudwork The fucka go Which the __haok__onouse Beg fe Coca oe Pe " Esastlie 121524 UC tab, faa @ 1b Bisel 6 + Geeele + Horne Nesta: Fanagn nshustc To trate Pre Charge o) crddam Sranspeunt to the verbo] Mee intent Wed Agent % | 0 | Rages fess Ther ow te ype 6), gents That oe, eousiial Jor Cheuge 4, Addu eon jnent we Home bas and jeer sla YD | Dome exgyent . D) ThE Home agent 18 use 0 oul alah heen | Rakes the Ardell hatte : 2) | the rome agent. ach on behalf oy The tmobile: Whar han & yernate hae Sends @ paubet fo de mobile hat 3) | The Nome receeivy the. peste and Sends” igre ( \preise crag : pe Ms ih ta aap Agent joven agent is aes) a dian aitached to the Rent Network. : “39 [the f bpregn + Secs and dubiues aes Sere b the Wn Tag fe the mobile har : a NN)" Three fe ‘ saueseue enue *To Conmuncols Witty & Kemobe hove 4 a 4 mobile Ihodt you _teegh 3 phew: w a “Besastwation ans | cake trans Oy Shown ~The “es i | { | l (Mobile Hat Home, Forugn Mobie het » 2) 4) 5} Ce Ye Reg odes 18 Phox WL Dada traujee Time + Time Tm Time © Sie ale Lr is The [ret Phos 0} meolbile. Communicate: end Conritd 4) ture Sob phasd A omdbile Ware enust —duatorea elnome agent beled pasate Lava yp theme net + Broek er equitable chucoue o foray agers fen it They mod be a reese Network - This diacaniy Contd ol, |) Nasty - Ve Come}, cadelen 29 tet i) herein odd) The dv INvdues_+cdo type a PREBOGS nor ed Uectibemen and Solicitahen: te i . @ Whur a Soule adiedis yy Prance ON & Aiadwert Wain Tum? souk adware , i Can appt an agent aduabtiment ee nth 93 cn apart = ») Qhn a Mobile har hea mouwd fea new piwort and ho Not wecemd, anent oduetib rents , it Can jnimialke an ogert Solivtemin By wai, Vir cresseye i In| parm aug, objent_thak it turds — odSjanu:— Agent Goliutehen = 2.) — + = . hh Seer pho. 79 Mobile Communicadirg 35 eg aie Vi Alter co noobile hee hye © Mmobid toa fereign nedwavt and clixcvend — fhe beer ayes ido mar veguke D)| Thera 4 odpeats +) Ne giabrab en | The pnebile hast pruwt Vegi Vb Gait the rragn agent DB) | Treencbie War pour egater HM, colt 6s \pome agent OD | The onde har coun enuad stequteatien 3)i4 hoo oupimd AD | The mobi her mur Canal “egyia retina han ibaa noret * 4) | Te vegohoaimn Dik The \pegn agent and Are home agent be mele. haar Wd a Reparreunen Neout sl eet seeply: | Ragonetien Reoyuat = Dd! A Segquutrwrnn Yeast 16 Gent fro dhe mobil hatte ie | bpxcge aggre! wegen ids Cone] addu® ond alto tb announce WS Whame added ard home agent achdauh WD |The forign agent, after “casing and egaieny Are novi Yap | the memage te the \nome © ABE iS Sent —_|egorn The homme agent fo Whe jpeage te 7 the“ probbite hat Y : 2) The * py Conky ov clenin the weg abet ryeo uu 3) Data Treofer and. “Cagéshvat oo, ei pndbile —hatd can Gommurnti how rn : ‘ Forcign cubuk. > SP) gnelfpvieny "1m Malate “LP 1) Cormunichifn involving — edie TP Gin be inefficient ol The nef picien 7 oon hh Seve or Moderoh 8) | gu. Sensiin Cox 7S Caled cloube cries) 4) he oreduoti com 18 — Cotled -hiangle = a doylig roa) YN) Doub Crowns ie 1) Deube —_Crevir\— pcuuds Cohen acctemote ha _cormmnunicatey 01th a mebilL hak thot bes proud fe he Same nek as The Nemnae had

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