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From: HOGL

To: Applicants selected

Date: 9/02/2022

Subject: NEeng test, section 2

1 Question 1
The onsite installation of the HPPBot consists of a PLC with an HMI and some sensors to measure the level
(height) of the water at proximity (between 10 and 150 meters) of the PLC . The total energy consumption
of the systems estimated at 50 W. The voltage of these equipment is 24 Volts.

You are in charge to order the material and to install it. Electricity from the grid is available on site, but we
would like to have 6 hours of back-up power in case of there is a blackout the grid. We work with batteries
of 12 V.

1.1) Please describe the components you need for the installation which will supply in energy the
HPPbot installation ( backup, grid supply, protections,…).
1.2) What is the voltage to charge the batteries?
1.3) In this on-site installation, we will use 4-20 mA signal between the sensors the PLC. Please describe
why this technology is adapted for this specific case.
1.4) Bonus, which others technology could be used for the signal between the sensor and the PLC ? .


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2 Question 2
To be able to work on electrical equipment, you must be comfortable with the electrical diagram. We
attached to the email electrical diagram with 4 pages.

On the folio 1, explain what’s the name, what’s the purpose of this kind of equipment and what ‘s the
purpose on this example:
1) Q1 :
2) Q2:
3) F2:
4) KM1:
5) Q4:

For M1, there is KM2 and KM3. What is the purpose of this system? What is the purpose of the small
triangle between KM2 and KM3? Bonus: Is it indispensable in this case? Why?

On the folio 2, explain what’s the name, what’s the purpose of this kind of equipment and what ‘s the
purpose on this example:
1) S1
2) S3
3) F1

What is the purpose of having a contact in parallel of S3 (between 13 and 14)?

What does this symbol represent on the KM1 between 55 and 56 ? What is his function and his specificity ?

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The folio 4 represents the command of the belt conveyor. How it works? Why are there 2 buttons ( S4 and
S5) for this belt conveyor?

On the folio 5 : can you tell us when the light H3 will be opened ?

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3 Question 3
On the following Ladder, you have X1 = 0, X2= 1 and X3=0. What is the status of Y1 ? Please explain.

Please observe the PLC and the Ladder program. What will happen if the operator pushes on Switch A and
Switch B and the same time? What happens to lamp Y and lamp Z?

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4 Question 4
In this question we would like to see your capacity to create an algorithm and to document it. The syntax is
not important, you can use any programming language that you like. But to help us to read, please use the
symbol % for the comments

You have to do the program for 3 pumps ( P1, P2,P3) to fill the reservoir B from an infinite reservoir A. P3
is booster pump. P1 and P2 are the main pumps and the purpose is that they have always about the same
number of hours of functioning. You have 1 sensor that gives you the level of Reservoir B ( L_b). The
maximum level in Reservoir B is 5 meters. The minimum level is 2 meters. Normally when there is less
than 3.5 meters, one pump starts. If the consumption of the reservoir is higher that the flow of the pump,
the booster P3 will start until to stay above the minimal level


5 Feed back
The test is finished. Thank you for your time. We hope it was funny for you

In 5 lines, please tell us your feedback about this test ( this part and the XLS test) . Do you like to work on
this kind of problem? What was the most funny for you, the most complicate, etc . ? Thank you

Answer : ( 10 lines max). If you are comfortable in French, you can write in French.

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