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1. Read the following extract and data then discuss the questions with your friends and
your teacher.
1) Answer may vary depending on student’s discussion. For example: Because they have
different languages and culture, and most of them don’t master international languages.
2) Indonesians might have more problems in their international activities because in terms
of English skills, Indonesia is ranked number 74, which is 9 number lower than Vietnam.
3) Answer may vary depending on student’s discussion. For example: I would advise to my
friends to explore English more in various ways, such as listening to English songs,
listening to English podcasts, watching English shows, or reading books or news in
4) Answer may vary depending on student’s discussion. For example: Yes, I think so.
Because English short stories often contain cultural or moral values to be taught to the

2. Compare the following extracts by answering the questions.

1) The stories are about famous figures in their origin countries.
2) Because the characters in both stories have extraordinary power.
3) Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity. For example: Britain or the United
Kingdom is located in North-western Europe, meanwhile Java Island is located in
Indonesia, Southeast Asia. Here are 4 different facts about Britain and Java Island.
No Britain Java Island

Britain is located in North-western Java Island is located in Southeast

Europe. Asia.

The total area of Java Island is

2 The total area of Britain is 242.495 km.
128.793,6 km2.

The population density on Britain is 270.7 The population density on Java Island
people/km2. is 1,121 people/km2.

The currency in Britain is the British

4 The currency in Java Island is Rupiah.

a. Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity. For example: In my point of view,
they are different because Excalibur proves the strength of the holder, meanwhile the
Keris killed its own creator and was casted a curse.
b. Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity. For example: I think Mpu
Gandring had magical powers like Merlin, because Mpu Gandring was able to create
a powerful keris.
5) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding.
6) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Yes, my English
did help me in learning multicultural values in the story. King Arthur is a famous king
from Britain, while Mpu Gandring is a famous keris maker in Indonesia.

3. Scan the QR code and listen to some students talking about stories with their

4. Match the speaker’s story with the listener’s reaction to the story. Drag a line from the
speaker to the listener. You may drag the line more than once.
Speaker 1 : a, b, e,
Speaker 2 : c, d, h
Speaker 3 : f, g, h

5. Listen to the recording once again. Fill in the table with the information that you have
just listened to.
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3

The location where the story happened:

Beside a pool, near a street Next to a big tree, on the Russia, a poor man’s house
way home

Who are the characters in the story?

Old woman, Akulya, A man and his wife. A Russian shoemaker

Malasha, the men. named Simon.

The conflict developed in the story:

The crowd would not listen The wife was frightened Simon is a Russian
to the old woman and nearly because she made her shoemaker who did not own
knocked them down. Akulya husband to lose his arm. The any land or house and lived
and Malasha dig the earth to man was going away to the in a poor man’s house. He
let a great stream of water sky and he ordered the wife only had one coat which was
out. to go to the water. old and full of holes, so he
wanted to buy a new one.

6. Mention 3 (three) strategies to find out what your friends are thinking.
1. By asking questions.
2. By showing interest.
3. By sustaining conversation.
7. Read and practice the dialogue with a partner.

8. Create a short dialogue with your friend to practice sing cliché questions followed by
open ended questions in your conversation. Follow the steps.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity)

9. Discuss the following texts with your friends and answer the questions.
1) The conversation is about a comic character, Spider-Man. I figure it out through the
picture and the dialog (Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
2) The man was called Spider-Man because he gained spider abilities. I figure it out through
the dialog between Jane and Lucy (Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
3) Spider-Man is a fantasy man created by a writer. I figure it out through the dialog
between Jane and Lucy. Lucy said that Stan Lee is the writer and Steve Ditko is the
cartoonist (Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
4) Words and phrases which infer the success of Spider-Man:
a. A copy of the 1962 comic Amazing Fantasy #15 was sold at Heritage Auctions for
$3.6m or about £2.5m.
b. It must have beat Superman, the previous Marvel comic.
c. It’s one of Marvel comics and it involved many great people; Stan Lee the writer,
Steve Ditko the cartoonist.
d. The cover is specially designed by Jack Kirby.
5) Expressions of showing an interest and showing a surprise:
Showing an interest Showing a surprise

Really? Really? I don’t believe it.

OK that’s it. You’re kidding!
You’re right.

10. Practice the dialogue between Jane and Lucy in pairs. Use your cell phone to record
your conversation. Send the best recording to your teacher.

11. From each of the following groups, choose three words or phrases that describe the
heading. Give a tick (✓) to your answers.
village wigwam planet shore
✓ small ✓ ancient stone ✓ coast
✓ rural ✓ old ✓ large ✓ a long well
noisy modern ✓ round ✓ edge of the sea
✓ quiet ✓ rare ✓ moving next to the lake

lake invisible rough scar

✓ area of water ✓ impossible to smooth medal
✓ water by land see ✓ not even ✓ mark
connected to the ✓ unable to see ✓ bad ✓ injury
sea exist ✓ poor ✓ wound
✓ surrounded by ✓ can’t be touched

alien lethal impending destruction

✓ strange ✓ very dangerous ✓ unwanted event ✓ people killed
✓ not familiar being suffered ✓ unpleasant thing happiness
✓ foreign ✓ cause death ✓ difficult to know ✓ damage
acquaintance ✓ bad effect avoidable ✓ human suffering

spacecraft spot disguise debris

✓ vehicle ✓ a place ✓ new appearance ✓ torn pieces
✓ with people unexpected ✓ hide its true ✓ broken
✓ unmanned ✓ event occurred wrong product ✓ small
the earth ✓ small area ✓ false hair large area

12. Work in groups to read and compare the following texts.

13. Complete the table with the information about the characters in the stories. One has
been done for you!
The Characters Types Clues found in the texts
The Rough-Face Antagonist, foil Her sisters were very mean. They asked her to tend to
Girl’s sisters the fire.
The Rough-Face Antagonist, Her mean sisters were the apple of her father’s eye. Her
Girl’s father picky father told her that he had nothing beautiful left.
The Rough-Face Protagonist, They always made her tend to the fire. She was
patient eventually covered in scars from sparks in the fire. As
she was walking to see The Invisible Man, people
laughed and made fun of her because of her clothes.
But she continued walking through the village and
reached his wigwam.
Superman Protagonist, His adoptive parents taught Clark to use the powers for
heroic helping others, especially the poor and weak people. To
use his powers to help humanity, Clark disguised
himself by creating the alter ego of Superman.
Superman’s Protagonist, Being aware of Krypton’s impending destruction, Jor-el
father brilliant started building a spacecraft to take Kal-el from
Krypton to the Earth.
Superman’s Protagonist, Lara could feel the tension near the spacecraft in the
mother brave last moments in Krypton. She knew that it was the end
of the planet, and she could do nothing about it.
Superman’s Protagonist, They adopted Kal-el and named him Clark Kent. His
adopted parents benevolent adoptive parents taght Clark to use the powers for
helping others, especially the poor and weak people.

14. From each of the following characters, choose four words that describe the characters
in the stories. Give a tick (✓) to your answers.
Rough-face Rough-face girl’s The Invisible The Invisible
Rough-face girl
girl’s sisters father Man Man’s sister
✓ truthful honest ✓ unkind ✓ not proud ✓ helpful

✓ modest ✓ cunning ✓ unfair ✓ humble boastful

✓ creative ✓ mean ✓ patient extrovert ✓ loyal

✓ obedient ✓ unkind responsible ✓ shy ✓ pleasant

talkactive ✓ unpleasant ✓ temperamenta ✓ quiet ✓ faithful

Kal-El Jor-El Lara Jonathan Kent Martha Kent
✓ caring ✓ brave ✓ soft ✓ helpful weak
✓ loyal ✓ strong ✓ gentle ✓ kind ✓ caring

✓ helpful disloyal ✓ strong egoistic ✓ kindhearted

✓ responsible ✓ brilliant ✓ brave ✓ loyal ✓ motherly

ordinary ✓ skilled irresponsible ✓ faithful ✓ trustful

15. Draw a line from the characters to the place where the characters lived. The same
adjectives can be used twice.
The Character The place where the characters lived

a. small

b. rural
The Rough-Face Girl and her
c. quiet
d. strange

i. dream-like

e. not familiar

f. foreign
Kal-El and his parents
g. unhealthy

h. unreal

16. How did the main characters in both stories get their names? You can choose more than
one option.
The fire burned her face.

There were many scars on her face because

The Rough-Face Girl the fire sparkled.

The fire sparkled on her face ruined her

beautiful face.

Superman He was powerful.

He had more power than normal humans.

He was superhuman.

He had a greater strength than other men.

17. Read the following statements. Decide whether these statements are True or False.
Text 1
Statements True False

It was easy for The Invisible Man to find a woman to

be his wife due to his beautiful wigwam.

The Invisible Man was an orphan who could only

speak to his sister as he had no other family.

The Invisible Man, the richest man in the village, was

so proud of himself that he wanted an ordinary woman ✓
to be his wife.

Text 2
Statements True False

Jor-El was unhappy and afraid when he had to build a

spacecraft to take Kal-El to the earth.

Krypton was a dangerous planet for human habitation

so Jor-El and his family decided to leave the planet.

We can infer that Kal-El and his family had ever lived

or stayed in the earth.

Kal-El was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. ✓

18. Answer the following questions by giving a tick (✓) to the correct answers. You can
choose more than one answer.
1) What is the story of Text 1 about?
✓ A child mistreated by her family.
Hatred to a member of a family.
A father’s hatred to his family.

2) What is the climax of the story in Text 1?

The Rough-Face Girl asked for a beautiful dress.

✓ The Rough-Face Girl went to The Invisible Man’s house.

✓ The Rough-Face Girl could answer all the questions given.
3) What is the story in Text 2 about?
✓ A powerful man.
✓ A man with an extraordinary ability.
An odd creature in a spacecraft.

4) What is the climax of the story in Text 2?

✓ Kal-El used his ability to help others.
✓ Kal-El was sent to Earth by his parents.
✓ Kal-El’s super power was discovered by his adopted parents.

19. Rearrange the sentences according to the development of the story. Give numbers in the
Even though The Rough-Face girl had nothing pretty to wear, she went to visit
The Invisible Man.

Finally, she met the sister of The Invisible Man who gave her many questions. 6

One day, The Rough-Face girl saw her father bought beautiful clothes for her
sisters to visit The Invisible Man’s house.

Luckily, she could answer all of the questions smoothly, and then the sisters of The
Invisible Man gave her a set of beautiful clothes.

She washed her face using holy water and magically her beautiful face was back

On the way to The Invisible Man’s house, people made fun of her ugly clothes. 4

She didn’t pay any attention to them and kept walking to the house of The
Invisible Man.
Then The Rough-Face girl asked her father for the same clothes given to her
sisters, but her father refused her.

20. What is the theme of the story? Give a tick (✓) to the right answer.
Theme Text 1 Text 2

Pure heart ✓ ✓

Society responsibility ✓

Responsibility in the family ✓ ✓

Love in the family ✓ ✓

21. Answer these questions based on the texts in Task 12.

1) Because he loved the sisters and the sisters forced him to do so.
2) The fifth paragraph explained that Clark disguised himself and created an alter ego to
keep his identity a secret.
3) (Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
4) (Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

22. Here are idioms used in Text 1 and Text 2. Match them with their meaning.
Idioms Meaning

1) Her face looked as white as a sheet.

d. When you met her, she was very pale
because she was frightened or ill.
2) They left no stone unturned e. It means you make every possible effort
to find something.
3) Her sisters were the apple of her f. We can also say the father loved the
father’s eye. sisters most dearly.

4) Look on the bright side. a. When you say it, you try to find the good
points in a bad situation.
5) She was as pretty as picture. c. It means she was very attractive.

6) Krypton was very dark. Jor-El was as g. It means he couldn’t see clearly.
blind as a bat.
7) Clark smiled from ear to ear knowing b. It means Clark was very happy.
that his identity remained a secret.

23. List some questions you want to ask and discuss your questions with friends and the
teacher. One has been done for you.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

24. Compare and discuss the text structure of the stories with your friend. Complete the
following columns.
Text 1 Text 2

The words or phrases that tell you the place of the story:

In a village on the shore of Lake Ontario, An alien planet called Krypton; the Earth;
America. inside the craft; near the spacecraft; in the
rural area; at the Daily Planet; in

The words or phrases that tell you the time of the story:

One day. In the last moments in Krypton; when he

was old enough.

The words or phrases that describe the main character in the story:

An ugly girl; covered in scars. Red and blue costume with the letter ‘S’
emblem and a cape; Clark always wore
glasses, styled his hair differently, changed
his body language, significantly altered his
voice, and wore looser clothing and suits
that hid his physique.

The effects of living with the sisters and The effects of gaining superhuman
the father: powers:

They always made her tend to the fire. She He use the powers for helping others,
was eventually covered in scars from sparks especially the poor and weak people.
in the fire.

Actions done by the main character to solve the problem:

She wore her dress carved with pictures of Clark disguised himself by creating the alter
the sun, moon, stars, plants, trees, and ego of Superman.
animals. She continued walking even
though people laughed and made fun of her
clothes. She met the sister of The Invisible
Man and was able to answer all questions
that the sister had.

Moral lesson:

Good people eventually get their reward just We all must do our best to use our
as evil people eventually get their reward. knowledge, skills, and talents for the
betterment of society and those around us.

25. Choose a short English movie with an imaginary story. Think of the characters, the
place, the time, and the conflict that you expect to find in the movie you are going to
watch, for example a dreamland that never exists in the world or a main character with
excellent abilities.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

26. Watch the movie together with your friends and your teacher in the class. Write
surprising facts in the movie. Give clues to support your answers.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

27. After you watch the movie, answer these questions.

(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

28. Match the words in column A with their unique icons in column B.

1) Italy pizza

2) India biryani

3) Iraq oil

4) Britain castle

5) King Arthur sword

6) Mpu Gandring keris

7) Spider-Man spider
8) Superman cape

9) Indonesia batik

10) America cola

29. Complete the table with the adjectives of color, size, and shape of each object. One is
done for you.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
Objects Color Size Shape

wigwam brown high triangular

planet blue colossal circular

spacecraft silver enormous closed

keris black lean flat

spider brown small oval

cap red full-sized round

30. Read the following adjectives that show qualities. Put a tick (✓) in the correct columns.
See the examples!
Showing qualities People Things Feelings

wonderful ✓ ✓ ✓
rich ✓
serious ✓
favorite ✓ ✓
clumsy ✓ ✓
inspiring ✓ ✓
curious ✓
famous ✓ ✓
incredible ✓ ✓ ✓
generous ✓ ✓
31. Look at the picture. Fill the table with words that describe what the character looks like
and what qualities the character has.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
Character Personality Appearance

silly quaint

tough scruffy

powerful ugly
A Troll
forceful clumsy

wild dirty

kooky disheveled

32. Based on the picture in Task 31, write a paragraph about the character. Start your
description with the following sentence.
Many years ago there lived in America one of the strongest monsters on earth – a troll
whose name was Gregor. He looked clumsy and disheveled, but his wild, gigantic body
showed that he was tough and forceful. . . . .
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

33. Now it’s your turn to create your imaginary story. Follow the following steps.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

Critical Thinking Tasks

1. Read the story and answer the questions.
1) D
2) A
3) A

2. Based on the text, match the following statements in the left column with the
appropriate responses in the right column.
1. It’s almost midday and it was a quiet day. b. Really? And then how was that day?
No one came to drink or have a meal. Was there anyone with you?

2. The night of my car accident, I was d. Was you? How could such a small thing
heading for damaging my dad’s car make you lose your mind?
because he refused to give me more
pocket money.
3. I tried not to stare at the tiny scar across a. What? You must be scared. Did you
his left eyebrow. run away?

3. Based on the text, answer briefly.

1) I would feel disappointed because I didn’t get to thank him directly. (Answer may vary
depending on student’s creativity).
2) Don’t judge a book by its cover.

4. Pay attention to the graph.

No Statements True False

According to the survey, the elderly and youth tend to break

1. traffic rules. The percentage of risky behavior on the road among ✓
the youth is only 0,2% higher than the elderly.

According the story and the survey, the possible risky behavior
2. done by the writer was speeding and disobeying traffic lights. ✓

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